MASSIVE Dogecoin News: RALLY COMING, Banks on Board with crypto

MASSIVE Dogecoin News: RALLY COMING, Banks on Board with crypto

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hey everybody it's Alen let's do our daily update  on all of our cryptos dogecoin and all our stocks   now if you like this hit that like button i really  appreciate it and it helps the channel a lot let's   also talk about scammers please be very careful  in my comment section i don't have whatsapp or any   kind of phone numbers those are fake profiles of  me so please ignore them or report them to youtube   all right let's also talk about my top five  stock picks at the end of the video we're still   somewhere between 40 to 70 percent on the downside  which means you can more than double your money   by purchasing these stocks so make sure you stay  tuned for those all right let's talk about biden   and the irs enforcement what you should be doing  with your cryptos if you sold it or if you're   going to hold it long term and what the benefits  are of holding your cryptos for more than one year   let's also talk about safe moon partnering with  simplex what that means for safe moon and if this   is going to help safe moon rally back upwards  we're now up somewhere between 30 to 60 percent   just from the last couple of days so safe moon  is recovering pretty well so let's talk about the   china crackdown so china is not just cracking down  on people mining it but also on using it and what   does that mean for people that are mining it in  china and is that going to help or actually hurt   bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and now let's  talk about how the actual stock market influences   the actual bitcoin and even the entire crypto  market we thought there was maybe some going   to be some kind of hedge against inflation  with bitcoin but that's not happening when   the stock market started crashing a lot of the  cryptos followed just a slight delay actually so   we saw the stock crash then the cryptos crashed  and right now we're kind of seeing both of them   recover slowly so is this the perfect time to  start investing back into cryptocurrencies and   stocks we'll discuss that as well and then let's  talk about crypto wallets are they a good idea   and should you be using crypto watts or are they  unsafe now let's talk about the ethereum creator   vitalik who's talking about the scalability  problems that elon musk does not realize   now if you are brand new to my channel consider  subscribing down below i do daily updates on   the dogecoin all of our cryptos and all of  our stocks that way if you're subscribed   and you have that bell notification icon  turned on that bell notification is gonna   notify you want to get into certain stocks but  more importantly want to sell out of those stocks   and want to sell out of those cryptos and keep  those profits and gains also if you want two free   stocks valued up to eighteen hundred fifty dollars  that link is in my description for webull webull   gonna give you those two free stocks also you'll  be able to trade in the pre-market and post market   hours you're never charged for buying stocks or  cryptos you're never charged for selling them   or even transferring that money back to your  account it's all completely free and webull keeps   adding more and more cryptocurrencies and stocks  to their platform so they're growing and getting   better every single day now those of you that want  to get those live alerts the second i buy or sell   a stock in real time you can do that via patreon  that's the very first link in my description   once you sign up for patreon you'll get free  access to my private discord over half a   thousand people will talk about stocks crypto  currencies and even just long term investing   also if your portfolio is down you're in the  negative even if your crypto portfolio is   done i can take a look at it hopefully get you  rebalanced back in the green to double or even   triple that money year over year all right  let's get into all of our cryptos and stocks all right everybody let's take a quick  look at our portfolio or just a couple of   stocks from there PFZR pfizer is at 39.92  holding pretty steady we got in at 35.98   and we collected that dividend of six dollars  so not bad a very good dividend paying stock   also VZ verizon another one that's very good  all right lemonade is at 81.38 a very very   good recovery from 74.84 it's actually been even  under 70. we're up dollars about 8.73 this is a   very very good buy and i see lemonade getting  back to 100 very quickly apple is at 127.76   and we got this for free if you want to get some  robin hood or if you want to get apple shares you   can use robinhood that link is my description sign  up for robinhood two to four free shares tesla is   up almost to six hundred dollars we got in at  six thirty four we're down about five percent   not bad but this is a fifteen hundred dollar  stock and we have twenty two shares of tesla   at six thirty four oh nine a fantastic company  i'm a long-term holder here all right nokia's   five five dollars and one cent we got in at four  dollars and two cents we're up almost 25 now if   you want to see this entire portfolio every stock  i have how many shares i have or you might just   follow along and mimic my portfolio you can do  that via patreon very first link in my description   you can see the entire portfolio even show me  yours i can rebalance your portfolio get you back   in the grain to double or even triple that money  all right let's get into dogecoin here 15 up what   are from oh my god let's take a look here from  this 35 down in the last week we're up 15 in just   24 hours and this is why dogecoin can rally back  to 70 75 cents very very quickly look at these   moves almost 16 just as of this morning bitcoin  is up 14 and then let's take a look at ethereum   31 in 24 hours this is why even if you're down by  40 or 50 in your cryptocurrencies you should not   panic because you can see a 30 40 recovery in  a single day that's why you take advantage of   those dips and you buy more to average down that  cost look at this i mean bitcoin has the potential   to get back to three thousand dollars by tomorrow  if it does another 30 rally so very amazing gains   here ripple is up almost 20 percent very very good  and ADA cardano again another top performer here   23 as of this morning very very good gains here  now safe moon look at that 40 percent so very   very very good return here so quick recovery that  panic selling let's take a look here if we go back   to this one day you can see you know we are up  wow the straight shot to the moon here so that's   why you buy these dips and you do not panic sell  let's take a look at moonshot here up almost 20   so all cryptos are slowly recovering polygon is  up 100 in one day this is why i'm telling you   do not panic even if you lost half your money it  could double more or even triple in a single day   how many times can you say you've seen a stock  go up by a hundred percent never stocks don't do   this cryptos could truly be lottery tickets for  some people if they get in at the right price   let's refresh our top 10 cryptos here all right so  bitcoin is back to 700 million dollar market cap   pretty amazing ETH ethereum at 24.89 cardano  back to a dollar fifty we could have gotten   cardano at a dollar and two cents at some  point so wow it's pretty amazing all right   our very first article here is going  to be 1.3 trillion dollar crypto crash  

and then leaked goldman sachs prediction gives  high chance that ethereum will eclipse bitcoin   and those of you that are in my patreon in my  discord and and talk to me you guys know that 52   percent of my entire cryptocurrency portfolio is  in ethereum and i think ethereum has the potential   to get way past 40 000 someday so and i'm to keep  adding more and more money to it basically every   time i get paid i try to add more and more  money into ethereum on my COIN coinbase so   just uh you know keep that in mind if you're a  long-term investor there safe more partners with   simplex world's leading fiat crypto infrastructure  now offers integrated safe moon wallet for growing   an army of safe moon crypto investors the next  evolution of crypto with auto generate liquidity   to the moon and beyond so what happened here is  that safemoon announced that it has partnered   up with simplex to begin offering streamlined and  integrated safe moon wallets for crypto investors   simplex is an eu licensed financial institution  that provides fiat infrastructure for the   cryptocurrency securely processing credit and card  payments and making cryptocurrencies accessible to   everybody it was created in 2021 and safe one is  the world's fastest growing defy cryptocurrency   so just so you know it's actually a defy token and  uh it's on uh made on the binance smart chain bsc   so with 2.1 million holders and this number keeps  it increasing on a daily basis so the partnership   with simplex would enable crypto investors to  invest in safe moon much more directly and all   of you that have invested into SAFEMOON or are  going to invest into it you know it's slightly   complicated and it should be it should be made  where you can just click a buy button and call   it a day this is what's holding safe bone honestly  back there's quite a few people that tried to buy   it they couldn't figure it out and just give up  and move down with their life so this will help   save more long term and right now a lot of people  what they're doing is they're buying they're   buying the binance coin and then exchanging it  for safe moon the whole thing is just ridiculously   over complicated all right china crackdown forces  crypto mining operators to end operations after   friday's crackdown several firms said they  are looking to move their business overseas   especially to north america cryptocurrency mining  operators including hobie mall and btc dot top are   suspending their china operations after beijing  stopped stepped up their efforts to crack down on   bitcoin mining and trading sending the digital  currency tumbling downwards a state council   committee led by vice premier liu he announced  that the efforts laid on friday the first time   the council has targeted virtual cryptocurrency  mining a business in china that accounts for as   much as 70 of the world's crypto supply 70 of all  cryptocurrencies that are being mined on planet   earth is from china so what we're going to see  is some serious volatility as these people pack   up their miners ship them to europe to wherever  hell they want go from there and then reestablish   their businesses in north america and other places  they're not going to ban them so we'll see some   volatility in the next week or two but then i see  a really really good recovering cryptocurrencies   as these mining operations then pick up they're  gonna have to reassemble all this buy a company   buy some kind of a you know building set up all of  this mining equipment again and then begin mining   and then we'll see a huge rally pick up again  in cryptocurrency all right where the crypto   market goes from here is completely dependent on  the stock market says digital asset tycoon berry   sell silver that's very very true and here's a  reason why i agree with them if you're investing   into let's say the stock market right now  and starts rallying upwards and you make   money 10 20 you double your money now you can sell  off some of that and invest into cryptocurrencies   which is going to boost cryptocurrencies right  the more money you have the more money you have   to spend on purchasing more cryptocurrencies  and we also saw that as the stock market crashed   a few weeks later what did the cryptocurrencies  do they started collapsing as well so they kind   of go hand in hand and as the more money that  people have the more money they're going to use   to buy goods services and cryptocurrencies so  why mark cuban says the crypto wallets are awful   let's read this article here i'm kind of curious  the cryptocurrency industry has developed   in leaps and bounds in recent years it used to  be difficult to buy digital currencies safely   now all you need to do is open up an account  with the crypto exchange and basically click   the buy button so crypto wallets are too hard  to figure out about 17 of american adults now   own cryptocurrencies according to a study by new  york digital investment group gone are the days   of digital currencies where they were traded by  small niche with a high technical knowledge base   as cryptocurrencies have become more mainstream so  products have become easier to use cuban believes   that it is crucial he recently told on delphi  podcast that businesses need to keep improving   in order to retain customers he noted if you if  your solution is not the path of least resistance   and low friction someone's going to kick you kick  your ass cuban went on to give his opinion on   crypto wallets they're saying that they're awful  and they're figuring out a wallet period is just   the worst thing ever so what he's saying it's too  difficult and complicated i absolutely agree with   him i cannot tell you i've had four 500 people  especially even on my patreon dozens of people on   my patreon ask me i cannot seem to figure out how  to purchase safe moon can you please tell me how   to buy safe mode and then i have to guide them to  the entire process let them know what burn wallets   mean what crypto wallets are how to exchange the  binance coin for safe moon it should not be that   difficult and this is what's keeping some of these  cryptocurrencies and defy tokens like safe one   down i honestly think we could probably see safe  mode tripling in price if you could purchase safe   one with a single click of a button all right  let's move on to mysterious dogecoin account   back in focus holds about 12 billion dollars worth  of digital assets with speculations that this is   elon musk we also believe that this is possibly  just an exchange so we don't know but we'll see   according to the data from bitten for charts the  dogecoin whale first purchased the cryptocurrency   on february 6 2019 one is trading for about 0.0018  cents per coin not that the investor has around   30 371 corridor coins which is about 28 of the  cryptocurrency's overall supply which is pretty   amazing so a third of all the doge coin in the  world that exists is held by this one single whale   imagine the collapse of dogecoin and they could  ensue if he decides to sell 30 percent of all   dogecoin that exists in the world pretty scary i  don't think he's going to sell but just something   to think about why ethereum co-founder sees elon  musk planned for scaling dogecoin as infeasible   all right so let's read into this a little  bit so what happened buren said that there   was an important but quite subtle technical  factor that limit blockchain scaling the   cryptocurrency co-crew referenced a tweet by must  that touched on doge's emergency is a leader among   cryptocurrencies that should implement certain  changes so all i really want you guys to know   is that yes it's not a simple solution here  that's going to take one or two days i think   if elon musk gets with the creators of  dogecoin it helps improve just every part of   doris coin we can't see dogecoin and easily get  way past the dollar even past two dollars but this   is not going to happen overnight this is something  that's gonna probably take six to twelve months   and if elon musk takes some of those billions of  dollars invested into dogecoin and helps get more   programmers and coders this could happen much  sooner than that now vitalik buterin discusses   elon musk's paramount dogecoin scalability claims  ethereum co-founder vitalik buterin in a blog post   published on may 23rd offered some detailed  thoughts on the scalability problems the poor   the post is in part a rep a refutation of elon  musk's claims of speeding up the dogecoin network   by simply decreasing the protocol uh parameters  so buterin sets the record straight here   he begins with the post by questioning how far  one can push the scalability of the blockchain   before immediately tackling elon must tweet  about the upping dogecoin network parameters   after pointing out the complications of  centralization and compromises on the technology   says that there are important subtle factors  that influence scaling so we'll see how much   of a follow-up elon musk has today so after  bitcoin and dogecoin and rapper meek mills   plans to buy shiba inu those of you that purchased  in toshiba you know let me know in the comments   below or have you made money are you losing money  or are you going to keep investing more into it   very curious here crypto meme coin kishu market  cap reaches a billion dollars so kishu coin is   now also which is another meme basically ripoff  off of dogecoin that's now reaching a billion   dollar market cap so people are investing into  it heavily advanced micro devices our very   first stock of the day it's 77 is criminally  low this is a must buy somewhere around 110   to 120 is my price prediction for amd by the  end of this year some really really good gains   so let's take a look here getting some andy at 77  dollars if we reach that 110 dollars that i think   we're gonna reach you're talking about getting  30 percent on your money really good return   facebook look at this market cap here 920 billion  dollars heading towards a trillion dollar market   cap and their p ratio is only 27. absolute must  buy i think facebook can easily hit about six to   seven hundred dollars in the next 12 to 18 months  which again offers another doubling of your money   and everybody in the world is basically  using facebook and as 5g 4g just internet   spreads out throughout the you know parts of the  world that do not have it facebook is going to   benefit from that and grow even faster coinbase  at 227 is now under the 250 dollar reference price   if you take a look at the last five days we kind  of we went from 245 crashed all the way to 212   and now actually our 227 our 52-week low  is actually 208 which is pretty shocking   slow recovery here but still a absolute buying  opportunity because i see coinbase at 420   in the next 12 months so 200 per share gains all  right tdoc here again 143 dollars you double that   you get what 286 that's still not even at the  52 week high another opportunity to more than   double your money as the world of medicine shifts  to exactly what teludak is doing all right tesla   at 597 trying to get back to that 600 and 52  week high of 900 puts you at about 303 dollars   per share of gains just getting back here but i  put tesla around 1500 in the next 12 to 18 months   that gives you a potential to almost  triple your money now this last stock here   warren buffett has a lot of a lot of apple  and bill gates no longer has any apple   bill gates sold all of his apple shares  100 of them got rid of all of apple   and then he started investing into this company  here cpng he invested very heavily in january   and he keeps investing more into it now i'm not  telling you guys to actually invest into it but   do some research and let me know is he onto  something and should we be investing into it   and this could be a potential good buy and why did  he really sell off all of his apple and buy this   i'm very curious let me know in the comment  section below what you know about this company   and if you will be investing into it kupang is  a south korean e-commerce company based in seoul   south korea and incorporated in delaware united  states so something to think about and maybe do   some research into now if your portfolio is done  you're losing money you can talk to me via patreon   very first link in my description once  you sign up for patreon you'll get   live alerts the second i buy or sell a stock you  can even see my entire portfolio and mimic it   and maybe even just figure out what i'm buying  and that way you can buy those shares as well   and hopefully grow your portfolio also if you're  losing money and you're in the negative i can take   a look at your portfolio via patreon you can send  me a screenshot of it i'll take a look reassess   hopefully figure out which stocks to sell which  stocks to buy gets you back in the green to double   or even triple that stock or crypto portfolio  all right thank you for watching take care and   i'll talk to you there on patreon i'll talk to  you on discord or in the next video take care thank   you

2021-05-27 16:17

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