Modernize your Dynamics 365 business applications using mixed reality | BRK1063

Modernize your Dynamics 365 business applications using mixed reality | BRK1063

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Okay. We. Good. Okay. Everyone. Hear me okay, brilliant. Good morning everyone and thank, you first of all for, coming to our session today if you're, not here to understand, about how you could modernize, your business. Applications with. Mixed reality then, you're in the wrong session so. Just a quick check my. Name is Anna weight and I recently, took, a role within Microsoft, as our global, workload. Lead for, mixed reality applications. And essentially. What that means is, I look after product, visualize remote. Assist layout, and guides, so our for first party dynamics, Mr Apps and, my, role is really to ensure our customers success. Before. I hand over to Marcy I just wanted to have a quick pulse. Check in the room if we don't mind how, many of you guys are Microsoft. Dynamics, customers, just quick show of hands, awesome. Ok cool have. We got any partners, in the room, nice. And. Microsoft. Internal, employees. Wow. Ok, cool right. Just wondering and out, of interest how many of you guys have, experienced. Or played, with mixed, reality apps, show of hands ok. Cool brilliant. Over. Team us. So. Miss Martha I'm a global black belt for. Fueled service, and. Connect a food service which. Is a story, that goes, often, together with our Big Sur reality offer like. Empower the first line workers and, yeah. Here to assist, and I on this session today, what, see and. We mostly we have Robert, Kaplan. Let. Me see if I can make a quick introduction. Robert, see, if I can switch the audio to you. Hi. Robert good morning folks, good. Morning folks my, name is Robert Copeland I work incentives, IT innovation, team and look. Forward to talking with you a little later in the session. Thanks. Thank. You Robert. Right. Okay. So let's do a quick level check because I always like to kind of run through what you're about to hear for the next 45 minutes. First. Of all we need to do a quick elephant. In the room what is mixed reality because, we have all this VR and AR and, M R and X R so, I hopefully I'll try and explain what we mean by mixed, reality, then. I'm gonna go into sort of why now why would you care about mixed reality, then. We'll move into but, how does this align and fit with visit like I get, M R and I get the idea of like this sort of consumer, gaming, industry but how does this work with my business applications, then, we're gonna hand over to Marci who's going to talk you through a real-life. Example of, how we've infused mixed reality into, an organization's, biz, and then, finally we're going to wrap up with an interview with Robert so my idea, behind this session is you, understand, what M R is you kind of get the value and it's something you might want to do then, we give you an example of how we've done it and then we hear from a customer, who's done it themselves, hopefully. That works at everybody if not feel free to crack on with your emails so I'm, gonna start with a, really, inspiring, quote which is if you change the way that. You see that if you change the way you see. The world we can change the way you think walk now completely. You can. Read the code. And, basically what. Is quote what, I found really interesting is, Satya launched. A book in 2017. Hit refresh and he. Called. Out three technologies right, as being the sort of next wave of computing he. Talked about artificial, intelligence he, talks about quantum, computing and then he talked about this thing called mixed, reality. But. What do, we actually mean, by mixed, reality and I think this, next slide really talks, to, our understanding of what we mean the mixed reality so I'm gonna map this out for you guys right so if we start over all the way over here on this end of a spectrum we have our digital, world and this is completely.

Digital Now. To view our digital, world we. Are then in a sort of a virtual reality and. We can use headsets, which completely, immerse, us into. A digital, scenario. Right, then, if we walk all the way down the spectrum, we have our physical world so, where we are today and, we, can augment, our physical, world by putting, digital. Or 3d content, into it and we. Can visually. We can have, a augmented. Reality experience. Across, multiple devices devices. Like the hololens or our iOS Android. Devices and iPads right so, Microsoft talked about this mixed reality spectrum. Because we offer services. Devices, and applications that, span, either, being completely, immersed in a digital world or augmenting. Your physical, world with digital content. So. Hopefully that kind of dispels, the whole MRR piece. Now. I want to sort of touch on why mixed reality and you know why now so. The first thing I think is really important, to call out about mixed reality and why I'm so excited about working, in this area is that unlike, any other technology, that I've seen this, is truly, about augmenting. The human, experience, we're, not talking, about replacing, humans, with technology, we're, talking about providing, humans, with this sort of super. Power and to. Support, the human way of life so what, does it mean to be human, well. The reality is is that being human is around, cognition. Right this is what defines us as a human it's, the mental, action, of processing. Or acquiring. Knowledge and, understanding. Through, experiences. And through, the senses, and that's, what our mixed reality applications. Are designed to do and this, is what we want to show you today, is how we can transform, a human's, experience. By. Providing intelligence. Understanding, learning. Awareness. In a way that somebody couldn't experience that before without, the use of devices, like the hololens and our mixed reality applications. So. That's a little bit about what is and and and so. Now i'm going to talk more about the why right so. There's lots and lots of different reasons, why mixed, reality is so important, now so i'm going to kind of go, through a few scenarios with, you so. The first thing to talk about is evolution, right we completely, evolved as humans, as technology, if we go back decades ago we were working on paper parent you'd go and see a customer and you, would present them with a physical, brochure, of these, products that you might sell then. We started inventing things like computers, and we went from a desktop computer to a laptop and so, then we could sort of send a customer, the quote, via email, or our product catalog by email then, we moved on to a smartphone and we then had the ability, to provide, digital content, everywhere, we went and now, we're in that sort of third wave of computing with, mixed reality multi.

Sense Devices, no, longer can we do we expect to experience, things in a 2d, scenario, but we want to move to, that 3d. Scenario. Where, we can start to experience digital, content, enough. In our physical, world so that's one point we've got this sort of evolution, of computing, then. Let's talk about the workforce and how that's changing, so over. The coming years our first, line workers, are expected, to grow significantly and. It's, actually, our first line workers, that really benefit, for things like mixed reality applications. Those, first line workers are the people that are at the forefront they, are answering, our customers, questions they, are on-site at. A customer, trying, to resolve an issue they, are on the factory, floor trying, to build something and it's these type, of workers, that require, additional support. And. This. Is why mixed reality can really transform the, way they do their world at roll today so, a couple of scenarios we can talk about is the way we collaborate right. By using mixed reality we. Can bring our now global, teams together to, collaborate, on either, a work document, or solving, a problem or, creating. And designing spaces. We. Can drive efficiencies. And quality, of work by using. Digital content. To guide somebody, through a process, we, worked with an organization that, took a 240. Page manual, and we shrink it down into a two step guide, and. Then. Finally, one thing I love the most is the, ability to empower, everyone, mixed. Reality provides. A way that people, can train in a way they weren't able to before, traditional. Training methods, look. At documents. And. In a classroom but with mixed reality we can break down the barriers to entry for some people that don't learn in those traditional, methods. So. Hopefully by now you're starting to think okay I get what mixed reality is and I can understand, how this might be important, for the future but. If you're not I wanted to sort of call out a couple of scenarios that might relate to your organization. So when. We launched hololens, one in 2016. We, had tremendous positive. Feedback, and that, we kept, hearing the same types, of scenarios we kept hearing these are the kind of problems that, we need you to solve please Microsoft. Will you look at, applications. That will support us in these areas, so when we think about design, and prototyping. We worked with a customer, who. Implemented. Starless and in, order to do that they would have to go out and do multiple visits to a customer, site using. The hololens and a custom-built app we were able to reduce those visits from three just down to the initial. Visit and then, the installation, where, as it would have taken three design visits in between that. When. We look at the sales cycle and the consumer, expectations. How, they've changed and, lots of challenges around how do you move, somebody from a design concept, into, you, know actual, build how, do you explain. To somebody your entire product catalog, you can't showcase, everything, in a showroom so. We worked with an organization and. They have retailer. That had a store in New York and stores globally in, the New York store it's 25% smaller than the other stores but when they infuse mixed reality into. Their sales cycle, they increase, sales by 30%. Marcis, going to share a couple of other examples with us you're talking I guess, the two central parts here about training development if you deserve is a very aligned it with our business. Application, for a few service dynamics, so, how. Many of you actually are familiar with dynamics, business applications, specifically, fueled service like just hands. Out so. This, two stories about training. Take your training and development are strong, aligning it with our field services touring like what, we're trying to solve a food service is trying to. Increase. The first time fixed-rate and, empower your first line worker, like, reduce turnover. From, from your workers for example we, have in some interesting problems, like the. The. Workers, population, is actually getting older so we are, at risk of losing the, the, domain of knowledge in specific, tasks, and guides, is a way to retain that knowledge through, the time as well so, first time we I, got, in touch with with, dynamics, for guides guides was focused. Specific, on training, and. Then we asked in turn ourselves and, from our customers, we got the signal so why not use guides for, actually helping as acute that tasks so, the project team and the engineers make this available. Immediately. Actually, and now we are seeing customers using guides not only for training but to to actually help them assist and a step-by-step in industry and, and. The remote assist is also another product that that specifically, Field Service adds.

A Lot of value when, you actually avoid, traveling. The expert across the world so I have a customer that I'm working it's a big manufacturing, company and their. Problem, is they have a few engineers that know how to calibrate those machines and sometimes. They are in Mexico and they have a problem in Singapore, and they need actually to take a flight to take them like two days at least to get on the other side of the world and now with remote assisting, an assist from at least someone like a least, expensive, release experience professional. On the other side of the world, using. Using. Remote asses so, the story goes tied, together we should service like now we can relate that remote. Assistant. Of a work order or that, specific training. Steps and, be associated, with execution of a work order on the field - and there. Is more about geo. Space and planning I have another story to tell is there. Was one customer, I actually. He. Bought a manufacturing, company he bought a big machine and then. On, the four plan or the factor there is those security, lines and. With, with layout they could visualize that the product was actually invaded, invading, the security line so on the old time they would actually to return that equipment ask, them to change the, actually. The design of the equipment to, fit there they're there for plane now, with layout, actually could visualize, that before, it happened before they ship the product asked a manufacturer, to he, plan the layout of the product and then, when they ship the product actually fit perfectly, on on, their factory plans so I'll go very tight together for a business application offers, to write. Perfect. Thank you so, with, all of these challenges that you've heard around spatial, planning and, providing. Remote assistance, Microsoft. Shipped for. First. Party applications. And. The. First was remote assist which. Looks at solving. Problems faster so reducing, travel I don't have to send somebody across the globe to support an engineer, guides. Which is an application that allows you to learn by doing so. Providing, step-by-step, instructions. Using, either physical. Objects, or holographic, images, a completely, transformative, training, mechanism, layout. Which is used for our sort of spatial planning so you can collaborate and build and design factory.

Floors All using, digital content, and then, finally, any of you saw the Satya. Keynote, hands. Up you would have seen product visualized demonstrated. So, the ability to showcase, your entire product catalog, using. Holographic. Images and also change and augment what the notes. Are etc, so, the reason why I wanted to show these and sort of highlight the fact that we've got these four first, party, apps is the fact that as you remember I started why why, now why, do this well, this is why because Microsoft. Is unique in the fact that it can offer you for. Applications. That are plug-and-play, there is no development requirement. Here previously. If you wanted to get started with mixed reality you'd have to stand up an entire team, build, up some new capabilities, some. Resources, now, these are available on the App Store you can download and, install remote sis for example on on the phone that you probably have in your pocket right now so. The time to value is massive the ROI is massive, because there's no huge. Upfront investment. Required. The. Final point I want to touch on around Y now is actually. It's. Kind of happening, 87%. Of our enterprise organizations. Are already piloting, mixed reality and these, are some of a fantastic, customers, working, with mixed reality today so, no longer should we perceive mixed reality is that all this is a future, state this is definitely now and you don't want your organization. To fall behind so. I would encourage you or offer you've what you've heard today to start thinking about how, you guys could use mixed reality in your organization. So. Hopefully, that's given you a bit of an understanding as to why, now but then you might be sitting there going great okay I can see mixed reality could change the way I do my job or but, actually don't get how it fits in the context, of my business applications, especially for those dynamics, customers, sitting there today so. I thought I'd just do a quick run-through of this before I hand over to Marty own so. This is our customer sales cycle right it's kind of a generic one and there's a bit of give and take here but essentially. Right we're gonna we're. Going to market, something that we want to sell then hopefully we sell it then, when we sell it we need to manufacture. That product, once. We built it we need to probably install, it and then, after that we're probably going to be providing, some service and repair right so this actually, it marries up really nicely to, our business. Applications, that we know and love today you, know got sales and marketing, you've, got finance and operations you've. Got field service, and customer service, right so this is kind of a biz app suite that gives you that capability of completing, the sales cycle, but. What if you, could change your, business applications and, infuse, them with mixed, reality and start, to provide a truly, modern, sales experience for, your customers so, when you're selling your products instead of just sending the marketing, collateral like, they're used to receiving from other organizations. You, could transform that experience, for them by allowing them to see the products that you sell in 3d. You, can transform, your production. Lines so when you go to produce products instead. Of having an engineer, sat, in a training room for months on end learning, how to manufacture your products you could actually give them a guide that enables, them to do it hands-on, or. When. We look at the sort of driving, a successful, installation we all know how costly installation projects. Can be and taking, something from design proof, of concept into actual, completion. Can be a lengthy process but we'd layout you reduce some of that risk and reduce, some of those costs. And then finally, when we look at that repair, and servicing, element if we, can maximize our, repair success, by providing our technicians. With a tool kit that will enable them to get the answers they need to resolve a problem there and then, so. Hopefully this sort of helps. You to see how we've transformed, that business application, platform, into. A truly. Modern and unique application. That that, you, can, then go and deliver a service that your customers, would, really see. As transformative, the. Final thing I'm going to say before I hand over to, Tamar Co is that you know this.

Mixed, Reality provides. Us with a completely. Unique, way, of providing, services. And we've actually started to see that businesses, are changing. The way they think about their. Revenue, lines and perhaps, in future we, will be going to buy a car instead of just buying a car we receive a hololens, with it or you know you go if, you think about manufacturing, of those big automotive, goods, and that you may actually, purchase. The good with the hololens and that becomes part of the surface offering that, you that, you provide to your customers, so, let's hear about some real life examples I'm going to hand over to our CEO for now yep, so. I. Actually. Have. The luxury, of being gauging if a few real-life scenarios, of customers, looking for mix, of reality solution, and. The. Way we see it is, mix. A reality is part of our. One, Microsoft, story like it's a it's a piece on this large platform, puzzle that that we had and, and. We do have our quick wings I think, our four makes. A reality offer off-the-shelf. Products, like remote, Aziz, and. Prada visualized, they. Add value, without. Too much customization, or heavy, lift in terms, of project, deployment, like, so really a quick win that it can be up and running fast, but. I, was. Working, recently. With a customer, that, they. Were looking for, mixer. Reality, in a way to. Say. To. Keep. Uptime, running, or if one of their specific equipments, that you're going to explain exactly what it is what. We saw. That mixer reality, would definitely, help them, with that quick-quick me but we also saw opportunites. To connect, or their, mixer reality strategy, with. Our, other. Realm of products, on our platform, specific, fueled service and perhaps was, some, big players that are investing, right now so. Again. It's mix around it's part of our ecosystem so, let me dig into this specific scenario so, we're looking here actually it's, called a rotary card dumper. This. Is a large mining, company and what. This does actually get I or, from, the throne the trains get. Two pieces of the cart and twisted. These two cards into a system, of belts under it under this piece of equipment and then. This, will go to a. Manufacturing. Industry that actually changed the aisle, or or go directly to a ship to a big ship so. What. We learned is this is actually the bottleneck of their production, as a mining, and every hour that this equipment is not working, cost them hundreds, of thousands, of dollars that's exactly the number like it's, basically if they can't. Keep. Their production, flowing they, have like hugest loss for that so, every. Effort that we add to them to, keep to, increase the uptime of those machines it's. Directly, affect their revenue, so. The. Challenge over there is they, have so. Many different problems, on those equipment, store old. Industry, equipments, that they lack of really. Good documentation at, this point the, main test on this is inside the brain of the, old employees, and, they decided to do some investment, so. Here. Through errors that we saw as investments, so we, evaluate the hololens as a particular. Device we. End up getting the conclusion, that in many scenarios the hololens, is the, right device for that for, that specific. Tasks in, some scenarios the hololens is not the, right device so this you need an application that, we provide them step by steps and this is our fueled service mobile web dynamics for field service that has all these step by steps how, to complete that task and when. They need help with remote assist they, can use either, the hololens or, mobile device the major difference is when we are using the hololens you have two or hands-free if you're using a mobile device probably, you only have one of the hands, so. On. That scenario we start developing a approve. Of course that that it's it's actually ongoing right now a pilot. Program, with them there's, different areas that they want to take advantage immediately. With dynamics, guides where, you're going to be doing a demo straight actually, by the way if you can he connect that because, they think it disconnected all my my, screen. So. This, is the scenario that we we, saw was that, we focus it the first time was, actually the break of that machine so I studied, this machine before it, this was in a different country and.

I Go fast that when I got there I saw many videos about how hotel record damper works when I was there it was wow this is a very very, large equipment, and very complex, it like it's make a lot of mechanical world mechanical, stuff, but. The thing is is this, break the type of equipment it breaks a lot and they have like, hundreds, of. Process. To how to fix that in really paper, or old Word, documents, or PDF so. They decided to run to. Write step by steps. Scenarios. With dynamics, guides to. Help them in, the first scenario give maintenance on the engine that twist this machine and specific. On the breaks were something that they need to provide regular, inspections, on the brakes. We're, going to present demonstration. About how the dynamics guides actually how many of you saw. Dynamics, guys before running a demo so. Good, because, sorry. For you going to see something again that you saw but for the rest of the of the room you're gonna have the chance, to see guides working for the for the first time, so. In, terms of architecture. I'm assuming that here there is a lot of IT folks so this is what we, end up being the company, target at or for this specific, customer. We. Are using a full, specter of Microsoft, solution, there is a lot of Azure and machine, learning and IOT deploy, on this and we are connecting, IOT, information, with, the mixer reality story but, what are we looking at the, right corner. You're going to see that some applications, may be in. To be used with the hololens some of them can. Be mix it you can use with the hololens or with a mobile application some. Of them are entitled to be used only with, with a mobile device or a tablet right. What, I would like to highlight and this is light is their. Mixer reality, strategy, is supported, by dynamics. Specific, RCDs so even. Custom, applications, viewed on their mixer reality are still built on top of our, dynamics, platform, so. For, some scenarios you may eventually go to that so. Are. You ready to do it quickly them three seconds, so let, me swing, to the first thing we're going to see it is a guides demo. Can. You just give me one second just. Give me one second, right, so. Why is she setting up this. Well. You have to let me know if I fall off if I'm gonna fall off the back of stage. Like, unfortunately, doesn't have sensors behind me well actually that was a nice discovery say when we were doing this proof of concept with this customer, there was a moment that we actually had to deliver the customer division, to them there was a bunch of executives from all eras watching, this and, there was one guy from.

Safety. And security was very interest. About how. The, hololens can actually increase. Or, change their. Security, and safety process, right so he did a trick with us why we were demo he asked it, we. Were doing a remote assistant. And he asked it someone can you step down so I can see the, equipment better so, the guy wearing, the hololens just stepped down and say like that's a big no-no he. Needs to look back, before he can step in there safe security so, something that adding, a device like that you, we may need actually, to change their safety process, - - to, adapt to how. To use a new device I think that makes sense so let me swap to the hololens, view. Yep. Can we see it so, what we're looking here, it's it's. Guides. We, are using what, a nice thing is she seeing she's looking at the digital - in our equipment, but keep in mind that this. Could be a real equipment, a real, piece of mesh. And, you can overlay, holograms. On top of their real equipment before this demonstration we are using a digital tween a copy of your equipment what. You see on the right is a card, with basic instructions, that she's falling and, what. Is interesting is she doesn't need her hand to go to the next step just because, she's gazing and looking, at, that that's dot by the way is basically her cursor she, can move to the next card by just looking. So. The lines that we see here is basically we can attach the card is attached to do specific, instructions, but we can have lines, added, guiding. Them where to look in this case the line is telling her go, to the other side so you can see that error on that on that button right. Now, interesting, like we can use different types of holograms, to give this a structure so here we have two areas holograms does the two like, circles, and the number saying this is where you need to focus do. Not focus on number one so you can clear have adding. Step-by-step. Instructions, so now imagine if you could if, there is a set of being a hologram actually was your, real piece of - and guides, can actually help you to say this, is a right - that you're going to need to pick up and use to perform your next text task right, for that scenario and, this. Is the work. That she needs to perform on doing that so, keep. In mind that on this scenario that we are using here we are using this for the training purpose and, what. We are learning with our numbers is by. Using guides so actually saw just me pause on this we. Also can add, knowledgebase. Articles. On as part of the instructions, so what, you see on the left is, basically about posture etcetera, it's an image she can also have a video and then play the video and, show many, structures, and how to actually to perform, in detail that specific. Right. So. The. The, value. Here on on adding, guides is you, can use, those, step by steps not, only for training also for an execution of, your peripheral process, on the field and what, we are learning is that by. Following guides you are not necessarily, the, end result this we're not going to execute your work faster, I think, that's not exactly the goal of guides is they secure work, right, so. They're what, guides also has behind the scenes its collecting. All your telemetry, data about, every step so we know how long Anna, took to execute each of those steps and we can compare her performance, with, the.

Performance, Of the rest of the, people who are being training on that specific, task, so. Think, about that you have a step-by-step. Instructions. To how to to fix an, engine and, on, each step on average you calculate that you need one minute so, that total, tasks, should take it, should take around 10, minutes so. If someone is actually performed, at work so super. Faster, than the rest of the average of, the group that may be an indication of his not actually following these steps with the right quality, of that or if, someone is taking longer. To execute one specific, task guides can tell you look this is an outlier or any other statistics, so maybe you need to retrain. That person or maybe the instructions, are not clear on that specific. On. That specific, step so, guide circle, back with adding, value for you to actually help you to collect all those informations, are. Good and guides you want to let's do it now another scenario that we had on that specific, Center yep yep. So let's do a quick. A quick demo of remote, assist. And. Let me so. What Anna's gonna do it. Let. Me actually. And. He her password, here which I don't know. So. She's already calling me and actually why I present here I'm a little bit thirsty, and trying to figure out, how. She. Can help me here. So. Anna you know I can you hear me yes, I can I. Just. Can't see your, remote, assistant can. You check if he's calling me. Hi. Marcia can you hear me yes, I can I just can't see your remote assist. Let. Me see if she can call me again with shikou me on team is directly not on the remote assist so. But. The basically, the, scenario. That we saw on that remote, assist with, with. The customer is. Engineers. Cannot in critical situations actually. Flight or be physically, over there and they can actually. Use. Remote, assist to assist someone who is present, and doesn't. Have all the expertise, and in. Other in other scenarios we actually that represents, like a lot of traveling on that, side alrighty I'm, gonna try again let me see if we can do it quick, demonstration on, that. So. If she's not calling just, just bring her back anyway demonstrate another session but for some reason it's not it's. Not showing that she doesn't have internet here so we lost connectivity on her specific. Laptop, so. When I feel listen to me just just come back because it's not your complete loss internet connection, my, team's is lost I can see it's got no India so you always need Wi-Fi, for, the remote expert, because without that they can't answer the call I. Think. We. In, that scenario I would have been able to call, the expert, and he would have been able to answer and we would have talked through a remote. Scenario, where he would guide, me through and the idea of that presentation, was really just to show you that you, know think about mixed, reality in your organization, doesn't necessarily, mean a massive, investment, from a device perspective, you, know the some of our applications are running on devices. That you have in your and your pocket today and in your company's. Infrastructure, should. We. Go. To I, guess let's go to Robert. So. What we wanted to talk about now is we've. Discussed some of the scenarios. The, guide remote assist and I would encourage you guys to, go, down to the exhibition. Floor, where you can have a full, hands-on, experience. With remote assist and guides we, just wanted to give you a little flavor so it wasn't just us talking, but. The next part of the session is really going to introduce as. They're death so. Zero, is an automotive, company. Which. Global. And we've got the pleasure of having as you probably saw earlier Robert. On the phone with us and he leads, the x-reality. Innovation. Team and has done so for a number of years and. So Robert, I'm gonna hand, over to you to, sort of talk through some of the things that are happening it and said. Focus. On mobility, and, we, focus in four areas motion. Control safety. Mobility. And automated, driving, if. You want to know more about ZF, you can go to. So through IT. Yeah. It started within within our innovation, team we, back in late 2015. Early 2016. Saw virtual, and augmented reality as, an up-and-coming, trend, to to watch, so. We started, by identifying, some. People. In the organization, who were interested, and we, did, a few small experiments. In, order to to. See where we wanted to go and. Over. The last couple of years we've we've built on that. Awesome. Robert and. How. Did you bring your. Program around. Right. So sorry I'm trying to read my script here Robert, so. Yeah. How, did you guys get started. Different. Approach to building. Our team we. Looked in the organization. For people who had a passion for things like gaming, and, we, found that we had some folks who, actually, went home at night and, wrote games that that, they saw. Actually, sold, for. Smartphones, and we. Found two of those folks in our eager Hungary facility.

That, Were interested, in doing, some of that within the organization. Their. Manager, was nice enough to free, up some of their time so. We let them explore their passion, and out of that came our first prototype. Showcase. Experience. And earlier. You mentioned experiences. And we believe that's exactly what they are because in x-reality, mixed, reality you're, not just building an app you're. Totally, immersing, the person, in a new environment you're, really building an experience so you don't only, worry about what's in front of them but also what's on the side and what's behind them so it's, a little it's a different approach to to. Building, these. Experiences. But. When they are successful it really is. A well, factor for the people that use them and. It really does transform, how they work so, you. Got you've got a few wall factors. During your your journey there too. Yep. Absolutely. When. We showed not only the internal. Things that we've developed, but. Also the products like remote assists. We. Always walk away with people, coming up with new ideas on, what we can do which, we put into our, bucket. Of things, to work on and. It's. Really a, transformation. Because it gets people thinking about how their work will look like in the future and. That. That's that's, really empowering because, it's really transforming, the workplace. On. That topic of sort of transformative, experience. Is then, going. A bit left field but where do you sort of see this technology, going in the future for your organization. Three. Years I. Believe. Actually. So. Because that talks and one of the people in there created, a work, day of the future where. He envisioned, even our shop, floor first line workers, coming in putting, on a device getting. Their work assignments. And having that device walk them through their day of work and assisting. Them much like what you demoed, with. Guides a few, minutes ago. Awesome. So. With this sort of exciting, transformative, technology. How. Did you guys bring sort, of this program, how did you bring a program of innovation, to the organization. What did you do. We. Started by introducing the, technology through, road shows and demos. And. That. Got, a core. Group of people excited, and then. Word-of-mouth, other folks came and said hey we want to see this too and we have an idea about how to use it. And and. We, just built it from there and it's, really, in our, environment, of, course each company, is different we found a lot of interest in remote assist and already. Have had real business, benefit, from using remote assist to do exactly what you were talking about to bring those experts, in in our, case from. Germany, into. Helping, solve a problem within our factory and here in the US in. Avoiding. Travel having, real his bottom line savings, to the company not. Only from avoiding travel expense, but also getting that production line back up faster, because, the production line being down is singing us money and, it's also costing our customers money. Exactly. Like increasing uptime of your equipment and your production, and. Dude, what lessons, did you learn on your journey any challenges, specifics, that you, would, like to share with us. Absolutely. And. There are challenges when, you introduce, a totally new technology particularly. One that's a totally new ecosystem. The. Traditional. For. Example in this case the traditional, PC is what everybody is used to but when you bring a mobile. Enabled device, that. You wear but yet is also running a version of Windows it's, very difficult for people, to understand, how to integrate that into the environment so that's been one of our challenges, is getting, the.

Device Is not only the hololens but, immersive. Device is also. Integrated. Into, our environment where we can develop on them as well as utilize. Them just as seamless, as we can utilize a laptop, in the organization, so don't, underestimate the. Effort required for, that both from a, networking. Point of view as well as from a security, point of view. Work. Through them in, ended. Result will be awesome. It's. A good point I was, actually in a few weeks ago working, with a customer interesting, to know when. You are using remote assist are. Located, when we exchange files and, we use teams as a technology, behind that and whatever, teams is compliant, for the point of view of. Security, and compliance the. Remote assist you we will follow the same route - like, on that and that was critical because was actually a new Clara facility, trying to figure out if that, would be a safe technology to use on their facility. I'd. Like to throw, this out to the audience now does anyone have any questions for, Robert, and, he. Great. So. Then Robert. You talked about the sort of future. Of the workforce, being that that, wearable, device do, you have any other sort. Of insight. Or lessons, learnt that you'd like to share with us before we let. You get on with your day. Yes. People. Look. Within your organization. You have hidden talent. Find. People that are interested, in this type, of technology. And even if they're not. Totally. Able to pick it up and run with it give. Them the time give them the tools in order to learn it because, they know your business they, know what they need in. Their day to day work so. Involve, the first line workers, directly in, the projects, involve. People. Like, we found that, are gamers, on the outside, and let, them bring that passion into the organization. When, you unleash the passion of your people, awesome, things, happen, things, you don't expect. Look. Internally, and. And. Focus on that it's. Easy to bring consultants, in but. Consultants, won't be, with you long term making, your people, happier employees, is, a long-term, benefit for your organization.

That's. A good point I think we have one question from the audience. Yeah. I had a question so actually, my company, has already deployed hololens. Over. The last about. 18 months we've deployed it nice, so what I'm curious Robert. How, are you leveraging the hololens is it's our you have it in your environment where it's more of one-to-one or it's being shared. Amongst. Many co-workers, it's. A it's actually a really good question. We are working in term of shareable, license. And trying, to figure out to try to cover that scenario what, what we are doing at this specific, stage is, we are listening to all signals, from the market and figure out how we need to adapt. Or offer. And. Try, to accommodate, this in the best way there to add value to the market but that's something that we're looking into. Definitely. Like in the real world operationally. That that's one of the things we have cases where it makes sense where it's shared and in those cases where it's more of a one-to-one exactly, depending on the business case, what's. Happening to us is that the, the uses for it is growing fast as people aren't learning about it. It's. Similar to what and I was was talking at the beginning of the session it is like there are some customers there they're really transforming, their business and like, we, have those four, examples big tractors, that operate, in - and they're shipping already right now their. Equipment, with piece of IOT that. Gives, information to, the to the customer and how to monitor, their own device, and if they have a signal, they can fix that remotely, but, now they're seeing the need and maybe I should ship, my big equipment with offer, with a hollow less because it. Would be cheaper for me to have. Someone remote assist do my local customer than send my my engineer, to fix or or, or provide a meters on that specific, device so this is some that you are listening to the market figure out how is the best way to accommodate those type of scenarios, an exact that's exactly what we're using the full remote assist I'm in it saving a whole lot of money just, what Roberts saying we're, seeing respecting, the same opportunities. In leveraging hololens for that so yeah fantastic, thank. You we, have another, question from the audience do you want to. Exactly. Yeah. That that. Makes it the question was about. Yeah. I just, repeat the question I exactly not a comment about about, about, shift and how to work that yes we are looking into, that scenario. With. Cautious, on and sometimes you, still need to know who did it yeah. Correct. Yes we still need to know who is the persona who is the person behind the situation that asks like that that's what we are trying to accommodate the best the best license, I think we have one more question there. Stiles. Yes so. Our, product, visualize which was featured in sati, as keynote yesterday, it's. The way it works as a quick high-level and we can go into this in a bit more detail later. You. Have your opportunity record, inside dynamics, and associated, to that is a product associated to that product is an, image a 3d image so you would go on site, with your customers, open your pop-up visualize, app you, can navigate to the opportunity, which you are which, you have with that customer, and then, based, on that opportunity lines, with the products associated, you can showcase the different models from, there you can make notes and annotations that, get saved back to the record and pushed, out into teams as well but. That was a super high-level I can take, this one offline and show you share, with you some more documentation. Sorry. I didn't hear that. It's. Still it's in public preview at the moment. Yeah, so you can you can try, it now if you'd like for sure oh great.

Yes. So at this point in time in. Our organization, we have already deployed. CRM. The customer. Engagement, and for several years it's been on and, now we plan, to go ahead with finance the, finance app, it's brilliant okay, so in that context. And the mixed reality just, trying to understand. I. Think there is a lot of of, off scenarios where fnot. Go together with with custom engagement specific. Around complex, asset, management I think, that's a typical scenario right where you. Have the the maintance aspect of asset management on food service and the financial, aspects of that, asset, if you even if you are as yours or your customer asset that you deploy on your customer, this. Is where the, maintains, and and F&O parts, go tied together saying, everything, related. To maintenance. Of a complex acid, has, a strong. Possibility. That makes a reality, we are developed even with guides or with, with, remote Isis or giving. That so. We. Weed. I'm really sorry we're running over we, just need to wrap and you can come and ask us these questions there's, no problem because we we're over, by a few minutes so just, quick if you've got any questions we'll, just, come up to us at the end we'll stay here and you can ask them. Just, a quick if, you just pop it back on so there's that it Thank You Laurel, just. What ya wanted to say thank you to Robert. You. Will have ously be able to download a copy of the deck there's a couple of next steps on here we'll the links to the documentation, that you need to get started but. I think the next best thing you guys could do is go down to the show floor and experience, these apps for yourself and understand how you could change transform, your organization with. The power of mixed reality with. That I'd like to say thank you to everyone who supported thanks you thank, you for joining and I, hope to see you down on the exhibition, well thank you.

2020-01-21 06:58

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