Kurt Angle Show #43: Sasha Banks

Kurt Angle Show #43: Sasha Banks

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well he want a gold medal with a broken freaking neck he's a real athlete so give him your respect he's got intensity integrity intelligence too oh it's true so if he ever finds you and you're chanting you suck then he'll douse you in dairy with his big milk truck and with one angle slam he'll lay you out on the floor so listen up it's time to go hey this is kurt angle welcome to the kurt angle show on the show today we have one of the best female wrestlers in the whole entire world they call her the boss and her name is sasha banks but first let me introduce to you my co-host paul bromwell how you doing today paul kurt i'm doing great man i'm so excited about this ever since i saw sasha's name on this the calendar the show list i have been really pumped up about this you know that we talked about co-hosts the different co-hosts have been lining up for this one i know right i got the hot tag i'm really excited man she's one of without a doubt one of the biggest stars in professional wrestling so i'm thrilled to be here well we're going to patch her in let's patch in sasha hi how you doing sasha how's everything going honey i'm great i just got back from the uk tour last night so that is kicking in i got friday night smackdown tonight but when you're the legit buzz kurt you got it you know you keep on rolling baby yes you do you keep on rolling honey and you keep on rolling you definitely do hey i appreciate you joining us on our show and it's crazy when you realize just this year you were main eventing wrestlemania has this been the biggest year of your career by far um absolutely i feel like 2020 2021 were just like unbelievable for me i i couldn't even fathom that all of this happened so quickly i mean i've been i've been making history from a very young age so it's really nothing new to me but to do on such a large scale of wrestle freaking mania where this is every professional wrestler's dream just to make it on the card but to main event in a singles match oh it was such a dream come true and you deserve it honey so sasha as a longtime fan i've been fascinated by your career your rise to the main event of wrestlemania like kurt said but also the amazing influence you've used on social media to highlight some of the people that came before you like the amazing red and others why do you feel it's important for you to showcase people like that to your gigantic fan base well maybe they never heard of amazing red before and thanks to social media you can watch wrestling from all over the world from the beginning to 2021 from years past to now and there's so many different wrestlers from again like i said all over the world that are incredible that haven't really got their recognition in this professional world on such a larger scale but amazing red is just an underground legend that till this day you see matches and half of the moves that you see are moves that he invented he invented them that's that's so rare in wrestling because everything has been done amazing red is just before his time and i want to let my fans know that i'm training with one of the greats to me i can't just train at the denver performance center and put people's names like that i go out and i seek the greatest so i can have it on my ocula to be like who trained uh sasha banks amazing red is one of them well you actually grew up a professional wrestling fan isn't that right uh the biggest um memory of professional wrestling what's your first memory my very first memory is when i was like three or four um my birth dad was watching wrestling and i just i didn't understand it it was it was nothing fast forward when i was 10 years old there was absolutely nothing on tv i was in iowa i was just scrolling through the channels and then i see wwe and i go what the heck is this i'm a 10 year old a girl that loves everything girly and i'm just watching all these sweaty men who are larger than life that are big rustle and i'm like oh this is interesting let me uh let me just watch it this is the only thing that's on the on the tv right now um so i was instantly hooked by the entertainment by the athleticism by people just being like larger-than-life superheroes that i didn't see in my daily real life i was such a shy you know scared little girl that when i watch wrestling i'm like wait these are actually real people that are doing incredible amazing things i want to do this i want to be this well he's not going to do it so i will talk about the first time you used to watch kurt angle wrestle what did you think about kurt in the ring i have no words when he even asked me to do this podcast i was like marking i was like oh my god okay kerr if kurt is like top five of every wrestler's list kurt you've always been absolutely one of my favorites i've watched you since since i was 10 i've been studying you kurt angle has always been the best he's he's in my freaking top five just just you're incredible you you're you're selling the way that everything that you do is just like i'm trance to the television i'm just like i would love to be like him you have made his day i think you made my year you're amazing thank you sasha i appreciate that well you think about it from the wrestling and then how he brought the comedy into it as well he was able to evolve the entire character and he got it so fast you got it so fast so smooth it's one thing to wrestle in the ring and to have good matches but to entertain to not actually do the moves and have backstages and and entertain people and keep them on their feet not even not even doing no drop kick not even doing an entrance just singing spring spring melt everywhere i mean these are just memories that are going to be with you forever it's all about the entertainment that's what makes us like keep on watching every single week that's why you're successful sasha because you know the entertainment is the most important thing it's the most important the e is last in wwe for a reason the entertainment baby well kurt had no idea i was going to ask that so thank you for having a little fun there but you've talked in the past about go ahead there you go so you've talked in the past about how you were a fan of all japan women's pro wrestling how much of those shows the women the wrestling influenced your career so much so when i was again 10 i i said i'm going to be a professional wrestler and i only thought it was just wwe until i went to the library and i typed in wrestling i was like wait there's more find a whole new world huh there's a whole new world and wait there's actually women wrestlers that kick ass and are actually better than a lot of the wwe men i was shocked i was like no freaking way my nami toyota akira they were just like some of the greatest full nakano i was like wow my destiny is to be in japan and wrestle like them because at my time at my era i cannot watch wrestling with my mom because when the girls came on next they were doing bra and panty matches so my mom's thinking like this is what i want to do and i'm like no mom please watch my mommy toyota or just watch her angle and eddie and i want to be like them but the female version of them but she just didn't get it but all japan pro wrestling are all women's japan pro wrestling was top notch i watched women's wrestling all day long non-stop i don't blame you and you know what you portrayed them very well you you are the next generation you are the here and now and you're doing incredible something you have no idea how proud i am of you that means so much to me we've had a stellar career thus far but you went from training to a wwe developmental contract in less than four years is that correct yeah pretty quickly too right i did i got signed um only two years in the independent scene um but that's because i i kept on sending my resume to wwe i every every chance that they were in boston i kept asking for tryouts upon tryouts upon tryouts and i always got called to be an extra um and i always talked to william regal backstage and got advice from him and always improved every time that they saw me so i finally got the call from um them to come down for a week-long tryout fcw down in tampa and i was like whoa i am not going to leave this place until i get signed i got the yes i got the yes call you're getting signed i was like i did it you made your dream come true i did it i couldn't believe it i when i got that call it was just like everything to me it was it was everything since i was just 10 years old i couldn't believe it i dedicated my whole life um to professional wrestling and at that moment what was i 20 yes 20 years old um i was like holy [ __ ] i'm doing it where you you mentioned it 20 years old was there any worry like hey maybe i'm too young or did you have any self-doubt obviously now you lose confidence that's the boss but at that point was there any self-doubt at all as far as not being ready for it or were you just saying let's do this absolutely not i my goal was wwe and i got it right then and there i i had no doubt in my mind that i was going to be the greatest since i was 10 my my goal was to be number one to be the greatest of all time so i knew from then on i had to train my ass off to do it and here i am to this day at 20 freaking nine nine years later whoo doing it maine of bending wrestlemanias um being the first time ever and so many things it's just it's crazy what your life can do if you really just believe in yourself well you debuted for nxt in late 2012 and i lost the page what was the training experience like in nxt at that time um it was really tough um still back then they didn't want us to train like the men and we were told to train like divas and we didn't have any explanations what that meant um they just came out and said hey no striking you know doing this no doing that we're like okay but we wanna we want to do it um but training was every single day plus live events plus setting up the ring plus going to different towns and putting posters up so people can attend the shows it was every single day sacrifice i think maybe maybe only sunday i had off and that wasn't even an off day because you just had to recover mentally what the next day was going to bring is there something that you miss the most about that experience when you think back about those days anything that stands out you like or is it like i'm glad those days are behind me honestly i look back and i go could i do that again i don't know that was some of the hardest mentally challenging plus the funnest times of my life but it's just a whole different ballgame when you're in a a a performance center of trying to make it to a raw and smackdown you're not even there yet you're still a baby so you're still just watching and hoping and there's so many people always coming in leaving going out the anxiety and stress oh wait you have to have so much heart to be here and have a straight face and be like you know what i can do this every day because it's my dream i gotta make it i can't give up the blood the sweat the tears all of it it's worth it but would i do it again who knows that stuff is that is hard i give it up to every talent that's ever been signed um by the wwe because it takes somebody with huge if i can say it balls you can to be here i feel strongly that saving money is important you know if it's not something we worry about now boy we are really going to worry about it later and i want to help you get out of that faster and do it with cheaper monthly payments i'm talking to you if you're in a 30-year loan now is the time to take years off of your loan we're routinely helping our listeners cut 5 10 even 15 years off their loan and you can do this without perfect credit with no money out of pocket you've just got to start at savewithconrad.com i was going to say i you know you think about your time down there and you think about influences of folks that were down there and i want to touch on sarah delray next but first i want to ask about dusty rhodes you were able to be impacted by a man that you know so many of us grew up fans of and he is is behind the idea and the brain shot of so many fun events i remember wrestling as a kid but you got to be touched by dusty rhodes in a great way can you talk about dusty legit touched by angel baby um dusty i am so thankful i'm so just blessed that i got to learn underneath his learning tree i feel like the generation that you see now that got to learn from dusty are so different than than the new talent coming up and that's no no disrespect to them he was just somebody that was just so different and he he threw stars at you so you can get some spark and confidence in yourself that you know that you can do anything that's possible he might [ __ ] you he might lie to you and tell you a fake story but he made you believe in yourself um and he is just such a legendary human like again the talent that got to work with him we're just we're so different we're so different than everybody else there was something that was just so magical and captivating about dustin rhodes that you just don't see in people anymore the other big influence i wanted to have you talk about was sarah delray she's been a huge influence with the rise of a lot of the women's careers what can you tell us about her well i was a fan of her before i even got signed because she was considered the best women's wrestler in the world um and funny than that we had the same tryout together so it's so crazy our destiny together but then we find out that she's going to be the female trainer she has influenced and helped us so much and never gave up on us and always pushed and fought for us to have more she wanted us to fight like the men to to have longer time and just to have uh the same respect because that's what she wanted back in her day when she was in the independence training and traveling all over the world so she is one of the best and the most dedicated women i've ever seen to this sport and i thank her so much for everything that she's taught me would she say would you say that she was an ambassador for women's wrestling absolutely 100 absolutely we couldn't have done it without her well your fortunes change when you debut the boss character in nxt how much does that change for your career it was a the biggest it was the entertainment it was the character you know i had the wrestling down but i didn't have that eve down so much i didn't have that entertainment you know i needed people to like look at me and know exactly who i was right when my entrance hit right when my music is i need you to know that i'm the boss you know i was getting used left and right of just putting other people over and i was i was like no this is not my destiny my destiny is to be the face of this company so i needed to look within myself and i was like you know what you need to remember that snoop dogg's your cousin first of all you need to look about around with the influence in your life and see what you like and i always remember i'm like wait everybody calls snoop dogg boss and i like that i'm like i want people calling me buffs i want people at their hands and feet same boss and wanting to get this for me and doing this and i was like okay let me take a little bit from him let me take a little bit from kanye west let me take a little bit of nicki minaj and i just mixed everything and i kept on working with dusty rhodes and it finally just clicked and then the legit boss took off in nxt that's what that's what i was going to ask next who was that person that you kind of filtered those ideas through but there it was the magicka dusty once again it was dusty rhodes tyler breeze helped me so much those are the two people in nxt that um just really really fully made me believe in everything that i was doing was was going right also if i can give credit to joey mercury and norman smiley as well absolutely no good stuff so your nxt women's title reigns starts february of 2015 with a win over charlotte in a four-way that also involved becky and bailey and a lot's been said over the emergence of the four horse women i'm sure you hear it all the time did you ever envision at that time that the four of you would eventually be running the professional wrestling world at that time nah not at that time not at that moment but after after that match we knew we wanted that match to prove something we were saying let this be the match of the night let us steal the show let's let's make everybody know that we are here not to play we are here to change the game and after that match i feel like the shift just started just happening the respect level with the fans and us just kind of just went woof and people just wanted to see that shift and change it's like no we don't want to see three minute matches anymore we actually want to see girls their character development time promos story lines they wanted to see and they were fully behind us so i'm so also thankful to the nxt audience because they were watching us from the very beginning grow well i have to ask the four horsewomen and the ronda rousey four horse women was there real heat was the real heat sasha be honest i can only speak for myself there there might be a little tension i uh i don't know real heat i was pissed off that ronda rousey can come in get more money than me get get a locker room than me and bring all these people backstage and get more time than me i'm like excuse me who is you and what you do besides respecting everything that she's done in the ufc in that fight world when it comes to the squared circle that's my home that's where that's that's why i'm legit boss not ronda rousey so there could have been a lot of tension from that and the other three i just didn't know but i didn't even know why they called themselves the four horsemen i was like thank you so much for being a fan um but that was our trademark second after ric flair in the wcw you know what i'm saying i like it what do you what are your thoughts on maybe someday down the road again working with ronda would you be open to doing uh that i'm so down to work with rhonda again i loved our match um that royal rumble i loved your match or wrestlemania kurt chef's kiss oh my god that's why you're the greatest but to have a match with somebody that doesn't have um the professional wrestling background and it was just so new and fresh i love challenges like that and she got it so quick because she did love it she was a fan and because of her her fighting background she knows just how to take things and it just kind of flowed so easily and naturally for her so she was she was awesome to work with and i would love to have another match with her again well sasha we're going to move on to the legendary banks versus bailey nxt takeover brooklyn uh that was that flag in the ground moment for both of you what do you remember of that night and is it one of those nights that you will never get tired of talking about or are you crazy yeah um because that's i always gets asked and everything i'm sure it's non-stop but it is because i can remember my whole day of that day from from waking up to going to sleep i remember absolutely everything and i can't remember that for anything else because yeah um but nxt brooklyn was just something for me i wanted to leave a legacy and i wanted to leave a stamp being like i'm the greatest remember that i was leaving nxt i was giving um bayley the nxt women's championship and i was going to the main roster finally it was kind of like a send-off but that was our first time having an nxt takeover outside of full cell which only holds maybe what 800 people so we sold out the barclays center to us we were competing with raw smackdown and summerslam so we wanted to be the talk of the weekend we wanted to have the match the night and i wanted to have the greatest women's wrestler our greatest women's match of all time and i feel like that match it really is it very well could be sasha uh you would debut on the main roster in july of 2015. how excited were you to finally get your chance i felt like i was more nervous than excited i couldn't believe it i was like is this for real wait we're getting called up i only found out two days before oh wow so i didn't have like a month to prepare or a week to prepare it was just two days before i just couldn't believe it and i couldn't like get excited until the mo the moment actually happened because i was just like more nervous than anything i was like are we going to be treated like divas are we going to be treated like how we were at nxt are they going to like us i just had all these thoughts there me charlotte becky were coming up at the same time are we gonna get like compete against each other i just didn't know what was going to happen but it was such a dream come true when my entrance finally hit after steph mcmahon introduced me and i got pit with naomi and tamina like the greatest humans of all time i couldn't have asked for a better debut it was it was incredible well sasha speaking of the debut in nxt you were a staple of nxt for so many years but now there's been some changes in nxt they've been rebranded have you had a chance to check out nxt 2.0 and if so what do you think of it i haven't i'm really booked and busy on wednesdays um but from the commercials i see i like the colors you're you're down with the branding colors i like the colors i got to meet um braun breaker um this past weekend at the uk tour who is uh rick steiner said i love this diners and he was oh my god amazing i think he's only been training like six months and i couldn't believe it um what a natural gifted talent so i if if guys like that can get opportunities to come and do live events and uk tours i think that's incredible for nxt um and i if i'm free on wednesdays i'm gonna catch it well how big of a deal was it getting to your wrestlemania debut in dallas that was the biggest i couldn't believe it when i actually got to dallas and i got to see myself charlotte and becky's pitcher on the freaking stadium i think i just burst into tears because i just couldn't i just couldn't believe that we were getting a wrestlemania match first that fast and it for the raw women's championship because we were being rebranded from divas to superstars so to me that whole match was just something where it felt like a nxt takeover where i just had to prove myself again this was my moment this is my debut wrestlemania i remember going to wrestlemania with snoop dogg and walking down the ramp with him when he went to rehearsals and i was like i'm gonna do this one day and then i got called an nxt to do triple h's entrance and i'm standing there in wrestlemania on the stage i'm like i can't wait to have my own entrance one day next you know it i'm having my own entrance but with my cousin's snoop dogg how does this work it's just so cool and that match and those fans incredible what a match well your career has been full of firsts but nothing compares to i'm sure being the first woman to main event a pay-per-view and also be in a hell in a cell match and by the way that was very close to home in boston as well what does that feel like the first time there um which one do we say first the hell in a cell one uh that was crazy because i remember having a car service from new york to boston after doing a signing and i got that call that night that me and charlotte would be main eventing and i was just like what first of all in boston my hometown and in a hell in a cell match i was legit on the floor of the car service just like in shock shaking that it was just like i couldn't believe it i couldn't believe it okay now i've been in three of them yeah now talk about the brutality of that match if you can because it's it you and i'm i'm sorry i just as a fan watching you take a beating in in a hell in a cell match and it's unbelievable the abuse that one can take male or female but if you can kind of share what it's like coming out of one of those type of matches it is it's it's rough it's the most painful match i've ever been in besides maybe money in the bank i think hell in a cell is getting hit with a kendo stick i still have a line and a bruise on my leg till this day an indent um that match has always changed my career because it just makes me think differently on how i structure a match how do i protect myself how do i just entertain while getting hit with a chair going through a table again with the kindle sticks and then the still cage itself it's just it's no joke you can cut yourself on those things um becky lynch put a chair in the freaking still cage and lifted me up and dropped kicked me it's just this is crazy it's one of those structures that is just unforgivable um and you feel it for a month after in my case a year i still got this bruise and it pisses me off well you went over 50 minutes in the first rumble for women that means you were basically the captain of the match were you happy to be in that role i was so happy i was manifesting that i wanted to be number one so bad that when we finally went in and they told me that i was going to be number one i was like holy freaking yeah and then finding out who was going to be in the royal rumble um all these women that i grew up watching i was just like in such a like a trance that i couldn't even believe that this was happening and let's not forget that we main invented royal rumble with this woman's royal rumble match so there are so many things going on in my mind because um it's when you have to do like first time evers the pressure is just more on you because you just don't want to disappoint you don't want to disappoint and that's just the pressure that i put on myself i'm like send these people going home happy as hell and make sure you make them feel like how you feel i want everybody to feel how i feel when i leave well you mentioned uh first time evers and i think about women's evolution the pay-per-view and there was a six-woman tag team match with you and bailey natalia against the riot squad as we sit here today i have to ask you do you see evolution 2 happening sometime down the road i get asked that a lot too and the years are you know they're ticking but i absolutely see evolution number two happening it can't not happen it was so incredible being part of evolution and seeing all those incredible women perform um that show from top to bottom was one of my favorite wwe paper reviews i definitely think there needs to be an evolution evolution too um we have more than enough talent i think this is the best women's roster roster we've ever had um and i want to face trish tristratus so come on let's make it happen and we will get there don't worry i have some tris stratus for you towards the end of this go ahead kurt well your cousin snoop dogg we talked about him earlier he's been a big supporter of your career how big a fan of how big of a fan is he of yours he is one of my biggest fans um you know i think what makes us have a good connection is because his love for wrestling he grew up loving wrestling he loves jimmy snuka when i went to wrestlemania with him at um when i was 16 he's like who's that who's that i was naming all these wrestlers i'm like is that he's this is this so our connection like that is just so cool um he's so supportive he will text me or call me with any advice that i need and he's always watching my big pay-per-view so it's so cool to see and then just have that support from someone that's so iconic in this world so he's following you up until he's he's following me please follow me on twitter instagram facebook and wwe well uh sasha the boss and hug connection that was another fun story line becoming the inaugural women tag team champions here we go again talking about firsts and that has to rank is another high achievement in your career uh there's been some speculation and talk about when you and bailey lost the titles at wrestlemania and what can you share with us about that time period and your feelings on the business i was going through so much at that time um i did a wwe chronicle speaking of that um i was just going through a dark time and i just was losing my love and my my my light in my eyes and i just didn't like who i was becoming as a person so after russ and wayney after we dropped the titles i was just like you know what i gotta go i gotta go find myself i gotta go find what makes me happy because all i know is this all i know is wrestling all i know is giving it 120 and just maybe not seeing the things that i wanted and rewarded back to me so i just had to take a moment take a break and just find myself it was the best thing i think i've ever done for myself my whole my whole life i've never felt better and i've had the greatest career ever since then well it seemed like the most fun you had in your career was teaming with bayley how much fun were you having with her when you get to team with your best friend um and someone who is just like you she is we are like one of the same we were having the greatest time ever and i loved tag teaming with her it's such a different art than being a singles wrestler tag team wrestling is just an art of his own and to learn with her to create with her and just think of different ideas and and wanting to make it more so the woman can get represented not just the the smackdowns championship not just the raw we wanted more so we wanted to make it the best and we've had the greatest time especially during the pandemic um being the tag team champions well you come back you become the women's smackdown champion and uh and here's bianca bel-air she wins the royal rumble that means that you two are going to face each other at the big wrestlemania the show of shows and and not only face off each other but your main eventing which we talked about talk to us about how much this means to you and so many others i mean you both win at sb for wwe moment of the year that is so crazy it's um again i didn't know if we were going to main event wrestlemania but i was praying and dreaming about it um i felt like i was really competing with drew and bobby and that whole week i was just like do i talk to events do i not do i talk to events um i was like you know what if he thinks i'm freaking good and i can main event just let it happen next you know i get to frickin wrestlemania i found out i'm main eventing how freaking cool is that the day before i'm like wow everything can just come into fruition if you just don't give up on your dream um i went out there and i was on a whole different level and zone that i've never been in the ring before like that um this was our first time back in front of fans after a year and a half that i just couldn't believe even happen um to wrestle without any like fans is one of the hardest things i've ever experienced but i'm so thankful to know that i can do it and i can do anything um and to be rewarded with wrestlemania uh 37 um against bianca bella who her talent just speaks for herself she came in so fast so quick and got it like you car she is she is incredible and i just love to see her growth and for her to come in so quick and so fast and get like this i can't wait to see in the next five years how much bigger she's going to be sasha can you can you walk us through who tells you you said they told me the day of who tells you the day before about that your main eventing everybody's can tell me so it could be somebody different but who told me it was tj wilson okay yes you told me and i was just in shock i was like crying well you showed some emotion at the beginning of the match as the bell rang in tampa what did you tell yourself to get yourself back into the game i looked at bianca and i was like damn i'm supposed to be the bad guy why are you about to cry and i just couldn't believe it because the fans were just on their feet and i just had to take that moment in and i just couldn't help but just to have a huge smile being like holy [ __ ] this this is the main event all right let's snap into it let's go it's go time it i just had to look out and just be like this is real and now it's game time so you've talked about bianca you had that great match you win the sp you talked about the women's division before we get to trish because because that's next what about the talent in the locker room now is there some ladies that you see that you think man i can't wait to get my hands on them or work with them who are some people that you're looking forward to work with i can't wait to work with rare ripley i got a small taste at survivor series maybe two years ago um and then we'll get a little taste again and next sunday um i can't wait to work with her tony storm i'm so excited to work with shaksi and just even women that i've been in the locker room for a long time and still haven't had like a singles match natalia nightheart oh my we would kill it in the ring um naomi uh shayna basler i love her style so i can't wait to you know dive into my car angle tapes and then pull out some stuff that i can do on her um there's just so many i think top to bottom again this is the best division it's that we've ever had that's exciting incredible yes so we've talked a lot today about the growth of the women's division and i think you would agree one of the pioneers has been trish stratus and you recently said on the wwe bump for all those listening that didn't hear this to quote you you said i'm waiting for trish that's all on her i feel like she's been dodging me she's not been answering my calls i'm all game i'm always ready i stay ready so whenever trish is ready for me she knows where to find me and then probably two snaps i don't know and then uh well trish has responded via vibe 105 sports and she says sasha here we go and you haven't heard this we talked about this beforehand this is breaking news she has brought so much to the company and elevated women in the industry from what she's done and i think fans would love to see that i would love to whoop her butt and prove how i'm the best and you know stuff like that so yeah so to close up our conversation let's leave it with that little button and say perhaps one day if i decide to go back in the ring i might have to deliver a little satisfaction to the bank to the boss there you go so how would you like to respond to that sasha no swear words no you can it's good it's kurt angle show baby no no square um but i'm so glad to hear that she's down i um i know she's booked and busy i know that she's a mother um but trish again whenever you are ready give me a call i'm best friends with vince i know that you're not i have this number on speed dial so if you need it you can give me my number you can you can text me if you have it slide into my dms i'll let them know it will make millions baby this is going to be the greatest match of all time so let's do it trish get done with that work put the kids to bed and come fight me put the kids to bed and come fight me i love it let my family save your family some cash you don't need perfect credit you don't need money out of your pocket but we will save you money it's not a matter if it's a matter of how much save with conrad.com i love it kurt that was awesome put the kids to bed the boss has spoken the boss has truly spoken and she is the boss and she deserves to be thank you well sasha listen this has been an absolute pleasure hasn't it right kurt yeah i want to thank you for coming on our show i really do appreciate honey i thank you so much for taking the time to do this i'm a big fan of yours i know you're a huge fan of mine i am the the respect is mutual and i just want to say thank you thank you so much kurt you're incredible um and i'm so honored to be on your podcast and talk to you today well good luck in the future i'll be following you thank you all right good luck thank you sasha appreciate it awesome thank you guys all right all right kurt well there it is sasha banks i know she's off to uh to smack down uh so that was a lot of fun man that was great another fun interview that was a lot of fun she has so much charisma so well spoken uh and a great look i mean you can't deny her look she looks incredible yeah this girl has all the facets i knew early on she was going to be a huge star yeah and she absolutely is when i told my son that i was going to get to be a part of this he's 14 years old and uh he was like dad no way so this just i can't wait to show him this interview and all this this has just been a highlight for me too as well so really appreciate you letting me be a part of this curt before we log off though you and i have some things to talk about in terms of how we can help you out right kurt yes yes all right we got the chicken snacks right here that's right we fit nutrition you can get them at physicallyfit.com

there are 11 different flavors high protein low carbohydrate incredible taste you're gonna love these uh we have kung po sriracha uh sacha i don't know i'm like is it gonna mess up if i leave no you're totally good sasha you can access it she's like all right see ya yup buffalo wing and blue cheese we have cinnamon swirl hey she might want some chicken snacks you never know kurt or someone let's send her something get back on here i need your address but hey go to physicallyfit.com and grab these you're going to love them and i want to thank everybody that's been supporting my business i really do appreciate it now that's awesome physicallyfit.com hey this is a great time of year too if you're thinking about trying them out maybe stocking stuffers or something like that as well right kurt yeah yes sir you could get them for stocking stuffers you could just get them to snack on you get them there for a meal if you want it eat them while you're watching them christmas movies right yeah watching movies listening to music listening to the kurt angle show i love you kurt that's great and also don't forget about some other things too right so physicallyfit.com anglepod for that 20 percent off but go to kurt anglebrand.com for some more kurt angle

swag yes we have cowboy hats birthday cards milk cartons t-shirts uh autographed photos we have it all we have the whole ball of wax i made the prices very affordable for all the fans try to keep it low go to curtanglebrand.com and you can order them on the website or if you have an item you want signed at home or a world title championship belt that you uh once signed by me send it to the address on the website and i will personalize it and send it back to you all you have to do is send a prepaid postage envelope and uh and a small donation for charity you do that i'll get the autograph back to you as soon as possible again more great uh christmas ideas if you celebrate or into christmas and wanting to try to find things mention it to your spouse if it's for you hey hey honey go over check out uh you know quirt's website kurtanglebrand.com i'd love to have some stuff signed by him for christmas let's take advantage of this opportunity uh that kirk can do it and speaking of autographs on belts kurt i would be remiss if i did not bring up this opportunity about the wildcat belt uh the hero championship belt that is now available as far as i know there are still four belts left you have one and i have one and there's four more custom belts that will be numbered that are autographed by you the certificate of authenticity is autographed by you it is made by our buddy andrew at wildcatbelts.com he makes all the wwe belts the nxt belts it's an incredible job incredible my belt is immaculate i completely love it uh the artwork is amazing i think it's 24 karat gold plated that's right it's really beautiful yeah and it's it's numbered and the numbering is stamped into the leather as well so a tremendous opportunity to have something that will not be around you will be in rare air if you own one of these belts and this and that's for those special kurt angle fans for those watching on adfreeshows.com

it is sitting directly over my shoulder you can see it right there but you can also check it out on a reaction figure next to it the action figure and kurt that action figure i had a custom-made mini kurt angle belt made for the action figure i know you didn't yes sir yes sir i'll show it to you once we log off air here but i had the custom-made mini version made of that belt for it that is freaking awesome hey if i'm going in i'm going all in kurt angle baby so there we go that's right well hey listen check us out adfreeshows.com kurt you and i are going to do a bonus episode this month the month of november where we're going to sit down that's right november 30th you and i are going to sit down and we're going to record and watch together your first impact match with abyss and we're going to ask our ad free show members to send us in questions that you'll answer during that recording we'll watch the match together we'll record it on video so they can see the match too if you're on the fence about ad-free shows i'm telling you not only do you get these shows ad free commercial free and on video but the bonus episodes is where it's at kurt that's where you and i really get to do some fun stuff together yeah we do bonus episodes on that free shows we do some q and a's with the fans uh it's a lot of stuff with top guy uh it's a lot of fun and we we really have a good relationship with the fans from ad free shows that's right that's the cool thing about it we personally know each other yeah yeah the relationships that are born from that uh and if you're thinking about being a top guy we have a top guy weekend every year kirk came out to that in chicago and got to shake hands and take pictures with all the top guys it was a great time so a lot of fun a couple hundred top guys out there it was really cool yeah unbelievable well next week kurt conrad's back and the two of you are going to be talking all things survivor series 2001 that event was held in greensboro north carolina just to give you all a taste of that it's team alliance kurt's part of team alliance and they're taking on team wwf and of course you have to cover that it's thanksgiving season so what better time to talk survivor series and next week but uh that's gonna do it for us this week kurt i had a lot of fun with sasha i did too she is she is such a great individual talented person very smart beautiful she's a whole ball of wax that girl is so very talented and you know what she was so great to work with even behind the scenes getting ready for the show coming on giving us her time you know like she said hey i'm just coming back from the uk but being willing to carve out an hour heading right to smackdown i just can't imagine that road schedule kirk oh yeah she's she's busy as heck i've been there done that and it's it's ridiculous for her to take time out for an hour and do this podcast that's pretty incredible there you go well guys on behalf of kurt angle this is paul bromwell and we'll see you again next week right here on the kurt angle show hey it's conrad thompson thanks for checking out the podcast here on youtube be sure to hit the subscribe button and the notifications bell so you get a notice anytime we upload some new content and go save yourself some money right now if you're in a 30-year loan or you have credit card debt it's not a matter of if i can save you money it's a matter of how much find out right now for free at savewithconrad.com

2021-11-15 18:08

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