Man Charged with Killing Four People at Business

Man Charged with Killing Four People at Business

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the state may proceed your permission to publish states exhibit 578. lieutenant chromer when we last left off you were mentioning mentioning that you were starting to head to the defendant's residence to run surveillance with uh detective maddie's do you remember that that's correct at what time in the morning were you uh heading to the location of his residence approximately 9 45 a.m and what is the the physical or the the address of chad isaac norrisville states lot 14 washburn north dakota i'm going to direct you to the screen behind you lieutenant can you stand up and point um for the jury and show which route you and detective maddie's took to get to that residence can the jurors see the witness up here with that screen okay thank you uh detective maddie's and i traveled uh this direction towards chad isaac's presence and where did sergeant maddie's or detective maddie's park his vehicle detected maddie's uh parked his vehicle right around in this area where that probably where that two is and what was the purpose that morning here he's not bad right here thank you what was your objective that morning uh the purpose of having him drop me off there our objective was that i was gonna walk um towards chad isaac's trailer along the street here and then there's this little cul-de-sac so my plan was to walk up to about this corner here and take pictures of the truck that was parked right where that red arrow is were you able to get any photos of that vehicle yes it was and where were you standing when you took the photos i'd have been approximately about right here on the street uh in front of that this is a trailer here so right in front of that trailer did you find anything unusual while you were taking these photos i did um as i was walking i was about about right here um i observed uh chad isaac standing in his window looking at me was that concerning to you yeah it was very concerning at that point as i already stated i thought chad was not a morning person so i wasn't expecting him to to be awake i guess about that what do you recall seeing mr isaac doing in that window um in the window i just he just stood still and was staring out the window was he staring at you yes how did you respond sure once i saw chad stand in the window threw me off a little bit i backed up a little bit re-gathered myself and just played it off as if just kept going what clothing were you wearing at that time at that time i was um detective so i was i was playing clothes you had mentioned earlier that you had gone to um chad isaac for chiropractic is that correct correct had he known that you were a law enforcement officer yes mr isaac was well aware that i was local law enforcement um were you able to take photos of both the passenger side and the driver's side of chad isaac's vehicle on april 4th of 2019. yes i was um what did you what did you and sergeant matties do once you got the photos taken after getting the photos we returned back to our office at which time we compared the photos that i had taken with the photos off of the andy slick bolo your honor may approach with what's been marked as exhibits 576 577 and 575 judges they have been provided to defense council prior to today but i'll show them a copy on my way up have you had a second to look over those lieutenant yes i am looking at states of pre-market exhibits 575 and 576 can you tell me what those are these are two of the photographs that i took that morning and you personally took these photos yes i did um when were these photos taken approximately 9 45 april 4th 2019. are

they a fair and accurate depiction of the vehicle that you had taken photos of on april 4th of 2019 yes they are have these pictures been altered or changed in any way no they have not your honor to offer states exhibits 575 and 576 into evidence no objection here are 575 and 576 are received lieutenant can you take a look at states exhibit 577 yes can you tell me what that is this would be the comparison from the the top photo would be off of the indie slick photo from center the bottom picture would be one of the pictures i took could be a comparison photo the the bottom photo that is the photo that you took in states exhibit 576 is that correct that's correct and the top photo is the the photo from the second bolo is that correct that's correct have either of those look like they've been altered or changed in any way the only thing that i can see is the the bottom picture i zoomed in a little bit did that material all materially alter anything in the photo no it did not is this photo a fair and accurate depiction of the vehicle seen in the second bolo on april 3rd of 2019 as well as the picture of the vehicle that you took personally on april 4th of 2019. yes it is your honor to offer state exhibit 577 into evidence at this time no objection 577 is received [Applause] so after you took these photos you said you went to the law enforcement center is that correct that's correct um what did you do next detective maddie's and i sat down with these photos and started comparisons did you find any similarities between the photos yes we did what defining characteristics did you find on 577 the comparison that i matched there was the the rear rust over the wheel well as well as the logo on the truck is the same the tires and rims appear to be the same it's the same make and model door the main thing that stuck out on 577 to me was the rust spots how about on photo 575 that you've taken states exhibit 575 was there any defining characteristics from that photo there was uh 575 the dirt on the front bumper from the first email from slick there was a front view of the truck the dirt pattern on that bolo compared to the photo i took the dirt pattern matches your honor permission to publish states exhibit 575. can you point to the jury the the dirt that you were speaking of the dirt you said yes you're right here on the front bumper and why is it just a dirt spot so significant to you um comparing the two they're similar i mean it's hard to repeat a dirt splatter on a bumper like that does that base off your training experience correct was there any outlining of that dirt spot that you found significant to the to the bolo um i guess looking at it quickly that morning i just noticed that they were very similar uh your honor permission to publish states exhibit 577 you may and can you point to the jury that the rough spots that you were speaking about and the similarities well essentially the similarities that you were speaking about okay so the first thing i noticed was this bigger rust spot right here it matches with right there this is hard to see on the screen here but you can see a little bit of a rust spot here which matches that the other thing i noticed was obviously the logos on the back of the ford match tires and rims look the same same make and model that's what i noticed after reviewing these and you can sit down lieutenant after you you get back to the lawn farm enforcement center you start reviewing these what was your initial thought as to whether or not these two vehicles were the same i believe they match based off of the testimony that you just said correct what did you do next at this time i asked detective maddie's to begin surveillance on the chad isaac residence and the chad isaac pick-up i then uh sent the comparison photo 577 i sent that to special agent matt hyatt with bci and then contacted matt hyatt on phone which time he said he was gonna review it with his uh other agents and he'd be back in touch with me soon so while that was happening um what was the steps that you took following at that point i alerted my superiors sheriff j.r kersman chief deputy richard johnson at that time sheriff kurzman alerted our department as a whole asking for manpower to come to the sheriff's office did any other agencies respond to mclean county that day i did receive a call back from special agent hyatt advising that uh bci banned npd and there were other federal agencies assisting that would be on their way to washburn did you brief those agencies upon arrival yes once bci and all their agents were at the office i did brief them with the photos that i had taken and then brought him up to speed of the location of the trailer the truck and then also mr isaac's business down downtown was there any briefing as to an overall plan on how to move forward at this time yes there was and what was that knowing that mr isaac had appointments that afternoon my mother actually had an appointment that afternoon so i knew he had to work that afternoon or planned on working there was a plan set up we did obviously didn't want to have um citizens endangered at the trailer park so we didn't want a barricaded subject so it was decided that as mr isaac traveled to work we would complete a traffic stop at that time while you were conducting surveillance um i guess waiting for mr isaac to leave his residence did you speak with joe ahrens at any point i did sheriff kurzman and i were positioned by the car wash in washburn and uh special agent aaron's uh jumped in our vehicle at that time and did he provide video surveillance to you of the attacker subject that was seen at rjr on april 1st of 2019. i did review a video of the inside of rgr that day yes did that video show an individual walking yes did you find anything concerning from that video or familiar to you i reviewed it and the similarities in the person viewed in the rgr and the walk of chad isaac are the same you say it's the same i say it's the same why do you say that knowing mr isaac for a couple years i've i've seen him walk on main avenue by his business mr isaac also has been known to walk his dog down the railroad tracks which is located right by my house i've observed that several times mr isaac has a very distinct walk it's it's hard to explain it's uh wide strides um the only way i can explain it i guess the best in from my view is almost as if someone's uh cross-country skiing like he he really he walks fast it's that's the easiest way i can explain it how often had you seen chad isaac on a is it on a daily basis on a weekly basis no i i think i would see chad i mean i'm driving by but in person probably maybe once a week how often have you seen this distinct walk that you're that you're speaking to i would say in a couple years span with him walking on the ben the railroad tracks and downtown maybe 50 60 times i've seen him walk after reviewing that surveillance you said it's the same thing do you feel confident and comfortable stating that it's the same walk between those two individuals the day i reviewed that i did tell especially the errands that i thought that was the same walk yes safe to say that it's an exaggerated walk yes um one more question as to the the walk lieutenant when you say as though he was skiing can you describe that a little bit in more detail can i show you sure okay here's a bee i mean his arms are going his legs are it's a wide walk it's it's only easy way i can explain it i mean his arms most people kind of walk with their arms like this his arms are sometimes um first clear record you are moving both hands up and down shifting from maybe shoulder height down to your your hip and as though you're cross-country skiing essentially right thank you was a traffic stop conducted on chad isaac that afternoon yes when did that take place i believe that was approximately three 3 45 that afternoon and how did that develop um as deputies responded sheriff kurzman and i uh briefed them we had deputies stationed their position throughout washburn we knew the route that he'd most likely take we also were prepared for a different route if he took that and then once movement took you know once he started moving the traffic stop was done we had all around surveillance i guess whichever direction he went how many law enforcement from mclean county were there on scene i'd have to refer back to the the call for service for the case report to look exactly who was there but approximates approximately probably 15 of us approximately how many people total were there for this traffic stop the actual traffic stop there were by six to eight of us uh once mr isaac was detained there was more agents that came up after that and what was the reason for that reason for that was um obviously we're dealing with a possible suspect of a quadruple homicide we didn't know his state of mind at that time just overall safety of the citizens we did we did come showing force we wanted to go down safely and you say showing force can you explain that to the jury well this particular incident like i said we got a suspect that's possibly involved in quadruple homicide we have a armored vehicle so that was also on scene um to include we had air surveillance so that the helicopter was watching us from above so tactical approach would be what we used we spoke to leading up to the traffic stop can you take us through the traffic stop and how it was initiated yes so uh chad isaac left his residence came through the trailer park and then on to rough rider road that's when i was a passenger in sheriff chrisman's vehicle sheriff kersman initiated the traffic stop and chad isaac was pulled over right in front of the captain's cabin commands were given to chad isaac to exit the vehicle hands up and then he was sprawled on the on the ground at which time i approached and placed him in handcuffs advising him he was detained did you find any odd behaviors at this time from chad eyes like during this process sheriff chrisman and i did observe as we were giving commands or as sheriff chrisman was giving commands and he was going chad was going down to the ground there was a slight smirk towards us as he laid down why was that odd to you most people in that situation would be very scared nervous a smirk is not normal in that situation and you're showing how many vehicles during this traffic stop at that point probably four to five vehicles were around him and he's commanded to leave or exit his vehicle correct and as he's going to down to the ground can you describe this mark oh just as he was going down the ground he kind of turned and gave us a smirk and then went down you said that you had detained chad isaac is that correct i did did you speak with him at all during that time uh while handcuffing him and i just advised him that he was being detained for questioning he asked me if i could make sure that his dog would be taken care of did you find that odd i did yeah i don't know that would be of much concern at that point when you're getting detained or handcuffed did he ask you how long you guys were detaining him at that time he did not did he ask you what you're gonna do with his truck at that time he did not did he ask you what was going to happen to his house at that time he did not was the only thing that he was concerned about um was who's going to take care of his dog correct [Music] have you ever seen that based off of your training experience and uh the arrests that you've made no mr isaac was he transferred at that time yes he was placed in the back seat of a patrol vehicle and transported to the mclean county sheriff's office was there anything odd that stood out to you during the process of initiating the traffic stop and then detaining chad isaac just what i had stated that there were no real no questions from him he didn't appear i guess in my opinion didn't seem too nervous that he was being detained i have no further questions at this time judge mr alston you doing the cross yes sure you may cross-examine good morning kromer morning we take this thank you okay generally just just to recap so april 2nd you received a bolo correct correct okay and and then on april 3rd second bolo correct and that was from slick correct and that requested that law enforcement in the mclean and oliver county areas um along anywhere along highway 200 and and so forth um be on the lookout and start requesting surveillance correct correct 248 yep okay and and it was that time i believe your testimony was at that point that you started really taking this seriously because that was getting into your jurisdiction right correct okay and you did request some surveillance you requested it from river ag on april 3rd that's correct and they told you that you could come pick it up on the morning of april 4th right yes and you and is it officer matisse maddie's i pronounce the detective maddie's detective maddie's you and your honor the jurors are asking mr walson if he would move the microphone a little closer okay i apologize okay so on the morning of april 4th you and now detective maddie's traveled to river egg to collect that video that's correct and it was it was your testimony that you left river egg 935 yes okay and then you also testified that the photos that were presented were taken at 9 45.

approximately 9 45 yes and in your report i think there's a little bit of confusion in the direct regarding the route now in your report you indicate we approached from the north and approach being a reference to isaac's home correct correct okay so um but then on the screen you're showing coming up from the south i just want to be clear originally you approached from the north right no i think we approached from the see washington's little it's it's on a curve so it's a little north and south it's not really north and south but um no i i believe we unless we drove by i know that walking i approach from the south okay and let me would it be accurate to say that you approached from the north and tried to get a photograph from the vehicle because of the large pile of snow that we saw you couldn't get a photograph no i remember the first photographs taken were from i approached from the south those were on foot there are two photos as we're leaving we exited towards the north i took those as we're driving here would it be helpful lieutenant cromer to refresh your recollection by reviewing your report on yeah okay let me approach you okay copy the report if you had an opportunity to review the relevant i did okay and so would it be now having had an opportunity to refresh your recollection would it be accurate to say that you approached from the north and tried to take a photograph of because of the large amount of snow you were unable from that vantage point yeah rereading my report i obviously have them backwards i took the two pictures as we drove in and then two on foot from the south correct so so after that first opportunity then then you and now detective maddie drove down turned around he dropped you off and that's when you walked up from the south correct correct okay so now when you left river egg that morning you drove east on highway 200 we've heard it referred to as 200a correct i believe so yes okay to the junction with 83 i believe so okay and then did you take a right on highway 83 tell you truth i don't remember what route we traveled that morning i would guess that's the route we traveled that'd be the make the most sense make the most sense and then and then a left onto sterling drive correct and that would take you into the the northview north park correct okay would it be helpful well let me so you've been a mclean county deputy for a long time correct uh sheriff's office for a long time correct um and i'm assuming in that period of time that you've spent hundreds maybe thousands of hours patrolling around the area yes so you're familiar with city of washburn it's roads and you could recognize this on a map i know most the roads yes okay permission to approach [Applause] [Applause] yes okay hey lieutenant cromer do you recognize the document that i've provided you as a aerial photograph the city of washburn yes okay and do you recognize on that photograph uh where highway 200 or 200a comes into washburn yes i do okay and and river egg is on highway 200 just on the outskirts of washburn correct okay and do you see the junction of highway 200 and highway 83 yes i do okay and then do you see where the junction with highway 83 and sterling drive traveling into the north view estates is yes i do okay and you would agree i think you said that would be the most logical route that would be the most efficient way to get from river egg to chad isaac's home correct yes okay could you please i left a sharpie pen up there i would uh ask to introduce a copy of the map as defense exhibit 1037. name jackson no objection your honor uh 1037 did you say yes sure 1037 is received okay and lieutenant cromer then at this time with that sharpie marker i would ask you to trace the route that you and sergeant matties drove onto that map as i stated i'm not 100 sure that's the way we drove that morning but if i was go driver right now that's the way i would drive it so i'll drive it to where your honor i would object to this um as stated by the witness he doesn't remember so as to the question i don't i'm wondering if it's what he believes the most logical route versus what route he took that morning i'm not sure i understand that that's the route that that they drove and the most logical you're asking by the most logical route then sure yes your honor yes please outline the most logical route okay okay let me approach [Music] now regarding [Applause] the surveillance on the home okay and you testified that when you're walking back up to take photographs that mr you observed mr isaac in the window correct and he made no sudden movements correct not that i've seen he didn't hide nope he didn't close the blinds or anything nope nothing unusual or reflexive nope [Music] and then later on april 4th bci arrived right and other law enforcement officers okay and you briefed them i did correct okay and at that point you were directed to put surveillance on mr isaac's home correct that occurred um as i called special agent hyatt prior to them arriving we had spoke about surveillance and that's when detective matties was told to go do surveillance correct okay so you already had surveillance on the house before you conducted the briefing correct okay i say that the sheriff's office while surveillance was being done great thank you and you reported that you were aware that mr isaac did a lot of afternoon appointments right so you believe the three to four o'clock range was when you would expect him to travel to work correct okay and you were a patient correct yes i was and you had seen dr isaac on three occasions correct that yep that sounds worried yep and so you were aware that he often took appointments in the evenings to help work around his patients work schedules things of that nature yes and then you testified that after all the other law enforcement agents got up after you conducted the briefing that special agent erins showed you the video in which you recognize the walk correct that's correct okay and what you described and acted out looks similar to me like exercising someone who's out walking for exercise would that be a fair assessment a fast-paced walk yeah okay yes and often your opportunity to see him walk was out like you said walking his dog walking along the trail things of that nature correct down the railroad tracks and then downtown on main avenue i guess what's what's standing out to me is when you viewed that video surveillance was already established on the whole yes you had already directed officers that if he left the home he they were to conduct a felony stop yes you had already briefed bci yes in person correct bci and other agents were already on the ground yes then you viewed this video and recognized the walk yes if you hadn't recognized that walk it would have been pretty embarrassing at that point having that law enforcement presence in washburn to say i'm sorry i don't recognize this now fair no the truck matched i'm talking about the walk had i not recognized that walk i don't know i guess my point is when you reviewed that video the decision was already made that a felony stopped an arrest was going to take place correct felony stop and detainment was going to take place yes okay thank you for the clarification and the only stop did take place correct what goes into a high-risk felony stop pyro's felony stop is you know most normal stops you usually have one deputy or one officer make the stop and they usually walk up to the door and explain why you stopped them and gather their information felony stop is on a whole new level it's uh you don't we as officers don't approach the vehicle we give commands for the individuals in the vehicle to exit with their hands up and then they're given commands to usually um are on the ground so that we can approach to to handcuff okay national guard helicopters in the air correct you had mraps what's an mrap it's an armored vehicle military armored vehicle correct okay and you had mrap at a staging area a short distance away correct yes we did okay and yet other law enforcement officers staged in other locations ready to converge on the stop correct correct okay and many of those officers are wearing bulletproof vests and kevlar helmets correct yes and carrying um assault rifles not just the typical standard uh sidearm correct that's correct okay thank you described that as a show of force yes but when you and sheriff kersman initiated the stop and all these forces then converged on that area correct at the time of the stop there were i'd have to review it but i believe like four probably four mark squad vehicles and then the armored vehicle did approach from the one side once the traffic stop was uh nearly i guess once mr isaac was detained then more agents did come up in their own vehicles correct and you're talking about commands so you commanded mr isa to get out of the vehicle he got out of the vehicle yes he did commanded him to get down onto his knees he got down on his knees yes he did commanded him to lay face down on the pavement he laid face down on the pavement yes he did you handcuffed him behind his back i did okay and at no point did he resist argue nothing of that nature correct nope okay and he uh he did voice some concern for his dog dog was in the truck with him right dog was in the truck um as he came out the dog also came out and was running around the scene okay so so an officer had to get the dog correct there and and his concern was taking care of the dog he did he do you recall him asking you or other officers to bring the dog back to his neighbor's place yes once he was seated in the rear seat of the patrol vehicle i went up and talked to chad again about his dog and he there was a couple other deputies next to me yeah he explained which neighbors he was hoping that the dog could go to sure and he specifically stated those neighbors because he said they had keys to his house they could let the dog back into his house right i don't recall the key part of it i remember him talking about the neighbors yes i did have a body com on that at that time when i was talking to him would you say there were 25 or more officers that ultimately converged on that stop at the end when all were around yeah i would say there was probably upwards of 20 25 yeah okay and as we know he was arrested and he was he was brought into mclean county correct detained and taken to the income yes but ultimately arrested correct and in the in processing mclean county registered his height at 76 inches correct that i'm not sure that would have been would you like to review your report sure you may approach lieutenant cromer i would ask you first look at the first page of the report there do you see where it says reporting officer and then it has your name correct correct and then if you flip to the second page that contains typical booking type information and do you see there a line for height i do and what is recorded as chad isaac's height 76 okay and do you see a line for weight your honor i would avoid here i'd ask if i hear the witness as to whether or not he has any personal knowledge of this or if he wrote it down himself you get an opportunity for redirect your honor overall you approved this report you're the reporting officer correct i was a reporting officer correct okay um 76 that inches is that the standard metric for recording on this type of report usually i think it's in foot and inches so i i guess i don't know why it's appearing at 76. um and weight 220 correct correct thank you approach [Music] [Music] on april 8th a few days after the stop detainment and arrest you requested surveillance video from the unistop super pumper gas station correct yes i did and you recall requesting a video time frame from 8 50 to 9 20. that sounds correct okay now i guess to to back up how long does it take how long did it take you to drive from river egg to chad isaac's house a couple of minutes yeah so you said you had left river egg at 9 35 approached from the north turned around walked up took photographs at 9 45. correct approximate times yes so the the drive time would you say less than five minutes yeah okay yes and did you receive surveillance video from the super pumper i did same day i believe i stood there yeah and waited for it yes okay and did you watch that surveillance video yes i did okay and you did not observe the vehicle that was in those slick photographs the vehicle that you photographed you did not observe that in the super pumper video correct i did not and you requested super pumper video between 8 50 and 9 20 am correct that's correct and if a vehicle left river ag at 8 59 past river egg at 8 59 what time would we expect to see it drive through that intersection within a couple minutes been a couple minutes but it wasn't there not that i have you nope and you were also directed to get other videos right correct did you get video from the dollar store in washburn i did not super value i did not the school i did not the courthouse i did not xanax nope hooters scooter motorsports i don't know if they even i know captain's cabin nope did you get any video from lewis and clark interpretive center no any video further north on 83 whatsoever attempted to get there's a camera at the intersection of 83 and 200 and the state camera there did attempt to get that was not successful okay it in that you couldn't they yeah they can somehow the copy of the video that they want to give us we never did get it okay all right why you indicated on direct exam that you observed mr isaac smirk sometime after the stop correct that wasn't in your report was it i don't believe so no that would why wouldn't you put something like that into your report the time of the report i forgot about it there was a lot of stuff going on at that time i left it out i'm sorry the report was written more than two and a half years ago wasn't it correct would it be fair to say that your recollection at the time of writing that report would be better than it is as we sit here today yes okay thank you i have no further questions members of jury take a minute to stand and stretch and then we'll uh resume thank you thank you basically can you redirect mr gunderson yes your honor go ahead lieutenant you were shown defense exhibit 1037 and mr wall said had you drive what he said would be the most logical route is that the fastest route to chat isaac's house coming by river egg yes are there alternate routes that don't go through town to get to from river egg to chad isaac's residence yes is there multiple ways yes multiple ways from the north yes well how about from highway if you continued highway 200 through that intersection is there alternate ways to get to the park and his residence yes if you go north from the intersection of 83 and 200 on to 200 alternate you can go north a mile or two and then you can take a gravel road that would bring you back into the trailer park yeah um you were asked um about the unistop camera that video footage that you had attempted to receive in that the suspect vehicle wasn't on that is that correct i did not be the suspect vehicle in the case is unistop directly almost in the center of washburn it would be if you turn to go into the trailer park by the lumberyard the old napa unit stop would be right across the highway so that camera would view that turn into the trailer park are there all other businesses around that yeah is it a busy area near unistop with highway 83 right there it is yes you also were questioned about um asked about the use of force that law enforcement had during the presence at the at the time of the traffic stop do you believe that use of force was necessary yes i do and why do you believe it was necessary just given the severity of the suspect possibly being involved in a quadruple homicide at this point we didn't know his mental state and what was possible at that point so yes i did feel it was justified um you also said that um the defendant complied with law enforcement's commands is that odd to you no and why is that i'd say there's a i don't know what percentage just don't comply but a large majority do comply and you testified that your report would be more clear than your memory here today but my question to you is based off of what you remember do you remember him smirking at you when chad isaac was getting to the ground the smirk at the time of our detainment yeah it's something that's stuck in my head and it didn't make it into your report is that correct it did not and you said that's based off of all the other stuff that was happening at the time there was a lot going on correct you also um testified based off of your report do you remember that i do do you remember testifying to the height and weight that was entered into that report i do did you personally enter that into your report if you look on page one of that report it says entered by it says kurt olson that he's a sergeant at the mclean county sheriff's office i'm guessing he opened the report and probably entered mr isaac's information and then the rest of us so they so you essentially read off the report from kurt olson is that correct what happens when you open a case report in our system the person opening the case report is going to be the entered person that pops in there automatically so you don't know the the personal height and weight of the defendant chad isaac i don't we're going to go over one of their questions to be a little bit more clear i had asked you there's multiple ways to getting into chad isaac's um trailer park where he his residence is located from river ag and you said there was multiple spots correct ways of getting in there is there other ways that don't go by specifically the unistop where you had pulled camera footage yes and what other ways would those be at the route that i had stated if you keep going north out of town on 200a you wouldn't be anywhere near unistop how about his chiropractic business is there alternate ways from getting from river egg to where his place of business is without going by the unit stop yeah if you turn right on main avenue you go straight down you wouldn't go by you stop then is there alternate ways from the south to getting into um chad or chad isaac's residence without going by the unit stop can you restate that do you have defense exhibits 10 37 in front of you i do not may i approach now looking at lieutenant is there a way into that trailer park area from the south that doesn't go through that unit stop yes if you were coming on highway 200 you can go through washburn and then approach to this across 83 you'd eventually come by the by the captain cabin area and then come back into the trailer park that way so there's there's just other ways to get from point a to point b in this case several different ways yes thank you no further question judge can you recrush yes sure go ahead we're talking about the this other route through washburn up the back side to chat isaac's house you mentioned that would put you past captain's cabin no surveillance was requested from there was it no and you would drive past i think the school yes no surveillance was requested from there no you would drive past the courthouse right this is the one route yes yes my point is after having reviewed the unit stop video yes and not observing the suspect vehicle on that video you had an opportunity to get surveillance from a variety of other places really anywhere and none of that was followed up on was it that's correct who is kurt olson he is a patrol sergeant with mclean county okay is it your testimony that that he recorded height and weight into this system just looking at that report it does say entered by on the page one it says curt olsen um a lot of times that does happen if we're at an incident you know one officer will start the report it goes and there's entered so from looking at that report i would i would guess that he entered chat isaac into that report okay no further questions thank you thank you you may step down

2021-08-13 23:31

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