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hello everyone i would like to welcome you in yet another episode of guidelines or gameplay uh well guides or gameplay however you're gonna call it uh today i woke up around 10 which is you know normal hour awake about and i decided to record this video the only thing is that you know i'm a gamer so i assume my voice is pretty sleepy i hope you can stand it in the video and you will not uh you know hate it because of that when it comes to viego run page because this is the champion that we'll be playing today uh we have conquer we have triumph tenacity last stand then we can take cell impact revenues hunter i believe you can also change the domination rule page for a different one but i still like the conquer the most that's because you broke it so so fast with your passive um and i also believe viego is one of the most broken chambers league of legends currently he is not enabled to play on stage so he cannot play him on stage um why is that i don't really know um there's plenty of bugs with the champion well i do know why but i cannot share it with you so i'm very sorry i cannot share why viego is open but he is op and let's try our best to make a new copy in this game as well so we are in game uh when it comes to the item i will go for it's going to be the red smite well early game with viego is pretty straightforward which is one of farm if you want to get items when it comes to item build i recommend kraken slayer and blade of ruined king blade of ruined king not because vego is the ruined king but because it just fits him well with the double strike on passive he procs two autos and both of them proc on hit effects so we have kraken slayer conquer and blade uh if you can proc your passive your basic one should people and this is why i think he's pretty strong i just want you all to know that when you play league of legends and you're ever in a position where people are well um you know being toxic in the chat or they are just typing too much don't be afraid to mute them you don't have to mute their pings because maybe that's a little bit much right at least you want to know what they think you can also mute their pinks though because sometimes they use their pinks in an offensive way i will not mute their pinks for me it's just the fact that they talk a lot so yeah basically we want to make sure that you reset your altos with q or you want to queue right after the auto and you just farm so normally i take e second always but i want to try w because w plugs is passive again so i'm just trying to break the passive again and i think that's like not too bad that he most likely would be better though because it does give you a lot of it's 20 attack speed i know 20 is not that much honestly i think taking w second could actually be better okay here at wolves it's very important to um you know hit all the rules with your q kind of like yasuo okay so with the e this is a tricky part okay when you do raptors make sure that you don't reveal your position if you use e on walls that you will go around and it will go all the way to mid lane and then you the enemy mid lane will be able to see you that's not good right yeah that's not good i think that if she took crap we understand and she basically has to flash or die okay that was um i mean if only one of them moves i will get a double kill i i'm just telling you that i would actually double kill them if only one of them will move okay uh when it comes to the items i will go for i think pickaxe and shoes i think that's the best i just want to make sure i man speed i think attack speed is not as important because again you progress passive twice right you do a lot of damage with just autos i think that i can say the first item i'll go for if you play laning phase with vehicle right because some people play laning phase but do you go i think it's completely fine to um you know play rushing a different item like blade i think blade rush on vega makes a lot of sense too i'm not exactly sure what's going on here but i just know that they have to flash some so she messed up her heel okay um that means we are backing off i think i was trying to not get rid of i still got rooted so yeah the thing about this gem is that you steal souls right so um you know you can use couple of abilities in one fight and when you steal the soul you also steal the item and when you steal the item you also become their champion basically you actually become dutch and without the ultimate right so you just become very very very strong for you know a period of time and when you are stealing the soul um you are kind of untargetable that means you disappear from the map i mean even though your body is visible you disappear from the map uh you can still get hit i think by some effects that were like on you before for example maybe like zed old like it will probably still proc now i believe i'm super strong i think i will play gold medics i don't think berserker greaves are necessary and now that i have my quicker quiver i have a lot of attack speed and a lot of a lot better jungle here since the precision um the additional 20 dimensional minions and monsters procs twice and that means i'll basically watch the example jungle camps now as you can see the clear is like crazy good right now as soon as you get this item you one should come so i recommend basing early if you can get this oh not very good i think i'm slightly too big here i was slightly too deep there definitely um i was 1v3 and i almost killed one person so you can kind of see how strong is my champion i almost want it like look at this guy if if i add kraken slayer i mean okay so i can slay at eight minutes right who has to crack and stay out of eight minutes but if you had one more item one more item like even a long shot he would actually get one shot there so my damage is crazy we have to be careful because uh enemy team is moving quite a lot i mean they even use the urgo tp not surely they're not sure if the stun will reach so the problem with this situation is that i don't think i can block the old and talia cannot okay i can't really clean this up unfortunately i mean maybe light is moving so maybe i can but okay so we got a flash we got double flash it's not too bad anyway uh i will base just because of how powerful a kraken slayer is on the champion um i will base and i buy the item i think if you want to go gale force you can it's just that gale force is um you know it's a good item right gave us a good item but it doesn't really give you what dragon cellar gives you which is the extra prog of damage every third attack deals additional true damage and this procs on your passive right so basically in the combo you'll proc it twice very very fast um i don't think jesus dies okay well she dies but she dies because she was created to splash we maxi second gives us more man sweet attack speed so all the good all the good stuff poppy is here to share my gold i didn't like that too much i like to get this gold by myself but you know she shared the gold and then she just died i was really really bad by her oh [ __ ] i was not a very well played he was about to get one shot here i think i'll still kill him though it's just that i misplayed so so he flashed as well not sure if they would reset i think if you use it once um it's gonna go on cooldown so that's why i just use it on minions because i assume it's gonna be on cooldown anyway but yeah that was misplaced i missed my w that was face checking me i i would like to say it's because i just woke up i mean like one hour ago it's my first game of the day so you know missing a w like that is it's not very good you know it does make you look very good but i still managed to get a double kill so i think that's good i don't think that's a good idea [ __ ] take this no that was not a good idea that's why i had to chase them especially the chase path was not a good idea we buy max because we are chasing part a lot and that makes the game harder and more annoying uh like i mentioned we are going to go for the blade of the ruined king uh i think maybe i actually don't know what is the best to buy i think attack speed is not bad but we have a lot of attack speed and on hit procs so we don't need that much attack speed we don't actually need that much life steal but maybe we combine the lifesteal adn attack speed maybe that's like the best combo we can get so the game becomes hard because well we are doing a lot of things one by one right i think right now if i use my because this also gives you my speed right but i don't think i can reach him i mean i can reach him but i don't think it's a good idea honestly that was uh yeah that was not a good idea that was definitely not a good idea to do that i just kind of ran it down literally uh well i need to focus up because if i keep playing this way we are not gonna win because i'm the kid in this game i have six skills but i'm kind of running it down um so i think we have to be very careful i have to be very careful it's the first time i see poppy without muramana though i mean at least but theodore goddess i guess a lot of tanks buy it so maybe it's not literally the first time i staying on the tower was not the smartest oh i misplay this i misplayed this i must play this i miss my q if i don't miss my q maybe i can play it i mean again it's 2v4 right i need 1000 gold only and then i get my blade and then i have a lot of damage i think i'm playing bad this game because well first of all i died five times because i'm very disrespectful to his opponents because i'm not playing on my usual account right i think this is like a low master tier so i'm very very disrespectful towards them and besides that i uh well i'm just hinting right [Music] there is a pack with kraken slayer it doesn't show you how much damage they do i think it did a lot of damage i cannot i cannot prove it to you because it's back but it definitely did a lot of damage i'll leave anything we have to go on the talia but i think it's not gonna work he's two levels ahead of that i didn't have to flash that's not very good um i'm just dead i think they are moving a lot so [Music] it is it makes it complicated when they are moving so much enemy team it looks like urgot might be in trouble though i don't think he can survive that and we also have at least seven jinx i think i shall flash sooner there um you know as soon as i see by or at least the urgodual flashing the real would probably also maybe save me i don't even because since i didn't farm that much i'm also like levels behind of the solo laners right this is also the jungle nerfs but i mean enemy italia is level 11 i'm only level 9. you cannot use w to dash over walls though you can use rule to dash over walls if you want yeah maybe facing that brush was not the smartest as well maybe that's not that great um i think i want to make plays on the like side of the map where they are not but the problem is that they are on both sides because they have with priority um and they have a bargain bar makes rotating very fast and easy for them besides what's up right so it makes sense i want to play i think i always want to try to kill the victor when he is alone or the organization the only problem is that like i'm so squishy in this game but this game definitely does not look very bright for us so far not even sure if this is possible he doesn't flash okay he's better dead here if i don't use my old will it go on cooldown or not yeah he does so no matter how they will be going cooldown i have blade now so my demo is going to be very high not sure how likely this is because the problem is they can work tp on this yeah they are italian they have burgers so this is what happens and i'm getting stunned as well about this kite i'm dead goddammit why are you so annoying uh the next item would be sterok um steric nerfed but you want static because you want to be slightly more tanky right right now i'm just getting one shot because i'm super squishy so i want to make sure i have like an item that will give me a little bit of a tankiness wait one thousand one thousand damage she did nine ninety seven so i did um ten times more than half i think enemy team might get nash here though and this could be the over of the the end of the game i'm kind of sad because i don't really feel like i you know diego is so p and i'm really not showing it in this game i'm eighteen eight it's very sad i'm a very sad vehicle because i could be like twenty zero with the champ if i play well i don't think i played very well in this game i think you can still see um how strong is the champion though i think you can still kind of see the damage of the champion i also think that this game was much harder to play because of enemy team moving so much that being said if you are ever in a position where you can uh you know be a one-on-one with viego or basically be more mindful of opponents roaming because in this game we we did i mean i wouldn't say that we ignored our opponents roaming but we also were really disrespectful towards the right like right now for example victor is trying to make a play on me so it's much easier for me to outplay it and it's much easier for me to make my own play kind of but if let's say i always run into them with viego it's not going to end well right so you want to be in position where i mean not necessarily that they have to run into you you just don't want to be in position where they have like 10 people and they are chasing you and well you will basically not do anything because you will just die right i don't think that it's very possible for us to fight for the dragon actually we have to rush it maybe yeah this doesn't look like a good fight because it's a 5 fight i mean i did have like one 3 000 gold almost in my pocket right um the thing is if i don't buy strike it doesn't change if you know i base or not base i was hoping we could actually win this fight because i think if poppy rules that would go then we one shot the bar basically we kind of killed them one by one i was hoping that we can maybe win this fight like it was for sure winnable but we will have to play much better than them right for them it's much easier to play this fight because well they are in position where oh i mean they are just so ahead right they have three drags as well before that fight starts i think they cannot end the game though and i do think that urgot is strong enough to maybe defeat me i think i can play solo kill everyone else though ah if i could capture the saw i'll become invincible and i will just like escape over the wallet bar portal that was definitely uh definitely doable you know like me escaping that that play was definitely doable uh what i can also do instead of ga i can go with scent i think with sand is not gonna be that bad because of uh well how annoying the victory is here i think the wizard may makes sense here look at my kda i'm 11 10 and 0 no assists either i kill or i die there's no in between there's no team play there's only me okay i think they have vision now so otherwise they will not be doing this i think i might beat that as well yeah i'll get trapped by katie i don't even flash okay they missed her trap did she maybe she didn't i mean it is a hard position to be in you know i don't do think that our team will like kind of outscale at this point so it is hard position to be i guess we killed the victor um i think she's dead to casey neuto oh he got this cancer on the other side of the wall the thing is they will go nash but maybe if we win the elder fight right we can still win the game if we somehow steal the elder or win the elder fight we can still end the game with the elder so it's still possible and my kda is just crazy in this game it's absolutely crazy i still hope i will at least end with more kills than that but it could be hard at this point tonight's the problem because now they group last time you know they went on me and i got two kills but if they just go mid together i think we don't really have enough damage to deal with them well by the way you can also use on these walls and it's actually like here if i use e on this one maybe i could survive that this is probably game over i don't think this fight is very winnable or it doesn't actually oh no okay okay okay okay okay they still got the drake i got three asses this fight i didn't actually do anything though i used my flash to try to flash on the victor but then you'd vote are you serious like if victor ends it again and he dies like that i think this is the best fight we can get it does not look great does it guys doesn't really look great that is like a little bit deep from the poppy i had to follow on this um i mean that was close i did almost one tap here and the item difference is pretty huge i did end the game with uh somehow i do them the game with more deaths than kills this is absolutely disgusting i think i'm very not satisfied but uh well it is mostly to show i suppose uh how strong diego can be and i think that was shown um it is a very very strong champion right now i think the damage that he provides is crazy i did the most damage in this game i don't think it counts though because um well i was hinting so much right if you have 12 deaths then at least you have the best damage because we have 12 deaths and you don't have the best damage then what were you doing this game right so uh i do think vegas very strong i think that kraken slayer and the blade combo makes him insanely powerful i think in teamfights he can be very good too i don't think they are the bad champions against vega as well because they can kite me well uh and we don't have any engage maybe instead of lulu we are playing something like leona i think that'll be much much easier to play basically anger support but i think vehicle will be uh used in pro play as soon as it is unlocked because currently slogan pro play uh well i hope you guys enjoyed it i surely did even though i had so many debts um i'm counting on a thumbs up and if you like to see a different champion or a different item build on a certain champion please make sure to leave a comment so i'm aware of what you want me to play see you next time [Music] field oh

2021-02-24 20:00

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