OuiPlease subscription box and bad business

OuiPlease subscription box and bad business

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you know i thought i haven't done a subscription box review in a little while and then the business guys of the universe said yeah and you're not gonna that's it that's my intro hi i'm amanda you're watching small entertainment and today we are talking about a subscription box that i did not get i didn't get it i i didn't planned on getting it i intended to get it um i've tried to get it fought it fought for it did my best and then my patience was at zero my patience is very low right now it just it just is it's at that point in the pandemic where my patience is non-existent those who don't know i'm vaccinated two members of my family got sick one of them nearly died um and i'm still dealing with anti-baxters in my uh dms it's just it pisses me off i'm at that point i'm past educating belittling we're at bullying that's where i'm at you know so my patience is non-existent with a lot of things right now i do what i can to protect my peace okay please get vaccinated thank you today we are talking about we please okay a french accessories subscription box that had been advertised to me on instagram where else so before i move on to talking about my experience with we please i would like to draw a little bit of attention to alexandria ryan she is another youtuber who does most of her channel is about subscription box reviews um so she's much more qualified to talk about them than i am at this point but she also put out a box on we please from a year ago and then one a month ago um with the title we please subscription scam lies and theft it's not over now i have not watched this video yet i was actually shown this video when i was doing research about trying to cancel my subscription with them and it popped up on a reddit post so i watched like maybe two minutes of it and i was like you know what no this is gonna make me angrier and i just wanna share my own experience with this company before i and not be like influenced by hers or anything like that so i will link both of her videos down below if you would like to actually see openings of these boxes because i don't have them they never sent them to me i didn't get the nearly 300 worth of oh god okay the instagram account for we please says female founded female run get the premier french subscription box shipping to us and canada get french wow get france at your doorstep i am i need a refund on my dyslexia tutoring their feeds very pretty very aesthetic and my whole thing lately is i'm trying to kind of rediscover my personal style and i've tried style subscription boxes before if you go and check my videos from god 2018 i think is the last one i did dress look look something i did one of those fashion subscription boxes i did not like it i didn't like how they handled my money they charged my card in secret twice um and they were like it's temporary and i'm like you didn't approve this charge like you're lucky i had money in the account thank you and that was when my my finances were toilet level i've been trying to rediscover my personal style and you know i do like a lot of the french beauty aesthetic and things like that simple it's chic i like that a lot because i often dress like a librarian it's not a large leap for me to just kind of move into a more stylish librarian look that wears red lipstick all the time not a large leap for me it would be an easy switch so i was like you know what this might be a fun way to kind of look into more french beauty products and french beauty accessories and things like that so i was like okay cool and in june the advertisement they had sent for me was god there was a discount i got it for i want to say 25 off when i'm planning out a review of a subscription box or a product or any service it's better for me budget wise because i am still on a budget to try and buy in relation to when there is a sale going on or whatever because i still get the same product but it's less of a dig into my business budget because remember the tax write-off does not make it free logging into my banking app you don't get to see so i placed my order for my box um june 21st of 2021 it is now september september 17th at the time of me recording this charged 112 dollars and 50 cents the only style preference that it had me fill out was for which of the bags i wanted there was one that was like a kind of like dusky rose color and then one that was mostly white and i just had to pick which one i want um i never got the box i just got like a uh a welcome email but like there was no like order number or anything like that kept not letting me log in so i'd go log in and you know change my password several times and every time i logged in it would kept telling me that i needed to make my fill out my style preferences i still needed to do that however every time i did that it was still once again asking me if i wanted the mostly white or the mostly rosy color bag every single time i kept refilling it and i just kind of forgot about it i knew it was a bi-monthly box but i just kind of forgot about it i just i again like i said a lot of stuff has been going on it wasn't until i was checking my bank account and i saw that on august 20th but two months later that i was charged 150 that's the actual price of the box that's fine i knew that was eventually gonna come if i didn't cancel my subscription the subscription box model is not scalable it's just not i would say one of the few subscription box models that um have done well is fabfitfun but even then a majority of their sales if you go and look through their boxes i'm still subscribed to fabfitfun i do like the variety of products i get i like it's for gifting and things like that um i do still pay for my box i'm not one of their ambassadors or anything like that but you can see that you know some of the products have i don't want to say diminished in quality but i mean there it's a lot more indie brands now than it was previously they used to get a lot of name brand things and things like that a lot of their products are kind of on ipsy's level now which isn't bad it's just you know just a change that i've noticed but even then with fabfitfun the way that they are able to maintain their business structure is by offering sales add-ons and things like that so there's always a period before your box gets sent out where you can go and add on things and you can pay for extra things to be added to your box and they curate those and all that i'm sure they're buying those things at cost or they're getting a discount from suppliers to be featured in the boxes whatever who knows okay but i know that the box itself the subscription box itself is not a scalable business model that's something that's been said for a while so it's not uncommon for subscription boxes to be peddling you emails daily multiple emails a day trying to get you to buy other things from them however i have an issue with it when you're doing that but then also not sending me what i'm owed so the very first email i got was not a welcome it was just is coming to your doorstep very soon it was no there's nothing information about my account charge or anything like oh here's your order number none of that thank you for subscribing to wheeze please france is coming to your doorstep very soon as you may know we ship all we please boxes and batches here's how it works we have a shipping cycle every two months from when the current box is announced we ship all at once we do not stagger shipping you'll be notified three times once your label is created once your package is shipped and once it has been delivered you can learn more about the shipping process here and then cover details please make sure to confirm your shipping and billing address are correct before logging into your profile here which i had done multiple times then i got one another one the same day another one different day i've deleted a bunch of the advertisement ones because i was just like they're just clogging clogging my account like i said um i had logged in multiple times to confirm which of the bags that i wanted and sometimes i was like okay maybe this one's out and it just doesn't know how to tell me like it's not coded properly the website there's an issue there so i went in and i had sometimes i would click the other one just click the other bag see what it did they never gave me any other options never like oh which lipstick do you want was just the bags i was like okay fine just send me something never got anything saying hey here's your order i got another email on august 13th telling me that i need to customize my bag telling me once again to choose the leo milk or the leo sienna for my weekend bag selection i did that at least six times at least i clicked one or the other at least six times so that's august 13th okay august 8th i missed this email because it was just sandwiched in the middle of all their other emails and i just over my head my bad okay i would have been pissed if i saw this and i hadn't received the box yet as a kind reminder your card on file will be charged for the amount of 150 in approximately 10 days for your we please buy monthly subscription if you have any questions or need to update the card on file simply click here at voila get ready to receive france at your doorstep in no time merci beaucoup heart emoji this is like basically the same message that i got on the first one with the same logo get ready france is coming to your doorstep soon but first so either way whether the box that i paid for in june and i just was never going to receive that whether that was the case because when i finally messaged them customer service and it was after i got the charge on the 20th okay when i saw the charge it looks like i was actually charged on the 19th but on the 20th is when i finally reached out to them when i did that they always spoke as if i was having one box on its way there was never two boxes in play so either i don't get my second my first box until after i've paid a second time in which case horrible business practice bad because why do i know how do i know if i want to pay for a second box if i haven't gotten the first box yet either way that is scammy and bad that's not good someone's gonna be like yeah but like does not matter that is bad business practice your customer does not know if they like the product yet and yet you're charging them for another one you're locking them into another one and i do mean locking in i do mean locking in and yes they gave me 10 days notice but my point still stands okay i should have been able to be sent my box anyway and again here we go let me go into the first questions i have end date when canceled 150 every two months start date june 19th so even they have my start date is june 19. they have my address everything is correct they can't say that they sent it everything on my address is correct my phone number is correct email's correct everything august 20th never got my box hello i've never received any box from we please yet i have been charged for my membership twice and then my name so then right after that i got the notification that they had received my request and then i got an email back hey amanda thank you for reaching out to me please our volume 5.6 edition box is now scheduled to ship in september i can confirm i have received your selection of the gabrielle tote included in this edition and have added your preference to your order as soon as a shipping label is created for your package you will receive a separate email with tracking info if you would like to receive this box sooner i can have my fulfillment team curate a special box filled with wonderful items from our past and current editions as your volume 5.6 edition box let me know your thoughts since you have a bi-monthly subscription i suspended your account to assure your card is not billed prior to receiving any pending boxes this puts your account on hold you can reactivate it at any time by logging into your customer portal or if you prefer i can gladly assist that was the 23rd that they finally got back to me i replied on the 30th because i was like still confused i was just lost i was like this didn't really answer my question it really didn't and i was still charged so i replied back to just the email thread and i said i'm trying to understand i have not received a box at all however i have been charged twice once when i made my account in june and on august 19th again i have not received a box at all aren't i owe two boxes since i've been charged twice for a bi-monthly membership another apply on the following day thank you for reaching out to me please our volume 5.6 edition in the box which is the first in your bi-monthly subscription is to begin shipping late september i can confirm i've received your selection for the gabrielle tote included in this edition and i've added your preference to the order as soon as the shipping label is created since you have a bi-monthly subscription your card will be billed every two months for your next order to assure you are not billed prior to receiving your box i have suspended your membership again already did that when you are ready to resume you can log in again all this information just a copy and paste of at least just the second paragraph the only thing that really was changed is the first sentence that said the first box in my bi-monthly subscription is being shipped late september i mention them again that says hi i'm getting a little fed up no one is telling me i just want a date just give me an estimated date of whether or not i'm getting two boxes and when it's gonna be shipped because i'm getting frustrated i don't want to cancel my account i also when i do these things i don't say like i'm a youtuber i'm reviewing it because then that gives them like one it sounds like a threat and two um it could change how they operate and you know that's pointless if i'm trying to review the product and the business so yeah i don't say i'm a youtuber doing this okay but i always use the school entertainment email so if i wanted to look they could figure it out i would like an update on my shipment i'm getting frustrated i subscribed back in june i was charged again in august i've received nothing this is now the third time i've tried to get a reasonable answer because the first message and the second message is the third time to when i am going to get what i am owed all that was done was my account was put on pause this does nothing to amend 300 i've given you in exchange for nothing more than a headache so i was really upset at this time i was also sleep deprived again i could have handled this better this is on me i'm not in the mood right now okay i'm this close to filing a charge back with my bank unless i get an estimated time of when i will get the two boxes i am owed this is their response thank you for reaching out to we please our volume 5.6 edition box is to begin shipping mid-october remember before they told me late september now it's moved and they were never they i didn't get any notifications like oh your box is being shipped then and if you're burying it in your your advertisement emails that's not fair that's also bad practice anyone who's money you have control of in that moment okay if i give you money for a product and you are changing the set the shipping time of that product you should be sending out separate emails notifying your buyers your customers of when they will be getting what they have paid for that's what should be happening i can confirm i have received your selection for the gabrielle toad included in this edition and i've added your preference to your order as soon as the shipping label is created for your package blah blah blah blah again again the same [ __ ] if you'd like to receive this box sooner i can offer to have a team curate a special box including some of our wonderful items again that's not my ques hi send me whatever you have left over no that's not what i'm asking i am simply asking give me a date when am i going to be shipped my box am i owed to or not please feel free to reach out with further assistance i think i missed where they had changed it from september to october because i said for the love of god this is the same message i got last time i mowed two boxes refund my money i am over this amanda and i left in the scent from my iphone cause i think i was in my car like i don't know what i was doing but i was i was fired up over french products hi amanda i would like to extend my sincere apology about the shipping delays and truly appreciate your continued patience as we work on getting all of our products delivered to our facility nothing to worry about i can confirm your account is fully cancelled on my end and no additional charges will process onto your card unfortunately since all sales are final due to the nature of our business we are unable to process refunds for your orders this is stated under our faqs customer has signed up for a subscription wherein every two months her credit card will be processed for the next box in her subscription two weeks prior customers receive email notifications reminding of the upcoming payments should they want to cancel or suspend membership to avoid payment from processing per our terms and conditions all sales are final the customer is responsible for any charges prior to their cancellation of the account we apologize for the inconvenience mercy all of that and then that was my last communication with them let me think of the wording here let me plan this out we can put this on me you know we can we can do that we can put this on me i should have read through the faqs better however wasn't made aware of that you know i wasn't going to search for the faq because i just saw an instagram ad and i was like okay cool this could be a good review and i bought it and you know i try to encourage you know you guys to be informed consumers so you know this is on me i did not read the faq that's on me 100 however i don't like the business model and you know what maybe there's nothing quite wrong with it maybe this is just me being annoying could be that it could all be me and i could have a problem with a bi-monthly membership and being charged two times for one box you know what really quick let me let me do a little math let's total up everything that's going to be in this box just under 300 okay for this box one box the volume 5.6 box

so let me total everything up and we'll see what it comes to because typically the thing with subscription boxes is that you pay and then the value you get is way more than what you paid it's part of the bonus the perk of a subscription box so let me do this oh wait this is the 5.5 box ooh this is different okay when was the 5.5 box implemented okay this one's different so again 5.6 that's what i was supposed to be getting however this is the 5.5 box so when were charges started

because this is choose your weekend bag for mine yeah so fine 5.5 okay this is the 5.5 box so that's what the spoilers are for so i'm going to tally all this up and we're going to see where we're at oh and even then it still gives me the option to order this box okay so we've got a bag 80 bucks we've got a face and lip scrub 45 40 15 24 60. 299 for everything in the volume 5.5 box now

again that's not the 5.6 maybe there's more but the point of a subscription box is that you're spending less and you're getting more that's part of the point that's why it's not scalable that's part of the problem and it's not just like well this one's different no then it's not worth it i just go and buy the products then deal with this headache i would just go do that oh i review the product separately as far as the shipping and the comment about having if difficulties getting things to sorry for the delays with getting things to our facilities whatever they didn't tell me that they never said they had issues with getting product for the box that they never told me that in the other emails never did that they wouldn't be the only one there's a flippant book shortage about to happen here in the us okay there's a variety of industries and stores and businesses that are suffering right now with the supply and chain being a mess and a half right now because of covid and a variety of other issues if you had told me that if you had been honest anything or even just not even honest told me literally anything that was usable information other than a random estimate of when things were going to be going and again end of september to mid-october those are two different times two different times that's the difference between four and eight inches that's the difference okay trying to make myself laugh right now that's how i'm calming myself down in case anyone is wondering well what could they have said to you what could they have done here is another company that i have in fact been critical of in videos from our place okay i ordered they're always pot it was originally supposed to be sent out end of september and they started having some logistical issues with filling orders so what did they do they sent me a separate email letting me know that there was going to be delays that is all we please needed to do was send down an email alerting me to the delay my point is it's like just trans you need to it's not even just transparency with your customers you have to communicate that's how businesses run and that is my problem with this so again the no refunds thing that doesn't work with me i never receive my products and maybe i will receive the product but i'm still requesting the chart if they want me to send it back after i receive it if they want to just cancel the whole thing and i receive nothing fine i already issued a charge back with my bank i don't like this and i don't like that this company had control of my money for any bit of time okay and the reason i'm telling you about this even though i don't have a physical box to review for you is that i am pretty well off right now pretty i really i'm doing great i'm doing good okay and i'm pretty responsible with my money aside from buying random things on instagram ads but even then i do it to do reviews i'm not just buying things because it's like oh i wanted a sky lamp in my apartment even though i got lights coming from the street like i don't do that i do it because i'm going to make a review on something and therefore i have a budget set aside for my business expenses as in products for videos meaning why is my bathroom light on i have the attention span of a gerbil right now i can afford to have 300 in limbo because i have budgeted for a chunk of money to be business money okay money that goes back into my youtube channel and the like okay however the typical consumer does not have that you just don't i'm assuming my typical viewer doesn't have that i would hope you all have emergency funds but even then my emergency fund wouldn't be going to a subscription box that i'm not gonna get i'm making this video to just explain to you at the very least maybe you're like hey this stuff still looks good this still seems worth it to me good for you but at least now you know this is what i dealt with it was infuriating again i'm linking alexander's video down below please go check it out she seems very agitated and at least the thumbnail and the two minutes of the clips that i saw so i'm assuming she has not had a better experience with this brand than i have when i started looking into what the deal was with the delays and shipping times and all of that and again they weren't just saying like delayed chipping times they were just giving me a general idea and then expecting that to be enough with another automated message that's not communicating that's just not communicating with your customer and they can't communicate with everyone that's what a customer service department is for they communicate with anyone who has an issue hi i have an issue i need to go take a nap i i'm just i need to go put my dog he's taking a nap right now jealous as hell when i started researching more research into we please because i'm thinking like okay maybe i'm not the only one who's having issues so i started looking it up and i found a variety of reddit pages on a variety of subscription websites and specifically subscription subreddits talking about how uh they heard rumors that at the end of god 2019 we please was already having issues with getting products for their boxes at this point it's not learning from your mistakes if that is the case again random post on reddit could be false however based on what i've seen okay and again pandemic or not there are certain when you're dealing with people's money it's like hey we can only take a certain amount of boxes they're still trying to sell boxes they're still trying to fill these orders and before anyone says like oh you're not getting this box you're getting the next one no they're advertising the one that i got or they're advertising the one before me so if i'm not getting the box that i got why would the people before me get the box that they got you know because there's already an issue but they're still advertising both boxes and so i i don't like it i have a problem with it i'm not a fan of it i don't like the business practice i don't like the blase attitude about dealing with people's money and like oh it's my lack of patience like no i don't like it yeah i don't have patience right now but i think it's warranted and sorry i'm taking it out of this brand but i don't like how you handled my money my bank is giving me the money back it's gonna be joint okay sorry so the definition for buy monthly yes i looked it up it's pissing me off now bi-monthly according to google done produced or occurring twice a month or every two months so when i hear bi-monthly subscription box i assume that i'm getting a box every two months i don't i don't think that that's illogical for me to think because sure if i am getting a box like 300 worth of products for 112 pretty good deal in my opinion i mean you look at other subscription boxes there's way better pricing changes and for what you get but i mean considering what the products are getting and the fact that you know they're they're quote unquote french products you know may not be easy for me to get them here in the us makes sense okay also side note it's hard for us to get products from the us that's your whole business model is you're getting french products for people in the u.s that's your whole business model that's your whole pitch figure it out at this point god should have made it more clear on the website not just under the faq section because if i knew i was just gonna be charged by monthly for one box that's one dumb just dumb i'm i'm done i'm gonna end this here i need to go calm down and go for a walk touch grasp maybe that's going to be it have you had a bad experience with the subscription box is there any other subscription boxes that you want me to try so you don't have to so that i'm the one who has their money in limbo have you ever tried wii please have you ever actually received a box from me please is this me making this video reminding you that you have money floating around in the ether and that you haven't received a box from them let me know comment down below reminder i have a podcast talking about shenanigans i have merch shout out to my patreon thank you so much for supporting me on patreon if you'd also like to support me on patreon that will be listed down below if you'd like to follow me on my social media that'll be all up here and that's gonna be it have a lovely day good bye just communicate that's already send me an email hi i'm sorry there's a delay in the shipping you won't be getting this box until then all it would have taken that's it thank you allen alexis braden cameron christopher chris cody colton crash pc destiny devon dirty one dawn elliott evan feckless hopeless hollow jackaray joe john m jordan joseph kenny kevin kim kristen lex lam lisa luis manga matt matt oh matthew asked me and lord of the rings michael michael jane nathaniel pat pen proc rob robert ross sam skyler simon tasha tempe tom wendy williams

2021-10-03 20:45

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