MÙA HÌNH (Trading-card Season) - Phim ngắn

MÙA HÌNH (Trading-card Season) - Phim ngắn

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FGS presents Brother! Brother! Stop playing, go home! Brother! Lend me some! Let's go home, you'd lose them all… Just lend me some… I'll give you back when I win! C'mon! Let go, I'll give them back right away! TRADING-CARD SEASON Mommy... He lost all of my cards... Come here... don't cry baby... This kid… Is that how you call yourself a big brother, teasing the little one all the time? Go bully those kids if you have the gut! Good boy Nhật… Stop crying, mommy loves you. I'll give the good boy some money to buy new cards tomorrow, ok?! I want... green-Power-ranger cards… too… Got it. The green-power-ranger cards too.

Hey! Let's go! Mom's coming back soon. You don't mind if I eat all the food right? Mommy… Oh... my good boy! There was… there was... I watched... I watched a really good video game… There were many gun fires, pew pew… Wow is that so? Pew pew! Alright, be nice. And when you grow up… Dad will buy you video game. And Power rangers! Here's a snack for you.

Bi! Here you go… take him with you and go buy new cards! Hm, what's wrong? Go with your big brother… mommy has to do chores! C'mon, be nice... Go on... Bi! Don't take your little brother's cards again, ok! Hey! Let's play Flipping-card. Come and join us!

Place your cards in! More win less lose! Fail! Fail! Fail! 5 cards per game, 5 cards per game! … less lose! You lost! Abracadabra, abracadabra… You just get lucky! Too weak! More win less lose! Hey! That's cheating! You can't flip like that! Cheating! How's that cheating? They're all flipped, I win! Put them down! You cheated! Stop it cheater! I'm not a cheater! You guys won many times, I just won this single game… We don't give a damn! It's not our fault if you suck! Give them back! Let go! No! This sucker! If you ever cheat again, we'll never let you play with us! That's right! Go home sucker! Go back to the game… let's go… next round… More win less lose! More win less lose! Bi, Nhật, dinner is ready, come on… What time are you leaving tomorrow? 5 in the morning. How long will this take? I'll pack your clothes. It's gonna be two weeks.

Nhật will start 1st-grade next week... There will be a lot of spending. Try to manage for a few more days… ll get my wage soon... What are you looking at? What's the matter this time? Nhật… did big brother bully you again? Bi… why do you keep bullying your own brother? He's still a kiddo... I didn't do anything! I'm so tired… with only two kids in the house… Alright, eat up your food… and then go do your homework. Nhật, let me give you some soup.

Bi! I'm going to grandma's, you take care of your little brother… Don't leave him alone ok! Err.. weird cards… I've never seen anything like this. Be careful it might be fake… That guy always try to cheat! Is it… My uncle in Japan sent me these. Of course you've never seen them before! You see, they're not different from the ordinary cards.

One of these cards is even worth… 3 ordinary cards! Ok… next round… place your cards, place your cards! I go first! I go first… Man… New game… let's go… Damn… Stop this… let's play Flipping-card! Yeah that's right! Flipping-card! Let's go! Place your cards! C'mon c'mon… … less lose! Do the rock-paper-scissors… Abracadabra… abracadabra… Fail! Fail! Fail!... Oh my so heavy… I can't even hold them all in my hand. Bi! You ran out of cards. Go home and take some more. Oh just pass him! Yeah get out then… Brother, go play… We have to get back the 3 precious cards… Brother… Why didn't you play to take them back... Now say 'good bye' to your big brother. Good bye… Hey the Trading-card season is over mate… It's the Marble season now… Go home and take your marbles! Hey, hey, hey I'm in…

2021-07-06 07:23

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