OneLife Australia - Weekly Business Opportunity With Australian Leaders

OneLife Australia - Weekly Business Opportunity With Australian Leaders

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hello everyone and welcome to one life presentation tonight tuesday night yes this is the night where uh tama tower from queensland is going to share with you our presentation all right so without any fur more further ado i would like to welcome kamatoa to the stage thank you tamar thank you thank you so much for that uh sister gay all the way down in victoria at uh awesome uh despite what is going on around us things are still moving on and particularly down in melbourne it seems to be a a good place for our friend the kermit to uh to revisit often so uh thank you for the introduction and welcome to our um opportunity meeting this evening and uh and i want to also welcome all of our facebook live community that is tuning in with us tonight along with our zoom community as well tonight as as as we normally uh have the tuesday night meeting is an opportunity meeting for new people so be on the zoom community or the live facebook community for anyone that have not um being aware of what we do at one life uh tonight we break down our opportunity this is the the full version of our opportunity we do have a smaller version but tonight we go through the whole uh project and how it all works for everyone and i do hope that tonight that for our new uh friends that have tuned in to us uh with the facebook live and our zoom community that there will be some value uh for this for you as you come in to this uh meeting tonight so um before i bring my my uh powerpoint presentation up i'm going to open us in a short little prep and then we will then roll from there on uh we'll open a prayer our father in heaven we gather this evening and give thanks unto thee for this beautiful day uh for our good health and strength that allow us to enjoy all of our blessings throughout this day we are grateful that we can meet in a capacity of our one life opportunity for those that are new and we invite thy spirit to bless us that the information that will be shared will be enlightened at lightning and also help our new friends uh and understanding a clear understanding of our project uh bless their mind that their mind will be clear and be active and uh grateful for uh dr roja who created this opportunity that allow us as members of this community to develop this project and uh grateful that we can be part of this project to help the mass and the unbanked and this is our humble prayer we refer to thee and we do this in the name of jesus christ amen thank you there we have it i'm gonna share my um powerpoint with everyone tonight what is happening oh there it is very good um so oops let's go back so ladies and gentlemen what we're going to be doing tonight is we're going to uh help everyone understand or how to make possible the impossible as we all experienced during this covet period or the covet crisis things have been really difficult for a lot of people in fact for most people there are parts of the world that things are a lot easier but generally speaking the code have caused a lot of issues it comes around particularly with uh with finance with the covert is causing people uh to either companies are closing down or losing work during this period and then when the things get better with the codeword uh slowly people get back on their feet you see when people lose income uh difficulty arises within their homes and um and not only this there are people loved ones that are passing on beyond the veil and that because of this pandemic that is upon us having said that there is a way to get through this crisis by reinventing ourselves and how do we reinvent ourselves in this regard and that is the purpose of this meeting tonight is to break down and show you how we can and reinvent ourself in that regard now let's have a look at this major highway as i begin this presentation in dallas in america this is the one of the major highway in in in america and the question here is what do we see from this massive highway in this regard and uh often you know when the when i ask that question the next question that pops up is that this highway gives so many different directions and with this direction it is quite easy to be confused and in regard to someone traveling on such a highway imagine yourself on being one of these highway right in front of you and um enough for some people traveling 120 110 120 kilometers per hour which is really fast and uh with the highway with so many different directions you can quite easily miss a turn and for some people it is not difficult to get back when you miss a turn and and for some a little harder it takes a little harder longer to get back on track and for a lot of people it is it is difficult in fact not able to get back on track and that essentially is similar to life in in life direction you know some when they miss a turn they find a way quickly to get back on and some a little harder to get back on nevertheless still able to get back on track and that is what life throws to us and a lot of people when they miss that turn it is really really difficult to get back on track let me ask you another question why are you here on such a highway this evening now with that question it may well be that uh what you are here to see what happens in the near future in regard to opportunity and um and what i'm about to do here is to be able to show you a clear direction in terms of future opportunity and this direction comes in the form of our one life community of networkers that means all of us on this platform here sitting around listening and learning about future opportunity and being able to develop something uh simple and yet powerful through our one life community on top of that we also have the one coin project which is uh i guess coupled with our community of networkers this project becomes powerful during this covert 19 crisis or pandemic i want to talk a little bit about the uh evolution of technology okay i want to talk a little bit about that now in the early days where we when the computers came out the big box computers game boys or nintendo's where people played on these technology typewriters sending out messages to friends and families in that regard you know these are all individual technology over time remember the day when we used to listen to music on cassette tape these are all individual technology now all condensed or condensed into a little device like so our mobile app and so forth and things like that that's how the evolution of technology has come about and now we are enjoying just on the palm of our hand a technology that help us to reach around the globe very very fast just within a click of a button now now during any crisis okay during any crisis opportunity arose during that time let's think about during the during the global financial crisis in the year 2009 now during this time new and massive opportunity arose and three of those opportunities are right in front of us the whatsapp this is a online social media platform in in in january 2009 came out of nowhere and this is during the covert when one door close closes a new one opens up now in 2008 airbnb created a new opportunity out of nothing this company airbnb created a hotel experience without owning a whole town and then in 2009 uber created a global taxi experience without owning one taxi whatsoever that's amazing ladies and gentlemen and now during this time the covet the covet crisis okay this pandemic now you see e-commerce has been around you know a little while but when the covert hit e-commerce became a huge huge opportunity global and we will look at that opportunity on this platform here tonight this is incredible ladies and gentlemen the payment method or the evolution of payment this is over time in the early days you know we had the bata as our form of payment whereby two different uh businesses would raise product goods and they would exchange with each other for example a chicken farm with a towel farm or a duck farm or whatever then they would exchange their goods with each other when their their products are ready now this form of trading is not easy then we have gold the thing about gold is that it is really difficult to have a clear understanding exactly how much gold that you can use to purchase other goods and service or for example to purchase a chicken with gold in those days it is very hard the value of the gold is is that not clear in that regard then we have uh we have cash this is uh currency is what we understand it today cash money note coins and things like that we understand this this currency the thing about cash it is uncontrollable in regard to the usability of it in that regard it is dangerous whereby terrorists use this currency to um i guess to um to purchase um you know weapons and things that are not good for our society because uh using cash it is you know it is not traceable it's not transparent so they love this form of currency for those kind of things and on top of that on top of that this currency uh is that quite easily people can hide money from uh paying tax it's okay for a little ox and that ends in dollars here and there but when we get into major major money uh in that regards to millions of dollars that this is uh hiding money from the tax man is it is a problem in that regard and then dealing with overseas is problematic in that regard it's okay when you go overseas maybe five thousand dollars it's okay to exchange that but again when you are dealing with millions of dollars in trading overseas taking money across this is a problem in that regard then ladies and gentlemen czech currency was another currency that we had whereby when you provide when a business provides a service to those that own a checkbook they would write a check to make payment and exchange that check for the service that's been provided by the those that run their business the thing with check is that the funds often in these checks are unclear in that regard so when the business that had completed the service redeems these checks uh often the check bounces in that regard so so the fund is unclear often using check now bank card more specifically credit card see this currency make things easier we don't have to carry cash anymore in our pocket all we carry with us is a small plastic card and uh and you know that's all so things are easier to work with the the challenge about uh credit card is that we create more debt for all of our nations regardless where you are on top of that heavily rely on the bank for this service it's okay okay during the week but when we have issues on the weekend it is difficult to uh to sort out that until the next business day so the the training in regard with this particular currency is limited in that regard you see in 2009 during the global financial crisis a new currency was created and this currency is called crypto currency this is a digital money unlike cash where you can see you can smell you can feel with cryptocurrency you can't see you can feel you can't touch it and that so so it is and this is the currency that was created new currency that was created in 2009 and uh you see ladies and gentlemen cryptocurrency is not a easy product to work with it is an innovative product based on technology based on complex um i guess concept despite of this ladies and gentlemen the complexity of this technology this currency is booming okay it's booming around the globe as i speak and let me talk specifically about one coin in this regard one coin is a crypto currency with along with over 9 000 different types of cryptocurrency on the market and one coin is a more usable coin on the day-to-day base one coin is created for the mass meaning for mum and dad so when i talk about mom and dad that goes around the globe that is what this coin is created for on top of that this coin is created for the unbanked so that puts everyone in this category of this currency so this currency is a global currency one coin crypto let's talk a little bit about the tax office here in australia in 2017 the australian tax office already had a discussion in terms of treatment of currency here in australia and in 2017 the um the tax office this is the government to remove the gst component on digital currency let's talk a little bit about the reserve bank of australia whereby they have been already approached to create digital currency and the name of this currency in their discussion was called dad representing digital australian dollar now the name may change over time but in the initial approach this is the name of this currency that they discussed about now in 2020 rather 2019 the g20 now the g20 is the top economic financial economic nations in the world they met in japan in japan in july in this particular summit of the g20 on there again that they discuss about crypto and also looking at a global standard with this currency okay crypto currency looking at a global standard on top of that this is when they endorse cryptocurrency as a tradable asset like any other currency on the market today this digital county was endorsed by the g20 in 2019 as a digital asset ladies and gentlemen and that is the reason why australia tax office looked at removing the gst component of this digital currency ladies and gentlemen let's have a look at this the the cashless society as it were now in 2010 62 of australians prefer to use cash as their method of payment now fast track that to 2016. 37 of australians use cash and the further three years in 2019 27 of australians use tax use cash as their way of payment so you can see here there's a there's a major flow of people moving away from cash in this regard so um now during the covet period the very beginning of the covert you know this plan of five years to go cashless all achieved in 10 weeks when covert hit in 2019 and you know when they hit the 2019-2020 when it hit the first 10 weeks less than 10 of australians use cash as their way of payment now the question is where is the 90 have gone they have gone to digital currency and this is a currency whether you accept it or not whether you like it or not whether you understand it or not it's happening ladies and gentlemen my suggestion is you have the opportunity to learn about it and be able to profit from it as you learn okay no we can't say that we don't know we have the opportunity through this project to learn and to understand this currency for you and your family future in that regard now the australian central bank made announcement in november 2020 to partnership with commonwealth bank national australia bank a perpetual and constitution this is a software to look at the possibility of using a wholesale form of central bank digital currency and they want to use distribute ledger technology for this and they said okay the australian reserve bank said that they're going to uh to develop a proof of concept okay for a wholesale market funding settlement and loan uh opportunity through the ethereum based distributed ledger technology platform and they look at a financial asset as well and their aim in doing this is to create efficiency risk management and an innovative wholesale financial market transaction and that is their purpose and aim in creating this and they are happy this is the australian reserve bank or central bank are happy that they are collaborating with other partners businesses on the market today to create this opportunity and they said that they were going to um to get this proof of concept by the end of 2020 which they have successfully complete their research and said that they will begin to roll out their funding by mid-2021 and right now that is happening ladies and gentlemen right now as we move forward things are starting to uh government and central banks and things like that are starting to formulate or regulate things so that we can participate and enjoy the blessing of a currency like this as we as we as we move forward okay now australia and singapore they want to try this paperless okay currency using the blockchain technology again this was announced in november 2020 and uh and this particular nothing secret about this this particular uh clip was made known by coin disk you would have come across calling this on your technology one way or another now the australian border force they want to simplify the cross border with with singapore using the blockchain technology and their purpose here is to reduce the administration cost and to increase the trade efficiency that is their aim here in creating this paperless trade between australia and singapore now let's talk about our company one life one life is a community of course like you and i here on this platform as we meet together on this community as we understand this concept then we share this concept with our friends and family and associate and uh we invite all to come and join us in this financial revolution with our one life community of networkers here at onelife we have a powerful mission and that is to provide access for theory and practical financial education we empower individuals to take advantage of economic opportunity for the market growth around the globe that is our mission with that mission ladies and gentlemen we have a vision we can see ahead and our vision is to improve the quality of lives for people worldwide we're talking about a global project okay we provide everyone with educational tools that simplifies the use of digital currency we help individuals like myself businesses to understand and use the most usable cryptocurrency one that is our vision for our project ladies and gentlemen we have an acronym acronym in front of us here called cpu these acronyms or these letters of this acronym represent a specific area what i will do here i invite you to engage with me as i break this acronym down and i hope by the time i get to you you have a better understanding of this project beginning with c c is our community of networkers and what we do here at one life is we invite anyone to come and join us to learn and understand financial education that is our core business and through the one academy online education platform this is where you learn these financial education and while you learn and study about these different types of financial education the company offers you the opportunity to accept one token and these token as you learn and study these financial education on the one academy platform to become a better mind the mining of the token so as you accept these tokens then with your education then you learn how to mine these tokens and when the mining process is complete one coin right here is then issued to you uh in your back office and then you take this one coin to the duseka e-commerce platform so the online or physical uh dual shaker platform and we will break that down and show you a lot more information in regard to how that works now one life is in over 190 different countries around the globe and we have been in business for six years and over those six years uh time we have over 3.7 active 3.7 million active users we have more than 3.7 members million members but actively using this this coin we have over 3.7 million users what that uses we also need merchant businesses to accept our one coin and we have over 130 000 merchant that are accepting our particular one coin see this project is has a road map of creating 10 million active uh users and one million active merchant that is the project that we are developing so so this project is not complete this this is the best time to be involved in a project like this is that when this project is complete this project will demand premium cost for this project now e stands for our financial education we develop financial skills on the one academy online platform we also have live classes that goes on every week on top of that we also have audio visual support these are videos that you actually learn from the top financial minds in the world but on top of that we also have digital support now the company is tirelessly working behind the scene because as you learn this financial education you also need to complete a quiz at each at the end of each level of education and that when you complete this quiz and if you pass then you receive a certificate now as the company works behind the scene to work with um tafe university level of education so this certificate can be included in that level of education whereby you can include it into your cv in that regard so this is not happening at the moment but the company is working tirelessly behind the scene to make this possible as you learn and study this education the company offers you a token okay to be mined and then of course the one coin is issued we have financial education legal education forex education the blockchain all of these financial education all i guess these education have never been available to the regular mom and dad because the wealthy help with how this knowledge and today we have access to this knowledge in that regard see 4x blockchain is huge now this is the way the future is moving on through the blockchain when you have studied all these level of the blockchain we currently have two the the blockchain introduction and semi-professional blockchain education and there's three more yet to come when you complete these five levels and and pass on all of the level you will be equipped to create your own blockchain on top of that you can also take these certificates that you have passed to big major companies and present yourself to help them develop and build their blockchain so you become very powerful and usable in these big major companies then everything is transparent okay now the modules of these financial educations beginning with the introduction to finance which is a starter pack in that regard you purchase this education package you study it and then when you complete the the education you complete the questions and if you pass and if you're satisfied with that knowledge so be it but if you want to gain more knowledge to advance your knowledge in these financial education all you do is upgrade your level of education to the next level in the in regard to risk and stock market do exactly the same thing and if you want more advancement of knowledge in these financial education you just upgrade all the way up to the blockchain semi professional okay that is how this education package works now there is no company that i'm aware of on the market that are providing a product without asking you to pay a monthly ownership program there is no monthly requirement in order for you to participate in the financial compensation plan of this company okay you can go ahead and purchase all of this education package all at the same time if you wish or you can gradually uh upgrade them as you choose to so this is one of the benefits that me personally i i enjoyed with this particular project this quickly is the certificate once you finish each level of education uh you just print out your certificate and this is what the certificate looks like uh the one forex there's five levels of this particular education and then we have the blockchain that's what you would receive and this like i said the company is tirelessly working behind the scene to have the certificate accepted in the tafe or the university level of education now p stands for patrimony patrimony this is a digital goal in that regard ladies and gentlemen with one coin one coin is a centralized coin and yet owned by our company okay not by any regulated com company except our one life community or one life community company we are mining over 50 000 coins per minute on top of that the transaction recorded on our blockchain is within 60 seconds we have 250 billion coins that is available to the global market essentially there is enough for all for the global population it may only be you know 30 to 40 coin each nevertheless enough to provide for the global population now this coin is protected it is protected by a kyc technology so wherever your coin is before that we invite you to join us and bring your identification so we can encrypt that identification into your coin and into our blockchain wherever your coin travels it will always be traceable so you cannot lose this coin unless you lose your password you know you will always be able your coin will always be traceable this coin is ordered in a by a third party for regulation you see this coin is designed to be regulated not to be um what is the word well the world will come back but this coin is a re designed to be regulated okay by the government the central bank any regulation uh available on the market and um i'm still that word that i'm looking for still hasn't come to mind yet hopefully later on it might come to mind okay now the value of our one coin increases backed by our ecosystem our ecosystem have different components of this project as we develop the one life community we have the exchange in time when this project is complete then the exchange kick into place now we have the due shaker we also have the payment platform the uh 1 4x we have the the charitable organization which is the um one world foundation mobile app where you can perform your business on your mobile app anywhere in the world even in the mountains where there's no internet you do not require internet to work on this mobile app you know the remittance where you can transfer funds across nations most important in the middle of this ecosystem as it were ladies and gentlemen is our one coin which ties everything and holds everything together here it's the one coin without this one coin this ecosystem have no real value you see this company came out in 2015 with their very first uh coin half a euro and they started to develop this coin in the first few years until 2017 where they launched the dualshaker e-commerce platform and thereafter you can see right here that the value of this coin rapidly increased in that regard and the and the reason for that is there was major demand and there was a usability that was created and of course that's what drives the people to this coin the one coin today the value of this coin is 42.43 euro

would have been nice if i started in the in the very first year 2015. nevertheless wherever you are ladies and gentlemen this is the best time until this project is complete this is the best time to be involved with such a project that will as we have seen the development of this coin this is backed by our ecosystem not by the market exchange it is backed by our ecosystem when this project is complete the strength of this coin will be so strong that everyone want to have a piece of this coin okay now we want to look at how this coin works in this regard ladies and gentlemen we purchase education packages that's what we do we sell and then we educate ourselves with these financial education as we learned the company offers us the opportunity to accept one token and with these one tokens of course as you learn to become a educated miner you then put these tokens to be mined and and then one coin then is issued to you okay so this is a difficulty parameter for example you have one coin with this difficulty parameter um when it reaches the level of a hundred percent from zero to a hundred percent so the it's split okay what that means it doubles the amount of tokens that you have these all happens behind the scene digitally when it's when the difficulty rate reaches to a hundred percent it doubles which duplicates your token so you have one token you receive when it doubles when it splits you receive an additional token that make gives you two tokens and so forth in different levels of education packages you know you have different amount of splits in that regard and then when the split is complete then the token is then put to their mind and one coin is issued in that regard so that's okay this is the education package that we spoke about and we spoke about how the mining the tokens and the mining process works through the split the split split process i'm going to talk about the the same education package you have purchased starting with a starter pack this education package would cost you 140 euro and you receive one level of study in finance with 800 tokens and one split let's look at how this works at the beginning you have 800 tokens with the super split what that means is that it splits it doubles and quadruples the amount with the super split it quadruples your amount of token in that regard with this token of thirty three thousand three hundred two hundred tokens you receive seven point five two one coin in order to receive one coin you require 424 tokens so thereby 3 200 tokens gives you 7.521 coin but the value of the coin today multiply that by the amount of tokens you have you now have over 319 um what is the word a practical usable asset you can use today which we will discuss shortly the second level of education here in that regards is the starter pack with the blockchain i'm gonna spend a little bit of time here okay with this this would cost you 1140 euro with one level of study in the blockchain plus 10 800 tokens with two splits 10 800 tokens that gives you 24.47 one coin with the super split it quadruples your amount of tokens which gives you 76.41 one coin in the second split you have an additional 100 and one one coin and you add all of these coins in this process together that gives you over 202 one coin and with the value of this coin which gives you eight thousand six hundred and three practical usable asset that you can use today okay now this particular education package the blockchain this will give you an opportunity okay it gives you an opportunity with a special promotion that we that the company is having whereby you purchase this education package with 50 one coin this is for the members today that have one coin and then you sent to the company 50 in cash so with this opportunity ladies and gentlemen every package of education you purchase you save 50 cost because you have it on your coin that you already have then you resell this education package to your prospect and new members that are joining in your business 100 cash so when you do that you only said to the company 50 in cash and you keep the other 50 percent that you have been paid from your new prospect and put that into your box into your pocket okay now where else do you receive 50 profit or cash now for your money ladies and gentlemen this is a powerful concept here all right there's 50 coin and 50 cash this is you ladies and gentlemen you purchase the the blockchain education package of 1140 euro then you turn around and sell this same education package that you have purchased yourself to someone new okay that pays you 1140 cash now 570 from one coin which you have used and then 570 cash this is the cash that you sent to the company but you keep 570 when you sell this package to a new prospect okay that's 50 of your cost is now paid and then you introduce a second person which is doing exactly the same thing that you've done to the first person and that person had paid you 400 cash and uh because you have paid the company with one coin then you sent to the company 570. so you quickly paid your cost very quickly by doing this so this is an opportunity for anyone we are all equal we are not any better than anyone we are all in the same uh battlefield for this for this uh particular package okay one thousand one hundred and forty then you sell to these packages to new people so what you want to do is that you want to get your cost fast to come back to you that's the type of business that you want to look at it and right here this model we can say yes you can achieve that on top of that you want to have a system that is easy to duplicate that is also in this project this project is easy to duplicate and on top of that you want to be able to have a product that is valuable and worthwhile and with that the answer to that is yes and then most important you must be able to use the system to help other people make good money and if you say yes yes yes this exactly all of these project is a satisfies the needs of these four things that you get your money back fast you make profit 50 of your money with this project rather with this particular education package now we want to look at an easy to make huge earning during this coset the covert crisis now if you only introduce two percent per week okay each buying blockchain package which cost them one thousand 1986.10

we've converted this euro to real australian dollars okay each person purchased the blockchain education over a period of 12 months based on two education package per week that the total of 104 blockchain education package what that means here ladies and gentlemen is that you have a turnover of over 206 554 australian dollars in your business okay and you will have purchased this education uh package with the activation code with 50 one from your one life account so that means in essence that you have an annual income these are taxable income okay of 103 227 per per year or per annum that is i guess for most people uh the average uh labor higher on the market do not even entertain anywhere close to this kind of money with this education package if you spent two to four hours a week to sell this education package you are way ahead of the crowd in that regard on top of this income of this um taxable income you also benefit bonus from the company network as well this is a side effect of what you do in selling this education package let's have a look at a final education package we've got seven levels but i'm just gonna take an inductive with a tycoon which cost you 5780 euro with five levels of education in finance 49 800 token and there's three opportunity to split in this particular package at the beginning you receive the tokens which gives you 117 one coin with the super split that's an additional 352 one coin the second split a further 437 uh one coin and then on a third split a further 875.61 coin and if you add all these together one coins together that gives you a total of 1783 point coin and with that ladies and gentlemen and you multiply that by the value of the coin today that gives you now a total practical usable asset of over 75 661 euro ladies and gentlemen remember physically from your hip pocket it cost you 5780 euro and one the once a mining process and some so forth happens and complete you receive this kind of usable asset on the marketplace today okay now finally you you is where we use this coin that we talked about tonight and we use this coin on the du shaker e-commerce platform like so here what we do on this platform we buy and we sell goods and services and we do that fast easy and safe this young man on your right here uses his one coin to fill his tummy with fruit and veggie because this business behind him here except his one coin likewise in perth down here and in sydney in melbourne darwin here in cairns all accepting one coin in the physical present and then we also have the online e-commerce platform whereby anyone can go to the dualshaker this young man here always allowed to smell nice and so perfume he purchased he goes online and he finds this perfume then he purchased this very coupon here okay he purchased this coupon and then he then sends this coupon to the business owner then the business owner redeems this coupon and then dispatches the product to the buyer in that regard look at him you know he's so happy because he can use his one coin why not ladies and gentlemen migurines rice flour all of these basic commodities that we use in our homes look at that watches gift all accepting all of these businesses accepting one coin there's a block of land here fifty percent one coin and fifty percent cash the jack online platform where this is a promotional platform promoting different products see you can be protected with this free quinza uh radiation with the radiation is around around us all the time and this little device here is a very small device that you can be protected from uh the radiation you can put it on your phone all of your technologies in your house in fact in your car it protects you from radiation we've got phone charges those magnetic swivel type magnetic phone charges you can even change the color of your eye okay right here all promoted on this jack platform all of these different products that is available and promoted on the jack platform now ladies and gentlemen we have a powerful referral system now if you refer your friends your associate and business partners to our financial education package the company will pay you very well for so doing that for example if you are studying at a university level and you invite a friend to come and study with you have have the university paid you any referral fee i understand i spoke to a friend this week and i asked that very same question which she had invited a friend to come along and study with her and said that she had never received any form of compensation from the university with our financial education ladies and gentlemen the company will pay you very well for referring your friends to come and study and to create something powerful on the marketplace so we have a powerful referral system this platform here on tuesday night wednesday night and thursday night on tuesday night as you can see here tonight i come here on this platform every tuesday night 8 30 queensland time whatever your time in your in your state is you have to adjust that to suit your time and i come here to break down this opportunity for anyone that is new and on top of that okay on top of that we also have in canada if you're not able to attend the tuesday night we have a friend in canada brother danilo who also present the very same presentation in a different i guess different personality and that happens at 11 o'clock australian or queensland time again you have to adjust to your time and that is at 8 p.m canada time on wednesday night now on wednesday night also at the moment wednesday night is in training our our educators since the gay pool is helping our new trainer uh to continue to train us on the um the one academy platform but we normally have this on a wednesday night 8 30 p.m the same time and then on

thursday night we talk about the deal shaker we teach about the two shaker for new people and we also teach you strategies okay in the network that you can uphold and use now practical uh tools that for new people this is the platform for you to build your confidence in this project when you're getting involved in something new you need the support and this is your support team along with your network so this in my opinion is the most powerful thing that we have provided for new people ladies and gentlemen you see as i wrap up this presentation look at this young man intensely studying this their case looking carefully what he must do because he wants to get to the top but in order to get to the top you must take the first okay the very very first step that's what this young man is looking at at doing observing where he should there's a little bit of reluctancy here with this young man like all of us when we are looking at something new there's always some reservation two years ago when i got involved with this project i was exactly in the same position it is that very first dip that is required to make the difference even a journey of a thousand kilometers ladies and gentlemen all begins with the first step and i invite you i invite you tonight to really really seriously look at taking the first step i promise you the second step will become easier the third step all the way i'm not on the top as yet but i would consider myself maybe up to the five or six thick levels at this point to allow me enough information to help you on the market place my understanding of this project so with that ladies and gentlemen i do appreciate your attendance here tonight i'm just clear that uh share and invite you to really look at this project there's only three type of people that that visit me every week number one type of person is that the covert this project have a perfect fit for you and if that is you i want to thank you for coming and i invite you to go back to your friend and let them know that you are a number one so that they can help you through and thank them for allowing you this opportunity number two type of person is the information is not complete and you want more details and if that if that's you that is perfectly okay again go back to the person that invited you to come and they will give you all the information you need and thank them for the opportunity as well and then the number three type of person is that this opportunity as good as it is you may be a little reluctant to move forward and if that is you i want to personally thank you for tuning in from our facebook uh live and uh and just taking the opportunity to look maybe later things will change for you and you hopefully you will remember this opportunity and if that is you i ever i always offer a free copy of my book for anyone that is a number three that will allow you to learn about what number one and number two understand and uh and if that's you let me know send me a message and i'll send you a copy of my book with that ladies and gentlemen that's me for tonight and i want to thank you all for coming in on our facebook live our zoom community for being here together with each other thank you ladies and gentlemen i'm going to hand the time over to our uh to our lovely mc sister gay pool all the way down there in melbourne i'm new to yourself please sister thank you tama thank you for that great presentation thank you all right i think we're going to um hand it over to tan now to maybe give us some updates and uh see what's happening there tan all right so we will hand it over to town zone wow thank you thank you so much our uh sister gay uh for the amazing uh housekeeping and introduction um to supporting our brother tama thank you so much sister uh also great thanks to our brother tama our state manager all the way in whanau queensland wow amazing yeah somewhere nice and warm over there you can see him the way he dressed the way how he enjoyed the weather over there it's not fair i'm so cold over here [Laughter] thank you so much brother thank you so much but we never call with that you know when we are here together we feel so warm the whole families is here that is the warm feeling so ladies and gentlemen you are here today uh you actually follow uh the the whole presentation you know what is the new trend is coming the revolution uh the changing of how the way um people gonna use their money or or the way how people making payment and so on you see the government also have changed to adopt the new way of payment coming very soon and what the reason why they have to do that so our brother do a very very excellent work did i show you everything of that you got the ideas now right yes and then next to that he show you what is our one life business what the opportunity for you to tuning and ride the wife together ladies and gentlemen and yes i guess a lot of us we still hustling because of what the revolution is coming right something a big change people not really really um see it yet because it's not really there yet and sometimes people are hesitant because it's so new it's brand new but ladies and gentlemen when we talk about revolution especially the payment revolution it is something big right it's something that people might saying that oh it might take a lot of time to come in it's not there yet we still wait let's see when it's come we just follow it yes no problem at all you can sit wait but the opportunity is not there for you when things are already arrived right people are always as a follower instead of you are ahead of the game and yes children and young generation they need to know all this they need to prepare all this if you are the range of maybe 50 60 years old or above you might think oh this is not for you anymore is too old for that no it's never too old but if you are that sort of ranch i know that you might have children or you might have you know um your your your child uh your your grand daughter grandson or something like that you know so you need to support them you need to get them to come and learn get the knowledge prepare themselves ladies and gentlemen prepare themselves they get the right knowledge when school is coming they teaching this sort of subject like blockchain cryptocurrency with something they actually dare and and get the knowledge before all their friends so they are ahead of the game ladies and gentlemen or even if they have job now get them to be involved and learn all this because all this we're gonna helping them to be the leader in their workplace imagine maybe six months later or a year later all the boss all the the the business owner they trying to select someone know about cryptocurrency someone that know about blockchain to become a manager and managing their company or managing the team and then your children put your hand up or they put their hand up they say oh i learned this from one life i learned this from one academy show my mom and dad they have the package they let me study i learn all this i got this knowledge here the certificate and so on wow this is the big help ladies and gentlemen this is the big hill right but ladies and gentlemen we all talking about business right beside that is the business and of course business you want to make money and i'm surely that our brother thomas show you very clear message in one of the slides when you do business you want to make money right and how you can make money in those slides already you can go back and watch it right but people always seem to be you know i like the way how i am right now i just want to wake up nine o'clock go to the street to work and then five o'clock coming back and then sit back relax and then repeat that day after days right and yes nothing wrong with that ladies and gentlemen nothing wrong with that all this is how we've been trained our life to be and yes of course when we were young ladies and gentlemen that's how we've been trained to be the best student study hard learn everything the teacher teach you in school the best become the best student why because you need that certificate a graded so you can apply for the best job you can go and look for the job after you study that's how the system has been training us and what happened when you have a job you have to work tireless timelessly for the money it's like you selling your health for the money ladies and gentlemen what happened if you're sick you can't go work you don't get paid what happened if just like now covered 19 you can't go work you just have a you lucky if you're in australia you have the government assist you you have government assistance talking about in vietnam ladies and gentlemen discovered 90 no one help you you have to survive yourself in different country no one helped you government can't help you you have to survive yourself even the job that lose is no more job there available for you what happened ladies and gentlemen what happened if you are sick you can't go work anymore it's a lot of things factor into it right and then after the life of maybe 20 years 30 years at work what what happened ladies and gentlemen when you retire right most of the people working as the job i know sorry this is my my max someone upset why make someone sad and upset and they won't want to hearing this but this is reality right a lot of us retire broke ladies and gentlemen we will tie with just a little bit of money left over this can mean maybe survive from a few months or a few years after retire and what happened all the money gone you can see empty pockets here is the empty pocket ladies and gentlemen that is the live circle and if we don't accept change every revolution yes is something new and something new we need to learn and adapt that into the system and changing ourselves otherwise we come back to this system study looking for a job work for the boss build well for the boss and then we tie broke retire with not much money left but most of us when we get all what come to us more sickness ladies and gentlemen when sickness is coming they need money and when they need money you don't have job what happened crazy right when we think this is reality because day after day we never think of this but when you're thinking of this this is reality yes of course young you also seek you know but most of the worst sickness is happen when you get old and when you get old you don't go work you don't have income that is the worst time we're not talking about only australia but global some other country have no government security no government support this is hurt this is why people need to take business and yes while this coveted 19 ladies and gentlemen when i bother doing a a this presentation i'm quickly going through my account snapshot a few of them you know last week is also copied 19. a lot of people losing their job they complain i can't log into their account they can't use the coin and that this is some of our account here i just take snapshot quickly a few a few slides you might see me busy doing things when uh my brother do the presentation this is based on maybe nine eight or nine accounts that i i just uh able to find them okay i have plenty more but based on this account i add them all up two thousand one hundred forty yet seven euro ladies and gentlemen this is the income based on a few of these accounts last week this is the power of leverage the power of building your business when people are sitting there don't prepare to learn don't prepare to change and so on you have to work to earning something like this as a traditional work labor worker you have to work day from from nine to five right and if you are just a normal worker work out of the sun hot weather or cold weather the average wages in australia is about twenty dollars an hour right twenty dollars an hour you time for forty hours how much eight hundred dollars a week but you have to work at least 40 hours ladies and gentlemen during the sun or or the cold weather whatever the hard work out there have to be physically work and this is euro you have to remember this this is euro and this is only based on a few accounts if people know me i have a lot of accounts right this is not to show off or anything but this is reality i want to prove it if we know how to leverage and build a business where right now i can say oh i don't work anymore i want to be retired but i know that my team is keep rolling and working and this this is what we need instead of we waiting for and doing the way how our life circle is wait for retire and waiting for the government support and so on no what if one day the government changing their law and they're not support anymore what happened crazy right when you're thinking of that it's become very crazy especially any other country ladies and gentlemen we don't have government support you all have family back home right you're lucky you're here in australia but you still have family back home most of us live in australia we are migrated not a lot of people even you are born in australia you still have your relative in different country because australia is the migrated country a lot of people come here they migrate or their ancestors migrate from different countries to be here we have a relative somewhere in a second country like me i have relative in vietnam i'm pretty sure i brought a tamar had relative in the islands cook islands yes so why not leverage this business and build something for your relative back home you can see the big opportunity is here build up for them i build many accounts for my relative in vietnam instead i'll give them money i give them the business instead you give them a fish they eat and they finish let's give them a fishing rod teach them how to do business ladies and gentlemen and i for sure i'm not going to give my my kid to next generation money i give them the business i give them the account here this is your account go and do it view yourself and this is the best opportunity this is why i'm so humbly everyday about this business because something that you can give us away to your next generation to look after them we know that one day we are retired we retire in the way that we are happy it's real financial freedom you can live anywhere in this world without any worry because your finance is being looked after by this amazing business ladies and gentlemen so that's it for me thank you very much if you are tuning into any video watching this video contact the person who sent you the link ladies and gentlemen or if you happily uh luckily cindy somewhere you've got nowhere to contact put a comment one of our leaders who are gonna come and talk to you or they will reply to your comments and they will helping you out but take action at least take real action now ladies and gentlemen covet 19 is the best best opportunity for you to changing life leverage this amazing business so once again thank you so much i think i'll pass it back to our sister gay or brother tamar to do his final bit and then we close this this meeting so thank to all the leader who tuning in here thanks sister gay brother tama sister airlines and anyone else thank you so much have a great night thank you thank you tan thank you for that um have you got anything that you want to finish off with uh tamar at all um yeah i just want to thank everyone again for coming in tonight uh it was an awesome night and uh maybe we can wrap it all up by a word of prayer i will say that closing prayer for us and uh we will see everyone again next tuesday same time same place and we look forward to meeting everyone and new people that will join us so if that's okay i will close us in the word of prayer our father in heaven we bow our head at the end of this presentation we are indeed grateful for the knowledge and information that have been passed throughout this presentation and for those of our friends that are new that are learning this opportunity we pray thy blessings to be upon them that their mind will be clear and that they will be active in following through the information we invite thy spirit to continue to be with us as we return to our loved ones and that we might be able to rest in peace throughout the night and renew our health to a brand new day tomorrow indeed we are grateful for the fresh air that we breathe both without this fresh air that we are not able to be here and this is our humble prayer we offer unto thee and do this in the name of jesus christ amen thank you ladies and gentlemen we will see you all next tuesday night thank you gay [Music] beautiful thank you thank you everyone thank you good night see you all good night

2021-06-17 17:33

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