Learn the Double Bottom Morning Panic Pattern

Learn the Double Bottom Morning Panic Pattern

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what's up tim sykes millionaire mentoring trader here updating you with um just some you know updates of what's happening in the market you know crazy market more plays than ever if you see how i look i'm exhausted pretty much every day my brain is mush by the end of the day we have a new big disclaimer underneath this video hopefully it makes me look thinner because i haven't been working out um what else is new record profits uh for those of us who are prepared i had four students pass a million dollars in one week just a few days ago which is crazy to me um now i have you know roughly a dozen uh millionaire students some of whom want to stay private and i understand that because it's weird to talk about money on the internet um for me it's just an amazing time an amazing time to be a trader an amazing time to be a teacher last week i made about 80 grand one of my students kyle also made around 80 grand one of my students matt monaco made about 180 000. one of my students jack kellogg made nearly a million so things are crazy but it is not just the same exact patterns you can't just memorize patterns you can't just follow other people's alerts you have to learn to be self-sufficient don't follow anybody else's alerts don't follow my alerts don't follow anybody else take a little something from every single person's process and add it to your own process that's how you get better over time so what we've been seeing lately one different thing with morning panics there's been a double bottom sometimes you know the stock panics to a key level and then breaks that key level and then bottoms just by a little bit sometimes it holds a key level and then comes back down and holds the key level again so sometimes you get a higher low sometimes you get you know two lows sometimes you get a little lower low it's not an exact science with these double bottoms but it's something to note where in the past i like clean morning panics where there's just a giant panic and a perfect bounce um that's not always the case right now sometimes i think there's probably just many many dip buyers so you get kind of like a false bottom at first and then again whether the second bottom is a little higher or a little lower we're seeing this double bottom into these panics lately so this is just something i want you to be aware of we actually have some footage that we're going to show you of a double bottom in play um it's a little tougher not gonna lie you know because you're like wait do i cut losses do i do i add um sometimes i've been cutting losses sometimes i've been adding i'll get more aggressive if it's a multi-day runner that turns into a giant panic i'll also be more aggressive if like it's like a 30 or 35 drop already as opposed to like a 5 or 10 percent drop so the bigger the multi-day runner and the bigger the panic the more aggressive i'll be and i know this might be confusing to newbies but you'll find the more that you study um you want to trade the biggest panics you you want to um you know go for kind of like the biggest sale right like if a store think about it in terms of like black friday uh sales like if a store is having a 20 off sale you're like yeah okay maybe that's that's good i'll take 20 off but then if there's a store down the street and it's like 50 or 60 off the same kind of clothing you'll be like yo i'm going to the bigger sale same kind of logic applies to these panics and again we're seeing a double bottom sometimes even a triple bottom so we're not getting the clean bottoms like i prefer and that's just something to note that's trading you can ignore it you can cut losses quicker you can be less aggressive if you want that's totally up to you i'm just telling you how i trade it um and like i said you know my top students and i are are really crushing it because we're adapting we're not just memorizing plays every single day we're learning from what works for us we're learning from what works in the market i've been making like a dozen trades a day this is part of the reason why i'm so tired because it's not just the dozen trades that i'm making i also alert every single one like i said don't follow my alerts don't follow anybody's alerts but learn from them why am i buying a play why am i adding to my position why am i cutting losses and this is a very inexact science but the more trades under your belts the trades that you do whether they're paper trades whether they're money trades whether they're small positions or big positions or you're just watching me trade and remember i donate 100 of my trades uh to charity 100 of my trading profits i'm very proud of that already in 2021 as i make this video just a few weeks in i've made nearly 300 000 which is crazy all for charity um but it's the process that matters the most so recognize this and adapt leave a comment actually underneath this video click like subscribe whatever you want to do but leave a comment and say i will adapt if you understand that this is not an exact science that most traders lose that you should never follow alerts from anybody i want more successful students i'm going to include a link to my challenge underneath if you want to join my challenge that's where all my top students are but that's only if you're dedicated if you're lazy don't bother don't waste my time but leave a comment underneath and watch this uh trading of what a double bottom looks like in the morning ocsc is breaking out so i missed that one but it's only up 10 i prefer bigger percent gainers but i'm happy with that tsmp actually thought that it would go up a little more that was kind of a weak breakout but remember this is late in the run-up tsmp excuse me is now a multi-day uh multi-week breakout thought that it was actually going to go to like the 40s but no true big percent gainers in otc oh my god smpw how did i miss that wow wow holy crap that was the morning spiker did you guys see snpw just now yeah are you in sn pw jack no right crash wow and actually my panic here wow that i mean so i'm trading i i made money on aitx i made money on tsnp but i missed this perfect run on smpw when you hear me say like there's too many plays this is exactly the issue so now this is my focus aitx is back over eight so you had an opportunity to make like half a cent or three quarters of a cent twice it's tough to try to like make less than a penny a share to try to squeeze that in there tsmp i made two cents a share but smpw this is the best morning spiker i was at first i was gonna say there's no big percentage but this is the biggest percent gainer in otc land it's straight up asdn flying car but they're too broke to even put out an sec filing i had yesterday they're at 40 cents unbelievable i would have been watching smpw if it had a morning panic like i wanted but it did not have a morning panic so i did not watch it close enough this is a beautiful morning spike just watch snpw now it's just i'm not going to chase it like i saw tsmp you know hitting highs it's it's all about waiting for the turn ideally we get a big panic to dip by into oh alp back over the force so that was a decent dip by two too many plays there's only so much i can do hey xtx going back green wow apm are you in aitx did you grab aitx wow so i took my eye off the ball on aitx it actually dropped all the way to the sevens that was actually the low sevens and i did not see that that big uh that big drop there ampp wow for 420 100 so we got alp watching tsmp which is lower i actually sold nicely near the highs aitx back to eight seven pretty amazing and then smpw straight up to eight cents so we got like four or five main plays wow sirc panic that is an ice panic s-i-r-c is a little higher price oh wow hey tsmp back under 37. thank you challenge students trying to get sirc on the dip at 59 jumped way up to 62 like in a second i should have been watching that like i said too many plays nice dip on tsmp again i mean that's a nearly a 20 cent dip on sirc that's nice i wasn't watching it smpw over eight now this is gonna have a good panic once this morning spike stops the problem with snpw though is it had a little bit of a panic yesterday so it was actually like a healthy consolidation which i think opened the door to this morning spike i would have preferred a much bigger panic today where would i have bought snpw i don't know i i wasn't even watching it i wanted a giant panic didn't get it aitx now i'm closing in on nine two opportunities to dip by and i missed the first one then i didn't want to chase the second one tsmp now fading a little bit really surprising that it couldn't be stronger on this multi-week breakout but like i said it's a little over extended on the daily the lsp down 15 this one usually panics pretty well but it's tough you know the lower it goes you know you're you're trying to dip by a stock at a penny and a half like best case scenario is what you make a quarter of a penny like it's tough to try to squeeze something in there smpw just keeps going unbelievable this can go to 10 or more [Music] snpw someone says how much further until it turns who knows you got to wait and see i didn't want to chase it but this one just keeps going we're going to see if it can shoot through these sellers at nine and it looks like it's going to there's nearly a million shares to sell at nine that's that could be a potential roadblock but sirc was a decent dip by a 58 59-ish already bounced to 65. abml unreal up to 265. i was happy selling that the other day in the 190s snpw just chewed through a million shares at nine very strong this is this is the kind of strength i wanted in tsmp but didn't get smpw has been green every single minute yeah this is this is beautiful so none of us are chasing snpw uh i think we we all missed it but that's okay because there should be a panic sometime and then the question is how big of a panic look at vnue jack over 3-3 i missed that one do you guys see how many plays there are this is not normal usually there's not this many plays no um i do think i'm going to add some tsmp here 37 but with a long term plan to swing and at the breakout holds but it is the morning and there's plenty of hours off the day so i know rush i do have a 10k starter i do want to get to 20k maybe risk low day um but right now we're in a choppy kind of emotional state on the stock so i'm going to wait to see until we can like just stabilize and find a good breast level besides low a day we'll see also ozsc held you up there at nine five we're now pushing against six so that's that's so far that breakout is holding uh i said i said snmp or s n p a w just turn so we're panicking now nice panic so now we want the biggest panic possible for the best potential panic dip buy look at those sellers at eight seven seven hundred thousand shares now down to eight four this is what we're talking about when we say turn though yeah notice how it's straight up very small then when it turns there's a lot of emotional people chasing trying to get out so that's what creates the inefficiency of why you're like dead because people are chasing ourselves so we didn't want to chase very nice back down under eight the bigger the panic the better look at that 500 000 shares to sell on the ask this is how these pumps work you have the you know gradual incline and then fast decline this is why most people hate penny stocks but if you actually study this price action it's not as scary come on got some at seven six one how easy was that if you're prepared i got 290k i got 175 000. got 500 283 look at that wait before i even send out the alert it's up to eight two that's how quick you have to be super quick it was absolutely stunning morning panics are beautiful i'm up a thousand in a few seconds come on i'm trying to sell some at 8-2 and i'm only getting partial execution already down to eight did not get my full execution e-trade looks crappy really hard yeah this is the risk sometimes if you're dip buying look at this i can't even change my order e-trade is acting very slow right now but my entry was seven six remember it might actually double bottom that's also something that we've been seeing lately but i'm getting no shares on my remaining 74 000 shares i got some i got a hundred thousand out at eight two which was good and now this last 74 000 is bad but it looks like it might actually double bottom here at 7 6 and i'll probably catch the lows let's see double bottom 7 6 in my opinion i sold it though double bottom and i'm still not even getting it because i have a weird uh weird number it's probably gonna double bottom yeah there we go seven eighths come on give me the freaking order look at this e tree you're looking terrible why am i not getting executed the thing is bouncing half a penny and i still can't sell this is actually good for me it's just funny how bad these executions are i still have uh i still have two hundred thousand i was writing that by double bottom i might even get a higher yeah execution i just got a higher execution looks like it wants over eight three i just got it at eight two two again so i'm out on eight two two on all of them it's a nice thousand bucks i'll take it so we've been seeing this double bottom lately double bottom sold for roughly 1k profit probably gonna bounce more but i prefer playing safe potential rebuy on any bigger pen oh jeez quick turn and all this so i actually sold that pretty well um decent little decent little profits there but that was quick and that was that was strange i would have preferred a bigger panic and a bigger bounce but i'm happy you know yeah pretty much all out here as well i thought i was going to sell the second part of my position at 7 6 for break even and instead i got 8 2.

sometimes you get those double bottoms often times sirc is down again yeah i mean now it's it's kind of having like the panic little bounce panic little bounce uh pattern that's not my favorite i prefer the biggest panics possible i think so i think smtw will present another opportunity if we can crack support yeah i want a much bigger panic on snpw abml is panicking a little bit are you still riding that jack no my best bell is 265. i just got up to 285 very choppy but that's a perfect multi-day breakout so oh someone says aoyi news i like that with ev but alyi is tough because they put out press releases like every day oh zsc yeah it's up 16 it's just not a fast enough mover for me but i've locked in roughly four grand uh in profits my best trade was the overnight on aitx in case you're wondering like some people are like oh i can't do that many day trades aitx was beautiful overnight ocsc pushing six five it's a really good big spider are you in it yeah 200 000. oh zsc is a nice breakout that's nice you know but i'm going to focus my time on snpw i liked how quickly that panicked i would love to see another panic and i think the second panic if we can get a big dip down to you know either the sevens or maybe even the sixes could open up some opportunity when i don't get executed on my dip by i cancel right away i don't want to have orders floating around there sometimes i forget them ah cn smtw is spiking more now i don't know if it's going to have a panic right away it's going to take a little time maybe [Applause] but i mean aopp a-b-m-l c-a-n-n uh a-s-d-n s-i-r-c t-s-n-p nice ozsc aitx snpw blsp i mean that's nine stocks that i'm watching right now that is a lot [Applause] someone said c-a-n-n is continuing yeah that's a nice breakout but it's the third green day i don't want to chase that because something i always judge on is like how far we are extended on this and i mean snpw is up from 0.004 so if it really does start panicking i don't want to get caught in a huge wreck so i trade very tibit when it's still on thousands of thousand thousands of percent but this was my first trade on that seven six pitch and now i kind of have a feel for it as i'm getting knowledge for eventually bigger um so no fun will hear when yeah that that red pull on snpw from you know 9-3 down to 7-6 was all in three minutes so they've proven that they can drop it very quickly i i'm very glad to play it extra safe as you saw on my second 75 000 share sale i mean i i was okay with selling it at 7-6 and it literally would not even accept my order to sell until 8-2 i made an extra 375 bucks just because of how weird it is but i would love to see another panic the bigger the panic the better opti is unchanged b-a-n-t is down 20 asti is down 20 the lsp is down 15 but you guys have so many different uh ways to trade this stuff where you know you can be in and out quick like i mean jack kyle and i were all quick and played it overly safe you know right now just because it's up more doesn't mean we regret it it's just because we have a certain perspective there's so many different angles that you can play on this and i can't encourage you enough especially in the beginning to be extra safe you know but newbies like if you miss out on some money like you you get frustrated you get discouraged because you're like oh why not more i should have had more patience no you know this thing is up 20 times in a few days be extra safe and now it's turning a little bit i would love to see another panic a bigger panic remember learn how it bottom last time it kind of double bottomed at seven six next time it tests seven six i would love to crash through seven six and that could be when the real panic is on down to seven three seven two ideally it takes out seven and we get a dip into the sixties or the fives or the fours that'll be the best panic it's not always just one bounce or one panic sometimes they move in multiple waves and you gotta get used to that we are dropping nicely here so we're at eight two remember the bottom was seven six

2021-05-27 10:22

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