Online MS in Business Management and Leadership Degree

Online MS in Business Management and Leadership Degree

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Hello. I'm. Dr., Knox I want to welcome you to the. Webinar where, we will talk about the Masters of Science in business. Management and leadership, here. At, CUNY. School of Professional Studies. As. I said I'm dr. Edwin Knox I am the academic, director, of, the, online degree. Programs, and business both undergraduate, and graduate programs, so. I would be someone, that you, will have. An opportunity to speak with should. The need arise. For. The most part you will be meeting with my assistant. Director, Tamara, :. She. Will be someone, that will. Help you figure out some things about, course. Selections, the whole orientation process. Should. There should the need arise then. She will she will ensure that I am brought. In the in the, circle oh, let's. Talk a little bit about the degree with. An MS in business management you, can do several things you can buy for. Jobs. In business certainly. Nonprofit organization. Government, agencies, at the management level or, above. There's. Just a tremendous amount of organizations, who are looking for good leadership. And so. This is what the program it's intended to help you with you. Can work to wor promotions, if you're already in, a job getting. A master's, degree is important, I would also encourage, you should you get in a master's, program always. Make sure that your. Your. Boss is aware the fact that you are now in the master's program that, makes a world of difference. It's. A springboard, to a new career it, allows you to change change, jobs, some. Of you may be in, one. Profession, in. A social, environment, but you want to do something in terms of business we. Will give you a little bit of, study. In that area, with, emphases on leadership and you. May in fact find yourself, moving, into a new a new career so, why would you want to choose CUNY, School, of Professional Studies, first. Because. We are part of CUNY, the. City University of New York is the largest urban. Public, university. In the, u.s. we. Have excellent. Access which. Means the, flexibility. To study online brick-and-mortar. Various. All different. Types of degrees from every level from a certificate, associate's all the way up to. A PhD. Inside. CUNY, as a whole but here certainly, the flexibility, of online education, and. The, and the ability to earn a MS. Degree are, here at the School of Professional Studies. We, are regionally, accredited, by. The Middle States Commission on, our education, without it we would not be able to offer degrees. It.

Is A, body that ensures, that we present, a baseline, quality. Because. We are responsible, for. Public, good, and. The fact that. Education. Funds. Are taxpayers. So the, money, tuition. Is in-state, rate for all learners, regardless. Of your, address, whether you are an international student whether you live in another state other, than New York it is, the, same rate for all the, MS. In business program is ranked, 21. The. Program. As the, best online master's in management degrees. So. When you get a chance of, think, about that there's. A number of online programs, but we are ranked as the 21st, and certainly, we are working to ensure we could move that, ranking up even higher. Program. Outcomes, so, what are we trying to accomplish or, what should you be. Able to do after going through others. Programs certainly you should, be. Able to showcase a general, business knowledge many, folks, will start in our master's program maybe, coming from something other than an undergraduate. Business, program so in this program we ensure that you get a general. Business knowledge background, certainly. As leaders. We want to improve your antal your analytical, skills making. Sure not only that you can look at something but you can interpret it in very deep and. Appreciative, ways that you, can make good decisions. Technological. Skills we're moving, well into the front 21st, century and certainly what we're seeing, Vance, meant in technology. And so we want to ensure that that, advancement, continues. Here and that we give you a baseline appreciation. Of the understanding, of what's going on from. A technological standpoint, we. Also want you to be able to not just have knowledge, but to be able to use it to make solid business. Decisions. So. You'll get a lot of opportunity, to work on case studies some. Practical. Experiences. Some. Real-life experiences. Meet with wonderful, people and talk, about. Business. And how one, would make a decision, using some of the information, that they have we. Our. Program, that is steeped, in ethics. And corporate. Social. Responsibility. All of your courses will speak to. These. Points, it is very important, in this day and age that we have ethical leaders that are going to ensure that. We are doing the. Best for our consumers, and certainly for society. A global. Perspective. The, world has become so. Integrated. Certainly. With the advancement. Of technology that there is no way that you can go through any program, and not. Be. Concerned, with the global. Society here, this program is steeped in it many, of the courses will, speak from, a global perspective and, if you understand that you certainly will, get an appreciation for a local perspective as well, strategic. Thinking we, want you to be able to make decisions. But we want you to be able to make the best possible decision. That has the best possible, outcomes. And so strategy becomes. Important. So I hope all of you are used to games such, as, chess or, sports, or that sort of thing it's not always about.

Winning. At. The loss. Of another, of. The competitor competitor. But it is about making. Sure that we do the best possible thing, and the right thing for our organizations. And that means it's survival, and competitiveness. Your. Written and oral oral, communications. Skills, should, improve although, we are an online, degree, certainly, your writing. Skills. Will be tested, because most, of your Communications, will be in writing you, will find that many of the courses are going, to have you do presentations. Whether that is through, a voicethread or, an audio-visual. Package, that, allows you to do presentations. Online we're working very hard to get, the, same sense of what you would have in a brick and mortar classroom, on. Our online program. The. Biggest outcome here, and this is really crucial for you to understand, if you are not good working, in teams this is probably not a good, program for you you. You, can't be a leader without it having a team so. The. Inability to work with people and, oh and, some of the things that come with dealing. With other humans, such as their, own take one things the, disagreement. Deston ents all those kind of things conflict, those things come up and so, you will, be tested, here because, the majority of your courses, are going to require, you to work, in a team and again this, is in fact a leadership program and you cannot, lead, if. There, isn't a team to be led so, please, make note. Of that we have had a few people come into the program and later decide that working, with teams is a little bit too stressful, and so, leadership, is probably, not the right, focus. Of their degree and so if you're going to come into this program that's the largest outcome, that, should come from studying. Here in our programs is your ability. To deal with teams and conduct. Team work the. Degree structure, there, are three components, of our, degree our degree is 30. Credits. Um. Its, structured, and, with. 21. Credits coming, out of a required, business. Courses those are the courses that are going to ensure that you have business. Knowledge those, courses, are extremely, important, for that reason, they. Lay the foundation. Of what will be necessary for, you to lead in an organization. Not necessarily. Always for-profit but. Any organization, even nonprofit organizations. Private or public, then. There is an additional, six, credits. Of electives. This allows you a degree, of breadth the focus, may be a, little, bit in areas, that you are more concerned with, or has. That. That, resonates with you a lot more, so they'll still be around. Business, issues but it would be issues that you yourself. Find personally. Rewarding or of. Interest and then, there's three credit Capstone's, our, cap stones are basically, to, ensure that, you, are able to apply, and understand. Everything that you have learned from the time you enter the program until, the time you leave the program so, as you go through your courses. The. Courses, which. Are integrated, to some extent try to figure, out how they're all connected and retain. Those. As you move forward the capstone, should. Indicate, the quality of. Of. Your. Education, and what, you can do with it so that will normally take place within the last semester. That you'll be working. Here with us in the program our, required, courses, some, of them, organizational. Behavior, that is the. Basic. Course for, what this leadership is all of about all about so, that's. An important, course so certainly you'll learn things about accounting. Quantitative. Analysis. Certainly. Information, systems, where does. The information come from how do we gather it how that we tabulated how do we use it in.

Dispensed With it in making, business. Decisions economic. For. Business certainly. Business, is born out of the entire economic, environment, so we need to understand, that, in order to understand business well there. Are a lot of laws, dealing. With ethics. And just. Trading. Laws that you need to be familiar with but, we tend to focus now in this digital age on how, that. Is, impacted. On a digital platform, and how we conduct, business across, a digital, platform, and, then, you, have corporate. And international. Finance, that we'll teach you a little bit about how to restructure, deals, and, support. Some of the decisions, that we, weave. Or. An organization, would make. Sample. Of elective, options, depending. On what you want there is a number of options, there for you if you believe that you are going to, you enjoy human resources, certainly you might want to look at managing. Diversity, in. A global economy you may decide that you want to, understand. How to start. A business or how, to act entrepreneurial. Inside. Of a corporation how to think, how how, to think of unique, things and new ways of, doing things some. Of you may be interested, in marketing so there's a strategic, marketing, course, around. Socially, responsible, practices. Maybe. You want to learn a little bit more about leading then, you have courses like leading develop a leadership, development leading. Groups and teams and that. Sort so it. Really is up to you which of these two you pick we, are constantly, adding. Electives. So by, the time you're done in the program that may be some unique unique. Things if you should get in the program I would encourage you if there's, something, that you. Think would be a good, focus that you might be concerned on just sort of shoot. Me a note or shoot Tamera. Note and we will consider, it as, we, talk to our peers are, in the program, your. Capstone options, right now is global, strategic, management basically. How do you use all of those things that you learn in a very strategic way to make strategic. Decisions, that, tends to be the base course for for all students, and then we have students who may be interested, in. Entrepreneurship. And want, to do, their. Capstone, course around an entrepreneurship, venture. That, course is still requiring, of you to understand, everything, that you picked. Up as you went through, your. Program, the, applied business research, there. May be a research. Problem that, a corporation, has or something that you are interested in doing so. We teach you research methodology. The, catch to the issue of a thesis you would, need the Applied Research course. So if you're going to want to write a thesis you should find an opportunity to take the applied research. As well, the. Thing about the thesis is good, if you will be considering. Going. Off possibly, to, do a doctoral. Program I, would. Strongly, ask. You to look at that but those two. Classes, the thesis and the Applied Research course. Requires. Approval. Before you're able to take those courses. The. Prerequisite. Requirement, for all students. Coming into the program. Particularly. Those who have not studied a. Business. Product prior to coming you. Are required to take financial accounting. Statistics. Micro. Or macro economics. Computer. Applications. Many, of our students. Who come from other business programs tend to already have this the, ones that tend not to have that is that they've had no prior Business Studies, these. Courses, can be taken. Once. You've entered a program you can take them at our undergraduate, level some, of them can be eclipse, such as accounting. And economics, statistics. Can. Be satisfied. Through the you cell exam. We. Also have something called, prior. Learning assessment. And that's. An actual course that you can in fact. Study. And, complete. Two of these requirements but it would be a semester, course, it would be treated just like a class the CLEP makes it quick but, if you want to take. And build a portfolio too, short, to showcase how. Your prior. In work.

Has. Shown. You your understanding, of statistics, you would simply take the core as, we tell you what. Objectives. You need to meet and then you would create a portfolio so that sort of reflects that and then it's graded by a third. Party not. Here at the school but other. Professionals. Who've been working in those disciplines for a while. The. Program characteristics. Collaborative. Which means that the teamwork you're going to constantly be. Engaged. In in teamwork. Interact. It certainly you you will have engagement, back and forth with your classmate, your peers, and. That. Is a participatory. Mode. Of learning it, is a very active. Engagement. So. Although it's, flexible. The flexibility, is really around time not, about engagement, so you can engage two o'clock in the morning 3, o'clock in the evening 1, o'clock, in. The early, afternoon but, it's left up to you but you would still be engaged. From. Week to week it, uses the blackboard. Platform. So if you've done any work at any school you've had a management. Learning system, our system is blackboard. There's. A max of 25. Students. Per class in some class classes. It may be less but the max is 25, which, makes the ratio to the two, teaching, comfortable. Enough that you would get as, much attention as, as, needed, to get through the courses, you. Can attend part-time almost. Everyone here does or, full-time very. Few students do that full-time for, master's. Program is nine credits. Which. Is roughly about three three, classes, the. Fall in the spring semester 15, weeks each we, are now, have. Summer. Sessions. That are three but we only offer courses into, one, summer session, which, would be, I'm. Sorry we, do one session with seven. Weeks. Another. Session. With, three weeks we, we do not offer 10-week, summer course. As you will see that in. The. Brochure of classes, but those 10 weeks will not have business, courses in them financial. Aid is available via loans, scholarships. And, employee. Reimbursement. So, if you were can definitely talk to your HR department about. Educational. Support. What. Is it like. To learn online. It's. No different than learning. In the classroom, it's very, much like your traditional courses. The issue is is that it's online you. Don't get the immediate sort, of engagement, this is. Asynchronous. Which. Means that you. Respond. To something complete something when, at your leisure and then, your, professor, and your colleagues will, provide. Their input and feedback at, their convenience there. Are some deadlines, in terms of dates and some, dates. That you, must meet and when, all this would happen week, to week but again it's just like. Your. Traditional, brick-and-mortar but, it's on, an, online platform very. Much supported, by your. Professors, and very. Engaging with, your peers it's its requirement, our Falcon, II, our. Falcon has experienced. CUNY. Faculty or knowledgeable. Practitioners. We. Have a lot of people who are in. Very. High positions in, their professions, that will come and teach, courses they, do have the academic grooming. To, be in the classroom, but they have coupled, that with very. Good practical experience, as making the course relevant. To, the time period in which you're studying but also ensuring, that you have the. Theoretical. Grooming to. Go. Beyond when the new practice comes in that you have a very solid theoretical. Appreciation. All, of, them, have, been. Trained to teach online all the instructors, faculty, have been trying to teach online many of them have been doing it for years so, they've become quite, good, at. It which, means that it it, will ensure that the class is dynamic. When. Students. Have responded, about what, they see and our professors. They tell, us three things one, is that they believe the professor's, here are quite passionate, about what they do and, most, mostly. Because most of them are practitioners, or they have been very clear on the careers that they are, involved they love the, ability to train new people who might be entering, the disciplines, to which they are. Teaching. In which they are working and they're, committed they're committed, to ensuring. Successful. Outcomes, for for, the students there's the. Success of the students is their success.

For Themselves, as teachers, and also. Success. For, their, industry so they're certainly committed, to, that and. Our. Students, they're. All just like you they. Work, many. Of them are what. We call a non-traditional, student so, their work you can adults many. Are in careers, that. They are transitioning. From one to the other or moving. From one level of the organization, to the. Other, many. Of them have families of their own trying, to manage. Kids. And. Spouses. Just. Trying to manage a family union that can be a pretty, heavy lift and so the flexibility, is important, there and. They either need a degree that fits their schedule you. Know managing. A family, may not be practical. For. A set, schedule whether that's day evening. Afternoon. Or. Evening in a. Program, like online it allows them to do it whenever they find the time, we. Have people from. 50. States and all around the world so we do have some international. Students, and certainly have students that are outside of New York outside of the region and that makes, for rich, dynamic in, our. Classrooms. So. Make sure as you're, taking courses. Whether here anywhere else is that you be you begin to network, with with, your colleagues so they're going to talk about themselves, and. You may want to learn more. About them so you. Can have a network, that is expensive when you leave our. Institution so. Very diverse very widespread in, terms, of what their career goals are, and just, where they plan to do, that work in, the States for around the world, what. Does it take to be successful. You. Really, need to be organized. And have a good, sense of time, management. Because, you don't have the professor. For. Two hours or three hours a week in, the classroom with, you forcing. The. Structure, of how you engage, you. Have to be so it's somewhat self driven. It's very difficult, some time when. The. Boundaries, are not clear. So, you have to reinforce, those boundaries, for yours so. Self. Direction and commitment, that this is something that you care about more, than anyone else cares, about it and that you sort of drive, your, engagement, in this particular, program. Your, willingness to ask questions. I've. Always, admired. Students. Who are willing to raise their hand in a classroom and ask a question but online we because, you it's. Flat, some time and it's just typing, many. Times students, have a tendency not to ask the question, but.

You Might find that, when. You ask the question you are asking, a question not, just for, your own understanding, but for, the understanding, of the entire. Entire. Class if you already have the answer be, no reason to be here so, we. Believe that education is, about learning, and, only. Way learning takes place is that you know more than, you knew so, asking. Questions are important, support. From those around you make, sure you're, going to definitely get the support here at the college you'll get all of this report from our administrators, certainly. From the faculty, and certainly. From your peers in, the, school and in the courses that you are but. You certainly should, ensure that you let your family knowing your friends, know and ask, them to sort of keep you keep. You online and keep pressing you on this, on, this effort to secure your degree online. Student. Services we. Have career. Services, that, are online we also have, a campus here in Manhattan. On 31st, Street you're, certainly welcome to come in and talk to us from time to time but, again, we have online, career. Services, that can help you think about what. You would do a degree I would encourage, you. In. Case you don't get an opportunity to speak to me beyond. This I would encourage you to always, check in with Career, Services and start exploring. The opportunities. Right away instead. Of, waiting until you get to the last the last semester to do so you. Have one advisor. Start to finish that, person, is responsible for, helping you understand, how, to get through your academics, how to deal with your professors, how, to. Think about what. Your. Career options are in lining up your courses, with them make. Sure you, befriend, that person, and they become, someone that you speak to on a regular, basis, many, times they will contact me they may contact Tamara. To. Talk about some challenges that you may be having or just to get. Some clarity, or advice for, you. Tutoring. You. Have online tutoring, and we have tutoring here on the campus our. Program. Is. Heavy in. Qualitative. Issues. So, you certainly want to make, sure you become familiar with the, tutoring folks, the. Same thing for the writing so we have. PhD. Students, who, donate. Their time to, work. With our students, and they, tend, to come from. Programs. Where they are studying for their doctorate, in, English. Or, some type of composition. Or they, are quantitative. Fellows, that they're studying in some type of math, statistics. And. They, could be very very helpful to you you just have to reach out to, them, we. Have an award-winning, library, which is. Which. You have access to from. Online and I. Here, on the campus which, is actually, Baruch. But. All of our libraries, as part of CUNY you have access, to help. Desk at, any. Time fully. Online where you run into a problem you, simply will be able to talk to someone who, can assess you with. Your with, your concerns. And. Then we have an orientation, once. You are some admit. It to the program you will, have an orientation in about two weeks where a number of people will help guide, you through some of the challenges of studying online, help. You assess your readiness. Help. Fill in some. Weaknesses. Or gaps that you have. And to just be there to ask questions, to help. Handhold, you until, you are constable for this journey you are about to get. On for. Those of you who are interested, in entrepreneurship. We. Have an entrepreneurship, network. Of students. Falcone. Professionals. Who. Basically. Get. Together for events. And activities around. CUNY. Live. And virtually to. Help you understand, how to start a business. And that. Is, probably. An, important, thing to do for those of you who eventually would want to do it I would tell you get involved right away if you think that that's where you're, you're. Trying to go in the program join. The Association, as, quick. As possible and become a part of it immediately. And take full advantage, of it, here. Is what most of you are couldn't. Concern. With. Undergraduate. Degrees, from. Accredited college all your, transcripts. Are needed. For. Graduate, work all, right you need to ensure that anywhere, that you've taken an undergraduate, degree that.

You Provide, that, transcript. To us certainly, we are are. Looking. To see what credits, we could give you and what credits, might be. Important. The minimum, GPA, of a. 3.0. Several. Students, have questions about, what. If I don't have the 3.0, I would, tell you to simply, apply, when. We. Review, the applications. We are reviewing the applications. In a comprehensive. Way all of the things that we ask you to apply weight, very. Heavily, in, our decision, so there are times. Where we may accept someone with less than a 3.0, because of some other. Criteria. Your. Personal, statement, I. Have. Read a number of, personal statements, where there is no connection between what, the student would like to do and why. They would come here to. Do it I strongly. Think about, why you would want to be in a program, like this how does this decide to your career goals. Why. Would you want to do it here at SPS, and how, we could, be of help to, you and achieving. Like your goals are but at the same time please don't hesitate to. Kind of tell us what you bring to the table as well make sure that the personal, statement is relevant. To, the degree and the process. And what, it is that you're trying to accomplish in, your in. Your career two. Letters of recommendations. Please ensure, that your recommendations. Come from. Someone. That could, sort of. Help. Us understand, your academic. Abilities. And your professional, develop, it. Should come from a, professor, or someone. You studied, under or a. Supervisor. Someone, who has had oversight, of your. Of your work so I like to I would like to. Recommend. That you really, look at one. Of the two people your, boss or a an. Ex boss or an ex professor, those, are a little bit more impressive than having. Having. Your your friend or, someone write it because if, it isn't, relevant. We will probably ask you to resubmit your. Resume showing all of your relevant, work experience it's very important, for us to know, what. Experience. You bring to the table sometimes that, helps trump your academic, performance, when, it's not up to a 3.0, the. Fact that you've had an extensive management. Career, would be important. So try, to -, on your resume, point out some. Of those relevant. Experiences. That are sort of tied in to the degree. That you're here you're here to pursue, your. Potential, there. May be a need to have a, phone. Call. Or a stipend. When there are some questions. So. You'll, get an opportunity from, time to time not all of you it's not necessary, for all of you but if there's a challenge, for the, committee to, make a decision, and there's just something else that they need to know you'll probably be given a, call. There's. No GMAT. Or GRE required. So. That makes it. A. Little. Bit more affordable because you're not stuck with having to put that but again the requirements. Are still a rather rigorous, the. Cost, for. Springs. With 2018. Would. Be four hundred and. Forty, dollars per credit, part-time, and if. You're here full-time it, would be five thousand, two hundred and twenty-five dollars. Per semester. In-state. Tuition, rate, applies to all online. Courses period, regardless, of what state you're in or what country you're in. There. May be some, additional fees, varying. Across some. Programs, or things that you get him involved. With but, not but, not much I can't. Think of any special fees. Thus. Far then, you have the cost of your books and materials, we, are trying, to move to open resources. And trying to find books. That are. Not. As costly, but more more, affordable. So. We are looking at, book trying, to drive the cost of books and materials, down somewhat, we do have some courses that are called Z courses, and that, means there is no textbook. Cost but there may be other costs associated. With it finance, rate is available in the forms of loan scholarships, an employee. Reimbursement. For. More, information. The. Assistant, director. Is Tamara. :, and you. See her email there, Tamara, :. At, CUNY, edu. Or you. Can use the business at. SPS. Dot. Q dot edu, and. Tamara. Monitors. That as well. That's. The end of our presentation let. Me take a look at some of the questions to. Be. Certain, that we haven't. Over. Looked. Anything so. Give me a minute as I as I read I kept, glancing back, and forth. One. One of the questions, that.

Is. A question. From it, looks like a. Concerning. Not. Having been a business, student again. There, are just four. Additional. Prereqs. That you would have to take and those, things are important, so keep, in mind it would be statistics, economics. Accounting. And CIS. Those four courses, are required so. If, you hadn't we just simply asked you to take the other. Courses is there a time limit for finishing. The, program no. But I think the quicker you get out the quicker you can get, to work and you're in return, on investment, is a, much, better thing but. We, wouldn't put you out. Of the program because of time, the. Average length. We would hope would be no more than two, to. Three years but some people take a little bit longer than. That. The. Clip you can take the clip, online. And you would be Dillon actually with an organization, I think. We have an a testing. Department. Here but I could certainly get that information to. You. Pretty. Sure those four classes are a deal-breaker, now the courses, are, required for you to take so it's not that they're a deal breaker but you, can't really get through many of your classes, if you do, not have, those prerequisite. Courses so. You, can take those once, you're in the program you're just required to have them you, will see that some of the those classes, may, be important. To some of the courses that you have um the. Courses. That you have. That. Relies. On a foundation. Let's say a statistics, course to take an advanced research, methods. Course you should have already taken the statistics course but, we, don't, say you have to take them before you can start into, your. Degree program but, they are required. Courses, and yes, because, you would have to take the, additional, four classes, it, would be an increase in the number of credits but those, four correct those additional. Twelve. Credits are not, related, to the master's program, were courses that are related, to an undergraduate, program in. Their prep courses you don't have to take them here you can take them anywhere you want. To take them so, keep. That in mind. No. We do not have a doctorate, program, online. We simply are just. Undergraduate. And graduate, degree. Programs. If, you've already taken the financial, accounting macro. Micro economics. And, statistics that's. Fine we, will, give you credit for it so. If you've already taken it prior to coming to us you. Do not have to take it if you had not taken it prior to coming us we will require that you that. You do. Yes. You can take classes over the summer again. We have two sessions a seven week and a three-week, session, over. The summer and that helps you expedite. It but, be careful about taking. Courses. That are intense, because. Normally, it's 15 weeks and you have much, more, time to be reflective, for your learning when, you start taking. Courses. Compressed, the, seven and three weeks you really need, to assess your your, time commitment, because it's going to require a lot more compressed, a lot more in, some compressed, time. There.

Are On-site. Courses. But they're not in business, courses. There. Is a, program. And, an. Advanced certificate, in management. Of that, one or two of the courses are on-site but it's not a part. Of our our degree, program, I'm, just. Reading down the question so please forgive me. Yeah. You. Will get everything that has been presented, here along, with the slide, presentation and, a. Video okay. That. You'll have that at you it'll, be a follow up okay. In, a few days so our marketing, folks say don't worry they guide you but, you can always go and review the, program, online. Here. At SPS, just look on the degree programs, and look for graduate, degrees and then the, business of program. Specifically. I am. Still reading so please yeah you will get a copy of the of, it. The. Application. Deadlines. I think, for. The, summer I'm gonna have to get back to you. I, believe. The deadline, is in. May. Mid-may, because the first summer starts, June 4th, so. Then there and applications. Are normally do about two. To, three weeks before the, actual, deadline. But if we can get in and process it immediately. We. Will get we would get UN I. Am. Still, reading is there. An option to test out prerequisites. Yes, again. CLEP, and those. Things that I that I said we. We. These. Are 45 contact, our courses, so there are specific. Programs. That will, ensure that the, most critical. Points in those courses, across, the nation are are. Understood. So, you'll. Be able to to clip out and, give. Me one second one more second to read a few more if. You're. Already enrolled in a master's at, a CUNY, school currently do you still need. Yes. If you to, any program that you apply for because there is administrative, process, yes, you you do. But. I would leave that to the admissions, folks they may be able to work something out with you but I would tell you coming. Initially. That yes you would have to play pay an additional, fee. From one to the other. Full-time, again, is nine, credits, and, a graduate program is considered full-time. The. GPA, again, I don't, want you to run off just because you don't have a 3.0. But the closer it is the better your chances, but, remember, when. They, are, reviewed. By committee they're going to take everything, into, account, again. I talked to your. Statement. Make your statement powerful, tell your story of why you, would want this kind of degree. And. How it fits into your goals, what. You, why you would want to do it here at SPS, other than flexibility. But, also. Why. What. You would bring to the table again what, kind of dynamics do, you do, you bring bring. To the table, give. Me one second. Okay. For fall 2018. The. Applications. Are due by June. 28th. All. Right it's. A summer session there, but. I believe this summer session, would be somewhere in mid-may. But, we'll make sure that those dates are included, in the follow-up that you that, you get from us. Okay. I. Have. Taken statistics. Courses. That's, fine if you already taken it again that's. Good. Yet, we are year-round. You. Can attend the winter. Spring. And summer in fall courses, yes we, insure in the. Fall. The. Spring and the, summer all, required. Business, courses are offered now, some of the. Electives. Will not be offered but. You. Will see the schedule so you'll know how to plan, accordingly on, what courses that you would want that. You would want to take. Can. We apply to give, me a second, here I just. Want to make sure I'm understanding correct, clean we. Can apply to the program and, once we, get in we, can enroll. Yes. Yes, you can enroll in whatever prerequisites. You are missing so once you're admitted to the. School, you can do that at but. Again you don't have to do it here you can do it you can do it anywhere those courses Oh, once. You said. The application. We tried to make a decision, as quick. As possible I would tell you on. The, safe side, about, two, weeks, and. I'm. Sure my, assistant was, probably listening, on the other side is. Saying that, it's shorter or, longer but, I think two weeks would be about, about average, there's a number of things that are in kicked in motion outside, of the. Review of the application, and making a decision that has to be promulgated. Through. A channel, so by the time you get you've gotten a letter it has gone from my. Office to, another desk and then, to the admissions office who will in fact send. You a letter congratulating, you, that. I did my BS more than ten years ago is there no, there, is no time limit it's, like riding the bike sometime you just need to refresh yourself so. We don't have a time limit on when you, earn your BS degree but. The, expectations. Is that you will. That. You will still have that knowledge or you should be able to quickly.

Regain. Your. Acquaintance, with that information. The. CIS course is a heavy course it depends on whether you are a. Novice, or, that. You think that you are. Somewhat. Advanced or you think that your your skills. Are excellent the. Three-week. Course is highly. Intense. Regardless, of what course you take, quantitative. Course is I would tell you to be very careful of taking. The three week courses in the summer. Unless. You have a solid. Foundation you. Will move so quickly in those courses, there's, really, a. Little, time for, any, deeper. Sort of assistance, as opposed, to maybe, a smaller, correction, that you might that, you might need. If. You. Already have the advanced certificate, in management. And. It's. But it's taken here. We. Will we. Will take a look at your. Your, courses, those courses, normally, wields. Transfer. Into, our. Master's. Program so you'll be given credit for the nine courses. Associated. With the advanced certificate, but, we still would need you to apply to the program provide. All of the, required information so, we can take a look at it and be certain that you. Are a good fit for the program or, or, if. There may be some challenges still. Beyond. The advanced certificate. We. Have a what. About brochures. We. Are working on some brochures and we do have, some. Brochures, we. May I'm sorry. I are they online the. Brochures I'm sorry I'm talking to to, my colleague and in the room. Okay. If they're, not online we will see how we can get those out to you but we do have we do have brochures, they're normally given out in, some. Of our face-to-face of. Admissions. Discussions. Okay. How tough will, it be if I have no background in, any form of courses. I mean the. Reason that we have you take the. Accounting. Course as a prerequisite, it gives you some idea of what it is accounting. Is, an. Integral. Part of business but it's not so heavily weighted we're not trying to make you an accountant, we just want to make sure you understand, some of the basic, concepts, of it, when. You look at business it's, interdisciplinary, you, can't be in business. Without. Some sense of the, various things that come, up in business such as marketing. As. Such a because, marketing drives the revenue thread. Accounting. We account for the money financing. Is how, we look, at structuring, the deal to sort of underwrite. Processes. Economic, as the environment that tells us whether or not people. Have the. Means to, to. Deal with our company, in terms of acquiring products. And services from the company so we're, not making you an expert, in business. We're making sure you understand. In, a general framework business, so if you don't have, accounting background I would tell you I don't think it would cause, you not to get through the program. Again. Course. Has taken years ago again. It's, like riding a bike to me you might have to refresh yourself but you. Don't have to retake it but you can retake the course if you really just think that you need, to start, at square one we, certainly would, not discourage, that. When. You you. Would certainly have to fill out a fast foot there's, a question about financial. Aid you would have to fill out the FAFSA like, any other school and then, they will tell you what your needs are and what is. Available, to you all, of that would be a part of the. Admissions process after. You admit it to tell you what the next steps would be but, again if. You if. You're looking at financial aid you should fill out a FAFSA whether, it's here or for, another. Organization. We, haven't really looked at the project. Management certificate. Very, closely. That's. Not normally, associated. Immediately. With our program, as is the advanced. Certificate. In management, but, I will certainly. Take. A look at it and see where, we could make some, connections. Of courses. In. That certificate program. Okay. I'm. Graduating with my undergraduate, this. May yes you can apply for this spring you should go ahead the. Difference. Maybe is, that we would have to wait until we, got your grades or. We. May consider. Conditionally. Admitting. You to the school giving, you one. Semester to, get all the. Credentials, in from your last your. Last undergraduate. Semester. Again. Time don't, worry about time either. Take and you can either take the course over, or you. Can take a refresher, or. You could read up on it but. I think you. Just have to know that you must know those things and if you wish to take the course over please do so and, I, think. A, forensic. Accounting, which would. Be helpful uh. Our. Textbook, required. Or. Is everything online it. Depends on the professor teaching, the course some textbooks, are a, hardcopy. Very few though most. Textbooks, if there are going to be online textbooks, are if they are available. We. Really want to try to make this as. Online, as possible, so many of the professors do use. Publishing. Companies where. Where. You can get an online textbook. Okay. What makes this program different from other other, programs, in CUNY, MSM.

Business Well the biggest thing is that it's a leadership program you will find very few of them who find very few of them online in CUNY. The. MS, program, aims there is a deeper, sort of dive in, a specific area, here, it's from, the leadership perspective. We. Are the. Online program, at as of, this particular, time, I think there may be one or two other. Schools. That have some MS programs, but that's that's really really. That the difference, here. And. I. Think I've. Addressed. All. Of, the. Questions to, the best of my knowledge as, there is, there, another question. Okay. I. From. Here there you get private, and public. Corporations. Taking a look we, do have quite, a few students. That will work for, many. Of our government agencies here, in in. The city. We. Are trying to establish more. Relationships. With some of our corporate, partners and that's, I, know that we are putting them there I'm, pretty much the new. At at, the school and we, will be taking a look at where our students, are going specifically. But. As of today I understand, that we have pretty, good placement. And relation shifts a number, of our. Corporate partners come in and they actually. Do. Webinars and so we're going to start, sharing. That that, with you and if I get an opportunity to, look at some of the webinars I will do that but, again that's, a really great question, about. The, specific. Employers. But I do know we do a lot with city, organizations. And and I'll get back to you on, on. Some, of those so that that's, important, for me to do for you all, right did. I miss any questions. Okay. Okay. I never had, taken a statistics course, but, my but. My calculus, class book now. If. It's a statistics, course this is a course that is specifically, on statistics. And it's a larger engagement, so, unless, you. Can show us a syllabus, that. Reflects. The. The topics, covered in the course you. Would be required to take it but if you can throw as a syllabus and that syllabus shows that everything. That is covered in a traditional, statistics, course is covered then there would give you credit for it we're. Not trying to slow you down we're actually trying to help you get, out of school. Quickly. But what we are responsible, for is ensuring, that when. You get out you are prepared, to, deliver. On. The, work that's going to be assigned to you by whatever. Organization you find yourself in I. Think. That. Has, covered, the majority of the questions. Some. Or. Repeated. But, I hoped for those I did not answer specifically. That you picked up the response. To. Your question, all, right with, that said I certainly. Want to thank you all for joining us and I, look forward to receiving, your applications. Encourage, you to, submit the full package and, then let us make a decision on what we see don't, count yourself out simply. Just, apply and, we'll get a response to you it's been a pleasure I wish. You all a great a, week, in. Look forward to to meeting each. Of you at some point across the stage here at CUNY, SPS have. A good day thank. You. For attending.

2018-04-21 04:44

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