No audience? 5 steps to grow your business from 0.

No audience? 5 steps to grow your business from 0.

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I know many of you have no audience right  now. And I often see comments saying,   "I need to wait to grow my audience to start my  business." No you don't. I know you know this,   but every single business on the planet starts  with no audience. So you absolutely can start a   business without an audience. So today I wanted  to go over some key things that you need to know   and are often overlooked and ridiculously  simple about starting a profitable business   without an audience. So today we're  going to dive into these five things.   Number one, necessary numbers. Number  two, magnetic messaging. Number three,  

create a pipeline of prospects. Number four,  authentic relationship building. And number five,   daily revenue generating activities. As you may know, the entire mission behind this   channel is to make entrepreneurship available  to everyone. So a small thing you could do to   support that mission is hit the like button  so we can reach more people in the algorithm.   And if this resonates with you and you get  something out of it, be sure to take a screenshot   and share it out on your Instagram  stories. Tag me and let me know what  

your takeaways were and I'll be  sure to reshare on my stories.   Before I get into the details, you're  probably sitting there going, "Who are you   to tell me this?" So I figured I'd give you two  examples of people I've worked with that have   grown from absolute zero. First and foremost,  an amazing grandmother who is a self proclaimed   non-technical person, who absolutely  crushed it. So let me share her story.   Cheryl Thompson generated $27,000 in just under  30 days with her online course, where she helps   women who are overwhelmed and uncertain become  confident real estate investors. Most important   piece here is that she started with no niche,  zero social media, and zero business clients.  

The next example is Geoffrey Setiawan. He  grew from zero audience and no business to $1   million in core sales in 18 months and became one  of the go-tos in his niche, which is all about   helping men who are on the brink of divorce save  their marriages or save their relationships. And   just to be clear, this was without using paid  advertising at all. It was completely organic   strategies and growth, a lot of which I'm going  to share in this video so let's get into it.   Number one is necessary numbers. So if  you're familiar with the show Shark Tank,   and maybe Mark Cuban, who happens to be one of my  favorite entrepreneurs, recently he said that the   biggest key to building any business, it doesn't  matter what you're doing, and he would know,   is relationships. And this is something that  I have been harping on for a very long time  

and it's how I built the entire foundation of  my business before I did anything online.   Now, if you do the math on this, I want you  to really think about it because oftentimes we   think we need to get millions and millions of  followers in order to have a viable business.   When in reality, let's just say you meet  one new person a day for the next 365 days.   That is 365 potential clients for your business.  Now do the math on how many clients you actually  

need, and that's probably way more than you need.  But if you put your effort into building one new   potential relationship and client relationship  every single day, that creates momentum. And   that's what Mark was saying when he was speaking  to one of the candidates on Shark Tank. He said,   "If you just focus on building relationships,  that is what creates momentum. That is what   creates a tipping point. That is what builds  your authority over time, because the more  

people who know what you do and what you're good  at, the more people are going to talk about you   as the expert and tell the people that they  know, and it builds this ripple effect."   Even if you were to take that a step further  and build five new relationships a day,   and I'm going to share exactly kind of how to  do this a little later, that leads to 1,825   potential leads in the next 12 months. That's  a lot of business. That's a lot of impact. And   it doesn't require doing a ton of different  things or trying to build a massive audience.   It requires being strategic, thoughtful,  and intentional in where you're building   relationships and how you're building them. Now, in order to determine how many clients you  

actually need in order to build the  business that you're dreaming about,   let's just bring it back to an equation I've  shared before. So it goes a little something   like this, it all centers around your conversion  rate. Now, you need to figure out, "Out of all   the conversations I'm having, how many of these  people am I able to convert?" You may not know   this number in the beginning, but as you start to  grow and as you start to get clients in the door,   you're going to understand, "Okay, how many  conversations did it take to get me that one   new client and one new sale?" When  you know your average conversion rate,   you then can reverse engineer how to hit your  goals and create consistency in your business.  

So for example, if you want to get two new clients  a month and the average conversion rate is 20%,   you need to have at least 10 conversations on  a monthly basis to achieve that target because   whatever number of clients you want, times it  by five, and that's a 20% conversion rate. So   if you speak to 10 people, you should be able to  secure at least two clients. That tells you how   to get consistently two clients a month for the  next 12 months, and also how to grow from there,   because you know your average, so then it's about  if you have more conversations, you're going to   get more clients in the door. Simple as that.  So necessary numbers are important to focus on,  

not vanity numbers, not growing a massive  audience, necessary numbers to create   a business that fuels the kind of life and  the kind of impact that you want to have.   Step number two, magnetic messaging. One  little question you want to ask yourself   is, "If I don't know who I want as a client  specifically, how am I going to know where   to find them?" Oftentimes we start looking for  clients and trying to find leads and all of these   things, and we go, "It's not working," but  we don't even know who we're looking for.   So there are three key factors that I've  identified over the past however many years   and thousands of clients that I've worked with  that indicate success and being able to reach   the people who need to see your messaging and  are most likely to convert into paying clients.   One specific ideal client at one specific place on  their journey where they're most likely to invest   seeking one specific transformation. This becomes  your north star. This becomes your grounding force   and the guidance for every piece of content you  create and every conversation you have so you   don't feel the need to make all of the content  and be everywhere. You're able to focus on the  

activities that lead to the most return for you  and generating the most leads for you. And you're   able to keep your focus on only what actually  works instead of trying to do everything.   So in order to identify those three factors,  we like to use something that we call   our transformation statement. And I want to share  a really quick example here. So we have a client   named Deanne and she teaches crochet. When she  came into our authority accelerator program,  

she was a little lost in how possibly she could  create a course that people would actually   pay for. She actually said, "Everybody  told me that no one would ever pay $500   for this program." Well, she was right, they  actually ended up paying more, but it was because   she wasn't selling a crochet course. She wasn't  talking about tactics. We had to really help   Deanne identify who specifically she was serving.  Oftentimes it's a mirror for your own journey.  

So this is now Deanne's transformation  statement. "I help women struggling with   stress and anxiety go from feeling like they've  lost their sense of peace, calm, and creativity,   to calming their minds and bodies using mindful  crochet so that they can manage overwhelm in a   healthy way while also nurturing their creative  spirit through therapeutic crafting."   And after Deanne sold out her program, she  commented and said, "All that work you got   me to do on my transformation statement paid  off. I read it to my potential clients and   they got their credit cards out, so yep, this  is just the beginning." So when you get clear  

on your messaging, it becomes magnetic to the  right people who are ready to invest and get   the transformation that you are providing to  them. Remember, people pay for transformation,   they do not pay for information. In addition to this, getting super clear   on your messaging up front makes everything  else so much easier. And this relates to what   I was saying in last week's video, the more you  understand who you're serving and what you want   to be known for, the more the algorithm can  support your growth to reach the right people.   This is how Geoffrey, who I mentioned earlier,  has turned 27,000 subscribers, and remember,   he started at zero, into now nearly $2  million in revenue in his business.   Step number three, create a pipeline of prospects.  So a big misconception and a common mistake,  

especially when you're growing a business from  zero, is you think you need to constantly be   making more, more, more, more, more connections.  When you focus on the necessary numbers,   as we did in step one, you know that  you don't need to reach everybody,   but you are aware of the numbers that you do  need to reach in order to hit your goals.   So let's just say you meet one new person a  day for the next 12 months, and you convert   10 of those people into paying clients. Well,  that is 36 clients a year, roughly, and that  

means that that's three new clients a month.  That very well can sustain a very profitable   and manageable business. But in order to  actually create that kind of conversion,   we need to focus on building a pipeline. It's not constantly about finding new clients   and new leads. It's also nurturing those people  who maybe haven't taken the time to invest yet.   But if you focus on building those relationships  and meeting, let's say one new person a day   who could be a potential lead for you, that  gives you an entire bank of potential clients.   So let's say only 36 convert, that  still leaves you with hundreds of people   that are interested in what you do and know  what you do, but maybe they just weren't   ready to invest at that exact time. But if you  continue to show up for them, nurture them,  

share your expertise with them, eventually you're  the person that they're going to invest in.   So a very easy way to do this is first and  foremost, start with your offline network. This   is what I did when I was starting my business  prior to having social media. I reached out  

to all of my family and friends, and I let them  know that I was looking for social media clients   and that what I could do for the clients was  help them increase their revenue through social   media strategy. From doing that, maybe there  wasn't an immediate response, but over time,   all of a sudden, I was getting people sending  their friends, sending their families, sending   their network and connections to me, which led  to a full roster of clients as time went on.   So start with the people you know. Start with  your offline network, your offline audience.  

Start with friends and family. Start with past  clients if you've had them. Start there and start   planting seeds with all of those people, even if  you just send an email to them or hop on a quick   phone call and say, "This is what I'm doing." You  would be shocked at how quickly you'll get your   first clients in the door, just from that strategy  alone, and has nothing to do with being online.   It's all about casting a net. Not everybody's  going to be ready to work with you right away,   but if you create a net, and what I call a  pipeline, meaning that you have all of these   people that you've created connections with and  had conversations with, like I said, right now,   they might not be ready, but as you grow and  as you get more clients and client results   in the door, more likely than not, they're  going to come to you when they are ready.  

So it's about putting yourself out  there as the expert that you are,   sharing what you're ready to do and serve  people with. And as you do that, people perk up,   they pay attention. And when they're ready,  they'll work with you. And most importantly,   you want to start building a list, because  that list is your most valuable resource in   your business, as I mentioned in prior videos. A simple thing that you can do is just create a   spreadsheet, put first name, last name, contact  information. So that if somebody isn't ready  

right now, you at least have their contact  information and you can create a thread of   conversations with them and continuously reach  out. You can share value. If you create a piece   of content that you know would be relevant to  them and can help them solve their problems,   that gives you an opportunity to reach out to  them, reconnect on the conversation, reinvigorate   the conversation, and that can lead to clients.  It happens all the time in our business.   We have people who come to us after two years  since we've had our initial conversation saying,   "I think I'm ready now." So patience leads to  profitability. It's not always about growing  

your audience, it's also about nurturing the  audience that you have, and going back to people   that you've had contact with in the past and  nurturing the relationships you currently have   in your network, because you don't know who  people may know that they can then send to you.   So some very basic tactics to focus on on a  daily basis, now going from offline to online,   is you can go into Instagram comment sections. You  can search specific hashtags for your industry.   For example, if we're talking about  Deanne, if you searched crochet,   creative crochet, crochet project on Instagram,  you're going to find all of these people who are   interested in crochet. And out of all of those  people, if you go in and you like their content,   you comment on their content with value, people  start to take notice, that starts to build your   network and your pipeline of potential clients. You can also do this with YouTube comments,  

with channels that have the exact same audience  as you. There are so many channels out there   who don't often look at their comments. And  if you can go in there and provide value,   don't be a spammer, but provide value  and answer questions and help people.   Entrepreneurs are problem solvers. We are here to  serve. So if you can come from a place of service,   it's going to be reciprocated. Whether that  person joins your community and starts to   follow you from zero today, or they take notice  six months from now, you're at least still   planting all of these seeds, which as I spoke  about earlier, builds momentum and builds your   audience. You know what doesn't? Doing nothing. And another really great resource is Facebook  

groups. And I want to touch on this more in a  second, because you might be thinking, "Oh no,   I don't want to do that. I don't want to reach  out to people," because unfortunately, reaching   out to people has gotten a really bad name, but we  do it in a way where it's authentic relationship   building. So let's get into that right now. Number four, authentic relationship building.   Not a lot of people, not a lot of business  owners take the time to do this, and it's such   a missed opportunity. Even people with massive  audiences don't take the time to do this. I to   this day still do this on a daily, weekly, monthly  basis because I know two things that are facts,   curiosity leads to cashflow and relationships  lead to revenue. Say it with me now.   The reason that outreach oftentimes  doesn't work and feels icky,   I get it, is because it often looks a little  something like this. "Hello ma'am/sir, would  

you like to buy my jewelry product?" "No, I would  not." There has to be an authentic reason why you   are actually touching base with that person, and  it often starts very simply by providing value.   So if you happen to look in a Facebook group  or in the YouTube comments or on Instagram and   search hashtags or search accounts that have  a relevant audience to who you're trying to   work with, all you need to start doing is,  like I said, going in and providing value,   liking people's content, sharing people's  content. That puts you on their radar,   first and foremost. Now, is this going to get you  rich overnight? Absolutely not. But like I said,  

it's all about building that momentum and building  your pipeline. So by doing this, you authentically   become a part of their community. You  authentically get on their radar.   The next step is to take it into a private  conversation. This isn't a conversation to sell,  

and this is where most people go wrong.  This is where curiosity has to come in.   You need to know your ideal client better than  anybody else. This is why I still do this exercise   all the time. And I ask these particular  questions to random strangers on the internet   that I happen to come across doing this same work  on a very regular basis. And it leads to such   fruitful, helpful conversations for me to  continue to make the impact I want to make and   have a really solid program because I'm never not  learning about my clients or potential clients.   So the questions that I like to ask are these:  "What's your biggest frustration about blank?   What's your biggest fear about blank? Where do you  feel like you need support right now? If you could   wave a magic wand, what would life and business  look like if you had X solution?" And here's the   magic of this: There's no pressure. Not every  single person that you connect with or reach  

out to is going to be a perfect fit for you or a  perfect ideal client. And that's actually a good   thing because the more you learn about who isn't a  fit, the more it becomes super obvious who is.   And so having these conversations and reaching  out with these questions, once you've started to   build a little rapport and authentically built  a relationship, you go really deep with people   and it builds an incredible amount of trust and  reciprocity and authority. In addition to the   fact that because most people don't take the time  to build these relationships and they just blast   on social media, hoping somebody will listen, it  really does position you as somebody who's human   and actually cares about connecting and  understanding the people you're serving,   not just trying to rack up vanity metrics. And this, my friend, please hear me on this,  

this simple activity, like I said, you could do  this for one person a day, this simple activity   is so much better to spend your time  on than throwing spaghetti at the wall,   hoping a piece of your rando content  hits. Makes sense? I think so.   And to add on to that, what's amazing about doing  this exercise is you have a never ending content   idea notebook, because when you ask these  questions, you understand what your ideal   client's struggling with. And if you  can create content that addresses that,   it, again, creates this incredible authority.  And you're never going to have to guess   how to create content or what to talk  about online, because you actually hear it   from the person that you're trying to serve.  So then it makes your content strategy better,   more effective, more efficient,  and you don't feel the need to just   hope that something works and lands and  waste your time spending hours on content   that's not really going to do anything for  you or your business or your clients.  

Number five, daily revenue generating  activities. Here's the beauty of all of this,   all of this work that you're doing, all of this  experimenting and testing that you're doing,   is showing you which activities are actually  generating paying clients, which activities and   what a kind of messaging is interesting to people.  This helps you then optimize and narrow down and   only focus on those things. So it makes everything  you do way more effective and impactful.  

Now, the reason I can speak with such confidence  about all of this is because I had been in a   situation years ago where I was so frustrated  because I couldn't crack the code on consistency.   And then all of a sudden, I took a step back  and I asked myself, "What am I actually doing   to get clients every day?" So that became my  new mantra and I hope it becomes yours.   Every day you wake up, ask yourself, "What  can I do today to get a client to work with   me?" And at the end of the day, check in again,  "What did I do today to generate new clients?"   It becomes this litmus test of what you're  actually doing on a daily basis and if it's   actually helping your business. You'd be shocked,  and you might be sitting there right now going,  

"I don't think I've done anything to get a new  client, but yet I'm not getting clients and I'm   frustrated I'm not be getting clients. And I  can't figure out why I'm not getting clients,   but I'm not doing anything to get clients." This happens all the time because we get   distracted by doing the shiny things. We  get distracted by making the random content.   We get distracted by being on the new platform. We  get distracted by doing all of these things that  

are not necessary and we forget that if business  doesn't have sales, it's not a business.   So here are five tactical things you can  do on a daily basis to generate revenue.   One, reach out to anyone who has engaged  with your content or direct messaged   you in the last month to see how they're  doing and if maybe you could help them.   Number two, touch base with any leads that you  have spoken to in the past, it doesn't matter   how long ago it was, who didn't come on as a  client at the time and see how they're doing.   Get an update, follow up. Number three, ask your current clients  

or your existing network for referrals. Number four, join Facebook groups full of   your ideal clients to better understand them and  to start supporting them, not selling to them,   start supporting them so you authentically  can build those relationships.   Number five, post about what you do and how  you help people very clearly on social media   with a clear call to action for people  to get in touch with you directly.   Simple as that. This is not complicated.  This is not rocket science. This does not  

require you to be working all day, every day on  nonsense without seeing any kind of a return.   You've got to get real honest with yourself  and ask yourself if you're doing anything   on a day daily basis that actually leads to  a return. And out of the things you're doing,   what's working? That is a big clue on where to  focus and narrow down as you move forward.   Two truths that we live by in my business,  one I just mentioned. If you don't  

have sales, you don't have a business. And selling  is simply just a vehicle to make the impact that   you are here to make. It's not scary. It's not  slimy. It's not sleazy. It's only those things   if you're selling something that's crap. Okay? Number two, if you do not have a consistent,   reliable way to get new clients in the door,  you will grow to hate your business. Business   is simple. You need traffic, you need a  paid offer, and you need paying clients.  

To bring this full circle, there is inevitably a  tipping point in your business. I talk about it   often, but we rely on what we call the flywheel  or engine to run our business, and it goes like   this. You have your program at the very top and  that program needs to be something you're really   proud of, and you need to really make it the best  on the market. So you have your online course,   which is our paid offer. And then you have to make  sales. You have to get people enrolled into it.  

From there, you need to serve those people  with a transformation, create a customer   transformation, a client transformation. When you do that, when your clients get results,   they know that they then can become your biggest  cheerleader and ambassador and tell even more   people about your program, which leads to more  enrollments, more transformations, and more happy   clients who then tell more people. This is how you create the tipping   point in your business. It's really not that  complicated. Do good work, get good results,   and your business will inevitably grow. But don't  get distracted by the things that don't support   those basics. Don't get distracted by things  that don't support client results and getting  

clients in the door, because that is the core  of how you build a long-term, sustainable,   peaceful, happy, profitable business. So bring it back to your necessary numbers.   How many people do you actually need in the  next 12 months to work with in order to create   a business that you're really pumped about?  Probably not as many as you think. So do that   math and then use that as your guiding light,  your north star, of what activities you need   to be doing daily to hit that target. And I can't  wait to hear your update in the year when you go,  

"Wow, I did it. That's amazing." Because there  are a bazillion things that you could focus on,   but if you're not focused on that, you're going  to be spinning yourself in circles and frustrated   that you're not getting client. If this gave you a ton of clarity,   and this was helpful for you, be sure to give  this video a like so that we can reach more   people in the algorithm and achieve our mission of  making entrepreneurship available to everyone.   Now, if you want to go even deeper on this,  and you're really ready to take this seriously   and turn your skillset and your experience  into a highly scalable online course business,   that's what I do, it's what I love to do, it's  what I eat, sleep, and breathe, then you can check   out my free master class diving into exactly  that in the description below. And I built an   entire playlist around starting a business from  zero and if I were to start over. So make sure   you check that out here next. Thank you so much  for watching. Be sure to subscribe. Business is  

simple. We don't have to make it so difficult. Are  you with me? I'll see you in the next one. Bye.

2022-04-06 15:15

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