NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - April 24th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - April 24th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

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Tonight. The states getting back in business as America crosses, another grim milestone, Georgia. Launching, the most aggressive, reopening, in the nation residents. Can once again workout, at gyms get a haircut even go bowling, Oklahoma, reopening, spas some Texas, businesses, defying, stay-at-home, orders, there's, a fear factor of. Real things but at. Some point in time we. Have to try. But. Is it too much too soon this as the u.s. death toll soars to over, 50,000. Some states seeing their deadliest, days yet case, is now surging in the heartland and the outbreak tied to yet another meat packing plant also the fallout for President Trump a day after sparking, widespread, backlash by. Suggesting injections. Of disinfectant. To treat kovat 19 what, he is now saying the, Navy captain fired for sounding the alarm about the outbreak on his ship could he get his job back there is breaking news on that front the, new alert about that nearly 500, billion dollar relief, package, for small businesses, why that money could be gone in an instant at American, heroes the nurses, who dropped everything, to answer, the call in the epicenter, will, they have jobs to go back to and the grocery, store worker our kind, note to neighbors turned, into a vital lifeline. This is NBC, Nightly News with, Lester, Holt, good. Evening everyone our country, passing, two milestones, tonight on its grim journey into the unknown the, number of people dying of kovat nineteen passing, the fifty thousand, mark also, today Georgia Oklahoma, and Alaska becoming, the first States to lower their guard against, coronavirus, in a big way easing, lockdown orders and allowing certain businesses. Including salons, and barbershops to. Reopen, despite. Broad concerns, that officials, are opening the door to more cases our. Correspondents. Ready to break it all down for us let's start with Blaine Alexander. From. Buzzing barber shops too sweaty gems and hair, and nail salons Georgia, is at, least partially, back, in business I was really surprised when they said the barber shops are opening, but I was so excited because, I look like a caveman Governor, Brian Kemp allowing, salons gyms, barber, shops tattoo parlors, bowling, alleys and more to reopen today it's. Not a choice shop, owner Tony Roberts took lightly when I weighed the risk/reward. We decided, to go ahead and open and put our plans in place he, has been getting calls since Monday, but only taking limited customers, with new precautions, no, waiting inside the chairs spread, out and nobody. Is allowed in without a mask the thing that scares me is I'm just not sure if. The. New normal, will, be suitable, for. What. We do governor, Kemp says his move is informed by data and Public Health recommendations, but, the state has not met White House guidelines, for two weeks of declining cases, president.

Trump Says he strongly, disagrees, with Kemp it didn't like to see spas, at. This early stage spas. Beauty. Parlors tattoo. Parlors. I know I want them to open and. I want him to open as soon as possible, and I want the state to open, but, I wasn't happy with Brian Kemper, neither. Were these protesters, in Atlanta, all upset, with Kemp's decision, one, restaurant worker tells NBC's, Sam Brock we're not disposed, just, because you know we're low-income, people and this Savannah salon is staying closed the money will eventually show, up but it's if something happens, to someone, we. Can't replace people but, at this gym owner Brian Wetzel, has made changes to welcome his clients back and they, are thrilled there's actually less people in the gym right now than there would be at, more. Openings, across the country including in Alaska, where business owners are split there's, a fear factor of. Reopening. But, at. Some point in time we. Have to try, to think that we would be open before, the 5th of May seems. Seems. Crazy, and. Today, in Oklahoma the, governor allowing, all spas, salons, own pet grooming places to reopen what have you been telling customers when they walk through your doors. Not. Lead with phobic in neighboring, Texas there is still a stay at home order, salon owner Shelley Luther received a citation but is staying open saying, she can't afford not to it is their personal, choice as an American, to come into the salon if they want to and they have that right and restaurant. Owner Matt rice is opening tonight despite, receiving conflicting. Signals our Morgan, Chesky is there your mayor says you can open the governor, says you can't where. Does that put you right, in. The middle. I. Think it's the right thing to do tonight, Iowa's, governor announcing, as of Monday elective, surgeries, can resume and farmers, markets can reopen. Elsewhere. Calls to lift lockdowns are growing, louder. Including. People taking to the streets in wisconsin, though a new poll suggests many Americans, are concerned about moving, too fast 80 percent, say if restrictions, were lifted tomorrow, they are unlikely, to go to places that draw crowds back. In Atlanta Toni, he and his wife barely, made it through the last six weeks if, it had not been for her my colleagues, it would have been really tough back, to business but, nowhere, near business. As usual. Blaine Alexander, NBC News Atlanta. States. And cities weigh in on getting back to business the death toll hit another sobering milestone. Today as we sent over 50,000. People killed. By this virus, already in America, and while some areas are now seeing a bend in the curve some states are seeing their deadliest, days yet here's, Miguel Almaguer. As our. Country battles, an unprecedented, pandemic. Tonight, our national, death toll surpassing, a grim benchmark. More than 50,000. Lives lost, the, staggering, number of Americans, gone could, fill the stands at Coors Field in Denver, 2400. People died yesterday alone, in the state of Illinois where the curve is said to be flattening, a record, number of deaths and cases, has just been law right. Now we're just going to today it seems like years keeping, a video diary on, her birthday dr., Michele Prickett enters another overnight, shift at the ICU, at Northwestern. I think, everyone, in my, team knows that life will never be usual, again while, cases, are plateauing, in big cities in much of the heartland the struggle continues, over, the past week a daunting, increase, in the number of patients, in states, like Nebraska, Iowa. Arkansas. South Dakota, and Oklahoma at, this meatpacking, plant outside Green, Bay production. Hasn't stopped despite, a growing number of sick employees, at Smithfield, Foods in, Sioux Falls after. A rash of kovat cases, the plant now given the OK by the CDC. To reopen its, cell gotiya, says she caught the virus while, working at a packing, plant in Kansas, it's. Impossible, to social distance because, yeah.

We're Right next to people we're touching boxes, were touching labels, we're. Touching the, meat, here, in LA where the death toll just spiked to another daily high more, people are dying from Kovan 19, than anything else, 89, percent of those who passed away had, an underlying health condition. Tonight. A nation, balancing, work safety, and health as our death toll hits a heartbreaking. High, Miguel. Almaguer, NBC, News and. Tonight President Trump is facing widespread, backlash after. His comments wondering. Aloud about, household, disinfectants. As a possible, treatment for kovat 19, causing. Even the makers of Lysol, to issue a warning here's, Jeff Bennett. President. Trump tonight now says he wasn't being serious when, he suggested, multiple, times Thursday, that scientists. Should consider, exposing, the body to sunlight, and disinfectants. As potential. Corona, Cure's I was asking a question sarcastically. To reporters, like you just to see what would happen earlier. In the day the White House press secretary offered. A different explanation, accusing. The media of irresponsibly. Taking, the president's comments out of context. On Thursday. After a government scientist, presented, studies showing, that sunlight and disinfectants. Are effective, at killing coronavirus. On surfaces, the, president, latched on so supposing. We hit the body with. A tremendous, whether. It's ultraviolet. Or just very, powerful light, and. I, think you said that hasn't, been checked but you're gonna test it and, then I said supposing, you brought the light inside the body you can which you can do either through the skin or in. Some, other way and, I. Think you said you're going to test that too sounds, interesting, the president also asked, if there's a way to use disinfectants. Inside the body then I see the disinfectant. It, knocks it out in. A minute one. Minute and, is there a way we can do something like that, by. Injection. Inside. Or. Almost. Of cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does. A tremendous, number well so it'd be interesting to check that so that you're gonna have to use. Dr.. Deborah, birx his reaction, caught on camera, top, administration, officials tell NBC News members, of the president's, coronavirus, task force were, shocked by those comments they, say he apparently, misinterpreted. Scientific, information discussed, with him before, Thursday's, briefing the, president's, remarks widely, condemned by medical experts including. The Trump administration's, former, FDA, Commissioner there's, no circumstance, under which you should take a disinfectant. Or injected, disinfectant, for the treatment of anything, the Surgeon General tweeting his own caution, the maker of Lysol, issuing, a warning - it's, not the first time the president has floated, a treatment idea as a possible. Game-changer. He spent weeks hyping, hydroxychloroquine. Pills as a potential. Coronavirus, miracle, drug despite, a lack of clinical evidence we're, sending him to the hospitals, we're sending them all, over I just think it's something you know the expression I've used it for certain reasons what do you have who's the, FDA today issuing, new guidance, warning that people should not take chloroquine, or hydroxychloroquine. To treat coronavirus. Outside, of hospital, settings or clinical, trials citing. Reports of serious, heart rhythm problems at the end of todays coronavirus. Task force press briefing, the president, for the first time walked, out without, taking any questions in, late. Today dr. deborah birx offered, yet another explanation, for the president's, comments about using light and disinfectants. As potential. Coronavirus. Treatments, she says the president, and her words was, still digesting the, scientific, information officials.

Shared When, he made those remarks Lester, all. Right chef bennett thank you also, developing, tonight top Navy officials. Are recommending that the fired commander. Of the USS, Theodore Roosevelt be, reinstated, you, may recall he was relieved of his command after, sounding, the alarm about coronavirus. On his ship here's, Peter Alexander. This. Was the scene when captain Bret Crozier disembarked. The USS Theodore Roosevelt for, the last time a rousing, send-off, earlier this month from the thousands, of sailors he fought to protect and, tonight. Cruisers, getting support from the Navy's top brass recommending. He'd be reinstated. His commander, of his ship that, recommendation, tonight, delivered, to defense secretary mark, Esper who's now deciding, whether to sign off if Crozier's. Command is restored, it'll mark a whirlwind, reversal, three weeks after the captain's dismissal, for sending a letter to Navy leaders begging. For help for his ship's crew hard. Hit by a corona, virus outbreak, more, than 850. Sailors, on the aircraft carrier have, since tested positive, one, later died we. Are not at war crosier wrote late last month sailors, do not need to die then. Acting, Navy secretary, Thomas muddly blamed Crozier, for not appropriately, going through the chain of command after, the letter was published in a San Francisco, newspaper that. Demonstrated, extremely poor judgment in the middle of a crisis, boldly resigning, after fierce criticism for, these disparaging. Remarks about Crozier to, the Roosevelts, crew. Tonight. With the Navy behind, him captain Crozier's. Still, awaiting, his fate Peter. Alexander NBC. News Washington. We're back in 60 seconds, of the new warning, for small business owners could, that new relief money just approved be already nearly tapped out. President. Trump signed the new coronavirus. Relief, package, to help small businesses, but Stephanie, ruhle now on concerns, the money may be gone very soon. Takeout. And delivery have, replaced what is usually the busiest time of year at this scrimp shack in Virginia, it's, keeping us afloat but, as we, go through this a little bit further if, we continue, on the same path I, don't, see us being able to sustain Ricky. And Rhonda Atkins loan application. Didn't make it through last time now. They're banking, on the second round for the Paycheck protection, program it would make a huge difference, in terms of the survival, of our restaurant, today an additional, three hundred and ten billion, dollars was pumped into the fund but. There's concern that, new money may be quickly, tapped out because, of the volume of applications leftover, from the first round some. Banks have no plans to accept new applications, every. Minute small business is closing and this is not enough it's going to help but no it's, not enough after, growing backlash many, businesses, that received multi-million. Dollar loans are returning, them putting hundreds of millions back in the pot they, may have done the wrong thing but they didn't do anything illegal its government's, job to make sure that, businesses can't, get access to money they shouldn't have access to the, SBA is now encouraging, publicly traded companies, to return the money they've received through the program and this, time around businesses. Have to prove they can't get other funding, hedge, funds and private equity firms are no longer eligible and, the, government, is allocating, sixty billion dollars to smaller lenders, hoping. They reach the smallest businesses like. Glennis Donnelly's, boutique a florida, community bank approved her loan it is my hope that all. The businesses, big and small will, be able to get the funding that they truly need in order to survive this. New round goes live on Monday and some of the biggest banks tell us there are serious, concerns the, system could go down when, that title, of application, starts coming through Lester. All. Right Stephanie, thank you and among those facing, an uncertain future, many, of the traveling, medical, workers, from across the country who, quickly volunteered. Where the need was greatest in places, like New York Gabe. Gutierrez now, has our report on the frontlines, nurse. Barbara, Edwards, is among the thousands, of medical workers who weeks ago dropped everything, and rushed to New York she left two children behind at home I'm.

At The job of saving. Lives that is my job, and I, felt, like the. Lives were in New York City that needed to be saved Edwards. Is now working at Metropolitan. Hospital Center, in Manhattan but, she and other traveling, freelance, nurses, face an uncertain future. How. Many of you. Don't. Know if you will have a job to. Go back to. From. Across the country they signed up for the frontlines, Edwards, from Florida, Chris Myers from Louisiana, Madeline, Chesney from Kentucky, and Lachey Rhodes from Kansas, I was, told I couldn't use my leave time I was told that. I wouldn't be granted a leave of absence, so. There was really no other option, I had to choose the right thing to. Do and so I resigned. I put a two-week notice in others. Were told that because of staffing, needs especially, if the virus got worse in their communities, their jobs back home might have to be filled by someone else they, said you you either go or you stay but, your. Position is not hild I had to be here for these nurses, for these physicians for these patients they, were struggling so, much here and I just knew in. My heart that it was the right decision for, me at this time none. Of us got into nursing to, stand by and watch people suffer. We had a calling to help, so. I came where I was needed when, I looked in my patients, eyes last night and I wipe those tears off his face and, I spoke with his family and they told me you are family now to me I think. That made my decision, these nurses have a warning, for those who think the crisis, is over we, almost have it well the numbers are coming down the admissions, to the hospitals, are coming down but. Right now no nowhere, near ready for this economy for them to open up for, now they say home can, wait it's, very hard to, be away but, it's it's, for a greater reason and a greater purpose and, I, feel reassured about that even, if they're not sure what, job they'll be going home to, Gabe. Gutierrez NBC. News New York. Up. Next, so one grocery, worker is a lifeline, to others when she's off the job in. Times, of worry food, is often a source of comfort but as we all know too well getting food right now can be a worry all its own, tonight we meet an American, hero doing something about it. Sarah, levine takes us inside the california. Trader Joe's where she and her co-workers are, busy keeping up with the demand always. Wearing, protective, gear I'm focusing, on the things that I can control in terms of my safety the, 26, year old knows the risks, nationwide. Over a dozen grocery. Store workers, have died from coronavirus, and she, wondered about those who couldn't go inside so. She posted this, message on a neighborhood website, if anyone.

Needs Anything and is unable to leave their house I will see what I can do to get it to you I'm shopping for people who literally, cannot, leave their homes because they're in chemotherapy. Because they have a newborn because they're, elderly, 83. Year old Sylvia, Martin is one of more than two dozen people sara has helped so far I was scared, I guess I suddenly became, aware. Of, how vulnerable I. Am what, does it say that people are, not afraid to say hey I need help for. People to be able to move past that I think there's a lot, of bravery. And beauty, in that. Three. Delivery, one done. She's. A gift they're, just so generous and so appreciated. By, her actions, she made other people do, the same thing. Good behavior it's, contagious. All. Of it sparked by Sarah's, note have you ever felt it more of a community than you are right now this. Has totally. Bolstered. My, sense. Of and definition, of community, here it's been an, honor. Some. Of the neighborly spirit that will guide us through this not next wait until you hear what arrived, in the mail and where it came from. We. In the week with the inspiring letter from a Kansas farmer, to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who was so moved by it he read it aloud. Dear. Mr. Forman I, seriously. Doubt, that you will ever read this letter as I, know you are busy beyond, belief, with, a disaster, that has befallen our country, I am a retired farmer. Hunkered. Down in, northeast. Kansas, with. My wife who, has but, one lung and, occasional. Problems, with her remaining, lung we, are in our 70s, now and frankly. I am, afraid for her, enclosed. Find. A solitary. N95. Mask. Left. Over from my farming, business, it. Has never been used if you. Could, would. You please give, this mask, to a nurse or doctor in. Your state, I have kept form, ASPs. For, my immediate family. Sincerely. Dennis and chef. How, beautiful, is, that god. Bless america. We, want to say Bravo, to Dennis and Sharon run key from Troy Kansas, for their inspiring, gesture, before, we go or a reminder our latest, episode of nightly news kids edition is on the NBC News YouTube, page and also at NBC, News comm and peacock, and, that's nightly news I'm, Lester Holt please take care of yourself at each other, hey. NBC, News viewers, thanks, for checking out our YouTube channel, subscribe. By clicking on, that button down here and, click. On any of the videos over here to, watch the latest interviews, show highlights, and digital, exclusives, thanks. For watching.

2020-04-26 07:55

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