Northern Pacific - Tutorial & Playthrough

Northern Pacific - Tutorial & Playthrough

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welcome to the jungkook's games tutorial for northern pacific in this video i'll be teaching you the rules of the game while it's being played and i will be showing one third of the game today now i would like to ask that if you end up enjoying this video that you please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel in addition to that if you'd like to directly support the channel and the creation of videos like this one in the future then please go to johngetsgames.comsupport there you'll find a bunch of ways that you can really help things out and some of them come with great bonuses like voting on a few of the videos that i film each month alright let's jump into the game out here we have the game fully set up and ready to play for our four different players before i start i would like to ask that you please turn on the klingon subtitles i might make mistakes as i'm showing you the game and those will let me put corrections on the screen where you should be able to see them and i will also put corrections below this video in a pinned comment well let's start things off with a brief overview of the game as you can see the map in the middle of the table shows the north and western parts of the united states and in this game the northern pacific railroad company wants to build track from minneapolis st paul all the way to seattle as the railroad is built from the east to the west the towns that it passed through will get significant economic advantages compared to the towns that are not passed through now each of the players is an investor in this game and we are able to influence where this train track will be built and we can also place our investment cubes down into towns to the west of that track now whenever the track connects to a town that has our cubes we will gain more of these cubes that we can place out as investments but if we have cubes on a town that the track passes by they will stay out there until the end of the round now the round ends once we have a single line of track going from minneapolis all the way to seattle and every cube in front of the players at that point will be good investments that we can track over here and all the cubes still on the map will be bad investments because the railroad would have passed them by once we do that we will clear off all of this material and then do that two more times and once we have finished three full routes the player with the most good investments will win the game at this point i do think it's time for us to start playing the game and i will describe the details of how all of this works while we are playing now in this game we are going to play as the pink player over here and we are the starting player so that means we can now take the first turn of the game so let's focus on the eastern part of the map and on our turn we can either place an investment cube down onto a city that's not currently connected to the railroad or we can place a railroad token down to extend that track i think for the first turn we don't really know anything about where we should put these investments down so let's go ahead and delay track now the way this works is we take one of these train tokens and we are going to extend the rail line out from minneapolis st paul at the start of each round there are none of these tokens out which means we must place it next to minneapolis st paul and that means we can go on to any of these four lines as you can see each line in the game has arrows on it which shows you the direction that the train is going so that means a train can never go from fargo back to minneapolis st paul now i think for this very first placement let's connect minneapolis st paul up to duluth after we have done that this train is going to stay there for the rest of the round and that has finished up our turn because again we either place a train token down extending out the track or we place an investment cube since our turn is done play can now move clockwise which means the green player now gets to go just like us they can either lay track or put a cube down and they've decided to invest with one of their cubes now as you can see each player starts the game with three of these regular cubes and one enhanced cube and these enhanced cubes pay out twice as much as the standard ones do and i'll talk about the details of paying out these cubes soon in this case green has decided they're going to go with a standard cube which is a standard investment and they can now place this onto any city on the board that is not minneapolis or seattle over in the west and that city cannot be connected to the train that means this cube cannot go into duluth minneapolis or seattle right now but they could place this into any other city if they wanted to now in this case they've decided to go over here into minot now the green has placed that investment cube their turn is done and they are obviously incentivized now to try and get the train over to minot before it potentially passes that town by so green's turn is done and we can move clockwise over to the blue player and once again they can lay track or they can put a cube down after considering their options they would like to place their enhanced cube down and they are also going to place this into my knot now whenever these larger enhanced cubes pay out you'll get twice as many good investment cubes as the smaller ones and you'll see how that works potentially soon although it's possible minot might be passed by now the blue player and the green player are both incentivized to have the train reach this town although the blue player is even more incentivized than the green player is in this moment now it is worth noting that there is a cube limit on the number that can go into the cities and that depends on the player count if this was a three player game that at most two cubes could be placed down into a city for the four and five player games up to three cubes can be placed and for the six player count you can have up to four cubes into each of the cities this is a four player game so that means only one more cube can be placed into minot before it is at its maximum lose turn is done so now yellow gets to go and they've decided to do the same thing that blue did they're going to put their enhanced cube over down into minot and that means this is now at the cube limit for that city yellow's turn is done which means it's time for us to go again and we can tell that all of our opponents are now investing in the city which is not good for us it would be great if the train was to pass that by because we would be the only one without an investment over there but obviously all of our opponents want the train to get over there which means it's much more likely to actually happen now we obviously cannot invest in that town but we can kind of assume that the train will likely get over there with this amount of support so we can consider that and now place one of our own investment cubes down we'll likely put it to the west of minot considering the train will most likely get there when we consider how incentivized our opponents are to make that happen now i did say that we are going to place an investment cube on our turn but before we get to that i'd like to focus over here and better explain why it does not make sense for us to lay track to try and dodge minot the reason for that is because the train end is currently in duluth and new train tokens have to be put onto the end of that track that means the next train to go down will either connect to fargo or to grand forks and if we were to place it onto the fargo line then obviously the green blue or yellow player could just connect it over to minot if they wanted to now let's say the green player decided they don't want their opponents to get these enhanced cube payoffs and green decided to play along then they could connect fargo up to bismarck but then still the blue or yellow player could make that connection up there and i don't see why they would not do that so there's no feasible way for us to try and run the train away from minot so instead let's invest in the future now i think let's place our enhanced investment cube over here in terry i think this is a pretty good investment because we can see it is one line away from minot now the green player has a normal investment there whereas the blue and yellow have enhanced which is a double payout to the normal one that means green is likely to not actually move the train because they know that blue and yellow are more incentivized to make that happen and i think it's probable that the green player will actually invest over here with us now if that happens and the train is not moved by the green player then blue and yellow will likely try to connect up minot which is going to take two connections which means after the yellow player's turn we could potentially place a train right there to connect this up and get that big investment as well now that's what i'm currently thinking these players are going to do it's of course possible that they will have other ideas but for now i think this is going to be our play our turn is done which means green can go and like we expected them to green does think that it's a good idea to place their enhanced investment cube over here in terry they think that that is likely a good idea especially considering we are already invested there and we act before them so there is a potential there for us to work together in order to make that happen after that the blue player can go and they love this terry idea they are also going to invest there and they are going to use a standard investment cube because that's all they have they can place this over there and that city is now at its investment limit which means when it comes to the yellow player they could not invest in terry if they wanted to now if they want they could extend the train out or they could continue to invest it does make sense to place a lot of these investments trying to figure out where you think the train will likely go before you start pushing that train now the yellow player has decided they are going to go up here and invest in glasgow when we focus in on this part of the map you can tell that there are actually two potential train lines between glasgow and terry one has an arrow going from terry to glasgow and the other one goes from glasgow over to terry now it's an important thing to note that there can never be a train on both of these lines so as soon as one is chosen the other one is not playable for the rest of this round so the train could potentially go to glasgow first and then terry or from terry to glasgow or it's possible it could just bypass one of these towns entirely depending on how we actually lay this track out after yellow's turn we could go and we could move this train or we could continue to invest and i actually kind of like the idea of connecting up terry to glasgow to try and get some good investments going off of those the fact that there is uh the option to go one way or the other makes this more likely to happen than some of the other investments so let's spend our turn investing in glasgow now that has finished our turn which means green can go and if they wanted to they could also invest in glasgow there is a space there but they are a little bit worried about over committing with these cubes before we see more of this train being laid out so they are actually going to lay track on their turn so they can take a train token and it must extend out from the end of the track currently the track is going to duluth so they could place over here towards grand fork or there towards fargo and they're going to place it there towards fargo after that blue can go and they've decided to take more risks than the green player they are going to invest over here in glasgow hoping to get the train to connect all three of those up considering they've invested in all three of those cities that means glasgow is now at its investment limit after that the yellow player can go and they have decided to lay track in this case they're going to connect fargo up to grand forks as you can see this connection has two different lines much like the terry to glasgow connection and since the train is going from fargo up to grand forks that means a train cannot be placed connecting grand forks back over here to fargo so right now the train is ending in grand forks and there is actually only one way that the train could go from there it obviously cannot go against this because the arrows point that way so the next train must connect to grand forks over to minot yellow's turn is done which means we could go and we could lay track if we wanted to but we would not have any decisions to make there we must connect grand forks up to minot next now we don't have any investments over there so i don't really see a strong reason to do that in the moment considering we do have a couple of investments that we could lay out so let's go ahead and think towards the future and invest in great falls as you can see this city has one two three four five six potential lines that could go up into it so i think this is a very flexible spot and most likely a good investment for us we are done so green can go and they also like the idea of great falls it is a very flexible spot for that investment so they are going to go onto that spot after that blue can go and they only have one investment cube left in front of themselves and they've decided to get in on great falls while they can now that means blue does not have any more investments over here so on their next turn if they have not received any more investment cubes they will have to lay track and we'll just have to see what happens when we get there now after that yellow can go and considering at the moment all of the cities with any investments or at the limits yellow is a little bit concerned with overextending by trying something out in chinook or shelby they could also go to other places of course but those are the ones they were currently looking at they've decided they're just going to move the train so that means they'll play this one over here because again that is the only legal placement in this current situation at this point the train line has reached the city of minot which means all investments in that city will pay out the standard investment cubes will be returned to the players along with another one of these standard cubes from the supply so green will take both of these and then these enhanced cubes will be returned to the players plus two of those standard cubes instead of the one so blue will take this and then yellow will take that all of this going back into their supply as investments that they could then use later on in this round yellow's turn is done which means we can go and we do still have one investment cube which we could put out if we wanted to we could also lay track and if we focus in over here we can see that the train line is currently ended in minot now at this point there are just two legal train placements out of there and fortunately for us we have investments in both of these however we have a larger investment over here in terry now if an enhanced cube is left on the board as a bad investment it counts the same as a standard one but of course if it's left out here we do not get it back to potentially put it out later on in this round to try and get the double reward if that enhanced investment pays off now if we did not lay any track and left it to our opponents i think it is a virtual certainty that green places the track over here they would be worried about having their enhanced cube be bypassed entirely if green did that then the blue player would be up and i suppose they would be pretty incentivized to go up to glasgow instead of connecting over here to great falls if they were to not place a train out and the yellow player could play from terry then they would almost certainly go up here to glasgow considering they do have a cube up there i guess in all of those circumstances we are sitting in a pretty good spot so maybe we should actually invest currently we have one cube left and we can put it on any of these cities that are currently not at their limit of course we cannot actually place it on seattle because that is where this train line is going to end now i think let's place this over into shelby that is our last cube which means if on our next turn we have not received any more cubes from these investments we will be forced to place some track but we'll just have to see if that actually happens to us after we have played it's then time for the green player to go and they are very incentivized to lay track the reason for that is because if green does not lay track there is a strong possibility that blue might lay track over here and then yellow could lay track over there the reason that might happen even though that would be not great for blue is because that would also really hurt us as well as the green player leaving our enhanced investment cubes stranded and the blue player might be okay with that of course if the green player decides not to lay track it's possible the blue player could play along and have a train go down over there but they just have a standard cube instead of the enhanced one and the green player is not convinced they want to leave this up to the goodwill of the blue player yeah i think the green player is going to lay track and they are going to connect minot up to terry as soon as that happens the blue player will gain this standard investment cube back along with another from the supply then we will get our enhanced cube back along with two from the supply and the green player will also get two back from the supply because they use their enhanced cube in terry green's turn is done which means the blue player can go and they do have their enhanced investment cube back in fact it looks like everyone does now blue has decided they are going to invest in shelby alongside us that's finished their turn which means yellow can go and they've decided to get in on the shelby investment action with their enhanced investment cube as well all right they are done which means now it's time for us to go and we are pretty incentivized to lay track we do of course have some investment cubes that we could use but if we focus over here on the map we can see that glasgow has all of the players investment cubes except for green now green is the next player to go so if we invest instead of laying track i think it is a near certainty the green will connect terry up to great falls which means there would be no way for the train to go back over here to glasgow and that would be a great move for green because they would get this investment to pay off and all of these would be left as bad investments for their opponents so i think we really should connect terry up to glasgow on this turn so let's go ahead and do that we can lay this train out there and then each of these are standard investment cubes so each will come back with another cube of that type to each player's area our turn is done which means the green player can go and they've decided to invest with their enhanced cube over here in lewiston as you can see there are three possible ways the track could enter lewiston and at the moment they think that is a pretty good flexible investment for them green's turn is done and now blue can go and they once again want to take what is maybe a slightly risky investment and place the standard investment cube into chinook that is just one connection away from where the railroad is currently stopped but it's also possible if somebody was to run the line from glasgow down to great falls then that would be a stranded investment at the moment blue is leaning on the fact that yellow is not in great falls and yellow also really wants the train to hit shelby as part of their decision to invest in this city so yellow can now take their turn and they have a pretty big decision to make with the investment or track laying options for themselves when they focus over here they can see that they really want the track to reach shelby because that has their enhanced investment cube right now the track is going over to glasgow and yellow would love to invest potentially even in chinook but they think if they did that then we would very likely connect up great falls and then the green player would definitely connect up lewiston which would strand all of the stuff up there so even though yellow would love to be greedy they think that's probably a bad idea now yellow could of course invest somewhere else or they could lay track if they put track down from glasgow over to great falls that would obviously be awful for the blue player but then right after that we would go and we would be very tempted to connect up to lewiston and bypass shelby entirely we would have one bad investment but it would strand the enhanced cubes of both of our opponents and i think i'd be happy with that happening if that was to come out now this is of course what the yellow player is thinking um they could also build the train over here to chinook which would be great for blue that would be a investment that paid out well for them and then on our turn if we were to lay track we would have each of these as options we could potentially go down over here and then the green player would probably build over there as well so that means right now shelby is looking like it's in a bit of a risky spot with so many variables up in the air and the fact that yellow has six investments that they could lay out they've decided they are going to put a cube down and they'll put it over here into lewiston the green player already put their enhanced investment cube over there so green is very incentivized to make that happen and yellow has decided that is going to be good enough for them to invest in that city yellow is done which means we could go and i think let's throw our enhanced investment cube over here into lewiston there is a lot of incentive now to go into this area and i think that's hopefully going to pay out for us we'll just have to see after that the green player can go and they've decided they'd like to go over here into chinook with their standard investment cube they know that blue already probably wanted to make that happen and they figured they may as well sneak in there as well and get the benefit if that does happen they are of course reading what the blue player is going to do but they feel somewhat confident about this so that is the green player's turn done which means blue can go and blue is indeed going to connect glasgow up to chinook that means blue is going to get a standard investment payout of gaining one cube the green player will as well so that worked out very good for them and now the train is over here in chinook after that the yellow player can go and they would like to invest but they think they probably should lay some track down otherwise it's likely that shelby would not even be visited if yellow instead invested then we would get to go and we would be somewhat tempted to go from chinook down to great falls and if we did that then green would for sure connect up to lewiston stranding all of these over here in shelby yellow has the ability to connect shelby up with their enhanced investment cube and they do think that is probably the best thing for them to do in this moment so we are going to get paid out with this standard investment with one new cube and then yellow will gain two and so will the blue player alright it's now our turn and this is a tough moment for us if we wanted to we could lay track connecting shelby up to lewiston that would strand all of these investments turning them into bad investments and it would guarantee that we would get paid out with our enhanced cube over here obviously the green player would be mostly okay with that also having their enhanced cube payout but they would have a stranded investment over there the yellow player would be the one who would actually make out the best in that circumstance because this would pay out for them and then of course one investment of each of yellow's opponents would be bad and stay out here on the map now it's our turn so if we wanted to we could connect shelby up to great falls and if we did that i think it's probable that the green player would connect great falls up to lewiston now the thing is at the moment i think the blue and green players are doing the best blue in particular so if we were to connect shelby up to lewiston we would be not only hurting blue but green and i think both of them are doing well after that chinook investment of course if we did that we would also be hurting ourselves of course we could just not lay track at all and instead place an investment out if we did that i think the green player would well they'd also be in the same predicament uh they could connect shelby up to great falls or skip it to go to lewiston and if they skipped then again the yellow player would be the one to best make out that situation if we invested and green also invested then i think blue would definitely connect over here to great falls so it's going to be up to us or green to make this difficult decision i suppose if we were to invest we need to see if there is a good investment opportunity in pretty much every situation i think lewiston is going to be passed through uh the only way that doesn't happen is if right now we actually built from shelby over to bonner's ferry which is probably not in our best interest again i think the yellow player would be the happiest overall and maybe blue as well considering neither of them have enhanced cubes out here and they could potentially place those out later if we went to bonner's ferry then there would be no way to make it back over here to lewiston that means all of these cubes and all of those cubes would also be stranded it's a bit of a crazy play and i don't think it's going to be in our interest now if we were to force the green player to make this track laying decision and invest instead we would probably put this down into spokane or maybe richland i do think it's likely the train is going to end up going down over here which means those are both good picks if we went into richland of course the train could go over there it would kind of have to depend on where things went it's a bit of a coin flip honestly between these two and i think let's go ahead and make this difficult decision the green player's problem and let's invest in spokane after that the green player now gets to go and they are thinking about this same conundrum over here and you know they've decided they do want to try and hurt the blue player even at their own expense and i guess our expense as well and green is going to lay track connecting shelby up to lewiston so yellow is going to gain one cube from the supply we are going to gain two cubes from the supply and then the green player will also gain these two cubes so great falls is actually stranded this seemed like such a sure bet at the time but it did not pan out now it is time for the blue player to go they could invest or they could lay track between those two blue has a few things to consider if they invested in spokane then i guess that would probably be bad because yellow would probably just connect lewiston up to richland which would strand spokane in retrospect i think spokane was a bad investment on our part i said it was a coin flip between these two but richland can actually be fed by spokane but the same cannot be said going backwards so i think richland was probably the better investment but we're just going to have to stick with the potential mistakes that we have already made now it is the blue player's turn and they could invest in richland if they wanted to or of course they could just build track i don't see why they'd connect spokane in that instance but they could connect lewiston up to richland and if they did that then it's a virtual certainty that yellow would just end the round by connecting over here to seattle now blue is a pretty greedy player we've seen so far and for the most part that's worked out although not every time and blue has decided they would like to try out an investment over here in richland now they do have an enhanced investment cube they could place down and uh if this is a bad investment there's no difference between these two but in this case blue has decided to place a standard cube down to make this not too enticing of a target to be dodged by their opponents blue is done so now yellow can go and they've decided they're actually going to place their enhanced cube over here in spokane we are the next to play and they figure we are pretty likely to actually connect that up so that is probably going to work out quite well for yellow that finished up yellow's turn which means it's time for us to go and i suppose we could connect this or we could invest more if we invested over here in richland then i think the green player would potentially do the same if we instead invested in spokane again then that would definitely make things interesting for the green player the track must connect up spokane or richland at this point and i suppose if we invested in spokane again then the green player would probably just invest in richland and then the blue player would finish that off so that's probably going to be a bad plan for us now i suppose no matter what the train is going to go through spokane and or richland so we could just spend this turn investing in richland to potentially have both of these pay out or at worst have one of them definitely pay out for us as i said there is no extra penalty for leaving a large cube on the board versus a small one so i think let's place our enhanced cube over here in richland that has finished our turn which means it's time for green to go and they've decided to invest over here in richland because they know that yellow was feeling pretty good about having none of their investments stranded over here and maybe yellow has now over committed with that enhanced cube either way that finished up the green players turn and blue has decided they are indeed going to strand spokane by building track over here from lewiston into richland now this paid off pretty well for us it seems maybe this ended up being a good decision in retrospect either way this enhanced cube is going to get us two more from the supply blue will gain one more and so will the green player that was the blue player's turn so now yellow can go and there is no way for the track to head back over here to spokane so they are definitely kicking themselves about that investment they are not sure what they were thinking but that again is a decision they have to roll with now there is realistically no reason for yellow to invest at this point if they invested in portland for example then any other player would connect up to seattle so yellow has decided they are going to lay track connecting richland up to seattle and the moment that happens we now have track connecting minneapolis all the way here to the west coast so the round has now come to an end and it's time for us all to score the first thing that we do is add up all of the cubes that are in front of us and each of these is a good investment and the size of the cube whether it is normal or enhanced does not matter for this purpose over here the yellow player has nine good investments so they're going to take this large cube over here and place it onto the ninth part of this track the blue player ended the game with 11 good investments so they can place that over there after that we can see green ended with 10 good investments and so did we so that means the yellow player did the worst out of all of us after that it's now time to count up our bad investments the way this works is we count up the number of our cubes currently on the map and again the difference between the standard cubes and the large ones does not matter for this purpose now we have two cubes out here so that means we have two bad investments and we can track that with this small cube over here we can see that the green player has one bad investment blue has one and the yellow player also has one so the first round of the game is over and now what happens is we clear off all of the track and cubes from the map we also take all of our cubes from our areas and put them back into the supply except for one enhanced cube and three of the standard ones at that point we then start the next round off with the player to the left of the one who connected the train up to seattle yellow connected to seattle which means we would be the starting player for the next round and realistically the only thing that sticks around are these scores down here now after we play through a second round we will reset again and score and then we play a third round and at that point the player with the most good investments over the course of the three rounds will be the winner if there is a tie then you look to the bad investments and the player with the least bad investments will break the tie in their favor so we can go ahead and reset for the next round and then the game is ready to be played again once again with us being the starting player because we are to the left of the player who connected up to seattle now i am not actually going to continue playing through the game you already know how this plays out since the second and third rounds play out just the same as the first the only real difference being the fact that we add our scores up from previous rounds which could dictate how we play in future rounds considering who is winning and who is losing so at this point i've covered all of the rules to the game which means this tutorial has come to a close i hope that you've enjoyed learning how to play northern pacific as always i'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel including these producer level patreon supporters if you too would like to directly support the channel in the creation of future videos like this one then please go to support also if you enjoyed this video please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel thanks for watching

2021-04-05 20:09

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