LAUNCH DAY ️ Behind The Scenes | Small Business Studio Vlog

LAUNCH DAY ️ Behind The Scenes | Small Business Studio Vlog

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hello good morning and welcome to a another  studio vlog it's thursday as always and mum   is currently upstairs doing a little bit of a  stock count we're checking all the new stuff   because it's a week today until the launch or  as you're watching this it's tonight it's at   6 00 p.m on the first of july so i'll make sure  i show you all the products in today's video   um in fact i'll put a little cutaway of me  showing you the products in now these are one   of the new products or three  technically so this is one   it's a to-do list and it's like that paper you  used to get at school with the blue lines in the   red line so that's that one and then we've got the  note to self planner which is it has like a little   gap at the top so you can put a date on it or if  it's like for a particular task you can like write   references in here and then just write little  notes yourself these are all a4 sized they're   actually a6 sized not a4 continue in the video 100  pages so they'll last a while and then there's the   shopping list which has got check boxes down both  sides oh my hair's in the camera and then it says   feed the soul on the bottom they're all stamped  on the back and all 100 pages so you can buy these   individually or you can buy them as a three i will  leave the link to the website in the description   because this vlog goes up at 4 p.m and the  launch is at 6 00 p.m so set yourself a reminder   i'm gonna go and show you the greeting cards  now mum just said i said a4 sized and then a6   thanks mom in here we have the new greeting card  so there's seven cards in total they're all foiled   there's a few birthday card ones there's a  couple general ones and then there's a couple   new home ones because we all know i'm moving  house soon so i i don't know i had it on the   mind so this is one of them then this  is also a birthday one this is all foil   i love this we have this one which is more of a  general one because it doesn't say happy birthday   on the tag so this is just like when you're  giving someone a gift you can do that these are   all 12 centimeters squared by the way so they're  really nice and big which is good and then this   one which is more general one so you can send this  to a partner or your best friend or just someone   that you admire you know they're all blank inside  too then we've got a new home card home sweet home   this one i think is my favorite i want to frame  this i might send this to myself when i move house   i just think it's so nice finally this one which  is the happy birthday version of that other one   and those are the greeting cards and actually let  me show you the envelopes so the envelopes are   custom stamped with the soul and fire logo look at  that look at us going up in the world so these are   ribbed brown envelopes all custom stamped so  you can see there's a soul on fire and i feel   like they're just a little bit more posh you know  we like to pretend we're posh around here we also   have mirror decals coming i will insert pictures  on screen because i haven't yet printed those   as i'm filming this i'm going to show you the  process of me putting them in this video so it'll   just be like further on what else is there the  pencil case this is the pencil case which i'll   talk about a little bit more later on in this  video but obsessed all hand drawn by me and   we also have these brand new embroidered grocery  bags so it says good food good mood and we've got   three different colors so there's this mustard  yellow we've got this sort of sage green   minty green and then a rusty burnt orange bread  so these are all available at 6 p.m on the 1st of  

july 2. i am going to quickly show you a homeware  haul because if you don't already know i am moving   house soon i think it's going to be within the  next like two and a half months if everything goes   to plan it is a new build so things could change  but we're slowly collecting a lot of stuff and we   need to pack this stuff away and move it because  my mum currently can't use our conservatory so   before we do that i thought i'd show you because i  love a homeware haul so hopefully you do first up   this has got zero context i once jokingly bought  my dad a penguin and it just kind of stayed around   so he has a penguin but we have my new pride  and joy which is a bin i never thought i'd say   this in my life so this is the joseph joseph totem  max bin it's the 60 liter one and it's expensive   but it's something i've learned that bins are  very expensive and this is actually really good   even my dad who is such like a scrimper and  saver thinks it's great so it's got like the   bottom compartment which the plan is to like  put recycling into like cardboard plastic   glass and then this top one and then there's like  a food wasting in here i also like it came with   bin bags they're all in here and it came with  like an odor filter thing which i feel like   is probably a bit of a fad but i'm probably  just gonna put like dryer sheets in there or   something so it smells nice but great purchase on  amazon prime day it was 120 pounds instead of 180.   also not really home but these were all amazon  prime so memory card a little small one for the   drone and the gopro a big one for the vlog camera  because if you watched the last vlog you know   i just threw one in the bin then also got  this smart light bulb this was five pounds   when i bought it with the echo show which  is upstairs i will insert a clip of that   then i got my favorite mascara because this  was half price so i always pick stuff that   stuff for that some of that up i got some  powder which i've used since i was at school   we got some scales for the kitchen or for the  office because i'll need some to weigh parcels   i showed you this in the other vlog a while  ago it's a pizza oven thing for on top of a   barbecue this was from really dull and then this  is the microwave i'm gonna have to get it out on a   one sec why are they so heavy so this is  the microwave oh that's me in the reflection   it's from amazon it's a toshiba one 20 liter  800 watt and it's supposed to be easy clean   it's got like this enamel coating on the inside i  never thought i'd be excited about an easy clean   microwave or a microwave in general but this  is what adulting is now apparently and then   i think that's everything is that everything  oh we've also got cleaning products   wow this is my life now i put this on my instagram  but i got these a couple of weeks ago and i keep   getting to show you them so they're like really  environmentally friendly cleaning products and   it's from a company called small and this is the  starter kit so it cost me 25 pounds and you get   like a sample of everything that they do so you  get the three bottles this is fabric conditioner   and then there's dishwasher tablets which we are  using so they're under the sink at the minute   and then we've got non-bio and bio cleaning like  laundry tablets and then little spray refills so   the idea is they're not shipping water and they're  saving packaging so you put a little like tablet   in a bottle like this fill it up with water and  then there you go you've got your cleaning product   this one is the multi-purpose one and then i  think there's a bathroom one and a glass one   and then you just once you've had this full set  you like just order that box so then next time   when the subscription comes through it's  just in a little box like this and then all   this gets recycled and the product itself is  really eco so yeah that's my little homeware   haul we are now going to pack these up and  put them in storage ready for when we move   and then the next clip will be of me and  mum sorting out the salon fire stuff so   see you then are we ready for something really  exciting i've been waiting for these for so long look look we have pencil cases guys and  these are those plantable tags that i showed   you a couple of vlogs back so you can take  these off follow the instructions and then   it will grow with wildflowers i mean not blowing  my own jumper ball off and that's pretty good idea   how cool are these so mum is currently adding  these tags we're gonna film a little real so she's   we're actually reusing the string that came with  them because eco and then we're gonna re-tag them   film it and i'll get a little real go in but   obsessed i will keep time-lapsing throughout  the day and keep you updated i'm currently sat   in my usual spot doing emails i'm uploading the  photos i'm going to edit the photos that mum's   going to take soon um i can't believe it's  only a week remember when i set the date for   this and it was over a month away it just  seems to have flown by so yeah let's do it we're headed upstairs again because oh look at  the stickers solemn fire stickers available on   the website um we are gonna dust off the cricket  because i haven't actually cut anything on here   recently really and it's because i haven't really  done many mirror decals which i want to do so i've   made i think there's four or five new mirror decal  designs so i need to cut them and test them on the   cricut to make sure that they peel and stick and  everything all right and then we can take pictures   and all that jazz so here's my cricket we have  the old stock of greeting cards in the way i   need to make some room i can't wait till i have  some bigger office i was gonna say smaller then   definitely not smaller let's plug it in and i need  to get the vinyl and the tools and all the fun stuff i've actually just discovered that i've run  out of the removable vinyl which is obviously   what the decals are made with because i  want you to be able to peel them back off   so that must be why i've not used my cricut  for a while because pastel is ran out of vinyl   and hasn't told president alice to order  some so i've just ordered some on amazon   hopefully arrives tomorrow as promised but i think  i set up this um document i logged into cricut   space design space whatever it's called and it's  actually changed which kind of threw me a little   bit so i think i mean you saw but i think i've got  this set i'm just going to attach it to the canvas   hit make it and cross my fingers basically what  i do every time i do something on the qriket   but yeah i'm just positioning it onto the mat  you probably can't see that can you see that i'm   positioning it on the mat anyway and i'm gonna  give it a go this is the permanent vinyl so i   need to make sure i don't actually use this on  anything because we won't be able to get it off so so foreign   all right so these are the decals i'm so  happy with them they're the perfect size and   they were relatively simple to   cut and you know like weed and stuff they are  time consuming but i feel like they're worth it   and they're super cute and they're all  like hand written i did them on my ipad so   yeah i'm very happy with these i'm going to take  these downstairs now someone can like measure them   and have a look at them ready for putting them on  the website i actually have my hair i promise i   try and like contain the frizz but it's too humid  and it's not working so i had some temporary decal   like info cards and they were just printed on  these pretty basic just colored paper that i had   and it tells you how to use your decal so then  you get it like in a little bag with this with   the tester one and then go go for it like that  however i feel like we need to level up these   because they don't look that good so i'm either  gonna print them on my big printer in color or   i'm gonna order them as postcards so just as like  the regular postcard i can like put a photo of a   decal on the front and then on the back have the  info i thought we need to get a bit more profesh   you know like these were good for the first lap  lot because i didn't know how well they'd go   down but it's time for us to level up all right  let's take these down let's see what mom thinks have a look at him then just hold him that's what i need today you've got this  sticking to my head i don't think it'd   come off i've had to do it on non-removable  vinyl just to test it so don't risk that one   thanks you're welcome thank you   oh i try my best for god's sake do you like  them i do love they're nice aren't they so good morning it's the next day i feel like i  probably the last clip of this vlog was probably   me sat on my floor in the office but here we are  so today i'm doing more solemn firework i actually   need to nip to the post office someone private  messaged me on instagram saying that they run like   um care package sort of things for people with  terminal illnesses or just disabilities i couldn't   i can't remember the full details but basically it  was a lovely charity they package up boxes to make   people smile and they asked if i had anything that  i'd like to donate and i thought it was perfect   because i've got all the extra stock from the  first collection of cards that i want to go to a   good home and i don't just want to put the recycle  bin so what i've done is i've put the rest of the   bundles in a box and i've put a selection of the  old prints in there too and we're going to go to   the post office and send these but i'm going to  put the labels onto these cards i always stick the   labels on my arm first so they're not too sticky  so they don't ruin the card themselves but i   always say take the sticker off as soon as you get  them really because i mean we all know those cards   that you get when the the sticker doesn't come off  and it like rips the paper we don't want that so i   am going to sit and put these stickers on a whole  bunch of cards and then nip to the post office   and i'm actually going to fresh prints who  are printing or embroidering the new bags   and i'm going to go and pick them up and  i'm deciding whether they're releasing   with everything else i showed you earlier in the  vlog or if i'm gonna save them till like september   because we have been a little bit pushed for  time with these so i'm not sure how quickly we   can get them done but ideally i would like them  to launch now so i'm gonna go to fresh prince   i'm gonna go to the post office and then we're  gonna come back and get work done let's do this big old box ready to go these are those new boxes  that i unboxed um a couple of vlogs ago they're   perfect and hopefully the bags and everything  if someone does a big order fits in here   they are a lot to post because they go as like  small parcels and if you know royal mail you   know it's quite expensive so i feel like this  especially because it's heavy we'll be surprised   if this cost me like 15 quid to send we'll see  but it's worth it so i'm glad they're going to a   good home i also have some more parcels to collect  that i think are waiting for me at the bottom of   the stairs that my mom packed up so let's get that  let's go with that let's go do that there they are   if you were wondering which i'm sure you  weren't that large parcel was like 2.4   kilograms i think and it was eight pounds  so that wasn't actually as painful as i   thought and i'm just glad they're going to  a good home to be honest right we're now   gonna go and collect the banks  i'm very excited about it yeah it's it's like the same way okay we're  back it's very rainy and gross outside it's not   not the most pleasant of days but these are the  bags so we've got three colors we've got this like   mustard yellow color and this is the design on  them i did film a little clip in the shop too how   cute and then we've got this like  sort of burnt orange burgundy ready   color i think this is called like rust and then  we also have this one which is like a sage green   i love these so these are my sample ones so  we can take photos with them we'll have to   do that this weekend or early next week but i  love them so much very very happy with these   so i need to make the listings on the website for  these it is a little bit last minute but i think   i'm actually going to launch them with everything  that's launching tonight um the first of july if   you didn't already know i'm sure i've said it  a lot in this vlog by now but i'm going to add   them to the website and then we'll just do like  a quick turnaround and hopefully hopefully they   go down well i'm very excited so yeah i need to  tidy my office say this a lot but i've made a mess   i swear i come in here for like 10 minutes and i  make a mess so i need to sort that out and then   i've got a client job to do for my friend  hannah so if you follow hannah she's fab han   on everything she's doing like a dog harness  business and she's actually asked me to   do the repeatable patterns for the designs so i've  already done four and now she wants me to do some   variations of one of them so i just need to go  back into the files edit them slightly and then   send them back to us i'm gonna do that today too  prep the website stuff um i actually need to use   these i'm gonna make some mock-ups of these  on illustrator or photoshop whichever because   it's really hard to take photos of these and i  don't have enough spots to take photos of them   so i'm gonna use my photoshop skills and  do that instead so let's get doing that um okay i am midway through doing hannah's pattern  design i've just sent them off to her i'm now   printing and cutting the prints that i'm gonna  send off with these pr parcels i'm gonna actually   get these parcels um packed up today hannah  sending messages now um so i've printed off these   so far so i actually want to do a new collection  so this is like a minimal collection so muted   colors monochrome vibes you know like something a  little less vibrant than these ones so i've just   printed this one off which is create your sunshine  i'm doing them all as a five size because i feel   like it's a lot easier to find a home for an a5  print so that's what we're doing now so i'm gonna   do i'm just gonna chop these up then i think  i'm gonna like lay out everything that i want   and i'm hoping that my amazon delivery arrives  soon because that vinyl that i needed yesterday   should arrive and i need to cut a bunch of decals  so that i can put those in the parcel too so i put the first parcel together i got  really confused i couldn't work out how to   pack everything up you'll see in that  last clip i kind of stopped and i was like   eh help but this is what we've got so far i'm just  waiting on some flyers to show you like how to use   the mirror decals they should arrive on monday but  i've written a little card for everyone and then   everyone's going to be like slightly different  but they're all going to get a pencil case with   this like seated card then this person has got  all three notepads the pack of three notebooks   a greeting card an a5 print and then some a4  prints in the back and this is because these   guys told me they liked stationery this is fab and  l they have a youtube channel it's all about like   i i found them because they were moving house into  a new build and now they just vlog their life and   they're like a really fun couple i'm very much a  fan girl so i'm very excited to send them these   and ellen is actually a primary school  teacher and fab works from home and they   both said they like to list so that's why i've  put a lot of like notebooky stuff in there so   yeah i think this will work and i've just like  test folded it up to make sure it'll fit through   the post box which i think it does so what i'm  gonna do now is like lay out everyone's card and   then pair up products to suit that person rather  than just like sending everyone the same thing   you know i just need to not seal them yet because  obviously i need the mirror decal things but   i'm too impatient i want to do it now so let's do  it but first barney minnie you're getting evicted you're in me way i just trap my finger in the drawer and i'm very  sad about it oh god can you see that it's red   ow that's not what i needed but i've put all  the parcels out i might add a few bits in as i'm   packaging them just see how much room is in the  box it's basically but i've done one in fact i've   done two i've got 11 to go it's actually kind of  scary sending things out when they haven't ordered   them i don't know obviously there's the thing  of like i'm sending things to people for free   which is scary as a business owner a very a  very small business owner so that's daunting   and obviously i'm sending it in the hopes  that we'll get sales from it so let's see   whether the cost of me sending these out and like  the cost of the products is worth it you know like   this is all the options i've got to weigh up and i  appreciate even more so now brands that do gifted   things it it is a lot like it's a lot to do and  it's kind of nerve-wracking putting your trust in   someone like that but yeah you just kind of got to  do it and see what happens i guess i'm not going   to know unless i give it a go so yeah i'm going  to cue a time lapse again this video is a lot   of time lapses and it's probably going to be the  last one of the day so let's make it a good one i think i'm done we have a big old pile of boxes  this actually doesn't look like that many but it   took a lot of thought my brain power is dead it's  now 7 p.m oh no wonder my brain's dead it's 7 p.m  

um i need to hide in my office once again  and i've actually still got a few things on   my to-do list but to be honest i'm gonna take my  laptop downstairs i'm gonna watch some trashy tv   i'm sure and i'm gonna try and wind down a  little bit but yeah thank you very much for   watching this vlog i'm sure it's very rambly if  you haven't already checked out the new products   they are releasing at 6 p.m on the 1st of july so  they might be up by the time you're watching this   go over there and check it out i have limited  stocks of everything but i never know how it's   gonna go there might be loads left there might be  none left we never know but yeah thank you very   much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed  it and i'll see you next time for another one bye you

2021-07-10 00:37

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