NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - May 27th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - May 27th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

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Tonight. The growing calls for justice, the outrage in Minneapolis. New protests, today after violent, clashes in the streets the mayor now calling for the former officer, who kneeled on George Floyd's neck to be charged, and new, videos of the moments just before Floyd's, death what they reveal, america's. Death toll from kovat 19, surpassing. 100,000. It comes as everything from Vegas casinos, to Disney World announced, plans to reopen and, tonight, a doctor's, plea in a city in the American, South now out of ICU beds the, historic, launch scrubbed, minutes before liftoff America's, return to space in a private, spacecraft delayed. When they'll try again, the dramatic take, down an active, shooter on a bridge a soldier, being hailed as a hero, for striking, the gunman with his vehicle, officials, say he may have saved a lot of lives our, NBC, news exclusive. Inside, the lab developing, a new weapon against, that mystery, illness in children paying. Tribute to the legendary activists. And playwright, who fought tirelessly in, the battle against a different epidemic. In America and, the miracle baby born 11 weeks premature. - a mother in a coma as she battled COBIT 19, the, moment, today the family, had long awaited. This. Is NBC, Nightly News with Lester. Holt, good. Evening everyone there is more video out tonight shedding light in the moments leading up to the death of a handcuffed, Minneapolis. Man seen, in this disturbing. Video pinned, to the ground by, a police officer who held a knee to his neck after a night of heated, and volatile protests. On the streets the, city's mayor in a rare step is calling, on the prosecutor, to arrest, and charge that now former, officer, as the, family, of George Floyd, calls his death an active murder Gabe, Gutierrez is, there. Tonight. The outrage, in Minneapolis, is mounting, even after four officers were fired was. It enough for you that the officers, were fired that is not enough. He's. A murderer. Crowds. Of protesters clash. With police overnight their fury fueled, by that viral, video showing, the final moments, George Floyd's life. He. Begged for help, repeating, I can't breathe at least a dozen times while, a Minneapolis officer. Pinned him to the ground pushing, his knee in to Floyd's neck. The. Minneapolis mayor, asked, the prosecutor, directly, I'm calling, on him to charge the arresting, officer, in this case initially. Police said Floyd had physically, resisted, officers, after they responded to a reported, forgery, in progress his new cell phone video appears, to show the moment Floyd, steps out of the vehicle, two officers restrain.

Him Then, this security, footage from a nearby business obtained, by NBC News shows, officers, walking him across the street in handcuffs, minutes. Later this other surveillance, video shows the group of bystanders pleading. For officers to let him breathe why. Is it that people. Of color especially black. Men even. When there's an allegation, of a non-violent, crime or, meant. So violently. By. Police, officers in America, the 46, year old Floyd played basketball, in college and, lived most of his life in Texas working, as a truck driver in security, guard if you got a chance to normal you were local LeBron. James posted, this image on social media of the officer kneeling on Floyd with, former, quarterback Colin, Kaepernick, kneeling in protest, of police brutality lawyers. For three of the officers and, the police union, declined, to comment today the, other officers, attorney has not responded, this. Man owns the convenience, store Floyd had just left before the encounter one, of his employees says, Floyd used a fake $20, bill it was always a pleasant individual, and. He. May have not even known that the bill was counterfeit and the. Abuse of power and the police brutality needs to stop. Now hundreds, of protesters, have gathered outside of this police precinct, officers, in riot gear, have set up barricades, authorities. Hope that, these protests, remain, peaceful Lester. All, right Gutierrez. Tonight thank you there is tragic, news to report of the corona virus, pandemic sadly. News we have been braced for America, now surpassing. 100,000. Confirmed, deaths from, kovat 19 and tonight. New alarm about how many may be spreading, the virus without symptoms. Here's Miguel Almaguer. Tonight. Is our nation struggles to protect public health and open the economy, a grim, reminder of what's at stake and already. Lost the, US coronavirus. Death toll now rising above a hundred thousand, this, map tracing. The outbreak, and it's fatal explosive. Spread across the country, with roughly 1.7, million, confirmed, cases a new, poll finds 49. Percent of Americans, would get a kovat 19 vaccine, if developed. You probably need to get to probably, 40 percent of people taking the vaccine if you look at vaccination, rates about 45%. Of people seek the flu vaccine with, Americans, anxious, to get back to work everybody. Needs to survive two, new studies reveal insight, into the virus, it's believed, up to 80 percent of coronavirus. Cases, may be asymptomatic. Those. Not showing, symptoms shedding. The virus for, a shorter, period of time doctors. Say the true indicator, of trouble are spikes, in hospitalization. Rates this, is gonna get bad if we aren't careful in, Alabama, dr., Michael Sag ran out of ICU, beds two days ago we're, left with the. Same type of concern, that. New York had say, six weeks ago eight weeks ago only. We don't have the capacity know, that New York has or the resources, to respond, the, ongoing, struggle comes, as Disney laid out plans to reopen July, 11th, similar. To those offered by Six Flags calling. For temperature, checks masks. And social, distancing, in line with, some restaurants, taking reservations, tonight. The CDC, advises, reduce, seating, and partitions. Between guests. Sam Brock is in South Beach on Ocean. Drive in Miami Beach restaurants. For the first time today can serve diners, on-site spreading. Out into the street to make it happen but, with hotels and beaches not opening for another week the, question is will diners even come, across. The country in Vegas casinos, are rolling the dice on opening, their doors next, week while, around Los Angeles, today some, shops got back to business for the first time in months. The. Nation's. Second-largest School District, is working on its plan to bring children back to campus, in LA, it could, include 16. Kids to a classroom, children, eating their lunch at their own desks, every child. Being given one ball, to play alone and staggered. School days as our. Country moves forward, there is heartbreak, in looking back Kody, Lister, was so much more than just a number in today's, grim milestone.

Of Lives, lost. You, would ever meet, the. Pain from one family part, of the collective, grief of a nation, Miguel. Almaguer, NBC, News Los Angeles as. The, nation marked that milestone President. Trump was in Florida, for the space X launch that was ultimately scrubbed, by weather late today, and just, in the White House saying the president, will sign an executive order. Concerning. Social media, as he, escalates, his feud with Twitter, here's. Peter Alexander. Ahead. Of today's scrubbed, launch president, Trump touring NASA's, campus, striking, an uplifting. Note. Members. Of the president's family traveling, with him wearing masks, the first lady earlier seen wearing her mask aboard marine one their. Visit, coming the very day the country marks that tragic, milestone. 100,000. Lives lost to the coronavirus, and today, the president hosted New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, at the White House it was about how, do we, supercharge. The reopening, especially, in New York which has been hardest hit no, drama there but the president is escalating another, battle with Twitter, after the company for the first time posted. Fact-check, labels on a pair of the president's tweets about, mail in balance, president. Trump accusing, Twitter of interfering, in the 2020 presidential, election, and today, threatening, to strongly regulate, or close them down a president. Has no authority to shut down a private, company and the First Amendment, limits the government's, ability to regulate, free, speech, meantime, some top Republicans are telling President Trump to knock it off as he again today pushed a debunked conspiracy, theory that former, Republican, congressman and, Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough had, something, to do with the death of an aide in 2001. Law. Reakless Udhas died after an abnormal, heart rhythm, cause her to collapse and hit, her head in Scarborough's Florida, office Scarborough. Was in Washington, at the time Republican. Congresswoman Liz, Cheney we're in the middle of a pandemic he's achieved the commander-in-chief of his nation and. It's, causing great pain to the family. Died. As, for SpaceX, late tonight the president tweeted that he plans to fly back to Florida on Saturday, for the next scheduled, launch Lester. Peter. Alexander at the White House thanks we're tracking the threat from tropical, depression, Bertha, bringing, heavy rain and potentially, life-threatening floods, to the Carolinas, and Virginia it's. A second named storm of the season that technically, begins, June, first it. Seems history, will have to wait America's, return to space that we mentioned a moment ago postponed, minutes, before the space X rocket was, set to lift off by bad weather Tom, Costello was at the Kennedy Space Center. Dragon, SpaceX for a weather update a huge, letdown after, a day filled with anticipation and, excitement the. First manned mission from American, soil in nine years scrubbed.

As An, afternoon, Florida storm rolled, through the Kennedy Space Center she need a violate a couple. Different weather rules that now. Do not expect to clear in time to love for lunch today high winds rain and, lightning had been threatening the launch all day but, astronauts, Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken still, suited up as mission, managers, hoped the weather would clear enough, for their one launch attempt, at 4:33, on the, same launch pad 39a, that sent Apollo and Space Shuttle missions into space the. Astronauts boarded, their dragon space capsule, and strapped. In for liftoff, check, on how that heat air feels about how online, millions, of spectators around, the world had gathered to witness history, President, Trump and Vice President pence arrived, at the Cape for the big day while, outside the Kennedy Space Center thousands. Of spectators gathered. To see it in person this isn't very cool for us to be here for the first time to see like a private spaceship. Carry American astronauts, off American, soil to the spaceship but. Just 17, minutes before liftoff, Mission, Control announced. The launch would have to wait inside. Their spaceship the astronauts, said it goes with the territory we appreciate, that understand, that everybody's, probably. A little, bit bummed out. Early. And bacon isolated, since March to avoid COBIT exposure will, now go back into, isolation, NASA is entrusting, the lives of its astronauts, to SpaceX, and NASA so. We have had our engineers. And our technicians. Working. Side by side with SpaceX, this entire time and yes we are confident. So. The launch is now rescheduled, for Saturday, 3 22 in the afternoon, in the words of one NASA Administrator, a good, day on the ground is better than a bad day in the air and space, isn't going anywhere. Luster. Alright. Tom Costello thanks, terrifying. Moments today on a busy bridge between Kansas, and Missouri, police, say an active, shooter began firing at cars seemingly, at random but. A soldier from nearby Fort Leavenworth is, being hailed as a hero for, hitting the gunman with his car the, suspect, and a second, soldier was who, was shot were taken to the hospital with. Non-life, threatening injuries. In. 60. Seconds our NBC, news exclusive, inside the mission to save precious time for children, battling that mystery illness. Now, an NBC News exclusive. Inside the race to develop a new blood test to identify that, mystery, illness, striking, children, likely, related to Cove at 19, here's Villa marks. Tonight. Four-year-olds hear Fernandez could be a key in the fight against, a mysterious, disease possibly. Linked with coronavirus, well just, ten days ago she was in a British hospital fighting for her life her. Mother Shannon, had already recovered, from covert 19 when taya started to get sick what. Was hurting the most. Did. It really hurt. At. First doctors, insisted, it was nothing, serious but days later her temperature, continued, spiking, I think. That's when they got worried and they. Phoned advice. Coronavirus. Does not impact, most children, but taya had a rare and potentially deadly, condition. That's affected hundreds, of kids worldwide, including. A New York State where three have died it, was difficult for her doctors to diagnose tear because her symptoms kept, on changing and they came in a strange combination, now. Researchers inside this London, lab a racing, to find a fast accurate. Way to identify this frightening, your syndrome associated, with corona virus that's. Striking some kids so, hard inviting. Us inside the lab that's leading this urgent effort professor, Mike Levine who first helped identify this mystery, illness, there are some distinctive.

Markers, In the blood which. Allow us to distinguish, it from other conditions the, symptoms, include a rash high fever and stomach pains the, scientists, say they're now closer to designing new blood tests that will confirm its presence, immediately, that will mean they can make sure they get the right treatment given. Early which can prevent the need for critical, care and poorer outcomes. Hay, is now recovered, her case experts, say one of many speeding, up the development of those tests, once, identified the disease is usually treatable, and these scientists told us if your child has any of those symptoms be sure to consult a doctor, Lester all. Right Philip Marx thank you very much as the country reopens, the task of identifying those who have been exposed to corona virus and getting them to isolate, is critical, now tens of thousands, are training to do just that here's Katie Boeck. They. Could possibly also. Get corona virus an average day in the life of a contact, tracer, there's, a possibility, that you're positive, - sounds. A lot like this you, should stay away from others entirely, an, urgent. Phone call to someone who has tested positive for a corona virus then, tracing calls to everyone they've had contact with while contagious. Giving, warning and a recommendation that, all stay home for 14 days from the possible exposure to, prevent more spread, seems, like a big ask it's. A big ask it's our best way of stopping the spread in our communities, dr.. Emily Gurley, professor, at Johns Hopkins University. Says tracers, have existed, for decades tracking. Everything from the measles to the HIV, virus but. Are now needed on an unprecedented, scale. Girli, says without stay at home orders in place tracers. Become the best tool to flatten, the curve it's, why she and other public health experts, fast tracked and online, training since. Going live in mid May more, than. 250,000. People have, registered. In. The Georgia coastal, Health District, contact, tracers have investigated. 90%. Of all confirmed, kovat 19, cases right now and Public Health is an exciting, opportunity to, increase our work force some, estimates, say that the nationwide. Need for contact, tracers, could produce as many as, 300,000. Jobs many. Who find themselves unemployed are, now applying for them this, is good for me to feel like I'm still having a purpose Alicia Pulaski, is one of about, 66,000. Contact tracers employed across the country and that number. Is growing the. Job requirements. Vary state to state but most require little or no experience in public health some. Major cities like San Francisco are, even converting, city employees, like librarians. To fill the role most, tracers can safely work from home earning. Between 17, and $25. An hour early, says the work is vital, as normal, life resumes, our way out is contact, tracing this is how we. Can start. To open up but, also keep, transmission. And tack a crucial, warning, before one infection becomes, another Katie. Boeck NBC, News Baltimore. Up. Next, remember, an American, Hero. Tonight. In the middle of this pandemic were remembering a legendary, activist, who sounded the alarm about another, epidemic at a time when so many people didn't, want to listen, here's Cynthia McFadden an. Epidemic, of a rare form of cancer even before the disease had a name Larry, Kramer, was fighting, AIDS in, 1982. He co-founded the, gay men's health crisis. The first organization. To advocate, for the prevention, and treatment of, AIDS over, those first couple years almost. Everybody who died, I'm. Not joking, it was like we were, wartime. While, Larry Kramer began, his career writing, for movies earning, an Oscar, nomination in 1969. For women in love it was, his advocacy, work that brought him widespread fame. His. Acclaimed 1985. Play the normal heart later, adapted, by HBO, brought. The pain of the AIDS crisis, to audiences, around the world, please. God give us more here. By, 1987. More than, 16,000. People were dead. Frustrated. With government inaction, Kramer founded, act up whose, protests. Of politicians. Doctors, in the Catholic Church angered. Many including. Fellow, activists, I am, so sick of hearing about our tactics, offending, people. The. Vietnam, War was not ended. By people being nice.

Nice. People walk into gas chambers. Those. Protests, succeeded, in pressuring, the FDA to provide AIDS patients, access to potentially, life-saving drugs. Before, they were proven effective, he's, an historic, figure I think I really do diagnosed, with HIV and hepatitis B, in 1988. Cramer received, a liver transplant in 2001. Thank. You so much revered, by many he's, remained, controversial, with some for, his early work criticizing. Gay promiscuity, and yet for. Every one of those there's a kid who rushes up to me on the street and says thank you for saving my life and that. Just makes me want to cry so that makes it all all worth it a lifetime, dedicated. To saving lives by. Refusing to remain, silent, Cynthia, McFadden NBC. News, up next, the miracle, baby and a reason to cheer. Finally. Tonight a miracle, baby now home from the hospital here's, Kristen, Dahlgren. When. Little Lea Torres came into this world her mother didn't. Even know mom. Was critically, ill with coronavirus. In an induced coma, doctors. On Long Island delivered the baby 11 weeks early to save them both Leah, was just 2 pounds 15, ounces but. Already a fighter, when. Adriana Torres, woke up days later on her 41st, birthday she. Found out she was a mom and today. Got emotional, recalling, how she couldn't, even hold her baby. Adriana. Recovered and Leah grew, and today. Got to meet her big sister, and finally. Go. Home with her family, after, weeks of fear and worry tonight. A family together. Celebrating, life, Kristen. Dahlgren NBC, News New York. Something. To feel good about that is Nightly News I'm, Lester hold please take care of yourself and each other good night. Hey. NBC, News viewers, thanks, for checking out our YouTube, channel subscribe. By clicking on, that button down here and, click, on any of the videos over here to, watch the latest interviews, show highlights, and digital, exclusives, thanks. For watching.

2020-06-01 00:44

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