Microsoft Business Applications Virtual Launch Event April 2019

Microsoft Business Applications Virtual Launch Event April 2019

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Our. Relationship, with Microsoft is about really, smart people working together to make a difference in the world. Microsoft. Shares our passion for supply chain logistics we're. Collaborating, to bring the future vision for that place we've. Done more in the last six months than we've done in the last six years. Microsoft. Is on this journey with us and it's really exciting. April. 2019. You, saw a lot of customers, on this video that led us in here we're going to look at a lot of customers, today, as we go through demo after demo after demo showing. Some of the new capabilities that we've announced and are shipping, now today and we'll ship over the course of the next six months and. So we've got a lot lined up here about seventy-five minutes, back-to-back demo, but, before we get into that I want to speak a little bit about sort, of what's driving us our point of view our vision, that's, helping shape the applications. That we're delivering today, and, into the future so. If you think about business. Applications. Fundamentally. They've, been unchanged, for decades and decades if you were to go back to 1971. Take. Someone who's sitting in a call center for example and look at the applications. That they're using pick them up move them to 1992, pick. Them up move them to 2015. They'd, look very familiar in fact that person would probably see more differences, in hair styles and dress across. The decades than they would in the applications. Ultimately. These applications, have sort of been forms over data and they've supported very, reactive, business. Processes, if. You think about that, call center example, let's say that you're a manufacturer, and you sell someone a piece of equipment, and that, piece of equipment is in a factory, environment and it, breaks down the, typical, process overall time has been that someone picks up the phone they call the call center the, call center operator picks up the call they, then open a business application begin. To listen to the problem data is now being created that, can then be used to go perhaps role a field, service truck to repair the problem and bring the customer back online super, reactive, but it's it's, all we've had but. Something is fundamentally, changing and that, fundamental. Change is, that, data is coming out of everything and it's coming first out. Of every factory, environment of every aircraft engine. And that allows us to, take this reactive. Process and to, turn it into a proactive, process, really to turn it upside down think.

About This the, same scenario we just talked about so now you've got this piece of factory equipment that's. Sending a continuous. Stream of telemetry. Information. About the usage, the health of that piece of equipment that's, landing, in something like a sure a public cloud environment where, an anomaly, detection model, can, predict, that. A problem, is going to occur not that it has occurred but that it's on its way to occurring, that, can lead to a proactive, business. Process, where a maintenance, truck roll happens versus a repair, and the, customer never goes down it's that it's a fundamental. Shift and, for, the first time allows us to reimagine. Business, applications. Now. If you think about this. What. We call this digital, feedback loop where data is flowing from everything from your customers, your products, your, people your operations, every social media interaction, every. Product that's wired together every, factory piece of equipment, updates, to your LinkedIn profile all of this information flowing. Allows. You if you can collect it and then analyze, it to, build a view of, your customers, products, people in operations, that you can then use to more intelligently engage, you on the customer, side building a single view of your customer, based, on this data allows. You to then intelligently. Interact, from a marketing sales service, perspective that of course creates even more data which, leads to this continuous. Improvement. Of. The knowledge of your customer, in this case but it spans every, part of your, business allowing. You to optimize your operations. To, empower your employees to engage your customers, and to reimagine the. Products and services that you're selling and so. We're going to at. Microsoft, take this world view have taken this world view and created. Something that we think allows, us to uniquely, serve our customers, in the marketplace, starting at the bottom here with data so, about seven, years ago we began to lay down a, global.

Footprint Of data center capacity, allowing, all of our customers, to capture, data regardless, of where it's coming from big data little, data streaming, real-time relational. Non-relational. And then, we built on top of that a set, of services that allows our customers to extract, value, from that data intelligence, insight. And. On top of that with in Azure an application. Platform to, allow you to take that in intelligence. And then to act on it to go create these proactive business, processes, on top. Of that we've built the power platform, which we'll see today power bi, power apps Microsoft, flow allowing. Non-programmers. Non-professional. Technologists. To also connect with data to gain intelligence and, then, to transform, their business processes, atop. That office. 365 dynamics. 365, providing, the industry's, only comprehensive. Collection. Of business applications, that span both. Structured. Business processes, and unstructured. So create collaborate. Communicate with, office and with, Dynamics. 365, across marketing, sales service operations, finance and talent to automate. Your business processes, to take data intelligence and to, act on things proactively, on top, of that we, built outsource and we now have thousands. Of ISVs who built applications across. This stack. Focused. On specific. Industries, or, on specific geographies, and then finally, we. Have a collection of data assets at Microsoft, across being linked, in the Microsoft, graph that, allows us to, augment. Our customers, data to enrich to enhance, and to provide the ability for customers to get more value out of their data by, bringing more data to the party effectively. So. We're going to focus now on Dynamics. 365. As I said we've got about 75, minutes of demo after, demo after demo we're, gonna focus on a lot of the new capabilities that have come in. This in the spring release in the April release. 350. Plus new capabilities. And six. Brand new applications. And services, focus primarily on, this, world view taking, data. Gathering. Intelligence as a result of that data and then proactively. Using. That intelligence, to transform, your processes, and to kick us off I'm going to have Orin Wrangler come talk about Dynamics, 365, sales insights. Good. Morning everyone I'm so excited to be here today to talk about our new, release of Dynamics. 365. Sales, insights, with. Dynamics 65. Sales inside we are transforming. The way salespeople, work. With their CRM, system, in the past it was a tedious work you need to enter a lot of information into your CRM system and not get a lot of value, in the previous release we. Actually, provided, a lot, of tools. For, salespeople to be much more productive to focus on what's important, with opportunity. Scoring, lead, scoring to give them actionable, relationship. Inside, and to actually automate the. Enter of information, into their CRM, system, today, we, are releasing a, bunch of new capabilities, and also, extending, to sales manager, we, are releasing call intelligence. Bringing. A better coaching, tools for. Manager, we are releasing business, Q&A, for. Manager, so you don't need to look for all the reports, in all the data that, it's so important, for you you, can actually just, put, any sentence, that you want any question, and the data will come to you, assisting. Studio a very, new framework, for sales, of and sales, managers, to, focus, their sales team on the right information give. Them the best next action to act upon and the, right content, for that and finally. Predictive. Forecasting for, a much, more accurate, forecasting. But, today I want to focus on one of my favorite, new capabilities, call, intelligence, as a, sales manager I want to bring and give my sales team the, best tools to be much more productive to. Close actually, on their deals I want, to make sure that they have the right training that, they have the right onboarding. Experience as, they, start their new work in my, sales team, what. If I can have actually, an assistant. That sits, on any call. Of my sales team that listening, to all the conversations, I can, go and listen to only few of those but what if I had actually a set of assistants, that, sits with all of my sales people looking. At their interactions, with their customers, well, today.

You Can have it we call it call, intelligence, and it's, Microsoft, we like to drink our own champagne, so, we are actually using, call intelligence, in, our call centers of inside sellers let's, take a look at our. Inside. Sales call center, in Fargo they, are selling, as your and, let's see how they are using call intelligence, to make the sellers much, more focused, and productive and. Better deals so, as a manager, when, I look into my coal intelligence, I can immediately see all, the relevant KPIs, I can see the total call, recordings. That the system automatically, captures, I can, also, see the duration of the calls, I can. See trackers, trackers are words that are actually mentioned. In the conversations. That I want to monitor, now, not only that I can see the top insights, about how my team is behaving, I can also learn, about, what, is going on in all the conversations what. Are the customers, talking about what are their pain points which. Competition, they are mentioning, so, at the top are assisting, and you can see it right here is, actually giving me the highlights, so it's listening to all of the conversations. And tell, me this is what's going on right now when. I'm looking into the specific, content, and these. Are the sales team who are selling, Asscher I can, learn about, words. And keywords, that are mentioned in these conversations I'm, quite, surprised, to see that actually Microsoft. Teams is frequently. Mentioned when. Talking about a sure now, if this data I can now make sure that I train, my, people, I give them the right content. To be able to, absol, Microsoft, teams or to better tell the story around how. To sell Microsoft, teams with, Azure I can, also see here all the, competition, that is mentioned by customers, so the system automatically. Finds. Out which competitors, are mentioned, if there is a new competitor, I make, sure that the battle card is there for my sellers, so I'm able to empower, my sellers with, the right information, more. Than that I can actually go, and look at the specific behavior, of my.

Sellers, I can, see here the sentiment. Of the overall. Cause and I can also look at the sentiments, first, specific seller, and I can look at the conversation. Style so we have a lot of metrics, that tells me more about the. Conversation. Style of my, sellers. And I can work with them and coach them to. Be better in touch so. Let's look at Jeff Jeff is a new. Salesperson, in my team so I'm not surprised to see that list, this, is talking for, him he's quite high, so the ratio means that he talks more than listen, to the customer, I know that I need to continue and coach, him with, that I can, also look at Jeff other, conversational. Style he, has the highest average switch, rate so, he's, talking and switching too much between the customer, and the seller, which, he needs to improve and I can look at other metrics, like average talking, speed and so on and so forth it helps, me to actually be better in coaching. Jeff. What. Surprised, me is, that the assistant, tells me that Jamie has. The highest, negative, customer sentiment. Now, Jamie is quite an experienced, salesperson, let's. Figure out what's going on here so I'm going into the sentiment, view and I can definitely see that Jamie, is on top of all of the others what, I can do right now is, drill. Into Jamie a, dashboard. And see all the relevant information about Jamie, I see, that overalls, most of the metrics the conversation, style is quite good but, I'm still very worried. About the negative sentiment. What, I can see here is, the average customer, sentiment. Over all. His call so I can start to drill into a specific call, let's, pick one of, the highest. Negative. Sentiment. Calls and it, will open the specific. Call with that customer. And I can see here a time line with, whenever, it was a positive, sentiment, or a negative sentiment. And I. Can even go into the transcript. Itself, so we automatically. Transcribe. All the conversations. So as a manager I can, look into that let's, jump, into one, of the. Low. Negative sentiments. That I'm having here and I, can see here on the right in the straw script that, the. Customer, is actually trying, to push back a little bit maybe later, and then, the seller is saying no no you should try that and, the, customer is not right one and we don't want our sellers, to be too pushy in that perspective so. What I can do here is actually, on the fly add a comment. And Jamie. Will get that message and next time in our one-on-one I can, sit with him and explain. To him how he needs to change, his conversational. Style change. The way he is interacting with customers so, what we saw here is that we've call intelligence. We have this smart assistant that listens to all of the conversation, with the customers, looking, at all the interactions, that they have we've, office 365, on, their phone calls and helps. Me as, a sales manager to better coach them give, them the tools the, right content, to be much more effective isn't. That cruel thank. You very much and now I would like to invite, Satish, to talk about customer. Insights, go. Thank. You Oren so, today I'm very excited to share more about Dynamics. 365, custom, insights which is generally, available starting today customer. Insights enables every, organization. To, bring all their customer, data unified. Be. Transactional. Observational, behavioral, data so, they can derive intelligent, insights and drive business processes, so, as. You. Can see here there's a few ways we do this the first thing is we eliminate data silos so what that means is we, allow you to bring in all your data unified. And stored, securely, in an azure data Lake in schematized, form which is a Microsoft common, data model the, second, thing is we enrich, it with Microsoft proprietary, signals. So, this includes things like brand. Affinity and interests, at an aggregated. Level from, the Microsoft, graph thirdly. We, enable, powerful, ai and insights so, this includes things like being able to build.

Custom, Machine learning models on top of that unified data or using, QuickStart templates, such as templates. Which churn etc, lastly. And probably the most important, thing is being able to use all of this custom insights data to. Unlock, business, profits processes, so, this includes out-of-the-box, integrations. With our Dynamics, 365, applications. Or using. Our part platforms so this really enables you to take, all this custom insights data to analyze, further with power bi build, custom, applications, and act with power apps or do. Customer, journey orchestration, with Microsoft flow so. Before I step into a demo we want to show you how to volley, which is one of our early adopter customers, is actually, using custom insights let's. Roll the video. Simile. Is the second-oldest. Theme, park in the world and the most popular, attraction, in Denmark with more than 4.5. Million guests, each year. In. Our Gardens, we have the motto always like never before meaning. A lot of things stays but also we enjoy using new rights every year we are renewing, ourselves. One. Of the things we are proud of here in integral, is the focus on customer, experience. People. Come here for a lot of different reasons someone, comes just to take a stroll others, with their kids to enjoy the rides and, each of their needs are different and our. Job is to find, out what they prefer and make sure that they enjoy, their stay as much as possible. We. Do have already data, on our annual card holders our ticket, guests even the rights will, be registered, we, want to take that together with the digital, footprints, like newsletters, and our website visits, the choice of Dynamics 365. Customer, insights make, that data easily accessible. And we want to bring that together and to bring it live an action able for the individual, guests so we basically to serve the individual, much more targeted to, make them come, more often stay, longer visit. More rights visit more restaurants, if. Our guests have been reading about a special concert we'll be able to make a personalized, marketing promotion, to that guests and when, we created this loyalty, program, called to deluxe where. We designed, some special benefits, driven by insights, on their visits. In the garden and their engagement, the. Individual conductor, may in the future approach, a guest know, what concert, you attended last summer, know what preference you have in food beverage, rights and actually. Find out how. This, conductor, can serve that guests better we. Have a lot of different. Business, types Microsoft. Helps us to. Consolidate. In the input from the various systems which, helps, us to succeed, delivering, above, our guests, expectations. We. Believe that customer, insights can, help us hit better and, we, can empower, the, employees with that knowledge to, be even more personal to have our guests be more pleased when they leave the garden the. Best part of my job is payable to create personalized, experience, for our guests and to. Work in a magical place like this who, could ask for more. Okay. I just love that customer, story so now what I'm going to show you is how to volley was able to use, custom insights, to do all of that so, first as you can see here customer. Insights is a Finnish SAS application. So that means you know there's no setup required and, the three key personas, that we cater for is firstly the administrator. Or, the data analyst, secondly. The business analyst, and finally. The business user who's consuming all of this stuff -, yeah, when, they're doing their jobs so, first you can see here and I'm gonna step firstly, into the administrator. And the data analyst persona who, wants to first, bring all the data together so, here you can see that Tivoli has brought in data, from the Dynamics 365, system, their. Ticketing. System, the, event calendar all of these disparate, previously, disparate, data sources that they want to unify and of, course Tivoli, is not sitting still they're, a growing business so, in this case they always have, new.

Data That they would like to bring in into, custom insights so as you can see here we use all the pre-built connectors, available from the power platform, so you can connect, to online sources, and also on Prem sources using our gateways the. Second thing that happens, once you unify, the data is of, course being, able to map it so one of the things you'll notice here is customer, 3 system, insights automatically. Identifies. What, is in that data so for example, we, were able to identify the city country, names. Etc so the goal here is as much, as possible that, you're able to automatically, get through this so we get you to the 8990, Rd 90, yard-line so, you can get ahead with it so in the, case of a lot of customers, this is usually manual, processing, so it takes weeks, if not months of, manual effort to do this mapping and here, we automatically, do as much of that as possible as. You get started once. You have done the mapping we get to the second, stage of the unification process which. Is matching. So, matching, is where we try to create keys where keys don't exist right so you have data coming in from your dynamic system ticketing. Surveys, and here, you can guide customer, insights, to, connect. All of that data again it's a very, heute of experience. That you can do through customer, insights you, can actually go, in and, specify. Precision's. And how you want to map these things together so for example if you have names coming from two different sources you can tell us what precision, to go by we even recommend some of these things based on the data types so. For example if it's a marketing, use case or a Finance use case you might go at different sides of the precision slide. On this one after. You've done the matching, aspects, of it then, comes the merging which, is you know you you in some cases you might have conflicts, for, the same customer from different places so, you're able to guide customer, insights to either choose. A common, one or the last updated, one or you, could always override, that with a specific source, and then. We. Move on to the business analyst, persona which is now, that you've unified, all of this data you. Can actually do segmentation a, top of that so this is where in the case of tivoli they wanted to basically take. All of this data together and then, analyze, customers. Who are about to churn so, this is a very, again intuitive, experience where a business, analyst, that might not have a lot of sequel experience, or detailed, technical experience can, actually go in create. Queries, on top, of that unified, data source so here you can say customers, in denmark that are highly likely to churn, and. All of that good stuff so again, very intuitive and all of this output of these segments, are actually, usable, in other applications as, well and that, is what i want to show next so one of our key differentiators, for, customer insights is the, fact that you can unlock all of this data using. Our power platform, or using, the api's so, what this means is you can actually do deeper, analysis, on for example in this case churn using. Power bi you, could build a custom application for, your greeters, in the amusement park using, power apps or do, customer, journey orchestration, Microsoft flow so one example I'm going to show you here, is how, Tivoli, is able to take all of this churn, data. From the unified profiles, into power, bi using, our out-of-the-box, connector, and did, more deeper, churn, analysis, so they're able to identify. Common. Patterns. Among. Customers that were highly likely to churn and not, likely to churn so they can make changes, in how they serve customers, and offers and loyalties that they give customers etc the. Last thing I want to touch in touch on was similar. To the power platform we. Also. Enable. All of this customer, insights information. To show up in our dynamics, application, so what this means is in the, case of Tivoli for, an inside, sales representative. Who, is using dynamic cease fire for sales they're, able to see that single, view of the customer right. Within their Dynamics 365. For sales instance, so you can see here we have the profile, we have the timeline all available, to them so ultimately, all, of this information enables.

Every. Augur you know everybody, in an organization. To, deliver personalized. Experience, ultimately, increasing. Customer loyalty, so hopefully that gave you a good taste of what customer, insights is and, we're and with that I'll hand off to Frank for the next product, thanks. So much the tea's. There. Was that's always really exciting, to see now, customer. Service these days can, really make, or break a brand, and has become a key differentiator, for, organizations, now, offering. Great customer, service at scale though, efficiently. Is very, very hard, now. Really. Excited because we have a new solution that I'm going to talk about today they will change all of that. Traditionally. Virtual, agents, now have become a great way to engage with customers, on these common, support issues let's see and automate, them to eliminate, the wait times, but. Normally. Today. They. Require developers, AI experts, data scientists. A buildin, and those are really expensive and so a lot of companies are not really able to use their technology, so. I'm, very very excited, to, announce their dumb our new, virtual agent, for our customer service, will change all of this forever. We. Are going to empower the customer service experts, the people who know the product best know how to talk to customers they. Will be able to easily create these virtual agents. All, without. Writing any code, and best. Of all, thanks to the integration with CBS and the Power Platform, the, resulting, virtual agents can easily provide personalized. Custom, experience they. Can drive actions, and workloads so, to make sure that the virtual agent can really solve the customers, problem. Now. In. Addition. Customer. In-service insights, which we launched last October, and. Hopefully you've tried out and provides, an analytic solution that, together with the virtual agent really creates this virtuous, cycle now so. With customer, service insights, you can easily learn what. Are emerging, support topics for example and I show that like in the demo once. You have that it helps, you get the insights, to really understand, what is driving that change is. It a new question or there's, no dancer, need to be updated maybe. Once. You have that understanding then. Our virtual agent for customer service now, lets you easily build, or update topics, to respond, to those and automate, those all, without. Writing a single line of code. Deploy. Those updates, and now you can keep going around this continuous. Refinement, to continue, making, your customer, service better and better and, it really has never been as easy to transform. Your customer, service, experience. Now. Let's. Go and take a look at just how easy it is so I'm excited with. HP, we. Actually have the. The current, version of our technology. V1, already, in production and just to kind of show you quickly how this looks right this is a virtual agent that's life on if you go to HP, support and. You. Know I can go and ask you know I have, trouble printing. And. It. Will, go and suggest. You, know possible, answers like you know did, I update Windows recently. And so, on so this, is the kind of system that we're, talking about and now let, me show you how easy it is with our new product with the SAS offering, to, go and, build. That kind of solution so let, me switch to customer, service insights, this. Is the analytic, solution, that had talked about in and you, can see here on the, on the right it basically gives you a great overview of. Your. What situation at the moment it lets you understand, you, know how many cases open now. On the, left side what, you see here what just looks like a list. Of cases is, actually, the result of our, NLP. Our natural, language processing we're. Automatically. Looking. At your cases, and thanks. To our natural language understanding we can she go and cost of them without, any human needing to label them so we automatically.

Identify. Which cases, really are about the same topic. By, doing this it means we can now do analysis. Like, emerging, topics, it means we can show you not, just what are the key, topics. That you already have all. The time coming in that you're probably familiar with where, we can show you what a new topics, that have been raised well, before they become very large and volume and so, here for example we see not. Being able to print on the tango axle that's, a let's say that's a new printer we just released it is, suddenly become an emerging topic I can now go and drill in and look, here Adam. Only the cases that have this topic I can, for example learn, that for just this topic Selim seems to be having a lot of unresolved cases, and I can see you. Know he's in the bottom 5 of resolved, times and probably, as a result it, looks like his cset is in the bottom 5 as well so, a great opportunity, to go and transyl him on this specific topic it's this kind of granularity, that you couldn't really get otherwise, we. Also see here that four people can gaging through the website, they. Seem to have trouble, finding the right answers, and you see that the cset, is quite, negatively, impacted, through this and so this is a great opportunity to. Go and automate, this through, a virtual agent, and so, let. Me. Show. You the, virtual. Agent builder so, this is now the the new product that's, going to be available this cycle very very excited, and as you can see here. I already started. A conversation using. The tracing feature and this, is really the editing surface, as you can see it's very straightforward. And intuitive it really is a bit like a flow chart that you, might use near call centers today so. Let me continue the conversation, there I started, here so um you, see that I can use these variables, that, means that my conversation is very personalized, he had already looked up that, you know what kind of printer I purchased, and I tell it yes this is correct as it. Now goes, through this conversation you see here I just encoded. The responses, as yes. And no and. It. Will go. And.

Hopefully. Tell. Me that I can. It can go and look up and let me just, restart. This conversation, looks like something timed out so, as. You see when you start a conversation I, can. Take you all the way up here really, all you need to do is, go. And use one of the trigger phrases, and, once. You use one, of the trigger phrases. You. Can go and, look. Up here. For example what, happened on the on the tango X so in this case it used, the flow. Integration, that we have to. Go and talk to the database talk to CD s and it, looked up what print I had and now, it talked to the printer itself it started to workflow that actually engaged with the device and then, it, taught, me what. Issue it will, find so let's try this and, see you see here I'm going through this and I'm, going now to the flow Microsoft. Law of course comes with hundreds of connectors, out of the box so makes it very easy to connect to back-end systems it goes, and troubleshoots, this it connected to the printer told, me that it looks like I probably didn't remove the protective tape now. Where. This virtual, agent it's not just easy to go and you know add more stops and and have the engagement, as you want but it also makes it very easy to integrate with, other processes in this, case for example now, that it says it solved my issue I can, actually go and. Look. At how. Many cartridges, did, this person purchase, and it can have a flow in this case you know you purchase, a lot of cartridges, I can actually go in and connect. You to a. Human. Agent to continue, the sales process and actually now offer me the, ink, subscription, that HP has and, so, as I, as I do this necessary say yes I would like to learn more it will, then go and propose, to connect me to human agent and this, then is where. I. Can, go here into Dynamics, 265, the customer service hub where, with the omni-channel integration. We can now actually transfer. The, entire conversation, to. The human agent so you don't have to do the dreaded like you know please tell me what your problem is again instead, the, conversation is transferred. To the human agent including, a summary and so now, the, seller can go and continue and explain the benefits, of this, program I hope. That really showed how, easy, it is to build these personalized, virtual agents and with. This, Mohamad, why don't you tell us more about financing operation thank, you. Thank. You Frank so, it's my pleasure here, to share with you some of the capabilities, that are coming in finance, and operations with our April, wave finance. And operations just as a quick reminder has, a set of capabilities that allow our customers to run fairly complex, operations. Across. A diverse spectrum, of industries in our business application, so, for instance if you're in the business of building stuff we've got a robust, set of manufacturing. Capabilities, that allow you to do discrete. Process, lean, mixed-mode, manufacturing. All within Dynamics, 365. If, you're in the distribution business, we've got advance supply chain and. Deep, warehouse, management, and transportation management, capabilities, that allows you to run your distribution, operations, on Dynamics 365. And if, you happen to be in retail we. Can help you run omni-channel, commerce on, Dynamics 365, for finance and operations and similarly if you're in the business of professional services we've got an application for that as well we. Also support not just industry, capabilities, but a set of horizontal. Applications. That allow you to run your global financial, management operations, as well as core human capital management operations. In finance. And operations as well and in fact we. See looking, at the telemetry that most of our customers about 70%. Plus of our customers, in finance, and operations actually, do use our manufacturing. And distribution capabilities. We've, got more than 40% of the customers that have trusted us to run their core retail operations, in in, Dynamics, 365, as well as about 90 percent plus of our customers actually use financial management capabilities. That, are natively available, in finance. And operations this. Is the frame we're actually going to use to actually quickly, look through some of the capabilities that are now coming as part of the April wave so. Let's start with manufacturing, in operations, manufacturing and distribution in. Manufacturing, we're excited about launching a, new planning, service that's completely, re are connected, in memory. That allows you to run planning, essentially, in minutes if not seconds. In some cases something. That used to take overnight, take our customers overnight, if you will to run or take customers. Of any application, if you will over night to go complete this allows them to be a lot more agile in a changing economy or in a changing world, we've. Also significant, significantly. Enhance, the field, service, to finance and operations integrations.

As Well for customers, that use, our Dynamics 365, for field service operations, as. Well as through, the course of last year, we announced a, set, of IP rights, acquisitions. Partnering, with a few of our most. Popular is fees and finance and operations and we're pleased to announce that some. Of those capabilities are now landing, in our core. Operations. Applications, starting with the April wave one such feature being catchweight, management, that essentially, super critical for our customers. In the process manufacturing space, to be able to completely run their operations all the way from. Manufacturing. The warehouse management and financials, and be able to kind of track all, the all the nuances, that they need to for the process manufacturing business. The. Feature that we're super excited about in manufacturing. That we're also landing, in our April wave is called connected, manufacturing. And this essentially allows, an organization to collect, signals, life from equipment, on the shop floor through. Azure IOT hub and into, Dynamics 365, for finance and operation that allows them to actually enable. A set of high value business. Functions. Within finance and operations such as tasks automations, where you can automatically, record both the consumption, of your raw materials as well as the completion of the finished goods you can do predictive, maintenance if you feel that the equipment, is about to go and healthy and then do some replanting to, protect the orders that you have committed to your customers, we're, already working we're pleased to announce that for connected. Manufacturing. We're already working with a couple of our customers, who both have provided feedback to make sure what we're building is high, value but also are leveraging the capabilities already. In. Their systems, to be able to bring. Business value back to their organizations, one. Of these customers as margins is based out of Australia, and the other one lightens, who's based in in Canada. Moving. On to the retail side of the capabilities, that are coming in the fall release we're excited about our first. First, party omni-channel. Payment, gateway that we're providing as part of Microsoft, to help, our customers get a complete solution from us, in, the in the retail space as well as significant, enhancements. We've made in the loyalty, space to really help our customers, keep, track and engage their customers more, effectively if, they're in the retail operations, as well the. Capability that I'll highlight here is the. Capability that we're excited about that highlight, here is cloud skill unit we landed, that in the fall released last year but we've enabled this essentially, to be a multi, geo scale out, capability. Now which essentially, means that if you're, running a global operations. With your channel all around the world your stores or your ecommerce you're able to scale out and. Put a scale unit closer to where your customers, are to reduce any latency, effects that might be there in the experience, of either your store associates, or your end customers, this, is something again that we've been working very closely with one of our customers, in Australia Michael. Hill that has operations. Again globally, and has, been able to see significant, improvements, back to how their store, operations store. Associates. Work in Dynamics, 365. For finance and operations. Moving. On to financial. Management and globalization were, we're, always looking, at how do we improve the user experience of. Our applications, and one area that we've historically, gotten a lot of feedback is the, time entry and expense entry experience. So I'm pleased to announce we've redesigned, that with, our April, release not. Just to be highly, productive for, your for, your users but also essentially, be a delightful, experience something that they would actually enjoy doing as well so that's the bar we set for ourselves from. A user experience perspective and, we're pleased to bring that experience in the time, and expense functions. For finance and operations. Another, piece of IP that we required, partnering. It partnering, up with one of our I use V's last year was revenue recognition we, were pleased to announce that that's gonna be available starting with the April launch as well and that, essentially allows our customers customers.

To Really, take advantage of, the new subscription, economy or serve anything, as a service economy and being able to account for it in the financial, application, as well we've. Also made significant, enhancements, to the, electronic, reporting, capability. That we have which essentially allows our customers to, comply. With ever-changing financial. Regulations, in a configurate, in a configurable, manner as opposed, to having to customize, it all, the time as well and through, our telemetry we already see that our customers, are actually using, this configurable. Experience. To, be compliant, in about twenty more countries around the world then we actually provide standard, localizations. For from a Microsoft standpoint, inner, factors, want such customer, that has leverage this configurable, capability, to be able to really be compliant, and all the geographies, that they have business in and. Then, finally I'll close out with a set, of topics and set of capabilities that are available across, the finance and operations applications. Such as enhanced, analytics, story with being, able to bring your data into an Azure data Lake a lot. Of self-service. Capability, so we provide we're providing the control back to you as our customers, and to our partners business. Events, that helps you do a lot better integration, and, integrate with flow as well and then finally. We're. Pleased to bring you the one version, experience, which essentially, means that starting with the April release we're, going to keep your finance, and operations and retail applications, evergreen. So. This literally would be the last upgrade or, the last implementation. You'll ever have to do for, your ERP, and we make all the right commitments, from a backwards compatibility, perspective. As. Well as a lot of control from a feature set perspective, but you'll stay evergreen. In. The one version model and we provide a level of specificity from. A control perspective to our customers, that allows you to select not. Just the week of the month you want the updates but. The day of the week as well as the time of the day as well so you can actually have full predictability around. This update experience, we're, getting really positive feedback from our summers bestseller is one. Such customer, who runs complex, retail operations, in Dynamics, 365, for finance and operations and this has really enabled. Them to be able to both innovate, faster drive, a better experience to their store associates, and to their employees, as. Well as stay current as well with the with the capabilities. That we're bringing to them with. That I'll hand it over to Lidia who'll talk about Dynamics 365, for our protection. Ecommerce. Has, a secret whilst. The space is booming, with nearly four trillion, dollars, in revenue, predicted, in the retail space in 2020. 2.2. Percent of this revenue goes straight to fraudulent, transactions. This. Amounts to ninety, billion dollars in losses each year along, with one hundred and seventy five billion, dollars, in associated. Costs, whilst. Merchants, are delighted. At the increasing, revenue, they're, shocked at increased, costs, due to liability shift, with, card-not-present. Transactions. At. Microsoft, we face the same problem, across. Both our in-store, and online channels, we, were hit by high fraud costs we. Looked out to the market and couldn't find a vendor to meet our needs so, we went ahead and designed, a solution in-house. This. Solution, focuses. On finding the right balance between, reducing. Fraudulent. Transactions. Without. Blocking legitimate. Transactions, we receive from our customers, our. Internal, solution, protects, against, payment, fraud and much, more, managing. Over 1.1, billion transactions. Per year and saving, Microsoft, over 1 billion dollars in fraud stopped, the. Solution, has been nominated for, the informed, France Adelman, award in 2019. The, solution. We delivered from Microsoft, uses, the same technology, that we are now commercializing. With. Dynamics, 365, fraud protection we are combining all, our expertise, as a merchant with. Microsoft's, AI and, fraud protection, technology, and access. To a depth of data that other solution, providers, don't have access to we. Aim to help customers, with 3, outcomes. Firstly. Help. Reduce fraud and fraud related, costs, through, our connected, graph and advanced AI that, adapts to the changing, fraud landscape, we. Do this in the following way the. Product builds a graph of data that, provides a view of fraudulent behavior across.

Partisan Seeing fraud protection customers. While. Still helping to protect the privacy of shoppers and the competitive, intelligence of merchants. Another. Benefit, of the unique data in the connected graph is that, customers have immediate, access to, the extensive, fraud protection intelligence. Microsoft. Has gained as one of the world's largest e-commerce, merchants. The. Result of all of this is fraud, protection customers. Get high accuracy. Fraud assessments. Delivered. By advanced, adaptive, AI that. Uses both their own real-time, data and that. Of the connected, graph, secondly. We, increase our customers revenues, by, ensuring more of their legitimate, customer transactions. Go through we're. Doing this in combination with innovative, bank and issuer partnerships, that, share fraud related, information which, can ultimately help to increase acceptance. Rates and finally. We. Improve your customers, experience, by, reducing, wrongful, rejections, and lowering, friction, during the buying experience. In. The event that a legitimate, transaction, gets blocked we, provide tools to help your customer, support quickly, resolve the problem, our. Experience, with customers, so far has, highlighted that they come from both ends of the spectrum some. Customers, have sophisticated, industry. Specific, fraud management tools and come. To Microsoft, to enrich their machine learning models whilst. Other customers, have very basic functionality, and, little, understanding, of where to begin to improve their fraud prevention today. We. Are able to meet our customers wherever. You are in your fraud protection journey. So. Let's take a look at the demo. I'm. A fraud manager, and in our organization today. We, have very basic fraud, prevention capability. And I'm, looking for a tool that will help me to find areas, to improve our fraud, protection, so. We start with the Diagnostics. Ariane's this, is a differentiated. Experience from, Microsoft, as, I as the fraud manager, can preview, the products ability to detect fraud in my own business, before, I deploy, a proof-of-concept which. Ultimately helps, me to justify, the investment. Diagnosed. Is a three step process step. One I go ahead and upload my historical data now. This will include things like transactions. Payment. Instruments, and chargeback data, once. I've uploaded my data I can go ahead and run the data diagnostic. Report, this. Is ultimately, going to identify, gaps in my historical data and I, can see here there's two key gaps in the dates and I, can also see if I scroll down it's, highlighting, I should improve, the payment instrument, type data that, I've uploaded, what's. Great is I can go ahead and I can improve the quality of my historical data, before, I move on to step three where, we deliver the full risk report. Once. I go to this it's going to start to summarize, patterns, across, the data across my business and it's, ultimately presenting, me with AI, analysis. Of fraud protection and, revenue, opportunities. And. What it will allow me to do is go in and adjust the operating, characteristics, of the model to, see the effect that that has on my business I. Can. Then go ahead and proceed with a proof of concept in my live transaction. Environment. So. I continue, to use this tool over the coming months and it actually helps, me to justify, changes, to, our prod forward. Prevention, we, get more sophisticated and. We start to include real-time, payment transactions. Using. Fraud, protection api's. Along. With machine learning, connected. Graph device.

Fingerprinting And, Trust knowledge integration, with issuers, this. Can help to improve acceptance. Rates and reduce. The number of fraudulent, transactions. But. As ever the fraud landscape, continues to change and I've, identified there's some higher risk payment, instruments, and, not to adjust the operating, point of the model using. The virtual fraud, analyst. Now. The virtual, fraud analyst, helps, me to look at specific. Segments, so, that I can see the impact of the fraud driven, by that segment, and it's, going to show me how much fraud is stopped versus, how many good transactions. I'm actually letting in and the. Key is to find the right balance if. I come here and move the model operating. Points just, a few points we, can actually see how easy it is to significantly, increase, the number of sales by thousands. But, actually only let in a very small number of fraudulent, transactions. Now. The cost of these fraudulent transactions. Are easily. Covered by the profit, margins, on the increase, in sales so. I can put these changes, into production, now. All good fraud models stop some good customer transactions, from coming through and, I need a support, tool that can help me in this scenario. Summer. A customer, of ours has had a transaction, rejected. Now, that's for a few reasons firstly. She has high velocity. Which, ultimately means, she's, done many transactions, in a short period of time now. That combined, with the fact that her billing and shipping addresses, have, a large distance, between them, means, the transaction, has been rejected, now. When I look at her profile, we, can see, she has a good history of spend and there's actually no record of fraud on her account and when I speak to summer she, lets me know this is a gift for a family member who lives on the other side of the country, so, I've identified that this is clearly a legitimate, transaction, and, I can go ahead and add her to a temporary, safe list so, she can successfully make that transaction, for her family member. Now. Using in bat embedded, power bi I'm presented, with a scorecard, that, clearly demonstrates, all of the impact of the work I've been doing using.

Dynamic It's 365, fraud protection I can. See our month-to-month performance. Of the fraud protection system and I, can easily filter this data and give access to relevant users, and, crucially. I can then bauble this information, up to our business leaders so, that they can clearly understand, the impact, of fraud protection on their business so. In summary dynamics. 365, fraud protection combines. Microsoft's. Expertise. As one of the world's largest e-commerce, merchants. With. Our comprehensive, AI and fraud protection technology. G to. Deliver a solution that. Working alongside bank, and issuer partnerships, can, help our customers, to increase revenue, lower, fraud related, costs, and deliver, a better experience to, your customers thank. You I'm, gonna hand over to Orin thank. You very much. So. Good morning again and, I'm super, excited now, because we are announcing, another, new, brand. New product. Microsoft. Forms Pro, Microsoft. Forms Pro is, a comprehensive. Enterprise-grade. Survey. Tool there it's easy to use but give you all the power of a survey. Tool businesses. Today needs to be on top, of their customer, experience they, need to listen to the voice of their customers, they need to listen to their employees, but, the pain points that we have today with, existing, survey, tools is that they are disconnected. From the business process, so. This is what we are changing today with, Microsoft, forms Pro which, is built on top of the success of Microsoft, forms a light. Survey. Tool that already used by millions of users we. Are building now forms. Pro on, top of the common, data service, plug-in, to all the power and the greatness of the power platform. So, with that businesses, can, not only listen, to the customers, but they can personalize, the experience, leveraging. All the data, insidious'. They, can also act on this, data at the right time as part, of their business process. So. Let's take a look at how, our customers are already using Microsoft. Forms Pro so. One of these the customers, is their touristic Nordic through. Their network, there are more than several millions, travelers, who are using our, survey, tool and, letting. Their touristic to know what, they are feeling about their, travels, let's, see how it works in action. So. Immediately. When I open, my forms, Pro you. Can see how simple it is to use its leverages, the easy user, experience, from office but, gives me all the power of, an, enterprise-grade. Survey, tool I can, actually, put, all the, information, that I want I can change the, background I, can put the logo I can make it very personalized, also, by, enabling. Data, to come from, CDs from the common, data service. So, for example here in these questions I can use the first name and last name and the, travel destination, coming, from the CRM, system or. I can, use any other data that I want to, leverage. In my questions, and I have different types of questions that I can use here for example I can ask them how likely are you to recommend to, a friend or colleague which is the Net, Promoter Score. NPS. What. I can do also is change, and branch actually, the following.

Questions, Based, on their answer and build. A different, questions for an awesome, trip or try, to understand, better what, was wrong in, the other trips, as well so. After I'm done with, my survey, I can, actually go, and send, their server and here, we, are enabling, different. Ways to. Use as. Distribution. Channel for the survey I can, go into an email experience and in the email experience, I can, again use, a specific, templates with all the run brand information, using. CDs data from my CRM system, to personalize, the experience for. My users, I can, also send. It as a QR, code or, I can, embed, it as a link in, another experience. I can, embed it into my mobile experience, or my web experience, but, if we look at many of our customers like their. Touristic they. Actually, wanting to be part of the business process they, want to make sure that. Every time I travel or finish, their travel, they will immediately get, a survey, and for, that they, can use Microsoft, flow, to integrate, that into their business, flow so. I can go and configure Microsoft, flow. To, say whenever. The. Traveller, finish, their travel, getting. This information from the CRM system on for any other system, same. Survey, and ask about, their experience and, again, I can personalize, that, with, all the data that exists, in our common, data, service. Now, let's go and look how it looks when a traveler receive. The, survey, it could be on his mobile device or, web, in this. Case it's a web experience it. Tells me I Orion what, do you think about the recent travel, let's, say usually with their touristic I'm super happy but let's say this, specifically. L was, really not to, my standard, so I was not so happy you. Will see here that if I click on a high, NPS. The, question will be about how, awesome it was but, I was not so happy so I will give a four and it, will ask me oh we, are so sorry so the personalization. Is embedded, into the server experience. And I, can type why, the experience. Was not so good and it, will ask me also about specific, facility, and also here based, on my answer, a different, questions, will pop up which, is, personalized. To the specific, experience, or to the specific, question, than I'm asking, so, let's feel all of that let's say the spa was actually quite good and, I will submit the survey now. Going, back I can, actually now go, and view the responses so, I can drill with analytics. Leveraging. Power bi see. What is going on across all my travelers, I can, see that overall the average rating, is quite, high and I can see that the NPS is also quite impressive and, for, each question so for the awesome, trips we, are leveraging, machine learning to give you sentiment, analysis, and showing, you the most common words used so, we, can definitely see that most people are. Experiencing. A safe and comfortable place and, the, people that are not so happy have, an unfriendly, staff so I can actually go, and follow up with some of their providers, and. I can see more analytics. On top of that but. What's important, is that in, survey, tools is that I want to quickly act on the response, of the, customer, experience so. Since we are built on, top, of the common data surface embedded. Into your business. Application. When. I'm switching, into my Dynamics, 365. Experience, a representative. Can go into a specific contact, see. Exactly, that the survey was sent in that he was responding, to that but even more than that we have the relationship, persistent, we have our AI. Based. Recommendation. That tells me team. Was just, answering. A survey, and it was not so happy so, I know that from here I need to contact him call him and make sure he, retained, as a customer, and we'll take another travel, with us and maybe compensate. Him for that, experience, so if, Microsoft, forms, Pro we see how, we make. The pain point of having a survey tool disconnected. From your business process, different. Now you can leverage CTS, to, get more personalized, experience with, all the data from Sidious and you, can merge that into the business process. So, the server gets, to, the customer on time and you can even act from Dynamics, 365. Based, on these results and with. That I want to switch to Lorraine to talk about the amazing. Innovation, in mix reality, I love it. Thank, you Oren so, last September, we announced that we're bringing the first two mixed, reality business, applications, to the Dynamics, 365, family those were remote assist and layout, and we. Also shared, that these are products that are built for and with first line workers so, first line workers are the more than two billion people globally, who. Move around the world to do their work they're, working in manufacturing, they're. Working in field service in healthcare and retail and they, use their hands all day, long to do their work and this, means that they've been traditionally, really underserved, by existing technology, because. You need to use your hands for impo to carry the technology, around now, mixed, reality devices, like hololens, and hololens to really, provide a breakthrough, for these workers because.

For The first time they, provide, them, heads-up, hands-free. Functionality. Heads-up hands-free computing, right, in the flow of their work this, means they can bring data. Digital. Content. Instructions. Right into the context, of their work with. Products like remote assist and layout now. In working with customers we've also found another gap where we think we can help so, these first line workers around, the world they're. Retiring very very rapidly, in, fact in the next 10 years more, than 25%, of, skilled first line workers will retire all, at, a time when these industries, are becoming more and more complex, with, complex products. And equipment and, environments. That are very very difficult to learn on the job so. As those workers retire, they take all that knowledge out the door with them which, leaves the new workers, without their mentors, to help them get started as you can imagine traditional. Classroom training isn't a great fit for these types of roles either because it's, so distant. From the work that they're actually doing so. We think there's an opportunity here. To help with, on-the-job, training, and for. This we have created a new application, that is in public preview right now called dynamic 365. Guides now. What guides does is it provides real-time. On-the-job. Training, available. Right, in the context. Of the workers environment. Putting, instructions, exactly where, they need them to, be effective and, we're really excited to see the progress, that that guy's is going to enable these workers and empower them to learn on the job, really. Real time accelerate, their learning and also just if they're doing a new role a new, product, has come online help, them jumpstart and accelerate, so, one of the things I've found is that it's, one thing to describe, a holographic application. It's another thing to see it in action so, let's see guides in action, with, a worker on her first day of work using. Hololens to. Work, today is more complicated than ever. The. Old ways of training cannot, get new employees up to speed as fast as the experienced people are retiring. We, need a better way forward. Introducing. Dynamics 365. Guides. Simple. Step-by-step instructions, are easily written on the PC and then, holographic, parts and icons are simply picked up and placed, on the machine where the work is happening.

From. Day one employees. Are often expected, to get work done but. The complexity, can be overwhelming. Now. Employees. Can learn by doing this. Is the tool that works with existing processes, allowing. A manager to get the right guides to, their people. The. Instructions, move with the employees, pointing. Them to the tools and parts they need, showing. Them exactly where they need to apply them. Employees. Get up to speed faster, with, fewer errors and more, confidence, a, simple. Glance moves them through the instructions. Meaning. Their hands are free to do the work. They, can learn at their own pace without. Having to rely on other workers, around them. The. Overall experience, is comfortable, and intuitive. For, the first time a manager, can see detailed information about how the employees, are working and how, their skills are growing, this. Makes continuous, improvement, faster, than ever before. All, of this helps employees make the complex simple. So. They can learn and adapt faster, and organizations. Can stay competitive. Now. Remote assists has been in market since October, and since then we've been working closely with customers a day as they deploy, into their operations. We've, been doing monthly updates and really trying to be as responsive, as we possibly, can to their needs and in, April, with April release we have a couple of major updates. To Dynamics, 365, remote assist for. Example it's going to be available on Holland's - as soon as hololens twos and market we're, also releasing a new a new, feature called group, calling so, what this means is that for the first time the the first sign worker can, not only call in that one expert, anywhere in the world they can actually bring a team together to help them solve that problem the first time and really. See into their world and solve, the problem all together so we're really excited about group calling it's, based on a lot of customer feedback now, there's another area that customers, have talked to us and and it's a new feature that we're announcing it's actually a major new extension.

Of Remote assist for the first time we're making remote assistive, ailable on mobile phones starting. With Android, phones, using, the AR core augmented. Reality functionality. That's available and, so, this, is feedback from customers that while, phones don't provide that complete, heads-up, hands-free, functionality. We're talking about earlier they're, definitely scenarios. Where it's useful to have some of this mixed reality capability. Right, in the device that might be in your pocket already so, those scenarios for example when that when the whole workforce doesn't have access yet to a mixed reality device like hololens or for. Example when there's just a simple fix that needs to be done or maybe, a remote inspection, that can be done quickly using, a phone on site now, these products, are all built, integrated, with accommodative service and remote assist, is also, integrated out of the box of four, with that embassy 65 field service so let's take a look at how remote. Assist on mobile, works, together with, remote assist on Hollande's to in action. What. If there was a way for employees to work together from, anywhere. When everything. Is on the line. Employees. Are the heart of every business, it's. Their resourcefulness. Ingenuity. And drive. That, get the job done. But, even the best employees, need help from people who, aren't there with that. Now, employees, on site can. Work side-by-side with experts. In remote locations. In. An instant they can share what they see. Lend. A helping, hand. Walk. Through the process step. By step. Helping. Solve problems, in. Real. Time. This. Is a new vision for work. Now. Employees, can work smarter, and bring, in the people they need with, just a tap. They. Can troubleshoot. Repair. And. Perform. With. Confidence, and speed. They, can move freely. Pull, critical, information into, view and. Stay. Focused, on the task. There. Hands-free. To do the work. This. Is collaborative, problem-solving, at, full, speed. Your. People, United. Across time and distance more. Connected, more, informed, and more, efficient. Now. Employees, can work together from, anywhere. They. Can go there without being, there. This, isn't, the future. This. Is, here, and now. And. There's. One more product I wanted to talk about before I wrap my section, and this is a new product that we've just released today to, public preview it's called dynamics, 365. Product, visualize I'm really, excited about this one it's the first mixed, reality busines

2019-04-17 17:59

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