Japanese Department Store Food Tour at Shibuya Scramble Square

Japanese Department Store Food Tour at Shibuya Scramble Square

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In this video I'm gonna show you my top foods at shibuya, scramble square, a Japanese, department, store. So. We're back we're doing, another, Japanese. Department. Store video, this. Time at, scramble, square here in Shibuya, my, hometown, scramble. Square is actually one of the newest buildings here, in Tokyo, recently. Built in Shibuya, it's right next to Hikari, yay and stream, department, stores and it just has an awesome, selection. Of food I definitely, had to show you in this, video I'm so excited I'm feeling, the love Michael. Are you feeling the love. They. Come over here and show me that. Love. When what you'll find is a lot of department stores in Tokyo as well just like the Roger pen if, you're just shopping for clothes and just random things always check the basement because a lot of them have department. Store food and I'm pumped to show you because it's in my home station but in fact this actually might not be my home station soon because, as you know or you don't know Michael, is pregnant, and if this place is just way too small for us we're looking for a bigger place to stay and you might not be able to stay in should be there for longer so I want to take advantage of this time all of the drama and all of the stuff that's going on it's happening on our other channel called, Tokyo zebras, but before I started if you guys want to see what I'm doing a daily check out my Instagram account if you want to help support the channel then, check out the Tokyo in Japan merch, and also if you have questions on Japan I just want to connect with people with love Japan check out my discord community, oh I'm so excited to show you my favorite, top ten number. Ten every. Ten oh she's sushi from Conoco Han Oh scared, this spot is originally, a famous tempura shop in Nihon boshy they've got those fried hitters like freshly fried tempura tendon, Ben toes or ten Moussa which is a fried shrimp onigiri, but today I wanted, to show you that limited edition good good. So. This, spot has quite, a unique, and, a flavorful. Experience. Already in a box they have this oshi sushi, hard. To tell in there's a box so let me kind of open it up for you I don't know if I'm supposed to do this when we're doing it anyway, first. Look. What side down kick, it a little bit went. Up like so. Oh. K. Z so you can see that, it's kind of like not your regular sushi, in the terms of like the shape on top of it you have these little pieces of shrimp that have been put, into this tempura. Like, batter, if you ever have like pinky huggy like on top of your soba, kind, of looks like that or maybe like a yarn on you who don't just take a bite. That's. Really, really, interesting flavors, you know usually in tempura, itself is really oily but, in fact this is kind of more of like a refreshing, case kind of like a slight, vinegar, taste plus it has some ginger in there and the whole rice itself sometimes there's not a lot of flavor to it but this one you can see that it's all brown from the sauce and it has some that she's sewing it very very refreshing and something that's interesting, about tempura, is that usually, it's not made, to be soggy. But this tempura, is kind of made to be soft stuff like this it's nice number, nine character, pal from San Wayne this, shop is originally a Taiwanese, fusion, restaurant which is known for its uber, cute and character buns they also have all kinds of Taiwanese specialties, like seafood fried rice and shrimp chiles it looks like he's climbing, the pyramid the kids are gonna love this and maybe, the. People that love food that looks like little animals and mushrooms, this, Panda, is a black sesame, paste, and, this, Nezumi. This kind of like mouth looking thing there's a sweet bean paste and walnut, this pink mushroom, is a, purple, sweet potato and macadamia.

Nuts And finally. This is the one I like the most it's, actually the most popular it's the roast pork chow shoe look, at those okay so let me just open this up I'm, gonna break these break your belly like my hands, are like getting quite oily right now smells, so, good oh. Nice. So the pork inside it felt like a mashed potato texture. But the taste itself, is quite, sweet do have like little chunks, of meat like right in there that's a little bit savory the top outside is crusted, brown so it's been like fried whereas, the bottom is, still very, much like, Nick come on here in Japan I don't think I'm gonna be able to eat all of them, today Michael. Can choose one of them to show you guys. So. I. Excited. To try this I've seen this all over the TV, like winds crumble, squares, is open everybody, talked about this one is so cute cute. But I think I'm gonna try this soggy rabbit. House. It's, like. So. This is supposed to be a. Sweet. Bean paste and walnut. That. Sweet and the walnut. Chunks are pretty big so like it adds a really good crunch. Nombre. Pork, and butter chicken curry add Nuka new cos Korea's additive free using more than 10 flavorful, spices to go with their original NICUs again my rice which is a mature Japanese, brown rice cooked in a pressure pot to create a unique, chewy and flavorful sensation. This. In, the Seine a plate, of curry and you have two, different curries you have chicken and you have pork I just can't wait let me just take a bite now. This. Is like their special, rice here if you look at the rice itself, it's quite, sticky, it's give my so you get a little bit more texture as well as it's just like it's really sticky like it's almost kind of like if you ever have like mochi before, it's very much, similar, to that. And. It's really nice because they have some, like pickled carrots, and, some pickled onions, you just give to kind of like that fresh pop like this curry, is insane, so. That. Is the chicken itself let's have a bite. And. I have to say that chicken is prepared pretty well it's, nice to get kind of like a mix of two different curries in one plate it's not like one is sweeter or like what other one is more savory it's just they've used different, spices all together just to like to bring out different flavors, oh I. Should also mention at, the center of the floor there's a standing table area where you can enjoy your newly purchased treats, and they've, even got a microwave number. Seven square. Yakisoba and milk sake from kim wada milk kimura milk is a delightful bakery brand new to the scene from the King Maria bakery in Ginza, which states back more than a hundred and forty years Kimura, is known for its traditional on, pan and milkshakes, known very much so, for bringing boys to the yard and on top of that they have these ultra, unique square shaped Susie breads with a bit of Japanese Flair.

Funny. Guys I. Got. Some so azide pun and my, milkshake. It's just like a nice, perfect. Cube. On top of house I'm Vinny showgirl which is like red, pickles, and ginger and then I think it has some I'll know D on top that usually goes on top of yakisoba let me just cut this open yeah. I. Always. Like to smell food before, I eat it you can get that yakisoba, smell. Hmm. It definitely, has that yucky, so, much taste I get red itself, is that Danish, almost like a croissant. On the outside, what, a carb, induced. Pastries. Like Bob's, with in part so I've been running the Tokyo marathon, and maybe have, a little bit of this but yeah I can see now why, you'd want to have some, milkshake, with this. Cake. I said shake in their milk, Kiseki I guess maybe. I'm getting confused because I think Seki is shake of a microt saying it's not shake rewind, to the footage it's a shake. And I was like a jelly, tapioca. Kind of feeling inside and also, it's, a custard, so the milk has kind of like this yellow it they add like a yellowish, mix, to it and it tastes a really really strong custard, which, is nice it has like a really strong dutchy smell. Oh. Mine has a lot of mayonnaise in here. It. Is vinegary, I'm good so well with the sweet bread my with me like XO Papa and bites usually, like on the regular, bread like usually like a long form and like I have the extra by the middle I feel, like I'm not eating yakisoba bun, which is kind of like boy. Things to eat but, this, is kind of trendy and cute so I think. It's, nice number, six vegan. Vento from peace cafe Hawaii, this spot is originally. A vegan cafe created, by Japanese, chef shota today in Hawaii they offer a 100%, plant-based, deli, and drinks, you can order dishes one by one get that loco moco that taco rice or do what I did and customize, your plate, so, this one is, a labor of love, because this one is for all of my vegan fans, you, guys continue. To ask me, Paulo, do some vegan, food Paulo show, us your vegan spots, I'm, not a vegan believe. It or not as a doggie, all the time but this one it's kind of like they're a set, meal, basically, you get to choose a main, dish and then you get to choose like two different side dishes you can get like all sorts of different things but I'm gonna focus here. On guess. What the tofu. Katsu. Yeah if we're gonna have to do vegan, we're gonna make it fried and it came with a fork which apparently is. Biodegradable. And it came with a sauce to the sauce should be vegan, friendly let me just taste this sauce. It's. Like a werster sire sauce, kind, of but very like thick, in puree right, let me just take a bite. Hey. It's. Pretty good I was expecting, the tofu to be a little bit more milky. Like really like tofu but this one is kind of like a dry tofu a lot more texture to it they've almost used like extra, panco, to give it the crispness and like to give you that position, like you're eating meat, oh. My. Body can't believe it's on me. Number. Five cardigan, from karaage up oh shoot, ey Oh show UI is an award-winning karate, shop and he wante prefecture their most popular car dog a is made with oh shoot ey Doherty chicken marinated, in their area 51, like secret, sauce but here's a hint it's a golden ratio of soy sauce ginger, and onion, love. Looks like this. For. You guys that don't know this, is, karaage, also. Known as fried chicken, also, known as love, and. They also have like the regular standard, winner. This one is like a show you base and this one is a cinnamon, face so they actually you can just get whatever you want but I wanted to show you guys the mix so if you wanted to try different. Types of cutter gay then this, is it um what I did though when I take it home instead of putting it in the microwave I like to put it in the toaster oven to like make it just like a little bit more crispy. Mmm. Nice, and crunchy you can definitely taste, the ginger in there the chicken you can tell that it's been marinated. In some like soy sauce I didn't want to show you version just take a bite of this let's, just take a bite out of all of them. The. Ginger is still like prevalent, and this one compared to the other one no no I want to pee right now finally. The, cinnamon. Yeah. But also you can like smell the spices. On as well so. This, is like our naughty flakes the cinnamon isn't as strong as the IOD you can smell the cinnamon but no tea flavor is a little bit stronger it's just an interesting taste like you'd never get like that on fried. Chicken so maybe, worth trying like all three if you ever like get a chance number, four shibuya, scramble milfy.

From Hana edo hana, hito is a go to sushi shop on this floor they use fresh seaweed from the audio key area for their sushi rolls which are a must try but today I'm going down go deep into the shibuya scramble store, limited special called the shibuya, scramble. Milky. Fill, you, these. French words are from, you you, always kill me it has negitoro, and as hakuna and as unni every, shrimp, and it also has. Some squid. On top bit of rice and you think that's, it but. Actually. More down in below but we need to kind of eat the top layer before we get there so let, me just dabble. In this and mix it all up and just like, so. That. Bike I love, niggy toto so just having that little. Extra negative on, there it's so bad. Hmm. That NYADA, is nice and smooth, it's a little spicy, so it's like they've actually put a little bit of mint I cook like a spicy, mint I go on the, squid. Mmm. Damn that's good, oh and, so you got some sea urchin, right there. Judy. Is one of a kind and like the thing is when you go to places it's, either like fresh seafood, or it's not and you can tell and this, is quite fresh also it looks like you have some spinach, or maybe tuck on us I know I always get confused with like the different vegetables here in Japan oh yeah. All. The way at. The bottom, got. Some ginger. Bunch, of surprises it's like Easter egg hunt. I, think, the key here is to eat everything all together so, you get like the mixture of like a different type of fish or like any critter this, kombu, does a good job to, add, texture and. Machinae, number, three men, seek a suitable krabi said from cumin, cheese I. Don't. Know what to do but really don't know I literally, want, to eat everything. We. Got. The crunchy. Crunch, hitters, look, at that helmet comes like in a hamburger box like. Seeds to already feel how excited, I am whoo. Do. They have all, sorts, of fried. Lovely. Miss, at this place they, have these like little cube, cuts, use as well like there's like different sauces like fondue, and like tomato and stuff which is also pretty, decent, but man I had to show you guys the. Menchi-katsu. Yeah, can. You just see like the angel, on, top of this basically, you have the kingdom, in G and you have the guinot Vinci the kingdom in G is I'd, rate up pork, another one is like a mix between beef. And pork so you can choose or just have both like me let, me start with gold. And. Break, this up halfway oh you, can see the juices so let me just take a bite of cans I've been talking way too much. Wow. That. Is a. Perfect. The meat is cooked, so, well there's just so, much flavor, it has kind of like a slight, sweetness, it's. Super, crunchy, on the outside look at that golden, brown look at this. And. Then this one you can tell the, gold one is round, while this silver, one is I kind of like a longer, hashed potatoes, kind of looking thing. The. Hat two is.

Phenomenal. Feel like I like the silver more the onions are they're. Actually smaller in this one this one has kind of more of like a elegant. Refined, Minji. Cuts details I think either one is a winner number two unagi tamago, Don from tamago yeah this immensely, popular fluffy, amorous restaurant pom enoki put up their very own a yucca don't chop their eggs are so buttery and fluffy it had me checking my nails like Liz oh I. Hope. I don't crack my egg on the way home so this place is known for, the egg dishes and they have all sorts of different like egg rice, bowls different, combinations, like men taiko, chicken. And even pork, but today, I wanted to show you one of my favorites, which is the Nagi basically, you take it and then you pour the egg and the unagi on top of the rice and then you take the raw egg and, you mix it around then you pour that on, top of the egg and the unagi kind, of gives it more of that liquidy. Runny, lusciousness. And then from the gushy you put the no D and it's just Christmas, all over again can see how like they cook the eggs they almost like cooked it halfway and then during the process, then just kind of put it on top, so that yeah this like kind of fluffy and watery agate, which I've just love, just like a bite of this. Wow. Holy. Damn. That. Is a monster of a, freaking, flavor that. Is amazing. Bob there's just so, much, juice, in this entire, rice bowl the eggs are really nice the unagi itself, it's tender. But, it's so good I can eat this whole thing by myself. I, really. Really like this the eggs are like light and fluffy with the dashi, and like a soupy, texture. It's, super. Light. Number. One salmon. In Akua Saito mushy Atkin cumin king kuma is a Japanese, seafood specialty, shop newly, created at scramble square by oku may a seafood, wholesaler, and Tsukiji with a hundred and fifty years of earned history, all right I got my ticket to ride the, shop has a designated eatin, space in the back floor of Tokyo Food Show where you can enjoy their amazing Saito mushy rice, and toppings, steamed, cooked in a bamboo steamer so I ordered their steaming demon, classic, salmon in hakuta Sydow mushy. The. Rice is covered with a fresh king salmon and a healthy portion of salmon roe basically, what you want to do is eat the rice and the fish in the salmon roe altogether. By itself and then put on toppings oh wow. You can smell, that fresh in the tuba which is like the greener vegetable. Here. Wow. That, fish, tastes, are so fresh, and then you have this little salty, flavor of a good end there you can really, taste little mommy from that fish coming, out that's insanely, good, in this place because they steam it right here at the store before they serve it all in the salmon and salmon world flavors, get kind of sucked into the rice and just makes, the taste I just pop with all of this umami and as a side it comes with this yucca me so you have some wasabi you have some seaweed you have some crunchy, like kind of like a bread need that texture and then you have a semi, buna so, you haven't I've just added all they have COO me on there and then, you. Take some of the dashi from the kettle that they have here you got like kind of like a new porridge, salad dish and it's called it that she educated. That. Is a strong, at deshi that's nice that the rice and the fish combination, was good try, it with, additional, dashi, from, this justice, so much more flavor it's crazy it's kind of like a waterfall. Of flavors, you get that strong dashi flavor then you have the umami from the fish and the salmon roe then you get the sweetness of the rice and it's just all of the pairing, and all of that is just a delicious, combination all right so that concludes the video if you liked it help me out and hit that like button if you want to see what I'm doing on a daily check out the Instagram account our sponsor for this a video displayed.

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2020-02-24 11:52

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