Messages of congratulations on graduating in 2020 | Leeds University Business School

Messages of congratulations on graduating in 2020 | Leeds University Business School

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Hello, and welcome to our video presentation, to mark graduation. I am professor, julia bennell. Executive, dean, of leeds university, business school. And it is my great honor. To be able to make this video, to help you mark, the important, occasion of your graduation. Very many congratulations. On successfully. Completing, your degree, with us at the university, of, leeds. Leeds university, business school delivers, some 12 undergraduate. And 24, postgraduate. Degrees. All supported. By program directors. Tutors. And module leaders, who i know would wish to congratulate. You, and share, in celebrating, your achievements. As you all know, your experience, with us over the last few months, was far from what we have planned. The necessary, actions, taken, as a result of the pandemic. Required, each of us to play a part, in bringing the academic, year to a successful, conclusion. I am grateful to all the academic. And professional, staff, at the university. For their hard work, and endeavor. That enabled, us to change, overnight. The way we deliver education. And support, our students. I'm also grateful to you. For partnering, with us in this endeavor. This has taken, patience. Resilience. And kindness. While the last academic, year will undoubtedly. Be remembered, for a global pandemic. There are many more positive, ways to remember, the year, at leeds university, business school. Last november. Lubb secured, the maximum, five-year, reaccreditation. From aacsb. One of the three most prestigious. Business school accreditations. This is following, re-accreditation. By equus, and amber. In the previous, two years. Maintaining, our triple crown status. We are also proud to be part of a university. That moved up the global rankings, to 91st. In the world this year. An import, important, part, of the leeds experience. Is the partnership, we nurture, between staff and students. And is recognised. By our partnership, awards. Lubs proposed. And developed, the global partnership, award, to recognize, contributions. To being a global, university. And we are proud, that the recipient, of this award. In its inaugural, year, was a love student. Frank. Chen. Many of you will have benefited, from our nurturing, talent, mentoring, scheme. Which was also recognized. With a university, partnership, award this year. One of the values. Of the university. Is inclusivity. And we are proud to have received. The athena, swan, bronze award. Recognizing. The work we are doing towards, gender, inclusivity. Also of note, is that rebecca, mccall. Jasmine, stevens. And amy francis. Who were the leaders and co-founders. Of the leeds women in leadership, society. Are graduating. Among you this year. Research. Is an important activity, in the school, and one that informs our teaching. And supports, our, engagement, with industry. In december, we were delighted, to host, a major european, conference, in international, business here in leeds. Some, 550. Participants. From around the world took part. We are also proud of professor, jeremy clegg, appointed, as president, of the association. Of international, business. Our academics. Are applying their research. Expertise. To support recovery. From the covid19. Pandemic. Our academics, have been invited, by government, and local authorities. To advise, on covert 19, recovery, strategies. And. We have won funding. To undertake. Covert 19 related, research. One emerging, consequence. Of the current crisis. Is an acceleration. Of the use of digital, technologies. Which in the coming years, could have a profound, impact. On the world of work for all of us, not least, new graduates. Just embarking, on their careers. Our new, esrc. Funded research, centre. Digital, futures, at work. Launched in january. Will be at the forefront. Of the national, and international, research, effort, to map the impact of technology.

On The future of, work. I would particularly, like to celebrate, the graduation, of our phd, students. Our research, students, give true vitality. To the research, environment, of the school. They have succeeded. In delivering, a highly challenging, piece of work, which takes real, endurance. The students, are. Evridiki. Panagi. Ajwal, das. Emilio. Canavalli. Joshua. Cave. Joseph. Tucker. Ning, liu. Anthony. Brown. Cheryl, hurst. Anna. Plotnikova. Maisie, roberts. We continue, to be amazed by the success, of our students, in their academic, achievements. And also, the careers, they embark, on when they leave us. Congratulations. To all again. And i hope you're able to celebrate, your achievements. With family. Sponsors. And friends. My name is andy smith i am the undergraduate, program director for international, business programs here at lubs. I'm delighted, to present, four awards today for our graduating. Students. The first award is sponsored by. Ibm, and is given to the student who, gets the highest, overall mark from, all students across, our three international business programs. So the winner of the ibm. Highest, achievement, award. Goes to, megan stewart. Our second, award. Is sponsored by the institute of export international trade. This is an award that's given to the student that gets the highest mark on the international, business research, dissertation. This is a 40 credit 10 000 word dissertation. We couldn't split the students this year. So we've actually got six winners. The six winners, are. Lasse, amot. Luca belleta. Grace hinton. Jessica, leung. Elliot, adergi. And again, megan stewart. The next award, is the dean's prize for achievement. This is awarded, to the student who's shown exceptional, resilience, and determination. To overcome, personal challenges and adversity. So the deserved, winner here. Is iona, bistell. And finally. The last award, is the dean's award for citizenship. This is awarded to the student who's, demonstrated. Outstanding, contribution, to the school, university. Or community. And the well-deserved. Winner is jason, wang. They're all the awards i wanted to give today thank you very much. Congratulations. To the class of 2020. What an amazing achievement. Obtaining, your degree. You've finally done it so very well done we are so proud of you. And it's also my privilege, to present a few awards, to some of our fabulous, students. So the first award, is the dean's, prize for achievement. And this is in management, division. And the winner of that prize, is, katie, louise, lorde. Who is on ba, management, with marketing, so well done katie, that is an amazing, job. And we also have a second, prize. The richard valshard, prize. And this is awarded, to the student, who obtained. The highest mark in the module, strategic, management. And the winner of that prize, is isabel, kate hackett, from ba management. Again congratulations. Isabel, very well done. My advice for the future. Would be to take every opportunity. That comes your way. Very best of luck and congratulations. Together. We are forever leads. Hello, i'm dr peter hughes and i'm here on behalf of the economics, division to say congratulations. To all of our graduates. You should all be very proud of your achievements.

I'm Also here to announce, the winners of five prizes. So i'll start with the dean's prize for achievement. This is awarded where a student has demonstrated, exceptional, determination. To overcome, personal challenges, or adversity. So this year from economics, that's awarded to ashley, wall, congratulations. Ashley. Next, the dean's prize for citizenship. Now this is awarded, for outstanding. Service or contributions. To the school, the university, or the wider community. So from economics. That's awarded to rebecca, mccor. So congratulations. Rebecca. Next, the harold spate, prize. The herald state prize is awarded to the economic, student, with the best overall, academic, performance. And that's awarded to charlotte, odder. Congratulations. Charlotte. Next the kevin reilly prize. Awarded, in memory of our colleague kevin riley. Now this is awarded to the economic, student who achieves the highest mark in the economics, dissertation. And this is ether, birmingham. So congratulations. Ether. And the final prize. The edward elgar, prize for monetary economics. And this is awarded to the economic, student who achieves, the highest, mark, in the module. Modern theories of money, and monetary policy. So that this year has been awarded to, gary, kirby. So congratulations. Gary. So congratulations, everybody. And good luck to all our graduates in the future. Welcome to the prize for the dissertation, in management. Each year the quality, of the management, dissertation. Seems to surpass. The quality of previous, years. Never cease to amazed, by the quality, and this year is no exception. Which is, quite unbelievable, when you think about the challenges, we've had this year. With the second semester. And the chaos of second semester, with kovic 19.. So the winner this year. Is olivia, dawson, olivia. What a fantastic, piece of work. Your supervisor. Commented. That. She found it an unbelievable, piece of work and the second marker as well. So to do that, in a year as we've had is a fantastic, achievement. Well done olivia, well done to all finalists. And your dissertations. Some wonderful pieces of work. I and now we come on to, the society, for the advancement, of management. And. Society, for the advancement, of management, also produced the journal of management. This is the prize. For the very top. Management, student. In any particular, year. So it's a fabulous. Recognition. Of, your academic, achievement. Over the course, of your degree, program. And this year. The award, goes to, olivia, dawson. Congratulations. Olivia. A fantastic, achievement. Uh some stunning results. Consistently. Uh achieving. At a very very high level, so well done. Particularly. When you consider. The challenges, that we've had in this final year, study. Congratulations. Again, congratulations. To all finalists. For all your achievements. Wonderful, work throughout the year. But in particular, here. Well done olivia. And now we come on to the study abroad. Employability. Prize. This year, it goes to an accounting, and finance student. Murto, clientes. Muerto. I hope you had a great year at the university. Of british columbia. In canada. Through your assignments, you were able to demonstrate. A strength, of your reflective, writing. Culminating. In a final. Reflective, assignment. Of great quality. Congratulations. To you moto, for achieving, this, congratulations. From us in the business school. And particularly. Congratulation. From us. In the employability. And opportunity. Team. In the business school. Well done. And now we come on to the dean's prize for citizenship. And this year for the program management. This is awarded, to ellie harbison. Well done at weldon, ellie. I'm going to read a brief descript, descriptor, here about what the prize is all about. Awarded to a final year student on any undergraduate, program within leed university, business school for outstanding, service of contribution, to the school. University. Or community. Recommendations. From personal tutors, heads of year, and other appropriate, staff will be invited. Your personal tutor recommended, you for this award ellie. And recognize, the fact that. Your contributions, were really valued, here at the business school. And particularly, on the management, program as well, citizenship. Often goes unnoticed. Uh, and isn't rewarded, well in the business school, it doesn't go unnoticed. And it definitely, is rewarded. So on behalf of the business school and on behalf of us on them all on the management programme. Thank you very much for your contributions, ellie, in challenging, circumstances. Congratulations. To the class of 2020. Amethyst. The head of the graduate school athletes, university, business school. I would like to congratulate.

All, Postgraduate. Researchers. For your achievement. Of the award, of a phd degree. I'm really proud, of all of you. I'm delighted. To award. The dean's prize, for achievement. For psd. To carl, richard, hartford. And. To, couchsurf. Binti, rambling. You both demonstrated. Exceptional. Determination. To overcome, personal, challenges. Well done. Next. The dean's prize, for research, community. Goes to emilio carnevale. Congress, relations. Finally. The outstanding. Academic, performance, prize, goes to nasir. Ahmed. Raja. And to emilio carnevale. You both, created. An original. And outstanding. Piece of research. Main congratulations. All. Congratulations. To all of our students graduating, from the university, of leeds in 2020. I'm helen hughes i'm an associate professor, in the business school, and i'm also responsible, for the industrial, placement, provision. That we have here. And this year there have been so many, wonderful examples, of success, amongst our placement, students. And you've also returned, to university. And, completed your studies in the most extraordinary. Of conditions. And we're really really proud of you all. And. I have the honor now of presenting, the outstanding, work placement, prize, training in the workplace. And this student has had a particularly. Innovative, and successful, year. And that is, hannah, sophie, lovejoy. Congratulations. To you hannah. And very best wishes to you all. Hello, i'm joey gold from the business, school. And i want to wish all of our human resource, management, and management, and the human resource, graduates. Many many congratulations. On your huge, achievement. It's been my pleasure, and privilege, to guide you, as head of year through your final, year, at leeds and i'm so so proud, of everything, you've achieved. It's also my pleasure to announce this year's prize winners. This year the dean's, prize for achievement. Goes to, arcadius. Vladimir. Zadka. The cipd. West yorkshire, branch prize, goes to anastasius. Shirtopolos. And finally. The, dean's, prize for citizenship. Goes to amy, bingham. Congratulations. To all of our prize winners and congratulations. To you all, i hope that you spend time celebrating, your great achievement.

And Look forward to the wonderful, things that you will do in the world, take care everyone. Congratulations. To all of you that are graduating, from leeds this year. On behalf of all the staff, from the accounting and finance division. I want to congratulate. You, and let you know how very proud, we are of you. I'd like to take this opportunity, to announce. The winners, of four very special prizes. Dean's prize for achievement. Is awarded, to a student. Who has demonstrated. Exceptional, determination. To overcome. Personal, challenges. The winner is. Zainab. Adadiji. Dean's prize for citizenship. Is awarded, to a final year student. For outstanding. Service, and contributions. To the school, and the university, community. The winner is. Niall, cameron. Gerardville. Price, is awarded, to the student. With the highest, overall, grade. In bsc, accounting, and finance. The winner is. Mito, clinthos. The rsm, price, is awarded, to the student, who achieves, the best mark, in lups, 3690. Principles, of taxation. And the winner is, liam, mcdonald. Congratulations. To your achievements. It has been, an honor and a privilege. To work with you. In the last, three or four years. This is the beginning. Of a new journey, of your life. We wish you all the best, for a very bright, future. Hello my name is dr kyle griffith, i'm a teaching fellow here in the management, division at leeds university, business school, and i'd just like to congratulate. Wen singh joe, on winning the undergraduate, prize for outstanding, performance by a direct entrance student. We're all very proud of you and wish you all the best. Hello everyone. I'm robert duke. Senior teaching fellow in marketing division, of leeds university, business school. Congratulations. To all lups graduates, today. It's my, happy duty. To award, the marketing, division. Marketing, strategy, prize. Now this prize. Goes, to the members, of the team, that come out as overall, winners in the mark strut simulation. That i use on lubs, 3845. Marketing, strategy. The winning team this year, came up with a record-breaking. Performance. The winning team was called, team swizzle sticks. And their members were. Cameron, bunch. Tobias. Doonan. Tribune, gossein. Teowin, kim. Omite, krikubo. And katie louise, leonard. Congratulations. I'm professor, edgar meyer. Deputy dean of leeds university, business school. Let me start by adding my congratulations. To all of our undergraduate. Postgraduate. And research, students. You've shown amazing, talent. Skills. And commitment. At times, in the face of adversity. And i'm delighted, for each and every one of you. Graduation, always holds a very special place in my heart. As it marks not only your brilliant achievements. But it also signals, exciting. New adventures, ahead. And even though, your time at leeds university, business school has come to an end, this does not mean, the end of your relationship, with us. As you move on to the next steps of your careers. Remember. That we're still very much. Part of you and by your side. As a graduate. You automatically. Become part of our powerful, and influential, community. Of over 30, 000 business school alumni. And more than 270. 000, university, of leeds alumni. These are all around the world. We will share more information, with you over the next few weeks. On how to access your alumni, benefits. This will include support with careers and professional, development. As well as opportunities. To share your memories, and connect with one another. This leads me now to say on behalf, of everybody, here at leeds university, business school. We wish you all the very best for your future endeavors. Whatever. It is that you decide to do. Next. You.

2020-08-07 12:57

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