Is Sha' Carri Richardson Bad for Business? The Pros and Cons of Protecting Your Brand

Is Sha' Carri Richardson Bad for Business? The Pros and Cons of Protecting Your Brand

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hey hey hey what is good facebook and youtube i'm sure this will be um rebroadcast on youtube what's good this is linda juvette um upscale noir of the black business school of fly nubian queen and we are excited to be here today i brought two of my really good girlfriends with me uh to have a great discussion today we're gonna be talking about shikari richardson and the business of being an athlete is she good for business is she bad for business the pros and cons of protecting your brand and i brought two superstars to have this conversation with me um faye bishop and madam president i'm gonna give them a minute to introduce themselves and then we're gonna jump in to this conversation we will start the conversation with mr faye go ahead and introduce yourself fade hi i'm faye bishop of the fake bishop report my youtube channel and i am author of the book make money may set make sense which is a how-to guide on how to basically start your own wordpress works website within five to ten minutes it's just yes it's just that easy and i also uh have which is the number one um job source for jobs and entertainment nice awesome miss miss chanel madam president please hey what's up guys i am madam president with a v i am the owner of the freedom company um where empowerment tease and love meets threads all right and um you can always catch me at um one madam president and youtube is the madame president show awesome sauce and i yeah i kind of shoot myself i'm already i'm a lineage event most of you guys know me so i'm gonna go back through that let's talk about shakari richardson okay she has been in the news and the media for a couple of months i won't say she's been the news in the media for a couple of months right so she broke uh flo joe's record we thought she was going to the olympics she did not she handled that with grace i can you guys agree that setback she handled with grace um she picked up everybody that was going to the olympics um didn't make it and then she just recently had her first race since then she went up against the jamaicans she did not do well and then everyone has been talking about the interview after that where um she was very passionate in that interview she said [ __ ] we can say it here because you know we can say we want to say um and people were very disturbed about that that interview um if you haven't seen it i'm going to go ahead and play it for you guys really quickly and then we're going to talk about we're going to talk about it and then there's some things that have happened since that interview with regard to who she is how she's been representing herself how she's representing her brand and we're going to talk about it are the pros and cons of being passionate what are the pros and cons of saying what you want to say and how you should present yourself to the media if you're an entrepreneur or you're a public figure yeah you could be a regular person who has a job and your um people need it because the the community is cancelling people or getting people fired for representing themselves on social media in certain kinds of ways so you don't have to figure an entrepreneur you could just be misrepresenting yourself and your brand in public so i am going to cue up this add to the stream for those of you that have not seen it can you guys see my youtube screen um yes we see a screen is it is it the youtube screen no okay hold on one second let make sure that i'm sharing the right screen with you guys uh sugar give me one second share my screen this is the one i'm going to share got it all right here we go hopefully you guys can actually figure it out today it was a great return back to the sport i wanted to be able to do it before i'm having a month off dealing with all i was dealing with i'm not upset at myself at all this is one race i'm not done you know what i can't pull up tell me if you want to come on a [ __ ] and can't nobody ever take that from me congratulations to the winners congratulations for being at one they're not done seeing me yet all right thank you okay so thoughts what are your what what were your immediate thoughts when you saw this clip the first time well hey go ahead because i think you were ready to say something i wasn't sure but i don't know no well i i can honestly say that as this is good you know i didn't really get a chance to really embrace or just see what was going on with shikari richardson in the moment that it was happening but i want to say that this knowledge um is a benefit for anybody who's just lost when you lose you can really go and hold your head down and start crying but there's something instinctive about intrinsic motivation where the girl says hey i ain't done yet y'all ain't finished seeing me hey i got more more to come now it don't feel good you know because people like you just lost and i think a lot of times when you lose or you come in last the anticipation is i'm going to be sad i'm going to have a lot of sorrow but guess what i ain't got time for it i'm i'm here to stay y'all thought that this this performance was going to like quiet me and make me go in the corner it's not happening i'm still one of the fastest runners in the world and you can't take it away from me even if i perform bad today i don't think that's a bad thing okay okay miss bishop um one of the things that i can agree to madam president's point is the energy that um shakari richardson richardson had in that interview where she's just like listen i'm in the top of this game y'all can't take it from me i can hear you can hear the rush and the adrenaline in her voice um what i did found find however that was a bit cringe-worthy for me was the cursing um i think that what's really important is i feel like everyone has greatness built in right the vast majority of us have greatness built into us you know we have our talents we have our gifts and it's so easy to get caught up in the moment and it's so easy to lose ourselves and i think what we forget is that in business and even socially presentation is everything right and exhibiting decorum and professionalism is important while she didn't win and while she wasn't really necessarily upset that she lost she still had a certain type of presentation that i feel like she should have given off because there were other people women that competed in that um race against her and i think what we have to understand is that the message that we're trying to convey regardless of whether we're winning or losing um it's about having appropriate behavior you know in any situation because it speaks to your integrity and in character how you react to certain situations because you have to realize the race didn't just affect her whether she won or lost but it affected other individuals involved true so when i first saw it my immediate reaction was she just she was passionate um and so here's the thing as with what we do i look at things from two things right if it were me i hold i got it i was like yes girl i agree with madam president she's passionate she was there to let you know i finished like don't judge me off of this one race like this it's not over um but then i put my business hat on and i'm like oh i'm always thinking about my brand and how it's going to be represented she just had signed with nike the world is looking at her and because of everything that she said with regards to i'm not finished you know um this is not my only race you're going to see me i would be thinking i still got to protect my brand because this is not where it is i still need people to take me seriously i lost one race i'm coming back um i'm going to do better don't count me out and so i still need my endorsement deals i still need my brand deals i still need i still need all those things to fall into place because right you know uh how you look how you represent yourself which you say those things matter but you can still be passionate when you do when you say that right so faye you were saying that oh wait actually before that there's a second piece to that video where i think uh martha bl she's a real publicist i think what happened was and i don't know if you guys have seen the second part of the video after she goes to the back and she gets her stuff she comes back out and they stop and they interview her again she's a lot calmer in the second in the second interview she's still hyped she's still passionate she's banging don't get me wrong but she says um she apologizes for you know cursing in the previous video but she needs to make sure that you know that she's not finished and that this is not the end of her race that she's still i'm going to come back and she's still going to show us what she's made of right so then i think she either she got a phone call from somebody or she did get her publicist was like hold on pull the ring back and what i liked about the second piece of the interview was that she still had that same fire she still had that same passion she was still lit she was still turned up but she did it from a more professional standpoint she went through and talked to each one of the reporters and every time they tried to push her and like and talk to her about her performance she still was like i still came and did what i'm supposed to do it wasn't what i needed to be i'm not necessarily um i'm not necessarily excited with the outcome but i'm still proud of myself like you're not going to make me talk bad about myself for my performance um and i thought that was super inspirational do you think that it's important uh and then we'll talk about it from the perspective of martha do you think that it's important that athletes have a pr person or somebody that's talking to them about how they come out and represent their brand or what they should say or how they should represent themselves in the public i think this is a good question lenay because when i think about shikari richardson it was the response i think she she was fast right she had um broke the record and and then it was kind of like um i just want to highlight how white supremacy and nike included like our culture vultures right they just constantly like nike don't go out and speak and mold the shikari richardsons of the community right what they do is they say oh the black people the world is responding to this person let's sign them you know it's just a matter of so i really feel like when it comes to the deals and the brands you know when you let them build you up they take you down but a lot of this stuff is like this is what's so crazy i just want to make this point really quickly shikari richardson broke a record right and she titled you know the fastest woman um [Music] when she broke the record boom then shikari richardson you know gets everybody says you know she um she tested positive for marijuana so therefore you know she can't um do some of the things that she's supposed to do i'm i've tested positive for marijuana right so nike is like oh everybody is still with it like oh i'm i'm floyd i'm i'm for it go ahead do this you know you still got it going on uh you know but what's what is so interesting about our culture this is so interesting about our culture we are a culture where if a person of a young executive that was fresh out of college was about to get hired at nike and they had to take a drug test and came back positive they wouldn't get the job but if the athlete has positive or the athlete be a former felon then it's okay they can get the endorsement because it's about the people the world that we are complaining about we've agreed to we've created we've said okay to it so it's kind of crazy that even from this standpoint of shakari richardson um i think when it comes to branding i don't think she need a pr i don't think i think it's a waste of money trying to give these young people pr they're going to say what they're going to say he wasn't around them in the communities that they grew up in you want around her to help her go through great um grief counseling when she lost the mother you ain't around her for when she's fighting poverty and making life choices and all of a sudden you're going to come and tell me how to talk no i can't do that i think it's too difficult to put those kind of restraints and restrictions on people that young now oprah winfrey i want to also education plays a big part into how we respond to things we want people to always have this keem sense of a dignitarian when i come from islam what you want from me you want me to come and sit up straight all the time and you want me to come and act like you know my world is perfect hell no i got an uncle out here drunk i got all types of stuff going on i can't pretend for you america so i'm going to cut her to some slack on that and i don't think she need all the endorsements but what i do think she need is somebody got to say if you want to be greatest you're going to have to tune it out you're going to have to be quiet and you're gonna have to do this thing called show up show out each time you're gonna have to show it on the field if this is what you want to do okay okay okay that's the connection please collection um see for me i think um what a lot of us have uh have to remember um is that chicago richardson is someone who is very very very very young i even had to say to myself wow she's 21 years old you know lsu alumni so she's still very green and very naive to the world that she's been thrusted into because she kind of became this media sensation and trending name overnight i don't think too many people even knew who she was four months ago so a lot of us are still learning about her and she's still learning a lot about the business of it i do feel that she can benefit from pr and here's why because of that word business when you are doing business you are signing contracts to represent brands you are assigning contracts and you are agreeing to their terms their policies their guidelines it's one thing to say hey i grew up a certain way you want me to talk a certain way you want me to exhibit this certain type of personality i'm not sure how i can do that but it's another thing is you can't do that and then take other people's money and collect the paycheck from said corporation or brand that is say that is telling you that they're going to pay you so it's kind of like you have to look at it from that perspective when it comes to branding and pr because she is a brand she is you know if i'm not mistaken she did sign a deal recently or something like that so with um i don't know if it was nike i know she went to the sv espn awards or something like that that she did along the way since winning the 100 meter race before this was before the weed controversy and everything so i do feel like pr and marketing some sort of something some sort of olivia pope kind of person on your team even if it's just a mentor um that can help you because one of the things i know and i just feel like um is happening is that we are coddling a lot of these personalities when they mess up i've been noticing it a lot a while in western culture um and what it kind of does is it normalizes this trend of infantilization in adults and what it does is um ultimately we treat grown adults because again she's young but she's still 21 years old we treat them like they're these walt weak vulnerable um wounded birds that kind of fell out of a tree and we tell them we imply that their troubles are just rooted in their childhood and that everything that they do isn't their fault and that they're not responsible for it and i'm going to tell you what happens when we do this people especially black people um we're ultimately telling people that their traumas qualify them for a permanent suspension of moral sense of knowing right and wrong and knowing the difference between right and wrong and what that does is that denies maturity in a person and it keeps them stuck in like the state of arrested development like this permanent state of adolescence and it denies them experience the experience of whatever situation that they're in and the outcome and it absolves grown-ups from adult responsibility accountability and it erodes their trust in their own experience and insights so one of the things that um with shikari and what she did and i'm very happy lanay that you told me she came out and she did apologize about the cursing and everything we have to make accountability part of the brand when you are a business because it's really really important when you mess up you have to take accountability and responsible be responsible for when you mess up you can't really expect for your fans and all of these people on social media to just go mom of their mold and just protect you and kind of speak for you and just absolve you of that responsibility so i just feel like she would be able to benefit from a pr person from that perspective because i think that it gives her that room to grow and sort of build her brand a little bit further because again she's still very young and she's still very green that's the part i do think we should take it easy on but i do also feel like she can benefit from so much just if she had the right people around her and i think that comes back to all entrepreneurs business owners career professionals public figures you need to have a team you need to have a team of people who have your best interests at heart because it's not wrong to be passionate it's not wrong to be passionate when you lose when somebody sticks a camera in your face immediately after and that there's that raw emotion and they're trying to to put you up against the wall make you disrespect yourself or say something negative to you or they're proud of you that's not wrong um it is right to come back and say hey i was passionate and this is what happened and this is why i responded that way but i'm still good at what i do i still don't there's nothing wrong with it either there should be some level of nurturing and and i might be wrong in this but i believe back in the day when the nfl they went then if i went through this transition where somebody was calling them thugs and they had to clean that up then they gave their dress code they talked about how you have to do your interviews and so they started to um help the players to present themselves more appropriately if you will right but i think that should be the same across all athletes for all entrepreneurs and business owners have a team of people that help you to represent yourself properly because especially in this culture that we live in right now camden culture and people wanting to put your flaws on blast because most of most people probably don't even know she came back out and did another interview where he apologized because all that they show is her cousin it's an nbc or whatever the network was but immediately after there's the the come back and again they're still pressing her and if you guys want to see it i'll show it it's that same video i just played there's a it's uh another segment of that video where she's she's talking to talking and she's being positive we don't see that that's not what they're showing on the news in the news and the media and the outlet they're only showing the flaw they didn't come back and say oh would she apologize and and she's still here and she still wants to uh run and she the positive piece of it and that's why it's important that we have a team around us people that can um help us to be passionate but still let our positivity come through um where we can be naive and 20 and 21 and not have that experience but we have somebody that's besides hey you're not supposed to do it this way or do a different way or there's a better way to do it you need that and unfortunately and a lot of times in our community we don't have that that that team of people around us that want to make a step like faye was saying people will come in to mother but not necessarily nurture or grow or will come in to protect but not necessarily say this is what you didn't do right and this is how you can do it better we we we're good at pointing the finger but they're not saying let me show you how let me guide you let me take it to the next level let me put a place and plan the passion is good don't want to stifle the passion but we want to show you how to use it in a positive manner we want to show you how to continue to grow your business continue to grow your brand continue to get these brand deals um and things of that nature so i wanted to go to this comment from sister shanae hunter which one is it i think it's this one black people cancel anybody for any little things so easy so i want to make sure that we say this is not a conversation about canceling absolutely not a conversation about cancelling the conversation about how do you be passionate when you lose and still protect your business and still protect your brand how do you be um passionate when your back is up against the wall and you still have to represent yourself right we do live in a in a cancer culture and so it it's important that people are consistently thinking about that um the flip side to that and i'm kind of jumping ahead of the conversation that i want to have is although we live in a council culture does that mean you can't be passionate does that mean you can't say what you want to say does that mean you can't be honest does that mean you can't show your true emotions because you have to be worried about being canceled and somebody else brought this up you have simone biles backing out of the olympics people tried to catch she's like they call her the goat like the greatest athlete of of all times in the just the sport of gymnastics and she backed out for her mental health and people wanted to cancel her for that like as bright as that there you have naomi osaka who she didn't want to speak to the press and they found her so she pulled out the french open and the people in the council were like is it okay to cancel entrepreneurs business owners brands for protecting themselves or for being passionate or for putting themselves first it's not okay and i want to come back to that i just get that off my chest because i saw that that comment um but before that one i wanted to talk about somebody asked what record did chikari break she won the trial she's the sixth fastest time in history at the time i believe she broke flojo's record right that was the impression that i understood that she broke flo joe's record it hadn't been broken yeah and it was it wasn't it was the trial but it was she didn't make it to the olympics so i think it was the trials the sh and she had broke flo joe's record that's my i believe that's what it was yeah there was another black it was another sister too who but it was in the olympics that broke flo joe's record i i hate that i don't know her remember her name because shaqari has kind of been the center of conversation um for the last past two weeks but um i believe it was both but that's to my understanding she also broke flo flojo's record um yeah and i'll look it up after the next question so maria evans said sloan biles did all of that professional pr and media steel director we have to set our own standards as black people with our own culture culture vultures need us not the other way around what do you guys think about that comment i mean we kind of just absolutely i think she's absolutely right on that you know we are the culture the culture don't exist i mean come on now think about think about jordan you know nike has this is so interesting i love sports you know because also too i mean i don't love all sports but i have these ones that i do enjoy but jordan wanted to sign with adidas when he first in the 80s uh when he was you know because jordan is the person who started these big endorsement deals it wasn't happening like this 20 years ago so anyways he wanted to sign with adidas but he ended up with management and everybody convinced him to go with nike and the culture was like this guy is victorious he's killing i gotta be like mike we are nike okay like that people exist without like consumption we are the people who make this stuff a thing we the people go and get the shoes we the people collect we we collect i'm not i'm not just saying it like you know white people don't go and do trade and buy sell trade when it comes to nike as well but you know when you get the football games how many black folks you see out there when you look at basketball games how many black folks you see out there we are we are running this whole thing you making it go round however we're playing by their rules every time we're playing by their rules i do believe that she's right that you know we don't need it in us but in a level of in the thought process of capitalism if you know if we don't have the money to give our our athletes so that they can start you know they'll have a dependency on these other companies then guess what they go there they follow their rules and we don't have to say um for me and i i can see but the thing that confuses me about that comment is people still dragged her who are the people that dragged her was it white people or black people that's the part that kind of makes this culture conversa conversation a little muddled while we do own it while we do consume it while we are at the center of it we're building people up but at the same time on the back end we're the same people that's tearing each other down so when you say people still dragged her what people you know even with simone biles that did it right dominique dawes and many other athletes that have um come into the olympics did everything right the other young lady from four years ago i think they made fun of her hair something about her hair i forget her name they made fun of her for almost four or five months over her hair just because her hair wasn't done or something like that i mean it's it's it's we have to be clear exactly about what it is we want to see as well as the expectation and again the role we all play in it we are the consumers we are the buyers and you know we want to see this and we want to see so much and we want to see so many black athletes do great but at whose expense you know what i mean it's kind of like who's the people that's tearing simone biles down is it us you know who are the people so i think we need to figure out what exactly it is we want and what exactly what direction we want to go in because while the corporations are the ones that are making the rules and they're the ones that signing the athletes to the deals again when you sign on to work for a company regardless if it's tonight or if it's taco bell you have to play by their rules or you can start your own brand in your own business and you can work for yourself so i think it's important because we have serena williams you have so many other women female athletes who um have carried themselves a certain way and they won at everything that they did i think the thing that kind of muffles everything and kind of where it kind of gets crazy is social media one of the things i've learned is that um this social climate tends to value success and accomplishment and pride over everything even if it means sacrificing your integrity to get it so we tend to cheer on who's the loudest who's the most controversial while ignoring those who stand quietly but on the side and practice humility that's why i said it was another black woman who actually went to the olympics and won however shikari richardson is the person whose name is on the tip of everybody's tongue so it's kind of like we tend to gravitate towards that low common like the again that wounded bird that fell out of the tree versus the person that's winning because no one has talked about the black woman that actually went to the olympics and won or even the jamaican sisters at all no one's talking about them we're concerned with the with the with the negatives with the bad stuff that's why i said with the dragging who's doing the dragging is it us you know don't we and if if it is us we should i think we should try to lean away from that or figure out what it is you know in terms of the culture we're trying to do so that we don't have that we can celebrate you know the simone biles and different people and we can celebrate and then at the same time we can nurture the shakari richardsons at the same time and grow them and you know help them to be great i agree also i think that um something to keep in mind is you know it's it's the community in general it's before you become before you get to the olympics you know i i don't want my child who doesn't exist i don't want my child having to um who needs pr to have to articulate their feelings you know if i'm involved in any capacity um in that then guess what i want to we we're going to be working on this way before you hit the track and field how we communicate how we show how we feel how we have passion and have have enough sense to have passion about important things what's important and what's not you know in our community but something that you said faith that i did agree with is we are a community who for some reason hate accountability what is wrong with blackboard and accountability if somebody would would have held some of your fathers accountable he would have been more present in your lives if somebody would have had some of your mothers accountable he could have been a better mother too accountability is an important future to character so i'm so annoyed with how many character-less people who got so much damn so much attention so much everything and not an ounce of character it's astonishing it's like god damn you know unfaithful yes i agree wholeheartedly character is super important okay so i wanted to make it the correction that i did up with the actual um record that she broke so shikari richardson had a new personal best of 10.72 seconds becoming the sixth fastest woman of all time and the fourth fastest american woman in history so those were the records that she broke just to be make sure i knew specifically i know somebody broke flo joe's record so it must have been the woman that actually went to the olympics and one that nobody's talking about unfortunately a lot too right she was very decorated in her uh winnings and she's beautiful got a husband a child right this sister i can't remember her name i can't believe remember her name either again and we should like we should know i think it's allison allison felix is that one yes i think was that alcohol yeah allison is that one yes yeah allison allison she went down there a couple of days ago either last two nights ago or last night i forget but this is what i think the sister in the comments section was saying shikari if she stays that fast that will be heard in years to come you know because allison of course is mature you know she's grounded and that is going to be an important thing now i also wanted to say that my friend texts me during the my friend she's really into the olympics watching everything so she was like hey what do you think shikari is gonna do and i said and my exact response to her was along the lines of i just don't think she's had a lot of time to focus on the game she's she has literally since she's began since she was running the attention had become the hair the the the conversation what she said and the commercials and you know the like you say social media and i will never forget watching some of the interviews a few years ago with the olympians and when they go and they train and they about to do this thing called the olympics this one guy was like i haven't had dessert in a year he said until i got this medal i'm gonna go and have me a piece of cheesecake this was over this was years of training he said look i haven't had dessert but that's a different focus and let me tell you something our community is so essential to how we go out in the world the community has to be present look how many chicago richardson and allison felix says that are literally about in seventh and eighth grade people constantly ignore them people don't you know put them under their wing in order for in order for our community to be well we have to mind that the minds of those children you know it's like one of those things we come and we get a chance to criticize the adult but it's like damn you know we should have been around you know what you made a good point that i never even thought about but track and field doesn't get the same honor advice nurturing respect as the nba or not the nba basketball and football let's just say basketball football right so they can only see it or talk about it when the olympics come so there is no real nurturing of that of that group of individuals there is no real business savvy of the of those individuals there is real investment of these individuals until the olympics come because there is no track and field season right it doesn't happen every year where we're really only being able to invest in these individuals every four years that's when we see them it's when we quote unquote judge them is the only time that they're being presented to us so i think to to your point there is some real daily regular consistent community investment that needs to happen and take place with that community regardless of if they are a man in the nba or the nfl but we need to take that same energy and support and love and guidance and business savvy and investment nature whatever the case might be and put that into all of our athletes um whether especially you know tracking food that's one that's a a sport that we dominate like you know almost everything we do um but we doesn't get the same love and respect tennis has a season like we show up for serena williams every year and we see her and and what she does and we've seen her transition and get to who she is but this and i'm and i'm not a sports person i didn't really play sports growing up but i did run track like that was the thing that i could do and i just did that for a little bit of time so i got some rest and then i was over but when i did run it i enjoyed it and it is like the redheaded stepchild of sports like it doesn't get the same accolades the variety that other sports do and do you think that that may play into some of the reason why and we'll say gymnastics too so we'll say gymnastics and we'll say track phil do you think that that is some of the reason why the athletes in these two sports don't get the same support and the media comes at them and or the community comes at them talking about hair not being done it wasn't simone biles it was the chick right before i can't think of her name yeah yeah yes um do you think that's why so is is it pride you're on this platform and we want you to represent a certain kind of way or is it embarrassment you're on this platform and we think you should look a kind of way but it's that that's part of the question but the second thing is also i don't think that we that whether it be the community or their team or the environment we don't they don't put the same energy or the same energy and thought into making sure that these individuals are represented properly i don't think that same energy is put into those to those sports no i was just trying to understand when you say represented properly so for example nba and nfl they make sure that they're dressed a certain kind of way they make sure that they know how to speak to the to the uh media make sure that they look a certain kind of way like they they make sure that they're together they have rules and regulations of what you're supposed to do how are you gonna talk how people speak they make sure that they that it makes sure that the organization is presented properly from a perspective when we're talking about a gymnastics or track and field these are more individuals and so there's no individual preparation so nobody's protecting the individual when you think about the nba in the nfl they're protecting the organization so they make sure that their players know how to go out into the world and and look the parts act the part if you will say the right things if you will but you have your gymnasts and your track and field individuals who are individuals and there's no support there's no guidance there's no nurturing there's no nothing there to have them be prepared to deal with the media or how to look or whatever the case might be and this is the part where having a great support person or team comes into play because that's a very very excellent point that you brought up lynnae um one of the things that i noticed um about past um olympic winners black women is that they had people on their team and serena's um in venus's case it was their father who nurtured them who helped them to perfect their craft he even interjected he would interrupt interviews to stop you know a certain type of question i think it's a video of cutting off this one guy and telling him you know like trying to send him straight about the question that he asked his daughter um and jackie joyner courtesy's case it was her brother john percy who it was also the husband of flojo if i'm not mistaken and he kind of you know coached both of them so you're absolutely correct when you say that the nba and the nfl um and even baseball kind of have these people you know within the organizations that they work for to kind of help them to nurture and be that pr person that can help you know them to represent themselves a certain way um for the organization but with gymnasts and with track and field they don't have that it's sort of like an individual thing but it also speaks to the point that madam president spoke about earlier when she said that you know we need people around us you know taking accountability to help us to coach us and tell us when we're going wrong on our team in order for us to you know be able to navigate in these kinds of industries a certain kind of way and that's why i said earlier the pr does help it's like yeah you can be yourself and there's nothing wrong with that you can be your passionate very energetic self which is something chicago richardson i hope does not lose um in the process of all of this controversy that's going on but i do feel like a pr person or some sort of mentor on her team having you know the um i don't know serena williams and um father but that kind of person or a john percy on her team to help coach her and guide her because those ladies did have that and if you notice they won they went and got the gold because of that um also i want to highlight um something that i find interesting about simone by um simone and gabby douglas simone i think something was going on with her mother she moved with her grandparents who raised her who which basically allowed her i think that structure got her to mindset practice um as well as opportunity to be an olympian gabby douglas was good she had to move out of her mother's house to go and train to be an olympian gabby douglas in fact moved with like an asian family and like indiana or something like that i want to just piggyback up with what fey is saying the environment to achieve in america when you black is important like they are literally these two literally had to be removed out of their natural habitat so that they can be olympians okay and thrive oh uh willie crawford said no gabby douglas he said everybody's no white family no she moved into a family that was not black to train and be an olympian i know that for a fact um you're not an asian family oh no white family okay thank you willie so white family but it's kind of like structure again here we go with structure accountability up let me tell y'all like i feel like a lot of what we're talking about it's still like this the center is still rooted in like defeating white supremacy you know having resources access community development money you know like how many parents just don't get a chance to support children in the field that they're good in even from an curricular point or even educational point because they mama working daddy just like i'm working i can't come and like you know just from my own personal experience i play on basketball i'm getting so oh i say that bunch like i can't believe that i'm like seeing that now like i'm saying like i used to play basketball but anyways when i played basketball i'm so grateful for the experience um what it does is it makes you show up it makes you be accountable it makes you do the things that you don't want to do and that's a lot of life a lot of times when you grow people think like oh man when i get rich when you get rich you're going to be broke again because you are not quick for what to have access to what you want to have access to you know a lot of the people who got really wealthy won the lottery six seven eight million dollars um they went from one lifestyle to the next in a and so quick most of them stories ended in disaster drug overdose you know um robbery death it was disastrous so it's like the character and like what's so and what's so needed to have people excel in this country it's so important and here's another point that i'm gonna make on this this is why we should be going hard for teachers our teachers should not be struggling because our teachers are molding the community that we want to go and get the nike kill the coaches in the community they want to these kids want to go out and do something to be something they don't even have enough support that they need so it's this we got to do better i just think from a community standpoint the culture there needs to be a change in the culture it has to be paid like i totally agree it i think it has to be because um look at some of the athletes in the nba who pretty much i think they just said some there was a few men in the nba first of all the nba and something like that you're making it to the league and if you end up being a six-man or a seventh man uh you never see the court it's like you know you try to keep up trying to have a job you know but you don't get the fame so you look at lebron james and you look at michael jordan there's no meeting men in the nba we don't know their names we don't have a clue you know so like it's i just i'm not gonna keep rambling but it's like we gotta do better first in our community we really want to see our people excel and so if i do better recap kind of what you said and so if i do better from an athletic standpoint which is a public figure standpoint which is an entrepreneur standpoint which is a black person standpoint which is a community standpoint is we have to not only push our children and the people around us and so let me say it this way it's not just pushing an athlete it's not just pushing start a business it's not just pushing this one thing it's nurturing it it's guiding it it's making sure that you're prepared for it is making sure that you understand the ins and outs um that you're forecasting that you're looking at the implication of this thing so if we talk about it specifically from the athlete's standpoint what um chanel said is there's so many um athletes in the nba for example whose names we don't know and that's okay if each one of those young men have a financial planner somebody has talked to them about what they're gonna do with their money what kind of and i'm gonna say what kind of woman you should be looking for you're in the nba how you gonna raise your kids um what kind of what are you gonna be doing come out of the nba have you made investments are you gonna spend all your money in the nba are you looking for are you thinking about what you're going to do when you come out there's more to being an athlete than just being the athlete right you got to protect the brand you got to protect your image you got to think about what you said you got to think about how you represent yourself that comes from the culture that you were brought up in that comes from the culture and community of people that surround you the team that you have around you as an entrepreneur as a business owner as a public figure the same thing it's not just starting a business it's how is that rep business represented in the streets who's talking about it how are they talking about it what are you saying about yourself when you're on a podcast or you're uh on a stage are you are you talking about things the proper way in front of the right audience um if you are a bit you if you're not an entrepreneur you just go to work every day and i mean yes i apologize if it it's not just for work every day but if you're a career professional you are still a business and you still have things to protect you still have to worry about how you represent yourself on facebook and in front of your co-workers and what you say and how you say and what jokes you tell like you are always on you are always branding you are always representing something right and so whether that is from the perspective of an athlete or an entrepreneur or a business owner you're always on you're always representing how hell if nobody else you represent your mom you represent how she raised you what you know um you're representing your grandma every day you wake up and you step out in the streets and how you look and how you act you are representing somebody to the to the point about the counter culture and how we do it in our community we have to be cognitive of that there are some things that we do have to think about where a person is raised their environment they've been around what they've been exposed to what they haven't been exposed to what they've received what they have not received what they've learned what they have not learned we can't cancel jump on demonize victimize everyone but we also have to know that if we see these behaviors that as a community is our responsibility to step up to the plate and say hey how can i help you what do you need how can we correct this how can we fix this let's make sure that we do it differently next time let's make sure that you have the tools that you need to do it better next time and not just say oh that's how they were raised because we're never gonna get better we're never gonna get to the next point we're never going to we talk about excellence well black excellence comes with uh with the price it comes with learning it comes with teaching the whole no no man left behind the each one teach one all of that comes with black excellence you just can't say black excellence and then not do your parts and help this person be excellent it's great that you run fast and you're on the field that's great you're truly showing black excellence in that regard but also show it off of the field and if their individual is not then it's our responsibility to say hey sis we love you let me just let me help you let me show you let me teach you don't lose your passion don't lose you are stay true to you be authentically black but let me also show you how to do it so that the shikari richardsons that are coming behind you they can do it at this at a a level of excellence as well um do we do either one of you guys have closing remarks or anything that you like to add to this conversation before i i've held you as hostage on a saturday i love you both and i appreciate you guys i appreciate you for having me and as always it's always great to um do this with madam president um who i'm going to just refer queen madam president because you both are just so awesome and lynette you just said something that i think is extremely important when you talked about black excellent with black excellence everybody you must remember that black responsibility accompanies that okay and that presentation is everything and that conveying a certain type of behavior appropriate behavior in any situation or whatever regardless of whatever obstacle we face whether we're winning or whether we're losing and how you respond in that moment and thereafter it does speak to your integrity and your character um because it has an effect on not just you but other individuals as well as lennae so graciously pointed out it's they're going to be other shikari richardson's that are going to look up to her and they're going to follow behind her and how do we get them together how do we teach them how do we nurture them and build them to go out there and win so again along with black excellence comes black responsibility absolutely yeah i totally um faith is always good to see you and lynnae so it's good to see you as well i'm just you know happy to be included and i just want to say that i absolutely agree i think just think having this conversation is making me feel like i should probably reach out to a local high school and you know see how the sports are going or all the intelligent children are doing and make some kind of donation you know because a lot of times we feel like oh man we need beyonce too i need jay-z too and it's like no you could you could and and that's what um happens when you are dealing and you're constantly you know evolving your own character you know you say hey i'm gonna go i'm gonna volunteer this weekend you know so i thank you all for this conversation is it's highlighting you know areas where i myself could do more when it comes to you know involvement in the youth um so i just want to say thank you for having me i'm of course we are wishing fire richardson and other women in their athletic um adventures we wishing them well of course and we appreciate um just being able to have freedom of speech and have these conversations absolutely my eyes my eyes literally teared up in water i was like oh my god that is such a great idea to go into these different community you know different schools in our communities and have conversations with their athletic departments with these young young girls and young boys that will be going to college or even going into the colleges and offering a conversation what is it that you don't know what do you need to prepare for how to understand finances do you understand what a brand is as you're preparing yourself up to these colleges like that's a great idea and i believe that's something i'm definitely going to do because we can't just talk about it we can't wait till they get to the platform and then be like how come nobody told them what to do well we are we are the village and we can help to prepare them and help them be who they're supposed to be that's who they're supposed to be but just make sure that when they get the platform they're prepared for the platform so that we we aren't having a conversation of what they could have done but we're having a conversation while they were very prepared and that that does that falls back on us i love the term black responsibility black excellence is nothing without black responsibility i'm about to girl you need to hashtag that trademark you want to hear me saying it all the time black responsibility like that's my soul on such a level because we always talk about the end result right we the end result is black excellence and we talk about it and we hashtag it and we present it like excellence about excellence but excellence but how do we get there what do we do to have it what healing needs to take place who needs to show up like we don't have that conversation we don't talk about the lack responsibility of getting to black excellence and madam president the responsibility is on us to go and do this and then then gave an example of how to do it i feel like if you're going to tell me give me um a part of the solution tell me how to do it laying that out literally about to figure out how and where i can i can do that because that's exactly what it comes down to is showing up showing up for our youth showing up for our high school students our junior high school students our collegiate students um and and being that for them that is beautiful some hashtag black responsibility black accountability and black excellence i love it ah yes i'm gonna leave us on that note thank you so much to um faye bishop and chanel madame president i don't care now but i'm my president um on this saturday um please tell people where they can find you where they can support you where they can um follow you out online i see your handles but just you know something to close out if you will madam oh okay i'm sorry my dogs yeah both of my dogs are like i have two dogs and they're just harassing me at this point so basically you can find me madame president at um instagram twitter youtube is one madam president with the z no s z and i am the owner of the freedom company it's the underscore freedom underscore company so check us out um thank you all for having me yes and i can be followed on twitter at miss faye bishop not mrs ms faye bishop um you can look me up on facebook as fake bishop i think i'm the only blackface bishop on social media because a lot of them are caucasian and i'm um bishop um on instagram as well and you can follow lead casting call at lead casting call on both instagram and twitter again we are one of the leading sources of entertainment jobs um connecting people to jobs and entertainment um both um being in front of the camera as well as being behind the camera so take advantage and definitely follow that page lots of good jobs that are posted there daily awesome um i am lenny vette you can follow me on facebook twitter and or instagram at my handle which is i am a lennais vet um you can go to my website for anything that has to do with business development so uh yeah that's what it is thank you so much for all of you guys that tuned in and added to this conversation and gave your perspective we definitely appreciate you and we will see you next time peace

2021-09-01 19:58

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