Live trading forex indices using IM Academy Web Analyzer

Live trading forex indices using IM Academy Web Analyzer

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good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning ladies and gentlemen good morning this is tasha m dyer trey whisper good morning good morning good morning now ladies and gentlemen let me officially welcome you to be your own bank byob this is our 9 a.m profit call that is exactly what this is right now and so what i need for you all to do as you log on is drop it in the chat let me know where you're calling in from along with those affirmations and while you do that we are definitely in for a special treat this morning because you all know last thursday we introduced to you all to each and every last one of you all we introduced our byob cash out educators and it is a pleasure this morning because this young lady is definitely someone who is poised and positioned to do exactly what she's called to do she's having tremendous impact she is definitely an integral part of this movement and she is none other than the queen of indices and so it's just so fitting that she definitely dives in she jumps in on this particular call or 9 a.m call so it brings me pleasure i'm gonna go ahead and turn this car over so you all can cash out this morning with the queen of indices i'm gonna turn this call over to miss federia thompson ms thompson are you there are you on the line yes i'm here miss dyer can you hear me yes i can how am i coming through it's gone really good and this call is officially yours awesome welcome everybody to our 9 a.m byob profit call as ms dyer said to

you this is going to be an indices driven call um i've been in the chat i'm pretty sure everyone uh has noticed that that is where i pretty much stay we've gotten very familiar with each other in this time that we spent together so you know today i want to kind of just give you an overview of some things you may or may not know as far as the indices are concerned but before we get into all of that of course we want to start with our affirmations we got to set our minds up for wealth we got to make sure that we're speaking those things and to exist into existence and setting the attention for the type of day we are going to have in the markets so who do we have on the line and make sure you're dropping those affirmations i am a byob master trader i am the signal all my trades end in profit i am 777. i am anointed for wealth let's not forget that one so we've got new york we've got california good morning everyone good morning north carolina good morning jacksonville good morning ohio if you're just coming in again drop those affirmations in the chat and welcome you all we've got miramar welcome welcome minnesota welcome from bahamas okay byob worldwide welcome from milwaukee welcome welcome welcome everyone so we've also got uh excuse me tennessee cleveland tennessee i am 777 that's right keep dropping those affirmations everyone we've got cleveland we've got minnesota again tavares welcome welcome master traders all right y'all let's make some money this morning welcome from nashville we've got illinois uh thank you miss clayton welcome welcome welcome from orlando so let me just go ahead and share my screen um and if while i'm doing that in the meantime you know i want to make sure i'm aware of who we have on the line so this is your first time on this call with us if you've never been on a byob profit call please go ahead and drop a one one one in the chat and if you've been with us and you're still learning how to cash out drop your two two twos one one ones if this is your first time two two twos if you're still learning how to cash out awesome awesome so let me make sure i give you guys my screen so you can see what we got going on here so as we are getting started of course the first thing we want to take a look at is the news the indices are very fundamental aka news driven we have our two news sources that we take a look at welcome alabama and chicago and i see milwaukee again the first thing that we want to do is of course be aware of what is happening in the market and what could highly impact it because when you think about the news and how the indices move you know the the indices are moved by investors investors are people they have feelings they have emotions so we want to make sure that we understand what could be going through the mind of investor and how that could potentially impact the market i'm not saying to predict it but i'm saying to be aware of it so you can ride the wave of the market so we have our two new sources that we typically take a look at um that we always take a look at first thing before we trade this is a part of your trade setup we have our fx street economic calendar and we have forex factory now fx street which is what we're looking at right now tends to be a little bit more detailed bear with me all i'm getting used to using a mouse and of course i want to highly encourage everyone to make sure that the time zone is set correctly because we don't want any hiccups over time now as you can see we did have this adp employment change at 8 15. um i was looking at the market i didn't see much impact from it though it was negative and we've got news coming up again i believe i saw yes at 10 a.m so these red folders mean that this is going to impact the market and we already know typically leading up to news what's gonna happen is the market is gonna you know slow down you may see some consolidation you may see some mixture but you want to wait until the news actually hits before you get that direction now here we have our forex factory which is our other economic calendar now i feel like fx street tends to be a little bit more detailed however welcome cleveland and welcome detroit welcome chicago but i tend to feel like um excuse me i lost my train of thought so what i'm saying is when it comes to uh forex factory even though it may not be as detailed as fx street is sometimes what you're going to find is that sometimes one will have what the other one will not have so first of course we're looking at the news and now we're going to talk about the indices just a little bit just to give you a little bit over overview of everything we always want to start by looking at our big picture now we have our three main indices that we always trade but i'm going to be introducing the german 30 to this call now we have our us 30 which is the dow jones top 30 us companies we have our nasdaq 100 which is our top 100 us companies and we have the s p 500 which is our top 500 us com companies and of course the german 30 which is very equivalent of a us 30. now when it comes to analyzing the indices welcome claremont and welcome moultrie i also see baton rouge welcome everybody and keep dropping your one one ones and two two twos one one one if this your first time with us two two two if you've ne uh if you're still with us and and you're learning how to catch child and get even stronger in your skill set just so we can be aware of who's on the call so as i was saying before when we're analyzing the indices we always want to look at the big picture because we already know that the higher time frames is what moves the market um excuse me i've already you know drawn some lines here you know for my own analysis just to get an idea of the direction of the market and before we get into all that because of course you want to take the time to go over the byob cash out strategy i want to just uh kind of get your minds ready for this so when it comes to the indices because i you know i hear a lot of things you know people oh my gosh the indices they move so fast oh my gosh i'm scared of the indices listen you're not scary at all if you've never done it before do it in your demo account i would never tell you not to trade this because our byob cash out strategy does have a 92 accuracy rate which you are all aware which is why you all keep coming back to get better at it because we love the accuracy of it right and some can say that eight percent is human error because i know myself and many others have had plenty of hundred percent successful trading weeks now with the byob cash out strategy on the indices it works however the indices have a lot of liquidity in it a lot of liquidity mean a lot of money so what you want to do is understand the different vehicles pick your vehicle and ride so us 30 top 30 us companies that's going to be your fastest then you have the nas 100 which follows behind the us 30 has some good speed as well there are times where i've seen it keep up with the us 30.

now we have the s p 500 which is perfect for a person who's more beginner you're going to get the same movement but you're going to get a lot less liquidity because not only are you making sure you practice proper risk management which we're going to always talk about but you also want to make sure that you know uh you have a proper understanding of the risk that you are you're taking you know if you're a person that gets emotional about pullbacks don't want to be in the us 30 you know get familiar with the s p and as you continue to progress with your skill set and your comfortability of the indices you're going to uh go on to the other ones and also remember that indices are measured in points and not pips a point zero one with more break bro most brokers are a dollar a dollar a point that it actually moves oh i forgot to mention excuse me the german 30. so the german 30 actually have them in order of how fast they move it doesn't move as slow as the snp by far and it and it doesn't move as fast as our nas now i will tell you london market opens at 3am they have their own session open and i was actually up at 3am this morning because i wanted to see for myself how they move it a session open and like us they did have a liquidity push so if you're that early morning trading trader hint clue clue take a look at the indices at 3 a.m because not only did hours start to move and start to gain a little bit of direction they didn't do anything again aggressive i know that the german 30 took off and it ran up i think about a hundred points last i had looked at it um and all of the indices moved as i start to get more familiar with other indices i'll go ahead and bring those to the call as well but we're just going to start here for right now so let's talk big picture analysis and we're just going to go ahead and take a look at the uss30 really quick so with the us 30 um overall just looking at your four hour where we are currently you know um it looks like it's in a buy but paying attention to this stochastic and how high it is it is a bit overbought so again we're not predicting anything we have news coming at 10 a.m so we want to be very good morning buffalo and good morning detroit so and we want to make sure that we are uh again you know letting the market settle and react before we go in for any actual trades so once we look at the big picture and see where the momentum is pushing because that's where our stochastic is showing us this is our leading indicator by the way and i'm gonna go over that once we get into the strategy in just a moment you know we want to go ahead and look at our lower time frames just to make sure that everything is in alignment with what it is that we're currently looking at so when it comes to the indices because of how high the liquidity is you want to make sure i i encourage trading it on the five-minute chart now again we're using the same strategy the byob cash out strategy and we're going to go over the strategy in just a moment but the reason for your five-minute analysis versus your higher time frame analysis is because again when these things move they move i want to show you something really quick i'm going to take my measuring tool right here now in this section you can see that we had some consolidation and that it was bouncing back and forth off of this line just in this zone alone that pull back is about 26 with 26 27 which is not that bad to be honest with you for a us 30 because it does pull back rather aggressively but just to get just to show you that you know when uh those pullbacks happen especially if you are you know proper analyzing and waiting for the direction you can find yourself in that level of pullback before you go into profit in your trade so now looking at the five minute chart again let's go ahead and just go over the strategy really quick we want to talk about our byob cash out strategy which has three simple indicators so the first indicator that we're always going to take a look at is our stochastic again this is our leading indicator this measures the momentum it gives the direction of where the market is going so on the five starting on the five minute chart just like you would in any other trade you're going to be looking for your blue line to cross over the red in an upward momentum if you are looking for a buy which we do have right here so then once you do that you want to go ahead and uh look for the next indicator which is your your candle you want your green candle with a flat bottom all your that is your green hickanashi candle with a flat bottom and you want a piece our clip to the bottom now as you can see right here where i would have started analyzing this from because i was looking for the spot closest to real time in the market excuse me uh i don't see a pcr flip to the bottom but because i don't see a piece of flip to the bottom this is obviously not ready yet now keep in mind that this is real time so we're in the midst of news we're not going to see another uh we're not going to see a lot of momentum right now but just for the sake of analysis you know uh three candles ago these are three five minute candles so we're talking about roughly 15 minutes ago uh we got that pcr flip to the bottom now when you are looking at your trades from the five minute chart you still want to make sure you're practicing time frames influence because these are indices they're always going to be uh buying overall if you know anything about the dow jones you know top 30 u.s companies it is they're they're supposed to be high performing and if they're not performing they get replaced so most of times when you're trading those cells it is a correction unless you have a big market drop like we experienced last year so once we got that p star flip of course the next thing would be to look for your time frame confluence now i personally like to trade overall with the trend of the market you know if we're looking at everything the trend of the market is your four hour that would be a buy and of course the swing of the market is an hour now everything here does line up well but again being wise and my knowledge of the market i still would not be in a rush to enter that trade especially since price is at such a high it's not even breaking out of this zone prior to that you see that it kept tapping this line so we want to make sure you know one thing i did not do as of yet is put my pivots on this chart so we can really see where we are in the market because once you can actually see where you and are in the market excuse me that'll also help you get that extra confirmation that you're looking for okay so right now on the lower time frame we're dancing around this r1 but i know the market once again is at a stall um because it's waiting on the news to come now welcome everybody i think he's awesome new people in the chat um now same thing with your nas 100 as you can see everything is being held installed um i cannot say you know i cannot anticipate where this will be going until the news actually plays out now i will show you what i have on my chart marked as far as the lines are concerned um when i was looking at the big picture of the chart this morning this is on the four-hour time frame this is the trend of our market if you notice for up until when is this date up until about that is the 8th of april so yes since since the 8th of last month price has pretty much been in this zone price has been dancing back and forth here um since the eighth of last month uh so we're talking about going on literally almost 30 days now when price broke which was yesterday we were able to see a sale um a nice cell if you were actually in the market trading it i mean this cell had you been here that is 358 points that i'm measuring and those 358 points i mean of course you're not going to catch every point but there was ample opportunity for you to get in and out of the market and profit and if you want we can actually analyze you can analyze top down and just give you an idea of what could have taken place had you been you know in the market and paying attention and saw when this was selling so i'm going to do a top-down analysis here i'm going to start on my 4-hour so it'll be easier for me to find that candle less matter of fact let's take it to where it actually grows so at this point is when we were getting our downward momentum push with that candle something had to have impacted that because the way that actually went down but you can see that it's actually starting to come up or attempting to um pending what takes place shortly now had we been trading this let's see if it all lines up right you see the bb cash out strategy works the same all right so let's get that out the way and we're going to move back and if you have any questions hey lauderhill and covington welcome everyone this is fadia for those who aren't familiar i'm sorry i'm trying to move and navigate this thing at the same time right now so yes so now we're looking for our arrow that i dropped at the top of that cell uh all right we gotta have to go back to the old fashioned way there we go there's our arrow so if you remember when we were looking at the four hour i initially dropped this right where that drop started so how we've been looking for a cell we weren't there yet i mean just these lines riding close together shows you that we were in the midst of some consolidation though we are looking at the lower time frames and again these lower time frames when we are trading them can be very liquid as well i mean just this little zone right here you know you're looking at 45 points 45 points at a .01 one dollar per point

that's 40 45 no direction though so you're literally swaying back and forth and that's not something i would advise anyone to change now if we were looking at this trade for a setup and we're looking at the byob cash out strategy for a cell i would definitely want to make sure i start right here and look once again for our blue line crossover the red in a downward momentum now that we're looking at a cell we got a flat top piece our flip to the top then that means all you know three confirmations are there we go check for our time frame confluence drop down to your one minute chart i want to say this you do not trade off of your one minute chart you confirm with your one minute chart let me say that again you do not trade with your one minute chart you confirm with your one minute chart and one minute chart um though these are the indices and they do move and they move a lot trying to do that with a one minute chart is it's gonna drive you nuts and it's just not a wise decision to do because that's not you properly analyzing your trade i'm also trying to keep an eye on time here because i know we have the bell in eight minutes but i just wanted to show you again at the top of that cell where it started um bear with me we're going through one minute candles um where it started what we would have seen as far as confirmations are concerned oh lord all right there what let me fix that i have to do that one over anyone have any questions if you have any questions feel free to drop them in the chat so we can get your questions answered i know right now we're just trying to gear up for the bell and us gearing up for the bell of course also we want to keep in mind that we have the news coming in welcome columb columbia south carolina we see you in the chat you're very welcome miss robinson thank you so much i really hope that this helps to make things a lot more clear for you all when it comes to the indices because i promise you everything is the same now this one might move a little faster but you know one thing about the industry that we love about the industries is that they pay um they pay a little bit faster than most will you still get your movement and your liquidity out of your gbp pairs but um if you like that uh that fast movement you definitely want to make sure that you are you definitely want to make sure y'all could have told me i was locking up the euro usd we want to look at the nas 100 yeah but you definitely want to not shy away from it it's nothing scary to do and again start with this s p 500 if you're not familiar you know with them because that is going to be a more manageable pace for all traders all right so we got the bell coming in about five minutes in the meantime i work on getting my lines back on my nas that i lost i promise you all i will get the hang of this mouse so we won't have that again but it's all good we've got a little time here yes try that snp 500 um it's a more manageable pace and some people may decide that they'd rather stick with smp and increase your lot size you know you won't over leverage yourself um doing that because again it's just a more manageable pace that we have with that one okay so we want to make sure that we mark and i need to hurry myself up so we can get ready for the bell and see if we actually get any movement again i'm not anticipating much but that is due to the fact of us having news at 10 a.m and we always want to be aware of this so you all are going through my process with me right now and whoever that is can you make sure that your mic is muted for me please so we don't interrupt uh the integrity of the call and if you didn't notice i dropped my last line on most of these trays were red and that was just an indicator for me to see where the cell actually happened so i wanted to go back and take a look at what we were looking at before you know supporting resistance lines they may not be as exact as they were before but remember that you know it is a zone it is an area of value so your line and my line may not exactly be the same that doesn't mean that your line or my line is raw so what we can do we can actually wait for the bell which is in a couple yes the s p 5100 sorry i'm answering question the chat does the s p 500 move simultaneously nasdaq or does it move independently the s p 500 actually moves uh tends to follow the pattern of the us 30 more these days now prior to everything that has been happening in this geopolitical market that we started experiencing around uh the time of coven s p 500 nas us 30 all used to take off same direction so but if you're looking at which one is going to follow more it's definitely going to follow the units 30 more so what we were going over before i lost my charts uh we can go back to after the bell if we don't get uh the type of action that we're looking for but in the meantime um we want to just go ahead and make sure that we're waiting to see what actually takes place in less than two minutes now as you can see our real time camel here it is indicating that we may have some biomomentum coming in so but let's just wait for that liquidity push at 9 30 a.m so when i'm training the indices because i'm sure you all want to be familiar with what it is that i'm doing we're you're welcome so what we're gonna what i do is i'm always looking at the five minute i know the big picture but i'm looking at the five minute as of right now i don't see any confluence so i'm gonna wait until i see the direction if i don't see it i'm not taking it i'm not rushing it i'm not forcing me you'll have plenty and i do mean plenty of opportunities to trade so where's my countdown let me put that back so we've got about 37 seconds right now now let's just go ahead and wait on the sale 20 seconds all right we've got five seconds indices are fun and you'll definitely uh get a better understanding the more you keep plugging into these calls so our bell just rang and we see we're looking at the nas right now it looks like it's trying to push up a bit that's not enough movement for us to trade it we want to make sure that it clears some form of a zone before we uh anticipate direction it might be going in now that's your nasdaq let's see what our us 30 is doing it's still dancing around that pivot line oh let me add the pivots to that okay that one is is dancing around a pivot as well and if you aren't familiar with pivot one thing about pivots is it is an area that price respects you are definitely going to get some form of a pullback at a pivot it's not a complete turnaround it just all depends on what's happening in the market so yeah they're all pretty much hanging around pivots right now well except for this german 30. is german 30 gonna give us a little action all right us 30.

we are overall in a bye it is pushing down let's see what our nas is doing yes and pushing up you know they don't really fall together the way they used to oh and we cannot forget about our s p [Music] i'm gonna drop down to look at that on the five minute chart as well because again i want to see on this lower time frame and this does help with your tighter entry what exactly is happening now if we look at the s p because based on where it's high was it does have some root room to play out some more if it does decide to buy but as of right now not really seeing anything that i would advise or encourage you do have a little uh push up on the nas it wicked out here and it pulled back i will personally wait for it to clear before i take that for a vibe but also remember you want to be paying attention to your sarcastic the stochastic right now is indicating that it's still indecisive we have no upward momentum we have no power momentum it's looking more of a sideways so just based on my experience looking at the one minute okay we may start to get some action but until that actually starts to push up i would not say to enter that trade because as you can see it pushed up here it wakes up here the body is already starting to pull back i don't know if you all are aware of that when you see it pushes up here and then you see the body of the candle like what just happened it's pulling back which makes sense as to why we don't have a direction on the stochastic hazard yet so again i'm not advising anyone to take that straight i'm not touching it personally now we may actually have a sale happening here with this us 30 and i'm saying that because even though oh actually no we may actually have a cell happening in this u.s 30 i stand corrected but i still would want to see a break especially since it's so close to a pivot before i say take this trade and remember you all we don't take anything today that's perfectly fine is it wait until light said yes and that that you're spot on with that ms robinson you definitely want to i think we're going to end up having to wait till 10 today because again we do have the 10 a.m news and as we discussed at the beginning of the call your indices are fundamentally driven um the fundamentals are your news and as a result of that um it's probably on hold waiting for the impact of that red folder that we looked at earlier is this helping you all at all you all have any specific questions all right us 30 scalpers i see you so these are the people if there were any of you that wanted to get into that trade these are people that have been trading with us for a while they're dropping their 777s because they know how to get in and out of the market awesome thank you i am happy to hear that it is helping okay you all us 30 is selling repeat us 30 is selling but if you are going to take this trade secure your profits once again secure your profits stop loss in profit and that is how you want to make sure that you get in and out of this trade so let's see yeah we definitely got some downward momentum i'm looking for it to go to about here let's see if nas a listen up nash turned around okay that's turned around it hasn't quite broke out as of yet remember nas overall was in a buy i would wait a little bit longer for that one let's see what s p is doing because s p does tend to follow that us 30. you know s p is indecisive s p is thinking right now oh i'm sorry this is not even s p this is german 30 excuse me s p is it is starting to sell we've got confluence even on the one hour with the smp but you know what that one hour is wicking out let's see what the lower time frames are doing for the movement yeah we might get a little bit of action with smp it looks like it's about to get what would have already been a take profit if it does break through right here let's see if i can find another one for you yeah so what i'm showing you all right now and i'm setting these up drop dropping these lines for uh take profits potentially uh is when i am trading the indices though i am looking at the big picture i am setting my take profits off of the five minute time frame those are the dynamic support and resistance lines this is better again because of the liquidity in this because if we're looking at this u.s 30 right now which is obviously selling you know we've literally dropped down 100 points we got a little pullback right here at this first take profit oh sorry yeah this first fake chocolate but we've dropped down 100 points and i want to i always make uh try to highlight how many points are in these candles because am i cap points are counted from the left of the decimal the number before it yes so if we want to the reason i'm paying attention i'm i'm highlighting these points is because i want you to be mindful of the aggressive movement of these indices well you know this is aggressive good because we're going to be on the right side of these profits right this is how we get better at it now this nest i'm not recommending we take it for a cell because if you look at your one minute which we do not trade from we just look at it for confluence we've already got to pull up so if you didn't catch this initial move you want to make sure you have a clear breakage um of this zone again that is dancing around before you actually take this nasdaq trade but trading it from the lower time frames and getting those take profits on your five-minute chart it's gonna um help you get in and out so that s p actually rejected at that first line it's pulling back us 30.

i had a little pullback as well so i think that was our push you all now we can wait until about 9 45 to give it a couple minutes but again we're very aware that news is coming in you and that us 30 job okay ross i see your excitement does that mean you buying this lunch today somebody ate it up for us 30. you dropped his 7772 okay i feel y'all got that us 30. awesome and this is why everyone wants to make sure that you have your springs up as well and as you can see i'm fluctuating screens so i you know may not be there as is happening but those master traders okay miss robinson okay miss mrs burns i see you billionaire and liz dropping those us 3777 but yeah when that took place i was on the screen and literally all of this just happened within a five minute time frame by the time i see i saw it it was actually less than that okay so we're looking at the other indices and you know nasa's looking like it's trying to pull down a little bit more jeffy 30 is just not doing nothing right now jeremy 30 is just you know thinking you know so we're gonna move sherman 30 over to the side you know s and p's looking like she may want to pull down a little bit more now i will say this if it does pull down and give you that momentum and again we always want to be watching that stochastic as well that take profit that it was at before a little tip you can go for that take profit again if you secured your profit and got out that trade that's just one of my secrets but we're just going to give it another minute or so and that's because we want to just make sure that we aren't getting any more movements but you know what it's already 9 41. at this point in time we want to be getting out of the market anyways so we got a little something this morning okay cell stopper us 30 that's awesome playing congratulations all right mr layton congratulations i see y'all killing this u.s 30 this morning oh so we ain't scared then we got this so we're just gonna get better as time progresses and mind you that really wasn't a whole lot compared to what us 30 can do this was a nice push out the bell but as you can see it's already training changing directions see i can tell that this camera has already pulled back because when it switched down when the next candle came it started up here and it was shorter than this candle and looking at my one minute for confirmation what's happening it's turning around so that right there is another indicator that even though i do have a red candle with some downward momentum because that's what i'm looking at right now is the momentum and the indicators that because this are this candle started to build a lot shorter and the body of that candle is put is uh it's starting to push up that this is turning around and i'm keep i'm pointing your eyes to these little things because it does help you when you're trading the indices because you want to pay attention to that movement but if you were like you know these snipers that we have that have already you know cashed out and probably paid rent or something this morning you know you may have gotten in somewhere up here and put your stop loss in profit and we're just able to ride out and close it out as long as you have that stop loss in profit you're in a risk free trade so it's 9 42 right now i'm gonna be honest with y'all you know if it was another day i would say hey let's hang on let's see what the momentum does let's see if the market settles but because we have the news coming up and i know that i've mentioned it a million and one times because i want to drain and grain that in you pay attention to the news pay attention to the news no the market did not go crazy on you just did not pay attention to the news i want to ingrain it in you and we want to practice good habits what i'm going to do is i'm going to close out the call um in just a moment but i want to give you all to drop any questions i want to give you a chance to drop any questions that you may actually have do we have any questions do we have any comments we definitely got some testimonies because i see all these us 3777s in the chat thank you miss clayton and thank you mr leonard i appreciate you all all right you all thank you thank you thank you and i really hope that you got something from it i try to be very detailed because i mean i have literally watched these indices um i've told people i would check in indices before i take a text message so we've got a little bit of a relationship going now you i know some of y'all are watching this i did not tell y'all to get in it remember we've got news coming up but on all the indices what were you saying uh schwann oh look at nas nav nez is turning around oh yes y'all well it's wicked so yeah let's let's let's let the market get its direction because there's all kinds of stuff taking place right now you're so welcome everyone you're so welcome you know i will be here at 9 00 a.m on our vylb profit calls all right all right on the rby it'll be profit calls i'm happy that i was able to simplify this you know a perfect practice makes perfect so what i want to do for now is turn the call over to miss brownlee if you're on the line so she can press out you all keep watching them because 10 a.m is normally when you get direction

and at 10 am we have news so i'm anticipating a push i'm gonna be cashing out with y'all so pay attention to how the market um the order of the indices based on liquidity just one moment ms brownlee so we have so the order of the indices based on liquidity we have we have the us 30 which is our fastest we have um the nas which travels behind the us 30 and the nas can sometimes keep up with the us 30 depending on what's happening in the news but and then we have the german 30 which will come behind that as far as how fast it moves even though we're not getting much action from german 30 right now but i will tell you all when i was looking at the german 30 at their bell open at 3 a.m this morning it did move and i don't know if i said this before um it does in most more cases than not follow the movement of our industries like when that when it pulls back all of them will pull back ty so it just it's about getting familiar with it and then you have the s p 500 which will be your slowest um that will be yours will be your uh slowest uh moving into c so all right you all so let me go ahead and turn the call over to miss brownlee so she can close us out in prayer thank you so much queen thompson you can't prove it by us that this was your first time training i tell you this was awesome thank you and god we praise you we adore you you have done it again how mightily you have used our recent educators we give you praise for mrs anderson for miss thompson as they have entered this new phase in their lives as champions so professionally glowing and shining as stars we eagerly anticipate mrs brantley and her premiere also and we bless miss dyer for how she has richly duplicated herself we decree and declare that we are operating under an open heaven where the floodgates are open during this season of greatness and purpose god this is proof of just that we have blessings everywhere for all of this and for our dream team mr rogers miss dyer and dr pythwood and uh god uh as they steer us in this the largest economic empowerment movement in history of mankind we are grateful thankful and appreciated and it's in jesus precious holy and righteous name that we give you thanks amen and amen and this officially concludes this prophet call this morning we ask that you we command you to go forth in abundance and prosperity patience and profit amen and thank god

2021-08-05 16:48

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