Live Trading Gold FX || Price Action Strategy || Anish Singh Thakur || Booming Bulls

Live Trading Gold FX || Price Action Strategy || Anish Singh Thakur || Booming Bulls

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Hello everyone, Whoever amongst you people trade, Whether you trade forex or you trade stock market, Or you trade index, Whatever you trade, The most important concept is, price action, That in charts, using as less indicators as possible. You make an understanding of your own, that If on the big time frame, The market is going like this, Then what can be its next movement, As per the price action theory, So the trend which is there on small time frame, Always there uses to be two trends, primary and secondary. If primary is also uptrend, Secondary is also uptrend, Then we get a very good trade.

If primary is uptrend and secondary is downtrend, Then we have to take the trend of downtrend, According to the small time frame. Like we are marking daily and hourly. So there are so many concepts, A person should learn. After that the psychology that, When our target will come, Then only will have to take the target. Stop loss will come, don’t have to show stinginess in stop loss, A lot of things, I will show you today, in this live trading video.

This is a live trading video, Where you people, absolutely, That how much money we have earned, Around 3900 dollars we earned in one trade, Got a loss of 900 dollars in it, So loss should be less and profit should be big, That thing is intact. So around 3000 dollars means, near to 2 lakh rupees, This trade is of. So these 2 lakh rupees I have earned, You will not get that. But to earn 2 lakh rupees, How much money we must have used, We used margin of around, 4000 must be left, Using 14000 dollars, we, We earned nearly this much of money, 3000 dollars. So how we earned? If you have 1400 dollars, so how you can earn 300? Or you have 1,40,000 dollars, how can you earn 30000? Big win. How can it happen? It’s possible in trading.

Ok. Right entry exit, and right risk management. If there would have been loss, then of how much it would have been? If there would have been loss, Then it would have been of 1500 dollars. We would have got a loss of 1500-1800 dollars. Ok.

So how we managed risk reward, You will get to learn many things, So whatever you do no problem, Just have a look, And if you people are also to trade in forex, Then there is an account named Exness, Which I have referred, You at your own risk, you can open your account, And you can trade as well. All of my friends are trading, And they are getting good results, Total they are getting payout timely, If you live outside India, Then CMS Prime Dubai, that I am using. I withdraw my payment as well, I have withdrawn nearly 6-7000 dollars.

It came to my account. I withdrew yesterday, it came today. So, means I am making this video on day late in intro outro. This video is of yesterday, ok. So come, I hope you will like this video.

If you like the video, I want you to share it with your friends, Whoever do forex, or even you can do MCX also right, If you are to trade gold and all, silver, natural gas, crude oil, Then you can do from MCX as well, So please share this with all your friends. Because if you share, I get more likes, More views, and I get motivated to make more live trading videos for you. Ok. So come let’s meet in outro.

Hello everyone, Welcome you to a live trading video, 25th of August, now in India, it would be 6 in the evening, And the purpose is to help you all, How to take a winning trade? There are two trades which we will do today, First, GBP USD, quickly let’s try to understand about this. In forex analysis also I gave you information about this. In this I believe I gave you a trade of buy, From here to this target, it has been done. That is a gone case.

Now what to talk about something which has already been. Right now, if you will see, So first let me remove this, ok, Let me remove this first of all, ok. Before this when we were trading then, We did short here last week, And we achieved a target of somewhere here. Now we know what is downtrending stock, But it took a double bottom support, Approximately near to this zone only it took support. And the previous level which was there, Basically that level, was not here it was here. When it touched here, Our trade finishes.

Now after that, what happens to be the best thing guys, The most important thing is, That we need to have a consolidation. This is seen by you, This you are feeling that it’s a small consolidation, No my brother, this is 4 hours time frame, If it on 4 hours time frame, It’s making 11 candles, means 44 hours. Means an enough, yeah, if it’s making 11 bars, Then it has done consolidation for a much longer time. So now will come to small time frame, Now will see on small time frame that, A very strong consolidation had come on it.

You people can see that a very good consolidation has come on it. That the stock consolidated so much of time, This is what I want always. Now, now what happens, The reason which was of my entry, I had shifted here, where, here I shifted, Here, on this place I shifted my entry. Now let me come to 15-minute time frame, Just as I, good, okay it rang, So let me come to 15 minute to frame, So when I saw that double bottom, And this third time when it made a top, I didn’t do short here, When I got a good enough sell candle, With good volume, you see, good volumes over here.

With good volumes, I have here one, Ok, just one minute, Yeah, and it has come near to a very important moving average. So when a sell candle was made, this sell candle, Then somewhere here we shorted it. Why we shorted it? Because it has done a good enough consolidation.

On big time frame. Now what on big time frame? Let me show you a tool, named parallel channel. Exact copy it here. Exact on this. And, this, is it being seen by you, Which one, this part, see this, this part.

This part, bring it till here. See it’s automatically making sense. So just as it came to channel, It will face resistance. Obviously it’s a thing, it should directly hit this and come down, Or otherwise consolidate and come down.

So, right now what is happening, It is consolidating and it is coming down, So it is a good trade that we have taken. Ok. Right now we are in a short trade, Now let me remove this, We don’t need this, And let me remove this also, we don’t need this. Right now we are in this trade and we are going to try for a good target. Ok. Now what is the target? What is the stop loss? I will tell you. Now let’s come to gold.

Now let’s come to gold, After coming to gold what will we see, Let me show you gold on big time frame. Gold, I had given you all buy, let’s close the volume. And it has completed it’s buy, After completing buy, is it being seen by you, Zone, it took resistance from supply zone, And on today’s time only, at morning 6 o’clock, It’s a thing of morning 5-6 o’ clock, That is it being seen by you, what kind of a sell has come? This after much consolidation sell has come, After that again, after that again, This, let’s come to small time frame, One selling, it has done one consolidation. We have not taken entry on this, Will take entry on this, Just as it will make a strong red candle, We will take a target on this as well, Will put stop loss, whatever we will take, I will tell. So this is analysis. This is called analysis.

Once it is giving a red candle, If we got a red candle here, strong red candle, Just as we get strong red candle here, Our entry will get activated. In this entry has been activated. Ok. Now in it what is our risk Reward, let me tell you. As we can see, here in front of us, There are two important levels. One is this level, which definitely has come till here, And another one is this level, lower level. So ok, this is a very bad risk reward ratio, If we are talking about taking this reward, Our stop loss is going big, So just for the sake of risk reward we have to find another logical target.

So another logical target which is, It becomes this one. Which one? This is your logical target over here. So this is the logical target. Now, where will we put the stop loss? Initially we will put the stop loss, Right now the stop loss which we have, Because we should never show stinginess in stop loss, We have shorted it somewhere here, Nearly nearly we have shorted on this red candle, So our stop loss should definitely go previous high, Or this can also go, this can also go, But I don’t prefer to be skimpy, So I will put it here, And then, my risk reward which should be minimum, It should be above 1.5,

This my risk reward is qualifying, It is going around 1:1.8 But just as it near to this level, Just as it will come till here, I will immediately shift my stop loss here. Immediately, risk reward will be 1:3 on its own. So when starting the trade, Because trade requires a bit breathing space, That’s why right now the trade is around 1:1.8,

And, once we are minimum, you know, coming to, 1.36975, We will shift our stop loss here, A little more move will come, Will shift our stop loss here, A bit more move will come, Will bring our stop loss here. Like this we will trail, We will try to minimize our loss. But we will try to keep achieve as max as possible. Ok. I think our entry in gold is about to come.

Once I enter the gold, I will tell you as well, where to put stop loss, where to put target there ok. Ok. So come. This is the most important part of any video, Any live trading video is, I should tell public that what should be done, Before doing entry. So guys’ entry has come on this.

In it, no need to enter with fear, Will enter it relaxedly, When it will break this level and give closing, Means, it will break this, with power it will break this, Then will give on this. Now why I have hope that will get a good sell trade, This candle, this candle, after good consolidation, It is telling us that the market might go down, And it is again consolidating now, One hour before the opening of US market, Good movement starts coming in gold. So just as a good movement will come, We will get to know, when a red candle will be made. If it gives a buy trade, so might be I am not interested, Because then, according to me, only this much target could be made.

Means here, if we do entry on this breakout, So this will come a first resistance level, So I am not interested in buy, But when I will short this, Then, first target is this ok. And our second target till this trend line, Or it can be this point as well. So come, till now we have not taken trade, Then why to keep on talking about that. So let’s stop a bit. Ok. Let’s come back to 15-minute time frame.

Let’s stop a bit, let’s see what it is doing. And when will get an entry on this, then will do. But whatever will happen, quickly, Quickly, means, within one hour, Because what’s the time in India, it has been 6 o’ clock, Within one hour US market is opening. So when US, it’s called New York session.

When New York session starts for forex as well, Then much, and this can be traded in MCX also. There is for MCX also, So all the traders who are in India, You can trade in MCX, you can see. Ok. This trade is working right now. In this trade, if we will see, Where it went, Meta Trader 4, So in this trade, of 100 dollars, 100 and 100, two, two lots I have shorted, Of 150 dollars, of 160 dollars, it’s showing profit. Come let’s see, what profits are formed. If gold will also accompany, then we can get a very good profit.

I am trying for minimum 1000, 1500 dollars, Right, by risking around 500-600 dollars. So let’s see, what’s being made, ok. So come, I will keep you posted. Ok. Last thing I would like to show you, We have shorted GBP USD, Means we have GBP strong, No no, GBP weak and USD strong we are looking at, See carefully, this pair, the main base pair which is of it, The main pair which is GBP, we shorted it, Means we have to see GBP weak and USD strong, This is currency strength meter, refreshing it, So see, do you see USD strong? USD is very strong right now.

And GBP weak, yeah GBP is very weak, at the present moment. It is not showing past, future, it is showing present tense. And on present tense, price action has broken a level of consolidation.

So that’s why, we get a hope fundamentally as well, That according to currency strength meter, USD is getting stronger. As USD is getting stronger, GBP will go down. And same you can think about gold as well that, If USD will come strong then this gold, But it doesn’t apply that much, This is currency strength meter, It doesn’t work on commodity So it’s effect will not fall on gold but, On it will obviously effect.

But I, till where, from personal experience I am telling, Just as USD becomes strong, very much, It becomes strong like this, The strongest currency right now, See after sometime, in dollar, in gold also, A bit difference comes of downside. So come, will see, if I get entry on this, Then I will say you immediately, That we are about to enter this. And then we'll follow up, both of these, Both of these trades ok. Slowly slowly now our trade has started falling down, So right now we are shifting our stop loss from that point to this point. Now, this is going to be our stop loss ok.

Now we have made a ratio of 1:3. We would definitely achieve 1:3, If now this trade hits, now if 1:2.8, Now if our trade works out. If it does the reverse, then we have lessened our loss a bit. Now will earn,

let’s say, if we were to earn 800 -1000 dollars, So will not have to lose 300-400, Will have to lose 150-200. Doing like this, your job as a trader, To manage trade, not very quickly, Not that, not immediately removed from here, What I did, I saw that continuously three red candles have been made, it’s showing weakness, this currency is strong, this is weak, GBP. So due to all these reasons, we can trail stop loss on this.

The first trailing has been done. The next trailing will be done at breakeven. Directly at breakeven our stock will come, That loss not of even 1 rupee, Will see what profit we can earn. So this is the way you should trade ok.

Gold, gold right now, facing resistance, Soon I hope that it comes here, Then we make entry on this as well, Right and good quantity will take in it also. Ok. In it also will take a good quantity, We are already up by 200 dollars in a pound dollar. And will get entry in gold, then I will tell you, ok.

It is trying to give us the entry. Let’s see what happens. Means I want to tell you that, The most important thing in trading Is to learn price action. You know, learn limited indicators, Learn how market structure works, Learn chart patterns, learn technical plus a strong psychology, To hold all these things, To work in the live market, It’s very different. See, a lot of people does analysis like me. My analysis goes very well, I am so happy to tell you that analysis works so fine.

But taking action, how action is taken, To show that I make live trading videos. And I make all these for you people, Those who are aspiring people, Because I know that trading is a very tough thing, After much time only, person understands it. So that see, now, the line broke, and our entry became activated.

Just as line breaks, we will activate our entry, And ok, now I believe, our entry is coming. Still, just as it riches this level, is breaking it, Is coming below it, I am going to enter the trade ok. I will tell you. Alright so as we see, Candle closing is so important. This 15-minute time frame minimum we see, So here candle didn’t close, so It came till here, then also entry didn’t get activated.

Just as it will give closing below this level, We will enter, ok. Even, see, either 5 minutes time frame also works, But that 5 minutes time frame should be the third candle of 15 minutes. So see this trade of ours is working nicely, Ok, we are already started. Just as it starts in it, I will keep you posted. Alright guys, I have an update for you, That in gold, it’s good that we didn’t break any rule, by buying We have got a very long weak rejection twice, Same from this place, where I told you that it can’t give closing on above that. Now even if one red candle strong closes, Within 11 minutes, will short it.

And, here I have increased one lot more. Two lots two, we shorted 4 lots. We have this only weak rejection, it’s one pullback, it’s one breakdown, it’s one pullback, Here I shorted one lot more, It’s stop loss would be very small. Ok. It’s stop loss won’t be small,

Means, it’s an obvious thing, we shorted it, put it there, Putting same stop loss, we have increased one lot more, Because we have taken pullback, The currency strength meter is still having the, Kind of a, GBP is getting weak, USD is strong before GBP. So it’s a good trade. That’s why we have increased one lot more. And will entry on this, If we get this strong red candle then, Because we have got upper weak rejection twice.

So come I will keep you posted. And only, and only, within 11 minutes, US market is going to open. And when that market opens, then near to it, Half an hour before that or after an hour, We get to see a nice big movement.

So will get to see something good. I will keep you posted. And I am sitting outside, And I am trading, and I am reading book also along with. And whatever I am feeling, emotional, whatever is happening, With all the things, So I am writing down in these journals as well. So these are the copies, I am keeping on writing on it as well, Why I am keeping on writing, Whatever emotional triggers are happening with me, Greed, fear, whatever is happening, Everything, writing this, you all get very much help in future, This is very important for each and everyone of you.

Look at this guys, Breakdown is happening very rightly, Three minutes are left for the US market to open, And it if, if good strong red candle body, Red body candle closing if it gives, We will get in the trade. But it’s not like that that going up, Then will wait on the full closing, If it becomes a very strong red body candle, We can enter. And here also one lot which we shorted extra, It is also doing good. This is also doing ok, like it is struck. Alright, look at this guys, Pound dollar started working nicely, It has started giving profit. XAUSD exactly like what was the plan, Not to buy, we were to wait for sell, Now sell is going to be activated It will be activated, It has been only nearly, Let me enter. Just one minute.

As we can see, just I entered on the right time, when I told you, And just it has hit our target. So means, this is the power of gold that, It has not even started, that your target has been hit. But it’s an obvious thing, Now this candle, four minutes are left I would want to see one more candle, I have a little bad habit, That, should not say that bad habit also, This habit only gives me big winners. Already we are at you know around 2000 dollars’ profit. I have already earned 2000 dollars' profit.

I am recording the screen also, This also I will show you putting at the side, But I want to check whether we can hit maybe bigger target like this. Maybe we can achieve 1:2 also, 1:1.5 has been achieved. So I am trying to see that maybe we can achieve this as well. So let this candle close.

Let’s try the target till here, ok. If it is happening right now in front of you, I will book the profit in front of you only. That’s happening, it’s coming, I think 4000 dollars, ok, leave, 300 dollars are there of that trade also, So 4000 dollars uses to be enough profit.

Yes, I think, let’s see, 3 minutes are left. This becomes little tough to manage, But let’s see, maybe, even if we exit this target here, But we should try. One candle close should be given to us. Let’s see.

If you will try to see, Then you can see what extreme level’s volume candle it is, You can see. Good volume candle. Let’s wait for sometime, By the way we came very near, we couldn’t close after target, So still the volume is too good. Let’s see.

Alright, now it can give us our target at any moment. We will book our target this time on a big fall, Last time, because we didn’t know exactly that till here, From here only it will go back, Coming only, we, the target of ours, Which is absolutely set at the right levels our target, On it we will book our target. Ok. This trade of ours is also working.

Alright, let it touch the target, previous target. Stop loss I, the previous red candle which was there, I had made it’s high. By the way, this happens to be the genuine stop loss. Absolutely let’s keep it here.

Basically I have done put here only, Then I was going to trail here, But, let’s put it back here only. It will be a, still a trade of 1:1.5. Alright, previous low has been touched, Now, let it touch this level and, Or let it break that level. Or let it break that level. Again it’s taking support from the same level.

Seven minutes are left. This is the toughest part of a trader’s life you know, That this money which is being seen, should I take this, Or should I follow the process, This much thing is left. Someone has said, no one became poorer, Means I had taken training from someone, From one sir, I respect him. He told that no one becomes poorer by booking profits. It’s a right thing. But little bit my psychology says this also that, If we start doing like this on small small ones, Many times we miss out big targets.

It happened in front of us, It happened in front of you, In silver, do you remember, We booked boom, So maybe this candle also, may give us a better profit. Let’s see. By the way double bottom took support from that place I should cut this trade Alright, so now the patience which we have shown by waiting, From it this happened that 30-minute candle gave closing, Now this candle has given closing, Then next candle has started. Still the target is target.

Once we are reaching our target, We will book the profits. But definitely this much I will wait only, Should definitely do 1:1.5. Or else it would not be called as trading. The genuine stop loss I have placed here, But genuinely I have put it here again, Because this, see, maybe till here also the stock won’t come, But this live trading video is going to the public, Public should know that never be skimpy, Put above on it Don’t show stinginess, In fact, some cents, means, put 10 cents above only a bit. This is very important for you to understand. If we are to do 1:1.5, then let’s come a bit downwards, There’s no problem.

that's 1.5 little bit down, when you will do this, Then only it will be called trading, Else many people will make a guess, Then it will be doing, But this we after doing whole analysis, I am teaching you trade execution. This is going against us right now. It’s going to come to zero, nearly nearly.

Come no issues. But still it’s a pullback only, I know. On a larger structure it will go down. If you come down, come down here and see, Here in GBP, strength has changed a bit, That’s why it’s a pullback, Or else will accept stop loss, There’s no problem. Here we accept the stop loss.

Simple rule of trading. If it is going against you, You don’t panic and, do, Should not do fearful exit, Exiting because of fear is stupidity. Now whatever is your stop losses, respect it, Sit only. And here whatever is your target, respect it, But it is taking again and again stop loss from there, Let’s see. Again it is taking support. Let’s see.

The video that I just posted on Cardano, Please have a look, cryptocurrency, I had made a video on Ethereum many days back, Not many views came on it, Where did it go the video on Ethereum? This Ethereum can be, Only 23000 people saw, Guys you know, it became more than double, And I booked the profit even. The whole portfolio doubled. Now I have put Cardano, In it I have told about fear and greed index. Seeing this you will do, After watching that only you buy/sell. I have taught in this, definitely watch the video. So guys come, now our time has come, To book our profits over here. Ok. Let’s hope

we can book our profits in this. Let’s see. If it’s not happening, then we should cut at this level, It is coming back this time. Third time it will make triple bottom, On 15 minutes time frame, So it might take support, Let’s see. Now we should break this in this flow. Guys it has become evening now, Now it will become dark, It will keep us seated. And here the environment has changed completely, See this, in dollar strength has finished, it has become less in GBP, And our stop loss is going to hit here. Let’s hope that not both, one, this one will hit only I am feeling, That this will hit the stop loss ok.

Little bit, means 10 cents above only I have put from it. Ok. So on this it will definitely happen I know that, On this, I have put 10 cents above. Now on this might it not happen, If on it, it will happen, then big loss, Means not a big loss, means loss will only occur, And if it completes on gold, Then we have more quantity in gold, So we will be in overall profit. in it, loss will go near to 1000 dollars, Near to 800-1000 dollars, So on it 2-3000 dollars will be made, So we can come to overall 1000 dollars’ profit.

Let’s hope gold gives us good profits, Because it is total bearish, Total it is sustaining at lower levels of it’s zone, Let us hope that we will be able to book our profits in this flow. And maybe, here resistance is here, Maybe this also takes u turn from here, In both may the target hit. It is only called trading to accept the outcome. You don’t control the market, You adapt to the market. You have to behave according to the situation of the market. Now many people exit here due to fear.

Should not exit brother, stop loss, it feels like Loss occurs till here then, why to waste 100 dollars, See by wasting 100 dollars, It may happen that reverse may come from here to the down, That is the meaning of putting a stop loss. Once the target is hit, I will go and do some swimming. Workout is very important, Either gym, running, swimming, Should do something. Whatever is with someone. Now you can’t do swimming, then do running, You can’t do running, then do swimming.

And we have near about, touched our targets, Now, this is the time, we can book our profits. Yes, guys, so, right now in front of you, Let’s start booking the profits ok. Come. Close the trade. Close the trade with a profit, close the trade no problem. If will think so much, then there would be problem.

Close the trade, close the trade, Close the trade, our target was hit, Now there’s no meaning of our stopping again. Close the profit. So the profits have been booked. If we go to today’s history, Then we have booked 3900 dollars, ok. And this our, come, Again this ours which, 3900 dollars have been booked. Let’s come back to this again, It’s showing 500 dollars’ loss.

Stop loss exactly where it is, on 1.37 exactly on Meta Trader 4, putting stop loss there only, Now I am going for swimming, And let us hope that till we come back, May the stop loss not hit, A little bit comes to our correction, Cut at the break even, Because this fight which is there, here, It is of equals. So will not do like this. Now, what has happened in gold, it has happened. We have booked profit. Now we will wait for this one ok.

So system stop loss is there Putting that I am going for swimming, And let’s hope, when I come back, Then a bit it would have come to our direction. Else if we will close this also, Stop loss also hits, then 600 dollars, 900 dollars, Then 3000 dollars, means 2 lakh rupees, it would have been right for today. Alright guys, just now only, target, Stop loss has hit, in GBP USD and Around 800 dollars’ loss has been, 3000 dollars booked for the day. Thank you so much.

Alright guys, you saw that how we, In which trade we had more belief, That didn’t work, On it, stop loss hit. And we got target in gold, So stop loss hit, so should I feel bad? No, see stop loss hit, of how much we incurred loss, of 900 dollars. But if target would have hit in it, then it would have been of 2000 dollars. You have to risk reward ratio of minimum 1:1.5, Should try of 1:2. Ok. So now how, the target which we got in gold, It made us overall profitable. This week also good enough,

If, just one minute Alright so I show you people a thing, Like at present, I have not taken any trade. This is my real account of CMS real. Now if I show you the history, I have not taken any trade in week day, till now, Have used withdrawal, If I show weekly, see guys, see my loss, I was experimenting BTC, where I got loss of 400 dollars, Small loss sees in JPY. After that see 250-250 small loss. See profit would be big, loss would be small. 164’s loss, see 3000 it is withdrawal, 430, 430, a small loss, see profit, then this is withdrawal.

So see I have made near to 7000 in the last five days. And have done withdrawal also of 650 also. So you should keep, You know, withdrawing your trading income, Always, I do that always, And I always keep on taking out something, And I keep putting all these incomes into some safer investments, Like mutual funds, like equity, like, you know, Doing in FDs, keeping a little cash in account, I do all these. I suggest everyone,

everyone of you, to always, Whenever you make some money, you keep that money and put for your long term. So your overall wealth is built, That is the secret. When, ok, so guys that's it, I wanted to tell this only that, Managing risk reward, learning price action, see the psychology, I didn’t exit in gold, gold I was getting on 4000 dollars also, Then so I cut in 3900 dollars. Because process is important than profits. So that, these are the things that, Are easy to say but hard to do.

So that is why guys, I suggest you to watch all my live trading videos, To learn what the psychology is, And try to hold your winners as much as possible, And try to cut your losers. I didn’t keep on increasing the stop loss, I trailed the stop loss, I took it. What do people do, no they throw back the stop loss. No, don’t throw the stop loss back, Don’t hold your losers, That was becoming losing trade, Though I don’t know what will to it in future, In gold again double top, double bottom was made, so let’s see.

So guys, and trade rarely guys, I want to give you the biggest advice, People think it’s a full time job, So at any time we woke up, At any time, we are to do trading, At any time, we are to do this, We should not do. Don’t trade all the time. never Because see, new people start forex, then morning, evening, night, At all the times they are in trading, I absolutely don’t do this. I take very good trades, Trade them, close, and not looking for another opportunity. What people do, once they close the trade, Again they keep looking for another opportunity, That I do this, I do that. I never do like this. I close the trade, I close everything,

I close my mindset only, I do journalising, I develop whole perspective again, Come, I will make more videos, I will explain more things, If you liked this video, share this with all your friends, And like this video so that I know, That you love this series, Because I make many new things and give them to you, So if you want me to continue this, I want maximum likes in this video. Thank you so much guys. Bubye. I will see you soon in the next video, And if you want to do trade forex, You can open account in Exness, Or in CMS bank Dubai. Thank you so much.

2021-09-02 07:23

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