NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - April 28th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - April 28th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

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Tonight. Over a million confirmed. Cases in America, the pandemic, has now killed more Americans in, the Vietnam War and there's, growing alarm about our food supply, the president, announcing, an order to force meat packing, plants, to stay open, despite deadly, outbreaks, at a number of plants plus the vice president, under fire for what he didn't, do during a visit to the Mayo Clinic also. The first antibody, tests you can take without visiting, the doctor where. You can get it and new hope in the race for a vaccine, could it be ready by the end of the year back, in business some 43, million Americans, living in states that have begun to reopen, but, elsewhere some, defying, orders. There's. No end in sight for this and. So I mean, me personally I believe it's a constitutional right and. Tonight, dozens of malls planning, to reopen how will they protect you the packed American, Airlines plane no way to social, distance, what the airline is saying and JetBlue, the, first to require all passengers, to wear masks, why, aren't the others doing the same the, first dog in America, to test positive, what you need to know to protect your, pet and the, high-flying salute, to first responders. Inspiring. America. This is NBC, Nightly News with Lester. Holt. Good. Evening everyone tonight as the number of confirmed coronavirus. Cases, in this country climbs, to over a million and deaths, surpass, American, losses in the Vietnam, War there, are increasing, worries about a breakdown, of the food chain the, president, using his executive authority, tonight, to order meat and egg processors. To keep their plants, running despite, many becoming, epicenters. For the virus, it's, yet another looming. Crisis, even as so much of the nation is trying to emerge from lockdown, and return to normal we, have a lot of ground to cover tonight we start with Blane Alexander. Tonight. On the heels of a dire warning from Tyson Foods that the food supply chain is breaking, president, Trump is invoking the defense production Act ordering, all beef chicken, pork and egg facilities, to stay open declaring. Them critical, infrastructure, we, always work with the farmers there's plenty of supply there's plenty of as you know there's plenty of supply its, distribution, and, we will probably. Have that today itself. It was a very unique circumstance because, of liability. The. President's, executive order, will also, send more protective, gear for employees, at meat plants, which have been hit hard by kovat, 19, more, than a dozen going, dark as the virus continues to spread among, workers NBC's. Gatti Schwartz is in Colorado. From mid-nineteen. Nationwide. For. Deaths at at Ison plan in Camilla Georgia tonight. Edgar fields who represents, workers at that plant closed the president's order irresponsible. Look, what's happening around the country, where. People are dying every day but. Yet is still he want people to go into these facilities, where they know people have tested positive another. Union is also demanding, daily testing for meatpacking, workers now. Signs, the price you pay for meat is going up at this market in Chicago concerns. About panic buying. The. Problem with more plants shut down farmers, are left with too many animals, and know where to send them as Kerry Sanders found in Florida ranchers. Who have seen a 30%, drop in cattle sales today cheering. The president's, decision beef, pork, and chicken farmer stressing they, never had a shortage, the problem, was that the meat processing, plants, across. The country and pork farmers facing the tough possibility. Of having to euthanize their pigs it's, a dire situation, both. Economically. And emotionally. For, us as hog farmers, the emotional. Toll is, going to take on, pig farmers, is I. Can't. Even put a metric to it a cruel, irony food, stuck on farms, as so many newly unemployed Americans. Are lining up at food banks at the Atlanta Community, Food Bank demand, is up more than 30%. Those. Farmers. A. Crucial. Link for those who need it most Blane, Alexander, NBC News Atlanta. I'm. Miguel Almaguer, tonight, roughly, 43, million people or about one out of every seven Americans, is beginning, to see some sort of return to normality, diners. In Tennessee, bookstores, in South Carolina, and shops, in Mississippi, all opening, their doors many. With restrictions, but, eager to restart, local economies, nobody's. Made any money for two months so they. Need. To get in here and make money today ten states including, Colorado in. Are partially, reopened, seven, more from Florida to Texas to Nevada have, stay-at-home orders expiring, in two days, 33, states including. The West Coast Heartland, and much of the East Coast remains shut down. New. York City the governor says won't, be back to normal anytime, soon, reopen. But don't increase the number of infected people and don't overwhelm, the. Hospital, system the rollout to reopening, will differ state, to state in Iowa.

Restaurants, Can open at 50%, capacity in. Mississippi. Gyms and salons that can't avoid person-to-person, contact, are, to remain closed in Tennessee. Shoppers. Can expect temperature, checks enforced. Mask-wearing and, social distancing, but, even as the number of us infections. Soars, over 1 million some, California, businesses, including. This barbershop will, defy state orders and reopen. Anyway, there's no end in sight for this and. So I I mean me personally I believe it's a constitutional right as tens, of thousands, flocked to beaches a new Washington, Post poll says nearly, two and three Americans, believe restrictions, on most businesses, are appropriate. 16. Percent say even more could, be done to. Extent. Tonight, the growing battle over health in the economy, with both at stake, here, in California, the governor says we are weeks away from some businesses, being able to reopen but, others like sporting. Venues churches, salons and theaters, may, still be months, away laughter. Miguel. Almaguer, tonight thank you there are significant. New developments, this evening about testing. The key to reopening, safely, one big name announcing, a new effort to make its antibody, test easier, for consumers to get, NBC's. Kate snow has those details, lines. Down the street this morning at City MD clinics, in New York for a new blood test that looks for the presence of an antibody that builds up as a person recovers from kovat 19 I'm just curious if I had it because maybe. It means that I could get back to work sooner, honestly, I'm almost. Positive I had it quest, Diagnostics, is also offering that same antibody, tests direct to consumers, no need for a doctor's, visit, just go to one of 2,200. Locations, for a blood draw. Yes. People. Are screened first online to, make sure they no longer have, symptoms or have been near someone with symptoms, for the past two weeks I. Wasn't. Eligible but, my husband, who had a positive diagnostic test more than a week ago is it's, been more, than seven days since my diagnosis.

Results. Come back in a day or two and will be shared with public health officials, to help them track the virus the, results are more accurate than many of the early rapid, tests according to University, of Washington, researchers, who've studied one of the systems also being used by quest this is a great test, one of the main outstanding, questions, is what. Level of antibodies, do you need to be protected, against. Being pretty infected, dozens, of companies are working on antibody, tests but only seven, are authorized, by the FDA the vast majority of, tests that are out in the market right now haven't. Undergone any formal review and their, reliability, really, ranges, could they do more harm than good I think the tests could do more harm than good if you have a situation where, people go out get a test it says they have antibodies, to corona virus so, they might be more likely to engage in activity, that would expose them to the virus still, accurate results. Will certainly help and doctors encourage, those who test positive to, look into donating plasma that. Could potentially save lives, Keith snow NBC, News, now. To the race for a vaccine and, some new and promising signs, about how soon we might have won in the search for solutions tonight, Keir Simmons reports, on a lab in the forefront, of that vital effort. Tonight's. For overstretched, health workers, families. Torn apart and, shuttered. Businesses a, glimmer. Of hope a, group, of scientists, at the UK's Oxford, University, says a vaccine, could be closer than has been predicted, maybe, even, ready this year we, spoke to them as they prepared for trials, if you can have a vaccine in the next six months it makes, those other measures, that any of us are suffering, from the moment isolator, didn't be, able to interact. More worthwhile if there's, an end in sight and I. Think there is six, months is much quicker than the time most have warned it will take. The. Faster, timetable, they say is because their vaccine, has been in development for. Decades, in an effort to stop other coronaviruses. Now, it has been adjusted for immunity, against, kovat 19 and tested. On six monkeys at the Rocky Mountain laboratories in, Montana after. Exposure, to the virus they report the monkeys, did, not get sick and. Earlier. Versions of the vaccine have already been tested in humans. Meanwhile. Manufacturers. Are getting ready milah por sigma in massachusetts telling, NBC News they're, preparing to scale up production of, the vaccine and make, it faster, if more, trials, are successful the first batches, could be ready in Europe, by September, how, many doses of vaccine. Many. Companies, are racing to develop a vaccine it's, crucial, that it's effective, and safe. That's, why experts. Tonight are urging, caution as well, as optimism. Here. Simmons tonight thank you now, to the crisis for small businesses, hundreds, of thousands, of them still hoping for help from the new round of federal, funding that opened up this week at, the same time dozens, of malls are now set to reopen but, how are they going to protect you your, Stephanie ruhle. Businesses. Are struggling with city shutdown and shopping centers, closed an internal.

Memo From America's, largest mall, owner obtained, by NBC News, reveals. 49, malls and outlets across the country will begin opening Friday May. First is coming they've already gone one month a trend the memo details new social distancing, guidelines, limited, store hours and decreased, occupancy. Customers. Will be encouraged, to wear masks, and pay using contactless, payment, free, temperature, testing and hand sanitizer will, also be available. Have. To be, period. Of time. Meanwhile. The clock is ticking on the second round of the Paycheck protection, program which has some new rules but many of the same problems we're sitting here waiting like what. I don't know what we can do technical. Issues, dealt another crushing, blow to many of the small business, owners trying, to get a piece of the 310, billion, dollars up for grabs, Erin Moser owns a salon in upstate, New York I just, don't think there. Will end up being enough to go around it, took four hours but she finally got her application through during. The last round some banks said only the applications, submitted within the first few minutes were approved the. Rest were processed, but had to wait for more funding to become available some. Of the biggest banks had more than a million applications, totaling 100. Billion, dollars ready to go when the portal opened this week all, from the backlog that didn't make it through the first round now. Any loans over two million dollars will be audited, after several larger companies qualified, for multi-million, dollar loans during the last round many. Were later returned, but, not before shutting out hundreds, of thousands, of small businesses, Justin. Piazza is trying to save his Arizona, restaurants, it was almost like throwing a bloody steak to a pit of crocodiles, and they just gobbled, up all that money and we've been left out with nothing and, as, for those stimulus, checks the IRS, says around 90 million Americans already, receive, them another, 60 million will by the middle of summer Lester. Stephanie. Ruhle thank you the, vice president is facing blowback tonight after a visit to the world renowned Mayo Clinic, in Minnesota and, an, apparent, case of do as I say not as I do Kristen. Welker is at the White House with details, Kristen, what happened.

Lester. The Vice President, is on defense after, visiting the Mayo Clinic, and not wearing a mask, despite, the clinic's guidelines, that all patients, and visitors wear, masks, he was apparently the only person there without one the vice president explained. His decision by, saying he's, tested, regularly a negative, for coronavirus, he also said, not wearing a mask allowed him to thank health care workers in quote look, them in the eye the, Mayo Clinic said it had shared its policy, with the vice president's, office early. This month President Trump announced new, CDC, guidelines, recommending. Wearing a face covering, in public, when social distancing, isn't possible, but mr. Trump said he didn't plan to do so the, vice president's, office had no comment, when asked what message his decision, sends to everyone else about wearing a mask Lester. All right Kristen Welker at the White House thanks we're back in 60 seconds, with the first airline to require all passengers. To wear a mask why, aren't all of them and new, guidelines, for keeping your pet safe as the first family, dog in America tests. Positive. Back. Now with the change in the air the first airline, to require, all passengers, to wear a mask and the question, why aren't all of them here's, Tom Costello. While. Airlines report a 95, percent drop, in passenger, levels the middle seat very often open some, flights do have passengers going with and without masks, the president, today suggested, boarding, procedures, could soon change we're. Also setting. Up a. System, where, we do some testing and we're working with the airlines on that. While. Airlines, are deep cleaning their, planes most, not all require, crewmembers to wear face masks, JetBlue, today, said it will require passengers, to wear masks starting Monday American. Says it's considering, it Delta, and United recommend. Passenger, masks but don't require them Southwest. Doesn't, require them a passengers, or crew several. Airlines tell NBC News they don't think they can legally, require passengers, to wear masks, though some, aviation, attorneys, say airlines could easily change their own rules to make it a requirement Canada. Already does at. What point does my, health and safety play a role in this too, so, that I can come home from an airplane and quarantine. For a bit so I feel safe to go back out meanwhile, the nation's hotels, are also promising, changes, fewer, buffets, more, grab and go meals and changes. At check-in it, will be a greater use of digital check-ins, so that you use your phone to open your door and you can by desse the front desk, medical. Travel experts, say every, airline every, hotel will have to change they. Have to learn it's more than just industrial. Genic cleaning protocols, and procedures it's, all about continuing. To practice social, distancing, universal. Precautions, Hilton. And Airbnb, also, announcing, new cleaning policies, to certify, that rooms, restaurants and gyms, are safe hoping, to provide peace of mind to travel, weary customers, Les Tom Costello tonight. Thank you there, are new guidelines this evening for keeping your pets safe as we get word of the first family, dog in America to test positive here's. Kristen, Dahlgren. When. Winston the Pug wasn't, interested, in eating his family could tell something was wrong. The. MacLaine's were part of an ongoing Duke, University, study testing.

Households, To learn about the virus, three. Of them found out they were positive for kovat 19 so, they weren't surprised when researchers, told them Winston, had it too. Experts. Say Winston probably. Got it from his humans, not the other way around, they don't believe people can get it from pets, we. Better understand, those transmission. Dynamics and, particularly in the household particularly, among people that helps us guide and. Focus, where our intervention. Should take place the. Researchers, at Duke are using their own tests. On animals not, taking a commercially, available test. Away from people the, USDA, is investigating. Winston's, results, but last week confirmed, two house cats in New York had the virus eight, lions, and tigers at, the Bronx Zoo also, tested, positive, symptoms. And pets are similar to humans including. A cough and runny nose. CDC. Guidelines say, to treat pets as you would other human, family members tried, to socially, distance, and keep, them away from others, who may be infected. Winston's. Family, says he's feeling much better as are, they whatever. Researchers. Could learn from us and our animals we're more, than happy to contribute. To that say hoping, their best friend could be a big help to others too Kristen. Dahlgren NBC. News next. For us as we continue tonight, our exclusive, access to a spectacular. Salute, to those on the front lines. All. Right we're back now with a powerful show of gratitude today, for the heroes on the front lines here's, Gabe Gutierrez. Through. Blue sky. In. Precise. Perfect. Formation. They sliced, through, weeks of tension it's, like the first time we've celebrated, in two runs outside, some of New York's hardest, hit hospitals, rare moments, of jubilation. A hard-earned. Reprieve. At. Manhattan's. Mount Sinai West's nurse Jenny Drexler, has had to help patients say, goodbye to loved ones. The. Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds had.

Last Flown together in 2017. Weeks ago eight Thunderbird, jets flew over hospitals, in Las Vegas now. The Navy, and the Air Force are banding, together for, operation, America. Strong, honoring, frontline, workers, well I hope they look up and they have a sense of pride and the capability, of this nation. After. Gearing up in Florida, the aircraft flew up the eastern seaboard soaring. Over New York New Jersey and, Philadelphia. Flyovers. Of other cities are planned in the coming weeks though spectators, are encouraged, not to congregate. Like some did today, it may have lasted, just a few seconds. But, on the frontlines. This. Site maybe, some things are finally. Looking, up. Gabey tear is NBC, News and. Boy was it great to see them flyover today we appreciate it up next why is toilet. Paper so, hard to find another question, some some really smart kids. Before. We go tonight we wanted to let you know that our latest, installment of nightly news kids, edition is now available, in this episode, we'll explain the supply, chain, and why some of those items you're used to seeing or eating or so hard to find plus staying fit at home grab some Solo cups and get moving and why kids need to stay away from their grandparents, at least for right now our, brand-new episode, of nightly news kids edition is on the NBC News YouTube page and also nbcnews.com. And. Peacock. Oh for, now that's nightly, news I'm Lester Holt please, take care of yourself, at each other. Hey. NBC, News viewers, thanks, for checking out our YouTube, channel subscribe. By clicking on, that button down here and, click. On any of the videos over here to, watch the latest interviews, show highlights, and digital, exclusives, thanks. For watching.

2020-04-30 18:42

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