Making Your Business Less Dependent on You | Business Owners

Making Your Business Less Dependent on You | Business Owners

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Welcome to a Wiser Retirement Podcast. We put  together a guide with some recommendations to   help you focus on being financially fit at  different milestones in your life. Some of   you may be ahead of schedule while others  may have to play catch-up. You can download   this guide for free on our website the  link to download Your Path to a Lifetime   of Financial Success is listed in the  episode description or you can go to scroll to the bottom and  find it there. Now on to today's episode; Welcome to a Wiser Retirement Podcast where  we believe the best financial advice should   always be Conflict Free I'm your host Casey Smith  today I'm joined with Marty Paradise at Paradise   Business Coaching and Robert Swarthout of  Teton Crypto Capital today we're going to   talk about making your business less dependent  on you. Hey guys. Hey Casey how are you thanks   for having us on. Good morning. So this is a  podcast via Zoom today since we're all sort of  

in different locations mostly you Marty thanks  for joining us from Charlotte how's things in   Charlotte is it snowing yet? I'm in Charleston.  I'm sorry Charleston that's what I meant to say.   Hopefully it's not snowing. I know right I'm  going to say Charleston it's a beautiful area. So let's let's focus on the topic right away  I mean Robert you built a company called   Shoot proof, you sold it kind of gone into  semi-retirement and then now you've started   Teton crypto Capital which by the way you can  listen to Robert and I in our in our podcast   we do one about every two weeks on on crypto  topics the last one was quite interesting with   the FTX blow up but that's a whole different  that's a whole different series what you know   why is it important that we build processes  to make our business less dependent on us? You know I would just say this the simple fact is  you can't do everything and be everywhere right,   I mean it's your business only can grow  as fast as you have hours to put into the   business whether that's your hours other  people's hours and when you're you know   a sole entrepreneur there's only 24 hours in  a day and really not that many hours you had   to sleep and do other things and it just comes  down to figuring out how to like maximize your   time you know a doctor's office can only be so  big because doctors only have so many hours in   a day if you're in a business where you can  multiply your time and allow customers to be   purchasing something when you're sleeping that  that's like you know in my opinion the ultimate   goal but you know just trying to figure  out how to get yourself out of the way and   let other people do work that kind of helps  you work on the bigger picture. I I would add  

just something fairly basic businesses that  don't depend on the owner completely they're   more fun to lead they're more they're more fun  and rewarding as a as a very civil kind of why   point but also with businesses that you may  intend to sell at some point in time will have   fetch a higher premium if the business isn't  completely dependent on the owner or just a few   people in the business so that's just another one  of the many reasons I think why it's important to   build a business that just doesn't depend on you  for everything to get done and that's a journey.   Yeah I'm a big fan of businesses or business  owners that even if they don't have immediate   plans to sell the business they're acting like  they're going to sell the business because they're   working on making sure they don't have to be  around you know it's easy to become the the main   character of the storyline right and it's probably  helps with the ego and all that kind of stuff but   at the end of the day it's the ultimate reward is  when you can like go on vacation and leave work   at work and it may take a long time to get  there for a lot of people but I think it's   super rewarding when you can do that. I think so  many business owners though it's their baby how do   you walk you can't walk away from the baby for  two weeks or you know you know I mean I I just   I remember when I when I purchased Wiser in 2007  and from Mr Wiser and we had whole room's full of   paper just like file cabinet after file cabinets  I'm like man this is a digital age even in 2007   right. I remember hiring someone to scan all  this stuff in and so the paper and the file   cabinet slowly started disappearing and oh my  gosh he would get so angry so angry where's my   paper I can't find my paper you know and it  changes hard you have a certain way of doing   it and and this is the only way to do it and and  people people can only you know they only have to   meet with me because I'm the best and and and the  reality is that you got to get people the best you   in the in the best product and and the best  product that's exhausted and not sleeping at   night is probably not the best for the client  right from a service standpoint you know. Or   the client or the employees that you're yeah.  You know I it's something that I just thought   of is I wonder if it's easier in manufacturing if  you manufacture something that requires machines   and and raw material comes in and a widget  comes out is it easier for those people to   have a business that's less about them than  it is for all of us in the service industry?   I think all businesses are hard I I think anybody  in the manufacturing industry would tell you   the last two years have been really tough right  they've had different things to worry about so.  

Maybe sales maybe you're you're just involved in  sales at that point maybe in relationships yeah.   Casey I don't I don't know if you're a business  owner manufacturing widgets if it's if it's it's   any easy it's any easier there's always things  that require at least that person the business   owner's attention to just different challenges  in a manufacturing business with widgets versus   a service business right but the fundamental kind  of issues and challenges and systems that they   need are kind of universal whether you're doing  Widgets or a service business like yours Casey so.   So so how do we how should we be  thinking about it Marty how should   we start getting out of that mentality of  everything in the business is about me? A couple couple things with with my clients  and stuff just back up so I'm a small business   coach I've been doing this for 10 plus years and  this is the like the fundamental problem with my   normal small one to ten million dollar client  that they their business is dependent on them   and so one one place I start with most most  clients and your listeners on the phone could   if even if you have two or three people in your  business if you don't have an org chart that's   okay you could kind of create one or pencil one  in and think about the different functions or   positions in your business and just simply scan  the org chart and put your name in every one of   those boxes that you are either occupying yourself  or are occupying part of the way but just when you   think about that I think most business owners  are surprised at how many hats they're wearing   how many roles they're playing how many kind of  things and pieces of the business that they own   or they have to touch for the business to produce  the results so that's one way of thinking about it   I don't know Robert with your thoughts on that.  No I think you said it great there I mean it's   you know you always joke about wearing different  hats in the same day really it's it's you know 15   minutes to 15 minutes can be different and it's  just the idea of really understanding what the   problem is before you can go solve it I think  is super important it's a great way to frame   it so. I remember the first time I turned over  just my accounting to somebody else you know I   always take QuickBooks myself and and that is  like oh no this is me because the business is   so much of you as it is you know your personal  finances all kind of all tend to blend sometimes   and yeah that was hard that was hard the person to  hand it to I was like I don't want to hand this to   you but you know I've been told if I don't that  you know it's going to be worse for me so that   was that was the first step for me and then it's  easier to hand off stuff you don't like to do but   yeah and then handing later handing for us  here handing off portfolio trading I haven't   made a trade in probably three years but you  know handing off that oh no I can only do this   but I really can't and I was I wasn't you know  I wasn't very good at it because I wasn't doing   it at the right times and I was doing it in a  hurry it was mistake prone you know then you   hire someone to come in and only focus on that job  you know it's better for the client in the end.   Absolutely yeah I mean when I when I talk to  young entrepreneurs they're always like oh   you know say they are in the business of  painting paintings right like they're an   artist they didn't start that business so they  could run accounting for their business or do   all the other things that need to happen to be  successful so understanding what those roles   are so you can start picking them off and trying  to figure out ways to get out of that I think is   it provides a lot of clarity versus oh my  gosh I don't get to do the thing I love and   I'm doing all the stuff I hate well that  that's totally in your control so. I mean  

I don't know about you Robert but you know for  me when I started there wasn't a whole lot of   it wasn't really easy ways to outsource tasks but  now I mean there are so many things that can be   outsourced through upwork maybe not necessarily  your accounting but you need a logo refresh or   you need you need something you can just go out  and hire someone to to go and do that for you. I   mean a pretty amount of outsourcing options these  days for just like services is pretty amazing   you know even with my new fund like I have  outsourced bookkeeping from day one and I pay   like $199 or $299 a month to have someone close  my books once a month for me and then I know   they're functionally done right versus me trying  to play an accountant for 15 minutes a month so   yeah so part of part of that Casey like before you  get get to that there's a there's another kind of   skill that most small business owners need to  develop but they they need they need to kind   of like get to the point of like hey there's other  people or other resources and virtual or employees   that can probably do a better job at this than  than I can and that's a a point but the other   idea is that they need to learn kind of the skill  of delegating and yeah assigning work delegating   work and holding others whatever resources helping  you get kind of more free of of the the technical   parts of the business you have to you know give  people some rope and delegate it and magical   things happen when you learn how to do do that  slowly. Yeah you know I I have a group I have a   breakfast I do with with some advisors and and  some of them are always surprised about how many   meetings we run here and what's interesting is  I have a hard time giving up the relationship   with a client because I know so much about them  and that's what I love about what I do but the   follow-up work from the meeting is something  that was really bogging me down and so we have   associate advisors here that are always with me  in a meeting and so I do the meeting we talk about   big picture stuff get down to the granular but the  referrals other professionals the meeting notes   any portfolio changes any financial planning  changes any insurance changes those are all   handled by the the associate and so it's kind  of like a doctor a doctor comes in and goes   yeah you're sick this is the prescription you  need and then the nurse comes in and does all   the work afterwards and then the pharmacist fills  this description right doctor's done probably five   other meetings since since you walked out of the  building and so that that's that's what I do here   but even that is is probably reaching  its its capacity but it allows allows   one person to be able to do more things I  think about if you're starting a business and   you know you you got to get the laundry you got to  get your house clean you got to get the yard mowed   there's so many things that you can be outsourcing  so you can focus your time on what's important   including your family and and and be able  to be more productive to get more hours in   the day but there is a point at which even  that doesn't help anymore and you have to   have this this org chart as you say it we  do that I probably do that once or twice   a year write down this big org chart and  I create positions that aren't even there   and and and then I take the different a different  color marker and I like Circle this person is   doing these three jobs I'm doing these two jobs  and then the goal is like what do we need to do   to grow the company so we can hire more people to  just be be those positions so we can do it better   and it's hard it's scary I think in in this  environment you know to expand a business   when you're not sure about revenue everyone keeps  talking so negatively about the economy to go man   I gotta go hire this person it's gonna cost me  sixty seventy thousand dollars a year man I hope   this works you know that scary as a business owner  so I I think you know fight or flight right so we   we tend we tend to flight and we say no I just  do I'll just do all this I'll just do all this,   but it just doesn't doesn't work in the long-term  or you get burnt out and have an early death   right. That's not good either that's not good  either. Casey yeah this is actually you know this   this podcasts that I think you're up to about  150 episodes where this is actually kind of a   good example so this is very good strategic use  of your time so you're not like delegating just   like you're telling the clients start delegating  the the some of these client meetings and just say   you don't touch it but so you're coming in here  and you're this is strategic use of your time   for your clients you know coming up coming up  with a great topic coming up with a great topic   but in many ways you know you have Hadley running  parts of this process, scheduling it probably,   coordinating with Robert and I on scheduling,  I doubt very much Casey that you're doing the   zoom editing and posting this but that's a good  example so you don't have to give the whole thing   away but you can take the piece that you need to  do and the other pieces can be done by someone   do a better job probably than you given all  the other things you're worried about so.  

Exactly it's just an example so it's uh e-myth  right the the Michael Gerber's book he talks   about working in the business versus on the  business I think you call it tactical work   or strategic work you want to talk about  that for a little bit Marty sure I mean all business owners especially small business  owners are challenged with their time,   and so another way to think about your time  without doing kind of the dreaded kind of time   log of looking at 15-minute increments and like  where am I spending my time that's actually a good   exercise I would recommend for someone to do, but  another way of looking at that is really there's   just two types of work there's technical work  and there's strategic work. And so technical work   kind of in the Michael Gerber those are the things  that are in the business, so those are doing the   work of doing the work of the business this is  the activities of the business this is the all   these little different functions that over time  you want someone else to be doing the technical   work of the business, and so that that frees  up time for the own for the owner to do more   strategic work and kind of get on the business  versus in the business. So it's a it's a shift   but it's a it's a way of thinking about it and I  done a lot of time studies with clients over the   years a new client coming in coming into work with  me is typically 70 to 80 percent of their time and   that's giving them a little bit of grace on the  technical things that they're calling strategic,   but there's they're spending 75 percent of their  time doing technical or tactical work of the   business and eventually if you want a business you  don't want to you want just a job you have to make   that shift from doing the work of the business  versus owning a business that does the work kind   of a big distinction so that's just another way  of thinking about that I don't know Robert if   you have comments on that you've been through this  journey both of you have been through this journey   I've been through this journey. Yeah you know like  you said earlier like you know delegating is a big   key in like I think for me it was certainly the  biggest challenge was delegating but also willing   to give whoever is going to do that work enough  Grace and leeway to fail and learn from it because   it's too easy to see them start to fail and want  to go in and save it and be like and then you're   telling yourself see I could have done this myself  twice as fast and twice as better where in reality   you have to give them the the space to kind  of learn and then they can grow from there and   then you know you turn around a month later and  they're probably doing it better than you were   and like that's where the real payoff comes and  it's just not going to happen on day one I think   it's you know if you hire the right people you're  hiring people that are going to be you know better   than or smarter or whatever the task is than you  because for all things and purposes entrepreneurs   are like great jack of all trades they figure  out how to get it done but they're probably not   awesome at everything, no one is, but you may be  good at really one thing well start learn how to   focus on that one thing and kind of delegate off  all the smaller pieces or the anonymously smaller   but other pieces to people in the business so. I  think it's creating a process too you know that  

that's something that I get frustrated with  because I feel like man this process worked a   year ago just fine but now it's not working  Robert's always good to tell me if I'm not   breaking processes and I'm not growing so I I tell  everyone here that all the time it's like okay   well we keep breaking this process but that's fine  we're growing we're servicing the client better   than a year ago so you know we just got to keep  adding to it or subtracting from it but you know   I I go back to you man you go to a Chick-fil-A  you the same tasting chicken sandwich everywhere   and I'd say up until the this this hiring crunch  that we're all in I would say the service was   the same at every single Chick-fil-A my pleasure  right that's a repeatable process and there's some   training that goes in at the beginning but it's  a process to have it's a repeatable and Gerber's   book he talks about McDonald's I guess there  just wasn't a Chick-fil-A near him so he couldn't   reference that. But it's an older it's an older  book too. That's true that's true but but yeah   so it's it's creating a process but finding  the people so what is what is it was it was   that saying people processes and profits right is  that the the three p's that that you're after but   so if you're a solo business owner you still  should be writing processes you should write   down this is how you do this and then as you hire  people you say okay well this is the process so   they they can reference that right. I mean  we have with our prospects here we even have   we always send thank you notes so thank you for  coming in now if we don't get an address then we   have to do it via email but it's literally written  into the process now that you know we check a box   off on our CRM software that says yes we I sent  the note so if you didn't send a note you you   had to lie and check the box so it's really hard  to it's really hard to screw that up you know.   Yeah but if it's not written down or it's not  part of your process and that you're sticking to   yeah just then it just doesn't it doesn't happen  and and you're exactly right so even something I   wouldn't say that's simple like a thank you note  but that's not a very complex thing given all   the other things your your firm does Casey.  Right well it's the thing that easily gets   forgotten you know we had to make sure everybody  here is getting the same consistent service   as as they come through but you  know it's it you know there's a book   I read recently but it talks about hiring because  it's so hard to find people that are qualified now   and even in my own industry I can't hire it's hard  for me to hire experienced advisors because it's   like taking someone from your Wendy's no knock  against Wendy's but most Wendy's I've been to   aren't known for great service and trying to get  those people to come work at Chick-fil-A. I want  

to be the Chick-fil-A in my industry and so I've  I've I it's hard for me to bring people already   tainted right into into my system, but they talk  about hiring the 51 percent you just got to find   people with the right attitude that are teachable  and so then if I can put them into my process   then then I can train them but yeah I have to  process already created before they get there   you need you need both you need great people great  process that's where the magic comes together one   without the other doesn't work, you need both  and so that and you know Chick-fil-A is just   masterful that type of concept and when you're  talking Casey there's a kind of a term of you   know build build your business like a franchise  prototype. Whether you're ever going to franchise   or not but be thinking about like if I was to  franchise this this thing what would I need   to have in in place and you're going to need a lot  of systems a lot of process a lot of thinking that   can be repeatable and build your business like  a I would say a McDonald's build your business   like with that franchise prototype in mind so  that that also just gets back to our topic today   so it work it can work without you being at the  helm every single minute in your business having   to depend on you so much so. So what are what are  some way.. Robert you want to say something? Yeah   I was gonna just quickly add that like to me  writing the processes down is is mostly about   helping do delegation and help having a playbook  for people but it also enables your employees that   are like go-getters and they find themselves with  some free time they can pick something up without   asking about it right like they don't have to come  and ask for direction they'd be like they maybe   they may see something and they can they know  where to go kind of get the um the instructions   on how to put it together effectively so it kind  of enables some more of that natural you know good   behavior. Right yeah absolutely. So if if I'm a  busy business owner and I'm overwhelmed what what  

are some techniques that we could use to start the  process of figuring out what what I can delegate? I would recommend just take a average week, maybe  not Thanksgiving week, but take an average week   and just write down all the stuff that you're  touching and doing in a given in a given week.   And it's going to be a long list depending on who  you are so that just like looking at I'm doing   bookkeeping and making sales I'm going back to  the shop to check on the widget production I'm you   know I'm doing I'm doing all kind I mean all kinds  of things and take a look at that list and then   I would like really just go through that list  of like what are activities that I'm spending   a lot of time on that could be done better by it  than someone by someone else someone else so it's   almost like a it's a delegate list but getting  a handle on where your time's going by kind of   activities that you're doing is one other way  of starting to doesn't happen overnight but move   things off your plate so that you can free up your  kind of the amount of time you're doing tactical   things in the business that someone else could  be doing which then frees up time to be doing   more of the things you should be doing as a as  a business owner which is kind of getting back   to the concept of strategic work systems leading  managing prioritization and everything else so.   Is that is this kind of like the beginning part  of scaling? Absolutely. Yeah you know when I was   going through this my last business for me when I  trying to figure out what I was going to get rid   of next was what was the thing I liked the least  that I had to do. Like in in the way that I kind   of figured that out was what what am I doing  that allows me to procrastinate on that? Like   in the thing I'm procrastinating on is the thing  that I'll get rid of and you just slowly kind of   just whittle away. Some of it would have been  you know a task that took somebody 15 minutes  

a week and other times it was something that  it would be two or three hours a day in bigger   cases but just kind of like you know in some  ways you're kind of balancing delegation with   the mental health that that you're going through  because you have so much so much mental load that   you have to carry and like how do you kind of  whittle that down to where it's not as much of   a texting situation so. So the next step of that  though is to say you start getting better at that   but then you have to manage that for other people  too right because if your business is growing then   then the people you're delegating to they're going  to get overwhelmed and how do you how do you catch   that you know because so many people today are  just yes people and they oh yeah I could take care   of this and they want a hoard job as instead of  letting go of work because they feel like they let   go where they're not as important to you they lose  your job right. Yeah for me it was I was really   diligent about doing one-on-ones once a week with  everybody and just like being honest and letting   them know it's okay to say that I can't get it all  done because it because that's not going to help   anybody it's going to make your job worse it's  you're going to burn out you're going to want to   leave all these kind of things but like you know  just having open and honest conversations and   consistent you know it was always on the calendar  at a certain time with each person so they kind of   knew it wasn't like oh I'm getting called into his  office what's going on like it's it's purely like   a laid out thing and they don't have to be long I  mean they could be 15-20 minutes sometimes it was   over lunch you know we kind of change things up a  little bit but it was the ability just to kind of   also understand where people wanted to go  with their careers because you may find out   that somebody really wants to do something  that you hate to do well guess what I just   gave you something to do like all right  right so. The only way I mean the only way  

you can accomplish that is kind of exactly what  Robert says is meeting with employees but you   know every every small business needs some type  of a meeting cadence or an opportunity to meet   with employees in a constructive dialogue  and you know it's it's it can be like well   this didn't get done last week but it's the  kind of conversation that Robert's talking   about is how do I make this employee feel more  part of this business? how are are they growing   professionally? And how are they helping the  business and the owner at the same time right yes   um be more free from their details of the  business? So but that's that's another when you   even think about systems and processes I I think  a one-on-one Cadence or a rhythm that Robert's   described that that's a system should happen on  the same day or it should happen regularly they   shouldn't you should be structured it should  have kind of a way that that it operates with   the business and that sometimes takes some time to  kind of get going but that's absolutely critical   um that's managing your employees  through one-on-ones regular check-ins   stand-ups whatever you call them but  those are all key things that help. What do you guys think is the most  important for a small business owner   to to be to be focused on in this environment  today? Meaning we have kind of uncertainty should   they be play being more defensive should they  should they be you know take take this maybe maybe   things your sales are kind of moving sideways  should they take time to evaluate all their   processes and rebuild things I mean what what  what do business owners today need to be doing?   Because Marty you you I mean you have a list  of clients that come in every week and and   talk with you what what are they saying right  now? They're we talked about we talked about   a little bit about developing you know in in times  like today of developing kind of a pulse of where   your your business is going you can call that  KPIs key strategic indicators, you can call those   different types of things but kind of managing  the pulse of of the business is I think really   important right now in a lot of different things  and it's different for every business but what's   the health of my business so a good leader is is  managing the pulse of their business they should   be doing that all the time. Yeah. Like many of  the things I coach clients on they should be doing   is just as part of business whether we're not  we're heading towards a recession or an economic   downturn but be thinking about kind of a pulse of  their business would be one area that I would..   Like developing a dashboard. A dashboard or just  making sure they're on top of the key numbers   of the business so you have a predictive view on  how the business might perform three months from   now versus how it's been performing over the  last six months or nine months and having that   dialed into a set of key numbers is  one one thing that I would encourage   every small business owner to do it regardless  of the economic outlook. That's good yeah I would  

add that you know the numbers are certainly very  important but keeping tabs on the employees and   how they feel in those times is just as important  because they may be worried that the business is   not doing good and they may be totally wrong  about that but like this again having those   one-on-ones or having group meetings or whatever  the correct thing is for your business I think   leads to people willing to rally together and  try to go capture a hill versus people thinking   oh some of us are going to go flank this way and  flank that way in reality that's not the goal.   So just trying to keep again mental health is such  a big thing I think and it's just keeping people   you know energized and making them feel like  they have a voice and the ability to kind of   impact the greater good I think is you know one  plus one equals three type thing so there you go.   Casey and in summary and Robert said I think we're  saying the same thing but in in these type of   times you need to be leading your business leading  your business and looking at you know making sure   you're you know leading employees you're you're  keeping track of the business on all the different   pieces but leading it leading the business I  would I would say just kind of a theme that I   guess but leading leading by example doesn't mean  doing all the minutia exactly right no I mean that   that easily misunderstood so yeah yeah being on  your business versus in it eating and managing   right businesses um is what I would focus on. Yeah  it's absolutely it's a really different mood right   now I mean I remember in Covid we had that huge  drop in the S&P and I I assembled all my all my   people and I said look this is probably going to  lead to some type of recession and this is in 2020   but I said there's no recession at Wiser like we  are not in recession like you your job is safe   we have a job to do and that's to make sure that  people understand that they're still on a path to   financial success right or they're going to  stay on their path to financial success and   and it was much easier to lead because there was a  sudden shock to the system and you're like oh crap   I gotta I gotta come out of my coma and I gotta go  gotta go lead this group and we're gonna save the   world you know and this this just feels different  because it's like it's a it's a dull ache you   know. It's not a it's not a shock to the system  it's this long dull eight that could be here for  

a year or two years right about to you know come  up on a year mark I guess when we hit January.   So you also could go away at any moment but  you you have to say energize longer yeah and   I think that that is and I'm speaking my own  self because I don't always take my own advice   the you know as you have to stay energized as  a leader so so if you if you're in the every   day for 12 hours a day how can you possibly be  energized to move your team or even your client   base for that matter right so you have to do  things for yourself that that energize you right.   So you got to find that time to step away for me  I just need about a day or two it's I don't need   weeks or anything like that but it's just doing  things that you that you enjoy and and making sure   that they're looking at that 30,000 foot view for  sure yeah. I think that you know energizing can   be defined also is not having to deal with all  the negative stuff too right. Like it's that's  

subtracting away from your energy so again trying  to find way we keep going back to it but find ways   to delegate and find ways to kind of keep your in  your employees mental health in a positive spot   well you know produce good results typically so.  It's just ensuring everyone in your company is   focused on the top three economic objectives  of the company just a laser focus on ensuring   everybody has put putting the muscle and  and the work on the most important things   to drive the company and making sure that  people in your organization are aligned   to that and you know just creating efficiency  and being laser focused on that I think as we   head into uncertain waters here. All right  guys great conversation thank you for your time   thanks for having us and Happy Thanksgiving to  you both and to your listeners they probably   won't hear this for another week or two but  Happy Thanksgiving so thank you Marty if they   want to learn more about your coaching  program where do they go to find that? and I have a few  

resources that they can download and you know  find out a little bit more about some of the   things we talked about today as well as what  we talked about last time a couple weeks ago I   guess. ?Yeah yeah episode 122 succession planning  for small business owners is one that we've done   in the past I don't I don't think you were on  that one Marty but I think our last one was   just talking about uh growing growing starting  and growing a business right we've got commonly   missed tax deductions for business owners that's  episode 83. you know I I've often threatened to   just do a podcast just for business owners but we  haven't we haven't done that yet so we kind of get   spread out in our business topics episode 104 was  another one too an Investment Portfolio built for   retirement talking about business and how to  grow your business to sell it for retirement   we also have some other things in our YouTube  channel a wiser retirement why businesses can   ways businesses can reduce taxes blame for  the future is the video we have out there   and then we talked about business owners don't  stop learning keep dreaming that was a short   video we did as well. Again thanks guys and  we'll talk to you soon all right thanks Casey.   Thanks for listening to retirement podcast  we hope you enjoyed today's episode.  

Make sure to subscribe wherever you're  listening that way you don't miss any   new episodes we would also appreciate if you  could leave a rating and review if you have   any questions about anything that was discussed  today head to and reach out we   would love to hear from you. This episode  was produced and edited by Lilton Moore.

2022-12-06 00:31

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