Make Wellness Your Business: Mental Health in the Workplace

Make Wellness Your Business: Mental Health in the Workplace

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Hello. And welcome, to today's webinar on mental, health in the workplace, this. Is part of the make wellness your business series of webinars and is a product, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's, workplace, health Resource Center my, name is Jason lang I'm the team lead for workplace health programs at, CDC's, National, Center for chronic disease, prevention and health promotion and. I will be serving as the moderator for, today's webinar please. Take. A moment to read our standard, disclaimer. We're. Excited to be addressing the topic of mental health in the workplace today, an estimated. 50% of all Americans, or is diagnosed, with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime and, workplace. Based support, systems, can be a vital mechanism, for identifying, and treating mental illness and improving employee quality, of life during. Today's webinar we'll hear from, our. Subject matter expert, on mental, health in the workplace she. Will discuss the business case for addressing, mental health in the workplace and, will share strategies and, resources that can be integrated, into, a workplace health promotion program, I, will. Introduce CDC's. Workplace, health Resource Center and highlight. Some of the mental health resources, it contains, we'll. Highlight some ways for you to stay connected and involved in CDC's workplace, health program efforts and. You'll. Have an opportunity to engage in some questions the answer. Now. It is my pleasure to introduce today's presenter, aria, Darlie, is the associate, director of the center for workplace, mental health which, is part of the American Psychiatric Association, foundation. In that. Role she develops, the Center's website resources, and monthly publications, helping. Employers make the business case for addressing, mental health in the workplace she. Previously served as the, director, of health promotion at well-spaced a company. Providing wellness, and fitness programs to corporations, and individuals, and, as, corporate, health director, with the. COPD. Foundation, and federal, occupational. Health. Thank. You areia for joining us today we. Are ready for your present, I'll let you call your slides up and the, floor is yours I want. To say thank you Jason for that warm introduction, I'm, delighted, to speak with all of you today and I'm, sure that we can all acknowledge that, there's, work that we have to do to change the perception, of, workplace. Mental health and so, thanks, to all of you for being willing to do the work and thank, you for participating in, this webinar discussion. A, little. Bit about the, center and the, Center for workplace mental health and what we do we, are the leading voice on workplace, mental health we're, a program and Jason said earlier, established.

Through. The American, Psychiatric Association, foundation. A little. Bit about what we do. Our. Goal, is really to provide, tools and resources for, you as employers to, build mentally, healthy, to build a mentally healthy workplace and, to be able to support your employees and, their, families, we, do this by advancing. Best practices, in promoting the, business case and through. The advanced and best practices, we're all about facilitating, that peer-to-peer learning through, our case studies which I'm going to share three, of them a little later also, we're all about providing easily, accessible, information through our website. Also. What we do is we, expand network, and broaden the visibility, of workplace, mental health the topic Excel by, participating. And speaking, with groups like yourself, and participate, in webinars and. Conferences. And so on and so forth we, also. Want. To disseminate. Those high-impact, programs. To help employers truly, take action. So. Here's. What we know about mental, health conditions, we, know that number one it matters, this, is not a topic that's going to go away, mental. Illnesses are common, much, more than probably. Our society, tends to acknowledge, in fact. One, in five people are affected. Most. People who need help, unfortunately. Don't get the help that they need more than. 50 percent of adults with mental illnesses, did not receive, mental, mental, health, services, in the previous, year, and this is despite the fact that we know treatment, works so. Mental illnesses, are the major cause of disability. Absenteeism. Presenteeism. And lost, productivity for, dogs in the prime of their working years, people. Often suffer for years before. Getting the treatment they need and typically. This, is, for decade, or more, at, which point more, problems, start to develop. Employees. With untreated mental illnesses, who, go to work do so with. Impairments. That affect them mentally. Physically, and emotionally. Needless. To say this is costly, for employers, but. It's also a priority, for, employers, a. Recent. Survey, conducted. By Willis. Powers Watson, s, almost. 400. Large. Employers, what's. Important, to you as, priorities. Employers. Listed, timely. And effective treatment. They, also listed integration, of behavioral health case management with, medical, disability, case management, they. Listed provision, of better support, for complex, behavioral, health conditions and. They also wanted to know more about expansion. Of access, to care. Also. Louis. Howard wasn't released information about. What. Employers, were actually, doing the, activities, around was. Interest, what's of interest to them before. 2017, and, then moving, beyond that so. One was reducing, stress and resiliency. Reducing. Stigma and then, also educating. Employees about the warning, signs of mental health conditions, but. As we move beyond, 2017. When, a survey was released you. Can see a greater number of employers, wanting. To do more, around, the. Topics. Listed. A little bit earlier. So. All this attention around, mental health why, are people not getting the access, to care. Well. A study revealed that some, reasons why could. Be people, just don't know where to go for services, they. Believe that the, problem can be handled without treatment, and it'll, just go away. Some. People believe that, they. Don't have time in their busy schedules, to go for care. They're. Concerned, about confidentiality. Concerned. About if I share, this information with, you, or someone else will I be judged. They're. Also thinking, that if they, disclose their.

Condition. To their employer how is it going to affect their job. Most. Of these can really correlate, when you think about it with, the work environment. All. Of these reasons that the study revealed are barriers. That exist right now as. Employers. I really. Want to empower you, and, I want to encourage you and let. You know that you. Really have an incredible amount, of influence as we. Start to tear down these barriers. When. You think about it. Six, stigma for example, employers. Can change culture of Health employers. Can provide, support for those, who are seeking health employers. Can even increase, awareness and. When. You also think about this in a deeper way. Employers. Make decisions, about health benefits. They. Make decisions about EAP, and wellness, programs. Occupational. And other website, wellness programs they. Also have. Influence, on implementation, of laws and quality. Assurance. So. What employers can do well, there's a toolkit, that we currently. Offer to, employers, and this, toolkit was put together in collaboration, with the National, Alliance on Mental Health. Mental, Illness New York City Metro the. Center for workplace, mental health and northeast Business Group on health. PricewaterhouseCoopers. In the kid in need Kennedy forum as we. Talked about the steps on what employers can do the, message is really simple know, the impact, break. The silence deliver. Affordable access, and build, a culture, of well-being, and, because. This topic in itself. Can be daunting. This. Toolkit, really simplifies, the steps for employers to mate in, addressing. Mental, health and really. Make it actionable. So. It's important to know the impact so you know really how to respond. Look. At your population. And data what. Are the direct cost what, are the indirect, cost what are the prevalence, rates, when. You look at the direct, cost look at your claims data for medical, mental, health and pharmacy, spin how, many people are even actually using EAP. When. You're looking at indirect, cause sometimes, it's quite difficult. To quantify but. Those. Are the factors that really cost employers, you're. Looking at absenteeism, presenteeism. Short-term, disability, for, mental health conditions. And. What are the prevalence, rates you. Can also look at what are the trends as employees, are moving towards, more conscious, access, addressing, mental health conditions. You measure enough. Again. When we understand. The impact, we, know that the direct cost is what we, see on the surface but. Looking, at the impact on a deeper scale we see that those, indirect. Cost is what really truly adds up, again. We talked about disability. Presenteeism, in lost productivity absenteeism. But. Think about it unrealized, output, stress. On team members, all, the time to cover sick day absences. Over. Staffing, temporary, workers, and so on. What. Lies beneath become. So much more. And, when we look at depression alone the. Economic, impact and the factors, that are beneath the surface. Depression. Cost employers. Two, hundred, and ten point, five billion. Dollars, in one. Year. Think. About that for a minute. Suppression. Is estimated, to cause 400. Million lost work days each, year, and, in. A three-month period employees. With depression miss an average of four point eight four. Days and have, eleven, point five days of reduced productivity.

Quite. Significant, so. Knowing, the impact can take. Some, sophisticated, effort, and we. Have tools to help you do that. Understand. The number of employees impacted, that's, really an important, step and the, financial, cost burden that's associated with that we. Have one-line calculators, that can help you quantify the cost of mental health and substance use conditions. Specifically. Depression. Alcohol. And substance, use. We. Just really says actually. A new depression calculator, and I would encourage you to use it there's. Also access. To, resources, within the calculator, to help you address, those. Conditions. So. Once we know the impact the. Next step is break the filings we. Get many employers who kind, of get caught up in a step almost making. It overwhelming, to implement, but, we say keep, it simple, start. By understanding, your organization's. Culture so. I'll give you an example if half, of your company, works, remotely and they happen to be on the East Coast it, doesn't. Make sense necessarily, to, schedule, lunch, and learns on. The. West coast at your headquarters. Also. You want to. Share. Your organization's. Commitment to, mental health, express. It and express it often, it's. Really important, that, employees. Know that this is not a one-time, event that you're really committed to this endeavor. Train. Your leaders, managers. And employees on how to recognize the early warning signs before. Make something major happens. Also. On bright break into silence. Tackling. Stigma and improvement workplace, mental. Health is really important, ensure, that your senior leaders discuss, the importance, of mental health often, when. Employees, know that their leaders are fully engaged and they're committed to this whole process they. Become increasingly more, engaged. Notify. Your health planning your EAP program. That you are addressing mental health oftentimes. The EAP and your health plans can be a resource, and they, can offer additional, resources, for you, train. Your managers on, how to effectively. Respond, to behavioral performance. Issues. So. There. Are two turnkey, programs, that the center offers the Center for workplace mental mental health offers, one. Is the right direction and, the other is ICU we. Make these programs completely free, to employers, because that's. What we do, right. Direction is a depression initiative and, ICU, which stands for identify, connect, and understand, the, way forward is more, of a peer-to-peer.

Emotional. Response program, that teaches, employees, how to respond, when they, notice, a co-worker experiencing. Some kind of emotional, distress as. We. Discussed, these, programs, I really. Want to emphasize that you should find the one that's right for you, one. That fits your company, culture and the needs of your employees, so, we've listed quite a few here and we, say to explore. I'm. Going to detail more information, about right direction and I see you because these, are the ones that we offer of, course in and these, are ones that I know well. Resurrection. Is a, depression, awareness, initiative, it was developed by employers, health in Canton. Ohio and, the. Center for workplace, mental, health so we did that in collaboration, there. Are materials, for employers, and employees. So we take a two-prong approach with, this program the, goal is to really increase the awareness about depression and encourage. People who are help seeking and then, for employers. We. Offer those materials. That are current II meaning that, all you have to do is just go to right direction for me calm. And create, a free account and, everything. You need is right there whether, you're just starting out or you. Are trying to enhance something. That already exists, and. At, the center of ICU, is, a. Five. Minute video again. The. ICU. Stands for identify, the signs connect, with the person and then understand, the way forward the. Five, minute video teaches, employees how to identify warning. Signs and connect with colleagues and reach, out for help. It. Was developed by DuPont, and delivered, to their, over, 70,000. Employees worldwide, and, it, was given to the center just because of their success in the program it was given to the center to share with, other employers. If. The platform for, promoting existing. Company, benefits and programs. So you can use, it if white labeled and you can use it to, fit within your own branding, structure. So. This is the beginning a picture of the boat, I see. You program, and to, access the, actual video you can go to workplace mental, health or, for, / employer, - resources. For / ICU. So. Just, a little bit more about ICU, it's been, used by companies large and small across several, different industries, more than one hundred and nine thousand, employees in seven, different states have been exposed to the program we're. Currently translating. It to Spanish and Portuguese, through. A partnership with the multinational. Organization. So. This. Gives you an idea, about what. Depression. Feels like for someone who may be experiencing. Experiencing. It and then, also it, gives. Those who may, see. Defend, it from, the outside what. To kind, of look for so. When you see someone who may be, filling someone, may be experiencing. These, feelings of sadness to, a co-worker, it may look like withdrawal. From the team or that person. May isolate themselves, someone. Who is experiencing, depression they. Feel loss of interest in work or social, activities but, to a co-worker it may look like indifference. So. Really again when, you share. This with someone or your employees, you begin to understand, or they begin to understand, things. From a different perspective and, they can respond with a sense of compassion and understanding. So. The next step in. The. Toolkit, that we mentioned deliver. Affordable, access, this, is a big one delivering, affordable, access to care is more than just making. Sure it's available it's, also about, making. Sure that you deliver it to employees. And that they know that it, exists. Examine. Your organization's, data and engage your, employees. 20 satisfaction. Surveys, is one way to do it you can also engage employees on what's working and accessing. Mental health care talk. To them see what they're experiencing, also, you want to look at your claim data in your EAP data, provide. Health risk appraisals, with mental health questions, you, can work with your EAP vendor, to share information and support, for those screening, positives, so. Steps. To improving. And. Delivering. The portable access you, want to promote your, EAP. Again. And understand, their current use. Unfortunately. Utilization, rates are low. Across, the nation and as, you understand, your current use you want to be careful about how utilization.

Rates Are even defined, instead. Of phone calls from import, information, it. Makes sense to measure, utilization. In terms of context. With the program that results, in full assessment, of the participants, needs so, if they're calling and they need to be connected with mental health services, we, want to measure if they're actually getting access to, those mental health services. Examine. Your organization's, mental health benefits what's covered, what, services are covered if collaborative. Care being offer are the. CP Toth CPT. Billing, codes turned on how's, your network adequacy, do. Employees have access, to. The information and, are they able to navigate through the system, there's. Your health, plan you can comply with mental health parity, sometimes. It's helpful for. Leaders. And establishing. The mentally, healthy workforce to. Go through the process yourself and, understand. What's what's. It like to navigate through the system. You. And. Then, finally, we have build, a culture, of well-being. So. We. Want to move beyond, wellness. Programs, to holistic. Well-being, and yes. The walk and worksite wellness challenges. Are great and it boosts morale yes. The health fairs are great and unless employees, know about their physical health but. Now we, want to move beyond. That and incorporate every. Piece. Every, aspect. Of the person. That involves, a cultural, shift share. Values, effective, communication. And environmental, changes, trust. And commitment are the. Cornerstone, to a cultural, shift. Employers. Are Finn return, on investment, with effective, workplace mental, health initiatives, what's, really important, that you, make a full effort, to address it and, remember. That every, work environment, is really different. Is, special, and unique but. Also you want to look at the values and stresses of your own workplace, and build. On that. So. To learn more about, innovation. In the workplace we encourage, you to, subscribe, to our mental health works monthly, online publication. It's, currently distributed to over 50,000. Readers and, this is where we feature our, latest. Case studies mental, health topics and, mental, health news we. Also encourage you to review our case studies, we, now offer a searchable, database, more. Than 60 this, is what, it says but it's actually more than 70 case studies that we now have, we, also share issue, briefs, guides, and, more and we again, encourage you to explore. So. What. I'll do now is, it's. Always helpful when you can, connect. And understand what other companies, are doing again going back to that peer to peer learning so. I'll share three, case studies with you and these are all employers, who are doing an advert innovative, work around, mental, health and. They have all made a commitment, to ensure that their work is one going so it's not a one-time, deal, they. Are also making, sure that their employees are getting the help and access to care when they need it the first, one that I'll share is sprint where. They. Have been more. Impact. And data-driven, the. Last two that I'll share. Prove. That no matter what stage an employer, is in as, far as implementation. They. Have the tools and they have the resources to do something, that. Will be effective. So a little bit about Sprint's, they're, headquartered in Overland, Park Kansas, they, have 31,000. Employees. Approximately. And, they're. Categorized. Under the industry, I mean under the industry, of information. So. Sprint created, a very, robust. Wellness. Program called sprint alive and spoon, alive was, meant. To address each employee as a whole, physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. Mentally, socially, and, even financially. One. Of our advisory, council members led the effort in establishing. Sprint Alive and also, created, real effort, around mental. Health conditions, mainly, depression, their. Big question, was if, the question is so common, how, it is is it impacting us and with, this impact are our, employees, getting. Care and access, to. Mental. Health services, in. Our. Database, we actually, have, two stories when Sprint the, two stories truly highlight, the evolution. Behind, their efforts first, in 2005. And then again, a little. Bit around, ten years later so. What they did is they quantify, the cost using. The depression, calculator, they. Surveyed, their employees, to find out what. They knew about mental, health conditions, what they were accessing, they, also created, brochures, about benefits.

And Details, they, asked. What. Are you experiencing, and why does mental health matter. They. Sent postcards to, employees, to. Their homes and, depression. Stats and also, they included contact, information. To. Help their. Employees, they. Helped fear, of series of lunch and learns they, even held a company what company-wide. Webcast, on depression. Led by select psychiatrist. They. Also discuss, other mental health topics. Again. This is over a period of time so. Their, depression initiative began, with just information, and education, and then they move to mental. Health data, and, information. About how employees. Were getting access, as a, result, just in 2012. To 2013, their. Behavioral, health. Engagement. Went from 103. In, 2012. To 159. In. 2013. Their. Combined savings will write care support, meaning that those, who needed mental. Health services, were being matched properly. That. Went from 32,000. To 41, thousand, dollars in savings. Their. Referrals to eep behavioral, health specialists, increase, and this is a big one it increased. From. 257. To. 604. Just, in one year so now. Talk a little bit about RK, they're. Headquartered in, Denver Colorado, they. Have 1,100. Employees, and. Their. Industry is manufacturing. RK. Is a construction, company as I said before and. They. Did, something as a result of a tragedy, and. That's unfortunate. An employee. Died by, suicide. When. This employee. Co-workers. Begin to process the tragic event many, said we. Should have known when. He stated that he, was giving away all his tools and many. Of them felt guilt because, they said that they, didn't recognize the, signs and in retrospect they. Said. The signs seemed so obvious, the. Leadership at RK. Then made a commitment, to share their story and do something, to help prevent, this from happening to. Their own company. Again but, then they also wanted, to help, other companies, to prevent this from happening, the. CEO, created. A resource, in collaboration. With the National, Alliance for suicide prevention and. Despenser. Foundation, called, construction, industry. Blueprint, they. Also look into programs, that already existed. And they truly leverage, those programs, within their own workplace, so, they look at toolbox, talks, suicide. Preventing, training for managers, in health. Counseling, man therapy the biggest thing is that they. Also they gave back to the Spencer foundation because, they, knew that that. Would also help, to expand programming, and research and. Lastly. I just want to share a little bit about DuPont. They're. Headquartered, in Wilmington, Delaware, they, have about 70,000. Employees and. They. Fall under management, of. Companies. And enterprises. So. DuPont, has been around for a very long time.

Since. 1802. They. Had been the first to establish an, on-site. Alcoholics. Anonymous program. At work they. Were one, of the first companies to develop a corporate support, program which is now known as EAP. They. Already had a robust EAP but just, like many other companies they, began to see, low utilization. But, high cases, of disability, and, increasing. In an increasingly, high. Environment. And sometimes. That high-performance. Environment. Is cold, word for high-stress, provoking. Environment. They. Confirm that their. Initial thoughts. In. Maintaining. And seeing what the results, were for their, employees. Were. By. Actually. Including. Mental health questions, and pH. Too too thin to HRAs, they, also confirm, what they were seeing by assessing, work, environment, stressors through work environments, and tool and then. They also looked, at focusing. On emotional organ. Onyx as a. Result, they created. What. We now know as ICU. We. Detailed that a little bit earlier the. Program was rolled out to their over 70,000. Employees with. The program and high. Commitment. To addressing mental health conditions, there EAP, utilization. Went up and in double, the national average and so. Recognizing its success, and wanting to give that just, the same as our K did, they. Asked the center to make it available to all, employees, across. The nation, so, the center created, a version that again, could fit within your own branding, structure. So. That's. Just, a few examples of some. Success. In, companies. Addressing, mental health. In the workplace and. Our. Advice for employers, is, really, keep, it simple, don't. Reinvent, the wheel there, are resources. And information out there for you that you can use know. Your key constituents. Everybody's. Buy-in is needed and it's really, encouraged. Connect. To your organization's. Core values. And. Finally. You. Want to identify partners. There. Are organizations. That are available like, the center for workplace mental health and also, the, Center for Disease Control workplace. Health Resource Center that are, here, to help you create a mentally, healthy workforce, and I, said finally but actually there's one more leverage. Free resources. So. Here, are some of the organizations. That, have. Reported tremendous, success and using some of our resources. And. For. Those of you listening we. Want to. Hear from you we, want to know what, your, needs are what. You're experiencing. Or whether, it's. Whether. If you want to share your story or. You want to have a greater connection, to the topic, or whether. You want to use some of our resources we really, want to hear from you and so. Here's. My contact, information, and I also work, with my. Distinguished, colleagues. Our secret, Azzaro who's also the. Director, for workplace, mental health and we. Say keep in touch. Thank. You so much Jason and thank you all for listening. Thank. You area that was a great presentation I appreciate, you sharing some. Great data tools. Resources. Case. Studies turnkey, programs, practical, information that. Really any employer. Of any size can use so in, a moment we'll open it up for questions, I see some have already come into the question pane great keep them coming, while. I give, you a moment or two to type, in those questions, just. As a reminder. Submit. Them using the, question pane at the bottom of your webinar control panel. And, while you do that I do want to tell you a few things about the CDC, workplace, health resource center, if. You are not already familiar. CDC. Created, the, workplace, health resource center to give employers free, access, to the tools and information they, need to launch, or expand, workplace, health from programs, that could, of course include a mental health focused, it's.

A One-stop-shop for evidence-based. Credible, resources, and, the, resources, it contains touch. All aspects, workplace health, so. There's really something, for everyone here. Currently. CDC's. Workplace, health resource, Resource, Center contains, more than 500. Resources. And that. List, continues. To grow. Each. And every month, resources. Include case studies and, real-life, examples, from organizations. From all over the country and of different sizes. Resources. On emerging, issues such as mental health strategies. To address health and safety at the worksite. Materials. To help small business, in. Designing, workplace, health promotion programs. Evidence-based. Summaries, issue, briefs, webinars. Videos. Infographics. And. So much more. For. Example, this. Slide shows a screenshot of, the workplace health Resource Center we, have search results, using, the keyword mental health, if. You simply, click, on one of the titles the. First one says depression, in the workplace. You, are directed, to the resource in, this case an article on depression, in the workplace you. Can even, use a 5-star, rating system to give your feedback about each, of the resources to help not only yourself. But others who use the resource center to quickly find things that are very, helpful to practitioners. We. Update, the website regularly. So, check back often. For new resources on various topics again. Including. Mental health. You, can browse mental, health resources, from different organizations. In. Addition to the ones that are reassured, with her with, all of us in her presentation. This. Slide shows four, mental health resources, currently, available in, the workplace health resource center, one. Is from the Kentucky, Chamber of Commerce which, is a mental health assessment. There's. A PowerPoint, presentation, from. CDC, discussing, mental health and chronic disease in the workplace. The, CDC, Foundation, business pulse has, an infographic, on, stress and mental health and there's.

A How-to manual, featuring. Actionable, mental health practices, by help guide. The. CDC has resources, and tools to help individuals, who are seeking help or treatment, and the. Workplace health Resource Center is just one of the many resources, that. CDC has developed in. This regard, we. Invite, you to stay connected by, visiting, the, Resource Center to learn about new product. Updates. And upcoming events this spring we will continue. Our conversation. About mental health in the workplace by. Offering, to recorded. Expert, interviews, the, first, expert, interview will cover depression, in the, workplace featuring, one of areas colleagues, and, the director, of the center for workplace mental health Darci grew sodaro, and marcus. Miles from, employer, self and, the, second, interview will feature Deborah, Galvin from. Samsa, and, dr.. Laurie Clough from RTI, to. Discuss substance, misuse in, the workplace including the, current discussion, on the opioid, crisis. Lastly. Please follow us on social, media to, get the latest news and updates via, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn if you'd, like to receive more information about upcoming, events, or have follow-up, questions you. Can e-mail workplace. Health at, and. We will respond, to you okay. So react. Now it's time for questions and, answers. Let. Me address one that was posted by several folks which is access. To today's, webinar, we. Will be archiving this, and adding it as, one, more resource in the. Workplace. Health resource center so. That will be up shortly. For. All of you to have. To. Our. First question area is, are. There or what are the, resources, out, there to, train. Leaders. Managers. And. Employees. To recognize, the early warning signs, and. What, to do if you see them for. Folks with. Mental health issues, I. Assume. That would be some. Of the turnkey programs he talked about like I see, you and right, direction cuts if. You want to expand on those for, leaders and managers or, if you know of others we'd, love to hear. Sure. Well. I did, mention I see you in right direction there. Materials. To inform and educate leaders, on recognizing. The signs and there. Are also several. Commercially. Commercial, entities, that offer training, of course on for, additional cost but the Cenacle workplace mental health does recognize, additional. Leadership and manager, training. As a concern for employers, but I would say definitely start with the ICU, and bright Direction materials, because it really, shows signs of recognizing. Signs. And, warning, signs for those who may be in, distress we, are also. Working to understand, the needs and the levels, of. Employers. To to. Fill that gap and. Should. There be oh so. That that's actually the answered that question I'm not going to go on I'm sure you have other questions too. Yeah. Just to follow up for me on that so you know the signs for, a co-worker. To. Recognize, and engage one of their cool other. Co-workers, you. Know would those be the same as what you know a manager, or supervisor would, be looking out for. And. If they're different could you point out the differences, and if, they're the same do you have any words of wisdom on, you know guidance, for having those conversations between. An employee and their. Supervisor, which would. Probably be very different from a co-worker to co-worker kind of conversation. Right. That is true but what we've seen and. Many of our employers. That we from is that the first step is it's. Really you. Know educating. Everyone. About, recognizing. Those sons and you're right there there may be some different interaction, between peer to peer you, know interaction, and a, manager. And you know their their. Employee but what, I will say is that the. ICU, the. ICU. Program. Actually offers, those slides and those training set really, speak to what, employers. Or managers, leaders may need. To hear in order to recognize those signs and I would say there. Are a, lot of a, lot. Of information out there you. Can tie it to performance, in terms of employers. And. You know being, compassionate and respectful. Of. Confidentiality. That's, really, important, for you. Know when. You're in the leadership position, but.

Ultimately, It's about awareness, and education as, well. Great. Thank, you. Next, question, is. How. Do you think the focus, of employers. And worksite, wellness practitioners. Can, be shifted, from. One on mental health conditions, and treatment, to one that focuses on creating, organizations. And workplaces, that, promote and create the conditions for employee, mental, well-being. Thriving. And flourishing. So. I kind of interpret, this one to be how do we shift it from illness. And disease to. Positive. Attributes, of mental. Health. Okay. Um I, think. It's really more about, like, when you're talking about well-being. More. About resiliency. And. Teaching. Of, course we're gonna have stress, and we. Have to be able to recognize stress, and be, able to deal with it but how, do you get past that not stay, in a, current state of you know stress, and just, a. Place. Where you're constantly, you know having to deal with. Just. Issues, that are kind of bothering you down. So you know the importance, of moving, from. For. Mental health condition to a state, of well-being requires. That a culture, of people. Are not feeling lonely, or you know that loneliness has come the, topic, of loneliness has come up a lot, in our discussions, and what we're trying to do is let, people know that you have to build that that culture, where people can communicate with one another and, not feel isolated so, it's. Really constant, communication. And, you know expressing, that importance, of resiliency, and stress and stress. Management and. Then you, know making sure people are not isolated. Great. Thank you. Next, one I have here is during, your discussion, of the arc a case. Study one. Of the behavioral, engagements. Listed. On the slide was something called man therapy. Can. You describe what that is. So. So. We we talk about those stories and we. Also have the contact information, on those case studies where you can get more detail. For, each of the programs, and each of the organizations. And the contact, get information from the contact person is listed what. We can do man therapy is obviously, you know because of the industry, and. It's. A construction industry, which is no dominated. Then, it's, more focused on helping, men to talk about their mental health conditions, or what they may be experiencing. In the workplace, and so to. Get more information about the ins and outs of the program I would definitely, say look, at that case study and then, you know if you're needing more information, contact us so we can connect you with that contact, @rk. Okay. The. Next one I have here, is can. You recommend, or, know of a needs assessment tool. To. Understand. Mental, health in an, organization. And work sites that, can be conducted, by a Wellness Committee. So. That is something we. There, are tools out there and, that is something that air. That I don't, necessarily focus, on but, we recognize, that there are gaps that again, that we have to fill and I would say that that is a. Question. That I can, get the answer for you, later maybe talking to my colleagues, are see grutas ro who is very. Well, versed in this type of information, and knows about these resources, that are available so, if. You know if you can Jason I don't know we can address that question in more depth and maybe I can give a list of the. Assessment, tools that are available, and, make, sure that I'm given the right one. Great. And, again, there's at least one of them in the Resource Center now from the Kentucky, Chamber of Commerce so I don't know if that will meet the question there's needs in whole, or in parts but we are, looking.

For Those types of tools. To, be able to add. To, our database. And make available to practitioners across, the country to, help with these kind of issues. Aria. Are you. Do. You know, if. Any companies, have measured, the, impact of. The, ICU. Program. So. There's actually an assessment, tool with. ICU. That is the. Supplemental materials out, outside, of the actual video, where. You know we encourage employers. If they're going to use it to use that that tool to measure, the impact is, established as baseline and then maybe after, a few months later you know they can measure. Again, and have, employers, take that or, fill complete that survey so, you really understand, how it's impacting, your workplace we, have had organizations. And companies that have used it and have followed the. Whole implementation. Guide and so, one. Being NextEra, they. Have really really, talked. About the success of the program and again they established. That baseline and. Then they were able to measure. The success after implementation, they, continue to use it to this day. Great. Continuing. On with some of the case studies you. Showed. That EAP. Resources. Increased, significantly, in, several. Of those examples, do. You have any, more specific, strategies. That those. Employers, used. Or. Used. In conjunction with a third party like a vendor to help accomplish that. Increase. Yeah. Well that is that's, a huge. EAP. In, actual, like the health plan helped. Tremendously and. Boosting. EAP, utilization. And that's really about, the employer staying connected and making, sure they communicate, with their, vendor but, I will say aside. From the programs, that we have available. Many of them have utilized, you know different methods to see. Progress and, see a, boost, in their EAP, utilization, but what I will say is that it's, really important, again for, you, to understand, you, know your culture one. Organization, in particular I can think of they, use. The programs with and they also knew, that it was important, for them to do face-to-face. Communication. With their employees, and in doing that they start to see along. With the program implementation. They really saw a boost and they eat their EAP utilization. So it, could be many different methods, but I would say that you know using the programs, and resources, that are available but. Then also it's, important, to work with your health plans it's, important, to work with your EAP vendor. And. As usually, it is the case the. Case studies, are really popular. In. Terms of. Both. Helping practitioners, and also. The. Questions that we're getting today so one, more guy here related, to the case. Study so is. There any additional write-up. I guess, I'm meaning this to be.

Scientific. Manuscripts. Or papers, peer-reviewed. Journal stuff. Related. To the outcomes, for these. Case, study employers, whether it's health outcomes, or ROI, analysis. Or other kind of things or is is the main information. Found in the case. Study documented itself, that you guys have available, so. I. Will, say we don't have that currently but that is something that we're working on, through, our. Communication. And coordination with. KSU, can State University, they, have been, they have seen tremendous success. With the right direction program. And I, mean in fact we're going to be putting out a case study on them very shortly and they actually have a case study on the right direction website. But, they. Have you. Know they. Have seen tremendous success, and I. Mean EAP, utilization. Of over 55%, which. Is astounding. And unheard, of so because, they've been able to, again. Establish. That baseline and really, follow the, numbers, and really look at the numbers we are working jointly. With the APA American Psychiatric, Association, Foundation. And the research team are, working jointly, with them to make sure we get that information out there and really, have, a scientific, base for, the. Success, and the progress of it. Great. And will you just remind folks on on the webinar today how. They can get access to your toolkit, these. Case studies. Your. Cost calculators. All all the different things you. Talked about today what's what's the best place for them to go and access, this stuff. So. The best place to go is just to our our main website and you'll see all of the resources and information, but, it's workplace, mental, health org, it's that. Simple that easy and, you'll find the case studies, you'll find the, working. Well toolkit. You'll, find the case of the, case studies all. The information, and tools you need the calculators, and the depression calculator, like I said is it's a really big one because it helps, you to really understand, how. Your employees are been affected, so we, say use it all and use it freely, and if, you, have any questions, or need more information, we, encourage you to reach out to us. Great. And I will echo the sentiment. Of. Sending, in your your. Feedback, in comments. We. Gave you our program. Email. Address workplace, health at CDC, gov and I see some comments in the question pane about some ideas for future topics. Either. Extending, beyond, or digging deeper, into the mental, health issue with. Persons. With disabilities, as an example or, any other topic, we all love. To hear from folks out there on what, you want to hear about and. We can use our platform and forum here to help, share that so. We got just. A minute or two left, might. Be able to entertain one, more question if folks have it I think I got through most of them in the question pane here. So. Give folks another few. Seconds. The. Last, one area. For. You today is, when. It comes to mentally, healthy workplaces. What. Does success look like. How. Would you. Sum. It up for, 30. Seconds. Well. I would. Say it, depends, I mean again, we're going back to that toolkit knowing the impact, breaking. The silence of. Delivering. Affordable access to care and building, a culture a culture. Of well-being, so, whatever, that looks like to you and your workplace and following, all of those sets it's, really important, for employers to understand. Doing. Nothing, has. A high cost and so doing something will, make a huge difference so success. Is just taking, that step forward, you, know reaching out when you need help there, there's a network there there are people available, there resources, available, for employers, to -. To. Make sure that employers, are successful, in this, fifth, work and then also I mean its success, is about building your trust and changing your culture, and again that that's that takes a lot but that trust factor is so important, and it's first and foremost in my opinion, so, I would say any movement. Forward if success. And you. Know you just have to to, see within. Your workplace, whether, or not you. Want to continue, to move forward which I encourage every employer to do. Great. Thank you area well said and, thank. You to. Everyone on the line, today that's, unfortunately. All the time we have. Areia, again, I want to thank you. For. Your presentation, today and sharing all your expertise. And. Insights, on this very important. Topic. On. Behalf. Of the CDC, workplace health resource center I. Will. Close us out for today. Thank. You all and don't forget to make wellness your business, have, a good rest of your day.

2018-09-15 03:10

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