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Hey. Friends, so here we are again but this video, is going to be a little, different and really giving, my kitchen, one. Of the best cleanings, I've ever given. It and I am telling you I'm gonna be deep cleaning, decluttering, and organizing. So, it, ended up being so, much work, that, I decided, to split, this up into two parts, because it was that much work so for today I started, out by just cleaning up my kitchen you, know doing the basics, putting, things away from, our normal day-to-day living, and then. I have planned on doing some serious deep cleaning, and and, I feel like the kitchen is a one room in the house maybe along with the bathroom, that we all find really hard to keep clean so, I'm hoping I can give you some tips and, some cleaning motivation, so, cleaning your kitchen isn't as hard and I'm also going to be sharing with you one cleaning. Heck in particular. That, is so, game-changing. It is something, that will help you transform, how you clean your refrigerator, it made, it so much easier for me to do I didn't. Have to scrub or do anything and it left my refrigerator, sparkling. Clean, at the end of the day so, stay tuned we're doing a lot let's, do this. Julie. Me. Cross the Seas I can't. Wait for. You in my dreams. My. Dreams. This, is one of those cleaning heck's you've probably seen me talk, about so much here on my channel but you just take a butter knife wrap, it around a, wipe. And you can just get into any crevices. And cracks between your stove or any other areas in your house and it's hard to reach. So. Before I started, the deep cleaning I of course you know had to do some basic evening, cleaning. Of my kitchen that I like to do most, nights because. I wanted, a clean, slate, you know clean countertops before, I really, got in there and started deep cleaning, and so. That's kind of the plan but, for, today's video you're going to see me clean the. Top of my cabinet so I'm getting up there I'm gonna be dusting. I'm gonna really, clean my slider glass door and get on top, we're. Just, wait there was so much dirt and dust up there I honestly, don't get up there very often so I really wanted to clean that and ultimately. What I'm trying to do for these kitchen, dip deep cleans is get, into the areas that they don't normally clean, and then. After, I do the deep cleaning I'm going to be pulling everything, out of the bottom half of my kitchen, cabinets, wiping. Everything down, decluttering. And then reorganizing. Everything. In order. To get to know you guys a little bit better and for you guys to get to know me a little bit more I'm going to be doing random, this or that questions, they sometimes, will have something, to do with me but the time of the year or the video or they could be completely random and these are going to be completely, random today, so, the number one. Chocolate. Or vanilla. I am totally a vanilla, girl all the way I will always pick vanilla but let me know chocolate, or vanilla. If you. Are new to the Jaime's journey, community. Hello, I'm so happy that you're here I hope you will stick around I, hope you will subscribe and. I hope you're enjoying my. Channel and my video here. You're going to find me, put, out two videos a week I'm very.

Passionate About, keeping a clean home showing. You how to keep a clean home sharing. Tips and tricks and hacks and how to keep up with cleaning, routines and all of that I love, to declutter and organize. Create, routines that work best for me and my family and share all of that with you I am, a total girl mom I have three girls one. Who is four and then I have twins for almost 11 months old so, life is crazy life is hectic but I would not have in any other way, let. Me know who you are if you're new something, interesting, about yourself and where you're from. Make, sure you stick around for, cleaning. Hacks and one, in particular that will help you keep your refrigerator, cleaner. Longer, and you don't have to scrub it's just, one of the best ways to clean your refrigerator. So. This is a little kitchen cleaning hack in order, to keep the top of your cabinets, cleaner for longer if you don't like getting on top of your countertops, to clean up there just, use some wax paper and lay it across the top of your cabinets, it's easy to change out and that way you don't have to dust up there and, it. Just makes it so much easier, keeps it cleaner for long okay so this is one of those situations that, when you guys watch, me go through and pull everything out and clean it's, obviously gonna be sped up I so. Wish I could do that in real life just move super quickly, but. I can't. So. Enjoy, it in, a time-lapse. Ben-hur. I've, been low. I've. Been chasing all the things I. Never had before. By, the river. I, found. A place where I. In jolly old. What you see is one, okay, so this, is. Everything. I pulled out I decided, instead of just pulling everything, out of every cabinet, that, I was going to just do the bottom row first so kind of break it up so, I just pulled everything, out and, I'm gonna kind of go through, and decide things. I'm gonna keep, things. I want to donate get rid of and. Then. I'll. Go back wipe. Out all of the cabinets. The. Outsides, and, I. Know it sounds like I'm on a breath I don't know why. But. Yeah wipe down, the insides, the outsides, and then organize everything, nicely, back, into there and then, I, will do it with the top so. I am NOT going to do this cabinet, because I just, did this I had some coffee down, here that's where I keep my extra coffee and it, had spilled in there so I actually already cleaned, that out recently and, then. This one you guys know. This. One pretty well where I keep all my cleaning, supplies and. I'm. Gonna go through here this and another video because I'm planning on getting some at new cleaning supplies, so, I want to redo this whole part anyways, so, stay tuned for that but, I'm gonna save this for a like a whole nother project.

All Things. Come. Find me an Instagram, its jamie-lynns. With an s jamie-lynns. Journey. It will be linked down below, come, find me over there and say hi. Oh. I. Didn't. Know what I was, doing, wrong all, the, things that go. I. Didn't. Know it, could be that's religiously. Here. I was going through our pots and pans and trying to match up lids with, the actual pot and pan and I found that we had more lids than we did actual, pots and pans so I don't even know how that happens but this is exactly why it's important to go and declutter because. We had lives in there that we weren't using that we're just taking up space I'm, glad I was able to get in there and pull everything out and find those random lids. But. Again there will be another part of this video and in that one I'm gonna be doing some more deep cleaning, more, decluttering. But also some, organizing, I have, three. Drawers in particular that I'm really going to be going in I have baskets, and a lot of ways that I want to tackle some, major clutter so stick, around that, should be up next week. So. This is everything, that, we are getting rid of, donating. Teller people, it's not, a lot but I do this every single year I go through and every year I get through I get rid of about. This much of stuff and remember this is just from the bottom half, of my cup cabinets, so. I feel like that's pretty good considering, this is what I get every, single year it just feels good to see all of this knowing it's going somewhere else and out, of this house, okay. So before we get started in, the next video what you're gonna see is, me. Organized you're, gonna see me organize this, drawer. You're. Gonna see me organize. This. Mess. Yikes, you're, gonna see me organize, this. And. You're. Gonna see me organize, this. Monstrosity. So. You. Guys need some decluttering. Motivation, stick around make sure you're subscribed because. We're gonna do this in the next video. So. I am done. Decluttering. And cleaning, out the bottom cabinets I was gonna do the top but I'll be completely honest with you guys I gotta quit I got a stop for tonight, I'm gonna pick up tomorrow, but. I. Desperately. Desperately. Need. To do I, desperately. Need, to do our, refrigerator. And freezer like, it's really really bad so, unfortunately even, though I did the bottom half of our cabinets, and that you would think that I should have prioritize, the top of the cabinets that's.

Not, A priority at least tomorrow, we'll see how much time I have tomorrow I don't have all day, I only have a certain amount of hours and I'm. Gonna have to tackle the, fridge in the freezer first, so. If I don't get to that next, video I will do it in my another. Video because. I'm not gonna let that go so a lot, more to do tomorrow stay tuned. You. Let. Me feel you'll ever get. Cuz. I've been running, around in circles, screaming, out your name. Take. Me to a different, place. Just. The two of us, and we can stay up all night you. Sit, under street lights. -. Does. Anyone else hate cleaning out the refrigerator as, much as I do I hate. Doing the deep cleaning part of it I don't really mind wiping, it out but. The deep cleaning part I just hate it so I came across this, deep cleaning. Refrigerator. Cleaning heck and I thought I would try it out and let me just tell you I loved. It so what you want to do is take all of your refrigerator shelving. Everything. Out of the refrigerator, and then, I added some really hot water and Dawn, dish soap to my, bathtub. I put, the shelves in there and then I just let them soak for. Maybe, an hour while, I was wiping out the rest of my refrigerator. And. To wipe out the rest of my refrigerator, I was using hydrogen peroxide because. It's an amazing, disinfectant. And also safe to use in your refrigerator and, I, just put a little spray bottle nozzle. On top of the hydrogen, peroxide bottle, I actually had one of you guys one, of my viewers here, on the channel suggested. Doing this because. With, hydrogen. Peroxide first, off I like using it it's a powerful. Cleaner, it's all natural and, it's a really good disinfectant. But, if it's exposed to light it starts to break down and that's why you buy it in a brown bottle so, a way that, you can use it but, not have it break down as just add a spray bottle. Nozzle, to the hydrogen, peroxide bottle and it's super nice because. Then you can use that whenever you want and I just thought it would be a good way to clean out all of the shelving, and the. Organizational. Refrigerator, bins that I have in there and while I was doing this I had those shelves, soaking, upstairs and wait till you see the outcome the, shelves were the, dirtiest, so you could put the other shelves in the tub if you wanted to do another set but, I just wanted to focus on the shelves since I was limited on time today and I. Loved how they turned out. When, I be, with. Oana. I don't. Wanna be. Wanna. Be, with. Wanna. Be. Wanna. Be with. What, I wanna, let, me be the. Another. Randomness, or that question, bacon, or sausage when you eat breakfast, I feel, like I'm in the minority here but I could totally not. Eat bacon for the rest of my life and I'd be totally okay with it I like it but I just never order it never, eat it never make it I'd pick sausage, any day over bacon so I want to know from you bacon, or sausage. We. The. Ones I was done wiping out all of the drawers in the organizational. Containers. At downstairs I went, upstairs and pulled out the shelves from the bathtub and I know you guys can't really see but, they were so shiny, I didn't even have to scrub them at all so I think that was the best part I pulled them out they, were shiny, they were clean I didn't have to scrub and here, I'm just drying them off and they were sparkling, shiny. Clean. I didn't, have to scrub I know I can you saying that but I'm just I was pretty shocked but I didn't have to do that so just letting them sit in some super hot Dawn dish, soap water, did, the trick, look, at these shelves. But. Don't weigh forward, too. Just. And then, I went in to organize all of the food get, rid of anything that was old or expired, and just, organize, everything before, I moved on to the freezer. Oh won't, you sit. Just. For two. -. Sookie. How. Gross is this these were buried, inside. Of the fridge and then I found this piece of I'm assuming, turkey maybe ham heart.

In The back of the fridge, I guess. There's. Worse things but. Yeah, a lot of food, I had to unfortunately get. Rid of I don't like getting rid of food I don't but this is exactly why I need to clean this out more often because things were buried I didn't know but we had certain things in there so. Unfortunately. That's what happens I guess so. Hopefully, if I can keep up with this I can kind of see that's why I like to keep this you know, see, all of the food that we have I, didn't. See it. And then, like these are leftovers, we're, eating this week so, I actually keep, these are for the babies and Avery and I like to keep those out front because if not you. Know lunch, time I just mean we need to pull something out and I like having an eye level so I know exactly, what. To give them because we pretty much give them fruit every, meal and then. We have our, apples, and. Yogurt. I'll put. Cheese. I need to get some cheese sticks and we also have to but we're going to the store grocery, store tomorrow so, it's a little bit bare. But. I think it's just if you can keep things pretty, simple, and. Not overwhelm, ourselves I mean we go to the store every single week so I feel like I don't need to stock up and, it. Also just makes it easier because then I can see everything. So. The freezer doesn't get as dirty or messy as a refrigerator, I'm sure it's the same at your house so I didn't really have to do too much here but I still wanted to take everything out wipe it all down and then go through what I had in there rediscover. Anything, that I didn't know I had consolidate. Get, rid of anything, that we, didn't need or was expired, and just, spruce. It up I guess. Without. You, need, to say without. You, I've. Tried to keep my head up taking. One day at a time but you cut. Deep you leave a mark, election, my money. Every. Time I try, to meet, someone, I see you're, not the same I, like you, there's only one just, like. The. Same without. You, need, to say. You guys want, to check out these bins I'll have them linked below I think there's three different sizes a small medium and large these. Are the medium sizes and they are perfect, for my, side. By side fridge and freezer and, I can just label, them and then they slide in and out so, they're perfect I got them from the Container, Store and, again. I will have them linked, down below. So. I start over here we have our Uncrustables easy, to grab for, Avery if she wants it or us, to grab as we're running out the door there just quick easy meals. Mozzarella. Sticks we don't always have those but we got a big container, for from Costco, right before Christmas, so. I stuck them there I still need to start using. Up the rest of my pumped, breast milk and. Then. Up here her so I, have. Some, shredded, taco. Chicken that I had made. These, are obviously not I mean this protein, these, are protein Greek. Yogurt. Bars but, usually. I'll put like chicken, or, beef but, we get our chicken, and, our. Beef from. A local farm so that is in our deep freezer so.

Right Now we don't have anything but if we get anything from Costco, I'll put it here we. Have some fish. Some. Seafood. Avery's. Protein. And again I like having it all kind of categorized, so it's like okay you. Know we're super busy babies, need, to go down for a nap but we need breakfast, or but, we need lunch okay, let's grab you know a protein and, I can just pull it out okay what do we have fish sticks and chicken pit grilled chicken patties and chicken nuggets um or, same thing with breakfast I, need, to get some more frozen. Breakfast, but. It's you know protein. Grab. A frozen. Vegetable, pull this out we have sweet potato cubes and, green. Beans you know something, super, simple just like keeping, those stocked, so. When, we need quick meals we know what. We have we know we, know we have something, obviously. We, typically have more frozen fruit but I need to get that at the store and, then down here we, keep. Our frozen meals this is my frozen. Meal prep you've seen me talk about here on my channel I'll, make a head on a sundaes and then I portion it out so I keep this down here and then, here I have those, spaghetti. Sauce cubes I make up for the girls so, I'll put it up. Round up some beef spaghetti. Sauce put it in the ice cube trays and then I keep them in here so I can easily pop. Them out, for. An easy, spaghetti dinner during, at the weeknight. But. That's gonna be it for today's video I hope you found this video motivate, make sure you're subscribed and have the notification bells, turn on for part two next week and I, will see you guys next time bye.

2020-02-22 09:35

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