Mastering Trendlines In Trading

Mastering Trendlines In Trading

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all right all right all right uh good  morning good morning hey Ian how's it going   good how are you are you able to hear me just fine   yep sounds good okay fantastic fantastic all  right uh let's see how uh let everyone else   come in uh we got approximately 400 people  in here and counting oh it's going nuts   okay all right so uh today's we're going to be  talking about certain things that are revolving   around trend lines uh hey everyone welcome welcome  okay let me just uh uh change a few things here   let me get my chat out of the way one  second here let's get this all started okay um all right cool cool cool all right i think the  room's going to be packed before we even get   started okay so everything is recorded guys not  to worry um everything is recorded so welcome   guys welcome it is great to have you guys lots  of familiar names uh good to have you guys here   so Ian messaged me earlier this week so Ian to  look at your message you wanted to know more about   trendlines. You know what are trendlines,how do  you draw trendlines and is there a trading system   around trendlines. Right does that sum it up? Did  you have any more questions around it that sounds   like all the trendline questions ever well yeah  pretty much all the general stuff I mean there's   a few specifics but I think once you start going  into everything I'll, I'm sure the question will   kind of pop up as you're talking. So I'll  just kind of start with the basics I guess just   is there right and wrong ways to draw trend lines  or like how exactly we do it how they can be used   kind of okay yeah and there's all kinds of stuff  around trend lines right breakouts uh you know   trendline breakout systems trying like breakout  strategies all kinds of stuff um how many guys   in this room right now actually have dealt with uh  trend lines before and uh have a experience of i   draw the trend line but then i'm not sure you  know i'm not sure what to do with it you know   i'm not even sure if it's right you know that's  like the questions coming in yeah okay okay a ton   of you guys ton of you guys all right so shall  we get started then let's go straight into it okay okay fantastic fantastic all right so  let's get started here now i'm gonna share   um a whiteboard first and then before we go  into the charts and stuff i'm gonna share the   whiteboard first i wanna see where um okay here  we go let me just get the whiteboard up let me   get the chat out of the way i think the room is  packed now um sorry if you guys are watching this   recording or on youtube and you couldn't get  in live I apologize for that it's packed   all right. Hi Steven, saying "first  time in the webinar" welcome welcome   okay how many of you guys here before we begin  how many of you guys here are for the first time um you guys are saying volume two low is my volume  okay ian can you hear me just fine uh i can hear   you yeah yeah okay volume everyone's saying volume  is good okay perfect volume is good all right   cool cool cool all right okay some people here  are for the first time okay so for those of you   guys who do not uh know how we do things in here  so my name is Navin Prithyani from  

obviously that's Ian with me also from Ian's a colleague of mines I am   training him around various topics and we're  doing this training live so you guys can look over   his shoulder and see okay how am i training him  a colleague of mine to make sure he knows every   piece of information that there needs to to  be known for a specific topic and that's why   we thought we'd make it public so that way you  guys can you know benefit by watching it as well   yeah so far so good okay and the other thing is  all the messages you're typing in the chat only me   and Ian can see them no one else that means do  not feel shy to participate when i ask questions   to ian you guys can also participate in i will  be able to see it and then uh so on so forth   so no need to feel shy because only we can see  your messages yeah so feel free to uh guess on   the answer um in case okay let's get started  let's get started okay a lot of you guys are   students at Urban Forex from the Mastering Price  Action. okay excellent excellent cool cool cool   all right let's get started here we  go circle yep yeah it looks good okay   let's give them a little bit of hair oh yeah  it's like a just a woke up person all right   now trend lines trend lines okay ian do you  have your annotation tools on this thing   I'm gonna draw something and I want you to um draw a uptrend line for me   okay let's take it super basic super basic  see if you can draw an uptrend line for me let's start from there and then  we'll get comp more and more complex   okay all right so you're drawing the highs  now here's a question when i'm doing a trend   line do i need to draw the highs the  lows which one is actually important well it's a good question uh but I'm assuming  at least if you're dealing with an uptrend you're   looking for higher highs and higher low so i'm  assuming you probably want to draw the trend line   on the upper side okay so i'm gonna show you a  quick hack when you're going in the same direction   okay so in case for an uptrend your  highs are in that same direction right   yeah the upper one is momentum it it measures  momentum the lower one is to measure trend change oh okay okay they're two different things   but they're both important okay so for example  okay let me do something here so let's say   it it was like this and then you draw the  upper side can you draw the upper side again okay and then i do this so what now are  you going to suddenly curve that line   to try to connect it how would we do it might  look like that if i do it on here but uh you'd   probably then have to look for the lowest pointed  your your whole angle of your of your trend line   would change like would change okay but you've  used the trend lines before right ian you've at   least dabbled with it yeah dabbled yeah yeah okay  how do i know okay i'm going to change my color   and i'm going to ask you a simple question how do  i know do i connect this part to that part this   part to that part or this part to that part what  am i supposed to connect i don't know that that   was actually one of my specific questions i had  actually for you just because really when you look   at a chart you can draw lines all over the place  like you can connect anything and make anything   you want to look however you want but that's  always been one of my questions i've always had   am i actually drawing it from the correct you  know low point to high point and okay so okay   that's perfect let's take it one step further  back why is it important to draw it correctly well you're using i mean the theory behind you're  using the trend line as a a barrier or to gauge   something so if it's drawn incorrectly like  it can throw like like i said before you can   draw lines all over the place but you need to  know if it's correct so that you can actually   correctly use that in your analysis so okay okay  fair enough i'm gonna ask that question again   towards the end to make sure when we come back to  this we're going to circle back and i'm going to   ask you why are trend lines important to  draw correctly and then we'll see if you   have a much more solid answer so 50 minutes  on the clock we got to take ian from zero   to hero okay all right within 50 minutes we got to  get him a trendline mastery all right here we go   there we go now sometimes you'll see a candle  and it'll do that then the market will go down   then the market will go down and then the  market will go up and then it will go up again okay so now do i draw like this or do  i draw like that um am i connecting the   bodies am i connecting the tails does that  question come up in your mind or any of you   guys in this room that you guys ever have  that feeling of wait where do i draw this   yeah i get that question for sure  okay okay good so a couple things   you need to understand about drawing trend  lines trend line is always after the fact you cannot predict a trend line it's always after okay so always remember that once you  draw it from the past then you could   pretty much try to determine will it hold  true again that is a guess it's a theory   it is not set in stone so let's do this  if i have a movement up and it pulls back   and then i have a movement  up can i connect here to here uh you don't really know yet until it you don't  you don't know that it stopped moving up so yeah   there you go so what if it did this can i  connect it up um you could yeah i suppose   okay let me switch it around a  little bit and then it does that   and then we said oh no that's not  my trend line that's my trend line   yeah and then by the end of drawing the whole  trend line you're like i spent seven hours of   my day trying to get the perfect trend line  i don't know what i'm doing trade's gone   right because there's this huge illusion of how  the hell do i draw it you know yeah okay here we   go to keep things to keep matters simple do swings  start with the idea of learn to connect swings   this comes in handy even with channels  okay channels are ranges that are sideways   right okay so focus on swings now what is a swing  okay you have the market going up pull back up   pull back up every step of the way snr snr and  then it goes down pull back down pull back down   okay the up has been broken and it's come down  that after the fact it's done marks your high okay when you get that again wherever it  does it and then it starts to turn and   makes a downtrend lower high lower lows  after the fact is only then you can say   that's my high i shall connect these highs   so you're looking for swings in the  opposite direction basically before you can   accurately draw your line basically correct  so there's less guessing and more accuracy of   okay that's what i'm dealing with done  period now let's go into the fine pieces   do i connect the bodies do i connect  the tails and all that stuff right   okay now the question the next part is  if you guys understand the swing part now   and now it's like there's a tail here and  there's just a body here and you're like   okay should i connect it from the tail to the body  or from the body to the body or from the tail to   the body because my angles of my trend line will  change accordingly yeah right so there's a whole   question around well how which one is it that  has a lot to do with what are you trying to do   okay this will come in handy towards the  end when we talk about objective what's   the objective of doing this okay people are  so focused on i need to draw a trend line   why because some some brown guy on  the internet keeps saying trend line   trend line trendline so i want to draw a  trend line but why am i doing this no idea   right that like that's like 90 percent of the  world is like i go on to youtube i gotta do   fasting why i don't know someone's doing  it on youtube so i'm fasting as well why okay so trend lines here we go okay  now the whole goal of a trendline   that majority people like to focus on is a change  in direction which is if the buyers are going up   if the buyers are going up okay let's say this  is a swing i'm not drawing all the details okay   i'm not going to draw that detail  like that that's a swing up swing up   swing and what we're doing is we're drawing  this and saying we can connect this to this but   what happens when this piece doesn't  connect to that what does that mean it means the pullback's not  coming in as deep anymore   it's weakening that indicates  the momentum got stronger you see before prices were coming down deep and  now they're unable to come down deep the buyers   are getting stronger momentum is picking up  okay so now if the momentum is picking up and then how about now if i draw this to this   it's not connecting momentum picking up  it's getting aggressive it's getting strong so far so good yeah yeah okay now let me do this you've been connecting these lows and saying okay  the moment it breaks the lows i'm gonna think   about how can i get in onto the cells because  that's the job of a trend line to tell you   the trend has been broken therefore  we're going to do the opposite   so let me do this if the momentum gets strong is this trend line still valid i  wouldn't i wouldn't think so no okay here's where the confusion starts coming  in so we have subject a drawing his trend line   like this yeah nice and smooth i you know  50 years of experience coming from preschool   i know how to connect dots yeah baby all  right then we have the next guy yo man i   got another five years of experience on you i can  connect these dots and i think that's what's up   okay sorry i don't want to talk like  that but and i think that's what's cool   these days right like okay now there's  a battle between these two players of   well what does this mean this guy is  saying if i get a break below this it's   all about the cells and that guy says if i get  a break below this it's all about the selling   they're both correct they're both correct here's  what's going to happen here's what's going   to happen when this thing breaks some traders  will get ready to do some selling off of this and then the cell goes down it goes hard  how are the sellers feeling pretty good   pretty good right i'm gonna change the color  to red okay so cells are going down they feel   great they're like yeah baby it's going then it  pulls back again and then it goes down again yeah   baby it's good now in their visual preference  for those guys who focused on this trend line   their job is my cells are working i'm gonna hold  on until i see a hole on the bottom of my monitor   and the price just goes through it and goes down  to my neighbors downstairs and goes through their   house and down to hell and says hello to the  devil right that's the goal of these trend line   break guys are like i want to see that price to  drop so low that chinese people on the other end   of the planet are like oh what's this you know  so that's the goal right okay here's the thing   someone who's sitting here watching this uptrend  line he's saying price always respects my uptrend   line always for these guys is prepare for buys  prepare for bites you're gonna get some um   complications with yourselves there from  all the people jumping on the bus yeah   there you go there you go so so far all i did was  talk about some trend lines here and there shall   we move a little bit into price action sure okay  i'm just going to move you i'm going to divert   you from trend lines into price action and i'll  bring you back your trend lines ready sounds good   have you heard the saying that a trend  that's going up cannot reverse and go down   do you know that to be true a trend always  needs to roll over before going back down   okay i need to transition time yeah an uptrend  will become a channel a channel will probably   become a range a range will become a down channel  a downtrend will become a downtrend and it'll   pick up speed this is due to the multiple  layers of trend lines people are looking at   until you don't get rid of all the different  styles of trend lines coming at you your speed   will never pick up because someone or the other  is saying and then now i buy and then now i buy makes sense yeah that makes sense yeah so anyone  who's trying to catch the top thinking i will   take the absolute best price and i'm gonna  sell it so hard and man like it's i'm gonna   make so much money and then it goes in their  direction and bounces again and they're like   i thought it was a trendline break Navin told me  when a trend line breaks it's supposed to go down   but it's not going down and while waiting for it  to go down i've i had three grandchildren by then   right it's so irritating to wait for it  like why isn't it going why isn't it going   yeah so far so good yep so  this is the difference between   the multiple trend lines that are coming  at you with the momentum now if i do this okay i have this trend line i have that trend  line it'll drive people nuts right that's like   oh i'm not going to draw 50 trend lines right  that's going to drive you nuts it's like i'm not   going to do that here's the thing here's the  thing now we talk about what's the objective how do the larger players use trend lines as  a point of reference to make a living okay   now obviously every webinar i teach you in an area  as if it is the most important thing on the planet   and again even in this webinar trend lines is the  most important thing on the planet because that's   how you get mastery you have to put all your  energy and love into one piece become a pearl   at it and get the next piece pearl at it put it  together next piece pro at it put it together and   then you know you make the puzzle accordingly yeah  right okay here we go i'll change the color a bit okay let's make it dark blue so anyone who  does who can't see this we'll be able to see it   let's throw a little curve  ball prices are going up it's set in stone that this is your uptrend line  right it's set in stone but then prices do this had that experience before oh yeah lots  right so it's like wait what is this what i didn't see that coming what is that  do i count it do i ignore it do i you know   break my trend line here and say okay now you  go here but then it went higher high again   okay in a candlestick pattern if that was a  candle this piece to this piece i'm going to   draw circles this circle to this circle the next  candle is engulfing it it's almost like it's   taking it out fully yeah right it's an engulfing  pattern or the big brother whatever you want to   call it like i don't know what people call it  these days but it's it's doing all so now the   question is what was this are people gonna call  this a probe are people gonna call this a faker whatever it's called i don't care what does it  mean that's what's important when you're trading   i don't care what it's called i don't care what  oxford university people are saying about this   in terms of the refined language of what this  is is you know you don't care about that look   put your glasses away you want to figure out what  does this mean that's all you're concerned about   right so when prices move in a certain direction  it always means something always means something   right oh you have to remember that okay so  when dealing with something like this it's   obviously trying to break your trend line  okay so let's shake this back a little bit okay okay so now when this  trend line breaks this is where the evil booboo happens if you want to call it  people look at this as break what does it mean   at that moment they don't see it's going to be  a fake yet right no one at that live moment no   one can predict the future they just simply see a  break and therefore they're preparing for a cell   and as they're preparing for a cell it goes higher  they're like okay that's the cell it wasn't at snr   it's gonna be higher and then it goes a little  bit higher okay that's the cell it's testing the   underside of the trend line we need some kind  of resistance then it goes a little bit higher   and then it goes up there it's like okay double  top and then we sell it goes a little bit higher   like you know what this whole thing was a  fake but after ruining someone's account   balance all the way down to zero because the guy  keeps trying and trying and trying and trying   yeah had this experience anyone yeah i have  for sure yeah you know why i know this so well   because i was that guy i was that guy selling  and selling and selling and selling and then   i said you know what i take my laptop  screw this trend lines it doesn't work   all right but it's the understanding around  the trend lines that makes all the difference   okay so it has a lot to do with price action also  but for the sake of if all you know is trend lines   let's work on that a bit now here we go can  you explain to me ian what is a downtrend lower highs and lower lows okay i'm gonna ask a simple question to  everyone in this room what is a downtrend   lower highs and lower lows okay ian  can you draw that for me here we go   let's put everyone in here their knowledge  to the test to see are you pro enough okay all right is this a lower high uh it is yeah how do you know well i mean i don't  have any more information up here i guess so um   okay i know it's i guess if you were to say  you know that's lower than if you had this   depending on what how much information you have i  want you to focus on what you just did you needed   a confirmed previous high before you can call  this a lower high right is this a lower low same thing again i'd have to   i'd have to like draw another piece like like this  too you needed a confirmed low first before you   can call this a lower low many people just look at  the visual design of this and say downtrend baby without actually understanding of you can't  get a downtrend unless you have another set another set coming on to it so far so  good okay super basic stuff 90 of the   world doesn't understand this but they all can  say lower high lower lows everyone can say this   but yet it's a mystery okay here we go  let's go deeper ready so in this process uptrend uptrend uptrend okay at what  point is it officially an uptrend um where's your higher high your higher  high would be i need to get my drawing   tool here and probably right here is  your first real higher high that you   have that you can perfect that's your  higher high where's your higher low right here okay now how do you know that's  a higher low only when you get this piece   right yeah so if i draw this portion  boom boom boom it's not an uptrend right i need this to happen and then i  gotta finish it and then it's an uptrend that makes a lot of sense i guess i never really  thought about it that way because you just   you look at the lines going up you don't really  that's pretty cool actually i never thought about   it that way yeah it's one extra line and everyone  just prejudges judges it and that is a basic   missing element that everyone just screws up on  and then therefore everything else that comes   after it is all mistakes it's all mistakes  okay all right so here we go so far so good   is are you with me right everyone  here also watching along with me okay i see some people saying i mean can you  do that again i'm not doing a magic show it's   it's i'm trying to show the basics it's the  real basics that you have to master right okay   it's not like uh i'm you know like and then  from my sleeve another trend came out you know   okay all right so let's take a look at  this i'll do another example yeah so let's   let's do it in a different way i always  like to throw a little curveball right   here we go okay all right let's do this so the  markets are going down we're gonna flip it around   a little bit they're going down pulls back goes  down pulls back goes down downtrend confirmed   yep perfect okay now that you have a downtrend and  you're like got it therefore i will use my skills   from elementary school to do this and i will  use my skills from elementary school to do this   all right so we got that stuff going on now in  this process the bias goes up down it breaks that down move that down move that means the  down trend has been broken so now what what does that mean well it doesn't really mean anything yeah i mean  you still need you can't say it's an uptrend yet   um why not why not well you need more information  you need more information you need you need to see   more because that could easily just come right  back down good similar good your other example   what we're doing right now is just based on your  knowledge of the last 30 minutes you and i we're   gonna make a strategy here live together how  do you develop a trading system or a trading   strategy using trend lines okay and we can call  this trendline trading strategy that works in 2020 okay all right here we go or five best ways to  draw trend lines okay all right anyways so we have   this downtrend it breaks into the up up move once  it breaks up the whole idea remember what i said   before can a down becoming up not not straight  away it's not straight away good good having   that said from this moment it starts to pull back  we don't know if it's going to come back inside   so you will never trade very close to the break  that is like no no good slap of the wrist okay   never trade at the break or around the  break let it develop so far so good   anyone trading at the break is at the mercy of  gambling they might get lucky they might not   but it is not consistent here we go then the  price comes here can you buy it now no this is   a typical design people love to do break out of a  range and then i gotta buy that i have to buy that can you buy no nope not yet let it develop this  what it's going to do is going to try to resume   you want to see go back to the downtrend  and i want to see the inability to downtrend right okay giving you that time and that  transition too correct do we have   a higher high in this process anywhere not  yet no do we have a higher low in the process   um maybe but you don't know yet can you draw my  first low where's my first low that i'm watching probably watching this low here   okay so green circle you're saying  that's the low do we have a higher low you it looks like it's going to be hard but i  would want to see something to ah there you go   there you go many people start drawing this as the  higher low and then oh that's not it it's that one   oh that's not it it's that one they start buying  it ahead of time thinking i gotta buy it doesn't   work i gotta buy it doesn't work i gotta buy it  doesn't work it's still a high or low still but   i just you know have to take a loan from the bank  because i have no money for rent now right you see   you see what's happening yes the logic is correct  that you want to buy not yet calm down calm down   right not yet because in theory in theory this  could just zip down too there you go there you   go and then the whole possible break is a void  and then we can say huh looks like it was fake   yeah you don't claim it as fake just because  you see it in an oxford dictionary because we   have to label it something you know now why it's  a fake yeah okay you understand it you understand   the why behind it it's not just a label right  okay so you get that move you're just predicting   you're you're basically just trying to  until you get that confirmation either way   you're correct just fortune telling is all you're  really doing there you go thank you there you   go so now how about this let me remove one of  your lines can you remove your green line yep   um oh wait sorry yes just remove all the lines  okay perfect perfect okay all right so now   let's say this this thing goes up i'm gonna change  my color now to uh red okay so now here's what   we're gonna focus on so now it goes up and you're  like ah there's my higher low hello new little one   welcome to this planet okay so you got your higher  low you now have half of the piece required to   make an uptrend yep what's gonna happen now is  many people who are looking at this downtrend   would you say there are some people looking  at the downtrend in a angle like that because they're connecting that guy and that guy   yep so you don't know yet you don't  know yet and then here they fight again and then it goes up hello higher low we meet again   what you're doing is you're tiring out the  sellers every single time that this is happening   every time that slows down the seller's like  you know what this is irritating me i don't   like this i don't like this i don't like this  what is the nail in the coffin for the sellers some sort of a strong i'm assuming some  sort of a strong buy move that comes above if that comes in you know all the sellers are  buying diapers okay trying not to use words but   they're buying diapers now they're like oh  no what is happening but what just happened   is you now developed an uptrend any buy  off of this you're gonna make some money   because now you've put in a higher high as well  you're gonna make some money yeah because by   now you've got rid of the sellers by doing  that process you've got rid of the sellers now i'm gonna try to explain  all this very slowly here we go   all of you guys here right i'm gonna  change the color here to dark blue that's you guys okay or here that's ian there  you go man that's you all right i'll give you a   little bit of a hair and i'm gonna pick one person  from the room and there's vinayak just next to you   okay he's right behind you he's like  yep what are we gonna do today buddy   and there is a suburban okay suburban  forex all right so all three of you guys   are players and you're like yeah yeah okay  and even elton okay he wants to be in this too   so all of you guys are like we're gonna sell this  right we're gonna sell this and you guys figure   it out some way shape or form and you hit the  cells right there sales going your way all of   you guys that that names i've said including  you ian and it pulls back how do you feel i feel i'm expecting a pull i'm still feeling okay  feeling all right then it goes down bam how do   you feel really good now yeah you're rubbing your  fingers and you're like yeah this looks good pulls   back a little bit bam how do you feel well where's  the ferrari there you go why just one why not 10   ferraris right feeling proud feeling great and  then you get a movement that challenges your last   movement and wipes away that profit that where  you said where's the ferrari ferrari just went how do you feel definitely that was my my first worried point  i wouldn't um not freaked out but definitely   worried at this point okay but remember you were  nostalgic or not nostalgic you were euphoric   when you were making money so you're in the  mindset it's gonna go it'll go again right yeah   and then we'll just upgrade a little bit from  ferrari to rolls royce you know why not why not   or we'll get both okay then the price comes down  choppy choppy choppy choppy choppy how do you feel pretty pretty nervous now especially knowing how  hard it came up before when it came to that area   okay then it shoots up a little bit but it doesn't  go higher than the last time it panicked you still okay but um getting getting pretty  nervous but i'm still okay because okay   i'm gonna draw a line here there you see that line i slashed the chart in  until that point you and none of your buddies   had any issues whatsoever but after that line  your tone has changed yeah you're constantly   thinking what do i do what do i do what do  i do should i no no like you're panicking   in the range the conservative ones okay ian let's  say you're conservative you might get out but the   aggressive ones are like no no it'll go man just  watch i swear to you i swear on my neighbor it's   gonna go just watch i know it okay i know it and  then what does it take a strong push against them close now ready is at this point if anyone who's  focusing on this knowing that the sellers are   getting out and they focus on their  buys here that buy will pick up speed   because there's no one selling sellers quit oh that makes a lot of sense but  anyone who's so aggressive trying to get in at the   earliest break of that is gonna die anyone gets  in on the test of that trend line is gonna die because there's no understanding of the market  structure there's zero understanding of that it   is simply a strategy that's a failing strategy by  doing that okay so if you ever see a strategy like   that run the opposite way right it's as simple  as that okay so now a trend line is a guide   is it an entry mechanism no no so anyone saying i  need a trendline stuff uh you know because i need   a trendline to break and then i will enter i need  a trend line to break so i know where my stop-loss   is going to be all those people are in trouble  because they don't know what to do next it's just   a break happens and the mind goes blank and that's  it so i don't want you to do that i don't want you   to do that i don't want you to focus on just the  break of a trend line because that trend line   can go back down and resume yeah right but uh  what's the it's what the information tells you   after that break that's  important more so there you go   there you go so now we're gonna spin it back ready  all of you guys we're gonna take you back now   all right let's go down memory lane  memory lane i mean 20 minutes ago   right because we live in the world of instant  gratification 20 minutes is a super long time   let's go back 20 minutes all right so here we  go here we go now we have this downtrend that   we were going and going and going and going and  then we draw this line and we're like oh such   beautiful line you know look at that so good  so good then the price comes up it breaks that   nothing happens here it does that a little bit  comes crashing down now i want to ask you a   question do i change my line to incorporate  this or do i can i keep my line where it is   you keep your line where it is at that  point you can keep it where it is for now   this basically means many people what do you  think people did when that trend line broke   what they bought if they bought  that means they're all stuck when that market crashed on  them and all those people stuck is fuel or gasoline or electric these days to go  down faster faster so now if it goes down faster your trend line needs to be adjusted  to the one with the higher momentum   all right yeah because if you wait for this thing  to break and you will get a very late price in   the buy a very very late price you got to stick  with the price so you can get a buy done early on   so you can decide what to do there and even  cash out a little bit yeah remember what happens   if a big boy is looking at this they're like come  on down come on down come on down and then they   buy it they buy it here just give it a second they  buy it there does the public know about the buy   no and then it goes up till here but the public  sees a nice downtrend do they know about the   buy yet no and then it bounces here a little  bit and then it goes even higher now does the   public see it yeah they'll start to see it now now  they're jumping in on the buys what do you think   that's buyer that big boy who started  buying earlier is starting to do cash out   i would say he's made his shout and this cycle  repeats over and over and over and over again okay all day long day and night any time frame  one minute to the daily to the one second   all day long it's because the human  psychology on the market unfortunately is   i will sell if it's down uh and  i will buy only if it goes up   but there is an element of i gotta predict it  a little bit you have to take that little risk   people like to see visual confirmation usually  before yeah right that's why you know how many   corporations in the world are there versus how  many people work for the corporations right   yeah it's because the risk is being taken  by only a select few right by doing all   the excessive homework and the rest want  to just just tell me what to do give me a   salary i just want to watch netflix you know  i don't want to think of all this stuff just   trend line break done i'll do a trendline break  i don't want to think about it you see you don't   want to be that guy because those guys die in in  the market they become the victims in the market okay so when we have this wave of people coming  in they're getting wiped out very quickly because   they're thinking the market is a shortcut to  to success and then they're watching all these   instagrams and this and that and they're getting  reeled in thinking oh man he clicked a few buttons   and then he bought a gucci shirt and a ferrari  in different colors oh man it looks easy and then   you go to his website it's like two thousand  dollars if you want to learn how to do this   huh you know it's like so you want me to pay you  money for you to teach me how to make money why   don't you just give me the money like i don't  get it yeah you know it's like a signal service   right well and who who buys a signal service i  don't understand like it doesn't make any sense   all right so far so good yeah so you could even  use those trend lines like if you were to put the   work in reading the story you can even maybe not  use the trend lines like a traditional like trader   would use them you could almost use them like i  know a lot of people would get in there you know   what i mean like in that sense like um uh to kind  of know when the public could be getting in and   when maybe you should not get in and use it that  way that that's the element of trading you can use   trendline you can use macd you can use rsi you  can use fibonacci you can use whatever you want   bat pattern cat pattern dinosaur patterns whatever  you want it's just do you understand the market   right have you noticed you know you're in  the Mastering Price Action 2.0 at Urban   Forex right have you ever noticed me talk about  a trend line or anything like that in there no   the whole focus is can you read price perfectly  do you know what is happening to price around   all these indicators and all this mumbo jumbo that  everyone's trying to do if you can understand that   you're one step ahead and that's all it takes  you don't need to be 100 steps ahead just one   step ahead because the shark is just behind  okay taking out anyone who is just behind you yeah it makes perfect yeah all  right all right all right so let me pull this up all right all right how many  i want to ask a question how many of you guys here   are already uh yes sorry some of you guys are  asking is this recording yes it's recorded   we're going to be giving it to you um in your  libraries we're going to be putting it up on   youtube as well but how many of you guys here  there's like 1 300 of you guys here jesus christ   there's a lot of you guys in here all right  how many guys here are actually students   of Urban Forex from the  Mastering Price Action 2.0  

does okay okay it looks like half the  room is students it's like okay all right yeah that's a lot of me holy crap um all right  cool how many of you guys are not students of   urban forex okay those of you those of you guys  who are not part of Urban Forex or the Mastering   Price Action 2.0 which is the stepping stone  the block that gets you to the next level to   think outside the box you can pick up  the Mastering Price Action 2.0 today   and i will open up the fourth of july  special for you once again if you're   in this room i'll give you the fourth of july  pricing again okay because if you understand   everything that you've learned so far in  this webinar your brain is starting to click   of okay so i have to think a little bit  differently than the traditional connect this   connect that place and when that connection breaks  then you gotta trade if you can think past that   Urban Forex is gonna be your new home that is  where you're gonna stay for the rest of your life Urban Forex is now family but if you're from  that mindset of I need a technical pattern i need A+B = C then you can join  the 99 there is no room at Urban Forex because   nothing is gonna be in that language nothing is  in that language okay if you wanna raise the bar   and you wanna join the Mastering Price Action 2.0  and start your journey as a trader the right way  

then you guys can join the MPA 2.0 using  the fourth of july special which is let me   type it for you it is i'm going to type it in for you   urban and  do you want to buy it again as well sure

how long have you been in the Mastering Price  Action, Ian how long has it been since you started   Urban Forex in general, not the MPA 2.0 how long  has it been for you? November, December, November   i think when it was first released so okay so  about whatever that is now eight it's almost   like halfway through the year now so i guess it's  like eight months or so okay okay how many guys   here are actually further down the line you guys  are like in the Iconic or even at the Elite level okay so i'm guessing there's no one from the  outside in this webinar it's all students   this is just all students okay great great  i'm glad i'm glad you know this makes   me happier that our students are majority of  the people in our webinars because that tells us   that you're not just learning and  saying ah okay let me try something else   and then you read a book and let me try something  else you're solid you're grounded and you know   where you're headed everything makes sense and  you're going deeper and further you're going   deeper and further one of the things that sets  all of you guys apart as urban forex students   is your ability to have patience and try to  understand the why okay as everything that we do   it's never around do this and you'll be good i  hate that language i personally i really dislike   that language i want to know why i was that  kid my parents hated because i kept asking why   be that guy who says why it needs to make  sense to you otherwise don't even put one   dollar on that trade you need to know  why why should you do certain things right all right all right in any final questions  anything you want to touch base on again i know   we we went the whole hour on just a  white board i didn't get a chance to even   get onto the charts but uh maybe you know  we can do some examples or something uh   you know on our website for trend lines um for  everybody but any questions i think you covered   that most of like all little questions kind of  got answered throughout the webinar so i mean i   gave me a really solid understanding of how  and when i should use trendline so it was   really great that you could take your time to  do that for me that was fantastic so some of   the earlier webinars that we've done together you  notice the rhythm of price action is very similar   but then the technicals change around a little  bit yeah right that's the key the key is not   the technicals you can give me any technical  pattern i'll find a way it's the read of the   market can you do that if you can do that you're  golden you're golden each pattern is a little   bit different like it's never they're going to  give you the exact same pattern quote unquote   exactly exactly there you go because someone new  is always going to come up with a new strategy new   system new technique always and then they'll have  to keep filtering it filtering it filtering it   so all right guys so again for those of you guys  who are new and you want to join the MPA 2.0   it is  you can pick up the course that is a 149 dollars you will be able to pick it  up for less than a 100 dollars today it is   yours to keep every single day you get examples  as well on what you've learned in that week   week after week i will release new lessons so you  have enough time to practice but at the same time   every single day you'll get examples for that  specific week so there's lots of material lots   of practicing uh so that way you can raise the  bar on how you look at the markets all right guys   so i hope i've answered all your questions in i  know your three major ones was uh uh what is a   trend line but i i know you know what is a trend  line the other one was uh um how do you draw a   trend line now you know it can be subjective but  it doesn't matter it doesn't matter right it's   kind of how you draw knowing how to use the chart  to draw that was the main like instead of just   drawing lines i could have a thousand lines on my  chart but knowing how to draw those quick quick   quick pop quiz pop quiz if it's a downtrend  if i connect my tops what am i trying to do uh the tops of a downtrend the  top part of a downtrend yeah   why am i drawing to measure  the moment like the speed okay is it the top or the bottom the  bottom yeah that's what i mean i think   we did an upgrade that got all confused yeah but  yeah yeah yeah it's if you connect the tops then   you're that basically means if that breaks uh  you're looking for a change in direction but if   it's in the downtrend and then your angle gets  even deeper uh then your momentum has increased   so you can draw it on both ends if you want  if both sides are holding what does that mean   it's top and bottom they're maintaining perfectly  equal and the trend is still going is it a trend   well a channel a channel okay you you guys  know what you guys are doing get out of here   get out of here all right we're done for the  webinar all right guys thanks a lot for coming   i'll see you guys next time cheers Ian so yeah  thank you no problem take care bye for now you

2021-04-08 15:52

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