Late Nights Engineering Unusual Hood Hinges | BANKS BUILT Ep 26

Late Nights Engineering Unusual Hood Hinges | BANKS BUILT Ep 26

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this is the last week before lockjaw heads out for  sheet metal work the guys rush to get all mock-up   pieces fabricated and installed built protected by  amsoil with support from roadster shop and nitto okay so all right guys exciting moment today matt  and i have been finalizing the mock-up   hood hinges that we've got here super beefy in  quarter inch plate but in this configuration   they're kind of loose useless they're sloppy  and we need to hold these two mounting points   to each other so that's where this guy comes in  i just finished tacking up this bracket and it   uses two existing bolt holes on the core support  there's more we're going to drill it later but   this thing is essentially ready for test fit so  i see matt over there going through the list and   i want to test this thing i want to see  these hood hinges in action all right   wanna hold this for me while i do the owners  yep definitely let's put this guy down here   all right i'm really i'm really excited to  see this come together right now first mock-up   okay so far so good let me  grab the two bolts for this guy okay so it bolted up all right so i bolted it  right now back up first and let's just take a   look at this thing oh man that that looks so  cool looks ridiculous in the best way possible   all right you ready here goes how cool is that victory oh man that  is awesome look at that that is so rad i want to do it yeah yeah that hard stuff worked  perfectly yeah so we talked about here i'll take   this guy all right we talked about keeping it  from going the links from going over center yep   uh this stuff's all just loose right now there's  no bearings in it or anything like that not   even washers yeah it's thrown together i was too  excited we didn't wash it tighten it but to keep   to keep this link and this link from from  going over center or this way at this point   i use the geometry and just let it lock itself  into place so it's got a built-in stop to it yeah   I'm glad that's pretty awesome I'm glad we added  those extra bolts i mean it's all hand tight right   now but yeah we've got some spots and we just used  two of the factory holes but there's some extra   um yeah those are going to come in positions that  will bolt through on this thing and just once we   have all the way make it beefier i get to sit here  for the next few hours and just do this all right i had sweat now i have blood   snow i just need like a breakdown this coming  weekend no blood sweat and tears on this thing so we talked a little while back about how we're  going to design a new fiat system front engine   accessory drive for our l5p here because we're  putting our blower on we've got our new crank   pulley and we're going to kind of position  everything down low on lockjaw here and this   is just for mock-up so that we can go off to sheet  metal and have all this stuff in the location it's   going to be in when we actually build the final  engine so alternator vintage air sent us a mini   sand and air compressor so that's mounted down  here the suction and discharge are popping out   the side here so we should be able to route that  nicely around here and probably hide it within   the sheet metal work so there we go mocked up  front engine accessory drive with our hood hinges   mounted now there's there's a decent amount of  weight hanging off this core support we can't fit   the factory inner fenders which come over and gap  this core support from the firewall and hold it   in position so we're actually contacting our tire  right now which isn't good no not what we want so   we got to find a solution for that and these  hood hinges are going to hang that hood a lot   of weight out here so it's going to you can  you're gonna want to pull the other way then   and those fenders are only gonna the fenders and  the inner tubs are you know those are 19 gauge   16 gauge they're i mean they're not made  to be a structural member between the two   they'll certainly help yeah they'll hold the  position but i will still probably get a little   bit of deflection or a lot of deflection depending  on you know how the hood sits out here yeah   so we need you know so the best thing to do is  to add something in here exactly to to stiffen   this whole setup so we made a couple mock-up  pieces on the plasma cutter so we yeah we put   it back at droop put the inner fenders back in to  grab our reference measurements for measurements   let's see where you know where the core sport  should land and started talking through our   design for our own core support spreaders i guess  we could call it yeah yeah yeah so now with these   in here you know we're gonna we're gonna build  some more permanent solution to this uh which you   know when it goes to sheet metal Sean may or may  not use those but for now for us it's going to get   everything short up right where we want it to be  and it's going to help me and cad as i design our   air filter boxes so that i know I'm getting  things into the right spot and now when we close this hood hinge with the support  braces in i can get my hand under there   we have gap that we need we've got clearance we're   fully slammed right now so next thing we  got to do make some that don't do that yeah   that's actually not bad that's not bad at all hard cut to me grinding again  for the seventh time this week go all now so we've got the main structure of our  design for the uh fender spreader our sorry core   support spreaders here so there's gonna end up  being two of these per side uh and then we've got   our cab side bracket which can land up here our  hinge side bracket which is going to overlay on   our uh reverse hinge bracket that lands on the  core support that we're going to sandwich in front   of that and then the piece that i have yet to cut  is going to be a piece of 14 gauge overlay that   i'm going to end up laying across the top this  entire thing while that entire seam and blended   out so it'll be a nice organic tubular looking  structure that'll be uh really stiff and removable I'm gonna get my fingers cinched off here   Erik just finished tacking up the  firewall and at the core support here   and to give it torsional rigidity what we're  gonna do is we're gonna cap this piece now   with with a little bit thinner metal the beauty  of 14 gauge is it's a 75 thou i think nominal   so it's still thin enough to manipulate but a  little bit thicker than say 16 or 18 to where   we'll get a little extra rigidity out of it we  built these to fit some of our pre-made fixture   tooling so we have a set width that we're shooting  for and we're cutting the piece to still have a   little bit of material thickness to go and capture  a weld and one thing i have to look out for here   is it's it's very easy to go off course off the  start so you know if these first few tacks are   a bit off all of a sudden my overlay is just going  to start shooting off to the side if i do it right   it'll slowly pull itself in as i tack it and i'll  tack as i go and kind of push down tack push down   attack and follow this contour and then once it's  all tacked up i'll be able to either in position   or put it on the fixture table go and weld that  entire joint and blend it out and act like you   know or pretend that this is a nice organic  piece of tubular work when really it's three gorgeous rigid nicely done wait i think we got one  last step on this though we do those are heavy   so yeah and let's let's arrow both of  them both bags so we can slam it yep all right let's lay out the rear first  okay how's it how's it look so far   uh well I'm not i can't  even look yet it's too much ready yep are you kidding me let's say our get  our estimations worked here we go   all right let's just pop on two air  filters and run it like that right   that was a lot of extra work that we didn't  plan on but i'm really glad we did it that that   really shored up this whole front of the truck  mounted the hinges really well it would have   had to happen once we do the whole hood and we  realized how much it was going to deflect off the   core support we would have had to do something  nice work Erik you as well all right so i just   finished getting this laid out with matt I've  got all these pieces corresponding to each other   so now I'm going to take this get it tacked up and  either bring that to the hood or bring the hood   over to me set it up make sure everything looks  good before i do any stitch welding or welding at   all and I'm hoping pretty soon here we'll have a  hood that opens backwards so i got some work to do all right you ready yeah crazy uh crazy  hood hinges need crazy brackets so that's   the first time this is going on it worked in  the computer so it's guaranteed to work here our bolt spacing is okay  here we go it will bolt on step two will it fit the hood all right moment of truth here   no way oh yeah look at that  oh yeah oh my god it's perfect no way that is awesome one two three four now we gotta yeah i mean  we're halfway there but we're gonna make   the other one we know it works i just  uh i just mirrored it in the computer   then we're good yeah so that's what they do at  the factory right they just build half and they   mirror it yeah okay so you can just mirror  this real quick we're good oh that's so cool i'm going to weld the net to the  back side of the doubler this is   an existing hole for the original hood hinges   and then what I'm really excited for is putting  this thing onto the hinges and seeing how it moves all right time to weld some really  old steel how did i get the crappy job all right that's the last one that means we can  bolt these both up and uh throw this hood on once   and for all all right stiff as hell initial  mock-up went really well on these they fit   freaking awesome um so now we're gonna pull  them back off so Erik can weld some studs on   the backside which will make it quite a bit  easier as we put the hood up onto the hood   hinges with the stud poking through and we can  pop them into the hood hinges and put some nuts on   looks good that's gonna work yeah see if my  notches aren't lined up on something I'm never   gonna see again that is just unacceptable okay  which but it's here it's in here you'll know   oh oh no i don't forget damn it show time there we go both sides done time  to put them on the hood we'll put   that on the truck with the hood on  the truck that's what i want to do that's really not a great thing to hit on  my hand kind of feels too sick a mechanical   hitting device right there i i shouldn't have  seen it or anything it's not a bright color   yeah that's when i start calling all my dead  blows and hammers mechanical hitting device   yeah I'd much prefer that technical term it  sounds better it's like if Jeremy Clarkson   was an engineer i guess we could even go one  step further and call it a mechanical impact who designed this should we get  our shop boy to help us yeah   so brackets are on uh this this is it this  is a moment of truth we are gonna put this   on the hinges right now and we're gonna  see if it fits and once it's on the hinges   we can check the hinges out and see if it  closes tune in next week all right let's do this this isn't awkward yeah  we're gonna like tuck it up   into the yeah here we go  hold on you're almost done this one's in this guy's in damage oh  man down never whatever i get a nut on what do you expect out of an intern all right that is one reverse opening  hood on lockjaw oh my god you ready   we'll see what happens we're gonna see one  two three oh wow that's like really smooth   all right of course there's no there's no  cowl piece but yeah look look at that gap that that is spot on that is awesome so we've  got we've got three three planes of adjustment   that we have to worry about with the hood uh  we've got our our four and a half we've got   our side to side and then we've got our up and  down so our four and a half is taken care of   in the the angle bracket we've got slots in  there our side to side is taken care of in   those starfish that are on the underside of the  hood and then our up and down is going to be in   this bracket here uh mounted to the core support  so we got a little bit of adjustment to do to get   all the body panels to line up nicely but all  in all let's open it up this is awesome yeah   you did a nice job nice job they didn't give me a  microphone nice job buddy he's about to kiss you i didn't really have to support it at all  this time following the spring is going to be   perfect yeah we're going to get a spring on this  thing that's going to help assist in the in the   initial opening and then as it comes over the  top it's going to slow it down so that it doesn't   we've got our stops on here mechanical stops built  into the springs but we don't want it to just   smack into those when it opens so an over center  spring it's actually going to going to dip across   center line so it's going to help you open it  and it's going to help catch it on the way down   that's a sick Volkswagen beetle dude that's  so cool what was that Lamborghini panda wagon   it looks like i think Gales  pretty happy about that hood   in the next episode lockjaw heads to empire  fabrication for some sheet metal work you

2021-07-20 14:43

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