Is Impatience the real issue? | At the Table by Urban Forex Ep.008

Is Impatience the real issue? | At the Table by Urban Forex Ep.008

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all right guys a very good morning  good evening good afternoon   my name is Navin, welcome to  another episode of At The Table   with Urban Forex so today i have here with  me again uh the panel we have Armand, Lucas,   hey Ian yeah all right all right so we have a very  interesting topic today i was a topic brought up   about by many of the students talking about  this this is more psychological based when   it comes to trading and patience there's  a lot of uh discussions around patience of   well what if i know how to trade but i have a  problem getting into my trade because i'm getting   in either too early or perhaps too late both of  them revolve around patients right either having   two less of patients or too much of patients  i wanted to get your feedback on you guys here   that i've called you in on this panel to see what  are your takes on it what are your experiences   with it and you know what what part are you are  you do you have too much patience do you have   two less patients i think i'm on the wrong panel  because i i thought we would be talking about that   windows 95 card game so i'm not prepared for  this ah well good that will test my patience uh Lucas let's start with you and let's  uh hear about what is your experience with   with when it comes to patients is that  an issue is this something that is a real   problem out there for many many traders has this  been a problem for you when you've been trading   i think um we're just looking at the trading  community not just you know our own community   but everywhere people are struggling with patient  and it's it's not really struggling with being too   patient they usually say they lack patience and  getting into trades too early it's always that   case it's quite rare that we hear people saying  oh i was too patient because then i missed the   trip we do have that time to time but net  not that of often i think okay what i see   all right so so majority of the people fall under  the FOMO side right the fear of missing the trade   kind of thing they fall under that category of oh  no i should take the trade now before it goes so   not enough patience all right so that's that's  that's interesting what is your experience with   it what what have what have you experienced in  your years that you've been trading what have   you experienced what's your exposure to it well  at first i was like everyone else thinking that   i have anger management patience issues that kind  of stuff that i need to deal with okay but then   but then as i as as i studied more i think it's  more of knowing what you're trying to look for   um because if you know what you're trying to look  for that's not much patience involved right you're   just trying to look for that thing and if that  thing aka a setup appears then you just take the   trade if you don't take the trade that's a whole  another problem itself but um i'm not too sure   if people are you know looking at patients being  a problem the right way if that makes sense okay   okay so has that helped by saying if we just focus  on the system itself or the technique that we're   trying to trade will that get rid of the patient's  issues is that something that we can use to solve   i think most of it could be solved with having  a you know a system or strategy okay but if you   have those stuff and you're still taking trades  prematurely then just go to the bathroom and cry again Lucas is go to the bathroom and cry   it's a one fix solves all i think that yeah  that's it that's the answer that's the answer   no stop loss that's the stop loss right there  like the trade's not working go to the bathroom   all right um Ian what is your take on it what is  your take on this whole patient's dilemma when   it comes for traitors and dealing with patients i  think i think maybe we should even have a counter   of how many times we say the word patience in this  webinar uh in this video some sort of a poll or   something to keep track yeah it would be good yeah  but talking about that it's what what brings it   interesting is as we're done with this uh podcast  we'll also switch this over into a live webinar so   all of you guys were attending here live coming  to this podcast and tuning in live and not just   tuning in onto the recording once it's launched  on iTunes or amazon or anywhere but you will be   able to watch the webinar that is coming right  after this and we're going to be talking in more   details with patients on a chart on a chart so  yeah so i wanted to bring it back to you Ian   and ask you about you know what is your take on  patients and you know what would you say is right   or wrong with it well i i think like Lucas brought  up the the main point that i think most people uh   have the FOMO um i think for myself uh just in my  experience i'm actually on probably other side i'm   i tend to have a bit more patience maybe than i  should and perhaps that's because i've i have two   young kids i'm not really sure uh over the years  i've had to like i don't know if if anyone's had   i'm sure other people are listening and might  not have had the experience of being on a road   trip and are we there yet are we there yet any all  the patience issues that comes with having kids so   i think i've developed an over patience sometimes  and then and there's a balance i think you need i   don't know if you guys agree with that but like  um i know there's some times where i've been   waiting a bit too much for a trade for example  uh and then i don't get in and then it leaves   and then i'm like oh i knew it was gonna go  that way or you know that kind of a thing so um   that's my take on it so i was actually under the  impression if you have kids you lose patience   well in the beginning yes that's that's true it's  something you have to work through for a few years   but i think you kind of grow a thick skin to  it after a while and then it's just kind of   kind of like it's something that grows on you  i think so okay okay fair enough fair enough   so you're dealing with a opposite issue  than most people having too much patience   getting ready preparing for your trades and then  the trade leaves and you're like oh man why didn't   i get in does that sound about right yeah yeah  for the more that's more my my issue personally   what i've experienced yeah okay so you can we can  clearly see just on this panel already we have   issues like that that uh it isn't always a FOMO  thing patience is not always a formal thing there   is an issue even on the other side of the line  which is hey i waited too long to take the trade   it's the opposite of FOMO right sometimes you can  get almost too much information like if that makes   any sense you know like sometimes over analyzing  can almost paralyze you if if you kind of get what   i mean it's like you see everything i i'm sure the  moment you said that everyone who's tuning in is   tuning to a vocabulary saying analysis by  paralysis on the flip side too like i do   see the other point as well because don't get  me wrong like sometimes when i do enter a trade   um on you'll exit right away you know what i mean  two in it and there's that level where i don't   have patience so it's kind of a weird dynamic  that like too much patience not enough patience   it's really a balance i think yeah yeah and i  think the the easiest way to get that balance   because it when when you're speaking ian the  only solution that come you know came to my   head was just have a plan just have you know a  solid strategy of knowing what you want to do   where you want to do uh take another action  on your trade that kind of stuff it it could   all be solved if you have a plan either correct  that's why i believe right now the whole whole   point around it um is if you if you really  think about it is it's not just a patient's   issue getting in a trade right isn't there  a patient's issue getting out of a trade as   well waiting too long or exiting too early that's  another thing right there so there's an element of   well there's a problem at the entry part  but there's also a problem at the exit   you know yeah yeah for sure normal what  is your take on it what is your take on uh   patients well i've i've also seen both sides  what Ian said when when you're just being too   patient maybe looking for too much confirmation  definitely have that but also the other side i i   clearly remember a day in 2016 i and i remember it  because it was a very bad day for me trading-wise   and also because we were trading um with a  group as some of the other students were down   with us and i was maybe because the others  were there but i was so excited to you know   get good results that i was impatient to do  the analysis properly i just got in and then   i had a loss and then i didn't reanalyze i was  not patient enough to do that got into the next   one and had like 10 losing trades in a row which  is an achievement in itself so yeah i definitely   seen that side as well and and what you just said  with um you know getting out too fast being not   patient enough with uh with the exits oh it's  it's in green now i better bank my profits so   you know i don't lose them right definitely i have  seen that that side as well right right yeah so   wouldn't we all say that uh this is a common  issue with everybody because it's easy to say   you know when you're trading you want to cut  your losses short and let your profits run bring   me that guy and i will shoot him bring him to me  like it's it's easier said than done um especially   if you're starting out as a traitor it's so  much easier said than done it's the king of   open doors yeah it's it's basically saying oh you  know life is easy you just got to be happy like ah   all right so there's a few sides to it then  there's that side a which is uh early entries   side b to that is late entries let's talk about  those things though let's go deeper what happens   if the person gets into the trade so let's let's  just say trader a okay so trader a he's dealing   with two little patients right okay excessive FOMO  in his body or her body and then trades getting   ready the entry is is in now would you say the  person is still able to calmly look at that and   saying wait a minute i'm in too early or does a  person just think no man this is it this is it   this is the moment where this thing will fly and  go higher than Jeff Bezos did recently you know   is that the case is that what they're you know  do they feel euphoric yeah i don't know about   phone i think for me like based on my personal  experience when i lack patience of course this   this happens to us all the time right so if  i like the patient and i got in on a trade   the second i click on let's say i'm on a buy trade  the second i click on buy right i'll be thinking   to myself i'm done this is this probably is  not going to work what are you doing Lucas   that thing just keeps on going repeating  in my head and then just you know   stop me out and then just went into my way okay  so let's take that further okay so let's say you   you were able to become conscious of it would you  say that was happening to you in the early stages   of your career or that develops over time as you  become more and more immune to those mistakes and   you're like okay i see what's happening does it  happen in an early stage of the career where you   where you can actually see yourself making the  mistake i think in early stages of my career   i wouldn't be able to recognize it because i  wouldn't know what's right or what's too early   what's wrong right but in later stages then  yeah probably gets easier to recognize when   when's too early and when's too late okay  so here's a here's the part where i want   to touch base on even further what  happens when you do activate a trade   that is too early or too late and not now as the  trade is running into a profit or a loss and the   trade closes let's say the trade is getting ready  to go in the right way are you in the right frame   of mind to trade now so i want to ask all of you  guys that would you take the next trade or would   you let it go because you're too damaged by the  previous experience because it's so close it also   depends at what stage of your trading career  you are but if in the beginning that will be   it'll be hard to do the right thing so it depends  whether that next trade setup is a good setup or   not so you need to you know analyze that um but in  the beginning of your training career it's hard to   draw the right conclusion on the uh based on that  analysis yeah i think even in the beginning you   might just be so set on like a trade that it's  like you'll just enter again just to enter again   without yeah necessarily purpose whereas with more  experience you may enter again but you've done   um you've at least looked into the  trade again and said is it still valid   so i so i think it's just a different um  sense of why you're getting in the second time   with experience versus not with experience  so if that's my take i think correct correct   okay i i i would agree with that i would agree  with that okay all right so we're going to   the different scenarios right so now let's  let's talk about scenario b okay scenario b   is a person who is too patient okay person is too  patient the trade is getting ready to do a buy   the buy begins and then it's like oh no it's  now moving without me and the person gets in now been there right so now it's like i waited too  long i knew it was going to be there i was there   at my desk in front of my screen it's not like i  was chilling i'm i'm there i'm i'm here to do the   work required but the trade is leaving without me  i just didn't pull the trigger but now that it has   shown me a little bit now i've pulled the trigger  what do you really think the issue is is it   patience what do you think the issue might  be well speaking from my experience i don't   think it's only patience but there's also other  things like fear of losing fear of being wrong   so it's it's definitely not only patience okay so  there's a there's a lot more emotions around it   it's not just it's not just a patient's issue  thing right there's a lot more issues around   it okay you know like like a planning  lack of prep yeah yeah like planning to   yeah is usually so if if we if we talk about this  a little bit more and and we just talk about okay   we we went with person a who gets in early once  the trade is damaged and the trades getting ready   again he may or may not take it again depending  on how early of a stage in his career is in   if he gets in again early stages of his career  that trades a guaranteed loss if he gets in again   later stages of his career there's a higher chance  that trade can actually work out because he knows   what he actually wanted to to see and now he or  she sees it yeah he's getting in for a reason   for a reason now let's talk about that  one thing that makes someone get in   into a trade again in their early start early  stages of their career what makes someone   get into the buy the buy loses they get  into the buy almost immediately again   what is that instant buying that happens in  the early stages of career what's going on   to the person's mind what is he or she trying  to accomplish his time is going to be different   yeah don't want to be wrong got to  look good for everybody it's on youtube   no one's going to believe that i have that fancy  car without being raped so yeah so it's this it's   this notion of i want the best price yeah oh  i just got a better price or maybe it's even   revenge feelings or feelings of revenge yeah yeah  so any any little snap back into his direction   he'll be like oh now it's going yeah any snap back  oh now it's going so this is what gets them into   these trades and saying okay well i'm i'm in  this buy now oh loss i'm in this buy now loss   i'm in this buy now loss but in this each  stage of the way the beautiful trader has   something to explain it away first time  i didn't see that my support's a little   bit lower i drew my support level wrong okay  still lost third time third time's the charm   that's the analysis third time's the charm that's  fine so it has nothing to do with the first two   third time the charm this this one i'm gonna  make it that has a loss fourth time comes in   now there's a bitterness inside where it's  like i better make this money now i have so   much of the losses from before what do you think  happens with the lot size on the fourth trade   and the three times your size right now that turns  into a close up that lot size goes up he suddenly   becomes a big boy player where he's like you know  what i'm feeling good this trade is a better way   to settings yeah let me call the broker and be  like listen man you got to put some more zeros   on my leverage so i can trade this pair with as  many lot sizes as possible because it's do or die   you know 50 cents said get rich or die trying  so i'm gonna do that right now you know   it's like this notion of i must do  it i must do it what's the point   you know then they take the trade loses money they  look back on the trade on the weekends then you   know they they conclude the problem they have is  oh i have a patience issue and that's something   for that guy he's just gonna think he has  a patience issue correct and then that   revolves and that is a negativity that sits  in the back of that person's mind and says   i don't have a trading issue i have a  psychological problem yeah and that's   what industry feeds and bombards that person  saying you don't have a trading issue you don't   have a trading system issue you don't have an edge  issue your mind is messed up it's like they just   go after that poor individual's mind and saying  hey if we keep saying that we're not accountable   it's your problem you know the industry loves  doing that they just blame the person and saying   it's your fault buddy you know you have a you have  a psychological issue yeah it's not lack of skills   it's lack of patience but that's not really the  case that's not really the case yeah so now with   now that you guys have a lot more experience you  know collectively under your belt would you say   psychology is really really a big core issue or  is it a core issue in the early stages i think   i wouldn't say in the early stages at all because  in the early stages you're really trying to learn   what you need to know about the charts and what  you need to understand okay it only becomes as   you know a psychological issue when you're when  you're already knowing what you're trying to do   but you're still making that mistake then  maybe you have something you need to work on   you know on your mindset okay so like a  little stage two or something like not in   the early early stages but as you're slightly  more developed and you know a little bit more   yeah okay yeah yeah i think people often confuse  having emotions with having psychological issues   and i think there's a difference there because  you know emotions is what makes us humans but   not every human has psychological issues right  right so what is the answer then should we just   move on to trading systems because a robot doesn't  have fear greed and all that stuff is a system is   the right answer no because the whole market  revolves around human emotions so you actually   need them to trade because if you understand  how human emotions work in the market then   you understand how the market operates there you  go there you go that's a very fascinating thing   that you just said and i really like that and i  think that's that's the the nail what's the word but that's i think that's a very good  point that you bring up um when when   you're dealing with patients to a certain  level where you know years and years pass by   everyone's blaming you then you're like okay  should i do a trading system because a trading   system is the answer i need to remove fear and  greed from my body that's never gonna happen   if if that's what you think that is the answer  that's never going to happen period so i don't   want anyone to ever say i need i must remove fear  and greed for my emotions because i know people   who trade for a living it is becoming more common  to see people trade for a living than it was ten   years ago there's a lot more people trading for  a living than it was ten years ago where it was a   a handful of people underground who know what  to do and they're quiet one of the things that   makes them better traders one of the things that  makes a successful trader is this notion of i   understand how the human behavior works around  each of these elements so if i have a support   and the prices are pulling back and i want to buy  off my support i'm constantly aware of if that   thing slips what do you think the public might do  yes if that thing reverses right back what do you   think the public might do what is the volume  doing around that it's this slight adjustment   to your strategy based on thinking about who am i  actually trading against it is not a chart pattern   i'm trading against people and their emotions  versus my emotions that's what it is right   what is war war is hey you made me look bad  i'm coming to your country to take all your oil   that's what it is that's basically what it is  it is a battle of emotions and what any battle   is it's just basically someone's emotion got hurt  therefore he needs to stand up for it or she needs   to stand up for it so that's constantly what it is  so that's why all these extra trades that come in   the revenge trades as they're labeled into these  books revenge trading means i had a loss i got   to make that money back i had a loss i got to make  that money back over and over again right but then   once that loss piles up and you do make that  one winner you don't even have time to celebrate   because your winner looks so small when the  winner looks so small you never train your own   psych your own psychology that i like the  way i feel when i win you've only trained   yourself of this is how i feel when i lose  your body does not know what is right and wrong   all he knows is you keep losing you keep losing i  don't like this feeling i think it gets gets even   worse because your body would think trading  makes me feel [ __ ] i wouldn't be trading i   wouldn't want to trade anymore i wouldn't  want to trade them this so you know do we   blame people who says you know i've been in this  for like a year and i don't like it uh i quit   anyone would right it's only normal if they  don't feel like quitting they're not human everyone goes to that phase where they want  to quit and many do many do because they   gave themselves a certain period of time and  they're like i tried it i don't like how i feel   i quit what is this what do we  do with jobs i go to one job   i work there is it the job that makes a  person stay or quit or is it how they feel it's always how they feel it's always  how they feel trading is no different   trading is no different how does it make you feel  you actually touched on something there too just i   know we've been discussing just about specifically  with trading our patients but also with like you   say that people like because it's true a lot of  people will quit when they don't have success   but in the learning phase just when you're getting  the proper knowledge having that patience to stick   to stick with it and to practice in the learning  stage and that kind of patience is important   too i think for success in this industry and  staying patient with the process uh you know   um if you kind of get kind of what i mean by  that on the education side absolutely absolutely   absolutely it's a very sensitive topic to many  people because many people can relate to this   all of you guys who are here live and tuning  in live would you say patience is a big issue   for many many people including yourself would you  say that's an issue that you would love to work on   and find out what is the answer around it how do  we solve this thing okay let's talk about some   of the solutions now now we've we talked about  the different variations we talked about how   certain people respond to certain things we talked  about how they feel we also talked about what the   industry blames you for what's the solutions  around it let's talk about that a little bit   how how can you overcome this if we know this  is a big problem how do we overcome it don't   say trading systems it's like please no one say  trading systems then i don't know what to say if whatever the solution that you  guys are going to tell me right now   will it make the losses disappear no so the  losses are still going to be there maybe less   but they might still be there so the emotion  never goes away yeah no it doesn't people always   have this idea where if i'm uh if i want to  be a successful trader i gotta remove all my   emotions i gotta act like like a robot in front  of the charts that's just humanly impossible and   you know i i know a lot of books a lot of  blogs always you know say stuff like that   you have to trade without your emotions but  again that's just what the industry is doing to   traders these days especially like newer  traders sorry what was the question again how do we find a solution  around the patient's issue   we're not calling on the problems  here not giving you any solutions if i may i in preparation for uh for this podcast  i i looked in to the elite community and see what   people were saying about patients there so i just  did a search on patients basically and i saw that   somebody four years ago had this to say and they  said patience comes with a trading plan a trading   plan comes with knowledge and knowledge comes  from a good mentor so nice yeah i really like   that and i i think it all is very right and  it really starts with having decent knowledge   and with that you can build a trading plan for  whatever trade setup you want to uh you want to   trade and then you can manage your emotions and  then patience is just you know part of the game   absolutely absolutely all right so one of the  things that uh you know um i'm gonna share a   little bit of my experience on when it comes  to patients and when i've dealt with students   where they have very fluctuating patiences up or  down there's a lot of it that has to do with prep   okay preparation for what you're gonna do if that  has a hole in it you're gonna take 50 trades your   prep cannot be wrong your prep is your temple okay  you know how everyone wakes up and they like to   brush their teeth and then or everyone wakes up  and they like to go to the gym that routine that   you have it must be prep a prep cannot be done  with one eye closed when i say one eye close it   cannot be habitual it needs to be focused you can  do things of habit but you're not focused like you   can drive but then when you reach your destination  you'll be like i don't remember seeing anything on   the way if you ask me to recall anything i don't  know what i drove by but i just know this way   because i do it every single day you don't want  to be that guy you want to be ultra sharp ultra   focused it's prep is everything if you're prepped  and you know you want to do a trade at a certain   location with a certain look to it then when that  look comes in you can say i'm gonna do the buy   and as that buy fails you're constantly  still realigning yourself and saying   why is it not working what happened to that  look you're not taking into shock if you're   if you're not prepared you're taken into  shock that shock makes you go out of balance   and that out of balance makes you  says next trade next trade next trade   larger lot size next trade next rate larger  lot size and then broker calls you says hey man   margin call and that can even happen if it's if  if you get in and your prep is not good and it you   know blasts up if you're doing a buy and it shocks  you that it's going so well that you are not   prepared for that and you're oh let me just bank  this amazing profit what it is right now because   i don't want to you know what if it just comes  crashing down if you're not prepared for that   not staying patient with taking your wins too  that's another thing that just came to my mind so   you know you know that part how how late that  comes in a trader's journey that part right there   which you guys just talked about though all the  energy in the industry if you look around anywhere   if you look at any webinar if you look at  any questions that are coming in even to   our emails that the questions that come  in all energy is spent on how do i enter   all the energy is spent on how do i  enter but if we go back to that notion   of that guy that i want to hurt so badly that says  let your winners run okay cut your losses short   let your winners run why aren't we focusing  on the time when we do get the trade right   where are we going to get out where are we going  to get out and what happens if that doesn't reach   what's plan b what's plan c what's plan  d so there should be no shock and you're   able to respond to the market out of oh i was  expecting that instead of what just happened i think um to to go off of having a good plan  to start with it's also easier to learn from   in the future too because if you keep bouncing  around from different things like doing something   different every single time as well how are you  going to really learn from that going forward   because it's like if you have a set plan and a  good plan that you use and you like then it's just   a matter of tweaking it each time instead of like  if you're doing something different every time you   don't know what you did yeah i'm gonna write each  time yeah absolutely absolutely so let's bring it   right yeah let's perfect i i like that i really  like how you said that let's bring it back to   the the trader who's starting in the industry  he's going in the industry with this notion of   i'm gonna do this trading system i don't know  anything i need to do this trading system or   strategy whatever it is i'm doing the trade i made  a loss i'm not sure what happened but let me email   the person who made the strategy and be like  listen man this strategy doesn't work got it next   i'm three months down the line i have a little  bit more knowledge i watch more youtube videos   i've read more books in the encyclopedia about  trends and candlesticks and everything like that   now i'm taking trades i think this is a buy  because i'm not following anybody else's rule   i'm following my own rules now but it's very gray  area it's not sharp i do the buy oh it didn't work   i'm going to do the buy now oh it didn't work  i'm going to do the buy now it's very vague right   yeah so now if they're doing that and they  say okay maybe this technique doesn't work   let me go looking for a new technique how  long do you think this cycle is gonna last   well you're gonna just start from scratch all  over again you know because you're not like   you have nothing to compare it to the second  time that you go back and look and like oh if   i just do that better it's dude totally different  there is there is a journey traders have to take   to learn and be better if you keep cutting the  journey and spinning it into a new journey every   three to five days or every three months you're  never gonna start the journey because you keep   flipping the system over and over again maybe  this is not the right strategy maybe that is   not right let me tell you right now there is no  such thing as a perfect strategy it does not exist   it's like trying to look for all these hacks as in  shortcuts but they have no cohesion they're just   random hacks so in the end it's not going to take  you anywhere yes absolutely about having patience   with your the actual strategy that you're  you're using like get a chance you know like   just give a bit of patience with that you know and  uh absolutely unless you're trading with a robot   and that's a perfect strategy yeah but what  do you do when you're trading with a robot the   decision to keep that robot running or turning  off is controlled by a human with emotions   isn't that right the moment the robot makes a  little bit of a loss sorry i said if you have a   good robot you're out fishing or playing golf or  whatever it is you enjoy doing you don't have to   worry about turning it off well yeah but you're  going to check the check the piano someday right we all know those robots don't exist so   so so there there's so much there's  so much in this industry that is so what is it what is that right word called how  do you when you when you downsize how so how big   something is and you're like that's not a big  deal this this industry is so simplified that   trading is child's play it's child's play you just  come in you see a green button a red button your   job is you hit the green button and you make money  you hit the sell button you you make money but if   you're losing money whoa you did something wrong  today perhaps you shouldn't have talked to your   wife that way or your husband that way that's why  you made a loss right is that the answer perfect   let's look back um on your childhood and what  happened like 10 20 years ago oh look at the stars   they are not alone not like people come up with  all kinds of funny reasons saying i lost because   i should have been focused but why did  you bring me coffee at this time like what   what does that have to do with anything it's  like i can get i can i can understand you   were distracted but are you telling me if you  didn't get distracted you were on your way to   be a multi-millionaire on that trade come on yes  so the process is so important it's so important   to make sure that whatever you're doing comes with  a solid prep whatever you're doing your execution   follows that prep if at any point you feel  you're you're going off balance from your prep   and you don't feel in control  anymore you're too you're too late   your patience is gone now but how do you know  you're no longer in control that consciousness   comes from your desire to say i want to fix  this problem if you know you want to fix this   problem you will be conscious next time you lose  control you will be aware hey it's happening again   if you're aware of it you can control it but  if you're not aware of it it's just going to   keep happening it's going to keep happening it's  going to take you for a ride over and over again   that's why it's important to do post analysis and  reflect on it all the time so that you're like   you can actually visually hear  yourself saying it to yourself   you know if you're doing video format but it  reinforces it so the next time you're like   oh i'm not gonna do that again or you know  whatever it is if i share with you guys some   of my post analysis from like 2010 or 2009 you'll  hear me say stuff like what is wrong with you man i talk to myself like i'm some idiot like  what what are you doing why are you doing this   again like you can really hear hear the self-hate  is in in like you know better what are you doing   but that process is what every trader needs  to go through to actually get on to the other   side and saying i everyone goes through this  i did my time i served my time i overcame it   and now i'm on this side you want to bypass that  this is not the industry to bypass it you cannot   bypass that it does not exist as long as you're  a human if you become a spirit maybe i don't know   but as a human being you cannot bypass that  because your emotions are built in into your DNA   okay they're built in you cannot remove it  you just cannot remove it so you have to   learn to do what management work with them  work with it work with it turn it into a   weapon instead of your downfall turn it into  your greatest asset instead of a liability   absolutely it's not like like even us on the  panel like it's not like we don't have we still   have all the same emotions we did however many  years ago absolutely worse absolutely you know   like we turned it off and became robots ourselves  or something like that yeah when you pass that   phase the initial phase of dealing with emotions  it does not mean emotions yet it doesn't mean   emotions don't exist anymore and then suddenly we  talk like this and we must make profits it's like   you're still a human being you're still gonna  make mistakes that's normal i think that's   important to realize too it's not like it's it  goes away ever necessarily it's just how well you   learn from it every day and  manage it on a daily basis   absolutely it's not something to eliminate really  so i think that's the key to learn from it every   single day that you're trading then that that  phase that you have to go through it will shorten   because if you're not learning from it every day  the face will just you know go until infinity so can when a person says i i'm gonna give  myself a few months to try trading whether   it's forex stocks cryptocurrencies or futures  or options i'm gonna give myself a few months   to learn the technique can someone learn the  technique in a few months the technique to trade   yeah the gist of it the gist of it yeah you can  learn how to trade in less than two months you can   learn it in one month how you do each trade that's  a whole different thing okay the the best example   i like to always bring up is archery what is  archery you pull that thing back you you shoot you   let go and you're trying to aim for the dot in the  middle oh so simple i've seen it a million times   i've seen people get gold medals i'm gonna  do the same thing so i'm gonna watch a quick   course on this got it i'm an archer now watch  oh i just killed the guy next to it you know   you shoot the guy accidentally like oh i guess  it's not so easy as i thought it would be like   sorry man like you're right but the whole point  is how much to pull how much to lift your elbow   and not how strong do you need to hold the bow  all these little things you only realize by doing by doing so let me ask you guys this in here okay  we're like what are you doing Navin like your army   needs to be higher yeah yeah i can  see the comments uh in the chat   they're like you to be breathing awesome  like yeah sorry man i'm not an archer actually what you brought up is pretty interesting  as well um what you said about having to do stuff   you know like to actually take trades to learn  from them a few a few years back we actually   got a message from a student and they were  telling us you know they were learning to trade   they have like like almost like 50 pages of uh  pdf file about the entire course outline and   all the examples on it yeah and they've written  down like full article on each uh each video and   they were telling me um i'm i'm now in the face of  learning this is my six-month six-month learning   process i'm still going through all the materials  and they haven't even put on a single trade that   just it's just mind-blowing how people think you  know without taking the action to actually trade   it slows down a process way way way way more  yeah i i agree i agree dramatically right   dramatically it you know you bring me an intellect  into this industry he's not going to make it   an intellectual person who just says i can study  every pattern i can study every technique i can   study every everything an intellectual person  is not going to make it unless he goes beyond   theory into application yeah how many people  do we have in Urban Forex who are beyond phds   multiple phds right we have  guys on our team with two phds right well not me but i said  on our team not on this panel right so so it's there the intellect is  there what i'm trying to tell you you   don't need the intellect in fact intellect  can become a problem because you're so   busy trying to learn everything that you're  never experiencing anything isn't that weird   isn't that weird it's like living a double  life like when you trade you live a double life   you live a life outside of your screen  you're like oh this is who i am this is   what i like this is the shows i watch but when  you're a trader you're like i don't like that   setup i like this setup i don't like entering  quickly i like entering on the test back of it   you come up with your own little things of that's  who i am you know just like you wouldn't watch   the same tv shows i would recommend you would  watch your own tv shows that you like right   you start to develop this personality and you  would only do that if you've been living long   enough in in the trading world yeah you become a  trading snob yeah yeah there you go there you go   so if we bring it down into a nutshell as we  close problems with what patients are what   what are the key problems with patients  early entries what else lack of plan   lack of planning late entries same thing early  exits sorry managing yeah managing trades both on   not holding long enough and  exiting too early so both sides   correct so all of the stuff that we just mentioned  all these elements of it that we just mentioned   is it a problem with the technique itself no  you might have the right technique telling you   hey you should have exited why didn't you exit  i didn't know to exit i thought it was going to   go up forever you see the technique might tell  you to exit but you might have not have exited   what happens when that trade  turns around and goes into a loss   a normal trader will go into the blame mode i  need to blame somebody because that ain't right some people get anybody but myself anybody but  myself i don't want to point fingers to myself   it's somebody else's mistake but it's so hard to  take responsibility in the early stages because   you just feel upset you're like why am i so angry  what's going on and you start to realize it's you   against you welcome to the trading world it's  a whole different level of thinking yeah it's   fascinating actually don't if you think about  it a lot of levels to it for sure all right so   what we'll do now is we're going to switch this  over into a webinar so those of you guys who are   tuning in from the podcast if you want to uh see  the webinar that you have missed the link will be   below the podcast um in the description somewhere  so you guys will be able to watch the webinar   those of you guys who are here live stay put we're  going to go straight into the webinar where i'm   going to be showing some of my charts we're going  to talk about things on a a trading level of where   patience goes out of control a little bit uh and  we can move away from the discussion of it and   more into the practicality of it all right so  Armand, Lucas and Ian thank you for your inputs   today as always you guys are awesome and you  guys bring in your own personal experiences and   your personal touches into a lot of these topics  uh thank you again for for being on this panel   yeah no worries thanks for having us thanks  guys yeah cheers cheers i'll take over from here

2021-08-08 00:13

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