Ms Marvel Episode 6 Finale FULL Breakdown, Ending Explained and X-Men Easter Eggs

Ms Marvel Episode 6 Finale FULL Breakdown, Ending Explained and X-Men Easter Eggs

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Welcome back everyone this will be my full  ms marvel episode 6 finale video there were a   bunch of easter eggs and references to everything  that's happening in marvel phase 4 right now and a   bunch of big reveals so we'll break it all down if  you're brand new to the channel marvel comic con   is also happening next week they're going to be  releasing a bunch of big trailers of course i'll   do videos for everything like the black panther 2  trailer is probably going to be their big reveal   we'll also probably get a preview for the  captain marvel 2 the marvels movie which   is where ms marvel is going to appear next  maybe for ant-man 3 quantum mania as well   because that's coming out in february next  year careful for spoilers for the episode   if you haven't seen it yet because there is  a bunch of x-men stuff that we have to talk   about too like they literally play the x-men  the animated series theme song during the   episode to let you know that she is basically  the next new mutant inside the mcu mild shot which is probably the biggest surprise of  the episode like you kind of know where the   ms marvel character is going if you've read any  of her in the comics or even have a broad idea   about the character the big twist is making her  a mutant inside the mcu and speaking of mutants   x-men stuff they are doing a revival series for  x-men the animated series like they are doing   more episodes they're bringing a preview for  that probably a trailer or something like that   to comic con next week i'll do a video for that  too there are a couple big disney plus marvel   series that are gonna have trailers next week too  but mostly people are just thinking about all the   marvel movie trailers it's just a coincidence  that they make the big ms marvel x-men reveal   this week and then next week we also get a brand  new x-men trailer of some kind but we'll just   start at the beginning of the episode work our  way through shot by shot talking about easter eggs   wtf moments the x-men of it all starting with  the episode title no normal which is meant to   be a reference to kamala khan's message to komron  when she's talking him off the metaphorical ledge   so that he doesn't turn into a full-blown villain  inside the mcu and just for reference because she   is also a mutant in the mcu now that would make  him one too because he's basically the exact same   as her and just for reference i don't think this  will be the only way that they explain mutants   inside the mcu the term mutant is a little bit  different from the term x-men traditionally you   would consider mutants to be characters who are  born with their powers and born with the x-gene   that's why i think they specifically play the  x-men the animated series theme song instead of   just calling her a mutant and leaving it at that  like if they didn't want you to think about x-men   they wouldn't have played the x-men theme song  the whole message that she gives to comrade about   being a good person is also meant to be a callback  to the message that the sheik gave her about what   it really does mean to be a good person in this  life the actual opening scene is of damage control   investigating the destruction of bruno shop r.i.p  to the circle q after the death of kamran's mother   after she recants after she kind of redeems  herself a little bit sacrificing herself to   save the mcu damage control becomes the biggest  villain in the series if you really want to get   technical and point the finger it'd actually  be agent deeper who you'd blame for all this   she'd be the one to take the l for damage control  they kind of make the damage control agents seem   incompetent during this episode they're kind of  like the worst version of stormtroopers that you   see all the jokes about from star wars movies but  that's mostly because they were using non-lethal   rounds and they didn't actually want to kill  any of the kids like they wanted to take them in   without hurting anyone it's not really until the  end of the episode when things really go off the   rails when they start using live rounds against  them if they'd started doing that this would have   been a very short episode but if it wasn't clear  all this tech the damage control is using is based   on stark tech like they have the star-tech drones  that iron man created and all those pulse weapons   that they're using would be based on stark tech as  well i'm sure whichever version of the afterlife   that iron man went to because he is kind of  an atheist whichever alternate dimension he's   rolling in that metaphorical grave watching all  this happen when bruno and camron are escaping   on the subway it seems like there's also hindi  characters written on the windows and graffiti   if you think you know what that says write that  below in the comments there's also an ad right   next to them that they pass by that says u1  which foreshadows the ending of the episode   because they kind of wind up winning at the end  of the episode they all kind of get what they want   comron goes through a speed run version of what  ms marvel went losing control of his powers while   he's trying to figure out exactly what went on you  do hear his mother's voice calling to him from his   powers when they go crazy but i think that's  because of the genetic connection that they're   trying to draw to his mother like his mother's  remaining life force like whatever remnant of her   was left activated his powers so literally like  a piece of her is alive in him but it's kind of   like this echo after effect they play what sounds  like a hindi pop song under the marvel studios   intro scene and they actually just had a brand new  marvel title sequence in thor love and thunder the   newest one in thor love and thunder also includes  a version of ms marvel wearing her first comic   book accurate costume but she will get a second  one in the marvel's movie like another brand   new costume that's also to let you know that the  events of thor love and thunder take place after   the events of the ms marvel series it's meant  to be like the furthest forward we've been in   the marvel phase four movie timeline so far this  is all happening after spider-man no way home and   after doctor strange multiverse of madness they  have that funny scene where kamala tries to tell   the rest of her family the truth about the powers  and they just play it for a joke kind of like the   friends tv series where everybody already knows  the secret like oh this is brand new information   i'm learning this for the first time i can't  believe this it's also meant to be a reference   back to all the jokes about the father and the  technology that bruno upgraded for him which   they also use later when they're fighting damage  control at the school trying to distract everyone   with the speakers she calls herself nightlight  again they call her nightlight a couple times   in the episode to set up the end of the episode  where they eventually reveal the ms marvel name   which is also a big twist too the way that they  explain why she's called ms marvel but the whole   nightlight joke is meant to be a callback to the  spider-man night monkey joke when her brother and   sister-in-law ask all those technical questions  about how her powers work since the power comes   from inside her now the way they explain like  the newer power the bengal isn't technically   necessary it just enhances her abilities like the  bengal itself does have special powers but the way   they've treated it so far it's kind of like thor's  hammer mjolnir where it enhances her abilities it   has its own powers but like thor for instance  doesn't need mjolnir to use his regular powers   so she can run out of power theoretically if she  were to expend too much effort and pass out but   technically her ability is meant to be limitless  it's just that when she passes out she produces   way less of the energy because she is passed out  the way her family reacts is kind of like the way   the aunt may reacts to spider-man revealing his  powers like concerned about their safety but aunt   may for instance is generally supportive so is  her family just like in previous episodes they   have a bunch of custom versions of the ms marvel  comic book logo for the title sequence cycling   through all meant to be references to things that  happened during the episode like the yellow tape   for damage controls yellow tape the blueprints  are meant to represent the plans to create her   new comic book costume that her mother actually  had custom-made when they were back in pakistan   this one is based on her avengers fan films the  captain marvel fighting the shitauri also meant   to foreshadow the captain marvel cameo scene  in the post-credits scene don't worry i'll   explain what happened during that later in the  video because it's basically ms marvel trading   places like teleporting with the actual captain  marvel using the power of the bengal the way that   it teleported her back in time like a different  version of that teleporting them through space   instead of time there's the version of the high  school jersey sweatshirt logo meant to foreshadow   damage control attacking them at the school the  established 2014 is meant to be a reference to   kamala khan ms marvel number one in the comics  the beginning of her solo comic book series   she was created by g willow wilson the comic book  creator actually has a cameo scene at the end   of the episode when they're doing all the video  broadcasts of everyone that was there at the tack   like this is the actual comic book creator  of the kamala khan ms marvel character   technically her first appearance was in august  2013 in captain marvel number 14. the neon sign   is for the circle q rip because it just got blown  up by damage control the yellow one is for the   school bus because damage control coming to the  school the cast with the drawings the messages to   get well soon i think is for bruno's or someone  else's injury during the episode the old timey   digital one is actually an easter egg for captain  marvel's souped-up space pager that we saw in the   avengers infinity war post credit scene that nick  fury pulled out meant to also foreshadow her cameo   scene at the end of the episode the police car  one is for the end of the episode as well when the   cops actually wind up helping kamala khan against  the damage control agents the one with the airport   arrivals and departures is representing her coming  back from karachi because one of them literally   says karachi on it this one is based on all of ms  marvel's doodles of them having fun times together   at the celebration that the sheik holds after they  beat damage control at the end of the episode then   this one was based on all the drawings that came  from her imagination when they were walking and   talking about what to call her and what to  base her powers on like all the mashups and   combinations of captain marvel with other avengers  characters like this was the princess version of   captain marvel this was a version of captain  marvel and doctor strange captain strange this   one was black panther and captain marvel captain  panther there actually is a crossover between   those characters in the ultimate comics too even  though obviously chadwick boseman passed away   hopefully they'll find some way to do a version of  the ultimates like they'll introduce blue marvel   and some of the other characters for that then  the last one is just an explosion of her newer   energy referencing the way she uses her powers  in a bigger way during the ending of the episode   they show you all the captain marvel fair all over  her bedroom it's all meant to be comic book panels   like actual comic book panels of captain marvel  herself and also artwork of the captain marvel   movie like actual posters from the movie just to  foreshadow her cameo scene in the post-credits   scene like oh yes she is a big captain marvel  stan there's a lot of avengers fare around here   but we're also having a big cameo scene at the  end here they revealed that her mother had her   comic book accurate costume made for her while  they were still in karachi on the dl there must   have been a short time jump too where she had time  to actually have it made that's why it's in the   toffee box that her grandmother had been keeping  for the mother all those years like oh i kept them   around in case you ever came back she incorporated  red dagger's red scarf that he just gave to her   she bases her symbol on the arabic version of her  name from her broken necklace that she always wore   and this has obviously always been the ms marvel  logo so i think this is them basically trying to   create a bigger backstory for why her logo looked  like this the way that they also reveal her using   the ms marvel name is also a bit of a change from  the comics but they try to give it a little bit   more meaning like they actually say that her real  name kamala is based on marvel so it's almost like   her real name is ms marvel like it's not a fake  made up name inspired by captain marvel although   she is a captain marvel stan like her father says  her name kamala is based on kamal which translates   to marvel so she is literally ms marvel she's  also using the mask that bruno gave to her as   a gift and the blue in her uniform is made from  the blue cloth that the other leader of the red   daggers gave to her so the whole costume is just  meant to incorporate all these different items   that have been really personal to her when they  revealed her costume she's also sitting underneath   the captain marvel poster that's actually based on  a comic book panel in real life like it's actually   from the comics they have the funny montage where  they're hopping across the traffic in the air   trying to help comrade and then stopping for the  red light because they want to show that she's a   really good person sort of foreshadowing the  end making damage control seem even more like   the villains like she's willing to follow the  letter of the law but damage control is not that   was also what they were trying to go for with the  whole vibe at the mosque where bruno takes comrade   to try and seek some sanctuary in damage control  steam rolling through a lot of those regulations   what the sheik says to kamron as they leave  is also meant to inspire him along with kamala   khan's help at the end of the episode so that  he doesn't wind up completely destroying this   entire mcu reality theoretically if he got off  the rails the whole idea is that he would have   opened up another portal through the veil and  the clandestine dimension would have eventually   absorbed the regular mcu dimension like what  almost wound up happening in last week's episode   the whole thing with zoe already being there  and running up trying to help because she   was trying to get better posts because the  lighting in the theater room is them kind of   bending over backwards like a lot of the way  that this comes together is very convenient   the way they play her in the series is a bit like  her comic book arc like she starts out being kind   of a mean girl but then she winds up becoming good  friends with kamala and there's this big story in   the comics about her coming out which they kind  of reference in the episode like when she talks   about kamala revealing her truth to the world  on her own time that's meant to be a reference   to zoe in the comics coming out she does another  version of her planning montage with the drawings   on the board like she goes full charlie day meme  drawing on the board just like she did when she   was trying to get into avengers con then a lot of  this montage is meant to be very reminiscent of   the spider-man films and then going full science  bros like it's kind of like spiderman no way home   with the chemistry scenes except obviously  the stakes here are very very ground level   by comparison like the whole energy here with  the finale is supposed to be more like what was   happening during hawkeye and during spider-man  homecoming also because they just released thor   love and thunder the whole whiteboard sequence is  similar to the thor loving thunder scene of meek   basically drawing the entire plot of the movie on  the board they set up the whole runner with what   happened to comrade's mother and him learning  the secret to try and push him over the edge   of the end of the episode like early on bruno is  like please don't tell him this is like the worst   possible time to tell him something like that as i  kind of explain like he starts to go off the rails   theoretically if he got even worse like if he  went even crazier he'd open another portal to the   clandestine dimension and the exact same problem  that happened in karachi would happen again here   zoe uses her social media accounts to get the rest  of the public in the area to show up outing damage   control's actions to the public it's sort of like  them pulling a reverse j jonah jameson daily bugle   on them like in the spider-man movie spider-man  far from home spider-man no way home they use j   jonah jameson's broadcast and mysterio's video  with the whole world learning about it to turn   on spider-man this time they do the reverse  and it's all truthful stuff because all stuff   is actually being done by damage control revealing  it to the world when they have some of the brave   scenes of kamala khan versus kamran she uses  some of her comic book abilities but obviously   in the way that they've explained with her newer  abilities like she embiggens herself she literally   actually uses the word mbigen later in the episode  too and if we're talking about x-men easter eggs   here because there's so many x-men easter eggs  towards the end of the episode when komron exits   the building to all the damage control agents  and the guns they fire on him it's just like   the classic x-men scene of magneto stopping all  the bullets except this time it's kamala khan   stopping all the bullets with her newer shield  they also use this scene to show you more about   how her powers work during battles like this  like they're not invincible shields like the   constructs she creates are meant to be invincible  it's kind of like green lantern rules they're all   based on her willpower so like the stronger the  more focused she is the stronger her abilities are   but like you can hurt them with sonic damage with  physical damage with energy damage they give her   her own version of a get up spider-man scene like  the spider-man homecoming scene where he's almost   down for the count and then has to rally the  whole arc here with komron coming back from the   edge of darkness her talking him down was kind of  predictable it's kind of like a speed run version   of his character arc like wait a minute i'm so  pissed off about my mom but now i'm not pissed off   they explain that he escapes through the sewer  system back to karachi with the help of the red   daggers and per the end of the episode it sounds  like he's just gonna eventually start helping them   agent cleary who's the supervisor damage control  from spider-man no way home makes agent dever take   the l for the episode they have the montage of  all the locals who were there posting videos about   what happened and like i said they do have the  comic book creator of the kamala khan character   g willow wilson during this scene they even have  her weird school counselor making a video too   even the sheik from the moss post a funny hot dog  video hopefully this hot dog is halal this little   kid is also the same little kid that she saved  at the mosque in that video a couple episodes ago   presumably he also gave nakia back her expensive  shoes because he was revealed as the mystery shoe   thief at the mosque then when she's eyeballing  herself in the mirror kind of being proud of the   way that she looks they also have a captain marvel  poster from the movie nearby just to foreshadow   the end of the episode with the post-credits scene  bruno wearing the caltech hoodie foreshadows him   going to caltech the note that he leaves is for  kamala khan telling him about his choice to go   presumably if they do a season two he will be back  and i think that they will probably wind up doing   some kind of season two then they have the scene  with her father basically giving her the ms marvel   name effectively are kind of explaining why she's  ms marvel she's the one that kind of connects the   dots but he's the person who literally says the  name out loud first like he is the first person   in the series that says the name ms marvel and  like i said it's all based on her real name like   kamala is meant to translate from arabic to marvel  so she is literally ms marvel without having to   ever connect herself to captain marvel but she  is a captain marvel stan so it all just kind of   works out in a really nice way the ending scene  of her sitting on the street light looking out   across the water at the new york city landscape is  right out of the comics and they have the custom   newer energy based time jump transition with bruno  trying to borrow comrade's car and like i said he   basically reveals that she is a mutant in the  mcu when he starts talking about her genes he   literally says the word mutation and they play  the actual x-men the animated series theme song   they listed in the credits specifically too so  even though they've kind of been back and forth   about the way that scarlet witch is a mutant  in the mcu like billy and tommy are mutants   in the mcu from one division this is like the  first time that they've literally actually said   someone in the mcu is a mutant like he uses the  word mutation in a way that you haven't heard in   the mcu in previous movies so just to be clear  she's not an inhuman she is a mutant she's much   closer to the x-men mythology with the x gene  like i said though i don't think this would be   the only way that they explain mutants in the mcu  because it's not like she's going to suddenly have   like a thousand different kids herself because  they just included all the x-men easter eggs and   doctor strange too the multiverse is such a big  idea that's just another way that they're going   to explain mutants in the mcu like deadpool is  going to come into the mcu eventually but it's   going to be the ryan reynolds version from those  original fox films so another multiverse explainer   i'm sure they're going to be a thousand questions  about this going into comic con next week but   thankfully we do have comic con next week and we  will get some answers about all this and how it   all fits together of course i'll be doing videos  for all that stuff when it drops but then after   they play the x-men the animated series theme  song they also make an avengers post credit scene   reference to the shawarma saying they're going to  get shawarma and i think because they mentioned   shawarma a couple times during the ms marvel  episodes i think this is the first series that's   referenced that avengers post credit scene in  such a big way then the actual credits are meant   to be a combination of the karachi and credit  scenes and the regular jersey city ones from   the previous episodes which are just a combination  of different comic book art like all the drawings   that you see are literal comic book panels taken  out of the ms marvel comic book they also bring   back the hawkeye tracksuit mafia easter egg with  a tracksuit bros van in jersey city so kingpin is   out there watch out for him but then during the  actual post-credits scene you see her looking at   her bangle and it starts to go off while she's  thinking about carol danvers captain marvel and   the bengal in combination with her powers kind of  does the same thing that it did when it sent her   into the past previously except this time it  teleports her and captain marvel across space   instead of across time with them kind of swapping  spots so like this is actual carol danvers captain   marvel now in this young girl's bedroom not having  any idea where she is or why she's in this girl's   bedroom she doesn't know anything that happened  during the events of the series about kamala khan   herself or the alternate clandestine dimension so  like she's freaking out here like what is going   on and you have to imagine that somewhere else  either on nick fury's space station or wherever   captain marvel was like increased scroll space  on the other side of the universe kamala khan   is also freaking out going wait a minute what's  going on here where are these aliens where am i   but the way they play it kamala khan wasn't  trying to use her powers or wasn't actively   trying to do anything with the bangle like this  happened because of something that the bengal   wanted to happen and that she was subconsciously  thinking about obviously meant to be a teaser for   the marvels movie because right after this they  have a stinger scene where it says ms marvel will   return during the marvels we might get a preview  or some kind of teaser for that during comic con   next week in marvel's big panel but i think the  big main attraction is going to be the black   panther 2 trailer because like that's the next  big marvel movie and then ant-man 3 quantomania   with king the conqueror will be the next movie  after that in february whatever they wind up   releasing of course i'll do a video for it the  marvel's movie isn't coming out till november   next year in 2023 so it's gonna be a while but  if you spotted any big easter eggs or references   during the episode that it didn't talk about in  the video just write them below in the comments   or if you have big questions about her being a  mutant or the way they're explaining this i do   have a bunch of comic con videos planned for the  next week or so i'll try to do as much stuff as   possible because there's going to be a lot of big  stuff that they'll reveal a lot of big trailers   while you wait for everything everyone click  here for all my thor love and thunder alternate   ending and deleted scenes and click here for my  brand new loki season 2 first look teaser and   breakdown thank you so much for watching everyone  stay safe and i'll see you guys in the next one!

2022-07-17 21:41

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