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Hi friend, ease thank you for clicking on this video, today. We're, gonna talk about discontinued. Maker brands. Failed. Makeup brands, brands, about out of business. Basically, if you like this. Topic. Is pretty. Irrelevant right, now as one, of pretty. Popular and, loved, influencers. Brand when, our business, recently I mean then he announced. That people. Get upset and I, can understand. But, we're gonna talk about that one later in. The video and, I'm still gonna start strong and the first banner on the list is actually Chrome amici, Chrome, AVG was, the, original. Kardashian. Makeup, brand that, went out of business, it. Launched. In 2012. And, barely lasted, a year. So. Why. Why, did exactly, it go, out of business. Firstly. Crumby. Chili's huge copyright. Infringement, lawsuits. From. Several, companies one. Of them was. LA. Based chroma Beauty with C and the. Second one was chroma, with a que without an age which, is a Florida, company. But. That. Was not the only reason that this, company was not successful. Basically. Um. For. Chrome amici. Traditions. Were more of like a face of the brand. Well. Now as. Owners. Of k'kaw. And Kylie, cosmetics they. Market, themselves more. As. Brand, owners, the. Actual brand owner is and they lick their own fingers, with swatches. How. Creamy. Are these shadows. You. Guys like literally have no idea this, was like and, please feel free to make your own licked, wet fingers, Jax well we'll have to embarrass my, new bullying publicly, and. You, can see some of their lip products, in Tara. Baby's most recent, the products. Collection, and declutter where, she showed chrome, amici, lip, pencils, and. Another. Brand I'm gonna talk about is actually Versace. This line got. Discontinued. In 2009. So. I heard about this friend. Discontinued. Within the recent couple. Of years but. I wasn't, really curious, or interested about, this because. I thought of it as like this basic, Bujji. Bride like she wants she or as the water and. Normally. Those friends, don't exactly piqued my attention. So. I just. Disregard, their existence. Generally. But. Then. I saw, the packaging. For the for such makeup, and, my jaw just dropped, it's, so. Bomb, so. It's. Breathtaking, basically. Because they base they, make a packaging. On there's some more Medusa. And as, well and. Personally. I feel like they could, have made. A, big. Great, comeback. If, they relaunched a makeup line when. HS, crime, story, the, mother I, mean. American crime story the, matter of Gianni Versace, came out on. The screen as this, was, a hugely, popular show. But. As, Gianni. Versace's, family, don't support the show this. Is just a pure speculation, or. What could have been but. So. I'm. Very, impressed by, the style and the packaging. And I. Feel like a lot. Of people would have liked to support. Versace, brand, after, American. Crime stories show and. You. Can, support. Something by buying something, small like lipstick. Or face powder easier then. Actually buying, their, bougie, luxurious, uber. Expensive, clothing made. From movie, stars. So. Again. A smart. Business decision, could could, that have been but. For such a still makes perfumes, and I guess if you want to support the brand but, she don't.

Really Venture. Into. Boosh, expensive. Clothing you can support them by picking. Up some of their perfumes or the third path that went out of business that I'm gonna talk about is playboy makeup. Play, boom playboy. Merchandise, was huge from the E Plus. Channel. Show the clothes next door was. Coming out and I. Also seemed that the, business people behind, the, brand or. Inspired, by the success the. Alleged success, of. Playboy. And Mac corporation. In 2003. And then, they decided, to give the bunny its own makeup line. Which. Was available in, a, super. Drug and also, uterus, the. Brand went. Out of business because, playboy, merchandise. And the, whole Edie lost, its popularity and. I. Also have to admit that. The. Show is very. Sexist. And it objectifies. Women so. He Hafner, was very controlling, the, girls had, a curve, he on the show when. They weren't allowed to leave the house after 9 p.m. if. They, wanted, to leave the house even before that time, they. Had to ask for permission they. Weren't allowed, to bring any guests family, in the house and. Also one of the requirements to be on the show was, to have. Unprotected. Group sex, Oh twice. A week, oh you, have nerd rugs and, assaulted. Multiple. Girls in the industry. He. Is the same drug that his friend Bill Cosby, used to drug and assault women. And, a. Lot. Of people give you half the role of credit, for, being so progressive and, supporting gay rights but. That. Does not cancel the, fact. That that. Person is a was a sexual, predator and. The. Horrible things that he did. So. A good thing that that, ran when I wanted a business, and I, don't think it, would have. Been popular if, it came out, any. Time, recent. Another. Brand I want to talk about is obsessive compulsive. Cosmetics or. OCC. This. Brand was founded, by a professional, makeup, artist David. Class. Fold in. 2004. And. This brand, entered. The, market, with their inner innovative. Lip. Suarez, which. Were one. Of the first liquid. Lipsticks, we. Were liquid, not match our, lipsticks, in those squeezy, tubes they. Were very unique, and. New. For, that time and. The. Brain quickly gained popularity among, our. Indie. Libraries, and makeup, artists, and. Some. Time after when, Sephora. Saw. The popularity, they actually decided to. Stock.

In The brand the brand and, draw the contract, with them so this brand was actually huge earlier, in 2000. When, it came out I watched. Several, online. MBA. Courses. They. Turned at that time because, some. Of them. Were. Released, for free because, of how old they were and almost. Every tutorial. By, those anyways, featured. OCC. Lip saris. But. When. The. Products reached, the forum the problem started. Basically. Are the. Products. Were too fussy, a messy, for, regular, consumers, as opposed. To like, avid into libraries and makeup artists, who, were ready to go an extra mile, but. Regular. Consumer. Who. Has a limited, time to get ready in the morning and he. Wants. To go out at, night not, worrying about the, lipsticks. Marrying, over the face we're. All. Concerned. Disappointed. With the brand, it. Was too messy for them and. As. For, has done a return policy in the u.s. as, we all know that. Actually, started. To. Give. Started. To harm the brand image, but. The. The. Products were very unique, and creative, they. Had, unusual. Colors. And, the. Whole concept was very new you'd gone but. Obviously, actually. Reacted, to the criticism, and they, came out with new, packaging. Which. Reminds, us of regular. Modern. Liquid. Lipstick, packaging. And, it. Had a do food applicator, and. Allegedly. Had a need easier, formula, to apply. However. Sephora. Ordered. Five. Hundred. Ninety. Thousand. Worth. Of the product but, they terminated. The vendor. Relationship. With FCC in. April. 2015. So. Actually, they canceled, the order and, they. Refused, to pay even the half of the cost because, they were saying that that, the, production, was not fast enough or. For. Sephora. Basically. They were saying that, they. Needed, new, products, faster. The. No CC, could physically, provide, them with a, bus, so resurrection. To that OCC. Follows, a lawsuit against, Sephora, for the breach of contract, but not. Only, Sephora. Refuses, to pay they also. Demanded. Even more money. Which. Was. Eight. Hundred thirty two thousand. Seven, hundred dollars as, a compensation, for all the unsold, products, in the stores. And they, were threatening, to liquidate, the products, that, were in the stores at whatever, cost which. Of course. Harmed. The, brand dangerously. And. Sephora. Won the lawsuit and the OCC. Lost. It accordingly. This. Is actually, one of the, most. Famous cases of, how the big guys, destroyed. The small ones and the. General consensus. Is that Sephora. Did. The OCC, dirty, they. Destroyed, this. Upcoming. Ambitious. Creative brand and. After. The whole situation. Social. Media pages of, the OCC. Cosmetics. Were gone and. The. Brand disappeared. From, from. The online sphere, even though originally was an online brand, and now, none of the products are available, for sale, unfortunately. I'm. Gonna talk about is kill polish. Nail polish brand, by kathleenlights. People. All love, the formula, the nail polishes, the colors and the prices, the. Brand was very promising, there. Were rumors that the brand is gonna go to alter, within, the. Next year, but. Unfortunately kathleenlights. Announced, that the brand was closing down and. Kathleenlights. Was. Not the only owner of, the, brand she had two male, co-owners. Also. Some people speculate, that brands. Closing, down due to copyright infringement. From. Kathleen using, game of France motives.

And Themes in her winter collection. And. Another. Thing, is that she was missing out on a, huge revenue from international, customers, as she. Has a lot of international fans, but. According. To the law it's forbidden to transport. Nail, polishes, by ear so. No. Engineers customer, was actually, able to order from her. According. To the law so, it's not about to order nail polish is for my brother I have, actually ordered the nail polishes, from sharpness a among the rest of. Things. Internationally. But, I didn't know about the law back that and everything, came so, nothing. Was held at the border but. Of course I'm not gonna do anything like that again because, I am a law-abiding citizen. But. All. Of those reasons are mere. Speculation. But. Um, Kathleen. Herself, said, that the, clothing of the brand is connected, to some. Issues. Between her and other co-founders. And. She said that she will she, would explain. In, more. Details, in. Some further, video of what, happened to kill polish for. This of course, sadness. Because. The. Brain had such. High. Hopes and, was. So promising, but. Sometimes. Things like that happen the. Sex disk until make a brand that I'm gonna talk about is st added. Almost. Wanted. To see the infamous, as to added, that. I'm not sure that's true basically, that's the brand that launched, in. 2016. And. The. And. Basically, treated Millennials. The. Face of the brand was Kendall Jenner but. It's. Not like the potential, customers, were actually wowed, viki's, Kendall. Cooperated. With the brand, prior. To that she was one of the spokespeople, to the Astor water, brand. As, I stay the, S Tierra is the daughter company. For, a, steel. Odor and. The. Brand came out with a chichi, products. At the same time as soon as it launched, and, actually. What I launched, the, brand was projected, to reach 60 millions, dollars. In the first year and that didn't happen this. Is exactly why the brand went out of business but, looking. Into. The reasons, of why this happened, I can say that, and. What experts. Note. That. This, brand had a lack of personal, touch. Unlike. Very, popular, Kylie, cosmetics, align. The. St added by basically, had no connection, to kennel, Jenner except for her in the pictures, if. They, could have released, products, gradually. Or have. At least one, individually. Branded, product, for Kendall Jenner like Kendall. Access. The added, or kendall Jenner collection, then, of course um the. Most likely is that the brand would have more success and, more sales but. Instead of that it. Was just. A basic, big. Collection. Of 82, items. Not. Tied to come on general otherwise, other than her face on. Advertisements. Also. Another, thing that makes it look like me became our Jenna wasn't the best choice is. That in several. Entries Kendall, says she doesn't really wear, much, makeup. But. Nevertheless, if. As. The, Asti adage could, have taken advantage, of working with candle, and having. Some name, branded, items. They. Would still have success. And unfortunately, the brand didn't have success. Didn't have any expected, expected. Success. And. They. Didn't reach the projected. Goal as I have said the. Final brand I'm gonna talk about is called polar dwarf I actually never heard about this brand before but, it's. A maker brand that, announced. Bankruptcy. In 2008. It's a makeup brand one. Of the most popular, items. At. The time was a liquid, transforming. Gel that.

If You. Put it on top of an eyeshadow or lipstick, it will make it super long-lasting and. Lasts all day. But. Oh. The. Brand announced bankruptcy. Shortly, after. World. Crisis. So I assume, that's what really affected, the brand. As. Well as. Experts. Say that the, brand liked further, innovation. Other, than, her already, established, liquid transforming, jaws and she. Had too much of it she, had too much inventory. And. It. Was a hard, to keep up with all the products. Being. Sold, it's. Hard to make all products sell I mean. The. Brand was apparently. Sold. In Sephora, and in, some other. Multi-brand. Retailer, is also, an iteration, strawberry, net strawberry. Nest oxlike, called make. Half that. That's. Already expired, so, we don't think we. Should require. It strawberry, nut as a. Retailer. All the time this. Bag was actually, sold, from. A research I can see them they still have their website up but, when I go to the website, and scroll all the way to, it. Is actually, actually, says copyright. 2017. Even. Though the, year is 2018. And to me that just proves, that a brand actually went out of business I also. Have some honorable, mentions for. Discontinued. Brands one. Of them is called Blackbird, Cosmetics, a lot, of people really love the brand and they message, and they're really sorry that the brand closed down the, best sellers, were, matte, eyeshadows. A lot of people say that the quality was amazing. And also. The same thing was matte blushes I mean, people still rave. About them and even. After, the brand closed. Down they, bought. Some from makeup exchanges, and again, a lot of people really want that brand back and another. One and another, honorable, mention, I want to bring up is Calvin. Klein makeup, and not. The bougie luxury brand who actually had, a makeup line and, I. Found, some pictures of, the products that they had but, when I um, look. Them up nothing. Really comes, up, instead. Of off like, old. Websites. Like eBay or, freeze. So. I don't really know why exactly did. This, brand, get, discontinued. No. Insight, no anything but. Just. Mentioned that, just. Mention that Calvin Klein is another one that went.

Out Of business. So. Anyways, thank, you for watching this, video please let me know if you have tried any of these products, or, if you have any valuable. Insights, on, any of the brands maybe you know more than I have said. Maybe. You know some to you whatnot, or. Of course of course or, feel, free to share, your opinions, about what's the dramas and why. The brands went out of business and, if you miss any of the brands that I named, so. Hopefully. I will see you in my next video bye, bye.

2019-03-08 14:49

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