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Hey. Guys welcome, back to my channel, and if you are new here get, ready for an extreme, 2-day. Whole house deep, clean and when I say deep clean I mean, it I have so, much jam-packed into this video it's, unbelievable. I started. Out on day one of this, cleaning, by cleaning my downstairs, area it was, a little, bit after dinner and it was time to pick things up while, my husband, was taking, care of my kids so, I had a lot of cleaning to do and then, I'm going to be sharing, a grocery, haul with you and then, on day two of this, extreme, clean that's when the real cleaning, is going to start because I'm going to be deep cleaning, my bathroom, it is March which means I am in spring, cleaning mode and I am picking one room throughout the house every, single week to, truly, deep clean and when I say deep clean I mean it I'm going to be scrubbing the floors scrubbing. Grout, scrubbing. The tracking, of the windows, that we have in our bathroom, light. Fixtures, and everything. Else I cannot wait to share all of this deep, and satisfying, cleaning, with you I'm also, going, to be sharing some techniques. And some tools to make cleaning much easier, on you it's, springtime and I know you have a lot of cleaning to do as well so let's do it let's do it right I hope I can make it a little bit easier on you. What. I hope is that today, as you're watching my video I hope I can give you a little bit of motivation and, get up and do at least one thing, I understand, how it feels when, you're just sitting there and you're overwhelmed do you have a to-do list that's a mile long and you don't even know where to start so what. I want you to do is after you're done watching this video get up and do one thing that's it just, do one thing and I'm gonna bet that after you do that one thing you'll feel more motivated to. Do more things every. Single week you come back here I'm going to bring you motivating, videos to help you get things done I promise we, are going to do this together little, by little. For. I get on to the rest of the video I do want to mention that today's video is in collaboration with Lindsey from Lindsey's, life and style, she, is also doing a whole house clean with me so you get double, dose of cleaning motivation, today Lindsey. Has been, one of my friends, from the very beginning of my youtube, journey I am not lying to you we did a collaboration way, back early, on and she is just one of the most genuinely.

Nice. Girls, here on YouTube and her channel is super, motivating. She, is a she does it all she, has her YouTube channel balances. Raising, kids and being a wife and one of my favorite things about Lindsey is her positive, attitude her, smile is gorgeous, and she, always puts a smile on my face when. I see her, face, she, is always positive and encouraging so head on over to her channel I will have her Channel and her video link down below. If. You're, coming over from Lindsay's channel I want to go ahead and introduce myself I am Jamie, from Jamie's journey I work, outside of the home full-time, I also run my youtube channel which is more. Like a full-time job these, days I am wife to Mike and he is my high school sweetheart we, are raising three, girls Avery. Who is my oldest she is four almost five and my, twins were almost a year old here, in a couple of weeks we, struggled, with infertility and. After, years of miscarriage. And not, being able to get pregnant we were blessed, with two beautiful rainbow, babies, so, here on my channel I hope that you will find a community where, we can motivate, each other and inspire, each other my, goal is to help you in some way I want, to help you be productive no, matter how it looks on social, media or here on YouTube life is not easy for anyone, but, we are in this together and I'm going to help you get through those tough times and, come out feeling productive. I've. Been staring yeah. So, I don't know if you guys know but March is my birthday month I just had my birthday on March, 2nd, I turned 34. So, I want to know what month were you born in. It's. March and at least here in the United States we are getting, ready for spring which, means a lot of deep cleaning going on in my house and every single week when I bring out a new video of deep cleaning I'm going to try to show you how I can clean show, you the specific techniques, and the products that I use and the goal is to try to make cleaning easier for, ourselves we. Need to make sure that cleaning doesn't take super, long and hopefully I can show you and help you do that, so. Make sure you're a subscriber make, sure you have the notification bell turned on so you get notified every single week so we can spring, deep-clean, together. This. Is a little hack that I've shared so many times on my channel but every time I do you guys are blown away by it all I did was take a butter knife and wrapped, around a wipe you can use a baby wipe a disinfecting. Wipe and it, allows you to get into any cracks, or hard-to-reach, areas, so, you can see everything, I was able to get out of the crack between my countertop, and my stove. I cannot. Wait for you to see how I deep clean my bathroom you guys if, you want to see dirty I'm gonna be showing you dirty I am, talking, real, dirt that you're going to see it was just so crazy but also very satisfying, at the same time I pulled.

Out Vents, in the bathroom, vents. That had caked on dust, I cleaned window, Tracking's, that were full of dirt, I used, a toothpick, to get into the corners of my baseboards. So stay tuned for some incredibly. Satisfying. Cleaning, coming up. I. Would. Love to have you come over find, me an Instagram, come say hi you can get to know me a little bit better more, on a personal level it's, not full, of cleaning, or organizing, but more of my day-to-day life I will have it linked down below so come find me and say hi. That. Makes your. So. I recently got this new steam mop and I've been using it a ton lately, I love. It so I'm curious for you guys do, you prefer, a traditional. Mop or do you prefer a steam up or do you like something super, simple and easy like a Swiffer, I've honestly been, going back and forth between this, steam up and then, my OCD, spin mop I've been, using the, steam mop probably, more frequently, just because it's new and it's fun to use new things but, I have been going back and forth between the traditional mop and the steam mop but let me know which type of mop you prefer. If. You, guys are new here and you didn't know I just filmed, a three-part decluttering, and organizing, series here, on my channel all three videos just went up and it felt so good to spend some quality time decluttering. And organizing, my entire kitchen, I also, included a couple of amazing. Game-changing. Cleaning hacks in those videos one, for the stove and one for the shelves in my refrigerator and both, of the hacks will help you clean, both of those areas in, a super easy way so you don't have to work too, hard so. If you want to check out those videos I will have them linked, below in, the description, so you can check them out when you're done watching this video but I am telling you you need to go watch. So, Mike was hanging out with the girls while I was cleaning up downstairs, after dinner and then, I wanted to get both of the kids as rooms picked up before they went to bed and then Mike was gonna go and pick up some groceries so I ran upstairs and while Mike was with the babies, I pulled, Avery into her room so we could clean up that. Whole area and then I was going to put the babies to bed and while. Mike went and got the groceries and then I was going to finish up the downstairs later. On. You, can totally, tell Addison, is our sleeper, while both girls are really good sleepers but Addison is the one who needs her sleep and she always comes, out before Emory. You. Be quiet. Sissy. Sleepin, you'll. Be quiet okay. Mommy's. Gotta clean up this mess. Okay. So my cat just ran to, pick up some groceries from Walmart we, did a late. Night Walmart. Grocery pickup and I thought why not I'd show you guys what I got really, quickly before I finish, up my night of cleaning, okay so starting, here ground turkey we, make a lot of turkey. Tacos, I'm, actually using, this for a burrito, bowl. Recipe. I make, in the instant pot. Buns. For some barbecue chicken that, we're gonna be that, was frozen and we're gonna be eating up this week bread. Peanuts. Some, salsa, for my burrito bowl and. Some, chicken, tacos I'm gonna make for, freezer. Meals. Tortellini. Avery. Loves, tortellini. These. These. Happy, kid mango. And sweet potato bars so. I actually got these for Avery and she likes some we have we've had a couple of different flavors before, and. The. Girls the babies actually ended up liking them they're, not, super, soft but they're not too hard for them we just cut them in super small pieces and the babies really enjoyed them so, these. Bars all three girls can eat, ice. Drinks Mike really likes these. Taco. Seasoning. Mouthwash. I got these of vitamins, for Avery I was gonna get some at Costco, when I was there but, since the babies aren't taking, vitamins obviously. There's. Just no way we would go through like a Costco size of vitamins for her before they expired, so I just picked those up at Walmart, some. Toothpaste, for Avery, we've. Never had these before they. Are veggie, hash browns so, there's no potatoes in them it's all cauliflower, so. We're gonna try these the, girls are gonna try them and I'm curious to see how good they are I hope they like them. Cotton. Rounds, to take my makeup off cheese. Sticks, the girls the babies like these and so does, avery, shredded. Cheese I don't. Even know what these are Mike. Gets these and he really likes them well. I don't know pasta, Zero, spaghetti. Shaped 15, calories I don't. Know if it's good I'll. Have to ask him but he he, likes it apparently cuz I know he's gotten these before. More. Granola bars for the babies as well and I like these as do, those, because. They don't make a mess um, specifically, when you think of Avery you know sometimes she'll eat a granola bar as a snack and she's walking around and they, can be crumbly.

I Don't want granola, bars to be crumbly and these are not crumbly, so we've, been getting these for years, black. Beans. Powerade. Zero. Lacroix. I love sparkling, water I like spindrift, the best but Lacroix, is my second, favorite. These. Little containers, of corn and I, like these for. The girls just, so I don't have to open a full can and. Sometimes like if just the babies are gonna eat them they'll just eat one of those containers, limes, lemons, avocado. Those are pretty much staples, and every grocery, run we go with bananas, another staple, we. Don't get this all the time but I picked it up for Avery for tomorrow Mike's gonna be gone so it'll be a girls night and I always try to do something kind of special I'm. Honest just a girls night so I got one of these for her to eat for. Dinner. Probably. Make something else to go with it but. Some. Blueberries. And strawberries for. The girls. Yogurt. This is my favorite Greek yogurt, I like it because of the high protein and the, no artificial, sweeteners, and, no added sugar so I eat one of these pretty much every day. Avery's. Favorite animals. These are yogurt. Smoothies. And. Then some. Dave's, killer, bread I really. Like this bread I make this almost every weekend with, some eggs or this, is really really good for avocado, toast so that's why avocados. Best. Toast, bread. To use for avocado toast, and. Then I needed some LED. Lights these are the daylight light, bulbs I needed some that's what I use in, here. So it's nice and bright so when I film it looks, nice and bright for you guys, there. You go you get a little grocery haul with some cleaning. Let. Me know if you like seeing these grocery hauls because I can pop them in some videos when we go but. I'm gonna put, all this stuff away kind of organize it like I do in the kitchen or I, mean, I'm, gonna kind of organize it like I usually, do in the refrigerator, and then, keep, on keeping out I'm gonna finish my cleaning. So. I don't know if this is a control, thing or what but I always like putting the groceries away because, I don't. Like it when Mike puts him away because I feel like he doesn't put things away in, the right or proper places he doesn't keep things organized, and I know that sounds a little ridiculous, but he just tends to put things like he'll just throw it in the pantry or throw it in the refrigerator and he doesn't put things where they go you know I have my little systems, of organization, that, I like and it helps me know what I have in there and where to look when I need something and he just doesn't put it away in the right areas, so, I prefer to put the groceries away are you guys like that do you like, to put the groceries where away, or does it not really, matter to you. And. Then, I came upstairs really, quickly to pick up our bedroom, and I wasn't doing anything and crazy, in here because it obviously wasn't that bad wasn't too messy I just, wanted everything picked up from the floor and I wasn't going to make our bed because I was, going to be getting into it here soon and then. When. I was done with our room I was going to have Mike take off the vents in our bathroom so I can clean those tonight before I woke up the next morning and got started on deep cleaning, our bathrooms, an element, that is something that I have never cleaned.

Okay. So as soon as I like, pull this down he handed it to me and I jumped and made, a little scream, cuz. I thought those were spiders, I have a huge, huge phobia. Of spiders, actually. When you have a phobia of spiders any. Bug. You see you automatically. Think it's a spider you guys know what I'm talking about so, let. Me know what your phobia, is like when it comes to bugs or, just let me know what your phobias I've always been scared of spiders, any. Other bug I can deal with like I could pick up like, centipedes, but I can. Deal with anything else like centipedes, anything, else just. Not spiders, but. Luckily, the we're just flies. So. To clean the vents at first I grabbed a screwdriver which. Happened to be right there since Mike had just used it to take off the vents and I kind of stuck it in those little slots and was able to get a lot of the dust out that way and at first I didn't want to get the vents wet because you know when you have a lot of dust on something and then you get it wet and the dust sticks, to, that item more so, at first I wasn't going to get it wet but then I just tried it and it actually just took all of the dust off it came straight off and it worked out really well to, get a majority of the dust off by just using the screwdriver driver, and then some hot water and then, I cleaned it and wiped it all off with my DIY, cleaner of rubbing, alcohol dish, soap and water and that seemed to do the trick. All. Right so it was day, two and, as you can tell I was feeling, it I was feeling good and I was ready to clean I wanted. To get the lights taken care of before I moved on to the rest of the bathroom and I even wanted to get at the top of the mirror because I'm sure you saw there, was a lot of dust building, up on top so, if you've watched my videos in the past a couple of weeks ago I did get up here and clean but you, can kind of see there was already dust, and a lot of dirt back up here so it. Makes me realize that I probably need to get up here more often and clean it. You're. Such a nice, guy just talking. To. Dust everything, like my blinds and the rest of the bathroom I was using n dust which is my favorite cleaner for blinds and baseboards. Now. I'll emit I do not like cleaning, window tracking, and I clearly do not clean them as often as they should be clean but, what I used was some vinegar to, spray on there to loosen up all of the dirt and then I took a cleaning, toothbrush, to get in there and all of the cracks and crevices and, then I would use some paper towels to wipe everything away and honestly. I just kept repeating that system, until most of the dirt was gone. We, had spaghetti for dinner which is one of my favorites, I always, lean more towards, like a red tomato based, sauce, for my pasta so, I'm curious from you guys do you like a red sauce or a white, sauce Mike would pick a white sauce he loves alfredo but, I always go, for the red so let me know red or white sauce, with your pasta. To. Wipe down my, mirrors. And windows throughout, the house and here. In the bathroom I'm using an e cloth which you probably saw me use on my stovetop earlier, but, I've been loving these cloths lately, they just, clean, you just use that in water so, it's a special cloth and it has small, tiny fibers, that attract, dirt and bacteria and, they just truly are amazing, if you want to check them out I will have. A link in the video's description as. Well as a code for 10% off but, they have cloths for, all over your house for, different, areas different. Products, so honestly, I love, them all and sometimes, it's just nice, to grab a cloth and put. Some water on it and be able to clean. So. To clean, this windows tracking, I decided it would be easier to remove the screen and can you guys see that dog hair floating around under the window I don't know if you saw it but if you didn't see it you can rewind it in a few seconds and you just see dog hair floating because apparently, was just sitting in that room, which, is so crazy and kind of embarrassing, but I guess that's what happens when you have a dog but. I will, be taking care of that here in a minute when I'm done with all of the tracking but removing, the screen made it a lot easier to really get into all of the cracks and crevices of, the window tracking. So, I know it's really hard to tell on camera but, there was a lot of dog fur, and cobwebs, in the corners in this little room and, I've had a lot of you guys tell me that you like to see real dirt in my house now. I'm aware that my house is not truly, dirty, I've even had people say at times that I'm cleaning, a clean house and I understand, my house is not truly dirty, in the true, sense of the word but, we are real people living, here so there are times where we let things go or things build up so, when I'm cleaning I'm going to try to show you some, of the, real life dirt.

As. I. Was getting ready to clean the baseboards I realized, at the top of the baseboards, was kind of hard to clean especially. Because there are some corners, that's. Hard to reach, when I'm doing this and because. I'm doing some true deep cleaning, some spring, cleaning I wanted. To really get in there and clean, it so I grabbed a q-tip to get into those corners on the, baseboards, and it really helped. Stuff. And. Trying to remain, strong, I know it's good if I got. It I got. So, I know you really couldn't tell and I tried to show it on camera but it didn't really pick it up but there were certain areas on the wall that had water marks, and other scuffs. On there so, I just grabbed a rag and used some water and Dawn, dish, soap and it all came off and it didn't take off any of the paint which was a win. Then. It was time to deep clean my shower and you have probably, seen me use a variety of products, in here and typically, I don't use Magic Erasers a but, since I was deep cleaning I kind of wanted to do something that I don't normally do, so, I took a magic eraser and clean my entire master shower and I find that the magic eraser, tends to get up stuff that other cleaning products don't so, I like to go in there from time to time and, use. A magic eraser because it gets everything. Off. Don't. Forget to come over and follow me on Instagram I truly love building a community over, there sharing, more of my life other than cleaning. So, come on over find. Me even if you just want to see some cute babies you can come over and find me I will, have the, Instagram, link down below but come over and say hi. Do is to make. Like. A song. Let. Me know down below what you're planning on spring, cleaning first. Or what you've already spring, cleaned. I waited, for the one forever. Finally. I got you baby here, in my heart. When. I'm with you I feel so much better. Oh yeah. Before. You I was just a shell so stuck in. And. We. Got something good. Like. A song. Baby. So, lately to clean my grout, I've been using resolve, foaming, carpet cleaner and I've been using it so much that I actually need to get a new one because it's starting to run out but, I spray it on my grout in my bathroom and I let it sit while I go do something else and then when I come back I feel like I don't have to scrub as much because. The, carpet. Cleaner actually, cleans my grout by, itself and I really like it because the carpet cleaner just. Does most of the work and then I have to go in and I have to scrub a little bit but I feel like I don't have to scrub as much, or as hard as I would if, I was using another, cleaner. So. Next I moved on to deep cleaning, my girls bathroom, and all. Of that dirt that you saw was, from my Dyson I had tried to empty the bin the night before and miss the garbage it was kind of a mess and so, I was like you know what I'm gonna be deep cleaning this bathroom tomorrow so I'll just leave it and take, care of it tomorrow but. In here I wanted to pretty much do the exact, same thing as I did in our master, bathroom I wanted to clean the lights. The, shower the window the. Grout and, the. Window, tracking, in the windows. No, one's, stopping now. I'm. Gonna skip my rings I'm gonna make mistake. I just. Wanna feel about. It's. Just, what I do, when. So. Again if you need some decluttering. And organizing, motivation, go, check out my three-part series that I did on over. In my kitchen it's, a set of videos, that I'm really proud of and I just solved, how everything, turned out so again I will have that all linked down below in the this, video's description so. You can go check it out and then go organize your kitchen. So. After I left the resolve foaming, carpet cleaner sit for a little bit in our master bathroom, grout I went, back over there to scrub that before I finished up the rest of the girls bathroom. I. Told. Myself that maybe he, ain't. Too. Bad I hate advice. Cause. Out of sight, and out of mind. It's, so hard to decide. Like. I know. It's. Almost. I know, this looks pretty gross but I. Needed to wipe around the base of the toilet I find that's one area that a lot of people forget about but. I feel like if you don't wipe it down pretty, well it, gets gross around the base of the toilet so I wanted, to go in there and really scrub that area down. My. Lipstick. Days, my, breath. I. Wanted. To use my Rubbermaid, power scrubber to get the faucets, and you, can kind of see all of the stuff that was falling out from under the faucets, and this, was something that I've done recently so, I guess I should be doing it even more. But. That's going to be it for this two-day extreme, whole house deep clean with me I have so much more cleaning coming, up so much spring, cleaning we are going to be doing it all spring. Cleaning the entire house so make sure you're subscribed make.

Sure You have the notification bell, turned, on because, we are going to get our houses clean and ready for the, summer.

2020-03-10 15:19

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