Investing in client's future and helping with business contacts

Investing in client's future and helping with business contacts

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hey guys i always tell this to my clients to my  staff as well look we're not selling real estate   we are choosing our clients to invest in the best  real estate possible and in return they invest in   real estate and we invest in their life and future  let me show you a real life example show real fast all right guys welcome back so here's a client of  mine we've known each other for four plus years   i've got very good family terms with him as well  and it's been his dream to move out from a very   successful thriving lighting business in kenya and  to start a business in dubai in the same field or   anything similar so we're at that stage where  he's almost ready to sign up a retail showroom   get some uh you know he's ready now right  because he's been planning for this for four   years sometimes it doesn't take four years  to plan but he's been doing this for a while   and he's made several trips in dubai now he's  about ready to sign up on a retail space in   dubai and as you know that location is super  important now i am in a very nice showroom uh   they don't sell lighting but they sell tiles on  sheikh zayed or sheik zion road is the main hub   or the main business artery of dubai there's  other areas in dubai that have developed but   jigsaw for the last 20 25 years has been like  the main artery and this is the let's say the   newer part of sheikh zayed road that has come  up and you know each part has its own unique   usps offered so this area there's a lot of tile  showroom the gentleman who runs and owns this   showroom uh it's called bianca and bianco  he's you know somebody i've known from a   long time uh again four or five years he's  he was big and still is big in real estate   has a retail background used to own jian and so on  so forth and i thought you know what what better   way to have my client my friend meet him for a  quick 15 20 minute chat so that they can you know   technically speaking kind of like pick the brain  of this gentleman his name is iac and you're gonna   listen into the actual conversation that takes  place between them so that he can pick his brain   and you know kind of like get some decent good  genuine feedback from somebody who's running   a similar retail showroom in dubai in the similar  retail space i'm going to show you and give you a   tour of the showroom as well and then you're going  to also listen in to a conversation between two   mature smart business people uh one of them is  based in dubai for many many years the other uh   he's you know based out of africa for many many  years very smart both of them and he's looking to   move into dubai and i hope this helps some of you  ciao for now how are you please come come please   so what happened is good good  alhamdulillah he was saying   first august or sunday but i  gave him a quick brief on you   yeah okay and i told him please one of the largest  real estate companies in dubai i've known him yeah yeah obviously he's the  ceo of a very big company   a big team running big projects they've done uh  i've known him for four or five years i worked   on one of their projects so that i got to know  him very very well very nice down to a gentleman   uh real estate is their big big thing  but they're doing a lot of tile business   cannondale and they've got four or five  showrooms canada mashallah one burlington   this location this place how  did you opt for heading this is   yeah i go even in the background i told him  about this yeah it's okay in nairobi i want   to quit uh nairobi he knows okay because of  the insecurity i'm doing very well in business   there's uh nothing like that yeah but you  want i i and i want to step a foot in dubai   and i'm very at the moment uh confused and [  __ ] up i was saying you've got to meet this   guy who has started this no i ask him he is  i think he's been too generous in uh putting uh i learned a lot more today from  his background he was very kind to   say father he didn't ask me you know what  do you want out of the meaty man come here confused i i see a lot of showrooms closed  down as well it doesn't make sense like   yesterday whenever you buy the furniture  yeah i i bought it from uh old brother a   lot but you know what confused me and so so  many showrooms being closed wherever i go   there's so much of how would i say inventory in  the market it doesn't make sense to me you know   see i i would i would really say that dubai  because the entry is very easy so everyone   opens it yeah they don't have a build they don't  have a business plan to it yeah for example i'm   i have opened this business yeah to bleed for two  years yeah yeah you know because that's a part of   business uh plan yeah that you will not make money  day one you're not going to make money in days   you know yeah so you have to be patient the  problem is in dubai because the entry level   is so easy people who come with little money  they want to start business and they don't know   in the end you know your business and i've been  knowing my business yeah i'm saying exactly it's   all inventory business inventory management  yeah stockholding yeah and the quality yeah   well i have seen your attach your own excellent  calling i'm just like today i have everyone is   bigger than me in this business yeah yeah  so i know that okay you know i have to   go through my uh you know is this the same brand  in canada bianca you know okay a very nice name okay how did you decide on xixa this location  shake that location because obviously   you have to see where the market is and  don't try to be away from the market so   there is there is there used to be a  market yes it's no it's no more a market   five seven years back people are struggling  now even the opposite side is doing very well   yes yes yes that's right you know because it just  has to get mature yeah yeah so right now it has   it'll become mature both sides become mature yeah  yeah so i would say shake that is the location   okay okay but there is a light market even on  the uh that lulu road what is that road they   also came road the particular road people can  give you both opinions that is not good there's   no i think there are two good locations yeah  if i want to think of light i would think of   that road as one of the roads that's we i have  that rod in mind yeah yeah yeah so that road   is one road because it has already created the  market now yeah yeah yeah people even think of it   they know that okay that road is there that road  or this side of the road okay because you see   generally people want that when they're there they  just don't want to visit one shop so we have we   have like 32 showrooms yeah yeah across uae yeah  we are only interested in saudi yeah we make money   yeah but when we see what making we real money  we make yeah saudi is the market to it okay   okay what i fight with uh our margins for 20  percent here i'll make 50 days and there's   30 million population which is non-movable  population it's like so market is good here   light business will do well because construction  is over 30 years plus i know it inside out the way   you have your connections i have my connections  you name it in the forest any part of this thing   yesterday i was at dragonmart again you  know just looking at curtains and whatever   again there are so many lighting showrooms in  dragon ball now you know a thought came in my mind   i don't know now you're into time you're here yeah  that wouldn't people in dubai choose or like to go   to dragon mud everybody can drive around so uh  they do yeah but the clientele is very different   so you have to be very clear with the audience  you are targeting so my audience does not go   to sharjah yeah the fact is i have some stock  with the charger guys also have right right so   you know in detail like how different your  lighting could be yeah you have some brands   yeah those are very special those are very  specific to certain audience but your business   will run for those brands i don't know yeah you  know but you need to have generic stuff also   yeah so your audience is very different okay uh  decide you'll have rich affluent arabs you'll have   europeans you know that i'll tell you like we are  talking this whole week i've been doing research   as well had caught my eye but i don't know  where people are buyers there you know yeah yeah   that bungalows are very boutique yeah but it's  not a puller yeah yeah yeah you know there are   few bungalows there are missing the parking  is the problem yeah parking is a problem yeah   yeah you have one million cars passing by yeah  yeah yeah on shake that road every single day   yeah yeah yeah you cannot deny that fact yeah you  know so shakespeare or that road will be the two   key locations yeah yeah and as far as your  product you are the master of your product   you know your chance you know what will move the  fact is real estate is growing yeah so which is a   direct indication to your uh that you know there  is a demand there's a demand for projects and   there's a demand for refurbishment yeah dubai is  going to become bigger and bigger in refurbishment   yeah because massive communities are getting  matured or are ready for the uh refurbishment yeah   the whole palm the whole jumeirah island the whole  jumeirah park the whole meadows the whole lake the   whole spring the whole arabian ranches the whole  motor city the whole uh i don't know it's endless   okay you know so everyone is due for uh  refurbishing so today i am in thailand business   for two years here yeah for me this business is  new i haven't however just my so just my right now   before my meeting with my manager was hire 10 guys  sales yeah or to go out and look for the market   okay so i took a conservative approach because  kovit came i opened in jan 2020. that's what i   was just thinking 2020 i had the most challenging  time of my life yeah because of the last chance   yeah i opened in january and march i closed  lockdown yeah lockdown i like i was trying to   build relationship with suppliers because  i was never in this business yeah yeah so   for me the whole setup was new yeah i knew real  estate very well but i didn't know okay you know   industry and there are gurus sitting here you know  the aspas afghan neighbors getting the big guys   okay yeah but it's fun fun of course competition  is good for me the good thing is for me everything   is a growth for them they could lose share but i  can only gain because i'm starting from zero yeah   so i look at it again i want to capture five  percent of the market the next three years yeah   and i control my cost in the end people just  don't look at get carried away with business   but in the end you have to make money so marshall  yeah okay you know your thing is like mine but   i'm wearing the first two years i i know even once  i'm here i'm not going to make any money but you   know i'll sustain myself you know and i just even  in nairobi sometimes i get very big big projects   sometimes you know what it's your business but  you know about it right you know the business   you've been just getting our reputation and uh  to get in our uh you're running your showrooms   in kenya for many years now so you know when  we acquired this canadian business the italian   family was running for 17 years 17 years and  they were on one store vision because they   were they didn't know that you know when the  inventory crosses 90 days you have a red flag   you cannot discount that you could not  have a goal right you cannot have a good   hope that you know it will go no it has  to be discounted it has to be thrown out   you know whether you sell at cost whether it  has to move out inventory moving is our business four times everyone does it  you know so i did my masters   in retail so i i got a very  good case study on zara gap was the best in terms of  turning around inventory right okay   you should turn around four times a year and  generally if the supply and demand is 100   you'll produce 110 because it's t-shirts shorts  you know zara reversed the whole psychology of   inventory they said demand is under make 80. every  time a new inventory comes it excites more than   the whole inventory right right right you're right  it's never about all inventory get rid of that so it was always you let the customer get this  advice the stock is going because the new stock   will excite more mashallah are you doing on  uh social media variety marketing organization   because now you're growing into this  right yeah for the lighting social media   i think instagram is one killer okay you have  to be on digital background yeah of course   you have to tie up with designers yeah so  my my this business works a lot on designers   they decide they want to put this they  will tell the client go to the shop you specify your lighting so you have a lighting  also you have an outdoor team and an indoor team   yeah and you and one guy who just takes care  of the designers there's this company called   bloomer it's called bloom yeah the flower shop  yeah yeah they've grown on social media and now   they're taking a lot of showroom and festivals  i saw their one shop i saw the second shop i saw   the third shop but i didn't know they had two  three shops yeah they have this uh moto city   behind there's some imp said me yeah warehouse  now three shops shop next to each other they're   opening festival city in september all social  media all social media and back-end work yeah   of all my plans artificial  shop comes from there only huh everything you see i told you about this place   yeah yeah maybe she's she's ordering their  stuff yeah how do you recruit yourself   that the right stuff are the ones okay  they can i keep getting wrong stuff uh then turns out to be either  stupid or over spawned so like you know you can have ten donkeys and you  have you know or you have two smart people yeah   two smart people will will set your image right  in the market yeah yeah yeah so people generally   save money in terms of you know get lesser staff  but get experience stuff if you are entering the   buy buy out the competition team don't don't get  your stuff okay they'll get your accounts okay   they're getting 12 give them 14 because you will  save one year time two years time of capturing the   market the same ideas yeah you have to because  the cost of uh two years is a lot yeah the cost   of two years is your inventory your showroom rent  your back end rent your warehouse right yes yes   because it goes hand in hand showroom with  yeah yeah i think it's interesting times to   start now because we're just recovering from  the panel anything to do with real estate   will be good here okay yeah yeah so any  product which is relevant to real estate   in the way you are confident about your tiles i  was selling part by this is the lighting we're   doing in kenya i've seen a little bit in dubai  that one store caught my eye because i told you on   um i think that he's just opened up that i  think two months ago but his lighting caught my   eye you know i said oh my god but everybody else  doesn't have what we are doing we can we cater for   canadian europe standards it's very different kind  of like you know i would this is smart as well but   i'm seeing here right so i would recommend because  you are the business i was not in this business   so you know obviously you know a business in and  out yeah social media will play a big part because   i was i didn't know so i started i started  very raw start what will happen let's see i'm   you know your business very well yeah you have  a lot of advantage you cannot avoid being in   dubai and not having influencers designers  who talk about you you get crazy oh my god   dubai is a real show market okay we're talking  about us one more question i would ask all crews   i i i've been reading a lot on the internet  there people are opening show rooms in us   or not no they are it's becoming a has  become a warehouse style urban you know   warehouse very good if you get a good warehouse  yeah and if you market yourself very well yeah   you don't need shake that you don't need  that yeah yeah okay so but you cannot be   really inside yeah because you could be serious  too the good customers won't come yeah so you   could be let's say shake that facing you could be  one line behind one lane behind yeah you cannot be   five line lanes inside where people are taking  u-turn left and right turn so just behind there   are good warehouses and if you market yourself  very well yeah people would love to come you know   that gives a very different look big warehouse  and you're seeing lighting it's very urban   factory style you know you know you don't have  to squeeze everything but would you recommend   as a first showroom in dubai it all depends  how we risk this brand into the social media   open you see social media what you say right  social media social media is big yeah yeah yeah   and designers they're like you're surprised like  his business these their designers so does mine   you know today my seventy percent of the  walk-ins are because of designers right   they're recommending they're choosing and when  they become comfortable they just send it yeah   they just ask you to send this stuff masha'allah  look greenway uh it's purely thank you so much you never know so you're in canada as well i'm in  canada too but no not running a business i've got   a very big family in canada they've been there  since long oh yeah they migrated they love kenya   he's chosen not to i was one of the defined  ones says no i want to live in kenya but now   i feel no i want my security it's and i want  to be stable you know in one place i have had   opportunities i was telling part by getting into  franchise of coffee shops with greek guys here   in dubai whatever but that's not my blood i say  i can't get into that yeah you know with blood   we are just having a discussion yesterday that all  the billionaires like warren buffet or like anyone   they they none of them have entered the ai yeah  because they can they can buy they are better   of buying out someone successful than doing it  yeah then doing it yes because that's not their   dna you have to have a different yesterday we were  talking about you know we should enter e-commerce   and we should do something listen we should but  the mindset of even the invest private investment   funds those who invest they have a different dna  to look at because you have to believe 10 years   yeah yes yes yes because if i go to my traditional  investor you'll not understand listen five years   you're bleeding yeah if you look at amazon  bleeding for 13 years then this year they're   declaring the first dollar of profit yeah  so you have to be ready to bleed yeah yeah   so the whole mindset and psyche is very different  if i try to adopt i'll fail when looking at profit   of two years it will not happen am i ready to give  five six years of just pumping and pumping and   pumping and pumping it so it's a different dna so  we have to find a person who dna works like that   and invest in that rather than be trying to become  of that dna we don't have that dna okay so we're   just debating yesterday you know within the family  that you know someone should just get going with   the ai and we should support them for 10 years  yeah anything to do with id anything with a new   technology platform it's a platform it could be  service it could be product right right right   so a new generation has to get into because  if you're not then you're down the line   it's a revolution in progress right you're  right you're right so if i don't teach my kid he's what is not going to do anything in the  shop can i ask you another question how your   importation in dubai this is for my knowledge  um i i do your problems with the customs are   there certain quality standards to be met up  with or it's it's you can bring in anything   at least entire industry yeah so right now tell  you it's going to a disruption yeah china you   know the inventory the logistics are busy right  now at night all of us we all know about it   yeah so uh has introduced against india and china  okay oh yeah okay so right now all the people who   have like luckily i deal very less with india  yeah yeah and not at all with jack okay okay   so i deal with italian spanish turkish yeah yeah  and whatever i want to buy from china yeah i buy   sources locally or i have 100 confirm order  obviously i don't have my uh what do you call   chinese like to take 100 cash if you don't have a  track record yes right so i need to build my two   years yeah of business credit worthiness with  them so bank to give insurance policy whatever   the credit lines and everything so right but  with italians i have managed to do in one year   they started giving me credit a fireman will be  shocked in nairobi at one minimum time okay we   have to have stocking capacity of up to 3 million  u.s dollars you know where we are successful when  

people come we don't give them time same day next  year next day delivered delivered to your place   wherever you want we even take up projects we want  to do installations you know which no i would be   where at the moment in dubai i don't know whether  i would get into installations i don't know   so projects is anywhere you don't need to  stock it it's for retailers you need to stop it   retailers i've been into retail  believe me into retail showrooms   okay nairobi have any issues i was mentioning  to you remember that we had 10 to 12 retail   showrooms we cut them down because the staff  were becoming too clever yeah you know they   would know we would get our items i meant stuff  you won't believe it hacked into the computer   systems found out where we are buying in china  for return to china but when you develop a very   good relationship with the chinese people right  which i have they are very loyal they will not go   around looking for business from another person  they'll say okay no but okay not that loyal but   they know about buying capacities right you've  been in dubai long time yeah born and raised yeah yeah when you were supposed to move to the  mall you didn't move to the mall you gave shopping   went to the mall yeah is the toy industry gone  toys r us is gone right yeah out of market yeah   they didn't yeah they didn't change toys are still  selling but they don't go to the store to buy it   that's why you failed yeah yeah yeah so you have  to change like even thai they've been lighting   lightning i think lightning my lighting will go  faster according to me yeah online you mean online   social media so let me tell you that there's a  site called eberza yeah yeah yeah it's a turkish   brand yeah yeah they operate from warehouse  yeah and they have a fantastic uh website yeah   yeah okay e-bars they have an app also okay  i bought all my lighting from there okay okay   it's very big they have a warehouse in uh  between dubai and abu dhabi border wow what is it they've taken a massive warehouse and they operate  from warehouses oh my god the description the   description is outstanding i picked up all my  stuff electricity a lighting from there yeah but   why is this time you don't like what happens  in nairobi there's a lot of online marketing   yeah but a lot of people when it comes to lighting  they want to come physically and see how the light   looks they don't go by the pictures where we  are at the advantage yeah okay when it comes   to lighting yeah i i've seen in arabi again  a lot of people have social media or whatever   but they have to come and see their lines before  buying it i i buy that i was one of the believers   that people want to buy clothes they have to  try they have to feel it changed the same thing like you're talking about i like this  yeah you know it depends on the brand   i started buying my kids  started buying zara online   so it's not about you know it's not about me  it's about these guys because real estate was   never bought by the young guys 10 years 20 years  back today a 26 year old dream is to have a house   a very stylish house yes and they are ready  and prepared to go online yeah yeah hold on online right now pandemic they're boomed today  property the guy are purchasing swiping their car   sitting in denmark yeah we selling them what  do you think of the business i'm telling you   south koreans yeah they visited after they we  would never imagine a relationship could be sold   online a million dollar asset someone investing  million dollars and not every year so any goods   will increase the market share of e-commerce  will increase yeah yeah it is the new platform   oh thank you so you know the business but  inshallah any any time i'll be in touch with you   as well and it should have been me i appreciate it  both the locations are good to me this means a lot   both the locations are good i would say if you're  going yeah go all out don't go half-hearted no i'm   not going to go halfway you go all out dubai is a  good place there is a lot of growth yeah there are   a lot of people moving in there are troublesome  countries like us india pakistan kenya kenya or   the iran so it has the neighboring yeah which will  keep coming world has very less choices it's not   easy to go to canada you know that yeah you know  it's not going to go anywhere the easiest to come   is to dubai yeah we all know that we all know that  all right no thank you so much thank you thank you   once you move in here inshallah the  four year project i have been for a long trust me ten people ask me this you know if i want  to create a wall or i want to be there for people   in dubai i'm going to just get things out  i'm going to tell my wife about ibarza   keep her busy for the next uh  if i can look after you please so i hope you got something out of this meeting no  idea some confidence yeah i did bye bye thank you   so much you're welcome i appreciate you're welcome  and definitely i will go for dubai inshallah   inshallah okay any other questions he's available  okay he can be direct with him all right give you   his number talk to him the end and objective is  for you to be comfortable yeah enough to make an   informed decision to move forward okay great all  right okay you take care of yourself okay it will   be i'll be in touch and i look forward to hearing  from you okay but you're the best thing that has   happened to me thank you so much all right okay  all right i love it take care all right take care   okay guys so thanks for watching my name again is  Fahd Dawood i've been doing this for 14 plus years   i started in 2006 in toronto canada and since  2007 i've been doing this in dubai i generally   talk about real estate your life my life and our  path to allowing financial bliss coming to us   if you want to work with me such as buy a property  in dubai or you need general advice you can hit me   up on the con in the contact form below if you've  liked this video i'd appreciate if you subscribed   press the bell icon and hit the like button  and share it with other friends ciao for now i

2021-08-21 01:20

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