Hello. And welcome to today's livestream, manage, your business remotely. In times of uncertainty, my, name is Stasia I'm the lead educator for, grow with Google and today I am broadcasting. This live stream from, my home office we. Have a lot of great content to share with you but, I first wanted to acknowledge that, for many of you that there's, no such thing as business, as usual, right now and as, we all continue to adapt to kovat 19, we, understand, that today's business, environment is, creating, challenges for you and your business and your customers well. The challenges for each business is unique, we are all being impacted. In some way and we want to let you know that we are here for you you. Can find out more information about, what Google is doing and, trying to do to help by visiting google.com, slash. Kovat. 19, Before. We jump into the live stream I'd like to give a special shout out to some of our partners, who, are helping us out today we'd. Like to thank the, America's. Small, Business, Development Center, day SBDC. The. Association. Of chamber of commerce executives. The, International. Downtown Association. Main. Street America. Score. And the, Western, Association of. Chamber executives, thank you all so very much and thanks to everybody, out there who is helping to make today's livestream, happen, after. The presentation, we will have a Q&A with Googlers. Who can help answer some of your questions and, our team wants, to hear from you but here's how you would do it you would go to Twitter and then, you would type in your question, and then you would add the hashtag small. Biz, livestream, and that's, how we'll get your questions and be able to answer them ok ready let's get started with our content. I'm. Going to start by talking about how, you can make important, updates, on your critical, business information online, I'll, talk about making, those updates, with Google my business to, update your business profile, I'll, talk about making, updates on your website, and then, if you're an advertiser with, Google I'll show you what kinds of updates you might want to make with Google Ads, secondly. I'll talk about. How you can host virtual meetings, and events using, Google's products, and services, and I'll talk about Google meat and YouTube, live then. I'll wrap up today's, session, by talking about some resources, and some next steps that might be able to help you alright let's get started. Because. Of today's environment, it is critical, that your business, information online be accurate. And up to date I'm. Going to talk about three, areas where you can make updates online, first. Is using. Google my business and that is making updates to your business, profile, where, your business information can, surface, across Google, search and Google Maps. Secondly. I'll talk about how you can carry some of those important, updates through to your website and then, third we'll get to Google Ads. Let's. Start with Google my business Google. My business is a service. From Google that allows you to manage your business information, as it appears across Google search and Google Maps you would access, this or create, your new business profile, by visiting, google.com, slash. Business. If. You use Google my business you. Can go to one place and, update, all the information. As it will appear to customers, across Google, search and Google Maps. It just works no matter what device you're using so, whether someone's, visiting, from a desktop, or a laptop or, tablet or. A phone they'll. Be able to access all, of that information. Formatted. Automatically. By the system if, you're, just getting started again. You can get to it by visiting google.com slash. Business. And that's also where you would sign in to go in and manage that information and, again, now more than ever it's important, to go in to that profile, and really, review that information to make sure it's accurate and, up-to-date in, today's changing, business, environment.
Let's. Take a look at what a business profile. Would look like on Google, this. Screenshot shows. A typical, business profile. As it would appear on a mobile device and you can, see elements. About the business, like photos. Videos, a logo. You'll, see the name of the business and, a description, you can see categories. And a phone number hours. Of operation, and more this. Information. Is what you can access, and edit by. Creating, a Google my business account, and making, updates to your profile, let's, look at a few things that you can do right now in. Terms of what's happening with. Today's, environment. Google. My business gives. You the option, to write a business description, that. Business description can be up to. 750. Characters, long so it's a great place to provide, details, about your products, and your services to. Your potential customers I would. Go into your business description, and, write. About anything that might have changed with your business operational. Changes, hours of operation, or just, use it to let people know that your, business is operating, as usual. You, will go into Google my business edit. The description and then click apply and, then your updates, will be sent to Google my business for, review. If. Your business hours have changed, you want to make those updates, in your business profile, too you, do it from the same place go into Google my business click. On info, and the left navigation and. Then, you'll see a section with all of your business info find, the section with your hours and click the pencil icon, to make those changes make, the updates, and apply, them and that's what people will then see across Google, search and Google Maps until, you go back in and change them again, incidentally. The, changes that I'm talking about today can also be made if you use the Google my business app, which, is free and, available for both Android devices. And Apple devices. When. You're in Google my business updating. The hours of operation you, may notice that there's a separate, section that allows you to put in special, hours or holiday, hours that's, really useful if you're going to be closed, for an entire day just, on a particular day, or if, you're going to be extending, your hours for a special situation on another day so, you would go into Google my business add the, particular days, where your hours are going to be different, and then, it will automatically, make that adjustment for, you when people find you on search in maps and then after that day is over it will revert back to your regular, hours of operation, I. Wanted. To tell you about a new feature that you'll see in Google my business it's. The ability to mark your business temporarily, closed. And this might be really useful for a lot of folks who are listening right now if, your, business is still offering, pickup, or delivery, services. You wouldn't want to do this but if your operations. Are temporarily, shut, down it's. A good thing to turn on you go into Google my business you would go to edit, your information and. Then look for the button that's labeled mark temporarily. Closed, and you just check that now. If you do mark it closed it is not going to impact, your local, search ranking, and then, you can reopen your business as soon as you're ready. If. You use Google my business already. You're, probably familiar, with the feature called, posts. Posts. Allow you to publish timely. Updates about, your, products, and your services and, your businesses things like events. Or product, updates well, Google just launched. A new type of post specific. For kovat 19, you. Can sign in to your Google my business profile. And depending. On your business category, you, should be able to see it if it's available for, your business, with, a copepod, 19, post you, can go in and you can publish information.
Like Text, about are, there any changes, in your delivery, services. Or your hours of operation anything. That you want your customers, to know the, posts, are a little bit different in that you can't publish a photo or video but. You can publish text. And you can publish a call to action or CTA. Kovat. Posts, will stay, surface. On Google search in maps a little bit longer than, other posts, and they. May be displayed, more prominently, typically. Posts, only stay up for about seven days unless, it's an event in which case it will stay up until the event is over. Let's. Look at a couple, post examples, on this, slide you first see a post. From honest, soul yoga, a yoga, studio that, has let, its customers, know that all of its classes, have moved online, you. Can see in their posts that they have an image you can now add up to 10 images and videos, to go along with your posts incidentally. Adding, that visual, element, to a post can, really, make your post stand out and people are more likely to take action on those posts, as well you. Have a description, that goes with your post you can write up to 1,500. Characters, to go with it and then a call to action a CTA, to let people know what, you'd like them to do next, the, second, example that you see on this slide shows. One of those kovat 19 posts, that I just referenced and, this example is for village tailor a business. In New York City that, is letting its customers, know that it has temporarily. Shut, down its operations. Considering. The safety of its employees, and its customers, so these are just two ways that you can use posts, as a, way to let people know what's, happening, with your business. This. Slide shows you how, a post, can appear, on Google search, in the, last slide I talked about how you can create a kovat 19, post well here is where you can actually see, that post as it, appears with the village tailor, business, profile, on a Google, search engine results, page. Another. Feature that might be really useful right, now is called messaging. It's, available for, people who use the Google my business app once. Again it's free and you can get it for both Android, and Apple, or iOS, devices, if you need to get the app you, can get it from Google Play or from, the App Store now once you have the app set up on your device you can then enable, messaging.
To, Start you'd need to put an automatic welcome. Message so when someone sent you that message they would get that response from you and then, you could get an alert via, your app that, lets you know that a mess, came in and that's, a great way to actually, connect, with customers who may find you when they're using their mobile devices. Next. I want to talk about the Google my business marketing. Kit this, is a free, option, for businesses who, have, a verified. Profile. On Google, my business, to. Get to it you would visit G, dot. CEO slash. Marketing. Kit when. You get there you would enter the name of your business and, if it was verified, on Google my business you, would then have the option, to download, a free marketing, kit the. Marketing, kit includes, things like window, stickers, and posters. That, you can customize and there's, a new, pack of options, specifically, for kovat 19 messaging, so, you can go to, the marketing, kit site and then you can download posters, that would let customers know things, like do, you have new hours of operation. Or are, you temporarily, closed. Once. Again the URL to get to it is G dot, CEO slash. Marketing, kit. Okay. So that wraps up all of the critical, business information updates. That you might want to make on Google, my business which. Would show up on Google, search in maps with your business profile, info but, don't forget there are other ways that people may find you online, including. Your website, so now let's take a look at some of the updates that you may want to make on your web pages too. Before. I go and talk about updates on your website some of you out there may not have a website yet so, I thought it was worth mentioning the fact that you can create a free website, using. Google my business the, tool that I just talked about if that's, your situation and, you want to make a site in about a minute all you'll need to do is go back to Google my business again, that's at google.com, slash. Business. And, then. Once you're signed in you, would look for the link labeled website in the navigation, what, it will do is it will take all of the information that you put in when you created, your profile, and then will use that to create a simple.
Website That, you can customize. You, can change the look and feel of the website from. The themes option, you. Can edit the text on, your website by, going in the tools there and then, when you're ready to send it live you would click the publish button and then, your website would go live you also have the option, to use a free, domain, name a website, address that's provided. By Google, and in this case your, website, address would, be the. Word or phrase of your choice let's just say I always use my bakery, as an example stasia's, bakery, so it'd be stages, bakery dot business, dot site and that would be the address that you would share with people to find your free Google, my business website. You, also have, the option, to then use your own custom, domain name, if you wish so if you owned stages, bakery com you could actually have, that point to your Google my business website. As well if. You use a, Google my business website. I would also go in and review it and make updates in the text to let people know about any potential, changes in your business operations, right now. Many. Of you out there may already have, your own existing. Website, whatever. Website platform. You use just. Go to your site and review. Your information, to make sure that you're letting customers know what's. Happening, with your business right now it might, be that the hours of operation need. To be updated there, too or you, have new, special, contact, information. Or you, have announcements. About temporary. Closures. Whatever. It is that has changed about your business, let, people know what's, happening. As soon as they get to your website. Once. You've made all the updates of your critical, information there. Might be more things that you can add to to keep your website fresh, and up-to-date even, during, times when your business operations, may not be operating, as as usual, you, could use your website to let people know about, news. And resources. That might be helpful for them maybe. You're offering, online, consultations. Or different, options, to get your products, and services so. You can provide, information. On your website to give, customers different options, to continue, to do business with you maybe, you have new delivery, options. And you could explain, how that works on, your website, whatever. Is, new or whatever, it's changing, about your business make sure that you share those updates, on your website, to, let people know what, they can expect and, also. To provide them reassurance, that you will be back.
Let's. Talk about the third place where you can update critical. Business information, to let people know about what, might be happening with, your business, right now and that is Google, Ads Google. Ads is the name of Google's advertising platform. You may remember it as being called Google, AdWords well it's now called Google ads and you can get to at ads. Google.com. The. Way Google ads works is when. Someone, is doing a search on Google or Google Maps or another Google property, and they're. Doing that search and ad for, a relevant, product, or service can appear, with those search results so if I was doing a search for a pair of shoes I might, see ads that, appear for, shoes now. If I was searching for shoes I probably wouldn't, see an ad for a toaster, because that is not related, to what I'm actually looking, for, Google, is going to do everything it can to make sure that the ads that are displayed, are relevant. To what people are, looking for from. An advertiser, perspective, it's. Really nice because you're only paying for results you're, not gonna pay for someone to just see that ad about, shoes that appears on the search results page you're only gonna pay if somebody, actually takes, a desired action they click on the ad to get to the website and learn more hopefully, buy those shoes or if. There's a trackable, phone number that's associated with, that ad if they actually call the number so, you're paying for results not just for the privilege of advertising, if you, have never tried Google ads before, it is, free to get started there's no minimum commitment, there's no contract, there's no cancellation. Fee you, can edit it at any time turn, it on and turn it off so, if you, are looking for new ways to find customers. This is a really good option to explore, let's. Talk about where your ads can actually. Appear, there. Are two primary networks. For Google Apps the first is called the search Network and that is made up of Google search and other properties, like that where ads can, appear within.
Or Alongside those search results, the. Second, area where your ads can appear is called the Display, Network the. Display Network is made up of millions of websites that allow Google, ads to be shown on their pages and, the. Way that works is that it's targeted, by context, so example, maybe I'm reading an article about shoes, and in that case an ad, for, a-- a pair of shoes could then appear alongside that, article, the, Display Network also, allows, you to show other formats, besides, text ads so here you can show image ads and video ads as well in. Today's. Workshop I'm not going to get you started creating. Ad campaigns, within Google ads but, if you are already an, advertiser, I would encourage you to sign into your ads account and to carefully, review all, of your campaigns, to make sure that they are accurate and, up-to-date, and, reflect. What's happening with your business and the environment right, now. Sign. In to your ads account and then take a hard look at all of your ad campaigns, look at the text, in the ads look at the images, that you present look at the videos, that you may have look, at the landing. Pages that you're sending them to and then make sure that everything. Really fits, with today's, environment. Maybe your, landing pages or your images, have, imagery. Of big crowds that, you need, to replace or you might want to replace so, think, about that from the, perspective of, your audience, also, use. Your ads to proactively. Communicate. Any changes. In your business, maybe, that means that you let people know that you. Are offering, delivery, services, now or there. Is pickup, service maybe. You're, letting people know that you're temporarily, closed. But you will be back open in, a few days make. Sure that the message, is helpful, so. You're letting them know what to expect and letting, them know how, they might go about doing bismuth. You now or in the future and, also. Think, about the, context. And the tone of every, part of your ad campaigns, your headlines, your, descriptions, your, landing pages and you really want to try to be sensitive, to how certain. Words and, imagery. Can, make your audience feel right now if you, want to get more guidance, about how to update your ads during, Coppa 19 there's, a support, page available at, G dot, Co, slash. Co vid 19, /. Sm. B - ads. For. Some advertisers, the most appropriate, thing to do right now might be to pause some, or all of your ad campaigns, you. Can go into your ad campaign by visiting ads, Google com so sign into your account and, then navigate to the campaign, or the part of the campaign, that you need to pause you're. Looking, for a green dot the status, icon that, means that that piece of your account, is enabled it means that your ads are running you'd. Simply click on that green dot and change, the status to paused and, that, will stop that piece of the ad campaign, for running until, you turn it back on again and you can go in and modify your, ads account. 24/7. So. Here I am broadcasting. From my home office and I'll bet many of you are also watching, this from your homes as well and so, video conferencing, has become an increasingly, important, part of our work and, our personal, lives so today I'm going to be talking about two products, from Google that you can use and the, nice thing is you don't need any special software, to use either tool all you need is a device, with, a camera, a microphone, and, an internet connection. I'm. Going, to introduce two products, from Google today, the first is called Google meat and Google meat allows you to have three meetings, using, online video conferencing, I use, meat every, single day to talk to my work colleagues, and my family, and my friends, secondly. I'll introduce. YouTube live which, is an option, that allows you to live stream, your content to, a wider audience on, the Internet via YouTube. Let's, take a look. Google. Meat is the name of Google's, video conferencing. Product, and it is free, for everyone it allows, you to connect with your colleagues and your friends and your family, anywhere. Around the world it has easy to use controls that, allow you to feel. Like you're actually in, the same room with, the people that you're meeting with you're actually, all there, together as. If you were sitting in person, I use Google meat every, single, day to. Do my work but I also use it for my personal things like my daughter just had a birthday a few weeks ago so, I use Google me to connect with my family, in different, parts of the world in Oregon. In Florida. In Massachusetts. In New York and here, in Tennessee, and it was like we were all together singing, happy birthday in, the same room let's. Talk a little bit more about how meat works and how you can use it incidentally. If you are, familiar of a product called with a product called Google Hangouts. Google meat, is the new name for the new product. So. What is Google meat, Google, meat is Google's, video, call service, and you, can access that at meat Google comm and anybody, can use it for free there's.
Also A business. Version of Google, meat and that, allows, things, like more participants. On a call, now, if you use G suite which is Google's office productivity. Suite. Google. Meat is already in there it's already a part of it so you can already use these tools in fact between now and September. 30th 2020. Every. G suite customer, is going to have access to all of the advanced. Features of Google, meat for, example you can have a meeting that includes up to, 250. Participants. With. The business, version of Google meat and within G suite you can record, your meetings, and for everyone, all of your meetings and recordings, are secure, and encrypted you. Can learn more about security, with Google meat by visiting, G dot. See, slash, meat slash, secure. Connections. Okay. There are two versions of Google meat we have the free version, and the business, version let's, look at a comparison, of their features. With. The free version of Google meat you can have up to 100 participants. In, every, meeting with. The business, version of Google meat which, can be the standalone, Google meat product, or G. Suite Google's office productivity, tools which includes, Google meat you, can have up to 250. People in every meeting for. The free version a meeting, can last up to one, hour and right, now through, September 30th, 2020, that's, been extended to 24, hours so basically your meeting could last all day with. The business, version you. Can have a meeting that lasts, up to 300. Hours which, should be plenty of time to get your work done, for. Both versions, you can join the meeting from a web browser or by using the mobile app and with, the business, version you can record your meetings and have an endo mein livestream, and again, the, price is free and within, the business, version of meat you have all of the advanced, features which, will be free through September, 30th 2020. If. You're, just getting started using videoconferencing, for. Your business there are lots of ways that you can use it for, example my colleagues, work all over the country and all over the world so, it's impossible for us to all get, into the same room at the same time so we use Google meat instead now if your workforce is now working from different locations or their homes you can use Google meat to basically, pretend you're all in the same room together it, really does feel like you're having that personal, connection when. You can look people in the face and have those meetings and it's not just for your, own employees you, could also use, it for your, clients, and your customers you could have sales calls or consultations. Or weekly meetings. You could have meetings, with your business partners, you, could have meetings, with your vendors, so, there are all sorts of things that you might have been doing offline, that you can bring online with, Google meat and, last, but not least if your employees, have time at home you could use Google meat as an opportunity, to provide training, and resources maybe, to show them new skills or, teach them new software, and you can get everybody, together using. Google meat as your platform. Like. I said before you. Can join a meeting using your phone or a computer, and you can see in this slide what it would look like if you're using either, device, if, the, meeting had been scheduled, in advance you, would probably, have a link to click on to actually, initiate enjoying. The meeting and this is what the the screen would look like once you clicked on that link you. Would just click on the button that's labeled join now and then that would automatically. Enter, you into the meeting. Like. Many of Google's products and services, there's more than one way to start. A meeting with Google meat first, you could just go to the URL and that is meet, google.com. And, from, there you can create a new meeting or you can join an existing meeting. Secondly. You can access Google meat through your calendar, so if you went to Google Calendar and you were creating. Event you'd have the option, to add a link to a Google meat which, would then invite. Every, other participant. In that calendar invitation to, join the meeting and third. You can actually start. A videoconference with Google meat right, in Gmail. So. If you're using Google meat let's take a look inside at, what, that experience, would actually, look like in. This. Screenshot we. See nine people, participating. In this meeting and they. Are all together. All, looking, at each other as if they're in the same room now. Let's, look at the controls, at the bottom you, see an icon with, a microphone, on it that allows you. To turn your microphone on, or off so if you're speaking, to the group you would have the microphone, icon on like you see here but, if you clicked on it you'd see a line through it which tells you that your microphone is on mute which, is a good idea when other people, are talking so they don't hear a lot of background, in the, center you see a red phone receiver, and that allows you to hang up and leave the meeting if you wanted to and to the right of that you see an icon of the camera and that allows you to turn, your camera on and, off right, now everybody's.
Camera Is on and that's why you can see all of their faces in the meeting but if you didn't want to show your face you could clip that icon, and then instead it would show your. Profile, picture or your default, icon, don't show when your camera wasn't enabled, at, the top corner, you see an icon that allows you to chat and that's, really useful if you're all talking about a document. Or a link or URL that. You want to share with the group and you can actually click on that icon and, then paste in whatever it is that you're talking about and then the whole group that's on the meeting will get that chat you can communicate, that way so, that's what Google meat looks like on the inside. Another. Cool thing that you can do with Google meat is share your screen with the participants. In your call here's. How you do it you would just click the present, Now button. At the bottom of the screen and from, there you, could choose to share your entire screen. Your. Window, or, a tab, this. Is a really, handy feature if you, want to share a presentation, or. An agenda document. Or anything, that you want the whole group to look at together, and discuss, during your meeting last but. Not least if you use the business version of Google meat or the version that's part of G suite you have the ability to record, a meeting when, you record the meeting the file is securely, stored, in Google Drive where you can then access it when the meeting is over it's, a really handy feature if you're having a meeting that some people can't attend or if, it's a training session that people may want to revisit or, re-watch later. Ok. So that wraps up Google meat a video, conferencing, tool that allows you to connect with your colleagues your, members, your clients, your family, anyone, that you want to have a meeting with now. Let's talk about the second tool from Google this, one allows, you to broadcast to. A much wider audience. It's called the YouTube live and it's a part of YouTube I will, show you the step-by-step instructions. On how to get started with that today including. Creating, a channel for your business and then the basics, of live streaming, one, thing to note is to do this I'm going to be talking about directions. That you would do from a desktop, or a laptop, alright. Let's get started. Okay. I am sure that most of you out there have heard of YouTube but, how many of you have heard of or even used, YouTube, live, YouTube. Live is a streaming, service that's built into YouTube, it means that you can broadcast, your message in real time to a wide audience, today. I'm going to show you how to set up a live stream using. Your free business channel, on YouTube, then, I'll give you some resources to learn more if. You've. Never live streams before you might be wondering well how can I use this to support. My business for, lots of ways and it will depend on what your business does but, here are some ideas to get you started maybe, you have events. Or meetings at your place of business and you can't do that right now but, instead you could use YouTube live to host that virtual, event and let everybody join, in from afar or maybe. You have a Q&A session with a product, expert and they can answer questions about your products, your services your. Industry, something. That people are interested that your customers, are interested in and because. It's real time people. Who are watching the broadcast can, then submit questions, they can call or email or, tweet them in and then you'll be able to answer them during that broadcast, you. Can also use it as a way to show, an unboxing video you could show them in real time how to assemble, and use one of your products. And then they can actually see it live and in action, so, get creative and think about different ways that you can use live stream technology.
To, Support your business. Ok. Now that we know what YouTube Live is and you have some ideas for how you might use it for your business let's, talk about actually setting. It up with YouTube you'll, need some basic equipment you'll, need a computer, you, will need a camera and a microphone phone and that could be built into your computer or, external. That you could attach and, you'll, need internet access now. You will actually go to youtube.com. And. Sign in and check. To make sure that you're signed in with the account that you use for your business you're, going to be creating, a channel, for, your business which should, be separate, from your personal videos, let, me show you how to do that next. Okay. You've signed in to youtube.com. Using. Your business account the, next thing that you're going to do is look at the top right corner of your screen for the round profile. Icon if you click on that icon it'll, expose, a drop down menu and, from there you want to click the link labeled create a channel. Okay. Now it's time to start customizing your, channel, the, first thing that you can do is upload, a profile, photo and that photo should, represent your business so when people see it they know, that it's yours that, could be your logo, that could be a picture, of one of your products, it could, be an icon, that represents you, then. You can write a description for, your business, channel so let people know what they can find when they visit, your YouTube channel will it be information. About the products, and services will. It be industry, information, then. You can actually add a link to your website and, links. To your social media profiles. Now. That you've created a, channel for your business it's. Time to actually add, the details, and customize, the channel to really, brand it as your own, let's. Start by talking about channel, art channel. Art shows up as a background or, banner at the top of your YouTube, page you, can use it to brand your channels identity, and give the page a unique, look, and feel be. Sure that your channel art looks. Good no matter what device because it might look a little bit different depending if someone's viewing from a desktop, or a mobile, device. The. Next thing that you can do after channel art is actually add a structure. And to, your channel and the way you would do that is by adding sections. And when, you add a section, it allows you to organize your videos so take a step back and think about how a potential. Customer, might. Be visiting, your YouTube channel and what they might want to do as an, example, of how I'm using this right now, and. All of my spare time at home I am trying to become a better knitter and as, I go through my projects. I have different challenges like, how to fix up something that I've goofed up or how, to do. A new stitch or you know I can never remember how to yarn over so, I always have to go back and watch that video again, when.
I Finish a project I, for. The first time I figured, out how to actually block. My knitting and so I watched a whole bunch of videos, about that and how to actually complete, your projects, so think, about who's, visiting, the channel what, it is they're trying to do and then apply that to your sections, as your organizational. Structure, now once you have that you, can add videos into, that structure and in, order to do that you would click on the camera icon that, is at the top right corner of the screen and that's where you can upload, the videos and add them to the sections, incidentally. This is also, where you would start to go live for a live stream all. Of the pieces of your channel can be edited and in order to do that you would just click on the grey pencil, icon to make those changes. Okay. You've set up your YouTube channel for your business and you've customized, it to have, your brand's look and feel now, the next thing that you need to do is enable, live streaming, in order to do that you would visit youtube.com. Slash. Features. From. There you, would look for a section labeled live, streaming, and it will tell you if your account is eligible and if, it is you, will click the button that says enable, then. You will follow the prompts to complete the verification process, you. Will need to do this at least 24. Hours in advance before, you can live stream. Okay. We're just about there we've created a channel for your business we've. Customized. It and we've enabled live streaming, 24. Hours later you can come to your account and if you're ready to livestream, click, on the camera icon at, the top right hand corner and select, go live. Okay. Now, the last step is to actually put in some settings, about the livestream the, first thing that you'll do is give your livestream, a name and that's how people will actually identify. It when they find that livestream, in YouTube's, results, and you, can actually choose whether or not that livestream is findable. In YouTube's results, you have a choice between public. Unlisted. Or private so, if your livestream is public it means people can search for and find and join that livestream if it's unlisted, it means that it's not findable, in YouTube's search results, but if, somebody has the link they can then view the livestream or you, can choose to make it private you can, also schedule, your, livestream, for later if you want to start at a specific time, then, you can put some audience, settings in whether or not the video is made for kids or whether you need to put an age restriction. On it you, can write a description to, let people know what the livestream, is about and then, you can put in some categories. About what the video is going to be about and, you can put in some camera, settings or your settings, whether or not you, have a specific camera in your setup that you want to use or a microphone, that you want to use and whether, or not you want to allow a chat, to go, along with your livestream, then. The. Next and final step, is to actually smile, for a thumbnail and, then, launch your video by clicking the go-live button. Ok. So, now we know the basics, of creating, a live stream with YouTube live let's, go over a few checklists, to help you manage that process. First. Of all before you try a live stream make sure that you test your full set up that includes everything, your microphone, your camera, anything. That you're planning to do to make sure that it looks good and then it sounds good once, you're comfortable that, you are ready from, a technology perspective, to, run that live stream you, want to actually think about well when is it going to happen if it's, a live stream that's going to happen in the future that you want to promote perhaps, you want to set it up and schedule, it also. Remember that you need to enable, livestreaming, in your account at least 24. Hours in advance now. When you are creating. That live stream perhaps, something that you've scheduled, for for the future make sure that you write a clear description so, people will know what to expect when they actually join the live stream and that last, step when we were adding a thumbnail, it can either be a screenshot, of you on camera or you can actually upload, a, photo from your computer if you do that you want to choose a clear, high contrast, thumbnail, image that really kind. Of sells what that live stream is going to be about if. Possible. Try. To announce. The live stream in advance and gather questions. From your audience, or your potential, audience so, that way you'll, be able to talk about things or address. Questions, that people might have and be prepared to address those during your live stream presentation. Okay. Here's, a checklist of things that you can do during the live stream, first. Of all feature, the event you can actually feature, the live stream as your channel, trailer for, unsubscribed.
Users, Somebody, who's subscribed will, see it in the what to watch next area, or in the live area, now. Another, thing that you can do to help, structure. It and keep your live stream successful. Is to. To. Keep it really, structured, and on track what, I do is, I have a set. Of note cards or I have a piece, of paper or I have something, to help me stick to that structure, and that would include opening. Remarks, and closing. Remarks and then, sort of a schedule, of what it is that I want to present for, example I, might say that after, every, section, I want, to look, for questions, from people who might be watching and, answer them or like, today's live stream, maybe I designate. The last 15. Minutes of the presentation. To be opened up for any questions, from the audience and as. You are creating your live stream make, a note because you can actually create, highlight, clips which are shorter, edited. Versions of your live stream that you can show after, it's over. Your. Live stream may be over, but people may want to watch it again one. Thing that you can do is create, an archives, playlist. On your channel and that's where you can store all of your, older, live streams or the highlight clips that you created from those live streams then, you can actually direct. Your audiences, to go there and watch any of the events that they missed or re-watch them if they want to see them again. Creator. Academy, will help you learn about YouTube and grow your channel, with free online courses. The. Courses, include, different, sections, like how to get started with your channel foundations. And how, to develop, a content, strategy how. To produce, your, videos and how to optimize, your channel and, more you. Can get to creator Academy, by visiting, creator, Academy, dot. Youtube.com. Okay. We're on the homestretch let's. Wrap up today's, livestream, by talking, about some of your next steps and resources. First. Update. Your critical business information across. Google search in maps using, Google my business. Don't. Forget with Google my business you can update things like your business description or your, hours of operation you. Can mark, your business temporarily closed. Or add posts. That let people know about changes in your business operations, if you're. An advertiser with, Google sign, into Google ads and then carefully, review your ad campaigns, you, may need to modify some. Of your ads or even, pause some of your campaigns, for now. Take. A look at your website you, may want to make some of the same changes, there that you did in Google my business or, your Google ads campaigns, if, you. Are now working from different locations, try. Google meat to connect, your workforce, your clients. Your customers or. Just have family, meetings like I did for my daughter's birthday and last. But not least if you want to try live-streaming, visit, youtube.com, and, set up YouTube, live. On. Behalf of the entire grow, with Google team I would like to extend a sincere thank, you to all of our partners we couldn't, do this work without you, and we really appreciate, you before. Today's livestream, we actually, reached out to our national. Partners and asked them if they could provide any tips or advice for. Small businesses, during this time and we collected, them and I have a few to share during today's livestream if you, are a partner and you submitted, a tip and you don't see it right now we, put it in the virtual kit that we distribute, it to people along with this livestream so let me share just a few of these tips. Our. First tip is from the International, downtown, Association. I DEA they. Recommend. Connect. With your local place, management, organization. Such as a Business, Improvement District. Or downtown, Alliance these. Organizations. Can help your small business, access local state. And federal resources. And promote, your services, and goods to a wide audience. Our. Next. Tip is from Main Street America, they. Say make. Sure that your hours and or ways to support your business are clear, across communications. Channels, and shared, with local Main, Street organizations. And. Finally. From score. Mix-up, communication. Methods with your staff, supplement. Email or instant message, conversations. With video chats and phone check-ins, set. A recurring, time and method to host remote, team meetings and perhaps, virtual. Happy hours. For. More helpful resources, outside of Google check, out the US Chamber of Commerce, coronavirus. Resources. Website there. You'll find news and guidance, for small businesses, during these unprecedented, times, you, can get there by visiting us chamber.com.
Slash. Coronavirus. Here. Are some additional resources from. Google that may be able to help you manage your business remotely, first. Of all we have a website called the grow with Google remote work site you. Can access the site by visiting grow dot. Google slash, remote, work you. Can also find information at, the Google for small business site the, URL is G dot, CEO slash. Small, business, if you, want to learn more while you're working from home try, our primer mini courses, for small business, you, can get there at G, dot, co /. Primer, /, from, home, today. I talked, a lot about YouTube, and YouTube live, again, if you want to learn more about it, I recommend, visiting the creator Academy, the URL for that is creator, Academy. Youtube.com. And there's, also a guide for hosting, virtual events. That's, accessible, at G dot, co /, virtual. Events, guide, if. You. Have questions, you can visit Twitter. Type. In your question, and add the hashtag small. Biz, livestream. Let's, get started, I have. With me two of my colleagues from Google David. From the Google meet team and Cara, from, the, Google my, business team, and they're, going to be helping me from afar answer, some of the questions that, are coming in from today's listeners, ok. So I'm going to check. And see what we have coming in, ok. So this was a question and it, is why, can't I see Mike Ovid 19, Post online ok, so this is a perfect, question for Cara hi. Everyone my name is Cara Jane quartz I'm a community manager on, Google my, business thanks, for having me the, Cova 19 post is a special. Post type that we've rolled out for. Merchants. To communicate. Directly with their customers, about, any special circumstances or. Updates that might be happening, related. To the current times, these. Post types currently, appear, on mobile. We're rolling them out to all, devices, all surfaces. And. Desktop, is coming, next, thanks. Cara okay. So, next. The question is, what's, the difference between, hangouts. And meet, ah well, that's a perfect question for David so I will turn it over to you hi. My, name is David I work on the meetings team at Google and my job is to help our customers have, better meetings, using Google meat this, comes up a lot as a matter of fact, because hangouts, is a widely. Adopted and, much-loved, consumer, application. But really hangouts, is optimized, for consumer. Applications, Google, Mead is optimized, for business, applications so, there's a lot of feature functionality, that. You need as a day-to-day business user that that hangouts just won't, support, so for example, the, ability to schedule, meetings from, calendar. The, ability, to launch meetings, from, Gmail, the ability to have up to 250. Participants. Potentially. The ability, to do live streaming, so that's all feature, functionality. That you can only get in Google, needs so the way I would think about this is hangouts. As a consumer, product and for consumer, use cases and Google, meat is a business. Video conferencing. Product. For business use cases. All. Right next question it. Is. What, is the difference between, a brand account and a, Google, account on YouTube I'm a standard, account on YouTube ok so a brand, account on YouTube, is used. For a business. Or an organization and. It, represents, an entity, not an individual. Person, with. A regular, channel on YouTube that is you know I could have my own personal, channel I do that, has you know pictures, of my kids, and my dogs doing cute things but my brand channel would be for, my business or for my organization, and I, could share my brand, channel with other people who could then come in and manage, it with me. Our. Reviews, working, is the question I'm assuming this is about Google my business so. I will, turn this over to Cara, the. Review replies, are, currently available, reviews. Are, rolling out gradually, by country, and by business category. Ok. Next question. Looks, like another Google my business one, it, says, in, terms of, limited. Functionality, for Google my business what. Edits, can, be made what, goes in depending and why, okay so carve could, you take this one for us. Yes right, now we're, taking steps to, protect the health and safety of our team and trying to reduce the need for people to come, into our offices, so there.
May Be some. Limitations. Or a delay, in support. That. This is all, temporary. The, vast majority of merchants should be able to make, the necessary changes. But, the, most important, things are. Whether. The business is open or closed or temporarily, closed, marking. Any special, hours and leveraging. Business attributes, this would include things like takeout, delivery, and curbside. Pickup. Okay. The, question is, when. I scheduled, a meeting with Google, meat do, all the participants. Need, a Google, account to use it ah so we will turn this one over to David. Thanks. Deja that's another great question so, the important. Part here is that only the meeting organizer or the meeting host needs, to be a Google meat user that. Organizer schedules, the meeting or invites. Other participants. In real time and those, other participants. Do not have to be Google meat users there's, a caveat though which, is if the guest wants to join from a mobile app on iOS or, Android, in order, to activate, that mobile, app the, user needs a Google, address so that could be a G suite address or it could be a gmail address thanks. David okay. Our next question is how much does a YouTube channel cost, it's. Free a YouTube, channel doesn't cost any money you just need to create a YouTube account and then, once you go there you'll see the option to create a channel, and you can make one for yourself your personal, channel or you can make one as a brand channel for your business or, your organization. You get started at youtube.com. Alright. Let's look at the next question, this one is about Google meat again so it's going to be for you David and the, question, is do, I need to, be AG sweet customer, in order to use meat so I'll turn this over to you, until. Recently you, had to be a G sweet user in order to schedule and host Google meat meetings, however, we recently announced that we be enabling, anyone to, start hosting meetings with Google Mead and through, September, 30th this free edition of Google meet will, include all of the advanced feature functionality, of the G suite version after September.
30 If the Free Edition will. Be limited, to a maximum of, 100, participants and, recording. Will be limited, to one hour live. Streaming, through further free addition will also, only be available through, September, 30th okay. We got another one about me this one says what features, come, with, me through, September. 30th ox we talked about advanced. Features through September 30th David could you talk about that for us okay. I got that one so that's a reference to an announcement we, made a few weeks ago where, we're extending, all the meet features, to all editions, in G, suite and what that means is that businesses. That are on G suite basic, or G suite business, view will be able to take advantage of the advanced, meet functionality. That's reserved, only for enterprise. Q on those. Lower, editions, of G sweet okay, let's take a couple more questions this. One is, again about Google my business and. It. Says issues. With verification my. Postcard, didn't arrive so, I'm gonna turn this one over to Carra so. Right now we're prioritizing. Verifications. For listings. In the healthcare, space. For. Listings. That aren't related to healthcare there, could, be a, slight delay, we, also have heard right now that some folks are having issues getting their postcard because there's limited postal. Service or. There's been some disruption, to the local mail. Service. So. We'd, say if you can when you go to verify you might have the option, to verify, by email so that could be a good option for you, given. The current situation. Okay. We have time for one more question and this one's about YouTube so I will take it and they. Asked my video upload, is stuck in processing. Help I'm. Sorry that's happening, that can be frustrating, it can take a while to upload a video file especially if it's a really big file so if give, it a few hours to, actually, upload you. May also be having issues if your internet connection is slow or, a fun it's unstable. Another. Thing to think about is if the resolution, of your video was really high it can take a long time to actually upload, here's, what I do I would give it about 8 hours and, if. At, that point your video file hasn't, uploaded. I would delete. The upload and then try it again. Thank. You David and Kara for joining us and helping with the Q&A today on, behalf. Of the entire grow. With Google team I want to thank everybody, out there are tuning in to today's live stream we, hope that you're staying healthy and productive and, we. Really appreciate, that you joined us today I hope, that a lot of the content that we shared can help you better, manage your business remotely during, this time and we, sincerely hope to see you back at our next live stream thanks very much for listening.
2020-05-09 03:41