Level Up Your Business w/ Pride ICON Agents - 6.2.21

Level Up Your Business w/ Pride ICON Agents - 6.2.21

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but it just it puts my life in perspective you know in a way it's like wow oh for sure sir all right i turned uh i turned my webcam cam on you guys can see that behind yep oh do i have to do that i don't know i'm just doing it briefly to make some announcements it's better communication it doesn't work with panels because we can't do one on on each panel on each screen well thank god because i didn't put any makeup on today but like this is the way that i teach my negotiation class uh every month here here in the world is because it i talk with my hands a lot so it better better okay we're three till um yeah i'm gonna go live in 10 seconds great that sounds good so i'm leaving hello you up on stage great and you want to send any order julie across the stadium no i think just up front across the stage and um eileen there you go there was something really wrong with your head on stage that always looks so weird so i'm just going to do something hey stephen okay and eileen and i are sporting the pink uh pride avatar here or we decided we're just gonna stay that way for the whole month so a little i just figured in real life i have no hair at all so you know i wanted to keep it real you know keep it simple keep it for real for real i think it's important that you show up authentically you know with your your your shiny head so i'm so glad you're here so we'll get uh we're gonna officially get started in just a couple minutes so glad you all are here um happy pride month my friends so let's do this so let's do let's do a little uh a little chat participation and so um type into the chat box uh where are you from where are you where are you right now who's who's in the room and i think we have some staff people as well oh and of course i have a little background noise for y'all that i may have to go deal with but that can when it's huh atlanta how hot toronto yay raleigh uh pacifica awesome okay cool and how long with exp let's let's let's see what we have going on there how oh i always like to see like how many years in real estate and how many with exp so so i'll i i can i can start with that so there's my numbers two and two awesome one and oh awesome welcome welcome to exp and eight and eighteen good nice deanna rock on deanna our numbers are similar even full awesome so hey guys it's one o'clock so i'm just gonna get started with the with a few announcements my name is julie nelson i'm in austin texas um i am one of the leaders uh and founders of the exp pride network and we're so thrilled to pull together the programming for uh for pride month and as you'll see one of the screens i think on the far right on the stage shows you the schedule for the month every wednesday in june we have a session at i always have to do the math at 11 a.m pacific so it's 1 p.m central to do your time zone math but every wednesday in june and there's five of them we have a special uh session for you really excited about about the programming we're bringing so today's session is our icon panel um next week is um two national coaches which happens to be me and sherry swift um who is the president of one of the lgbt industry organizations as well and an exp agent so we're going to talk about agents improving their businesses and their lives then we have our next gen achievers panel on june 16th we have a housing equality panel on june 23rd with a special guest i'm really thrilled to announce that that session on wednesday june 23rd includes um alexia smokler who's the nar senior policy representative for fair housing and it's a plus a few panel members from within exp so really excited about that and then the last wednesday of the month we're having our pride network techie panel so it's it's top tips from our top techs um so i'm really excited about that as well then right after that last session so on the last wednesday of the month we have our pride parade and this will be our second annual in the world little pride parade around the exp campus and then we will end that at the pride disco uh where we have a uh where we have a live dj for a 45 minute uh disco so really excited about that really glad you guys are here um uh i want to ask is that everyone help uh promote all of our pride month activities so we can drive people to these sessions and also to participate in in the pride month conversations in the pride network um in one exp uh anywhere uh in workplace so just really help people find us build the energy and um and build the conversation um we are live streaming all of the sessions so uh links will be available so each of these sessions you'll be able to take a link and you'll have to you you'll be able to find those on um we'll post them on the workplace page so you'll be able to take that link and share them on your other um social media outlets facebook etc so i'm really excited and thank you thank you for uh exp staff and to joey who's in the room right now for really making uh that that technology happen so with that said i am going to i am going to exit the stage and i am going to turn things over to eileen and this awesome panel of pride network icon agents i'll let you guys do the intro and run with the program and i am gonna turn off my webcam so you're not you're not having to stare at my uh pride pride face the whole time all right eileen it's all yours awesome thank you so much julie for uh for always giving us great information and our uh leadership for the group so today we are going to talk to three top icon panel agents here they are very uh very successful in their business and i thought it would be really fun to be able to get a little bit of information so they can share with us you know more about who they are and also their business and tips and tricks that they have learned and put into place over the years so um we're going to start with a brief introduction so being that stephen is closest to me i'm just going to say take it away stephen tell us a little bit about yourself where you're where you live where you're from and your business hey um you said stephen norris here um based in raleigh north carolina have an amazing team of some amazing folks really they they keep me sane as much as anyone can um and been in real estate for about nine years exp about two and a half i came from a religion brand and definitely uh have not looked back since being here and really have enjoyed being really involved with not only exp but our industry in with with nar and everyone else so i'm glad to be here love to give back and let's hope that we can um learn some stuff today awesome thank you so next we will go to uh looks like it is melissa so go ahead melissa hey y'all thanks for coming out today happy pride to everyone i am from austin texas born and raised in austin texas i will probably never leave um i've been in real estate almost 10 years and with exp since 2015 um agent 600 in texas so i'm very proud of that and um yeah i'm looking forward to sharing with you guys uh ways that i've been able to elevate my business and become successful and i'm really interested also in learning from stephen indiana as well as i see they are very successful and i just look forward to having some fun today so thank you for coming awesome thanks and uh go ahead deanna give us your info all right hey guys i am uh well was born in north carolina and i am licensed in north and south carolina run a real estate team with my wife and very happy to be here and answer any questions and hopefully provide some tidbits that will be helpful for anybody wanting to also icon as the rest of the panel here has and um happy pride month and let's see what we can do today awesome thank you um you mentioned that you work with your wife in your business do either of the you other icon agents do you work with your partners or husband wife um so yes and no like if i worked close with my husband there would be i'd be arrested for murder um however my husband does work for exp he's actually the product manager for brokerage operations and enterprise so we round about work together um but he is not an agent he supports agents i'm kind of on the line with you stephen now my spouse so um i guess we can dive in a little bit i land on the l and my husband is now on the t of the spectrum so when i reference my husband um mj is what i'll call him because he goes by mj well he was with exp and licensed but now he kind of is taking a background role in my business and we'll be doing some some different things this year to expand my business uh he makes up for about 25 of my referral business so in that capacity he he is a part of my team and has been pretty tremendous um in my business uh he's a vet he's an army vet um and you know he helps bring a lot of business um for me and he's kind of um he's a character you can ask julie he's very um i don't know how you would explain him never meets a stranger so no not a fish in an official capacity but he definitely helps me awesome thank you so i think we're going to shift gears a little bit and just to kind of get go back to like where you started from so if you could each let's go in the same order that we just went and give us some information about what your first two years in the business look like for you you know were you on a team were you a single agent and an idea of how many transactions you did in your first year so my first year like i'd never really consider myself much of a failure until uh my first year in real estate i remember i made 13 000 and i spent you know half of that just to get started with dues and all that other fun stuff um you know i went solo then i ended up joining a team because my background was hr and team building was a thing so i helped a local team leader build her her team up um second year was a little bit different i went from 13 to 98 so it was a huge jump because i was like freaking out because i was like oh my gosh i'm gonna do whatever it takes at this point and i you name it i was driving you hooing and hauling and all kinds of good stuff um but it was my 13th month in business i think i had 11 closes and i'm like where did all these people come from and i was so busy working on getting everything to the finish line i did not realize that like oh i'm not going to get paid for the next two months or three months because i had not kept working on my business and that's when i once again re-evaluated uh the business so my within my first or my first after my friend during my first full year is when i realized like okay i need to you know figure out a structure so that i can continuously grow as an individual and keep growing the business and making sure that it's sustainable but it was after that first year of tears that i um you know had my first reevaluation so i had to reinvent myself probably twice within my first two years um and it was hard but i feel like every couple years i'm we have to reinvent ourselves anyways you know maintain relevancy you know enter blockbuster and sears as examples exactly we're always changing so melissa would you be able to share with us your first two years very interesting so um since i'm in austin you'd be interested to know that i actually had a real estate coach with the broker i was with i i believe they probably make you do it now but back then it was by choice and so i had the wonderful julie nelson hats off to julie um she was great i mean she was very honest with me um when i became an agent and i don't know she had a lot of confidence in me and that just gave me confidence in myself after about a year um i ended up joining a team as a buyer's agent and at the time austin was what i say was going through their first wave their first california wave and the team that i was on we were doing kind of like some really unreal transaction numbers a month i think on average and this is two years in the business was probably closing anywhere between five to eight a month and we were working a lot of um zillow leads that's when zillow was really popular back then and so getting my feet wet wasn't even how it happened for me i dove right in and i think i stayed on that team for a couple of years before i joined exp um so if i could go back and think of the sales i had then price points were way different but i was doing a lot of a lot of sales but i was having a commission split that was an ideal was not an ideal business structure and i was i wanted to own my own sales that was always really important to me and when you're on a team with them with that broker you know you have the rainmaker and they own yourselves so i made a really tough decision to say no i'll own my cells i'll have my own cap and then you can take your split again that was not sustainable left joined exp and you know the rest is history you know with exp i had a team early on and um quickly realized that you know i needed to either make the team smaller or focus on my own personal business which is what i did and we can dive in more about what i did but the rest is history the first two years were pretty pretty crazy for me what about you deanna i uh was a division one athlete and worked in pro sports after college um and then i wanted to get into real estate investing so i got my sales license and then at that time got my broker's license because north carolina was changing to a broker-only state i really wanted to get it to get into investing more than helping clients but i started helping my co-workers and at that time i worked for the nba and the wnba and so my first clients were co-workers since we were working the same crazy schedules and um i started helping them and realized how much i enjoyed you know that service piece of helping them find a home or sell a home and so then i ended up putting my two weeks notice in and left pro sports and did real estate full time my first year in real estate which is i was still working um you know for a bit of that i did 15 transactions i made less than 40 000 net and did less than 3 million in production but for me to not be micromanaged in in a corporate environment with a very low glass ceiling um i was very comfortable with that and uh the next year was pretty similar um i was on a team i had an agent that kept kept pursuing me to leave um my my job to to take on this real estate adventure and and i i just kept telling him to make me an offer make me an offer and he said there's no offers in real estate and i said well okay make me an offer so he did make me an offer um so the first team i joined i was actually kind of worked off a draw uh to so that i would feel comfortable and that draw was only in place for one month before i had my first transaction so he didn't have to do that moving forward um but in that position on the team uh i very within a couple years i i became the rain maker and um and he needed to move on to he actually went back to corporate america so in my career i have either been on a team or uh since meeting my wife we we've run a team together um but the the beginning it's interesting because the beginning was all hustle it just felt like hustle hustle hustle everything i was doing i was hustling and i was on the streets and i was door knocking and i was doing open houses and i was creating flyers and hanging them up at the y and um majority of my clients came from my extracurricular activities i was probably playing on eight or nine sports teams a week since it was pre-wife and pre-kids um i really didn't have much to do besides be social and and work um so those those first couple years i feel like the business came from me just interacting with people uh whether it was previous co-workers or current teammates that is where the majority of my business came from in the beginning wow that's pretty interesting i like all of your background there um so what did it look like then or what was the key for you to kind of get into that momentum when things started to click for you when you started the light bulb started to go off and you're like okay like steven said i have to reinvent myself what you know if you could share with us what that looked like for you when you had these moments of clarity where you decided to make changes well for me for deanna it was honestly it was uh meeting my wife um which was we actually had gotten her real estate license i'm i'm um i'm eight years her senior so she had gotten her real estate license uh after myself and she was looking online to see if there was a a little niche for uh lgbtq and and my face kept popping up and then that is honestly how we actually kind of connected and met and then married and have three kids and two dogs and all kinds of stuff together so um what really pushed me was was meeting her because she had she had big she she still does have big goals big dreams and a big drive we balance each other because i'm the implementer so she says she wants to do uh 20 million in production we do 20 million in production if not more she says she wants to do 50 million in production so um that really i was very comfortable um with the production that i was doing and and it did it did i would say a year 3 started to double and then continued to double from there when we met our first year working together we did 10 million and 34 transactions two years later we were doing 20 million and 90 transactions uh two years later just we exceeded you know five hundred thousand and in net commissions um and last year exceeded seven hundred thousand and 122 transactions so uh for me it was it was a driver it was meeting that that person that kind of forced me to push myself step outside my comfort zone and and go for something that was bigger than than i had thought we could achieve wow that's pretty pretty awesome to be able to double like that in in periods so sounds like she uh definitely keeps you in line all right so let's go to let's just have anybody jump in here as far as that goes um tell me a little bit about you know how you got a momentum steve how you got into what i'm sorry i didn't hear that uh how you got into momentum like what was the first two years your your business look like i'm sorry what did you look like in the key that you had like what was the key for you to get into momentum to get to that next level what you said earlier when you were describing your first two years that you only did you know certain amount of transactions your first year and then you realized that you know that was painful and you had to try to figure out and reinvent yourself um just tell us a little bit more about that how what was what did that look like for you and how did you go about it gotcha well the first thing is pick up your phone right um it really becomes a mindset the mindset is every single day when we wake up we are unemployed every single day we wake up we meet people and we have to ask them for a job so we need to be ready at any point in time to do a job interview and so it was really changing that mindset that no one owed me anything it was up to me to create that value proposition in a world where you know everyone watches hgtv or i like to call it sci-fi channel because that's not the real way of how real estate works um you know everybody knows knows a realtor and everybody knows that person that claims that they're the best but the only thing that differentiates you from any other person in this room or any firm or whatever is you your authentic self so i stopped doing that whole like okay in order to be a realtor i have to drive an rx 350 and i have to do this this and this so i got really involved i became the first governor and president for north carolina for the women's council of realtors i um you know got really involved with you know you know i've written some stuff and um i got involved with nar ncr raleigh regionals on the boards i did all of these things to really to learn the industry and be a part of something um my granddaddy used to say should or get off the pot if you want to make a change if you want to have a voice you got to pull a chair up to the table so the big thing for me was just changing the mindset and saying hey by the way i'm going to be in this and i'm going to completely invest in myself and my industry and my career by getting involved i'm going to make realize that no one owes me anything and i'm going to be myself completely and authentically and by doing that i will have the confidence because i don't have to pretend to be anyone other than who i am when i start asking people for those jobs when i meet people my personality comes through and that way the people that are attracted to me are the people that i want to work with because they're the people that see me and therefore my most valuable resource becomes joy and i get to enjoy what i do and when you love what you do then you can do more of it and so every day even though you're asking for that job it's almost like being retired because you do love what you do so the key was just changing that mindset and picking up the phone because i didn't know who was going to offer me a job that day so you know since then i've actually you know trademarked keeping it real in real estate because that's really how i want to see you know who i am and what i represent i like that a lot being it's very powerful to be able to be who you are and not worry about you know what other people think you're just gonna right and goals should be based upon how many people you help how many people you help transition in their life because when people buy and sell a home we got to remember they're getting divorced so they're getting married having babies downsizing someone's someone's passed away and so when we when we're able to you know help those folks you know and we make our goals based upon helping people then the money comes you know since then i mean fast forward this year i'll probably do over 200 you know transactions and i don't feel like i'm doing that much because i'm just having fun and working with people that i love and same thing with with our team it's a very diverse team of folks and so that we can better represent our community and and really there's something for everyone so when when you get someone that doesn't work for you there's someone that's a part of your sphere that that can help that person so you really can help anybody you can help more people transition and you can make a true difference in the community wow that's excellent and melissa what about yourself um a shift for me after the two years in the business was you know one now i do say when i came over to exp i did do a mind shift and kind of like what stephen said you're and i don't i think it might have been indiana that you were just working working working and for me it became like all right so i i went from being a buyer agent to a business owner when i joined exp i was provided with the tools that allowed me to be a true business owner and i am the first in my family to own a business and i operate in that mindset so uh yes i'm a realtor i'm a real estate agent but for me the shift was becoming a business owner and then i had to ask myself what you know who am i in the business so i would ask my friends and pass clients or people you know that may have been an acquaintance and i asked what do you think of when you see me you know as a business person as a realtor how would you describe me and the words that i always got or were you know the feedback i would get was you're relatable and trustworthy and so i thought well that's what i want to be in my business i want to help people and i always say my business is real estate but my passion is people and i want to help people and i drive every day with that i want to help people and in becoming a business owner and changing that mindset i have you know multiplied my transactions tremendously and i said in 2019 i want to really want to focus on listings how can i become a better listing agent and you know it was answering my phone obviously one of the things they say about realtors is they don't answer their phone i said well that's not going to be me i'll always answer my phone i may not have always it may not always be about real estate but some way you know one of those calls is going to be a referral it's going to be someone inquiring about a sign you know a house a sign call it'll be something so answering your phone showing up in the business the shift for me was putting myself in the mindset as a business owner um i don't you know i'm an individual agent i don't have a team but i just put in the chat that when i think of my team i think of my title rep who has helped me farm specific neighborhoods in my area get really creative with with how i farm um you know i do some non-traditional farming but a lot of it is social media now um let's see you know your your escrow officer i have a really close relationship with her she will do a lot of title work for me if i ask her because i am loyal to her and she has helped me in my business and we've helped each other grow those relationships are so important you know my handyman he's great if i have a listing appointment and you get a seller across from you they're totally overwhelmed i always say hey look don't worry call joey or let's call joey right now show me what you're concerned about with your house and let's see if we can fix it before we hit the market and you know i have a stager that i work with she gives me special prices because i only use her so building these relationships has been pretty tremendous for me a photographer you know there's tons of photographers there's tons of great photographers but i want to build a relationship with someone who you know is in line with my branding and how i would present a listing um last year i had 53 transactions as an individual agent and about 40 of those were listings so i did everything i could in 2019 to make sure that when 2020 ended i i met my goal and that was i really wanted to be dynamic in listings and with the shift that's happening in austin i mean it's been my saving grace i think julie can tell you it's in austin right now it's insane and it feels really good to have that stuff up um in the listing business so that's a little bit about how i leveled up and how the the shift happened for me and i know it looks different for everybody but you know that's that's how it happened for me why one more thing i wanted to say i mean um one of the things that a coach told me one time and she's sitting in the audience with pink hair and a yellow jacket was make sure melissa make sure you ask for the business and i have a lot of friends who are realtors and they say how the heck do you get all these listings well what i do is yes we have docusign but i do print a folder every single time yes i have this listing presentation in one folder i walk you know i sit and i talk to the sellers normal conversation you know i know i'll be there for at least two hours because i talk a lot and i say to them okay and this folder is all the things that you need to know about me you know my my set my cells you know volumes you know local cells all the fluff and in this folder is all the practical stuff and they never take the other when they always take the practical stuff and in that is always a listen agreement that i've already signed and i don't leave until they sign it but if i feel that they're getting uncomfortable i still ask for the business and i always assume that i have that listing unless they say to me we've hired someone else i will always operate that i have that listing i will follow up with them and i'm pretty i would say eight out of ten times i don't leave without a signed listing agreement and you know maybe on those other two i may not get it or they'll just sign later via docusign but i i don't know that's that's helped me a lot in my business thank you julie wow that's great you're a good student thank you i definitely see a theme with uh with the three panelists as far as the relationship building and having that connection with other people and and actually helping people that's what they what they thrive on so that's that from everybody um so what was your formula then uh well let me let me shift gears for a second so we talked about how you guys made that you know realizations and you had these changes and and how you went about with your business and getting you to that next level well let me just kind of move to a different area and ask you just just for your opinion why do you think that agents struggle when they first get into real estate you know what you've you've all had been on teams you have teams now what do you feel is the biggest reason why agents struggle i i would say that i think that um a lot of agents that get into the business are commission driven instead of service focused and i think that's a huge downfall can you elaborate on that just a little bit more yeah um have you ever heard of commission breath yep yeah so i feel like a lot of agents that get into the business are have heard that you know realtors make a lot of money we sell houses and we make thousands and thousands of dollars but what they don't understand is the work and effort and follow-up and relationship building and service and the answering the phones and responding to people and everything that that does go into that one um you know client or lead to to to kind of create that relationship to where they allow us to help them you know buy or sell their home and then we go through that whole process um so so anytime we have agents that join our team or joining exp we always make sure that you know we talk to them about you know service needs to be at the center of what you're doing if you provide an exceptional level of service then the commissions will follow um you'll also get referred to other clients uh my um my first one one one little uh quick story i had a i had client that that wanted to look at a property and it was a 30 i don't know 30 40 000 property and um i went and met him because i'm a big believer in equality all across the board and so price point isn't again a driver for me but how can i help um so i met this client and um we hit it off and they said you know most most realtors don't want to meet us at these properties because they're less than 50 000 and i said it's not a problem for me i want to help you with whatever price point you need so i helped them buy a condo a town home it was 38 000 they were very happy with the level of service i provided despite the price point and then i helped them buy seven more properties that year that client became a client for life and then i continued to talk to them about real estate and how they should get their license uh so he did and he's now a member of our team and his first year in real estate was last year he did i think 26 transactions and made just under a hundred thousand dollars himself being on our team so you you just you never know but again all of that was centered at service great and melissa what about you what do i it's my mic on can you guys hear me yeah i can hear you okay i just want to make sure oh i think the question was i'm eileen what do you have the agent struggle in the business in the beginning yeah just kind of like what do you just your opinion of why do you think agents struggle yeah so it's it's intimidating right you know you're you're looking at all these agents wow how how are they doing it look at all those cells they have and um you know tend to compare themselves i'm i was guilty of it you know i may still feel that way you know with looking at these great you know dynamic agents so really i think that you know maybe i'm speaking for myself in the beginning of my business but i feel that you know you suffer from that from time to time you know the confidence i think that um we've all been guilty of it but that that's my opinion on what on why agents struggle in the beginning or maybe not have the contacts maybe don't have the database and i had this um and i cannot remember it might have been gene i don't know if you guys have ever sat into one of his classes or panels but is it gene julie he's got the book where he says how many people can you talk to about business and a long time ago i thought boy he's just to talk to everybody is it gene [Music] julie it is yeah so it's so funny you know my mom laughs at me all the time every time we're somewhere but if you're an agent and you're struggling i i would i would like to know if you guys are asking for the business or having conversation about real estate one of the things that i i do all the time maybe to a fault as i talk to strangers it drives my family crazy but i i will talk to anybody and i can guarantee you real estate will come up in some capacity sometimes they'll have an agent sometimes they'll be an agent but i always say i will always have a business card in my purse i will always have an electronic business card hey let me text you really quick you know let me know if you ever need help buying or selling do you think do you know anybody who may need a buy or sell always always always so if you're an agent and you've ever been through that you know even if you're shy put yourself out there have conversation maybe not ask for the business but maybe just mention that you're a realtor maybe you're at a party i mean of course it's covered still but maybe you're at the grocery store i'll talk to anybody about real estate sometimes i eileen i think it's just being shy or intimidated don't ever feel that way guys you know you can get past that i believe in you yeah i know it is it can be a little bit intimidating you feel like you might say the wrong thing or that you know you might know that you're newer or you're struggling so i can totally understand but yeah just working at it learn your scripts do all the things that you need to do to be able to put yourself into that next level so great great feedback there um so as far as like was getting to icon status something that you had had as a goal that you were working towards or is it something that just sort of happened based on your production i'll try i'll dive in on this one i was like melissa ann you are going to be an icon agent you're already doing the sales you know what's a few more right and i i made it a personal mission to do so and it kind of lined up around the time that i was making that shift in my business or like steven says reinventing yourself which i do feel we need to do that ever so often and to keep up with the sign of the times right when i first started in real estate facebook was just you know i would say um being used more for talking about business i don't even think they had i think they were just starting facebook business back then but you know i i really toted the line on um the 80 20 rule you know talking about my business on my personal and business page but um as far as icon is concerned i made it a personal mission i was doing that shift in my business where i wanted to become more active in my market for listings and i end up moving to a little small town outside of austin called manor and i just said to myself i don't see why i can't own this neighborhood of course there's other fantastic agents out here but i thought this is my path to icon i'm going to farm this neighborhood i'm going to work this town i was included on um on some panels and committees for zoning in the city of manor i was volunteering i was doing all the things talking to everybody i could about real estate but my path to icon was very intentional and it kind of um bled into the following year so i i kind of say i icon in 2020 and 2021 because my cap was in march um is always in march and i feel like it was very intentional and i did some things that i you know was kind of outside of the box for me but it was very intentional um and i i did it through listings and that was my goal and i met it and i'm really really proud of it yeah and same thing it has to be i don't know i guess i didn't make becoming an icon a goal i just knew that if i did the right things it was gonna happen like i i'm gonna i'm a horrible business owner i need to be better i'm not gonna be honest i'm not very good at tracking my sales um you know i'm just the beauty of exp is i can log into my my little passport mess and i can look at it but oh okay i'm selling some stuff oh i've got closes coming up that's cool um so the reality is i i really just focus on doing those things that i love to do and that's meeting people and and the networking pieces um but it's interesting though my goals are more for the people that i surround myself with like when folks come onto the the team or downline or whatever the case may be i like to help them understand their goals and push them for it um i just feel like if everybody hits theirs then i'll be fine you know um and so you know it's but i don't know i just feel like it's it's you you really have to decide what that goal is and stick with it and i think where people struggle too which was part of the question is you know time blocking i think new agents it's you you have to time block and you have to create those goals you have to have a vision so many times we get into this business and everybody tells you these are the things you need to do but they never tell you why you know you don't know why you're supposed to do it and so you're kind of going through the motions but you don't have a clear vision of what it is that you're trying to do so one of the things that i try to get agents to do when they first start is to create a vision statement so if you can visualize where you're trying to go it makes it a lot easier to create those steps that help you get there so like my vision statement is to be the face of innovation and change within modern day real estate and by having that as the vision statement it it encourages me and then the folks on the team to make sure that we are innovative and that we are being the face which means we're putting ourselves out there and i think another key where people struggle is the confidence so if you have an opportunity to hang out with an agent that's doing business just sit there ask him to write offers hey can i put this in for you can i go on a listing i'll be your driver i used to drive agents around just so i could hear them talk i wanted to hear them negotiating deals how they're converting leads that's what i wanted to do i'm not a script person i need to visualize what's happening so you know getting started by doing those things what happened is i have that confidence because i knew the answers to questions and and they hit you and a lot of times as a new agent you actually end up knowing more than you realize like so i know for me personally like if a newer person comes on and i already know they know the answer i will push back on them because they i'm like you you know where to find the answer you already know this and once people start clicking and realizing that oh i actually know the answer to this question that's where the confidence comes so for real guys if you're new to this fake it till you make it hang out with folks that that are running their business the way you see that that you need your business run and surround yourself with people that complement your opportunities like i said i'm bad at keeping track of when the closes are or you know what's going on with that but i have amazing people that i surround myself with that can they can keep track of that stuff for me so that i can go do my thing and so as you grow and you start surrounding yourself with your team if you're on a team hopefully you have that but you know putting your aces in their places focus on the things that you do well and that's where you get your best return on investment stop trying to be everything to everyone if you read a book that's great but take out the bits of pieces that you're going to actually commit to and that you're going to be consistent with

2021-06-11 02:10

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