Marketing Innovations Keynote

Marketing Innovations Keynote

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Hi. And welcome to Google marketing live, I'm your host Matt Lawson, we're coming to you live from, the heart of Silicon Valley in, sunny, San Jose California, it's. Great to have you joining us from over 200. Countries around the world as we, bring together today's, top, industry. Leaders this. Is our largest ads innovation. Event of the year where we unveil, the latest products, and features designed to help your businesses, grow. This. Year our senior, vice president, of ads, Sridhar. Ramaswamy is. Gonna share new innovations, designed, to deliver more value more. Transparency. For your brand and its, teams you're here - ready, to unveil a host, of new ads innovations, but. First let's take a look at the other moments, happening, around the event the. Sandbox, is where attendees get to demo the newest features and hear from our product leaders direct and, for. The first time you'll, be able to see these expert, talks from the sandbox after, the conference on our YouTube channel but. That's not all make, sure to stick around following the keynote as we continue, the live show with an exclusive half-hour, of specials, guest, interviews and deep dives into today's. Major announcements, industry. Guru, Fred, ballets and Googler, Ali Miller are gonna join us to share their thoughts on new, products we're about to announce along, with some behind the scenes analysis. Trust. Me you don't want to miss this but. If you have to we, get it work calls meetings, lunch, we've. Got you covered we'll. Be posting recordings, of the keynote, the post show and the sessions from the event on our YouTube channel for you to watch on your own schedule, okay. The shows about to start so I'm gonna head inside and grab my seat while, I do check. Out this preview, of how we put this event together and, don't forget to join us for the post show. Please. Welcome senior, vice president. Hello. Everyone and, welcome, to Google marketing, life. This. Event is, always. One of my favorite, moments of the, year I'm. Thrilled, to. Share the next couple of days, with all of you. In. My anticipation I got. A big nostalgic. The. First time we hosted this event, it's. Five years ago. There. Were a hundred of you in the room and. There, is roughly 25. Times that number here today, not. To mention or. A hundred, thousand people that are going to be joining us on livestream. But. My job. Is. To still make it feel intimate. Still. Make it feel like there. Are hundred, of you in the room. Still. Make it feel like, this is a private conversation. You. Know what that's your job - there. Are a billion, more people on the internet today compared. To five years ago there. Are twice as many people on. Smartphones. But. That, doesn't change the fact that every, user interaction, with digital, is, still. And. People. Still expect you as, marketers. To, deliver on what they, need as. Individuals. Time. And, time. Again. We. Believe that, he can only deliver, on, a, powerful. And consistent. Experience, like that for, people if the. Principles. Driving. Your work are, equally. Powerful and. Consistent. And. For us, they. Have. We. Always. Aim. To deliver advertising. That. Works what, everyone. Whether. It's consumers, advertisers. Or. Publishers. We're. Committed to ads that. Are valuable. Transparent. And trustworthy. Let's. Think about consumers. Advertising. At its best, and. Its most effective. Always. Puts people, first. From. The earliest outward side for. A small business selling lobsters. We. Focused, on delivering. Experiences. That, are useful and, relevant. To. A person's, intent. Simply. Put we've, always believed, that ads should, I do. When. We first fostered this event five years ago we were doubling down on what, valuable. Ads should. Mean in a, mobile-first war, people. Wanted more help in the moment so, we, gave it to them for.

Example We launched new innovations, to ensure that people would get the most useful, message. Based. On their context. Like. Whether. They were at home researching, ideas or. On-the-go, needing. To purchase something quickly. Our. Innovation, journey has always, centered, on, enhancing. This, type of value for, people. We've. Also always, focused, on transparency. And Trust, working. To ensure that people, see ads for real. Products, and. Can control what. They see. We've. Made huge investments here, think. Back again to, five years ago when we first held this event. We. Had just launched, the, mute decide feature giving. People that, control and the. Ability, to signal, and they just weren't interested. Last. Year consumers, gave us more than 5 billion, pieces, of feedback. About our display ads using, this feature, things. Like this have. Always mattered. To us. Flash. Forward to today and, Wow. The. World's a lot different, a lot. More complex. For. One we, know we're dealing with a consumer who's a lot more curious, demanding, and impatient, being. There for them and being, useful, is more important than ever as their, expectations. And savviness. Just, continues to rise. People. Have. Become so, much, more research, obsessed. They. Are even, actively, researching what not. To what and. They're, not just researching, products and services, they're, searching for countless, things to. Help navigate, their, lives. For. Example mobile searches for, things to do tonight have. More than doubled and. People. Are also more demanding. When, it comes to mobile experiences. They. Expect, more personal, relevance, than. Ever before even. The. Always. Fascinating. Near, research is, evolving. In interesting, ways, traditionally. Near, me has been used to find nearby, places. Or businesses. Like, a pharmacy, or. A. Gas station. Today. People, increasingly, use near, me to. Find and discover. The. Specific, things, that they need for. Example. Cowboy. Boots near me or. Old, ice cream near me. But. Impatience continues to rise too people want to snap their fingers and get what they want in the, past two years there's. Been more than a 10x. Increase in mobile searches for. Open. Near me tonight. And. Of course people. Aren't, changing, in. A vacuum. Technology. Itself. Has, been changing, at an unrelenting. Phase. With. Mobile and now, machine learning there's. Been a step, change up, for. The consumer experience it's. Getting so much faster. More. Personalized, and more, intuitive. And the. More empower, people get. Experiencing. The possibilities. That technology offers. As realities. The. More they expected not. Just from Google, but. From all of you and, every. Time I. Know. What they get isn't, helpful. Personal. And, frictionless. Forget. It they're off. And. Finally. There. Is no question, that the entire, dialog around our industry. Has. Changed to. Digital. Is no, longer the underdog it. Is now a meaningful. Part of people's. Lives and. Marketers. Spend. Consumers. Are more. Aware of how, they're being marketed, to and. How. Their, data is being used and. They. Want more, control, they're. Frustrated. With, slow experiences. And, annoying. And deceptive, ads and. They expect better. Change. Is, something. That we're all accustomed to. It's. Always. Hard, and complex. But. What keeps us anchored. And inspired, are those. Same. Enduring. Principles. That. Advertising. Should be, valuable. Transparent. And. Trustworthy. For. Everyone. And. Today, advertising. That works for everyone, means assistance. That, works for everyone. So. Let's think about what. Assistance. Means. Through the lens of these principles. What. Does valuable, advertising look, like for consumers, today. It's. Worth repeating. At. Google delivering, valuable ads for people always, starts, with understanding, and. Satisfying. Intent. But. This, means something different now it. Used to mean giving, people quick answers, based, on something that they typed in to us search box but, today, because of mobile and machine learning people, expect more than answers, they expect meaningful, assistance.

They. Want you there than, ever they're, looking for help they. Expect, you to understand. And. Figure. Out what they need in, that moment even. Anticipate. They. Want you to help them get things done. To. Save them time, and money. And, more. Than ever before we, can help, Google. Is where the world turns to for assistance billions. Of times a day across, multiple, properties, and surfaces. This. Gives us deeper, insight into consumer, needs throughout, their, journey and, allows. Us to understand, and satisfy, intent. In, new ways, just. Look at search it. Used to be that a search for jogging stroller would have directed someone, to, a website. Through. A blue link, today. We, can be much more helpful. Surfacing. Information tailored. To their needs, like images. Pricing. Reviews. And even nearby store locations, and, inventory. On. YouTube, brands can not, only reach the same person, with messages, that are super, relevant to what they care about like. Running. And kids. But. Also make it easy for them to, take action like. Purchasing, a specific, stroller shown, in a video or. On. Google Play that same person could be recommended, some useful apps related to both fitness, and parenting. And. These. Are just a few examples of. How valuable. And. Assistive. Advertising. Is, becoming today. But. People. Don't. See value in advertising. If. They don't feel valued. By, advertising. So. We enable these assistive, experiences. To happen in a privacy, sensitive way, giving. People the, transparency, and choice that, they expect. And. Consumers, deserve, to know that we've got their back. That's. Why Google, uniquely. Allows people with a single, switch to. Opt out of, ads, personalization. Across. Devices. That's. The key feature of Google's, my account. Which. Lets you access your, own data and control, what you want to do with it whether. That, means downloading. It deleting. It or controlling. How it's used to personalize your services. And. We're seeing that been offered such transparency and control, consumers. Generally choose. Ads, that, work for them. Advertising. That is valuable. Transparent. And trustworthy. Applies. To advertisers too, everything. Starts, with delivering. This for end consumers, but. These same, ideas have always applied. To. Our advertisers, as well, in. Fact these principles, fuel, our approach, to innovation and. Directly. Inform the products, and tools. We build to make you more assistive, and more. Successful. When. It comes to offering value. We, are committed, to helping you drive your. Most important. Goals and in. The simplest. Ways possible and I. Know that's. Why a lot of you are here today, and. We, have a lot of great, announcements in store for you. You'll. Hear about, how we are applying machine learning, to, ensure, you're delivering the best possible ad. Due, each person searching on Google and how. Our new YouTube solutions, lets. You harness, the explosive. Growth and potential, of video. Drive specific. Business. Objectives. You'll. Also hear about new campaign types that make it even easier for those just getting, started, with digital to get their ads up and running, and. For. Retailers to achieve their goals whether. That's driving, ecommerce. Sales or. Foot. Traffic to their stores. And. You'll get to hear about how, we are updating, our platform, solutions to, enable, more, collaboration. Across, Enterprise. Marketing teams and. We're really excited about the value these things can, drive for, your, businesses, and your, team's. At. The same time we, know that the usefulness is limited, if. They're not all so simple, and integrated. It. Should be easy to figure out how, different things fit together and which. Solutions, are right for you. That's. Why later, this month Google, AdWords is becoming. Google. Ads doesn't. Seem like a small change, we're. Really excited about it Google. Ads better, represents, the full range of advertising. Capabilities, that we offer giving. You a simpler. And more cohesive way to buy ads across. Google. Properties, and networks that. Means search YouTube. Google, Maps Google Play, and. Much more. Delivering. Advertising, and tools, that, are valuable for you, is. A, primary, goal. But. It. Isn't enough for. Marketers, using our platforms, it's also critical. That you have transparency. And choice when. It comes to the media you buy and how. You measure, that's. Why we're also combining. Our enterprise, advertising. And analytics. Platforms, to create the, Google marketing platform. This. Solution brings together our, double-click. Advertising. Products and the. Google Analytics 360. Suite to, help you plan by. Measure. And optimize, digital. Media and customer. Experiences, all in. One place. Transparency. And choice over. Both. The media you buy and how. You measure, sit. At, the core of, Google. Marketing platform. For. Example it supports, over a hundred integrations, with, exchanges.

Measurement. Solutions, and other technology, providers. And. Finally. Trust. Whether. Using Google ads or. Google marketing. Platform, you, should be able to trust us as a partner you. Should have confidence that your ads are in places, that are safe for your brand and your. Consumers. But. Your consumers, also, need to be able to trust you. In. Today's consent. Driven world, the. Media and technology, you use impact. The trust, that's. Why our advertising, products, and platforms across. The board provide. People, notice. And choice, so. That the relationships, you build through advertising, are. Trusted. Ones. Advertising. That works for everyone. Advertising. That, is valuable. Transparent. And trustworthy. These. Core, principles, continue. To drive everything. We do at Google and keep, us inspired, and excited. About. The future it's. True that consumers. Have never been harder, to please. But. Marketers. Have, never had more, opportunities, to please. Advertising. Will only continue, to become more valuable, to people as new, more assistive, and trusted. Relationships, are formed. We. Really excited, to, be on this journey with, you and eager. To start sharing some of the newest tools and. Capabilities. To take your, marketing, to, the next level so. Without, further ado let's, welcome my team to the stage to share more about, how our newest innovations, inspired. By our principles will. Deliver better results. Simpler. Experiences. And stronger. Collaboration, for. You let's. Kick it off with Nikki to talk about what, we know, marketers. Care about the. Most bad. Results, thank, you. Thanks. Sridhar and, good morning everyone I'm Nikki Gretzky. As. Peter mentioned today's. Consumer, is curious, demanding. Impatient. She expects. Assistive, experiences. That. Are more relevant and useful than ever before. But. At the end of the day advertising, is about driving better results, and, that's something that has always set Google apart. Getting. Better results requires, more than just the right keyword or the right bid you.

Need To be relevant to consumers across. Their entire journey. Assisting. Them at every, step of the way. This. Kind of relevance is critical, to capturing attention. In. Fact our research has shown that 91%, of, smartphone, owners bought, or plan, to buy something, after, seeing an ad that they described, as relevant. And. People pay three times more attention to video ads that are relevant to them. Relevance. Drives, results, and being. Relevant starts with understanding consumer. Intent which. Is at the very core of what we do that's. Why today we're bringing together Google's, understanding of, intent, and context. To, help you drive better results, in three, key ways. By. Helping you drive performance on YouTube. By. Helping you create better more, relevant search ads and. By. Helping you find, insights, that make it easier for you to assist your customers. So. Let's. Get started by talking about how we can drive performance on YouTube. You. May already know that, YouTube is one of the largest video destinations. In the world with. Over one point nine billion. Signed-in. Users visiting, every month. What. You may not every. Day sorry, you may not realize is that every day these users are watching a billion. Hours of video to. Entertain themselves and, connect with others and their. New things. But. YouTube isn't just for entertainment. People. Are increasingly, turning to YouTube to inspire, and inform. Purchase decisions, both, large and small. In. Fact overall, conversions, driven, by YouTube ads has grown by a hundred, and fifty percent over the last year globally and. Looking. At the Nielsen studies that we run to date we've, seen that over seventy percent of campaigns have, also driven a significant. Lift in in-store sales. To. Make the most of these intense. Rich, moments, on YouTube. Marketers. Need solutions, that are built to, deliver results. That's. Why this year we're introducing new. Options, for ads on YouTube to. Better align with your objectives and to, deliver more accountability, from, your video advertising. True, v4 reach brings. Our primary in-stream format together with a simplicity of impression, based buying. Optimized. For efficient, reach this. Format helps you raise, awareness among, a broad set of customers, all, within YouTube's. 95%. Viewable and 95%, audible, environment. True. V4 action is optimized. To drive conversions, on your website, with. True view for action a prominent, call-to-action, appears throughout the video and even remains after the video completes. This. Branded, banner can. Be tailored to a specific goal, such as book. Now or, you. Know buy or learn more. Later. This year we'll. Be bringing form ads - tribute for action helping. You generate leads directly, from, your video ads this. Makes it even easier for people to follow through on your call to action. This. Format is especially powerful when. Paired with tools like custom intent audiences.

For. Example if, you're a clothing retailer you. May want to connect with people who searched, on for buy a new sundress or although. Shirts on sale, using. True v for action and a custom intent audience you, can reach this exact, group with. A relevant, actionable, message right, when they're ready to buy. And. Beyond. Driving conversions. Many. Marketers turn to YouTube to, help increase brand consideration. To. Help accomplish this we're, introducing, a new bidding, strategy, maximize, lift that. Uses Google's machine learning to, help you reach people who are more likely to consider your brand after exposure to an ad. These. New enhancements, help you get the most out of video assisting. People while. Driving concrete. Measurable. Results. Stick. Master class for example. Master. Class is an online education, platform where you can learn from the experts I mean. Seriously you can learn how to shoot three-pointers from, Steph Curry it's, pretty cool so. The brand is looking to grow online signups, through YouTube and an efficient, cost per acquisition. To. Help make its videos more engaging and. More actionable. They, tested true v4 action. By. Featuring a prominent, call to action and optimizing. For conversions. Master. Class was able to increase their class signups, by. A hundred, and forty percent. Dick's. Sporting Goods is another favorite example of mine one. Of the largest sporting, goods retailers, in the US, dicks. Wanted to reach in market consumers, during last year's holiday season to. Drive traffic online, and in, stores. To. Do this the, brand used YouTube as a full, funnel, solution. To. Start the, Dick's Sporting Goods team used, Truby for reach to, build awareness of an inspirational, message showing, their commitment to youth sports, they. Built on this with standard, in-stream Truvia instream and six second bumper ads to deliver promotional, messages to end market audiences, and, then. They. Followed up with true v4 action to, drive people to their website to, buy. With. A strategy, they moved customers seamlessly, through, the entire purchase, journey and. They. Were achieved a return, on adspend, of ten, to one. The. Trophy for each and treated, for action formats, are, now available and, you can look for the maximize lift bid strategy to come out later this year. All. Three will be supported, across, both Google, Ads, Google marketing, platform, and. Joining. Us now is Anthony. Who, tell you about that all new search ads and insights, that, help you drive, results. Thank. You Nikki. So. How. Are we innovating, on search, ads to. Help you get, better results. No. Big surprise, here it's, machine, learning. When. You're looking to get something done on Google, you, expect, an ad that's, relevant useful. And unique. To your needs, every. Time you, search as, an. Advertiser, this, can seem like a big challenge but. This is where Google can, help we. Can apply the power of machine, learning to, help deliver the best, most, relevant, ad to someone right, when they're looking for, what you have to offer, now. Many of our features already make use of this technology today. With. Optimized, ad rotation our system. Prioritizes. The right ads within. An ad group to, help drive performance. Smart. Bidding, optimizes. Your bids in real time by. Factoring, in a wide, range of signals about the intent in context, of every, search. Over. The past year, we've been working hard to, bring this same level of intelligence, to, our search ad formats. That's. Why today.

We're, Introducing, responsive. Search, ads. Responsive. Search ads are more flexible ads, that, simplify. The, ad creation, and testing, process, while, delivering better, results. Powered. By Google's, machine learning these, ads mix, and match multiple, headlines, and descriptions, to, find the, best possible combinations. Making. It easy for you to, deliver unique and tailored, messages, to potential customers, but. These ads aren't just responsive, they, also give you more, flexibility. Responsive. Search ads can display up to, 330. Character, headlines and, 290. Character description. Lines this. Is an increase of 90, percent compared. To today's. Search, ads giving. You more, opportunity. To, may the features and benefits, that, will resonate with, users. Here's. How responsive, search ads work. You. Provide Google with, up to 15, headlines, and four description. Lines our. Machine learning system then builds ads by, selecting, headlines, and descriptions, to, show in different, combinations and orders. Based. On what, is most relevant to the searcher if you're. Interested, in trying them out keep, an eye on your account in the Google ads blog. Responsive. Search ads will be available, to english-language, advertisers. Over, the next few months and will, be expanding the beta to, more languages, through the rest of 2018. Now. While. Better ads are key to driving results even. The best ads may not perform if your, landing pages aren't. Up to par, especially. On mobile, well. Half of all web traffic now. Comes from mobile we, found that mobile ad experiences. Often. Fall short of consumer. Expectations. Did. You know that half, of all, smartphone, users would. Not make. A purchase, on a mobile sign site. Because, it just takes too. Long to, load I, mean. Heck I'm getting annoyed just looking, at this phone it's, not even real. This. Can have a dramatic impact on your results and one. Of the best ways to get better results on mobile is to, improve the speed of your landing, pages. Historically. Optimizing. For speed hasn't. Always been a priority for businesses, and that's. Understandable, many. Of you don't, have an easy way to gauge your landing. Page load times or, how, they impact your, performance. That's. Where our new mobile, landing, page speed. Score can, help. Starting. Today we've, begun rolling out a new column, on the, landing pages page, in Google. Ads featuring. This, new mobile speed score. Ranging. From very, slow to. Extremely fast. This ten-point, scale will. Tell you how fast each of your landing pages load on mobile. Devices. This. Is based on a number of factors including the, relationship, between your page speed and your. Potential conversion. Rate. Using. This score you, can determine which, pages are delivering, a less, than ideal user experience, and prioritize. The, most important, to tackle and. This. Data will be updated, daily meaning. That you can use it to track how your landing, page optimizations. Are working. Over, time and. To. Improve your site speed consider. Adopting. Accelerated. Mobile, pages or, amp, amp. Is, supported, natively in Google Ads and it's, a powerful and easy, way to supercharge. Your mobile, site speed. Tools. Like the landing page speed, score and amp, help, you drive results with, better landing pages and that's, great driving. Results is critical, to any advertising, campaign. However. Making. Sure that, you accurately, measure those, results is equally. Important all. Businesses. Need to, reach new customers to, grow and you, reach these new customers with. Your marketing. Better. Measurement, helps you understand, how to best allocate your. Limited marketing, resources. But. Measurement. In today's mobile, first world can, be a challenge, there. Are more mobile devices than, ever before, and people, move between devices, throughout, the day, you.

Need Tools that can accurately measure, the, impact, of your marketing across, devices to. Help you run smarter, more precise campaigns. That's. Why we're. Introducing, cross, device, reporting, and remarketing. In Google. Analytics. Cross-device. Reports, in, analytics, combined. Data from, people who visit your site multiple. Times across. Different, devices. For. The first time you, can get a consolidated, view, of how, users behave. On your site no, matter the device they're using. One. Important note are cross, device reports, only, display, aggregated. Data from, users who have agreed to share it individual. User data is never, exposed. These. New reports link. Moments, together, revealing. Trends, and insights that you couldn't get before. By. Better understanding the, holistic, customer. Experience, you, can make more informed product. And marketing. Decisions. This. May seem like a small change but it's, a big opportunity. Let's. Say you're, a shoe retailer, looking. To reach your top, customers people. Who bought more than $500 of shoes if a. Customer buys $300. On their phone and another. $300. On their desktop they're, just as valuable as one, who spent six hundred dollars on a single, device. With. These new cross, device capabilities. Analytics. Understands. That these two customers, actually, spent, the same amount. So. Now you, can measure report. And take, action, based, on a comprehensive. View of your customers. Going. Forward, your shoe company won't, overlook, anyone when, you run remarketing, campaigns, to, reach your highest value customers. It's. More important, than ever to understand, consumer, behavior, with. Cross device reporting, coming, to Google Analytics it's, easy to measure the full value of your marketing across, channels and, it's. Available now so try, it today. Brands. Now have more ways to drive results with. Relevant, useful, ads, with. These new products, and more, to come we. Look forward to helping you connect and engage. More of your customers. With. That I'd like to welcome Kim to the stage she'll. Discuss how we're making things easier. For marketers, through, simpler, experiences. That, reduce complexity. Good. Morning. Simplicity. Is important, for all advertisers. But. It's especially important, for businesses that are small I know. Because, for nine years I was a small business owner my. Husband and I ran a winery in Seattle, Washington. We. Got into the business because we wanted to focus on our craft making. Single vineyard Shiraz. But. Like many small business owners we, found we spent a lot of time on other aspects of the business like, accounting, and working with distributors and, we. Use Google Adwords to help us find new customers, the. Tool was great but. It was sometimes hard to find the right keywords for our niche, business. That's. Why my team here at Google has, a mission to help, small businesses grow with, easy tools so, they can stay focused on their, craft. We. Had a vision can. We help small businesses get up and running with ads in just a few minutes, that. Vision became the new advertising, solution, for small businesses that we announced two weeks ago. We. Call this new campaign, smart. Campaigns and it's. Rolling out to advertisers this year, we've. Taken the innovation, and technology. Of Google ads and, tailored. The experience, for, simplicity. Smart. Campaigns are simple. Save. Time and focus. On the results we know small business owners care about, like. Making your phone ring driving. Actions on your website and bringing. Customers to your stores. Let's. Take a look at smart campaigns through the eyes of a small business owner meat. Barbecue, supply company Chicago, Illinois in. 2010. They opened a small takeout, spot now. They've grown two. Restaurants, a catering. Business and a barbecue. Training, center, with. Smart campaigns we, have their ads up and running in just a few minutes. Learn. About their business through their website and Google my business listing. We. Automatically, create sample. Ads that focus on what makes them unique. Their. Ads run across Google, search local. Search results and the, three million sites and apps available. Through display. We. Leverage machine learning to optimize their campaign and help them find new customers. That. Way they can focus on their craft serving. Business and, my favorite, curating. A barbecue specific wine list. Automating. The ads experience, is good we. Knew we could do more, did. You know that nearly half of small business owners in the US don't have a website and. Even, those that do like. Us if you have the time and expertise, to tailor, that website for ads. That's. Why as part of smart campaigns we're.

Testing The ability to automatically, create web, pages that. Are optimized, for ads, they. Showcase the right information about your products, and services and. That's. That's the ad creative, and, conversions. Are importing are built right in to make sure you get the most from your advertising, dollars. We've. Been working on smart campaigns for a long time and the, early results look great, smart. Campaigns are about three, times better at, getting your ads in. Front of the right audience, let's. Take a look at some examples. As. A small business it's so important, for us to have a presence, online I just knew that I needed be advertising with Google VIX, is fourth generation family-owned. And operated Italian. Restaurant not. A lot changes here, I think that's part of our success is that the, consistency, of the look the, consistency, of the food has, just carried through the ages the, piece, is all about dogs our, customers, don't, love us it's, all about the passion they have their dogs and we share with them when, I first opened on the soy yoga I really wanted to introduce members, of the military, community to yoga because it can be a powerful. Way to heal, and strengthen the, mind in the body now. That we're starting to advertise the future generations, we knew that we had to modernize our, marketing, advertising. On, Google I was actually very surprised, at how easy it was I got to select my goal Google, did the rest, my. Goal was to get people to call us it's actually pretty magical because since, we've launched our Google ads our phone started ringing off the hook one. Of the key challenges for us is getting people through the door with. Smart campaigns, when people search for dog grooming they'll find us. As, soon as the phone calls started coming in we realized there's all this untapped, potential, out there, advertising. On Google frees me up so I can spend much more time on, managing the business and doing the things I love the most like playing with the dogs since. Launching, our Google ads we started to hit capacity we. Had to expand our hours we had to hire more staff one, of my favorite things about being a business owner is being able to support families, and provide jobs, Google. Ads is definitely, an investment in, our future. I find. These small businesses, so, inspiring. Building. Smart campaigns is just one way that Google is helping small businesses. For. Example we, know digital skills are critical for online success. That's. Why we're offering free training, through a program called grow, with Google that, helps small business owners to promote their business online. Today. Six, million people have been trained on digital, marketing and business development skills. We're. Also helping small, businesses get listed on search, and maps, through, Google my business, in. Addition to your free listing you, get access to great tools like QA and messaging, that, he helped you make direct connections, with your customers, and. This. Is just the beginning, Google. Is doubling, down on small, businesses, from. Google ads to, our other products, we're, committed to helping even the smallest business, be, successful online, with. Easy tools, because. We know when. Small businesses grow so. Do our communities. Now. Please take a moment to welcome Phil to the stage, who's gonna share some other ways we're using machine learning to create simpler, experiences, for, advertisers thank. You. Hey. Everyone I'm Phil and as. You heard earlier from Sridhar, mobile. Is enabled today shoppers to become more research. Obsessed, in. Any. 48 hour period over. 80%, of Americans are shopping for something, and. They're. Researching products, in many different places, they're. Searching online they're. Watching videos they're, reading blogs and more. To.

Find Ideas and, inspiration. So. This creates a huge challenge for retailers, large, and small, across. Your entire portfolio, how, do you know you're showing the right product, to the. Right person, at. The right time, so. It starts with, getting your products online, in. The past, managing. A feed to. Give Google information, about your products it's been a long and manual, process, one. Involving daily checks to make sure your products are up to date, so. We're continuing, to invest in simplified, solutions, to help you bring your products online and make them easier to maintain. Later. This year, automated. Feeds for, shopping ads were launched to, make it quicker for retailers globally, to. Create their first product. Feed. Automated. Feeds crawls your website gathers. The relevant details and, automatically. Builds a feed from, your online, inventory. So. There's no more complex setup required to, upload your product data and get started so. After, you set up your product feed the, next step is building. An effective campaign one, that surfaces. The, most relevant products, to your customers at. The right times. In. May we, announced a new type of shopping campaign, and automatically. Optimizes, to, the goal you select. It. Runs your shopping ads across schools major properties, and includes display remarketing. This. Dramatically. Reduces, the complexity, of managing. Shopping, campaigns, while. Helping you hit your online revenue goals so. If you, think about it. What. This new campaign offers to. Both large and small retailers, so similar, to what smart, campaigns, which is what Kim just talked about offers. To small businesses, so that's, why we're calling this smart. Shopping. Campaigns. So. In early testing advertisers, have seen that on average they. Drive over 20 percent more, conversion, value at a similar cost when, using smart shopping campaigns. Culture. Cakes a streetwear, retailer. It's, one example of a company finding. Success combining, our new automated feeds with smart shopping campaigns. With. Automated feeds that got their product feed running in just one day took, up over 35,000. Products on their website, next. They tapped into full automation of machine learning with. This campaign, culture. Kings saw quick results they, drove over 30 percent more online revenue while, beating the return on adspend target, by, 77%. That's. Pretty cool. So. We have more exciting features coming soon for smart shopping campaigns, first. We've, introduced integrations, with leading e-commerce platforms. Like Shopify, to. Make it seamless for you to onboard onto. These campaigns, it. Started, last December, when, we made it possible to sync your real-time inventory from, Shopify, with Google's Merchant Center to. Create and maintain your product feed on an ongoing basis. By. The end of this month you'll, also be able to manage your smart shopping campaign, directly, in Shopify, so. What this means so you can work in one single interface to, manage your campaigns without. Having to switch back, and forth between. Shopify. Google ads and Merchant Center accounts. Next. We're inducing additional, goals for smart shopping campaigns, because. We know you have other goals in your business beyond, just online revenue. For. Example three, and four people who conduct a local search on their smartphone visit. A related, business within. 24, hours, by. Optimizing, for online, revenue alone you, might miss out on these other opportunities like finding new customers that, start online and, then go in store, so. In, the coming months we'll, be adding two new goals, driving. Store visits and acquiring. New customers in, addition, to maximizing conversion value this. Will allow retailers, to optimize, the performance of your ads for both on and offline, conversions, and new. Customers so. However you define success. Now. Introducing. Additional goals to smart shopping campaigns, will help retailers maximize, both on and offline goals. But. For. Business for many businesses, including retail and other types there. Are times where you want to focus solely on driving, more foot traffic to, your brick-and-mortar locations. So. For example you might be a, restaurant. Maybe. You're launching a new menu item or maybe you're an auto dealer, and you have a big end of your sale, that's. Why we're introducing a new dedicated. Campaign type that, helps you drive local conversions, such, as store visits we're.

Calling This local. Campaigns. And. In a few easy steps local. Campaigns can help you promote your local business to consumers across Google's. Properties and networks. Let. Me walk you through demo, so. Okay let's imagine I'm. Phil McDonald furniture. King of California. So. Alright I've got 20 of these store locations, across the state my. Existing, campaigns drive a lot of store visits on top of online sales, but. Having a big summer sale coming up and I have, a big summer, sale coming up and I want to get as many people into the showroom as I possibly can so I'll. Go ahead and set up a local campaign. First. We simplified, the process for. Linking business, locations, to your account your. Feedbacks been loud and clear finding. The right Google my business account can be pretty painful. Local. Campaigns will eliminate the guesswork automatically. Surfacing relevant, Google my business accounts, for you. Okay. Next, tell. Us your daily budget. Finally. Upload, your creative assets, including. Your ad text and, your. Logos. And. Now. Your videos. And that's. It with. These inputs Google's. Machine learning, technology automatically. Optimizes your campaign to, maximize store visits and promote. Your locations, across schools properties, so. In my case I'll. Be able to connect consumers to, the big sale it fills furniture outlet and, hopefully. Dial up my in-store traffic, so. Whether, you're a digital, marketer trying to drive more store visits and sales or maybe, you're a store marketing manager with local budgets trying to grow your presence online, local. Campaigns, can help you achieve those. Offline. Performance. Goals. Okay. Now. Let's. Turn our attention to another, type of business that, relies on in-person, connections, travel. Companies. Travelers. Like other consumers, are increasingly turning, to mobile to plan and book their trips so. In a recent survey people. Said they turn to their mobile devices for travel recommendations nearly. Four and a half times as often as, they did offline, sources, I'd be like travel agents or maybe, your friends and family a few. Years ago we, introduced hotel ads on Google so, people can quickly see available rooms, along with the rates and then, make reservations, with just a few clicks and, in. The first six months of this year Hotel. Ads grew leads to partners by 65% versus. The same period last year so. To open hotel. Ads to, more advertisers, and simplify. The process of, managing them we're. Excited to launch new Hotel campaigns right in Google. Ads, so. With Hotel, campaigns, you.

Can Easily group hotels by important attitudes like say brand in class you. Can utilize powerful, bidding controls and machine. Learning to, help you maximize bookings. At your ROI goal so. Whether. You're a hotel owner trying to fill your rooms or maybe you're an online travel agent what just want to drive our leads Hotel, campaigns can make it easier than ever to connect. With travellers at scale. Okay. So let's recap it's. Been a lot here Cayman, I introduced four new campaign types that, use our latest, machine learning technology to. Optimize your ad placements, across a wide range of Google, and partner. Inventory. So. Use smart campaigns if. You're a small business just, getting started with online advertising. Use. Smart, shopping campaigns. Your. Retailer, looking. To optimize for online, revenue as well, as other business goals like. Store visits or new customers, use. Local, campaigns if you operate, brick-and-mortar, locations, I want to drive more store visits that's, your main goal. Finally. If. You're a hotel or travel advertisement, use. Hotel campaigns to, drive more room bookings. We. Hope these new campaign, types will make a big difference and simplifying, how you manage your campaigns and, improve. Your ability to hit and sometimes, even exceed your goals I'd. Now like to introduce PI M to the stage we'll, talk about how we're helping enterprise, marketing teams collaborate better with, Google marketing, platform, thank you. Thank. You Phil I'm. Excited, to dive into the last theme, sridhar mentioned, stronger. Collaboration. We. Know how important, collaboration, is for, any organization. Especially, when, it comes to understanding customer. Insights a technology. Is supposed to make collaboration easier, for. Everyone from. Analysts, to, creative, agencies, to. Media buyers, if. The teams in your organization. Can collaborate, better you. Can deliver more relevant, marketing, this. Is why we, recently announced Google. Marketing. Platform. Google. Marketing, platform, unifies, our advertising.

And, Analytics. Platforms. Into a single, solution, it. Is a complete, set of tools that work together to, help you plan by. Measure. And optimize. Media. And consumer. Experiences. First. The. Google Analytics 360. Suite is now part, of Google. Marketing, platform. This. Includes, Google Analytics, as well. As tools for optimization. Surveys. And data, visualization. Second. Double-click. Advertiser. Products, are also joining, Google marketing, platform, and yes. That, means we, are bidding farewell to. The iconic. Double-click. Friend. But. Does anyone know when double-click, first launched. That's. Right. 1996. In. Fact. A lot. Of great things were launched in 1996. The. Motorola StarTAC. Anyone. Remember that. The. Movie Space Jam with. Academy, Award winner Michael Jordan. And. My. Favorite song of all time I want you back by. N Sync and thank. You to the one person who clapped up here. And. Yes, this. Is actually, me, with my first NSYNC, poster. And. A few years later I was inspired to actually join my own boy band these are not photoshopped, I feel. Like I'm probably sharing a little bit too much here. But. As you can see we performed, in dark basements. We, sang sappy. Love songs and, we. Thought it was so cool to wear sunglasses indoors, but, anyways enough about my boy band as. We. Retired the double-click brand and put my, formative. And embarrassing, years behind us we. Have some new product names to share with you, first. Search. Ads 360. Is, the new name for, double-click search, search. As 360, helps you plan buy. And measure, search, ads on, Google and. Other search engines. Second. Display. And video 360 brings. Together features. From, double-click. Bid manager, campaign. Manager, studio. And audience. Center. Display. Video 360 allows, you to manage your display, your video your, TV audio, and other, advertising, channels in one place, and I. Can't wait to demo some of the features in a bit and. Finally. We're building, new capabilities. Into the overall, platform. And. Marketers like you have told us that your. Number one priority is to better understand, your customers, but. All too often your tools don't work well with each other and lead to a pretty fragmented, understanding, of customers. That's. Why we built a new integration, center to, make it easier to connect, products, and share. Insights, for. Example, you. Can use you, can use an aggression center to connect analytics. 360. And display. And video 360 in just, a few clicks and once, the connection, has been made you, can use, analytics, 360. Audiences. In display. And video 360 to. Create more relevant campaigns. So. What results are advertisers, seeing well let's take a look at Bukit. They're. An online travel company that, helps people find and book tropical. Vacations, they. Saw a 20%, increase in sales by, using audience, insights, from analytics, 360, in display. And video 360. By. The way integration, Center will also help you connect, with third-party, tools in fact. The Sridhar mentioned, Google, marketing, platform, has over a hundred, integrations. With. Exchanges. Measurement. Solutions, and many other technology. Providers. So. This is really a platform designed. To offer, choice, and for. Media choice, means deciding, what to buy how. To buy it and how to measure it you. Can buy, the best of Google inventory, you can buy the best of non Google inventory, we also support, the different, ways you want to buy it whether it's through. Traditional reservations, or programmatic buying and, for. Measurement, choice. Means letting you pick which. Measurement, provider to use for. Viewability. Verification. And reach. And more. On measurement, later so. That's. Google marketing, platform, now. Let's, take a look at how an innovative, marketer, adidas. Is. Using, the platform to collaborate, and get. Better results. An. Adidas collaboration, is one of the things that we focus on as a company overall to, make sure that we're all working more closely with each other we talk a lot about the consumer journey no longer being linear it's very difficult to know when, the consumer is gonna come in contact with your message and because of that it makes it much harder to.

Deliver The right message at the right time one. Thing we do a lot more now is we use data to help us in a singular environment, like Google marketing platform and you're able to see audience, insights, and information, you can share across all those departments from a brand perspective from. E-commerce, perspective. From a retail, perspective what, we found as if we're sharing insights, we know when someone should be receiving a brand message versus a product message when they're thinking about buying or when they're actually ready to purchase. Being. In brand marketing for so long there was this initial pushback, on data and, the, science behind it because it was an art but what we're seeing now is the ability, for data, and insights, to really inform, the art of storytelling it allows us to understand, the impact that we're having in real time real. Time is incredibly important to us we want to let people know that the shoe, that was on our basketball, player who just had, a triple-double, it's our shoe and so it's important for us to push media out there very quickly Google. Marketing platform helps us do that right you have a very, easy to use platform but you already have audiences built in to. See both the usual brand lift and brand affinity lifts go up and, to see traffic and sales both increase across the board was great for us starting. Every meeting with data and insights that's something that we want to take outside of just the marketing organization and, really infuse it across our culture here at adidas. I. Really. Enjoyed that video especially the, soccer scene since I love playing soccer, there, were actually, just so you guys know a few, amazing scenes, of me dribbling, past Lionel. Messi, but. For some reason the footage was lost so. Couldn't. Make it into the final cut. Anyways. It's inspiring to see how a culture, of collaboration, is, helping, Adidas, transform. Their business and how, Google marketing platform, helps them achieve their, goals, now. We want to give all marketers. Tools, that. Help teams work better, together and one. Example is, the new creative. Workflow, in display. And video 360 I'd like to show you how this workflow comes. To life with, a demo for a hypothetical retail. Brand called. Corner, that. Corner helps people find and buy household, essentials, in their retail, stores as well as online a. Corners. Brand manager, let's call her Mariah. Wants. To drive in-store. Sales for, the upcoming holiday, season. To. Kick things off she. Creates a new winter holiday campaign, then. She chooses her objective, in this, case is to drive in-store sales and she, selects video as her primary channel, that's. It, now. She can, invite JT, the. Designer from her creative, agency, to. Use the Splane video 360 now, in the, past, JT. Would, have to email back and forth with, Mariah to. Get the creative brief and understand, many of the, campaign, details, but. Now with display and video 360 the. Brand manager and the designer can, work together, in the same tool with. Access, to the same information so. JT. Begins. By browsing a gallery. Of beautiful creative. Formats and. All. Of these formats, are mobile. First, they're. Respectful, of the user and they. Drive great results for advertisers, and I, love, the automatic, previewing. So. JT chooses, the panorama format, and, then. He can just quickly customize, the format by, dragging, and dropping a, few assets, the. Live preview, lets, you see the ad come to life as you make updates it's, really fast super. Easy and with. The click of a button JT can, create variations, of the ad customized. For, different audiences such, as new homeowners and, cooking. Enthusiasts. Looking, pretty good so far and then, of course he creates the, most important, version of the ad tailored. For those boyband lovers. And. As you can tell, we. Pick the handsome model for this ad and. Finally. JT. Can, map each version of the ad to. The audiences, that Mariah created. Earlier so. Think about how much we're relevant, your marketing, can be when it's this seamless to. Build custom, creative. Now. JT hands it off to his buddy Lance. The. Media planner and Lance. Visits, marketplace, to see what inventory, will. Best help drive. In-store. Sales now. I want you to notice a couple of things here, first. The. Inventory, is automatically. Filtered by the campaign, goals and settings as you can see here on the right and.

Second. Publishers, are ranked, by their historical, performance with. The, brand this, helps you save time and find. The best inventory, for, your campaign. So. Lance, starts, by choosing a few publishers he. Can also explore packages, a recommended, video content. All. Of my favorite Discovery TV shows are right here including, Shark Week. And. With a few clicks you can send an RFP, to all of these publishers at once, and. We're really streamlining, what can be a pretty, painful and, tedious process so, think about how happy the Lance at your agency, will, be. Now. That the campaign is up and running we're. Done well, almost. With. Any campaign you need to be able to see what's working and respond, to changes. As quickly as possible so we're, bringing speed. And simplicity to, reporting. In display. And video 360, with. A new feature called. Instant. Reporting. Now. With instant reporting. You can build custom, reports, directly in the UI with, data loading, literally, in seconds something. That used to take minutes. Or even hours. We. Know some of you would go for coffee breaks maybe, even watch the World Cup highlights, while your reports, were running a sadly. Those days are over now you, too, can run, your reports instantly, and stay, glued to your chair all day long, so. For example, JT. The. Designer can. Build a report to measure the performance of, different, video, creatives, so we, choose a set of creatives, and. Then. He can check the completion, rate, can. Quickly sort, by the completion, right to see which creative, is performing, best and then, he pivots, by device, to see whether mobile, users are more. Likely to finish watching the video ads and, they. Are. How. Quick was that billions. Of events automatic. Pivot table there's a reason we call this instant, reporting, oh and. By the way, charting. Is just a click away so, JT. Can quickly see, which. Creators are performing, well and. I know the font is small you guys probably can't read this but the boyband ad is performing, really well in the far left and, he. Can make real time creative. Changes to, improve performance. The. Best of all instant, reports are always, fresh, including. Saved reports, so, if JT gets. A last-minute request from his boss the. Insights he needs are just one click away, I can't, wait to see how your team's make, use of instant, reporting. So. How long do you have to wait to get your hands on these new tools well. The good news is that Google. Marketing. Platform. And the, display and video 360 features. I just demoed, will. Start rolling out to all customers. In the next few, weeks. But. We know this is just the beginning of the, next chapter of our platform, story and we, look forward to working with you to continue, improving the. Platform, now. Shifting, gears a little bit I want to talk about one specific, challenge. Which. Is measurement, it's something all of our customers, face whether they are using Google marketing platform, or Google, Ads, not. Only do you need to measure the impact of your efforts but you need to do so in a way that gives you confidence in the numbers and, we are committed, to helping you get accurate and trustworthy. Measurement, with, solutions, that are based on industry, standards like.

MRC, And while. We strive to build great measurement, solutions, ourselves. Ultimately. We believe it's up to each of you to choose what's, right. That's. Why we, are announcing, Google. Measurement. Partners. This. Is a new program that brings together 23. New, and existing partnerships. Across critical. Areas like. The ability brand. Lift and brand, safety and, these. Partners have worked closely, with us to, meet rigorous standards, and provide. Measurement, solutions, for, Google's media that you can trust for, example, we. Partner, with integral. Ad science and, double, verify for. Viewability, verification. And brand safety. We. Partner with Nielsen, and IRI. For sales lift and marketing mix modeling and, we're. Working closely with, these partners, and Industry bodies to ensure you have the measurement, tools and standards you need to. Drive your business forward. We've. Now sadly reached, the, end of the keynote but. Before I sing, bye bye bye, sorry. I mean say goodbye I want. To thank all of you for attending and, for watching the live stream it's. Been a pleasure sharing. What. We've been working on and we are excited to partner with you over the coming year if, you want to learn more about the announcements, we feature today or, stay up-to-date on, innovations, coming, in the future check. Out these links for. Google ads and, Google. Marketing platform, thank. You. Alright. Welcome. Back for. Those of you just tuning in I'm Matt Lawson vice president of ads marketing here, at Google, this. Is an exciting moment for us for the first time we're, bringing all of the goodness of Google, marketing live to. You in the. Next half hour we're gonna be breaking down the keynote, diving. Deeper into a few key points and checking. In with trusted. Industry leaders and Google, experts, as a. Quick reminder after. This show stay tuned to our YouTube channel where we'll be sharing demos, of our newest products and breakout sessions to, make sure you have all the best practices you need, to, be successful. And. Don't forget to get involved, connect. With us by using the hashtag Google. Marketing live we, want to hear what you have to say. So. Let's, get started with our first big, headline, today Google. Ads, that's. Right it's. No longer Google AdWords hopefully. All of you can help us get, the word out. Now. I know this seems like a small change but really, it's not check. This out, Google. AdWords is. Becoming. Google. And Google. Ads whether, using Google ads in, Google ads natively. In Google, Ad. The lab all. Three will be supported across both Google ads Google, ads or Google, ads. Not. Sure if you caught that but, it's now Google. Ads. So. After. 10 years of working with AdWords, this is a welcome change it, represents, the full range of advertising, capabilities, we have across search display, YouTube, and so many other properties as, a, previous, marketer, I have fond memories of Google AdWords my, fondest was trying to buy a search term for a girl I was dating that. Didn't go out to a while but. Behind, every great marketing, campaign there's, a group of marketers, who bring it to life so. We want to encourage you to use the hashtag behind. The ads to. Share your story with, those of us here at the event. This. Change to Google Ads isn't the only big news that came out of the keynote today we also announced some great things for marketers but, instead of me talking about it I'm gonna have a few experts, join me here for some Q&A on YouTube, ads shopping. Campaigns and more, come. On over here. Alright, hey. Guys so. I'm joined here by, Fred. Valets from, optimizer and Ally Miller, group group manager at YouTube, thank, you for joining us today thanks for having us yeah maybe you, guys could start by telling us a few things about yourself starting, with you Ali sure so I'm, Ali Miller I've been at Google now, for 12 years so a long time always, been in ads started, on the sales side moved into product management and, now I've been working on YouTube ads for about two and a half years so really, excited to be here back at Google marketing live yeah.

And I'm Fred valets so I started, in PPC back in 98 out of my college dorm room, it took me about four years to see the light that this AdWords, thing or I should say Google Ads was gonna be big so join Google got, to work with Ali actually for many years I did that for about 10 years and then left. Google started, my own company and we work with a ton of advertisers, so really excited to see these product, announcements, and how it's really gonna make life easier, to, to show ads online yeah, glad you saw the light yes, so Ali, why don't you kick us off lots, of interesting, news today on the live stream with YouTube. To me about how YouTube can now be used to drive performance for so. We, we've, definitely seen a lot of changes in consumer behavior over, the years and. That's really dramatic on YouTube especially just in the sheer usage, of the app in the site so the, stuff that always blows my mind that Nicki mentioned this morning is a billion, hours of daily watch time and as. You can imagine there's, tons, of different types of behavior that viewers have when, they're watching YouTube so it's, an entertainment destination of, course but it's also an, information, hub it's. A place where people come to learn things to research products, or services they may want to buy and so, we have this opportunity to tap into all that different viewer behavior, to drive more specific, goals for advertisers. So. Starting, at the top of the funnel we have TrueView for reach which, Nicki mentioned today is a great way to marry our. Traditional. TrueView, skippable ad, format, with. The simplicity, of CPM, buying so this can kind of cast a broad net across. A lot of different viewers on YouTube get your brand awareness your, reach out there in a really efficient easy way so inching. On down the funnel then we have these sort of mid, funnel objectives, so driving consideration.

For Example and. This can be really useful if you have a longer purchase cycle for the products or services that you sell and, this. New maximize, lift bid strategy is a great way to drive the, most consideration. Lift possible, for your campaign the way we do this is we try to identify viewers. Who are most likely to go from not, considering, a brand or product or service to, considering, it after seeing the video and, we use the power of our brand lift measurement, to actually now in real time optimize, for the results that you previously could only see after, the fact as a measurement tool so, we're really excited to kind of get into the game of these smart bit strategies, and you know having come from the search world this, is familiar with a lot of folks from the past on search so YouTube is really really, starting to make a lot of progress they're really, cool cool, new ways to use machine learning to address awareness, and consideration. I, also heard on the live stream there's a new format, around, true you for action, tell us more about what that is yeah so Trudi for action is one, of our most exciting new formats so familiar. To many, traditional. Marketers, you want to drive leads you want to drive sales you want to drive conversions, and so, TrueView for action offers. A an, action button directly below the video that continues playing after the ad is over and. You can see for. Example a, book now or get a quote or visit site button directly there, so the consumer, can view, that take action and drive a conversion, and, then, the next stage of this is making that even simpler so if you want to drive leads qualify, leads we'll. Be introducing a form that can show directly below the video ad the, viewer can without even leaving YouTube fill, out their information send. That information along to you the marketer and then, you, can really close that loop super quickly and drive a lot of leads very efficiently, these. Are both going to be available both would target CPA bidding, and then our new bid, strategy will be maximize, conversions so, if you don't have a target CPA in mind you'll be able to simply. Drive as many conversions, as you can, for your budget that's, awesome so it sounds like true to YouTube. Can now hit every, stage of the funnel awareness. Consideration. Purchase, all the way down exactly, we're excited about it so, Fred you've, always been a hardcore, performance, guy for as long as I've known you oh yeah talk. To me about what, you think about the new smart. Shopping campaigns. That, just launched today yes I mean I think shopping, is this amazing thing right if you look at some industry, research there's. About 60%. Of clicks on Google, for retailers, at least in the United States come, to do the shopping ad format yeah, it's crazy because when Ali and I worked at Google they. Were called product listing ads and they were horrendously, difficult to set up if you, didn't know the special syntax to do these things you literally. Couldn't get started, I mean, Sridhar today made a point that it should be advertising, that works for everyone, I think, this is really what that is right so you're, no long

2018-07-13 15:11

Show Video


Hi there and thanks very much for all your presentations and developments. Could you share with us an all-in-one schedule of the different features roll out (approx.) dates?

Exciting times ahead of us.

I am really excited about the new features Google offers, Especially the Mobile Speed Score, Responsive search ADs and Auto Optimized landing pages. When will be the new features available in Google Ads? I am interested in participating in Beta as well. Thank you very much for the informative video.

Really Happy the way google is enhancing the ad platform , We are small ecommerce portal , this will really help penetrate the market.

Exciting news. However, when will all these new campaigns and features become available in other languages and markets outside the US?

Bye bye bye.....haha!

How does Google's machine learning acquire the data needed to understand a user's intent to buy for the Maximize Lift Bidding?

@Google - Will you be posting a recap to the presentation and where we can go to find out more information about all of the great new items you are launching? I would also love to rewatch the Summit if possible. Can you let me know where I can go to do so?

The new features you're introducing are seriously exciting. We're a small family business that's been using Google Business tools for nearly a decade... we love your continued focus on helping small businesses, and we're with you all the way. :)

Hi there, we really appreciate the honest feedback you've shared! Thanks for being a part of AdWords. Feel free to reach out if you have any concerns or feedback. -Chris

I have been using responsive search ads by participating in the Beta and it's a great innovation that would help making customized ad copy according to the customers predictive search results. Just wanna raise one concern here, if google can provide the reporting of all the combinations it has used to identify the best mix of headlines and descriptions that performed best.

Responsive search ads sound like they will help us test so many more messages. Oddly enough, it sounds like this will provide online marketers more data and more time. I'm excited to test this.

Hi there, we're happy to see that you liked the responsive search ads format! Please feel free to share any additional feedback or queries that you have. -Anil

Thanks a lot for the Google Marketing Live. We are very excited with trueview for reach ads where we can add CTA and redirect users to our website. Thanks a lot guys

I am super excited to test these new features to drive more performance driven campaigns. And thanks to Google for making super easy to setup feed for shopping campaigns. And I am also excited to use the cross-device reporting feature in GA, as it has been a challenge to understand cross-device users journey. Thanks a ton for all these new features!!

Love the Small Business Smart Ad Campaigns, cheers!

How will individual certifications for Google Marketing Platform be handled? I've seen new video and Doubleclick certifications appear. Will Tag Manager, Data Studio, etc have certs through Academy For Ads?

Well done, excited to try these new enhancements

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