offline. الديتوكس الرقمي

offline. الديتوكس الرقمي

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Go. Offline. Nazi. I dare, you to go up line half, a day. Hi. So I've been putting this off for, at. Least a week now and that. Made me realize how addicted. I am to the Internet, I'm like I'm really excited to do this but at the same time I'm like well, what about thought I have to finish this first ever do that first so yeah. Especially, now because everything. Is online there's, so many courses online that are like on sale or. Whatever. So. I have came to this conclusion I, was looking to be using my devices so I'm still gonna use my computer, and I'm. Still going to be using, my phone, it's just both of them are gonna be offline, except. Except, for they online yoga class that I'm taking right now. I broke, my carrots so now I'm using, a mason jar actually. Working because I, have a fabric, filter try vegan yogurt with, warm, oatmeal such. A good combination I. Just. Realized that I don't have music, downloaded. Enough so, that's, I'm gonna that's, what I'm going to be doing right now just, do that first and then we'll. Meditate read go to sleep. Okay, so I didn't finish nearly, as much as I wanted to do and today I was supposed to finish my emails, track. My package, so it doesn't get here in the next three days and then I missed it. And a, bunch other stuff but. I can. Do, all of these things after, three days he'll take us more. Right. Now we're about to have family, brunch but, I got hungry so I'm gonna snack on this date. Bread. Okay. So here's the thing I don't. Get bored and I. Always, feel like I don't have the time to do all the things that I want to do so. I wanted to take the internet out of the equation in, hopes of being. More intentional with. My time and energy um, sorry, I'm gonna do some food photographer, the book I changed, because never. Cooking white before. I go cook I'm going. To take, out my winter clothes because. I just can't handle my, closet right now it's not like you have a bunch of clothes anyways. That. Took like five minutes, I'm. Just gonna clean up this mess and, then I'm gonna go work. Out and then a tenday of a class so, far I. Feel. So, good I finished a lot of things, that I want to do for months, some of them a couple of days but some for months they took me like 10 minutes I like why, would something that would take ten minutes to get done, take. Me months to do I remember one of the books that are right I think it's the, pursuit pursuit. Of happiness, or something she had a rule that, if it takes less than a minute or five minutes to do she, has to do it now, and I've been trying to implement that and I have been spurred. Certain, death, certain degree and it's, so liberating so, yeah now I'm gonna work out yeah, I've been dreading starting. To work out at home until like I, accepted. The reality, that it's gonna be a while until until.

Gyms Reopen. I know I sound like a, total. Douche bag right now okay. I am procrastinating. Let me go work out. I'm, your robot. Not. A good car robot did you pursue that to the left. To. Cuba. Cameraman. You. Need a punching, bag. Everyone. Do, your. Walk I look. Like. Mmm. The greatest, balanced, camera, not. You. Know you're actually sure, you owe. Smart. Either. No. Thank you that, was a wonderful class what's. That have a breath, work session, in an hour at giving breath, work a try I have, very. Mixed thoughts about, it but, so far the first day is great. And, I'm like being so social, so productive and, my mind is. Focused. And alert but, not scattered. And all over the place all, right shower, time. So, it's Saturday is the end of the week here in Saudi so I'm just gonna go. Back and review, the week roughly, and then, plan. For the next few days see what I didn't accomplish this week and move it to the next week. She's. A comfortable, position. Like. I've been reading, for the last two. Hours, on. Something and there's. A segment where it talked about how using. Social media a lot. Causes. Depression and, anxiety and, I've seen, a lot of studies before but. This book was a good reminder all, right no I'm just gonna stretch, for a little bit. I've. Been reading all morning. And writing. And it's so, nice, while, reading this book, he. Was like talking about like experiences. Make. Us happier, than like buying. Tangible. Things and. Right. At that moment and. Memory popped, in my head and, that was when I was hiking, or, camping in Colorado, and I saw a moose for the first time ever it, was huge, and, it was, very. Grounded. I've always watched it as a kid in. Cartoons, and never. Seen one in real life, I never. Thought. As a kid that it's possible to see one in real life because I don't know I used, to see it a lot in life and, still. A bear if you've ever seen not and that's, it now I'm gonna go to the kitchen, make. Some recipes, and photograph, them for the book. Let's. Finish photographing. One, of the recipes, yeah, it took me a, lot. Longer than I thought for such, a soup for a simple recipe but I'm, really happy with their results, so. That's. On. By the way guys if you, watched my last video. This. Is still, organized, and, I'm so happy about that I've. Been making sure whatever, lands, and you should be proud whatever. I use I put it back immediately. Uh-huh. Milk, is really about their yeah.

I'll, Show you guys I. Just. Made these to scrub, bars so. I wanted to work out today but. I think there's gonna be time because. Taking photos. The. Recipe took a lot longer than I expected, I'm gonna go throw these in the compost, and then I'll, write some recipes, and I need to show you guys look, how. Beautiful. And there's, another one. After. The meditation I laid, down to. Supposedly. Do shove off set up within minutes and, then service on has lost posing, yoga where you just lay down but, sometimes you can do it at the beginning if you're like you're just want to reassess right over there so. I, did and. I, fall asleep for more than an hour and here's. A tip for you guys if you're stressed. Or, not, even stressed like if you just want to like deep, relaxation. Lay. Down on the flat, surface. Like. The floor and then place, a heavy something heavy on your. Upper thighs, so. I place these. Blankets. They're, quite happy on. My upper, thighs and then one blanket, under my head and I fell, asleep always. Like very deep. Sleep, do. This and let me know how it works and I remember. I saw somewhere people. With anxiety feel, very comforted, when they put something heavy on their chest. I grabbed. My current, journal and. I grabbed a, couple of old journals, used to love this one so much I don't remember where I got it from yeah I get a little about, my journals where I got them from and honestly, like I usually get them when I'm traveling and, she, usually from like small boutiques, that don't have an online store yeah. I'm gonna have breakfast, a, weird. Quirk. I'm almost done with that it's, a really it's. A happy read yeah it's a light happy. Read so I really recommend it. I. Don't. Know why there's a lot of resistance, towards. Reading my journals, I've been putting it off for, a. Very long time and then I thought like going offline would. Would. Give. Me the time to do that but. Today is the last day and I haven't read a single, journal, yet so. I will do that now. This, one is from. 2050. And okay, I think this one's gonna be dark now. I know that why there is a lot of a lot, of resistance this journal. Was when, I first moved back to Saudi and, I. Was I remember those days I was so stressed, like. With the definition. Of uncertainty. Now. I'm gonna give this one a bath some. Plants I just take them to the shower and shower them because, plants, do get so dusty here and plants. Don't like dust, okay so the first journalist, hard reading was. During one of the worst periods. Of my time or like the most difficult and run of things I wrote was like it's. Really hard to be nice right now but, being. Mean just makes me feel worse something. Like a knot and. I was it was a bit difficult to read it so I noticed. Myself distract, myself with, other, tasks. Like I, took. Care of my plans and, now I'm gonna work out I don't know I'm just like in a fantastic, mood right now and I, don't feel like reading I've, been reading all morning so I just want to move right now and do something active. And. We're not gonna fun you're just filming the mutts I just. Finished working out finished. My yoga class no. I'm so hungry so I'm gonna shower quick and then go eat it today's the last day. It's. My offline, series. And I didn't do like nearly, as many of the things that I wanted to do actually, like three things are left I wanted, to read all my journals, which I am like working on and I, wanted to paint that's, a bit ambitious let me show you guys so. For my 24th, birthday, my. Sister's, got me, this. Canvas. That's. Pretty big I'm. 26. Right now I didn't. Use the smaller one an 18 at this it's. Not the greatest thing but I'm kind of proud of this like white. Touch okay, Charlotte time because I'm really hungry I think I'm gonna spend spend. This time outside. Until, like it. Gets dark. Okay. So last, night of. Offline. Days, I was, afraid this might happen it kind of happened I was, afraid that I'm gonna spend the whole time just, reading, this. Book is a lot better than I expected. And really another book, but. It was kind, of not good and I have this habit of like I have to finish whatever, I start, but. I'm thinking. About like letting that, believe. Her habit. Go I don't like because like some books I read and at the beginning they were like so bad but then towards the middle they got, really good but.

At The same time like one of my friends told me like why waste time. And energy on it by the book when there's a lot of other like good books out there okay. So I'm still on this journal. When things were very, rough, things, aren't getting better by. The way here, I wrote. And. Maybe things will turn out in a way that never crossed my mind, this was before I even started, my blog let. Alone like this YouTube channel and, I. Didn't. Even know what a youtuber, was at, the time so. That. Did. Happen I was writing about certain. Things that I really want my life or things, that I really want to change, and. They, did it's. A very good way to like, oh. My, god you don't, like I I cannot. Believe, this I think I'm gonna make an entire video if, me, reading my old journals, and sharing. What I can share this, page i titled, it dream. Job and then. Number, one I was, like saying that the idea of starting a healthy like, a health lifestyle. Vlog would. Not leave my head and that. Was like James. Ombre, one the, number two was into interior, designer I want. To major in interior design by, the way but. I couldn't for, many reasons I just, like wrote one line and then back, to number one what it will include better, than that and then I oh. Man. I, can't, believe it then can help me with the videos. Maybe. She wants ten it's. Already 8:30, time. Went by so, fast, it. Only finished, one. Winter. And all but I knew this one is bigger, than my face decided. To organize. All my, journals. By, date because, after reading one. Of them I realized, that it would be weird, and, I, just I realized that I want to read. What happened - or even that is my life so let's go in I spend my time doing. Okay. So the last couple of days I felt, fulfilled. I felt, like I had more time energy. And focus, and it. Slips again just because I'm offline it's crazy. But, since, it's not realistic to be offline for the rest of my life like, it's turday in the garden I wrote, down a, plan, that, I want to implement moving, forward and I really, do miss the internet, especially YouTube, and, he was my friends, so when. I decided on number. One is to have. The. Pork or uninterrupted, creative. Time so, for like two hours I, will keep my phone outside, the place that I'm working in if, possible, or turning it off and the book that I read in Luke up I'm.

Almost Done with it by the way highly. Recommend, it's a very light cafeteria. I. Really, put me in a really good mood so maybe it's not me just because I was offline, maybe the book had an effect, on my mood because, it's very. Feeling. Good, so in the book he was talking about a couple, of major companies, that implement it well, other company, and his company, they every like each one of them did, it differently but you can do it whatever suits your lifestyle, or you work for. Me two hours of uninterrupted time. Like, no phone calls and for, the companies like no meetings, nobody. Talks to each other you just focus, on whatever you want to work on the other thing that I want to do is to turn my Wi-Fi off, from, my laptop before, I go to bed because, lately. I've. Been spending at least like two hours checking. Twitter and my emails and that's the other thing that I decided on is to finish a nagging task or something that I want to do or whatever before. Turning my Wi-Fi on so for example today there's, like a minor. Issue in my bathroom, and it, did happen before, and I knew exactly how to fix that and know, I know that it takes five. Minutes to do but I've been putting it off for a week and today I was like I'm not gonna turn my Wi-Fi line until I do that's one thing and I felt so much better and my. Bathroom, works efficiently, now and then I didn't turn my phone on yet, I, decided. To film this segment. First not that this is the nagging task but, because, I you want to film this part before, it. Gets too dark and then the last thing that I decided on is to have one to two days. Off, line a month I already don't turn my wife on a big chunk of the day and, yeah that's it guys. In this bit, it. Was kind of nervous about a part if you don't know me personally it. Takes me forever to get back to whatsapp messages, so if it took me a few days to get back to you on whatsapp please, don't take it personally I am, still, working on this it's been a while so, it's. Fine it's good okay bye a. 167. Messages are from my siblings by the way.

2020-04-15 15:08

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