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hello everyone welcome to yet another uh well guide uh you've seen being gameplay a lot on stage right in pro play i think for solo queue this champion is actually pretty good as well so i don't see any reason why not to record it i guess again if you have any suggestions or champions you'd like to see in the future videos please make sure to leave the comment down below or just like a comment that mentioned that your champions so that i can maybe try to record something like that i was thinking about playing ap shaco at some point maybe next video besides a stream highlights of course that we do daily as well uh or well weekly or maybe twice a week anyway anyway anyway i was thinking about bunny kazak because i do think that kha'zix is not necessarily good into they're just kazika champion that uh can't scrimmage against wood but there's a lot of gems that can't do that uh since you know they have a very powerful early game and he farms very fast of course udri got nerfed in the most recent patch which i believe was 11.3 uh i don't think it made him weak though so for the runes we go facehush nimbus cloak celerity water walking so the most standard udder page uh we thanks to daddy are very fast you're very mobile it's very easy to proc face rush all you have to do is literally out of someone and then uh out to him with phoenix you block faders even without auto human autoing him with phoenix you can still proc phasers with the phoenix aura you have when you use the ability that's slightly harder though um and then as for the second page so this is a little bit tricky i think you should always go precision and now the question is if you have attack speed or tenacity i do prefer uh running the tenacity page since i think that's more useful and uh you know more cases right when you play with attack speed it's only good for clear maybe for skirmishes but then as it is pretty much always good and then if you go tabbies you don't lose on that on the fact that you don't have any tenacity so i pretty much always go tenacity i know that there are some other players that also go conquer other page so you do conquer and you do for example resolve then you don't really get the phasers you don't get nimbus to observe the water walking but you still do get an acid you still get the conqueror part uh you get a little bit tankier with resolve and why i don't play it is because i go full-time good i do the cam tank into basically building full tank and that's why i don't really like it if i were to play 24 suiter uh i think maybe then i could go for a conqueror and then try to be just strong and skirmishes attack speed 80 and armor this is i leave this up to you i mean this one right you can play with armor magic or hp it's completely up to you there is no problem when it comes to draft we kind of like ap damage so i don't really know how the game will go if we can win or not but that shouldn't really affect my champion much i can still hopefully teach you the champ very well so i will see you again very shortly and welcome to the game we go blue smite we got a fillable potion so the standard start again i'm not aiming for skirmishes that's why the blue smite i want to make sure that my team can play the game i want to be the front line i want to go in first um i don't really want to you know kill okay well if i if i get to kill everyone i will kill everyone but if i don't have to kill everyone i can you know i might as well just uh play the game in supporting weight so first of all you use your cube very early uh so that you get your third auto proc uh on the tiger stance so that when you're out a minion or i mean if you out to a monster or if you out to anything really you will instantly block the passive and you can use q again right because of cooldown and that's why you use it early why do you even take you because we will be maxing um r we will be maxing finis phoenix stance which is you know the best for tanki why they even take you is because it does give you better clear it does give you more attack speed as you can see when you activate it for five seconds you get one attack speed then you can activate the r um and it just kind of harms slightly faster um and also it just helps you yeah basically it helps you clear you don't we we will not put any points into it later on we will most likely max q uh you know get r get e w at level i believe seven or eight i think at level eight i think we get w but we are not going to put a lot of points in queue um after the early game will play just not even maxi drive will max phoenix into uh bear unless we need tankiness then turtle between bear and turtle it's you kind of choose so as you can see first auto goes true we want to make sure that we get the tiger stance proc before we change our form so here we proctor it we can use the form again boom we procked it now we don't have to auto because this should die pretty easily to basically this we can proc um i instantly changed my form right because i didn't have any output to wait through now we kite a bit now we change our form again you want to make sure that the monkey's agility stays on uh since that gives you a lot of jungle clear right which is the attack speed again boom broke it by the end make sure monkey agility doesn't go off uh you want to mostly clear with your phoenix stance um since you know that gives you like the best clear the aoe boom so now we take r again uh and we don't really okay maybe we can't care about the the reset i can't i don't wanna listen my monkey's agility right there which is not always great um in that case because there was no minion style auto right but it's okay as you can see the other clear is very good it's very fast i also use my smile on raptors you can kind of choose to use your smite elsewhere as well i wouldn't recommend using it early though i think if you want to use it maybe like i used it so basically uh to clear raptors i think that's probably the most valuable if you want to use it in a different way that's also fine uder is also like excuse me for talking so much but i just want to explain early game with the champion uh woody is also a good champion to start alone with in this game i had a good leash which is very helpful but i don't really require alicia nuder now we take tiger and we go to the club i could chuck a potion just in case uh they fight for it but we have botlane priority so i don't think they will i will also maybe look for a mid gang right after because as you can see uder is really good at punishing people that push and the syndra i believe is welding the top side so again perk the monkey agility look at my man speed it's very very high right now and we are running in so i think here i can actually flash uh we are not gonna get a kill we will just straight flashes kha'zik i think wait did he do club i'm not so sure okay he did crab so i think we can just base i could also just do the gram right now i don't have to base i think the fact that i plucked her flash though it's it's it's a good trade in my opinion we buy shoes we buy a potion we buy even uh redlands that's up to you again you don't have to buy redlands i assume kha'zik is doing cracks right now um this is a little bit tricky i mean again it's solo queue right you can't really expect your teams to your team always to do well in solo queue but the fact that you know we should basically not die in this matchup but as he mentioned he probably just got a lag um and then we clear again and it's just that simple by the way the gank mid was kind of forced very hard so if you don't want to gank mid in that case and just like instantly base after crap that's perfectly fine you don't really have to gank you know i forced it very very badly there knowing enemy could be around the corner and tristana probably didn't even have a jump but i'm planning i'm planning to come back to mid lane again because now that the syndra now that she doesn't have flash i think we can probably abuse it right so again block it once broke it twice if you can it's really good to pull them together as well so that you kind of auto all of them and not just one of them right so you get like a big plug on every everything i have to run there i think i will just in case maybe i can you know maybe i can like do something useful here because it seems like kha'zix is you know super hard committed so i can clean up the poppy i think i'm very fast well not possible the kazakh there even if syndra comes she can't really do anything so um i'm not really afraid of that i think i can do drake here because kha'zix is dead i think i can ask morgana for help he could base right now but he doesn't have to base uh as i can see my bottle is kind of winning lane as well so they are getting a lot of gold we can check our potions here just make sure they are running you know again mostly we'll just activate between tiger to phoenix we don't have turtle and bear is useless during drag so we are just farming oh this is really really good at ganking and he's a very tempo jungle temple jungle means basically farm fast reset fast you do everything fast no matter what you do on the map you do it so fast that is very hard for enemy jungle to keep up with you so as you can see this guy's level 4 uh with 30 cs i'm already at like almost 50 cs not every game is going to be the same right kazak is one of the slower farmers in the early game but i mean all of the games will be like that just keep in mind that uder is not a champion that deals high damage or at least two squishies he does because his phoenix does a lot of damage to squishies but for example if i were to gank darius and he's going tank which he is right i might get surprised he might just be able to livestream to my damage and then even turn it around so i don't want to do anything stupid and then on top of that i value shoes on uder quite a lot as well because again you without flash you don't have any gap closers right wooden was never meta because uder is so easy to kite and even if you play against stuff like ash maybe against a lucian mid lane you know there's may there is a lot of champions that will just mercilessly kite you and they will like really not care that you're playing with it in this case though i don't think they have champions that i really care about um i mean you know as long as i do some skill shots maybe i should be fine here so we could try to gank but i think that that is may probably have a word yeah that is very deep i can maybe follow this because i'm on uder i cannot really i mean i can kind of like i can kind of follow this i guess i'm very strongly i'm level seven so i'm very cocky as you can see i think they will both most likely base here uh yeah i invaded like i should probably base right now i think i have so much gold i should probably look for a base i actually you know what we can dive here we can drive here because she doesn't flash her flash is my flash keep in mind that if you force someone's flash he will have class the same time as you so i think she tristana went slightly deep i mean slightly ugly because you know i could tank the tower for her she didn't have to tank the tower there but it was very easy very easy execution we know kasich's top side we know that is his top side we know syndra doesn't flash she's already changed you know just look at the map make sure that you know what's going on we could look at the bot lane a little bit more okay it seems like my mouthpiece was in trouble but he's fine we want to probably make sure that we also secure the crab i think the music is quite loud i don't know what happened i know it's like better now or not but yeah i thought it was quite a lot we got a smite as you can see clearly uh the smite is going to be very very helpful when we chase people i could also buy first item cam tank that will also be good i don't feel like my bottling really needs help today like it doesn't feel like they do need help so second i will max e because i want more bond speed and i want a longer man speed in in case i have to chase someone so bummy cinder is a good buy against their team i think tubbies are a good buy as well so magic glasses and pink words i chose tubby's over the merits in this game or over sweeties because again i'm playing with tenacity i don't think i'll need more tenacity and against you know kazi kai sadaris and even against poppy i think these shoes are a good buy again we are a tempo jungle we don't you know you don't have to over force ganks on uder then okay so the other gameplay is kind of tricky because you don't outscale a lot of junglers but you farm much faster so sometimes it is really good to abuse the fact that you plan on faster and you you know focus on the farm but sometimes it's really good to also gank because you are not necessarily being in the scrimmages it's tricky because you know you wanna do both you don't wanna just one thing uh but it is good to to do a little bit of both i think kha'zik is actually somewhere here i think he's taking uh the cracks yeah well he's out i don't i actually you know what i don't think i win against him to be completely honest with you i mean we force kizult which is nice and then we can do herald for free but as you can see right i don't i don't necessarily win against a kha'zik i know kasich based so even though poppy is there here i don't really care and i think i can just do the herald because you know my hitrissanas hitting tower if you can counter jungle dude that is also really good for example in this game i think instead of taking my cams i could have went to his jungle when you know when i spoiled him for the first time it was really easy like i could like when i was doing cracks when i was doing cracks his raptors were spawning i could see it i could see the hourglass on the minimap right the yellow hourglass that means his raptors are spawning and in that moment i could have probably invaded it in golden directors and maybe even his red buff because at that moment i was also much stronger than him so another unsuccessful gang from enemy side i think in this case we use herald mid lane here i know i use it early but the thought process is that they will be forced to go mid they will be forced to go mid now and i kind of don't want to lose drake so if they're forced to go with early maybe maybe they don't do drake i'm hoping they don't i will not face check it i will not go there but i'm just hoping yeah you see kha'zix is mid lane they want to protect the head out hit i think we can actually fight this maybe i do have a lot of i do have a lot of gold though so like fighting is tricky i guess just pushing it a little bit so that my friend my son i can push it harder he's a friend because he's in the same team he's not an actual friend but he's still a friend i don't mind i can call him my friend we are working together to win the game right well i mean she's not ending sometimes in solo queue your teammates are not always your friends because they work against you to win the game but in this game i think we are working together so far oh i'm playing it slow you can see my damage is pretty crazy you know we didn't again we didn't really get a kill right but we are here for a counter gank and wasting time we can also control drake so this is the other thing with champions like uder even olaf is very similar in that case i think controlling objectives is really good with them you know we don't really want to give up the objectives i can tell you that much so we just make sure we get all the objectives for ourselves so this is kind of how pro teams play with the right you don't over force you don't go too deep but you are very mindful of what's going on on the map now i have my cam tank the next item will be deadman played so more armor more modern speed afterwards we can do force of nature which also got above this part so it's slightly stronger um we might have some troubles with the ap damage but you know i could do like a lead paint over the game or a natural tooth like these items are a bit troll but they could work just if you want more damage right not every game you want them sometimes you do oh that is very chill to play as well because you don't have to do much it's changing stances running around we get pleasure we will see syndra so why would i take this wave is because it allows me to see where opponents are for example i see kaiser now being very deep right that means if i go to both sides i know that kaiser is not there but kaiser specific she's very fast so she could be there but i mean we got one now i use my cam tank we got two so i'm the tank right now as well um you know i make sure i tank the tower so my team doesn't have to tank the tower it's very easy right i mean again if you want a solo carry with uder i do think you can go like a trinity force build and go very offensive and high damage but if you have any kind of human teammates you don't really have to do that and you can kind of just play this way which is a frontline champion better slap everyone better slap everyone and run around it's a very weird way to play the game right but it is good with order of 11 highest leveling game oh what the hell he's higher level than me how i mean being same level as a solo laner is actually quite high so i'm not super mad i also have high cs right after i take the scrum so at this point uh my stances are five seconds cool now if i get one more item i'll be able to plug the same stance over and over again if i want to get my speed which could be for example you know over and over persons i'm coming i feel like darius doesn't even win against the malphites look i'm thinking i'm so fast i mean the poppy can die too only during the burst and passed we let him tank this time stand one kill the other double kill with the with the stance change level 12. now the highest level game officially i mean okay so this is tricky if you are in this position and you really want to win the game you should always secure the drakes because dragon soul is what people under value in solo queues sometimes i mean everyone would like to have a dragon soul but you also have to play for it you have to do the drakes right and in this case by gank toplane 30 seconds after i did if the play would be slower we lose the drag right because we'll be on the opposite side of the map so i still have time to pace i think it's 30 so normally if you play in a pro league and you know you want to fight for drake you have to be dead like a minute before the fight right so right now i will be there like like minute before the drag you want to be there not before the fight because when do you know when the fight starts but minute before the drag you want to be there currently i will be there 10 seconds before the drake so they have full control everything is black i don't see anything but i moved it and i don't care about face checking i'm very strong as well and i can chase her because i'm b the problem is that no one is really following me so you can't really kill her chunked her well but i mean our opponents are getting insanely insane i would just use cutout and go do the thingy they are getting insanely insanely uh made fun of i'm not even sure what kazakh is i didn't see him in a while i feel like maybe the ff but yeah basically as you can see i'm very fast and i'm very strong and again damage i have damage just because i'm high level and my values are high like uder goes slightly nerfed on the pulsing waves of fire nice name but his breath is still same damage so you still kind of do high base damage you see in this case me going mid lane is kind of useless i could probably just go top side and clear my camps and stay you know like three levels ahead even uh so this is this is kind of useless to do but since we are nice know about the game faster maybe we can do this you know i don't think it's very useful to siege if you play it slow it could be better that's pretty normal opponents are getting salty cinder is so salty it's crazy hey don't be salty when you lose i mean sometimes you just lose right as that's the game i did help tristan a lot so i'm not surprised that like there's some emotions emotions are speaking through syndra being zero sex i mean you know tristan did a lot of help okay i don't wanna be that guy but i just wanna keep my lead i wanna keep my lead so i smite it away from her i just want to have like very high cs and look 180c is almost almost 10 years per minute which as a jungler is you know very high i could have more if i wouldn't go bots i could be at 10 cs per minute if i would not a good bot but it's still very high the highest in game high season game currently by the way even though utter is easy to play because there's not a lot of mechanics required it's not that easy because it's very sometimes when you don't pay attention it's quite simple to become useless when you play the champion you just run in which well i guess you do on the champion but then you die and you don't really know why and then you randomly become very useless and you can't do anything in the whole game so don't go too deep no didn't that's very important and also you have to know your limits right you can't really go always too deep uh or you know always forward sometimes when you place chairman like would it it is better to stay around your ad carry for example and make sure he can play the game right so you just better slap people that go on him and that way you can also benefit i could flash him on the syndra but again like we are a front line champ we don't want to go too db we don't have to i don't really went to kha'zix out this run that's a little bit problematic there that is i'm fine but malphite might not be we kind of lost this fight actually um they cannot do nash there's no way they can do nash so this is okay but yeah we went slightly too deep um okay so in that kind of fights when you lose just keep in mind to not end like there's no reason for me to die so i just you know run we take breakfast we don't do nash you know why we don't do nash because nash so nashville could look similar to what just happened which is basically them running at us and us dying i don't want that i want to avoid it i think we just wait sorry was phone call wait what morgana was not did we know i'm pretty sure she was with us because she was the one who got engaged all night but yeah we secure the drake we win the game just because we have ocean she thinks she can run but she really cannot run from me i mean that's fine she will die to other people we get ocean because it's a soul i understand that some people may think nash is better here but it is not i can't slow him stan i will play secured i think we can do inhibit we don't really need five people on the drake because we already pushed them off and we made sure they can't enter so now the rest of us can kind of just push mid lane with ocean so i probably can never die again in this game stand stand block face restaurant flash stun again don't poppy because i have um that is stacks right there i went on poppy because that is how the he's bleeding on me so i don't think when i get procked like i don't want him to break the bleeding on me but yeah mouth i don't go from around don't go straight so she can't hold you okay well she's just dead anyway she actually crap you did me right so i go around i can catch no matter what oh okay okay eighty percent slow is too much okay eighty percent slow is too much i cannot chase this guy maybe with blue smite maybe only by a force of nature probably doesn't help though with 50s well gg that was the other game very simple right 309 i didn't really have 20 kills you know i didn't really do that much when it comes to you know killing everyone i probably didn't even have that high damage done but that's not really your job as an ud you get ahead in levels you persuade people you control objectives you have good ganks early there's a lot of things to why the champion is viable it's just not the part of him doing a lot of damage right because if you expect woody to do a lot of damage then probably you are not you know that's not the champion for that right like utter is not a champion so this is my damage in this game ten thousand more than kha'zix not bad but uder is not a champion that will literally run into five people and kill everyone unless you again you go trinity force and you go like full damage build you can go trinity and still tanky with like trinity starak but i do like this build and this build is the build popular uh you know in pro play so i hope i explained it well and i hope you learned something so thank you very much for watching i really hope you also leave a thumbs up and a comment below the video if you want to see another chairman being played make sure i know so thank you very much have a great day girls with their nails

2021-02-08 22:02

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