Is It Time To 'Boss Up' In Your Business?

Is It Time To 'Boss Up' In Your Business?

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hello hello hello hello my friends welcome welcome welcome how are you doing we are live on zoom so if you can hear me okay just give me a yes in the comments if you can hear me okay if you can see me okay i want to know that we are working well great to be here sometimes i don't always see the comments straight away so um please pop them in anyway if i don't respond to you straight away i will straight afterwards so welcome i am really happy that you're here i'm really excited to share with you this topic about bossing up in your business so thank you for joining me tonight tonight i have three questions to ask you and i want to use this time to encourage you and to champion you and to cheer you on as well as invite you to step up our next level because that's what we always need to do in our business right is evolve to the next level so first of all if it's your first time here in a live training please let me know in the comments because i'd love to welcome you if it's your first time showing up here and just say hello yes that's me if you've been on one of these live trainings before you know that i love to share lots and lots of value and um really help you out in your business and i really appreciate your love and your comments so that more people can watch this and share this message so i'm really super grateful for you so what does it mean to boss up to boss up in your business to me is about remembering that we are the ones in charge we are the ones that call the shots we are the ones that need to take radical responsibility for everything that's happening in our lives right now everything that's going on in our life in our business and basically taking that leadership position and there are times in our business where we have to make a decision and that is to stop doing the things that we've been avoiding stop playing small and stop going around that same mountain and actually decide to take a step up and it's a decision that says i'm going 100 in my business i know people throw around 120 150 a thousand percent 100 is everything that you've got you know that's why we have percentages right so what does it mean to you to be 100 in your business i know when i was starting out in business i could feel that i had my feet and two wheels i would always refer to my job as my side hustle so if someone said what i what do you do i would always talk about my business and then maybe i'd say oh and by the way i'm kind of doing this thing on the side which is teaching for six hours four times a week but you know that's just my side thing this is the main event so there was different ways that i would position my business as something like this is going to work and that helped me to become to have that identity of a business owner and when you have the identity of business owner you feel responsible you own it instead of thinking of yourself as let's say coach i'd love to know what you do just pop in the comments what what do you do are you a coach are you a consultant are you a personal trainer you advisor what do you actually do just pop it in the comments and if you think of yourself as a coach then you take on that identity and it's awesome you know because coaching is awesome coaching transforms people's lives but when i started thinking of myself as a business owner an owner takes ownership an owner takes radical ownership if you have staff you really care about helping your business stay afloat because you've got people relying on you right so when you think of yourself as owner you are the staff like if you're a solopreneur here if you're a solo trader and it's just you then you are the staff right so you're the boss and the staff you've really got to think of yourself as the boss that's what it means to boss up it's taking that radical responsibility it's one of my values i've got it up here on my wall it's extreme ownership of everything and not blame me not blaming their algorithms not blaming covert not blaming all the things that are happening in the world they're external but knowing that you you have what it takes you can step up and stop going around that same mountain and start climbing so the first question i have for you and i hope i can be your coach for the time we have together and encourage you and also invite you to look at your next level so the first question is are you consistently and write this down if you've got a piano notebook write this down are you consistently doing hard things having a business is one of the fastest ways to grow personally you know because you are constantly having to challenge yourself so you might be thinking yeah business is hard i'm always doing hard things but are you consistently facing those things that you've been avoiding because if you think about it bossing up in your business to be a boss it's been the boss over everything that's challenging you it's looking at it it's facing it it's not running away from it it's not hiding it it's not burying it in your to-do list but going right this is the thing i need to tackle and i'm just going all in on it i'm closing off the world until i get this thing done and you will prove to yourself over and over that you can do hard things so when challenges come you switch on when things pop up like in the pandemic i ran a two-day in-person event in march 2020 and then the following day we got told that there's no more live events and i haven't done like well i did one this year actually when we opened up again and now it was closed again but i switched on and i went straight to online running online events regularly because entrepreneurs who they switch on when there's a challenge rather than running away from it there are so many thousands of men and women at the moment who are taking on this boss lifestyle you've probably seen so many of them you know young women and men who have multi-million dollar businesses and a lot of them don't have uni degrees it's their attitude it's this attitude of action it's this attitude of i'll do whatever it takes and in business that's what makes you stand out there's two distinct parts in business one path is the path of least resistance where you do the easy things you consume you learn you learn you learn you just keep going to free event free event free event and you just try and gather data hoping that one day it's going to work the other the other part is we take charge and you you look at the things that are stopping you getting that next goal that you have and you face some square on and you do whatever it takes to get them done and that second path that second part is where you can build an asset you you do the hard thing you face the thing you've been avoiding and this is what so many of your competitors are not doing and it's why i love doing hard things because it takes thought it takes being the best you can but it but if it takes you some energy to implement it guess what most people aren't doing the hard thing when you boss up in your business it's making a decision that says i'm going to do the hard things i'm going to go all in on the hard things and in being that person i create a space for you to see and believe and experience that it's possible for you as well think about the people watching your life these people watching your life right now these people in your community your followers your friends your clients when you take ownership of your world the world changes it's a ripple effect it's beautiful it's about overflow and abundance and it's about people rising up and becoming the best versions of them because they're inspired by you being the best version that you can possibly be and being that leader leading yourself in your own greatness it's about you turning your gifts into mastery and that awakens the world around you and if every entrepreneur did that if every entrepreneur took that extreme ownership and stepped up into excellence not perfection but excellence making sure that the work that they do is to be the best version of themselves we would have an incredible shift in the world if we all took that responsibility to overcome our fears and stop facing away from the hard things and the hard things aren't usually big scary monster things they're usually things like right i'm going to learn how to do facebook ads i'm going to learn how to do a funnel like i remember this concept learning this concept of funnels learning about automation and it really scared me but i knew i had to do it i knew that that was the only way because i was running this business where i was constantly messaging people back and forth constantly things were getting lost in my email inbox and it was so hard and i had to put some systems in place i had to step back and say okay what do i need to learn i didn't want to learn click funnels um it just looked way too techy way too hard i like being out there talking to people coaching that's what i love doing but i realize if i don't learn this i'm never gonna have control in my business i'm never gonna feel like a boss i'm always gonna be outsourcing things to other people like yes i could have outsourced all my funnels but now i can create a funnel i can get an idea for something that i want to share in the world something that's meaningful something that i'm excited to get out there like at a 60-minute event or two-hour workshop or a one-day event and i can get a funnel up in an hour and then i can go for a run and get ideas and brainstorm it and come back and just tweak it a little bit and it's out in the world that day you know and that way i know that if something goes wrong i can fix it because i'm the boss i know how to do it yes i can train people and i do train people i've got three people that that help me out in my business but if i didn't know how to do it i would feel like i had no control that i'm constantly waiting on other people overseas and so yes there's certain things you can outsource by all means you know get a va and get people to help you but you should know the back end of your business that's part of doing hard things there was one hard thing that i had to face and it was one of the most empowering things i could do it sounds so crazy but i was really scared of the tech i was so scared to do a webinar i did my first webinar in 2016. i was so scared of looking stupid looking foolish looking silly has anyone had any of those fears before tell me that i'm not alone when you face them those things that seem small but you're putting them off you're actually being an example of what's possible and it's the most empowering thing that we can do to help the people around us it enables us to be an example for others it starts with us if you want to be your own boss it's about being the best possible version of yourself and that is going all in on what you need to learn and saying i don't care how long it takes like when i let click funnels i sat there for two weeks i barely moved i just i just went all in on it and i was on that support help desk constantly i already had a program a course that i bought to teach me but there's to actually implement something you know how many how many times have you bought a course and not implemented like i've got multiple ones it's like this is my ticket to freedom like automation is my ticket to freedom if i don't have funnels in place i'm not looking after people and i was kind of confused about the word funnel i was like what even is that it's just a pathway it's a client journey it means you know exactly that you've got this pipeline where people are consistently coming in it's one of the most powerful assets you can build in your business i've got 20 funnels now and they're just out there doing their thing you know i've had a funnel that's had over 2000 people go through it that i created like two years ago haven't touched it you can go in and upgrade it but it's there it's done it's doing the work for you i can get on with doing what i do best which is and what i love which is creating content and working on presentations and coaching people so that's the first question are you consistently doing hard things the second question are you consistently investing in your business i spoke to my friend today about this and she's recently just spent twelve thousand dollars on a coach and this approach is but it's basically a 30-day intensive and it's incredible seeing the shift in her from this investment and we were talking about all the times where we've invested a significant chunk of money the most i've invested is 23 000 in a program uh before that it was a 17 000 program as soon as i go into that five figure investment oh my goodness the fear the doubt the stress the anxiety all comes up right it comes to the surface but when you invest when you put a chunk of money into something it shows your brain that you're serious about your business the very first time i did it it up leveled me so fast it was this exponential growth and that was before it even got the result the result came later but it was just the fact that i'd taken this massive leap of faith and it showed me that i trusted myself it showed me that yes i am gonna make it i am gonna do whatever it takes to build this business i am not giving up no way like there's no way i'm giving up i've come way too far and i've never ever questioned whether i'm gonna keep going or not occasionally i get this temptation of oh maybe it'd be nice to just um kind of consult out to a company or just get some regular consistency coming in but but it's never been an option to give up never ever because once you invest in yourself you realize that you're backing yourself that you are you are going all in and how else is your brain going to know that you're serious about business if you don't prove it by going out of your comfort zone it doesn't take going out of your comfort zone to go to a free webinar to watch a free facebook live that doesn't take any courage it takes courage to take your hard-earned money like i've filled credit cards maxed them out not knowing where the money is going to come from and that's where i felt so alive scared and alive like jumping out of a plane without a parachute and knowing that you've got to create the parachute while you're in the air or as my friend jez says you build the plane while it's in the air that's what's made me strong and resilient that's what's made me feel like a boss not just selling things but buying things buying things for my business investing is such a great way to step out of your comfort zone just give me a why for a yes in the comments if you relate to this if you've invested in your business and it's changed your identity and you realize that you're worth it it actually improves your self-worth because it's saying to yourself i'm gonna make it see brain i'm serious about this i just put fifteen thousand dollars into this program i just put a chunk in my life like money is powerful it's so powerful because it's really attached so much to our self-worth and so sometimes we need to in order to boss out we need to invest in the next thing are you investing regularly in your business i usually put typically at least fifteen thousand dollars into my business every single year and sometimes more because that's how you grow number three are you consistently improving your marketing skills think about this what's the one next thing you want to achieve in your business what's that one next thing do you know what the next thing that you want to achieve in your business like really think about it whatever that thing is that you want to achieve in your business that one thing it's going to require some type of marketing no doubt and if that's your next big thing did you wake up this morning and improve the skill of marketing to get that thing did you wake up in the morning and take action towards that thing probably not if you're like most people because staying focused on that one most important thing is really hard there's so much you need to do in your business and when we wake up in the morning we've got so many decisions to make right you know like your mind's buzzing you've got this huge to-do list maybe you haven't posted on social media all week and you feel guilty about that and you start doing things and you get caught up reading articles and consuming other people's content and researching and you know you you're not improving that skill of marketing you're not actually uh growing as a business owner by like there's one thing to sit back and passively learn it's another thing to be out there testing it and that's why i recommend events i was just sharing in my um in my inner circle group tonight that when you do an event it up levels you and it shows you how much you've up leveled that's the two kind of twin forces that that i've noticed by running over 250 events i see how much i've grown by the event because when things start coming out of my mouth like wow yes that's the lesson i've learned in that last period before my last event it also helps you consolidate all of your content it helps you organize your ideas remember people pay for organized knowledge organized knowledge and when you're when you're automated in your business you're able to have that time to really organize your content better and when you have presentations you have to organize it because you have to show people a nice flow you can't just show up and throw up you know throw a whole lot of ideas so we want to always be improving the skill but it's not about learning it's about doing marketing is about testing and measuring it's about throwing something out there and seeing what the market responds to it's about getting feedback you know a lot of people are sitting on a book they're writing a book it's sitting on a folder in their laptop but they're not consistently out there testing their material writing blogs writing captions on social media getting feedback answering people's questions and if you're not constantly improving that skill of marketing you're just getting better as a coach then you're not going to grow your business is not going to grow you're not going to attract the quality clients that you want and if you don't learn those skills like those technology skills like having an automated funnel in place everything's capped your sales your profit your growth your lifestyle everything's limited but when you know how to build automated funnels when you have that capacity to generate leads it's the difference between having this unstable shaky business and a solid reliable predictable system everything changes for you it takes the stress away and enables you to enjoy your business and enables you to have creative ideas and to have a whole lot more time to really do the things that you love and because it's so important because it's so important to ups up level in the skill of marketing because you can see the power of this right i i have made it my mission to help entrepreneurs to learn these skills to make sure that they've got the mindset in place of a boss of taking charge of being the leader leading themselves first before they can lead others of taking on extreme ownership of everything in their life of doing hard things of running at hard things like creating automated funnels like creating presentations showing up on a platform it changes your positioning it up levels you it changes everything so if you're ready to boss up give me a yes in the comments if you're ready to boss up if you're ready to learn how to do these things for yourself up level your marketing skills do hard things i'm going to show you how to do it at my upcoming workshop yes it's not easy to learn these things but it's so much easier when you have someone showing you this is what i wish i had when i started out in business i've created um content formulas frameworks processes that i wish that i had when i was starting out and i'm going to share those with you for free at my upcoming event it's a free live event for coaches consultants and service based entrepreneurs any expert it's for you if you want to scale your business without working harder and longer it's not about doing more and more and more and more it's about doing the right things so i'm going to share with you my step-by-step client attraction system there are actually three secrets i'm going to be going through the first one is compelling content um my compelling content strategy these are tools that you can use to get attention and to influence people to take action on your content not just you know like it but actually take action on it actually book a call with you a strategy call so you can fill up your calendar you can fill up your webinars and workshops the second secret i'm i'm sharing with you is how to create an automated client attraction funnel and this is a 24 7 marketing machine that automates your lead generation that frees up your time so you can have that consistent steady flow of quality clients that you want to work with it's that kind of do it once and it's done so yes it takes it takes effort but you do it once and it's done you can walk away from it you keep tweaking of course but it's it's pretty much that 90 is done and you can spend your time doing things doing other things and then secret three is how to create a five figure presentation and i show you my profit from presenting formula so that you can give massive value in your workshops whether you want to do a workshop a zoom event a webinar your facebook lives whatever it is i show you how to give great value but also convert people into your into your services so if you want to learn these things if you want me to share um my best secrets with you and show you how to apply it into your business so that you can position yourself as an expert in your marketplace um just write the word mastery right now in the comments whether you're watching this live or watching the replay write the word mastery in the comments uh or you can do me the word mastery and i'll send you your free invite if you feel that someone in your world might need to hear this if you think someone that you know who's an entrepreneur um would get value from this please share it with them and be super grateful and i really look forward to seeing you at the event so just write the word mastery in the comments and i will send you the link or just send me a message with the word mastery if you've got any questions about it i'll send you the link it's got all the details in there thank you so much for being here i love you heaps and keep shining beautiful friends i'll see you soon bye

2021-09-11 01:28

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