OHIO Gateway Day College of Business Academic Session

OHIO Gateway Day College of Business Academic Session

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welcome to ohio gateway day i'm jackie resulmer dean of ohio university's college of business congratulations on your acceptance into our selective college the college of business is known as one of the nation's best choices for business education that's why we're consistently ranked as one of the best public undergraduate programs in the country i know you've got a big decision ahead of you and there are several factors you're considering as you decide where to study for the next several years but as a new member of the bobcat family i can tell you there are many reasons why you should study business in athens one of the reasons we will be your best decision is our dedicated faculty they will be your biggest advocates and cheerleaders during your time as a student and beyond while you are here they take an interest in your professional goals and help connect you with internships and career planning opportunities they will introduce you to industry professionals and college of business alumni in your field who want to hire business bobcats when you land that first job or get accepted into graduate school our faculty are celebrating along with you they take great pride in seeing students succeed and fulfill their dreams another reason the college of business will be your best decision is that all the opportunities that are available to you are here with 12 majors 5 minors and 12 certificates we have developed programs that allow you to personalize your learning and become immersed in several disciplines from management to mis accounting to analytics economics to entrepreneurship as well as marketing finance and sports management we offer programs to meet your interests and help you broaden your skills our rigorous curriculum is designed to equip you with the knowledge to make an impact during your time here and once you start your career our centers of excellence such as the shea sail center and the walter center for strategic leadership provide hands-on experiences to complement your coursework we also offer international opportunities including consulting programs that allow you to solve complex business problems for international clients these experiences will set you apart as you start your career i am confident in your ability to succeed here our career and student success center has a team of advisors and career coaches who are dedicated to connecting you to tools and resources to make your time in college meaningful i am happy to welcome you to the college of business your home for the next four years i hope you are ready to get started and make the college part of your life forever see you in the fall next you will be hearing from dr strode the chair of the sports administration department justin kelly one of our college of business student ambassadors will be asking dr strode how students can make the most of their time here hello i'm justin kelly and i'm a member of the college of business student ambassadors i would like to introduce you to dr jim strode associate professor and chair of the sports administration department justin it's a pleasure to join you today dr strode i know our future students and their parents are interested in learning more about the college of business programs i'm currently a finance accounting business pre-law and marketing student for our students who are undecided about their area of study can you tell them more about the majors that are available in the college of business absolutely justin and i think i counted four majors there um there's no doubt that you know you're an exceptional student here and we have so many exceptional students that choose one of our 12 majors that we have in the college of business anything ranging from international business strategic management leadership finance accounting marketing sport management we have something for everybody here in the college of business we've got five minors as well as 12 certificate programs and a lot of times students don't necessarily understand what a certificate program is but a certificate program really incorporates courses from a lot of different disciplines so for example we have one in consumer research we have one in sales we have one in esports so there really is something for everybody here in athens yeah dr trude you know i really i'm really with you on that that's something that i have been able to take advantage of been able to mix and match majors and i know many students as well that take advantage and pick up minors to get more specialized in their interests one of the other things i also really appreciate about my my first year ohio university is that my classmates and i could take business courses right away can you share a little bit about what those first-year courses look like for students oh absolutely so you know we are we're at that sweet spot we're just the right size uh for a university and we definitely put a lot of effort and time into making sure that our students are in small classroom sizes and we we make sure that we have a lot of high touch points with our students with our faculty members early on and throughout their entire career here at ou the first thing that students will be focusing on will be taking our copeland core and our copeland core is a collection of general business courses that students will take to sort of set the foundation for them and also make sure that business is the right major for them we also have a series of other career building classes that are critically important for student success we don't think that it's too early to start building your resume building your cover letter working on your interviewing skills as an 18 year old freshman coming into to campus we also have learning communities where students are paired up with a faculty member in their chosen disciplined and don't worry if you are undecided we will put you in a group of students that are also undecided so you can all collectively figure out what what path you so choose to take here at ohio university but our learning communities are really a way for our students to connect you're paired up with a faculty member and an upperclassman student in the college of business to really help you navigate your time as a first year student here at ou you have an ally you have a resource you have a friend so in our learning communities we're really focused on trying to build that collectiveness that is so special about the college of business yeah dr strode my experience with the copeland corps was very beneficial it's somebody you can go to somebody you can speak to as well as you're with 25 other friends coming in that first year that's something somebody you can go to lunch with somebody you can get dinner with somebody can work on homework with because you are in the same classes together so that was something that for me that was very awesome and very and very cool to experience you know additionally i work closely with my advisor in the career and student success center to plan my schedule know which course i'm supposed to take each semester what are some of the other reasons a student might want to connect with their advisor our academic advising staff is absolutely amazing and no doubt when you are in the copeland core you're going to learn how to build your road map for your academic career and your academic advising staff is going to be able to help you and support you along the way they're going to help you with some of those difficult things that may trip you up early like adding classes dropping classes finding a substitute for a class they're also very knowledgeable about all of the majors minors and certificates in the college so if there's something that you might be missing if you've got some extra elective credit here or there that you could help build towards something that you could also level up your skills and put on your resume they're there to help you yeah doctor i really think you hit the point on the head i remember going to my academic advisors and saying hey i really need some help picking classes i understood what is my global perspective going to be so in addition to those university-wide opportunities like study abroad one of the things i had to do what kind of business specific opportunities would you encourage students to consider to meet the global perspective requirement we have two outstanding programs here that connect our students with international business the first is our global consulting program or we call it gcp and what we do here is we provide an opportunity for our students to do a consulting project with large corporations internationally so we have gcps located in france in italy in germany in greece and our students get academic credit to go out to europe and work with our clients our partners as well as earn internship credit for those we also have the ohio international consulting program or oicp and if you want that international experience but don't want to leave athens ohio we have this program specifically for you this is an opportunity to be able to still virtually meet with international clients and we actually have one of our our partners sajety out of brazil who spends their summer here in athens ohio so you get to work with sagetti and other partners to be able to also do a live consulting project that counts for your internship that's great one of the ways i actually felt my global perspective credit was doing the global consulting program i was lucky enough to go to thessaloniki greece actually the summer after my freshman year which is an experience not a lot of my peers had and some of that was really awesome towards my experience and i know you had mentioned as well that you do get the internship credit through the global consulting program but i also understand that every student in the cob has to have an internship or an experiential learning requirement before they graduate so how does the college help students find those opportunities that's a great question as you know that we are passionate about making sure that our students leave not only with the academic credentials but also some real world internship and work experience and we have a dedicated career staff that will help our students along the way from the first class that you take in the copeland core to the last class you take in terms of capstone our staff and our faculty are going to be working hard to be able to connect you with those real world industry experiences over one-third of our students do more than one internship we know it's a requirement but we also know that bobcats go the extra mile yeah i've been lucky enough to where i actually did two professional internships here through the college of business and i actually got those through career fairs as well which is really awesome one in san francisco and then one in chicago so with that you know i'm really trying to understand my internships help me decide what career i want you know what kind of career advising should i expect through the college you know our students have a dedicated career coach that will be helping them navigate not only their internships but also their careers but we have tons of opportunities here on campus where over 300 companies come back here to athens ohio to participate in a variety of our career fairs we have business career fairs we have sport career fairs we have specific discipline career fairs that give our students an opportunity to get out in front of the the business world as well as the sport world to be able to get gainful employment yeah that you know those career fairs and then going the college really does a nice job of preparing students to get ready for those career fairs speaking to the professionals getting an understanding of what they're looking for and what they're looking for in students to their experience you know our career staff and our faculty also help our students with cover letters with resumes we have a 90 placement of three months out after graduation of students either getting gainful employment or going on to graduate school and the average income of college of business students is over fifty thousand dollars a year and we're really proud and excited about those outcomes we have a number of businesses that come down to athens to specifically recruit our bobcats including jpmorgan chase pnc and many many others yeah i've had a really awesome experience going to the career fairs working with the career coaches and just getting an understanding of what employers are looking for you know employers really do want to see that you're making the most of your time here at ohio university so what advice dr strode would you offer to students who want to make the most of their time as business bobcats the biggest piece of advice i can give to incoming students is to get involved from day one we like to tell our students that we would like to see them get involved in a business organization a business student organization as well as something that is leisure something that is fun on campus so we've got a ton of opportunities for students to be able to get involved and start to make those meaningful connections not only with their classmates but also with the wonderful industry connections that we can bring to campus i would also highly encourage you to get to know your instructors get to know your faculty members we have a nice balance of faculty members that have industry connections who have worked in the corporate business or sport world coupled with those that are some of the leading researchers in their field in the world so get to know them open door policy around campus our faculty work tirelessly to make sure that our student experience is fantastic yeah doctor i think you really hit a really big point there with the faculty members i cannot tell you how genuine the faculty here at ohio university are how many times i've just stopped into the office to say hi to some of my professors how many times i've gotten lunch with them to talk about some career opportunities and some of them are the first people i call when i have some big life decisions to make so the faculty are really genuine and i think they will encourage you also to get involved in a variety of student organizations and like you had mentioned that students should get involved in variety through selective programs can you talk more about some of those options absolutely we have many selective student organizations in the college of business including four in accounting and finance two in leadership one in sales and of course our copeland scholars honors program we also have a number of business fraternities for our students to participate in as well as many other organizations and you know what if there's not an organization for you and you have an idea and you want to start your own organization just find a faculty member as an advisor and we'll get that started for you yeah i've been lucky enough to where i actually joined a variety of student organizations both inside and outside the college of business i joined the shea when i came in as a freshman i joined student senate and i just really wanted to get involved not only in the college but also around campus and i also know that one of the one of the areas on campus that the college of business helps with a little bit is the co-lab and i know it's the center of entrepreneurship and i know the college of business has several centers of excellence that connect students to those industry opportunities and provide real-world projects that help them gain even more experience during their time at ohio that employers love hearing about can you talk more about the experience students will have through those centers of excellence absolutely justin you mentioned that your involvement in the ralph and lucy shea sail center is one of those meaningful experiences for you and we're tremendously proud of that center of excellence so for those students that are wondering what a center is it is an extension of the classroom it is extension of the academic offering that we have and our centers try to level up what you're getting in the classroom by providing additional leadership opportunities travel opportunities and additional funding for you to be able to do all those really neat things that we we love to make sure our students have the opportunity to do so in the shea sail center one of the outstanding things that that happens in that center is that the amount of training that our students get in the world of sales allows them to hit the ground running when they get uh get that first job they sometimes come in with more sales experience than people that are not just fresh out of college right so there are so many opportunities for students to be able to get those meaningful skills in our centers we have the walter center for strategic leadership which is also one of our centers of excellence which provides leadership training we have the ae com center for sports administration which provides case competitions for our students as well as other opportunities for our students to be able to do live consulting projects with real world sport organizations around the country and around the world and we're again really proud of the fact that we have so many centers of excellence here in the college of business to support the academic mission yeah dr schroeder i really feel like those centers really add to the culture here in the college and now can you speak more like what is the overall cultural like in the college of business college is a time to be able to explore what you want to be when you grow up but also to take some chances and take some risks so one of the wonderful things about our college is that in the classroom in our student organizations and all of the activities that are a part of the college of business we are really strong on making sure that our students are put in a position to be able to take chances take risks and be able to figure out and explore ultimately what they want to be for example one of the hallmark experiences students get is in our integrated business cluster where as a sophomore students take a handful of courses in business disciplines and work with a live client again i want to emphasize this happens when you're a sophomore so we want to make sure that the culminating experience is not necessarily your senior year but we train you early and we allow you to take those risks that are so important to being successful in the business world early on in your career there are so many opportunities for you to be able to travel whether it's in the state of ohio around the united states or around the world so if you want to take a chance and take that internship in california or new york or go study abroad we have programs for you and one of the wonderful things about our curriculum is that it gives our students the flexibility to be able to pick multiple majors minors and certificates something i already talked about before but i just want to emphasize that point once again because so many of our students will come out of the college of business multi-faceted they will have the marketing skills paired with analytics and maybe some finance they'll have a basis in sales as well as experience in strategic leadership in management heck we've got sport management as one of the programs in the college of business which is traditionally ranked as the number one program in the world and you can pair that up with other business functions and really set the industry on fire yeah the culture here in the college of business is something that i have never before experienced in my life and it's something that anywhere i go i hope the culture emulates you know dr strode thank you for your time today is there anything else you would like to cover that i haven't asked you yes i do want to talk about our phenomenal faculty we have so many amazing faculty who as i mentioned before can connect our students to the industry who are dynamic in the classroom who are engaging and again really embody the culture of the college of business that we talked about a little bit before another thing that i think is is really special is when i go walk around a career fair or interact with students in or outside the classroom our students may not necessarily be job ready coming out of the gates as a freshman but they are polished and they start to really shape into strong professionals very early on in their career i mentioned cluster i think cluster is a part of that all of our student organizations all of our experiential learning all of our opportunities help shape students so when i see them as freshmen and then i see them as seniors it's amazing the transformation that goes on with our students and i'd be remiss if i didn't talk about the fact that there is something in the water here in athens ohio that brings our alumni back there's a strong affinity for for business bobcats who want to not only come back and visit athens but give back give back their time connect with our students we use the phrase ohio family a lot and what ohio family really is is that bobcats look out for bobcats so when it comes time for you to take that next step after college odds are there's going to be a handful of bobcats that are going to have your back thank you dr strode so much for your time today next we'll be kelly thacks and another one of our student ambassadors hi my name is kelly thaxton and i am a senior within the college of business so my areas of study i'm actually a triple major in management information systems data analytics and marketing i've enjoyed all three majors and they kind of come with this dorky love of marketing and technology and people so i think the triple major was the best route for me i heard about ohio university um actually through my mom i'm a first generation college student so the college process in search for me was so stressful however my mom was just kind of flipping through a magazine one day and and saw ohio university on this list and said you know what i think you should visit there and i was like ah okay like i was a high school senior and then i showed up at ohio university and it was just the most beautiful place i ever could have imagined honestly it was a feeling of home right from stepping on campus that i will never forget i decided to attend ohio university not just because of the beautiful campus but because it was the only place that i felt like the faculty really really cared about me as a high school student i remember a professor during an interview that i had for a program i'm part of gave me his email and said even if you don't go here even if you choose a different college please know i am always here send me an email i would love to continue talking and that was the type of faculty interaction and care that i didn't see anywhere else so immediately ohio university just became home i am part of a couple different student organizations so i was president of information systems and analytics professionals here on campus which is the student organization dedicated to helping information systems majors and analytics majors find their path additionally i was president of copeland scholars and a vice president in the ralph and lucy shea sail center here on campus so i've been incredibly involved but you know every student here in the college of business and at ohio university is super supportive of high involvement so every step of the way i felt totally happy my favorite place on campus is actually a specific spot when you're you know walking down court street so it's actually the spot right across from copeland where you're standing by the traffic light which i know that seems incredibly silly but it is this part of campus where you're standing there and you see the college of business which is where i've made my home for the past four years but you also see like the really beautiful hills of athens and then you also see down court street where you know the heart of athens is and where so many people go to eat and have fun so that's my favorite spot on campus it's just something that i feel like encompasses what ohio university has been for me you know the the nature of it and the environment and the people i love that spot my experience with copeland courses has been absolutely incredible and my learning community one i can't speak highly enough about you know my students my fellow students in my learning community they were all so kind and so high achieving and so wonderful and always made me feel welcome and happy like it's so nice to walk into a class and see a friendly face smiling at you and sitting next to them and saying you know let's get this done let's do this class additionally all the faculty in the copeland core and all the faculty in the college of business are absolutely wonderful i actually had a professor in my va 1100 course which is intro to business his name was dr brown and he is somebody that i frequently talk to beyond freshman year when i actually got my full-time job offer he was one of the first faculty members to reach out to me and say congratulations and that was four years later so i think that really speaks to you know how much the faculty care here so my experience working with the advisors and the career coaches in the college of business has been absolutely wonderful when i actually work with them in the office i am a peer consultant with the college of business so i work directly with them but even you know before i worked in the office you could tell that the advisors knew you and they wanted to help you endlessly i walked into chris washco one of the advisors offices my sophomore year and was like i don't wanna i don't know what to do with my life what what do i do what is college and he was so incredibly helpful in making me feel calm and talking me through you know what my passions were and how he could help me and again he was someone that throughout my four years was constantly checking in and constantly supporting me which is something you just don't get other places one professor that i particularly think that does an excellent job of supporting students is dr vic mata he is a professor of analytics in the college of business and dr vikmata is one of those professors that is fun and lively in class he is so fun especially talking about analytics he is so fun to listen to because he gets so excited and passionate but additionally he is somebody that cares about his students he will pick a student out of a crowd at a career fair that he's had in class and say hey how can i help you i know some alumni and he will walk up with you to a career fair booth and say hi this is so and so i think they're a fantastic student i'd really like us to start a conversation between you two so post-graduation i actually already have a job lined up and i've had a job lined up since august of this year so really before class has even started for my senior year i will be working with whirlpool corporation as a sales execution representative and hopefully work in sales operations there in my future career so i'm moving up to michigan which is very exciting and you know having that full-time job offer is definitely in part due to the wonderful faculty here at ohio university a lot of them have connections to whirlpool corporation and so many other amazing places to work and we'll help you get a job and we'll make recommendations if i were to give any other advice to potential incoming freshmen or incoming freshmen for ohio university college of business i would say that you are about to start a humongous journey for four years and you're gonna have to find yourself and you're gonna have successes and you're gonna make mistakes but it'll be okay ohio university college of business is a place that you will find support and you will find family and they are always going to be there to to pick you up and cheer you on so good luck in your four years and i can't wait to see what successes you have

2021-02-28 23:44

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