leftist tiktoks that hate vaush

leftist tiktoks that hate vaush

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okay everyone since we're all stranded on this  desert island we need to work together in order   to survive and the first thing we need to do is  form a team to go find food i can lead the team   i had the most money back on the mainland so i'm  probably the most qualified um okay so whatever   the food team finds i will keep let's say 90 of  it 90 of the food that we all need to survive   well i took the risk in starting the team so i  deserve the most food yeah no we're not doing   that um we also need to build shelter i think  there's a pile of bamboo somewhere that we can   oh sorry this is actually my pile of bamboo  yeah i called dibs on it when we got here so   if we construct a shelter from it'll technically  belong to me but i mean if you guys want to stay   in it you can i don't know maybe pay me some of  your food you want us to give you our food so   we can stay in the shelter you're right that  doesn't make sense because first we need to   exchange the food for some kind of a currency  and then you would pay me with the currency   oh oh guys seashells is the new currency i'm  sorry why do you think you're in charge here well   i have the most money so that makes me the most  intelligent talented and qualified person here   right and where did you get all this money that's  not but that's i don't i don't understand why that   question is relevant okay lastly we need to send  an sos message back to the mainland luckily i   think i can get the transponder from the airplane  working knock knock it's me again i also own the   transponder because i'm uh standing closest to  it this guy [ __ ] kidding and i'm totally cool   with you guys using it for the sos message i  just want to make sure that i am represented   accurately you know just let him know that i am  very chill hard-working extremely generous you   know things that are like obviously true about me  you know what man i've had enough okay why should   we listen to a single thing that you're saying  oh because the biggest strongest guy here thinks   that i'm in charge so he's gonna make you all do  what i want we are spreading democracy and freedom i they're so pretty look at what vosh said today is not make the  shooting of that 16 year old girl the the hinge   of our next big civil rights anti-cop push please  god all you have to do is wait 24 hours and there   will be a way worse police shoot i don't like that  a lot of young leftists get introduced to leftist   ideas through way of these debate bros a lot of  them claim to be these ultra progressives but it's   like they have no idea of what's going on in the  actual world so that's the reason why they have   [ __ ] takes like this or they get ultra defensive  when people from the community call them out   like bro we get it you can debunk the 1350  statistics all day long but ask one of these   [ __ ] to humanize me i am tired of seeing  my oppression being used as talking points   to feel your ego when you debate fascists  this stuff isn't a debate it's people's lives   this is my autism service dog finnegan he is a  five-year-old black lab finnegan is allowed to   go with me wherever i go under the americans  with disabilities act which is a federal law   for a dog to be a service dog they must be trained  to perform tasks that directly relate to helping   the handler's disability finnegan is trained  to nudge me when he hears alarms like the oven   a timer a fire alarm etc if i'm not responding  fast enough he also does deep pressure therapy   where he applies his body weight to my legs and  chest to force deep breathing when necessary   finnegan is trained to buffer crowds by walking  circles around me creating a physical barrier   to prevent others from getting too close finn  can follow my family members when we're out so   that i don't get separated from them he can also  help locate them if we do get separated lastly   he is able to go into my house or wherever i'm  sleeping at night to search and respond if there   were an intruder present between just the initial  costs and countless hours of specialized training   finnegan is worth thousands of dollars he's a  very special dog and i am very lucky to have him says that people are upset with him because he  talks about black separatism and people didn't   like that i talked about how i wasn't a fan of  black separatism the idea that the best way to   solve racist uses for all the black folk to  just up and go and live in africa or whatever   and that discourse got a lot of people mad at me  and insisted that he should listen to black people   describes it as an issue people weaponized being  talked over against him the only issue is that's   not what happened the context that vosh is giving  just isn't true vosh didn't have a conversation on   black separatism as he claims i uh talked about  how i wasn't a fan of black separatism the idea   that the best way to solve race issues is for  all the black folk to just up and go and live   in africa or whatever he had a debate on black  nationalism didn't know what black nationalism   was black nationalists are just white nationalists  except black people pointed out that he probably   meant to talk about black separatism and instead  of apologizing and saying hey sorry i messed up   he finds a black person and then gives a  misinformation on the conflict so that she'll   agree with him in order for him to gain validity  avoiding racist tropes and fantasy part five   allow your bipod characters to be something  other than the magical guide for the group   they don't need to be the guide the voice  of wisdom the only one with the plan basically they don't need to be this like  side cast that's just supporting your   pale mcs along their journey this is also  true for jewish and roman folk specifically   but also folk religions like let those people  be people outside of just assisting your emcees   they exist in contexts other than when  they dispense wisdom and they have value   outside of those things as well the problem is  people don't allow those characters and people   of other races to exist as people they  have them exist as a plot device avoid that the big culture not only reinforces binary  thinking but it like literally makes people dumber   like in terms of the binary thinking like that's  obvious this whole idea that there's one right and   there's there's one wrong like people don't like  please expand yourself beyond the binary in every   sense because like duality is real like two truths  can hold at the same time right and then also like   it makes people dumber because there is no like  learning involved there is no dialogue or critical   thought involved it's literally just like like  even the people consuming the debate or consuming   the back and forth they're not actually learning  anything if anything they're learning how to like   present information as factual learning how to  like create a good argument they're not actually   learning the content of what is actually  being discussed it makes people dumber so you'd think that but at any moment your skilled  job could become unskilled labor i've mentioned   this in a couple other comments but i used to work  as a paraprofessional in a kindergarten this was   about six years ago and those kids were getting a  unit every year in basic coding those kids would   now be in sixth grade so starting middle school  by now and if they have had a unit on coding   every single year since kindergarten they have a  very good basic understanding of how coding works   now do you think that they're offering these kids  these courses out of the goodness of their heart   or do you think that they're banking on the  fact that when these kids enter the workforce   coding will then be considered unskilled  labor because everyone knows how to do it   for example take typing it used to be a skill that  you had to go to school for i remember learning   to do typing when i was in elementary school  all the way up through high school it became   a skill that everyone had and therefore considered  unskilled labor what i'm saying is these unskilled   jobs you look down on one day that's going to  be you and when that happens will you join us this is just a reminder that trans  men are not all skinny wafey little   boyish looking dudes have y'all  ever [ __ ] seen a trans bear magical oh my god magical  the show is my childhood so   if you [ __ ] this up i'm going  to be mad it's great i approve continue oh this is great i approve huh bro i'm literally asian aush is not good for the left   if you don't know who vows is he is a  popular streamer on youtube who calls   himself an anarcho-cynicalist a socialist  and pushed his audience to vote for biden   he has been in a lot of drama ranging from  racism in the form of saying the n-word and   much more to sexual harassment to saying there's  no moral reason why owning inappropriate pictures   of children should be considered wrong  i have yet to hear a convincing moral or   legal argument as to why possession of child  pornography should be illegal just another   day uh another bosch fan excusing racism in the  face of protecting vosh's big fragile white ego what's good i hope everybody black is having  an amazing day it's time for more black ass   history today's topic is jenga first of all the  word jenga derives from the swahili word kujenga   which means to build jenga is a game with wooden  blocks stacked in alternating directions each   player takes a turn removing the block and placing  it back on top until the structure collapses the   alleged creator of the game is a white woman named  leslie scott her parents were european colonizers   so she was born in tanzania and raised in kenya  swahili was their second language in the 1970s the   family moved to the port city of takarati ghana  now she claims her and her family made up the game   but there is hella proof that this is a  traditional game from ghana called takaratti   blocks in the traditional takarati game each  player would take turns removing the block and   keep it when the structure finally collapsed  the player with the most blocks was the winner   leslie's game is just a modified version  of this she recalls first playing this game   with a wooden block set that was  gifted to her little brother in ghana   wood timber lumber whatever you want to  call it is one of ghana's main exports   jingle blocks are a miniature version  of the much larger blocks of timber   found in the african forest that were chopped  for export at the ports they will often stack   the wood in alternating directions to promote  airflow between the planks and keep them dry   jenga also draws aesthetic inspiration from dogan  architecture mainly found in mali west africa the   dogun used dry stone masonry and their structures  included small rectangular openings throughout   these rectangular compartments are known as wind  catchers and they were used for storing goods and   keeping them dry since the release of the game in  the 1970s leslie scott's net worth is in the tens   of millions of dollars she's even been named one  of the top 10 game inventors in the world selling   over 60 million units to date so next time you see  a jenga game going on knock all this [ __ ] over i spent about 80 of my time talking about  regina and the other 20 of the time i was   praying for someone else to bring her up so  i could talk about her more i'm a finesser   a slick talker and a [ __ ] snatcher after i  smoke this would you finna hit this blade after my opinion well i've got no use for him  i honestly believe that municipal sewage   treatment facilities only wish they  could be as full as [ __ ] as he is   just my opinion you have a  good night [ __ ] the trolls this rainy day is temporary hey y'all this is a public service announcement  and i really don't know who needs to hear this   but hear this i was a teenager during the aids  epidemic well during the beginning of the aids   epidemic and i promise you on any god that you  think exists make some kind of a correlation   between monkey pox and queer people in front of  me and you'll get folded into a [ __ ] paper crane   that's coming from someone who's  non-violent because it's self-defense   to knock your teeth out your  mouth because i saw the damage   i watched the degradation and the social deaths  of people who were already physically dying   say with your chest knocks don't be the last  thing you ever say i'm just saying just saying so when you're gonna tell today i am going to share the honest and difficult  aspects of running an african vegan page people   say carve a niche on social media to grow but  not all niches are what's his favorite take   my page for one i am a black african woman  sharing west african vegan food and living   in north america it is a very specific niche  and a hard one to navigate not only is there a   significant barrier and just familiarizing my  audience with my content because the cuisines   of sub-saharan african countries to many are  unventured territories but also vegan food is   not widely received like non-vegan food in  the end we are a minority and i do want to   make it clear that vegans and non-vegans are  always welcome on my page lastly we all know   too well how social media algorithms do not like  bipac content so in the end it is truly a miracle   that i have a following like i do but don't  let this fool you because behind the scenes i   had to and continuously have to work ten  times harder just to scratch the surface i   have had my blog for seven years and only  in the last two years did i crack 4 000   followers i have said time and time again that  it is a hobby but with my meager phd income and   rapid inflation extra sources of income are always  welcome and my labor to share what i share takes   time and money whether i pitch myself to brands  or i am approached most often brands undervalue   my work because of the concern that african food  content and my expertise is not worth paying my   due compensation regardless of the size of my page  or engagement recipes by non-african creators on   vague african food crowds the first page of google  meaning less clicks and less revenue on my blog   so i am caught between being frustrated every day  counting pennies and then having to pick myself up   because something i love so dearly and is needed  in the world is causing more and more financial   strength it is hard and i can easily walk away  rather than complain but i have settled on the   payment that what i am doing now building more  awareness on plant-based african food can make   the life of a future african vegan food blogger  easier for me i am walking so that they can run why is vosh so i have been very hesitant to  follow bosch hassan all these twitch streamer   type of leftist debate me bro youtuber because  there's something about their demeanor the way   that they end the live subject the way they speak  about people and especially their fan face that   looks and feels a lot like what the old skeptic  anti-feminist and the essay sjw community used   to feel like don't get me wrong i align with them  politically way more than i do with people like   armor skeptic or the amazing atheist however  something about this appeal this hyper masculine   expression of intellectual domination worries me  they seem to perpetrate certain attitudes that are   at times even antithetical to intersectionalism  and that is worrisome considering that our   audiences are comprised of mainly young  men who may need guidance in that regard now i'm not saying i'm massively autistic  but this would get me to eat my broccoli excuse me excuse be me ham and sandwiches i'll take four it is  always morally acceptable to steal from   corporate businesses they're rich and you're not  steal whatever you want hand soap toilet paper   hot sauce i've never bought a bottle of tabasco  sauce in my entire life i've always stolen it   from chipotle just make sure you don't get  caught steal a chair who gives a [ __ ] yum i hate the climate on the left and i'm going  to explain this through debate bro culture   because it's topical right now and it just seems  like a fun thing to talk about i hate debate bros   i hate people who die on the hill but you  have to debate i i absolutely despise that   mindset i think the debates are for the most part  pretty useless um for like the people debating um   and like even for the watchers like it  depends on why you watch the debate right   the issue with debates is that like you  know they're usually a spectacle that's   all they really are is a spectacle it's people  observing they want to watch people get owned   they want to watch people get destroyed in  the marketplace of ideas they want to watch   all this you know all these you know it's  like it feels good to watch people get owned   i l i watch debates i still watch the bases but  the fact despite the fact that i hate them i   acknowledge the fact that i watch them because i  like to watch people get owned and it's funny but   as a in a practical sense right debates are stupid  because they don't actually really the two people   debating i've never actually seen two people  debate and convince each other of like that one   of their opinions is actually right the other  person's wrong i've never seen that i've never   seen that it's purely for audience entertainment  right and and it's not to say that the debates   are useless you know being able to formulate  your opinions into like a concise argument and   also presenting your worldview in a way that's  open for criticism is important in developing   your worldview i think for some people but like  that's not the only way that's a very active   actively engaged sort of way that doesn't really  uh benefit you to be open and uh um accepting to   new ideas because it's very aggressive like  what is school for example school or books   or watching youtube videos um or you know reading  audiobooks these are passive forms of engagement   with content that i think are much more beneficial  to actually learning and understanding concepts   that don't require you to be defensive they  allow you to be open because these these forms   are passive and you're doing them by choice you're  consuming them by choice i mean you watch debates   by choice but the information being presented  is usually in a very declaratory manner and very   rarely do they actually you know are there actual  like people citing information or anything like   and this is why i hate the climate on the left  because the fact that we're even having this   argument is stupid in the first place if you like  to watch debates and you understand why you enjoy   watching debates then watch debates if you don't  then don't the right is so politically powerful   because they tend to work together regardless  of where they align on the political spectrum   like neoliberals will work with centrists we'll  work with like alt-right we'll work with nazis   we'll work with conservatives because they realize  that all their ideas might not align completely   down the line they realize that they mostly  align at some point so they work together   the left doesn't do that the left is so much  inflating and it's perfectly encapsulated in   this whole debate bro argument that we're having  right now and it's just silly and goofy and stupid   you know the tankies the anarcho communists the  demo the democratic socialists we all need to be   working together to like you know form some form  of like class solidarity and and move toward what   we want and like you know pro labor yes we need  to like we need to work together because at some   level we might disagree on specifics we agree on  the big stuff for the most part right i broken   another birkin but what makes these two birkins  different and what small feature about them   divides the air mass collector community let's  talk about it no reasons they wanna see us end   up like we regina or mean girl princess our queen  tamboya king you've heard a lot you've never seen   mother earth mother mary rise  to the top divine feminine put a finger down for my fellow americans put a  finger down if you're proud of your country and   you always will be no matter what put a finger  down if you think our federal budget should   prioritize a strong military first before anything  else put a finger down if you think america's a   christian nation and our government should reflect  that put a finger down if you think people should   work for their success instead of having it  handed to them with a higher minimum wage   put a finger down if you think america's under  attack from a huge influx of immigration put   a finger down if you think police violence  isn't as bad as some people make it out to be   put a finger down if you think there are  two genders and you don't get to pick what   gender you're born with put a finger down if you  think abstract art without meaning isn't art put   a finger down if we should be punishing criminals  for their crimes not rehabilitating them and put a   finger down if you know that the 2020 election was  provably rigged congrats if you put five or more   fingers down you're actually probably a fascist  so i'm going to get the [ __ ] out actually so on the and this is no hate to the original poster at all  it's just seeing this made me really want to talk   about the whole idea of fatness and talk about  it as a social construct and kind of where it   came from to be associated with a as a bad thing  instead of just like a descriptor for somebody   so just want to preface this with literally my  whole life up until recently i have been fat i   was 250 pounds and i'm barely five foot one so  like i was considered extremely obese but was   healthy nonetheless because fat people often are  healthy people would often be afraid to call me   fat because it was like this disgusting dirty word  when in reality it's just a descriptor if somebody   is fat or plus size and they prefer to not be  called that then like you should respect that   but also also if you are plus size and or fat and  you don't want to be called fat you need to unpack   where that comes from and we're going to get into  the history of fatness very briefly so in the 16th   century it was very common for women to be fat in  fact if you were fat that was like more desirable   and this can be shown in renaissance paintings of  all kinds but the thing that is important to note   is that it was white women who were considered  more beautiful when they were fat and in these   paintings where you see white women being the  standard you can see that they were often painted   in juxtaposition with black women who were  skinny and sickly looking so it was never like   fatness is beautiful it's white fatness  is beautiful and black women are skinny   and frail and disgusting it was never just like  fat and beautiful across the board and so when   slavery picked up and they started to notice that  like hey a lot of these black women have the body   type of the women that we were praising before  but i don't like the way that it looks on them   and what was the only difference they were black  so then quickly the standard for beauty started to   change and fat was no longer considered equated to  beauty it was now equated with black femininity it   was no longer something that was looked upon and  praised and loved but something that was seen as   very negative very bad very just it was also used  as a reason to further link black women and their   femininity to animalistic tendencies so it's like  white women were fat because they were beautiful   but black women are fat because they're like  animals and they can't control themselves they   can't control their urges and they overeat and  they indulge in all the things that you're not   supposed to indulge in and so fatness is now  disgusting so the idea of fatness being an   inherently bad thing or something that you should  not call somebody comes from anti-blackness   it's the whole construct of weight  and being overweight and being fat   and that being a negative thing it all stems from  anti-blackness so if you do not want to be called   fat or you're hesitant about calling people fat  you need to understand that you're actually being   anti-black because there's nothing wrong with  being fat and that was beautiful that was the   standard it was what women were striving to be  until people realized black women were all so fat   and then all of a sudden it was no longer the  standard and then you had to be as skinny as   possible you had to eat as little as possible  you had to restrict yourself because you couldn't   be like these beasts you couldn't be disgusting  like them so fats is not inherently a bad thing are you saying i'm a racist  chauvinist okay dude listen   i actually have friends in the global  south so i can't be a racist chauvinist

2022-08-17 16:20

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