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hello everyone it's me saying hello from about 30 degrees in berlin it's so freaking hot i can't stand it and we don't really have a c in the room i meant currently so the streaming room uh so i'm recording it um in a very sweaty and hot environment i hope i will play well enough and afterwards uh i will probably go to the gaming room where we actually have like kind of ac so i can enjoy some uh some yeah cold caldera besides that i chose ivan ivan i chose ivan why did i choose ivan well people wanted iron besides that i actually didn't record ivan in a while and even though i do think ivan is slightly weaker than he used to be because smite deals 900 damage after five smite which means you can easily kill daisy right um i think i still think he's a very viable champion and i still think he's a good pickup so uh locking in my champion let's do rune page i like eric i think nimbus cloak i think transcendence of course water working and then we are gonna go to cosmic insight to futures market i believe this rune page is something i used to use before when i played ivan as well so it's probably not new and then we go for ability haste and well half per level i think it's the most useful right because you tag your cams with hp so i think that's pretty good we saved the page and we should be good to go um i think on high hilo e west there is a lot of ivern one tricks and all of them rush mobility shoes so it's something i might consider doing as well in this game because mobility shoes are good for gangs and i think solo queue is won by gangs and not necessarily by farming so i might actually rush mobility shoes in this game and might try to gank as soon as possible besides that i will see you in game so we are in game hopefully we can hear the music if we can't maybe i messed up i'm not sure if the music should be louder or um well not as loud but anyway uh okay that's smart i think it's like a little bit of a stretch i don't really think you need rest mode i burn i think the slow is better besides that like i was mentioning when the game was loading i think it's kind of good to have mobility shoes because you can gank well and of course if you pick ivan i really like uh champions that fight in melee range because then your shield it gets more powerful as they can use it to walk up and fight so for example cinder is a perfect choice i think tariq is not really something that i necessarily enjoy with ivan since he doesn't really go in he just stands and heals people uh maybe something like now to luciona alistar even pike on our team would be better but it's completely fine right i will have daisy level six i still think that it's a it's a fine it's a fine champion and then we have pretty good team fights assuming we don't really get ace by fear sticks will so uh we will see how that goes well it seems like he's gonna start red buff i can tell you that much right and i'm gonna start wolves so something to remember with ivan is that when you do cracks well it's just kind of not worth it to do cracks basically so i don't really like doing cracks on ivorn um so i'm probably gonna skip the cam right we're just gonna attack everything here ivan is like afk champion i'm i'm not really doing anything i'm just like yeah i mean just chilling just yeah don't have to do anything right stack your cams and go other side and like it comes again and then go to the side again i i don't even think you have to use potions because you'll be full hp when you um take the camps so i don't mana right now that's why i'm not gonna wait for that buff i will just go back and i will pick up every camp and then i'm going to do a red bubble a little bit later with my smite because as you can see i wouldn't have mana so i think instead of waiting it's way better to just do this okay i really don't like how trindamer played it okay that was really really close and i still don't really like how to never played it because he was backing off when i came around so um he was a very close guy but i mean it did it did work out right so i think fiddlesticks could look for butt crab uh i i kind of want to attack my cam so like rather take my camps uh on the boat side i don't even wanna you know keep being on top side right now and wait for the crab you see this is the problem this is the problem when you don't actually take all of your cams and you try to connect before that he if he has might he can't take it okay well so the the only reason for me um to do the cam there is um um i would like to fight it i don't think we are that weak you know just for some reason tariq doesn't really want to go in i think that fight could sharpen one way easier but i don't they have enough hp now so i think i should base so this is the problem with me going top side without taking my cam's bot side ride i mean i got um counter jungle in a way where uh well first of all i can't afford mobby shoes so i'm just gonna go dark seal and normal shoes i think [Music] and the first item that i do like to buy on ivern well i wanted to initially buy moby but again i can't it's too late so yeah shoes i think are fine too right i just like mobius for ganking because like i mentioned i think ivan has to come but yeah basically uh i think zhonya is something that sort of knows is like the most of the item right now just because it gives so much speed so yeah i think i'm gonna probably build towards that the stagger comes again and then i think we should be able to secure the crab because i don't think field sticks will ever go there i think if he didn't base he did both crab if he did base he will do raptors i don't think he will be smart enough to like take my top crap and this is challenging level as well right so um you know play shouldn't happen in bronze as well or whatever wherever you guys play yeah well anyway uh smiting that one i still this is my first mind of the game and i'm playing cosmic inside which means my cooldowns are shorter so it's a bit hint that i smite it so late right in my opinion i would like to fight for it if i can but it doesn't really seem like he will let me i'm just gonna ping here then and i'll leave um okay this is a little bit in from me or rather um well okay so i realized that also i am kind of trolling with my hotkeys on this server i know my hotkeys on selfcast so when i press selfcast it doesn't work this guy is getting solo killed after i gave him a kill on network so that sucks but i mean of course it happens but this is mostly for xp right of course i'm gonna get some gold as well but i'm here mostly so i can pick up some of that experience it's not bad for me and still number would lose it anyway so i think this is good now i can base of course when you do something like that then you have to realize you are showing on the map right so you have to ask yourself if it's good to show on the map to do whatever you just did or whatever we just did i'm not gonna buy anything because then i lose scold from um from the rune i have i need to quickly okay and that will help i don't think field sticks should be sick soon that's wait my team is so scared though i think they are playing so bad my teammates i mean this is like master tiered level but i really don't understand why are they running we can we could have killed pike as well if not the fact that they were running um that was that was really really weird i don't actually understand why they are so scared this is very risky um but yeah okay well it paid off it doesn't matter oh okay i'm for sure i can try to kill pike though okay i shall flush the hook and then maybe i didn't i wouldn't die so that was like slightly too aggressive from me of course i knew i can move she doesn't mana right but i mean like i mentioned i i'm not really well yeah my bot lane is kind of escaped here i'm not gonna smite anything because his red buff is up and i have mob issues so i'm just gonna smite the red buff and i will get out right i don't really care about getting more um i think this should be enough i also think that ganking top is a possibility right now so trinidad plays it way better right he's like instantly going aggressive and he can see me okay um then i was scared for half a second because i didn't really hit the queue even though i flashed for it so i was like kind of scared okay so it seems like felix was yeah in my jungle so i can't really fight him because uh well he can just do that right he can just like kind of ignore me but that's all fine i don't think it's like that big of a deal as you can see taking this camp is like so irrelevant i think we can fight this easily of course i have mobby shoes so maybe i can catch you will you hear okay well here i think you should just push with your team you should not like be greedy to base on anything i mean i don't really have gold right so i also don't have to base but i just want to stay with my teammates and i'll make sure that kog'maw can push in this game should be fairly straightforward because it feels like we are actually like not behind or anything again i'm not really gonna stay um i will just get the smite secured on the blue the knight from field sticks and bass i might have drawed a little bit because i died yeah i thought a little bit i think i started tanking to that slightly too fast that there's no reason for me to die so chill social to die like that very disappointing myself okay anyway we are attacking our camps um you know you can check your passive to see how long it takes to get the camp 24 seconds which gives us like the timing where we have to go back here if we want to collect it of course we don't have to we can just save it for later i think in this situation i can always just look to invade raptors because wheel sticks was spot set okay that was a pike and i don't even fight him so i don't really know where the enemy team is the spike is roaming a lot and you see the thing about pike as a champion is that he will be roaming because otherwise he's useless i think this video 6 is trolling very hard i don't think he can ever kill danny vso well here i would not help him anyway i guess i could help myself though and jillian didn't hold for some reason ah close if the maybe if the daisy doesn't die i could have killed the the other guy as well well trindamer is pushing top that he's not getting plagued because they are no i'm trolling keep in mind that of course setting up a brush increases your auto attack damage so in cases where you want to you know set up a brush and just farm that's also really perfect okay perfect now we have blue for anivia top tower is gone we have a lot of gold uh you know we can kind of choose what to build to us as well i think in this game i really like uh this item overall i mean i think magi would be good too right but i really like um cam cam tank putri fire i feel like it's a good item overall i think that you can do anything from these recommended items though i think you can go you know art and sensor if you want to heal your or like make your cognos stronger you can go michael for fiddlestick spear redemption for team fights you can really go anything you want um of the floating water is really good too for the champion so honestly like anything you want will be good for you um i just i just want the anti-healing for the zillion uh as well the thing is that mobi shoes tune up only for like a little bit when you attack camp so you can kind of like do them immediately and of course the cracks almost don't give us anything so tagging tagging like taking cracks is is just like a little bit of a meme you know like it's kind of useless but well if you have free time might as well just like take them now the days is so low cooldown we should use her to face check brushes thank you i'll have to hold here yeah maybe we can even kill him uh i'm gonna die it always happens i always get cooked down the tower it's always a bad idea to get cooking on the tower god damn and i didn't really have oblivion or if i probably should have bought oblivion on the ferris as well because that wouldn't do zillion healing at least right and he would not like wake up with full hp and then maybe we can kill him i mean we are still winning this game so i think it's fine i'm hinting i'm so hot here i have to finish this game to go to don't think he was in range but i do think he's able to flash ah okay we have to be careful um we are splitting up on the map a lot and that cost us quite a lot of depth which is not good when i are recording something like i'm trying to record a guide and i die four times for no reason and then everything has 11 kills and i'm basically one third of the kills i'm not very happy right i'm not very happy i guess anivia is the other four uh but yeah i mean i think we so something to keep in mind living is we should probably stick to uh carrick so in this game the cat is kog'maw and different games could be top lane could be mid lane right in this game maybe it's 80k in different games could be someone else but the point is that the enemy team is playing together a lot and they are roaming a lot and they are just like moving together i think we have to like do same thing uh if we are not in the game so set up to brushes okay i don't think it's uh i don't think it's very good so now is doing uh something else i don't think i should join i should just go on five days let's go uh yeah okay so the problem in this game is that we are splitting up a lot and we are always doing other things together or like other things separate but all of us are doing other things so kinda all of us are doing other things together but separate so i think we have to do things together yeah the problem is that again i mean kokomo dies before we can actually join um i mean every team is playing quite well i would say because they are abusing the fact that first of all they're way better peaks so they're like better at killing people randomly you know and second of all um we are ending quite a lot so yeah it doesn't really look winnable does it my friends looks quite uh difficult right now the team fights we are the teamfights that we are experiencing are looking rather uh grim uh i think right now i think they will get nash here um but i mean there's nothing we can do about it we through the game play hard right i mean we did allow them to kill us very very often um like all of us right the game state is like for sure not very good right now uh we are like losing quite hard actually so yeah we have to be very careful i mean if we are together i think still i still think like it could be winnable but maybe at this point we kind of took too hard like i don't i don't really know it could be like a little bit hard to win from this at this point because uh they got pretty fed right and their comp is like pretty strong too they are also quite ahead like three levels on mid lane one level in jungle two laps on top plane this is all because we died so much right again like we died so much that like they are super ahead yeah i wanted to fight that a bit harder than this um i wanted people to go in way harder i mean as you can see like that the kog'maw is actually like killing people and he's going in we can just keep shielding him and it should be like pretty winnable oh that was close but yeah i mean this is like the thing about that composition um well we can't really stop pike from doing that at least at least i get i guess we got his flash um that was just like kog'maw like not really thinking but i mean whenever we are with kog'maw and we can shield him i think we still like perfect finds place the team composition is very very annoying though ah if i hit that maybe i mean i feel like they they should not be allowed to do this but i feel like my team is super scared i mean again like i don't um i don't think it's like at the highest level of play you know like nordic east diamond master tier whatever right but i do feel like when the pike is running into me like that or into us over like that i think anybody just has to literally step up and double him the w cancels the q and then he's doomed yeah the previous fight was really really good because we saw fiddlesticks and even when he went in he didn't get a fear of on anyone so okay so uh something important to realize is that when opponent invasive jungle because in this game they were in the top side just chasing me like five seconds ago when they do that most likely they will have vision there right so they can go back in there and try to kill you and again anivia is just like running instantly so i mean it is like it's hard to watch honestly it's hard to watch how how we are playing that's why i also don't like chambers like ivan to be honest uh in solo queue because i do do like to be the carry myself uh in solo queue so i don't really play chambers like ivan uh on my streams i mean i guess i can play them you know for like youtube recorder i have an episode go fight pets critical dive an episode go five deaths and hope for the best it's something i can do uh but i don't really tend to like you know play iron that much i think it's i think it's good if you have smart teammates you know if they can use your abilities but i think if you have teammates like that i think they can't use your abilities so there's like no point of playing it right who is this oh the cogno come on still travel that's not really a good thing because you know he's the kid he doesn't know about it because he's not playing very well but he's the kid i think it's important that we go together i mean right now we are not really going together we see a pillow stick so yeah he's not gonna kill that many people i think it's very important okay so something else that is like kind of important to realize is that when you go together and when you do things together you have to like um go with the carry you know like go with the carry um so in this case the carry is the kogomo so you really want to go with the cogno oh i'm dead oh he messed up yeah we are very scared um we are very very scared we really don't want to die uh in this game which happens it's okay if we can get the elder soul the infernal so it's not gonna matter i still feel like we can win team fights so like it should be technically like kind of fine i'm thinking i should do michael now or if it's not too late or redemption will be better maybe yeah well if iran is the one going again right then that's yeah you know the game is the game is weird whenever it's the first one to go in but uh but it's okay i mean again like we are playing target i think like if you play comes with ivan i think it's much better if ivan is like the only one who actually is uh the ap or like the p the not the apk is not if you can just like the pillar you know i'm the only peeler i'm the only one who actually wants to stay in the back line and shield people and for example we have a angus support like yeah not using something like that that makes the game easier to play because then people actually play how they are supposed to play and tarik is like supposed to play slightly differently but it's okay it's not a big deal i think the team fights are still winnable we can push this wave and then we can group again so komo has um six items so technically oh i smite it for no reason so technically five should be not bad but it appears if seeing field sticks is something that can like help greatly because then he cannot get the feel of him like many people you see now there are positions tonight it's kind of hard for us to walk in yeah this fight is not really good because we are stuck in show point so this game is lost now i think that we threw this game pretty hard so of course we should blame ourselves for it right i think i didn't have to die so many times as well uh but i do think that i explained ivan quite well which comes to play him in kind of how to play ivan will have their own position everyone do things um well in this game you know so what happens that we just drew right we we threw a lot we played uh like a bad game uh every one of us so uh you know team fights at some point it's it's way harder to play i think in this situation if we just go to nash and we start nash and i think they can't really flank us because they're on on the bot side and then even in physics like that we actually have like a good position to kill him and to not get flanked but it's okay it happens it's it's so okay after all so that was not the highest quality game if i'm honest with you i was also like not the best game for me but i do think the ivan kind of was visible um and and kind of made sense uh and and you know it was explained somewhat well what to do with the champion so uh i'd like thank you very much for watching um i hope you enjoyed it again uh leave down a comment below uh whichever champion you'd like to see next and please uh make sure to uh you know leave a thumbs up as well our damage was asked highest randomers which is not really good for the three numbers if i'm honest but i mean again their damage wasn't even that high but they just killed everyone right so it didn't matter yeah thank you very much see you next time [Music] oh

2021-06-29 23:16

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