Les Minutes de la FED Beige Book Good Morning Trading en direct - Benoist Rousseau

Les Minutes de la FED Beige Book Good Morning Trading en direct - Benoist Rousseau

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kind to all and welcome to the taste of morny trading I am delighted to meet you again to take stock of market news the psychological climate and then the big news that awaits us if you want to know a little bit about what happened yesterday will you can watch the good morning trading yesterday because what I said in quotes is it is perfectly done we are we are in a range have been looking for low points we have good rebounded he especially hopes you took advantage of the rebound of the 15000 on the dax people talk at 8:30 to 9:30 to 9:30 I think 9:45 it arrived good it was the good course of the morning until 3:30 p.m. almost everything all all day So we really stay that's what is reassuring also in a classic scenario that we have experience the scenario we will arrive on the beige book of the fed the meeting of the co-owners we will know what the members of the party said to each other and that's really really the point organ of the day we will see this in detail the three important things to watch today do not hesitate to subscribe to lacq and talk about this channel around you channel that will grow and grow since I'm talking about essentially the stock market and trading is hard at the opening of the from Saturday at noon there will be the opening of the economic part that I have never really done and Sunday the history part therefore will be a chain that is going to do stock market stock market trading economy and history and it will be already great down, hoping that you like it anyway me I like the job is the main thing we are attacking we are attacking so today what is it? 'we at 2:30 p.m. consumer prices are the monthly statistics so we face to see the info on the month of september in the united states yes it seems obvious but i prefer like the m in the united states the three us are united states very monitored by the fed to know if it goes up or not its rates So there we are sure normally it should move I was going to say even whatever the whatever the statistic we risk gradually gaining all day a nervousness here we wait of course at 8 pm for the minutes of the fed every word every line each intonation that we imagine that it is a version written in going to be from here that is to watch it can move in all directions it can move in all directions often it does not do much but there since the nervousness seen the tension that binds to on the markets that can it that can shake a little bit and very important in the first results of the second quarter of 2021 for the American companies the time is not this direction several and the one which opens the ball at the banks it is jp morgan which will give its results on the pre-stock market that is to say and jpmorgan will give its results between 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. it is French time it is the opening the American stock exchange they will give the result is therefore that maybe between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. here then there are not two extremely precise hours they can be late with all that that's why you have to be in prud'hon quotes because if the results and analyzes see you Thursday what is very important to see the results that will be analyzed will they pay dividends what their quarterly went well but especially this outlook how a bank as important as jpmorgan little veiled next six months here is the end of the year what they told you about the risk of inflation nice 2 concentrates of explosion of the commodity market how it could be impacted or on the contrary they are very confident inflation is going to be perfectly mastered and it is thus here and jp morgan we are in finance a game here it is not it is not a company which you which they go I do not know t-shirts or or yo yo yo everything what they are going to say would be really extreme a lot of weight for us in our in the consequences that this can have I am sorry I have trouble I have trouble expressing myself to find my words what I still have a little bit of problems health ah but it's improving that's the main thing that's basically that's why you have to be very very careful if you want to position yourself before the results of two jeeps and mental sorry if you see a nice opportunity a dhow help at around 3 p.m. and that jpmorgan has not ordered are its quarterly

it's a little a little a little a little bit risky since there in addition we do not have a specific time consumer loans is that it falls at 2:30 p.m. so if you want to buy at 2:10 p.m. it's up to you to assess your risk if you have kept your position until after 2:30 p.m. when it's really at 2:10 p.m. to exit at 2:12 p.m. well why not at it is really up to you to assess the risk, but the first results of jp morgan are really so be expected att ention there is really a dangerous zone we can define it is the front stock exchange points these announcements and hardly more it is good they have an hour 6 2 and a precise time I prefer not to give it to you and why because it is not always respected so after you are going to come bitch in either said that jpmorgan of the series all at 13:30 low and announced on their site and I waited and I was fooled if Lille gave at 13:48 scale is good therefore year on the jp morgan site is like that you will have you will have all the news on this but be aware that the schedules are not necessarily always well respected we will move on to the technical analysis of the markets I remind you so see you at 10 hours to make a big point on the crypto stock market early for an hour with the outlook of the markets there will be a lot of things to say to each other at 10 a.m. Saturday 12 p.m. economy and Sunday 10 a.m. history let's go to I'll show you the dax 40 anyway here is my connection is super long this morning i will definitely called andorra telecom serves that the video goes gmi 98% of where you can get bandwidth on the video so i hope it passes so look yesterday at the 15000 point on the on the dax 40 I was telling you about it I was telling you about it there at 8 o'clock there were some we had not yet reached the game can even take five minutes like that here here it is so here at 8 o'clock so eight o'clock it was here I want you I was talking about it as that we could go get it and a good probability of rebound and therefore look at the five-minute candle opening we pass slightly below so in an ideal situation that there is a robot and indeed we have the rebound which is accompanied by beautiful candles and tina chi so in one minute it's even cleaner but I don't have to divide everything each time because otherwise we have for three hours to analyze everything but there we really had here the deal in quotes of the day and which stop in contact with the pivot of the week really have a trade even coming back badly even coming back late and all there was 30 to 50 points to learn it was really in the teeth the algos if I dare say that have carved a little bit visually and sas affectively rather rather well worked hertz which is interesting why I'm showing you that it's done if we had the same little slippery we hit the 15,000 and we started to bounce so that you see that's the situation that the 'we had yesterday and that I felt watching what is interesting if we take a step back on the two weeks the low of the previous month it was really the area where we started to bounce back we had again a confirmation of this rebound we see that they are all the same and it has not really where to go because the force of the rebound is overall less than the initial rebound that we had on October 5 it rose to 186 there we did 150 with difficulty and we try to stay above the second thing that is important in. ur lovers of so beautiful

we had a retracement overall if we look at 50% and we start to start again so we are really in a technical situation yes the strength of the pivot points is on this kind of extremely technical situations to it works really very very very well 15000 monthly support we go slightly below poum it bounces sorry the city 14700 that being sorry monthly support we go below and it bounces strongly in contact with the fourteen 1801 zone hundreds zone and the 15000 boom rebounds there is no need to have either five hundred 500 points points if you yourself remove the daily pivot points I say them I thought at two or three weeks I have three weeks roughly a month and I I have people who will write my anxieties and thank you for telling us that it's great I do very little trade a multi just the monthly and weekly pivot point and it will be fine and if you really do very very very little but you're just The monthly pivot points are good the daily pivot points are more for aggressive people in 'intraday' like me to have a little more opportunities but it is the daily pivot point that has bounced off it is really to nab in scalping a handful of points has rebounded on a monthly support it is for it is not a handful of points that we can go and nab we can already more or less get into our head in trading c ' is to get dozens of points or even hundreds of points if we are on indices at 15000 points like the like the dax or like the dow jones 1 so here it is, unless it is better we know on the stock market somewhere but you are putting bigger takes pivot they will make you gain a lot there a lot from below and the more you get in fact in the pivot points small daily donations some use pivot points four hours it works well but you have to to be much more aggressive to be much more in front of his screen you have to spend more strokes during the day you have certainly earned more money than if you haven't but for people who work for people who can seem scratchy 12 hours in front of their screen monthly pivot point put -you get alerts you receive alerts when you are at work after that you see if you can place your order or not I advise you to be quite often to have intestinal problems it helped me a lot when I was teacher type e meeting interminable meetings alert on the nasdaq good bah here you get up you apologize you go to the toilet you place your order to you come back and then if you have already worked the idea that you are going intestinal problems it is not obvious and where we leave you alone in these cases we can cancel hariniony not their good grade was lowered no but they know it and you just retd and you come back here to or else bah you put a check on taken as I was doing my students when I saw an alert alert good come on we will go and see if you did well surprise check a man these take a sheet three questions good this thing is that behind I had two hours of correction to be able to place an order but hey since kids handsome it's like that at least it's sure he had a lot of surprise checks so it's worth a lot it gave me a quarter of an hour to pass to pass or monitor my order there are lots of little techniques in quotes that are not easy when working but in these cases but you are just the monthly pivot point you will have very little alert but they are very beautiful and very good quality. Here on the das we see that we are still in the zone in the waiting area we wait at 2:30 pm we shot the first results of jpmorgan we are waiting for the fed so what more can I tell you I am not soothsayer I do not see that I do not know at all what v Aut what it is worth what will be able to fall we just have to prepare for all the scenarios if we have a wave of decline the 15000 could work not badly since we are one percent higher so if we have bad news we could drop abruptly quickly and in contact with the 15,000 again have a possibility of a rebound attention that means that if trading news trading can go extremely fast and not anticipate not anticipate if it can also foot silence is very bad fifteen thousand islands and they go due south 1 that of the crossing as in butter there in these cases there we have the support to my only but they have difficulty crossing it as in butter except if honda announces to an extraterrestrial invasion of course, but otherwise it should at least have a rebound to be able to make a little bit of money so this is a day when I will not be too much in technical analysis since it does not mean very honestly absolutely nothing since we really have two big news that can disrupt absolutely everything we have a climate of tension we are really really waiting for this result from the fed and finally tomorrow we will start to resume trading jed no expectations an opportunistic trading or the managers will say to each other in what is the interesting value it is but we returned in position when you are manager just before an announcement of the fed it will be very complicated justified all the same one in six could have lost everything and the money came to demand accounts c 'It's very, very complicated to justify why you took this risk, that's why we're going to have small, small volumes while waiting on room 40 gave us a lot of info I told you about it too yesterday are too too much to believe for the cac40 the ddd 6500 zone we were lower we were on 6484 so I did not say the cac40 very much I would not have taken a position there if I would have waited at 6475 in these cases there I like the beds 25 below s ur le on the cac 40 so here I would not have I will not take a position but in any case it is sure the 6480 which capture which 85 who decided to bounce back to integrate the six miles 5 go a little above we note the 6000 5 allowed a rebound but it is not as clean back as the dax 40 the dax 40 we have touched the fifteen thousand years is not his views points below for alain 10 when you 15000 it is at say absolutely nothing at all and we immediately bounced back with force the 6000 5 they were still well pressed for the for the 40 years old since he lost fifteen points on the informant in you 6500 so quickly it starts again forty points on the dax so they pressed if I dare say their support on cac40 with five times more magnitude than that of the dax 6 and that gives us this comparison gives us really gives us indications the 15 are me very strong on the dax the six put five are relatively weak art on the cac 40 so if we has bad news the 6000 5th get screwed that I'm really talking about two bad news that would make us come back in contact with the friend of the monthly swarm for example we also have big greens which is the problem we talk less about it we learned that on Monday they had still not paid interest on a debt that was hanging out with a few of a few creditors here we do not know at all it is in step that it is China it is necessary finally a bridge from china we have to say it all the same if it had been a european or american company we would have all the data we would not know to whom they owe how much they owe s that they have reimbursed yes or no in china c it is not the surveillance company but it is not there that the card company is a donation fight we do not really know it remains it remains in pending files as dangerous where we will perhaps have I often say them weekends when it feels good or bad or it can be unlocked but we have to keep that a little bit in mind we have a kind of damocles sword we don't know if it's a sword a hammer or a plastic sword mediasite it's not good it's not good on the market we have 300 billion in debts we don't know it's not that they owe their debts we don't know who it is who repays who it is who has who does not repay so here we understand that it annoys everyone and that 'we wouldn't want that to make us a lehman but that's the good news is that they see the asadho activate to find solutions at all costs with pressure from the Chinese government they pump little leak have reimbursed late but everything does not open otherwise you take a bullet no I'm kidding these monuments so you caixa they must really really look for solutions we spend cac40 in their stocks same thing it is in mode it is in mode rather in the attack phase we We can see it very well it will perhaps come as an alert on 4000 good the little one little gray taste it gave us 4000 3.83 and a half good just to see a downward phase the four mines are good to take and especially here in my opinion the 3975 if we really have bad news it can pass the 4000 start to go down to have stops a small cascade of stops for that puts us back to 3000 or 975 and there in my opinion there are people for there are teenagers who will start to buy in order to be able to go up in contact with the 4000 so that I like is again alerts it seems interesting to me on the dow jones then he comes out he is doing pretty well we feel that well he is waiting he is waiting for the results so why he is doing rather well the dow jones is for the moment he has not farted his monthly pivot point and saha had not won win win especially at the opening good I'm going to talk about the 34000 point I like and I say good silva on 34 points it's not a scandal they could arises arises there I said yes thirty four weeks from the point of view you me nt alone I thought rather the thirty four thousand anyway to her the climate we do not know too good bah no he is doing well he is landing on the monthly pivot point is what he will stay there until announced praised the beige book of the fed for hours the beige book I do n't know I rather have a priori I would have been very had if he waited on the thirty-four thousand there on the monthly pivot point which is a very good level where 34 1234 1250 i don't know what to do frankly there on the dow jones i don't know at all what to do so if i don't know if i don't feel i'm not doing that's just i'm not taking the risk i'm not losing my money I expect from them not to know what we never know on the stock market my actions I at least expect to have an opinion a clear opinion on it so I am waiting again for a contact from the 34,000 points that could do this to us what did the dax fortunately no dax yesterday the desk with the contact of 15000 and poum the instantaneous flight good well there I say to myself perhaps that 34 min 33 1950 we can have exactly the same there even the same reaction knowing that we have the best of the best then it is enough if we are patient its 33 1925 because the 33 1925 we has support it takes a pit sweat goes back to 34 mines here it is not that we have not seen it once in our existence but it is ten times a hundred times a thousand times depending on the shadow given that that you did on the stock market here I am I do not touch the monthly pivot point it is very wise very wise but as expectations but I am good I can tell you nothing more except I do not feel it on the nasdaq so a little little more visible on the nasdaq then it's not going it is not going at all because we have the statistics at 2:30 p.m. of consumer prices is also consumer prices have risen sharply in

the United States that means that the rates of interest could come sooner than expected and nasdaq companies will have to pay off debts because if interest rates increase their debt and their profitability and their debt also increases and profitability profitability also I remind you something that they do not say at all in France one in France you launch a start up you have ten thousand euros in debt the ivory bench c is live almost bankruptcy filing in the United states you have a great idea a start-up are people who follow you you can lose money for several years and when I say losing money is less than 50 million less $ 100 million is what happened to twitter twitter has not been profitable for years years years and they were doing and were years of negative balances of $ 50 million, but c 'is the American side they say not we are afraid we lost $ 50 million they say we invested $ 50 million to earn 500 million in France we are just going to tell you you have lost taxes but ten thousand euros that to choose explained well click on the investment t it is much more much more complicated so here is whatever the American companies are so seduced 2,6 and the start-up 6 and the nasdaq got into debt got into debt was in debt not to be able to really give the chance to the product a French tweeter would not be held for one year with the balance sheet they had but catastrophic would not be held for one year they are also asked the question when throwing in the towel to bankrupt the company for Americans so it's telling you it's saying good now that's it it's going better but here it is all the difference also of dynamism which is why when our politicians announce plans of recovery of growth with sums to billions of dollars yeah that's good but for example I heard the great French industrial and technological recovery plan until 2030 which is I think 30 billion is good but 30 billion is research volkswagen development for the five pro chains years the biggest conductor of the biggest semiconductor producer of minimum wage when you arrive is the biggest semiconductor producer in china their investments for the next five years is 100 billion dollars so a company is more powerful than an energetic policy where interventionist of a state must still be a little a little bit aware of it so we can put a lot of money in France to try to develop google le français bon c'est trop late that we will not be able to catch up with it but leaders in certain areas if we do not give the product a chance if it has to be profitable immediately within two years be profitable otherwise it's dead it's going to be very very very very complicated gm in the amazons it was in deficit and its stars touch all atheists that we do not have the same so here there is a moment we must know where we make our debts so in France companies a kind of hatred these companies must be profitable immediately earn money etc but it is difficult and also where we are profitable immediately i.e. we have not invested a lot so we do not have everything following a critical size that allows to face the market the world market here it was just a little aside if it shocked me a little a little bit not to see that a big country like France but thirty minors for for an investment plan for 2030 we will say almost the next ten years to become a leader in sectors and that you have a company apart from any I took it was josé privat volkswagen which invests as much in research development but just for her, just on her sector because the 30 billion in France of course is dispatched because everyone is going to want it and there is agriculture which will also receive money for innovation, that's for sure, it's still one so it's all a bit of effort t a little bit in dispatch and voila voila I did a little bit of politics no it's more of the economy did it rather more of the economy here so be well I do not see what I could tell you if it is only the sda ​​that if it is not very very good good same thing the zone 14 1450 top is the magnificent 14500 rather rather very very very very simple attractiveness d then you were more people believe the statistics more than 1000 to 412 simultaneous spectators at the same time and I see there are some who know what I'm going to say 211 lake good come on we go up a little bit anyway because one in two spectators who still had a like this would be great I see you tomorrow I hope with a better speech because if I had trouble getting out of the words it's because it's really in the physical sense of the word I really have trouble getting them out I take my ice pack there and my pain reliever and suppress you are well be zen the day begins to 8 p.m. sailing in tiago to all

2021-10-17 14:16

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