Is There Any Indicator That Is Useful For My Trading?

Is There Any Indicator That Is Useful For My Trading?

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good morning good evening good afternoon how's  everyone doing my name is Navin Prithyani for   those of you guys who do not know me i see many  of you guys were already here from the podcast   that we did prior to this webinar if you guys  are watching this webinar as a recording do not   forget that if you want to listen to the podcast  that we just did talking about indicators the link   will be below this video okay the link will be  below this video but moving forward our goal in   each of these webinars is even though we talk  about a topic that might be a theoretical topic   i want you to always take something away and learn  something from it i don't mean by learn something   for like two minutes and sit in the webinar for  60 minutes long i want you to learn as much as   you can in the whole 60 minutes time and time  and time again you know so it's it's always a   pleasure to have you guys here and again i wanna  you know truly say thank you for taking the time   off for being here i know a lot of you guys make  sacrifices to to be here whether it's with time   or with work or taking time off to be here  and so i want to you know say thank you for   for doing that and you know we don't want to let  you guys down all right so important topic today   indicators okay we all love indicators we  all started with indicators we all have   some history with indicators in fact some of us  in this room right now are probably still hanging   around indicators not hanging around indicators  per se as in i use indicators to sort of help   me make an informed decision but i'm actually  trading based on indicators that's dangerous   what we're going to talk about why is  it dangerous like it doesn't have to be   the webinar doesn't have to be indicator bad  non-indicator good you know webinar over no no   let's talk about i want to go deep dive you know  go deep into what is an indicator how does it work   how can we actually use it and  what are the ones i like to use   what are the settings i have on them in  case that's a concern that everybody has   and then how do we look at them how do  we look at them does that sound good   that sound good all right so let's talk about  indicators let's talk about the effectiveness of   indicators let's talk about can we use indicators  as a trading strategy and we'll even touch base   on our indicators even profitable okay so let's  talk about all of those things now as we just   discussed earlier and some of you guys pointed  this out even into the podcast and you know   we said indicators report the past report the  past whenever we see a chart that's doing this   and then prices are flying do we not all at  certain points say oh man i wish i got in   here i wish i got off here and i wish  i can make that profit you guys agree   we have that feeling at times so let's keep  that feeling and let's say whatever that feeling   is we're trying to accomplish that  because that is let's say 20 pips   and if that 20 pips we start dreaming about it if  that 20 pips if i did that with one standard lot   that'd be 200 that'd be that's good money  i'd like to do that right i'd like to do that   okay sorry i did it the other way maybe ten  dollars a pip for one standard approximately right   but then when you have an indicator for example a  moving average let's start with the basic one an   m a okay an m a is short for moving average okay  that's what it stands for now if the setting of   the m a says 10 what does that mean do you guys  know the period of the setting says 10. the word   period okay means how many candles it means how  many candles so if you are on a one-hour chart   if you're on a 60-minute chart  and your ma settings are set to 10   it will use the last 10 candles and give you an  average of that if you set this period to 100   it will use the last 100 candles or six thousand  hours and give you an average of that making sense   sorry not six thousand hours  six thousand minutes sorry okay let's take it a step further  now if the prices are doing this what do you think a 10 period  moving average will say what how will the indicator look like  i'm going to make it in the color   blue so if the 10 moving average okay 10  setting moving average 10 m a on your screen   is here and this has 20 candles inside of it  how will it look the ma would look like this   it would be something looking like that and  then suddenly the price goes up it goes bam in   two candles just two candles based on the last 10  candles how would it look the moving average now if i say based on the last 10  candles it would go up a little bit so by the time the moving average tells  you it's going up is the move gone this is something you have to  understand of what an indicator does   so that feeling that you had of men i wish  i can buy at the bottom cell at the top   can't be done with an indicator because  the indicator tells you that information   a little bit too late and now you  understand why it tells me too late so far so good okay so what happens is to solve that problem the  next journey happens in your career where we add   multiple indicators multiple indicators which means i want a 10ma  i want a 40ma i want a ma i want a 96.7 ma   you know you're using all kinds of stuff yeah  okay all kinds of stuff along with that i want   an RSI i want a MACDs i want pivot points i  want a fibonacci tool i want a gan fan i want   astrological events all that stuff and suddenly  you start to realize i don't see the price anymore okay further down into your career as  you do this you start to realize what   am i doing how many of you guys have  reached that stage or have passed that stage okay if you pass that stage say the word  past if you are at the stage you can say me   like you guys are at that stage where you're  like what am i doing it's so irritating so looks like half of you guys have passed it  half of you guys are currently at the stage where   there's constantly of like what's happening  what's happening okay let's talk about it a   little bit more let's talk about a little bit more  so if we know the indicator is reporting the past and we want to technically predict the future because if the move is happening and whatever  this move does after we want to be in it   if we want to be in it don't we need to be in  the move somewhere around here approximately that means we need to have  some level of prediction   right if we need some level of  prediction we cannot use the past at all   okay because an indicator will only report what  has already happened so i don't want the price to   get up to here and the indicator says you must buy  like i don't want to buy up there that's too high so far so good so then don't we move on from our  indicators and we move on to all right you know   what i don't need to do indicators so what do  i need to do so i google it and as we google it   what do we see what is the next best thing outside  of indicators what does the career path take us to the career path takes us to the next thing  which is pa price action in price action   we approach the next stage of our career which is the illusion of price action masked with  patterns patterns what's a pattern patterns are   you see this this is a bi structure you see this  this is a cell structure you see this this is a   range structure and then structure this structure  that structure this we get stuck in patterns early   stages of a traitor early stages of a traitor  yes head and shoulders okay cup cup and handle okay cup and handle triangles okay so what's basically happening  is you now have become the indicator   right so for example for example price is going up   can you guys tell me what this structure is what  would you call this structure it's a channel   right higher high higher lows it's a channel  right so it's like okay it's a channel channel   will give you a sense of predictability just a  sense a glimpse of it that this may hold again   this may hold again so now we're away from  indicators we've now moved into patterns   and the pattern is getting me closer to hey  it worked hey i like this pattern i love this   structure stuff structural structure structure i  love it and then it does this oh i i don't love it   i don't love it i bought but it didn't happen  because for me to know it's a channel i need   at least this much information to pass to know  it's a channel therefore i'm late again oh i'm   more evolved in my knowledge now i'm back  to that point of i went from indicators to pattern or price action masked like a pattern where i've have personally become an indicator now  thank you mr indicators passing that gene onto me   to now i'm confused again it's like  i'm still late i'm still very late   so now what do we do now see some of you guys  saying next step is discovering urban forex   right yeah that's a shortcut okay we  all like shortcuts but that's a shortcut   i just want to know what happens next in  your evolution okay okay what happens next   what happens after that is you start to say if  i put indicators aside if i put patterns aside if i put um price action aside which is  nothing but a beautiful name for a pattern   if i put all those things aside  i need to understand one thing how does the market operate if i don't know  this i am literally wasting my time and if   you are teaching other people by god you are  not helping them at all please be careful okay   you might have the right intentions but you're  not helping anyone you're just doing more damage   okay so how how how does the markets operate  so let's begin shall we answer those questions   understanding issue number one okay issue number  one something that a book will never teach you   humans okay the issue is not humans i don't  mean like get rid of all humans like this is not   you know tyrant one-on-one i'm talking about  how human psychology maybe i should put the   word psychology in it like human psychology all  right this is not making a dictator from netflix   okay so human psychology how does it operate how  does it operate okay so let's talk about that   now when prices go in a certain way okay we as  human beings we we have a tendency to follow   because we are trained at a very  young age to have very low confidence okay somehow or the other that confidence just  drops and we feel i must go to a college otherwise   blah blah blah fill in the blank i must  get a go to a good school otherwise   blah blah blah it basically  means i must do something i must   something whether it's school college  education degree career promotion otherwise insert fear into this area insert fear okay you've  had how many of you guys had parents or know of   parents who says you're going partying if you're  going partying that means you must probably do   drugs if you're doing drugs that means you  must probably end up on prostitution and if   you're doing prostitution you must probably end up  dead like they take it that far i've had parents   like that it's like if you're going partying  that means end of the story you're gonna die   right you guys had families like that so there's  a lot of things around us that sort of like bring   our confidence level down where we're constantly  surrounded by fear we're like oh you know   you know don't do this don't do that if you do  this death is the end result if you don't do this   death is the end result like there's constant fear  of okay you know if i if i cheat i'm gonna die   what if you cheat on your math test you're gonna  die yeah because if you cheat on your math test   you're not gonna graduate if you don't graduate  you won't get a good job if you don't get a good   job you'll end up doing drugs if you don't end  up doing drugs you'll become a prostitute and   then you'll be dead whoa i never thought that far  like you've heard of that stuff before right okay   so fear-based tactic so human psychology is a  following based psychology we love to follow   we love to follow so let's understand that  first because that's who's trading the   markets humans are trading the markets  so far so good all right here we go   here we go let's talk about this now when  the prices are going down down down down if the prices go down all we  hear about is is the negativity very few people think about the positive from this okay so when this thing is going down what  is the word people will say give me some   keywords that people like to say in this  thing let's say this is um a certain stock   tell me a stock name give me any stock name  okay apple gme tesla okay let's say tesla okay   say tesla if it's going down what are the words  they would like to use oh oh no omg i knew it okay musk has lost his mind okay all kinds of stuff right  end of the world blah blah blah   tell me how many people actually look at  this as ooh thanks for the discounted price   how many people actually think like that  it's not normal to think like that right   no one thinks like that now have you guys  experienced the outage yesterday when facebook   dropped dropped off facebook instagram you  know all those services has dropped off   if you look around the news what is the saying   oh that's the end of it social media they're going  to be in trouble that's it zuckerberg is out the   window and all kinds of stuff all kinds of stuff  which is belongs to the left-hand side of things   which means what will the people who own  the facebook stock do what will the people   own the facebook stock do they will sell  notice when the sell happens here the cell   happens after the fact not before not early  they're not here early okay sorry this is now fb   it happens after the fact why because the  news has reported it has reported the past   like an indicator and then now we jump on  the bandwagon and say me too i will sell   so far so good can we flip it around now and you  tell me the human psychology on the other way   okay give me a company name any company name okay neil okay amazon let's do amazon okay amazon  prices are going up going up going up going up now   the news reports it right here news reports are  right here jeff bezos richest man on the planet   what's the what's the key words  people are using at this stage what's the key words people use it's a great  company it will go up jeff bezos he knows what   he's doing did you see how he's cut his hair  fantastic he knows what he's doing you know   sparkling shiny he's got this he's got this right  people start looking at this as it's going to go   it's going to go and it's going to keep going  because it went before so it will go again   so the buy happens here buy happens here so  far so good now are we at the right page do   you guys all agree we're on the right page of how  human psychology works okay it's indicator driven   generally basically whether that indicator is  called news it's called neighbors it's called   macd or moving average or anything we are  indicator driven because we like to follow right what we're doing is we're reverse  engineering everything that's happening   we're not basically saying moving average is bad  no no no i'm trying to tell you open up the mind   find out what is actually happening how does the  markets actually operate so now tell me one thing   all those people who are buying  up here if the prices go down   and they say man the government the big boys  um wall street man they always do this to me   and this and that is wall street  actually doing this to you are they intentionally getting into the office  and saying you know what let's make sure people   follow it at the last minute no no yeah they  can rig the media okay i see one guy saying   they can rig the media fair enough they can rig  the media but we at the end of the day we're the   ones who make the decisions it's our greed or fear  that takes the best of us we are a following based   people we're following based people so far so  good everyone on on the right page so how do we   overcome that how do we become that person  that buys here or sells here rather than   becoming a part of the herd that's the golden  question now i want to ask you one thing what's my structure here what's my structure channel okay news comes out saying this this stock is good  or this whatever is good this is sensex or nasdaq   or anything it's gonna be good well you want to  buy right but it's high so if the prices go down is anyone really selling not yet no one knows  about the sales yet and it goes down more   is anyone selling maybe some is anyone  selling a little bit more is anyone selling   a lot more now can you tell  me what is this structure a trend okay so let me come out to you in  hindsight and be like of course it's a cell   can't you see it's a downtrend don't  you want to slap that guy really hard   like come here come here let me show  you my five fingerprints on your face   right it's like come on you're like mr hindsight  what are you doing like i can do that too   my goal is how do we get here how do we get there  so we're away from being an indicator-based person   or personality does that make sense so learning  a pattern whether it's a channel or a trend or a   range or anything that's good knowledge but  it's not what's going to make you a trader because it's just another indicator right okay good so now we're opening the mind  a little bit so we open the mind about   indicator indicators are lagging okay no  problem some of you guys might be there   some of you guys have passed that stage but the  next stage is price action and then price action   is nothing but you becoming an indicator  and drawing all the stuff on your charts   and saying i see that pattern but that's a that's  an indicator as well as we just talked about so can we take it further down your courier and  saying good you've done that there's nothing wrong   with that how do we get better because that's  the main goal right shall we shall we move deeper   okay all right let's move deeper it's like no  one's saying yes okay and then all the yeses came   okay now let's talk about this so instead of going  structure structure structure and going crazy   about structure itself because it's just a pattern  right you want to understand where do i position   myself okay what are the things i require i  require a discount which is a good price i require   a potential move and i require early i don't want  to be in the move too late where it's too obvious   so captain crunch sorry captain hindsight says  look it is a buy i told you no i don't want that   i want to be early i want a decent move that  it can still have a nice move in it and i want   a discount so far so good so this is how i want  to position myself by answering these questions   answering these questions now let's  take a look at this prices move up prices come here and then they collapse would  you say this upward structure has been damaged   what if i told you this is still to be bought to a normal person they would be like what  you're out of your mind you're not gonna buy   that the whole structure look at this you  see if i draw a trend line it's been broken right you were supposed to  sell here like it's been broken   why are you even thinking about dubai  so one thing is to identify the flow okay identify the flow which way is the market  going now before we do that how many guys in   here are in forex many of you guys are in stocks  okay i see a lot of you guys are in forex can   you write the word stocks if you guys are in  stocks stocks indexes okay maybe even cryptos   all right so i see a lot of you guys are are very  mixed i see a lot of you guys are in forex and   then some of you guys are forex cryptos some of  you guys are forex stocks forex index okay so a   mixture of multiple things right and futures as  well so the the key differences about a stock is   you know if it's let's say apple just like apple  one company not the fruit if apple is a stock   and you're looking to trade it apple can do this  and be perfectly fine it can go in one direction   and keep going in one direction  and keep going in one direction   a crypto can do that an index can do that  it can just keep going keep going keep going   a forex pair cannot do that because it is not  one currency it is two currencies put together   it is one economy against the next if  you go one direction non-stop you're   gonna bankrupt the other economy so then how  do you make any money so let's talk about that   shall we talk about that let's go deeper into  how how does the market work if you understand   this i've already solved fifty percent of  your problems if you can understand this   okay so we go deeper how does the market work so  wherever you're whatever you're learning wherever   you're learning it good everyone has the best of  intentions but you need to understand if you don't   learn the right things you'll you'll you'll do a  lot more damage than good okay so be very careful   very very careful so how does things operate  in forex you have a pair let's say euro usd   euro usd if the chart goes up  what does that mean for euro that means euro is strong it's good   if the chart goes up just like it's  drawn what does that mean for usd that means us dollar is weak right this currency  pair if it goes up that means euros doing good   dollar is doing bad now you tell me can this  sustain too long this dollar just gonna sit   back and say you know what it's fine we'll just  we'll move to london you know we'll sorry not   london we'll move to germany okay you know brexit  can't move to london right it's not gonna happen   it's not gonna happen but have you ever noticed  one thing let's say you you're dealing with let's   say NZD/USD and then you open up a higher time  frame chart like a weekly or something and you   see the prices from here all the way to here  it's like wow two thousand three thousand pips so then a buys and sustainable buys  should work right all right the thing   is this happens that is correct it does happen  overall something can be longevity like that   forex moves on average one percent a day  you have to have to have to remember this   it moves on average one percent a  day so you know how this move happens   that happened in two years it takes two years  to do this but how it happens every day is okay sorry i'm with the sound effects  but you get what i'm doing right okay that's how it gets up there  that's how it gets up there   so far so good you with me everyone with  me now if there is a price like this and you take a buy and you want the buy to do this is that normal good i want you guys to all answer  this and really be honest with yourself is that   normal no it is not normal in the forex market  you need to understand what you're dealing with   it is not normal so to come into this industry  and saying can someone teach me how to grab this   can someone teach me how to do a hundred pips per  day can someone teach me how to do a lot of pips   you are not learning some techniques  you're already learning a losing game   it's not whether the techniques are good or  bad or the mentor has the right intentions   or the wrong intentions you're already  learning a losing game to begin with   because the how is wrong that's not how it  operates so far so good you guys have some aha   moments right now at least at a basic level aha  moment so any one of you guys forget the mentors   and instagram people it's their job to make sure  these things look appealing but for you be honest   with yourself right here when you see movements  like this and you're like i wish i can sell this   but you don't do the cell and the  cell does this and you feel oh man   i knew it was a cell i wish i had caught that  how many of you guys have that experience   when you're like oh man horrible horrible horrible  now let me explain to you next time around   you do sell it and prices do this you're  in profit you're in profit stop loss   but what what happened last time what why happens   this is far too common for people but they  don't want to accept that this is normal   this is abnormal they cannot accept  it but yet everyone aims for this   you can't make that into a consistent career if  you're aiming for that because it's like going   to a 7-eleven or a convenience store and saying  give me a lottery ticket give me a lottery ticket   give me a lottery ticket you're you're going for  the wrong strategy you're going for the wrong   technique the whole market doesn't even operate  like that so you're aiming for the wrong thing   make sense shall we go deeper all right so  we're 42 minutes into the webinar how many   of you guys can say you have learned more than  five things in this webinar already yeah good   good good i'm glad i'm glad all right let's  push it further let's push it further okay   let's push it further we're trying to solve  how does the markets operate and once we   understand that and we're like got it now we  need to work on how do we position ourselves   because we know by doing indicators okay okay we  didn't know initially we didn't know so we went   through that route okay fair enough i didn't have  anyone showing me that indicators are wrong so i   went that route too there's nothing wrong with  that okay so now we move further we move further   let's see how do we position ourselves so prices  are going down okay let me let me do it this way   let's say london opened yesterday okay london  market opens and as london market opens it goes starts going up okay sorry again for the  sound effects but just trying to make   it more interesting so london market takes it  up okay so you're like wow look at that power   look at that power fantastic people  very nice very nice okay and then   throughout new york prices do  this they don't really do much they don't really do much  nothing happens asia opens okay dead hours london opens again now you tell me one thing  will solving a pattern work because can i ask you guys one thing oh i can say  i'm going to use this word okay i want to use this   word bro it's an uptrend bro you should buy it  but can i not easily say bro it's a dawn trend man   you gotta sell it bro it's a downtrend sell it  bro it's a range sell the top buy the bottoms   bro it's a range and then finally bro you missed  it what's wrong with you bro you missed it   bro why are you crying right so isn't  that a very common theme that happens   like so it's what we want to understand is  how do i position myself what am i doing   what does this all mean so let's clean this up  a little bit let's take bro out of the equation   okay let's remove bro out of the equation  and it says okay i don't need bro   i'm gonna do this myself and i'm gonna  figure this out okay all right here we go   here we go london has a move up very very  strong now i want you to tell me one thing   as london open do you think people are in the  office trading heavily okay have you ever seen   london markets are open it's not a holiday but  no one is trading have you has that ever happened   london is open and everyone's like you know what  we're just gonna drink tea we're not gonna trade   you know there's it's not a holiday it's a  working day banks are like nah i don't wanna   i don't feel like working today restaurants like  yeah close the restaurant down we're just gonna   have scones and tea you know and crumpets and  one guy said don't forget the crumpets right it   doesn't work like that it doesn't work like that  it means they hit it they hit it and they hit it   hard now the question is interesting whether  it was highly activated through a news event it just means whatever the case was whether the  news was positive or negative they have decided   that's what they're doing and for us it's like  interesting interesting i get it but i don't want   to buy there i don't want to buy up there it's too  high it's too high i'm going to change the color   to blue so that way we are now more focused so i  don't want to buy up in these areas i don't want   to run after it i don't want to run after it so  in the position what is the one thing that we like   discount we want a discount give me a deal okay so  what's what is a deal like you are seeing this and   you're like i want to be part of this movement  but not up there man i don't want to buy high   and sell higher that's really hard to do give me  a pullback where i know the price is discounted   and i'd like to buy it but where in this piece do  i buy it isn't that a challenge where do i buy it and the next piece is what if the  buy never comes back and it goes down okay what was the next piece  after the discount that we said   to position ourselves you guys remember  the potential the potential to move   which means is this guy still around that even  after a discount they'll still go back up we   must solve for that and then our discount is worth  it otherwise all that's happening is price is just   crashing and we're positioning ourselves for no  reason right well we don't want to do that we want   a discount which means price still wants to go  this direction but prices are just getting cheaper   okay you're finding a good deal so far  so good you guys with me now in all   these processes in all these processes you are  now looking at this as an interesting way of of during new york that was this portion nothing  really happened not much volume or anything like   that they were trading but they were happily  trading inside this little congestional pricing   they're like they're happy they're doing business  and business was being fulfilled someone sells   that one dollar someone sells at 150. they're like  yeah sure i'll take it sure i'll take it there was  

no out of balance everyone was happy that's what  a range is it is equilibrium they're happy to do   business in that small price range later on as  they leave the office asia opens and asia takes   the price down a little bit okay asia takes the  price down a little bit now asia is not so active   not the way london is not the way new york is   now as you're getting ready to look for london  open again where all the activity comes back   tell me one thing if the market is not active  does it matter if you have a range or a channel   or anything you can have the best pattern  the best strategy the best bro sitting next   to you if the markets are not active the big  boys are not around you're not going to get   a movement so there's no point of being overly  obsessive over an indicator trading strategy or   listening to bro right it won't work it  won't work so around these prices you're   like all right all right i want to see if london  comes back as the londons reactivate some power   you can forward think ahead like all  right i want to buy with the london buyers   if they actually want to buy it again so you're  trading the next day using the previous day's   information saying hey they feel like they're  still around i feel like they're still around i feel like they're still around volume will  assist you with some of these things that will   tell you hey here we go let's party the other  thing that's going to tell you when i buy   can i take it up really really really really high   200 pips no because remember from  new york asia took it down so perhaps that's where you stop asia will probably  that area where they took it down   someone activated the prices so hard  that prices dropped that's your exit okay   if you are good at doing this consistently you  won't need this type of requirement because that   does not exist it's not normal if you're looking  for that you're gonna get two trades a month three   trades a month and then good luck if you miss  it your fomo will be so high if you miss it   now if you explain this in this way to a normal  person he can catch this trade now god forbid   you explain this to a person who does fibonacci  let's say it's bro and bro is doing fibonacci i will tell you one thing bro is  gonna say don't you know this is   61.8 retracement that has to be a buy what  is wrong with you oh my goodness it's it's it's it's hindsight all over again it's like   you know it's hindsight and like well why didn't  it go from 50 well well you know 50 it doesn't go   from 50 sometimes they want to do 61.8 you got to  be ready for that really that's your answer really so i guess you don't trade for a living like  come on right so you you have to understand   how the markets work position yourself based on  that and then a pattern trader might say oh yeah   i knew that it's not about knowing it it's  about can you do it you guys feel it like you   guys feel the difference in the knowledge level  of can i actually do it that's more important   can i position myself at a good price so  i can exit at an early price rather than i   enter here and now for me to make any money i need  prices to move how am i going to get through all   of yesterday's new york that's so thick they're  not going to let me through so if i chase it   and i enter this high i don't have any space to  make money so that's not a good position to be in   you're positioning yourself already incorrectly  okay a lot of your good trades will be a buy   in a downward look a cell in a upward look those  are your good trades those are your good trades okay so far so good everything clicking click  we get it click how many of you guys here   are from Urban Forex, hold on let me  open this up so i can see this properly   okay i'm going to show you guys something  cool you guys want to see a trade i am in   yeah so let me show you something here how  many guys know about the AUD/JPY trade i'm in   okay the AUD/JPY trade i'm in look at the  position of where the buy is taking place   look at the positioning of where the buy is  taking place prices jump up am i buying up here   no i need prices low enough so i can sustain a  buy i can sustain a bite does that make sense okay   now without even going into um all the details of  you know how exactly i did it how exactly i did it   um but that's the core principles of how to trade  it's not you see that channel that channel broke   obviously it's a vibro no man like no please it's  not that it's not that straightforward like that   it doesn't work like that okay you know wait i  can't do this and saying you see this uptrend   yeah of course that's a buy well that buy failed  why why am i buying why am i buying you see that so it's understanding these concepts now one  of the things i wanted to point out to you guys   was the answering of the question of well what  indicators do i use so let me show it to you guys   here you guys go so i have multiple MAs on my  screen okay moving averages moving average so i   got you see this one i got one two three and four  how many guys are having a tough time seeing it   yeah some of you guys saying can't  see yeah that's the whole point   i don't want to see it so clearly because i  only wanted to use it as a reference point   i don't use it to trade or anything  like that i kept it very light   in color very light in color i'll zoom in  a lot more so you guys can actually see it okay all right these are the three or  four colors so the numbers are i have a 10   i have a 20 i have a 50 i have a 200. now if  you ask me why those numbers round numbers   i like them they're cool last 10 candles last  20 candles last 50 candles last 200 candles   i just want to know where the big flow is where  the medium flow is where the temporary flow is   that's all it's just reference it has  nothing to do with and then if we do   this to the MAs i'm gonna take action it's not  for action taking it is for reference points   so far so good does that make sense now let's  talk about the other one now on the right side   of my screen you'll see all these claws coming  out right it's like what's all that stuff that's   coming out it's like aren't candlesticks enough  you also need stuff pointing left left to right   like what's wrong with you no what these are it's  called volume profile okay that is this one vpvr   okay this is visible volume profile what that  means is whatever's on my screen it shows me   in that screen space where is the highest activity  where's the highest activity and the red line   shows me point of control which means it  spent the most time at this price you can   see it gets high here if you look to the left  you're like oh yep i can see how prices are   fiddling around with this price i see this  price is important and i see nothing on top   so far so good so it's just a again it's on the  side this used to be this wide until here i kept   it a little bit thin like i don't don't distract  me with this information i just want to know   where's all the high activity and if i'm above the  high activity or below the high activity so i know   that there is trouble if i'm going  towards the high activity above me   if the high activity is below me i am leaving it  i prefer that i prefer that i left them behind   does that make sense now do i use it  to trade absolutely not absolutely not absolutely not now on the bottom let me show  you what's on the bottom here let me bring this   colorful monkey up this is relative volume you see  all these colors that you see that looks like a   christmas day you got the red the green  the oranges what this is and you got some   gray colors what this is is called relative  volume okay relative volume what it does is   because forex has three different sessions right  you got the london session you got the new york   session right and then you got the asia session  right so if i just do a normal volume like this   like that if i just do normal volume like that  then i see ooh look at this high volume here oh   look at that high volume there but i will ignore  these little ones but that's pretty high for asia   but this might be new york this might be london  where they get the most amount of volume so it's   i don't want to get distracted by  the little ones and ignore them   because they're below the average so what i do  is using the um arvol which is relative volume   where they go this one there it is what i do  with this is this tells me if it's gray in color   that means at this time of the day in  the past we are below the average at this   time of the day in the past we are above  average green one means at this time of the day   in the past we are extremely above average  that tells me why is there so much activity   at this time so do i use it to trade maybe  this one can have a little bit more weight   on my trading but the rest not at all not  at all okay so heather you're asking what   indicator is that call it's just called relative  volume if you look for the word arvol rvol it's called relative volume sometimes it distracts  me i just use a normal one because the colors just   sometimes jump at me so arvol right but it stands  for relative volume if you don't find that exact   abbreviation you can type the words  out relative volume maybe it comes out   okay so red is just a little bit higher than  normal orange is a bit higher than normal green is   very high than normal it's like a traffic  light system so far so good does that make   sense so i'm using i also use indicators as  certain tools to give me some guidance of   you know just as an overview but not as  a prediction mechanism to enter a trade   i just needed to know huh i wanna wonder  if i'm buying right now is the overall flow   up cool and then when the cell comes in hard  i'll let everyone sell i i want to buy it   that keeps me in check and saying all right  you're going with the flow you don't need to keep   switching time frames to a daily chart to a weekly  chart that's why i got all the MAs here so i don't   need to keep bouncing around every time frame  just give me a brief overview of what's going on   so i know bigger picture is this direction got  it that's it that's what the MAs are there for   does that make sense so rosario you have  a very good question you're asking about   arvol it's above normal compared to what so  in my settings i have 30 30 period so what   30 period means is at this time of the day in the  last 30 days the average was higher because it's   below the average it's gray in color okay um adam  yes arvol is very important in the stocks as well   you need to know if you have elevated volume in  stocks that means today can be a busy day for you   okay so in stocks is very important very  very important you want to be where the   action is right you don't want to just mess  around you want to be where the action is okay how many of you guys can say today you learn  something and it makes sense so those of you guys   who are in urban forex okay obviously you guys saw  the polls a ton of you guys are already part of   the urban forex family and you guys are already  here in the webinars time and time again which   means we have a very close-knit community very  close-knit community but those of you guys who   are not can i honestly ask you one question  did everything i say make sense did it help   did it move the needle a little bit towards  i've been doing doesn't matter the technique   or strategy i've been doing it wrong okay so if  you have someone point you in the right direction   and even give you all the techniques laid out  properly instead of sending you down the path   of indicators or sending it down the path of  structures and price action and all this stuff   won't you have a better overview on what's  to come how to deal with it a lot better   so what we've done is at urban forex the starting  point at urban forex we have something called the   Mastering Price Action 2.0 okay what i'm gonna  do in this webinar if you like the way i teach   and you wanna you know learn my techniques how i  do things how my traders in my prop firm do things   you can join the Mastering Price Action 2.0 free  of cost for a free trial you can pick it up today  

the link is all  one word let me type it in for you guys here   um okay forward slash  free trial okay did you guys see that okay so what it is is it's an eight week long  program where i release the information week after   week where i teach you guys what to exactly look  for and what things you need to pay attention to   to make sure you're in tune with the markets  so every week you'll be getting lessons these   lessons are for you to keep they never expire  this is not a subscription or anything like   that it's a one-time thing so you get lessons  week after week you can study at your own pace   but every single day you get live daily examples  coming your way saying you know what you just   learned here's an example from the market you know  what you just learned here's an example from the   market if you study two months later you still  have the examples along with all of that stuff   you have access to support pretty much 24/7. okay  we have traders from all around the world willing   to assist you and answer any questions that  you may have around the stuff and the material   you're learning and to top it all off we do a  private webinar just like this one but closed   doors where i feel more more relaxed more open  to talk about techniques and some of the secrets   that we share with our members only so if you want  all of that stuff obviously you can pick it up   again at and just see  for yourself just see for yourself if this is the  

route you want to take if you want to start your  trading career with Urban Forex and let me guide   you step by step on how to do it okay the whole  goal is to make sure you learn something and no   time gets wasted no time gets wasted because a  lot of the stuff you're probably going through   i've gone through it myself i know how painful it  is i lost years and years going through indicators   and all that stuff it took a long time for me  to come to a self-realization and come out of it   to just end up in price action and getting stuck  in the patterns and then another couple of years   there before self-realization and then like  what am i doing this doesn't make any sense   and then little by little  little by little here we are   10 plus years later Urban Forex has  been around what 12 13 years now in fact   this month is our anniversary as well we'll be  announcing that it is our anniversary this month   so you'll get an email all of you guys will get  an email i hope you guys can celebrate with us   or one of the few firms that have survived more  than 10 years within first two years most firms   bankrupt first five years firms bankrupt  we've crossed 12 we've crossed 12   okay we've crossed 12 so we've been around for a  very very long time been around for a very very   long time okay all right guys so i look forward  to seeing a lot of you guys inside Urban Forex   into the private webinars and members area thank  you all for making the time to be here as always   this has been fun it's been a lot of fun i  always love doing these love doing these webinars   i look forward to seeing you guys again in  these webinars as well until we get into the   next webinar which is in a few weeks i'll  see the rest of you guys inside Urban Forex   thanks a lot for coming here guys  until next time cheers bye for now

2021-10-08 00:31

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