Le Good Morning Trading du 18 mars 2021 par Benoist Rousseau - Andlil.com

Le Good Morning Trading du 18 mars 2021 par Benoist Rousseau - Andlil.com

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google trading it is March 18, 2021 I am very happy to find you a trader by the trader have to take stock of the news of the financial markets with technical analysis for European and American indices as I indicated jo j + 1 indeed the great oracle spoke so it's more ben bernanke also called the louvre have twisted for sure everything is there the main one we have power which has strongly very strongly reassured the markets and therefore we are in a world of glass absolute few told us finally what the fed told us but we will tell the progress he told us that first thing the American economy is rebounding very strongly they expect + 6 5% growth this year in the states united so we haven't seen such growth since 1984 so it's been a few quick minds 37 years that we haven't had such violent growth in the united states sornay almost shocking why sony shocking because the growth of the united states bitter It may be theoretically so that and if the forecasts are respected the banks will really very very rarely be higher than those planned for China so here it does not really show that the United States has put itself in order of battle. is also a little bit the logic of this country which is not at all how to say you defeatist it is also you go to the United States where if you go no stress suddenly that in Canada you go there me I could pass five or six weeks in the canadian group when I returned to France I wanted to create three companies I had colossal energy, if only to be discussed with people who are enterprising who want it is an incredible energy that I had a long time in three weeks after I was depressed again it shows you a little bit the state of things so they are really put in battle order 1.6 and a half growth for a country as developed more developed in the world than the The United States is quite exceptional that means that they will quickly erase the empty coc and when two years they will have given us at this rate a bullish breakout they will have 100 on their historical highs and and the record therefore c 'is really very very good side so first point the economy is picking up again great mr ben bernanke ben bernanke I will arrive in teams what I am thinking of ben bernanke at the moment maybe because it will collapse sorry so +6 7 % growth very good it was very clear he said the inflation increased its dividends by 6% and a half growth we are inevitably an inflation which goes up so he did not minimize the inflation which arrives that reassured the markets and despite the fact that there is this inflation there roughly which will not make do the same bullshit calender spain he said that he will keep the rates almost at zero for several years also relief from the markets so we will finally have if that if it goes like this a strong growth ance with inflation and low rates we will have a process of acceleration of the economy of the destruction of the weakest and we will have to be very dynamic in its management very dynamic in these donations in his company to also compensate for this. this inflation so we are going to find ourselves in a rather interesting period to live for the next few years if this scenario unfolds duplicates common like that we will have to work work work work to compensate for inflation find new ideas and it is therefore we are gone over several years in my opinion very dynamic if only at the level of ideas for companies simply to survive and then for individuals also because with inflation it will not be slipping on its booklet that we will not be able to manage even to come here but in any case not to have its standard of living its purchasing power to collapse so that reassured the markets in strong growth of course of inflation I do not neither e not but I will not go up at all so the equity markets can continue to progress here is a little bit it happens on day d + 1 so be careful with the level of the statistics which I make them that we have an announcement from the fed on Wednesday day festively the market rises sharply it has not risen sharply but it still rose generally the next day we fall and vice versa if we fall very sharply on a Wednesday feast day generally the next day we count we will see if it works at the level of mystical states attention we are out of ten 59% 41% so five years we have six chances out of 10 to have this scenario so I do not consider that it is really interesting statistics for trade and I consider with a statistic and it is really interesting for a probability is really interesting to deal with when we exceed 80 85% so in a sense but it's just to tell you that mass is not necessarily said and we will perhaps not continue to climb today in a straight line as as we were able to know yesterday you may have a little shortness of breath it is possible we go to technical analysis but do not forget to subscribe to the youtube channel to put strollers chain and I hope for quality in any case I do my best but that's already the best one can ask of a man is to do his best for free and without advertising for your greatest pleasure I love them jeans when we attack so as we see a small ocean of glass especially on the European markets why because it in fact makes up for the difference they have from them since the fence and we will see more particularly the nasdaq so good hit I had a great time on the nasdaq on this climb however I cut too much water a lot of photos I cut under under the highest of the previous week so I cut my position here and there was in double in amplitude a little more than double again p to be able to increase we blocked on the resistance here beyond the week so yes what precision the gorilla tic we had to pass go we passed to half a point slightly above and fire well we had the decrease interesting thing is that ' we tried to return that night and we did not succeed we have we touched it again and flora touch it right on contact and points we started we started to lower so We remember that resistance 1 of the week for the moment for the moment is difficult to touch to exceed we see it we have an attempt on Tuesday at the attempt yesterday with news bots with them super us from the fed we do not did not succeed last night with the rise of course of the Asian markets which accompanied the good news of American growth because + 6 5% in the United States I give it to you quickly but that means that it is the growth in Europe it is growth in asia it is less unemployed in france less unemployed in germany this is st virginia chinese which is running at full speed so it is very positive then of course the politicians will say that it is thanks to their action and that is what is not false but a large part of our growth comes from the united states of america i always remind you of the adage if the united states of america sneezes europe and asia we count a cold that roughly the proportion and it is something that is quite fabulous in the history of humanity since as soon as we say permanently for the anti-Americans primary yes the United States in all of which clothes totally hallucinating hallucinating but so much the better but so much the better because when when barbie warms up her credit card she gets into debt but she gets debt to the che is also european products to the head of asian products the indebtedness of the united states is a part of the debt that we do not take and which have not benefited so it's a little bit brilliant imagine you are a trader and you have someone who comes you buy a car every week you are outside automobile you have a guy who comes to buy a car cash every week he is your best customer you will be happy after who stings he buys his car going into debt all the scenes you don't give a damn you sold your car you received the cash the profits apple structure is called your employees and then if they go into debt for sabah thank you arab world continue do not hesitate i hope you will still have some ready so this is in fact what is happening the Americans have a very different consumerist logic from the French and French on the people who are most afraid in the world of vines years ago when they are the most protected in the world there is a very clear relationship between the two in psychoanalysis perhaps spoke to you about it one day and we are the country so as we are afraid who hoards have the most the united states get involved is more dynamic they have they are much less protected of which somewhere they are less afraid since they are used to it and they spend they spend an American who goes on vacation on credit it's quite normal they even have special credit cards for interest rates for vacations quite low enough but they are going into debt they would be 10 years to be me personally with my logic of peasants when I spend one euro it is I won two are you not at all sure American model it is that's it if I want to pay for an iphone baja time to earn the money for my country life airship buy it on credit but if ultimately a bad thing since it lacks dynamism and to make an investment that I could make instantly in less than time said toumba so now is the time to get into debt a cd is currently i had m ​​6 months time to save money brands much slower it is a bit la difference in dynamism between the United States and Europe so I don't know why was saying that but I found it interesting we are going to come back to the nasdaq indices and so there we really see that we have a small idea a good resistance on the most on the license end of the week I had difficult to cross the ideal it would be that we are what I call a breath we risk returning to the pivot point of the month at 13 1150 slightly above it would be a scenario that would be quite completely normal I think we will come back to look for it in the legs after what we are going to hold on it will be a little slow I am in fact from zone 3 others which interests me to intervene if we drop 13,150 slightly below 13,800 it can be a nice a bit a nice thing and there look at the lowest of seven of its candles on Tuesday the highest of six candles there was positioned at about 13.075 that technically it's super nice so if we go down and if it intervenes between the pivot point I have the monthly pivot point, it is ideal, especially as you go. t a small game of ping pong in this area is interesting the 13 I feel

seems really really interesting if we break them here we try to see if a 0.75 training we do not start bouncing there this area pleases me a lot and then hey well ideal ali of life of algae to return to the purchase in a much more tranquil way it is of course and 2950 after if we blow the 250 and we fight accelerated I will return but on very small positions there for example I I would rather be on 4 4 5 here rather towards William Relation breaks down the resistance 1 of the week and we start to rush towards the r1j there is this candle there which worries me a little bit we are if we hit the most we really stagnated on this area there we started to drop as soon as we passed above 3300 340 here a little scared I will really come back with much much lighter position sizes on the dow jones because I need to make any comment on the dow jo So let's do it, friends, let's do it in order Monday historical records Tuesday historical record Wednesday his historical record and in the night historical record so we are not based above 3000 points that's why I see people who want to sing but [__] by name of god it's really not for now I'm going to make a secular version of it but that is olive tree later by name of god therefore secular [__] of brothel I am in addition all alone it is really not the time to short and a clue look look it has only been going up since the beginning of the month almost straight line it is going historical record this historical record so those who are put to sing who do not is not in quotes a bad bad idea in time we generally here at the fa the culture slightly under the solder 32 1900 they are already almost 120 points in the head we will be getting up this morning and it can continue so there really the dow more jones with what di t the fed is very favorable for for the for paris dow jones the nasdaq to go up also because we are the rate at 10 years which has weakened a little after his nerves rise of the nasdaq has been able since this morning so there really a short on the it's going it's going to go down one day don't worry after the rain the good weather is there very small people but there frankly take a step back is what you want to sing this configuration there no we have rather want to wait for a retracement we go back to the thirty two thousand seven hundred for example here we have worked a lot, there is potential for for to take points and then the best of the best is the friend of the 'air of monthly le russell I want to tell you about their recipes you spoke about the highest of the previous month Tuesday a gesture yeah no on the rn that we could bounce on Tuesday well it did not go too badly of the game praying them this trading exactly 10 quai en fête zones in the good morning t Wednesday's ribune often buys hate and I went out on the only one on stage j that's such a sense just to show you that there we have been typed an interesting level is the lowest for several days on the russell and it corresponds to the pivot of the pivot of his and there we have a good amplitude if we come back to it same same strategy as for here we could go again to seek pivot point of the week so we will say chopped bought below 1285 for example try the company up to 2295 here roughly it will perhaps be ten points if there is reflux to be taken again between these two ground terminals on the russian m and then his blocking is of course 2350 on sees a little difficult, difficult to cross here I tell you but it is a quick foot it is a stone we are we are on a profile of two warriors him too here is a new historical record in the night all is well back on the 3950 that would be super super at 10 years old so here i Here we have with the ten years of the celebration we were able we could have the pt we note all the same that we came back on it which had a lot of hesitation at its seven candles there it went lower so if we go back down 3950 it could be a point of declining by asking the question and now what am I going to do because that is really the question now that we know that the fed is not going to increase the rates for several years super nice thank you guys that we are still going to have inflation and who are not going to fight against inflation because their way of fighting inflation is to raise the rates so they say high growth inflation we do not raise the rates is enough unprecedented anyway at the level of economic history so we just like her even to doubt our friend the cac40 up by also one he got caught he got caught this morning are a little higher so if we 80 and still not contact ddd 6100 we are on the highest of the day before good that's it that's rather a good sign it is a little lost there there and I find that it is a little too above all alone on its monthly resistance so ideal it would be that it would go down on the zone 6056 60 that would make a good zone of contact and then there we could have a range avrillé we already have somewhere our angel these signs 40 at the bottom we see here very clearly and 6000 60 points or with difficulties to pass for the moment from above but here we will notice in his head a young note ranks if we go back down to 6040 we could start playing ping pong like that on 10 20 points for a few hours it could be really interesting to work the 6100 that and that is the objective there I at 6082 I do not really want to buy 6000 and also to those at this level I prefer a little a little breath especially as there we start to see that the nasdaq drops are not they are not they are not affected but here the nasdaq drops is that the 10 years old American was starting to rise and that it may be what cause us a problem after a year after a while of having said everything who are of the 10 years old American who goes up who goes up that still asks maybe want to managers to put it back a little bit so to exit the equity market is a little bit above to secure long positions on the dax at I have my connection who lied well yes as you see I haven't been home for a few months to celje for personal reasons and to empty co so I was able to mast super antique Chinese but it's okay it's still correct on the dax so we saw this axis don't think about taking at all at all at all this acceptance I regret it level I took the acceleration on the nasdaq there it is a problem of focusing jute bags position on an asset I do not see any more that it is the hyper concentration and all that occurs next there you can speak to me i mean i would answer you but i have no idea what that of those of our exchanges so that I regret to have missed this black out on oneself the monthly r2 because if there was really a good opportunity to keep this position and to m here for example a single profit fourteen minors not when precisely but at 35.6 if never if ever my good name civility of 14 850 to come back a little to contact and it could make a good position if we continue to climb so there can be small a ca t1 satisfaction therefore on the Algiers wait until we fall back at least on the r2 m before taking the slightest opposition and then we all regret not having been drunk 14500 and not having kept so here is the survival dax I think I will pass I will pass my turn there we see him a little lost and there at the very top if he ensures the middle manages 3 m 14,800 so much the better for him but there especially since I told you a little my statistics as we rode on yesterday did roughly on 12 60% chance of screwing today but like 40% also sent cd small stat 1 58 42 60 40 places that makes me rather happy decides to start buying dax a little bit at this level and then good ideally put some air tomorrow only we would have to have a small drop of 2% to be able to breathe it is nice but here I do not buy nor in the middle in the middle of the desert for me clearly on the dax was a little bit in the middle of the desert besides we may have a little hesitation that's about all I could tell you for today do not hesitate to subscribe to the channel to put your thumbs up is my fuel to do it sometimes when you see in a little bit complicated situations thank you we hit 1000 the me like 2000 pushes on a 7.2 trading subscription

this week so that's the goal and every time it's really great fun there you are 366 currently watching at the same time you were a little more us of 700 simultaneously 369 there are 218 like china you guys it feels good for your health more so here it is cool be well we meet tomorrow for good morning trading at 8 o'clock striking and i will you wish a great trading day but it will be good if you decide and obey your rules above all namaste and drink ciao tea

2021-03-26 17:08

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