Interview between an #engineer and a #business #coach

Interview between an #engineer and a #business #coach

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to go live right now yes here we are hi everyone how are you doing uh happy what day it is oh my goodness thursday wednesday right it feels like it was like forever you know so anyway um i'm here with a very dear uh business partner rasa aziz right uh from toronto if i'm not wrong right yes excellent and um just wanted to um have the opportunity to interview him because i saw rasa i saw your um video on one of the the live webinars uh a long time ago i don't know maybe two months ago or something like that i'm like wow this guy uh knows his stuff and he's uh he's very well spoken and i felt like you must be um you have you have a background in in public speaking or code business coaching or things like that and and then um it was short after that you reached out to me and wanted to have a quick chat with me remember and then um so i remembered i and i watch your journey going forward and i really like the way you do your business you have your own brand you have your own [Music] you know signature in everything you do so i just wanted to interview you for the people in uh who are following me and maybe tell people who you are who razzle is oh uh you know uh that i may be a machine but that is not the case um i i am uh i'm husband i'm a dad to a gorgeous 12 year old daughter um yeah i like that i live here in uh in toronto and um you know i've um yeah i've uh i've really my if you really go to my background a little bit um my parents are originally from pakistan um i was born in in kuwait in the middle east dad was working over there um so that's how my journey kind of started we actually came to canada during the gulf war uh so we were in the war for a little bit and then we kind of stuck out of there that's a whole journey in itself and uh kind of came in here so now i've been here for like 31 years in canada oh my goodness that's great yes yeah it's uh yeah it's really great um so yeah so that's that's a little bit about me and and raza what uh are you still working full-time like me or you are doing this mostly full-time right now so no no um i have a client that i work with so years ago after reading robert kiyosaki's book you know dad i decided to move from the employee quadrant down to self-employed quadrant so um so i've been self-employed for a little while and what i do is professionally speaking i represent founder-led organizations on these companies ideas and high-ticket offers from stages and conferences and stuff like that so so most of the time well prior to the pandemic i had an opportunity to pretty much like really work hard on uh building it so so i still work with that one client right now but everything is online uh so that's amazing i i like your voice you have a very nice voice you could be a speaker in the radio as well there you go there you go hey i'll i'll line up that as an option oh that's good that's what my voice is like what are you talking about i love listening to you i've listened to you so many times oh my goodness yes i know you know i was in the park playing with my um my niece the other day in newmarket and uh there was a guy who came to me he was wearing his glasses and he said oh i recognize your voice and i'm like okay and then he's like you're neda right i'm and i didn't know him i thought he was one of my colleagues and he told me that he's in the same business community doing this online business and he has been following my journey and i was so that's amazing i was so proud of myself i felt like oh my goodness i'm a celebrity and i was telling everyone no no but um i'm just a normal person i am i there's absolutely nothing special about me i'm i'm doing silly things making a lot of mistakes and i'm just working really hard the only thing special about me is that i really work hard and maybe because i'm coming from similar country as you i'm i'm originally from iran and grew up not very rich um with a lot of problems and uh went through war as well and uh immigrated at a very young age around 20 i went and lived in yemen i was just a young girl and um cried a lot for years uh staying away from everyone i loved and that experience made me a stronger person and i don't take anything for granted i know every single blessing is a blessing the fact that i can talk to you now and i can sit in front of a camera it's a blessing tomorrow i might be hit by a boss and i'm like half paralyzed i can't even speak so we can't take anything for granted so i'm just um so grateful for this business but what i like and also grateful is connecting me to people like you you know that uh and that's a good thing about this business that we don't know each other but we're supporting each other and helping each other and that's the best part because in in the corporate world um there are a lot of people that who may not want your best interest right and rather in terms of uh a training program that you went through with this uh with this online i keep telling my followers that um we have people from 17 years old to 74 years old and i'm not saying that uh 17 years old is smarter than a 74 years old but probably is more tech savvy more familiar with youtube channels because we teach people how to make youtube channels how to do advertising on youtube google facebook instagram linkedin and pinterest and you know like facebook has so many different campaigns we have traffic ad lead generation ad engagement campaign and all these campaigns are are tailored for a special purpose and depending on which country you want to run your business because this business you are doing is international you could be utilizing all of those uh and you know you know getting the advantage of the algorithm of those uh the platform you're using to create income right without the need to talk to anyone and without the need to sell anything to anyone i hate selling to anyone i would never be involved in an online business that i have to talk to people but what was your experience with the training um did you find it easy tricky just yeah yeah um you know i feel like i i don't want to miss a point i will answer that but there's something that you mentioned a little bit earlier that i want to kind of address you know you were talking about that gentleman that you met at the park and you recognized you and everything like that and you're saying that you know you're not a celebrity and everything like that i think the key thing that a lot of people get attracted to is that you are an action taker and i think there's such a shortage in this world of people who who stay in their doubts and in their fears and never really break through that barrier and as soon as you do you become an attractive persona to so many people you know we all have dreams and we all have goals and aspirations and everything like that and of course when we go to reach those dreams goals and aspirations because they're so out of our comfort zone whenever we go stretch it is going to be uncomfortable and and and most people most people will give up because it is because it it becomes hard yes well the question really i ask people and even my mentees is what is are you most people right because if you are most people this may or may not be for you because you are going to be learning new things you are going to be uh you know going in places where you've never gone before that reminds me of star trek now you know although i've you know built a great career in professional speaking and really sales i personally have no issues with it because it's something i trained myself over over the past few years but you're absolutely right i mean having a system do the work for you and have online mechanisms uh tools working for you is just beautiful you know you have a lot of leverage as far as going through the training is concerned i don't come from a background of running an online business so i had never done this before so i put myself in the same category of people who've never done this before so for me the training had to have to be very relevant and had to be uh simple to follow you know simple to follow and i generally don't use the word easy i don't look for easy simple and so if you're watching this right now you know whoever's watching this you have a facebook account or you're watching on youtube or something like that well listen you have all of the technology necessary for you to do this um i'll tell you with me i played the videos on one side and i applied in the other half of my screen went to click click click lay and just you know most of the modules that i went through one of the things that i found is that they're updated so relevant like so promptly because you know the world of social media and online advertising where we revolve and i'm sure about you because i know i have no idea of this world like how it operates i knew worth it i didn't know how it operates and it changes so quickly so the training had to be relevant and and that's what i found that i was working with top-notch relevant training and applying it and that training allowed me to get up and running with my online business generating leads and uh and within the within three to four weeks time frame right right and that's and that is monumental in the online space yeah no that's amazing it is very strange i i still can't believe i'm making more than my full-time job as an engineer uh it didn't happen in a month first um first month i just made 400 bucks that was like not not too much but um i was so grateful even for for any penny that i made i i was i was reading magic because our online business encourages you to be grateful and also forces you to do exercise at a certain range you need to be doing like quickly like physical exercises to stay fit mentally because they realize that people who work online they sit on their laptop most of the times their neck is down so they need a lot of you know workout and stuff like that i don't think my manager ever cares if i um you know what kind of physical condition i have but this online business really cares about their their you know teams uh health mental and emotional health right and also of course the physical health with the products and everything uh but um how about the income um of course we can't talk about that but what were you happy with with the results you were getting compared to your job before this and were you um where are you like me like me i'm still in shock i am still in shock i still can my brain is the brain of somebody who graduated from university in mechanical engineering 20 years ago and i'm like okay there is no one should be able to make more than a lawyer or an surgeon or an engineer and then i come to this business and i see a lot of people have a high school diploma never been to university never had any higher education making more than a lawyer making more than a surgeon and they have to pay of course 40 tax on it this is a legitimate business they give you t4 if you're in canada if you're in us you get w9 doesn't matter which country you are you have to pay tax on it uh but but still even if you pay tax on it it's a lot of money right so how is how's your experience with that were you happy with the results so um see i grew into that i didn't i i realized the potential of it but i grew into it you know when you're talking about income you also have to see how much time you're putting in there and as i started this business you know uh when i had a chat with my mentors and coaches they said you know if you can allocate you know two or so hours to your business every single day then you can put things in place and continue to grow it i'm like i i can do two hours i lived a busy lifestyle you know not only working with this client i've got my family here and and all of that stuff i got you know my parents and and um i'm like okay i can do that and then i realized as i continue to build this business i'm like hold on a second i'm only spending like you know an hour and a half two hours and that too i'm not picking up the phone and making any sales calls to anybody or product doing product demonstration and everything like that i'm doing stuff like this right yeah i'm doing stuff like this i'm i'm posting on social media i'm educating my pr my my prospects i'm creating content stuff that i didn't do before learn to do that and then i noticed the the checks come in and i'm like i'm just gonna calculate my hourly wage here right and it was just i'm like okay so i'm doing about two hours over here and i'm generating this much you know i'll tell you within a short period of time um you know i'm not saying that everybody can do that there are people with less knowledge than me with less experience than me uh that have done a lot more but for me i had seen them like okay you know what what is my first measure my first goal was that i need to do about you know total about a hundred thousand dollars in sales right like in total sales volume right i'm not talking about income here i'm talking about sales volume yes and i gave myself i'm like you know what that the 100 000 in a year should be good yeah when i hit that in like a five month time frame and i'm like oh hold on a second like there's something you know something here and it was because it was not just my effort it was because i was leveraging the internet which is on 24 hours which when i'm sleeping somebody's looking at my business or somebody's looking at the products or the offers that i have in place i'm not telling them to do that they just found me online and and it's really just been you know one of those things that there's a new possibility i always keep this card with me here i don't know if you can see it it says success has been figured out right yeah it doesn't matter what you want to do i have a i've hired a coach for my nutrition and my fitness and all of that stuff success in that arena has been figured out success in uh real estate it's been figured out success in online business has been figured out so what is my job now my job is to walk the path it's just to see what those steps are and then create the mixture that is right for me and just go and and this is really key instead of me trying to figure things out yes i just follow the system that is in place to be able to lead me towards the kind of incomes that you know you and many others who are ahead of me i i didn't uh i didn't make uh i didn't start making those income also from day one it took me maybe four or five months to make those five figure months but um it has really changed my family's life um we never had savings before i started this business and i'm not ashamed of saying that some people i was doing coaching call with some lady amazing lady in sweden and she was like you guys are poor and i'm like no we're not poor we we have jobs we were living a comfortable life but but the in north america everything is so expensive and one of the reasons i wanted to do this business was because i really wanted to pay off our house mortgage a little bit faster and we're not uh we're not one of those people who buy brands and anything like that you know you just said you spent millions of dollars like every you know i mean in my whole life spending things no we never did that but uh everything is so expensive that that's why i started doing so a lot of people are asking so what is it how they can see if this is a good fit for them as well or not i'm like you know what first register in in the website raza is gonna put his website under this video and i'm gonna put you can see it here my website just watch the free information session um i the first time i watched it i just absolutely dislike it i was like 99 sure these people are scam i was like these people are like paid actors and actresses i was completely uh you know disappointed because i thought you know what this is something that could work for my family and then i watch it the second time or third time and i really was impressed because the people who were presenting um really inspired me and i'm like you know what the second is i'm going to go to the second step and the second step was getting into the 30-day trial trial is a is a paid trial the information session uh which you get access to is free but for the trial you pay 149 dollars and i was like you know what if even if these people are a scam i'm just going to lose my 149 but then i paid that 149 and immediately i got a receipt i'm like oh my goodness scammers will never give you a receipt spammers take their money and buy buy you know they will never give you a receipt if they want to scam your money right and then i came to the community and i looked at the income and i called my sister i'm like oh my goodness i can't believe it is this real and my sister is no no this this is for sure it's a scam there's no job that can pay this much money and definitely this is a scam and i talked to one of my best friends the same thing so everybody i spoke with they said it's a scam but in my gut feeling something was pushing me forward uh everybody was telling me don't do it every single person was telling me don't do it except for my god feeling and i talked to my husband and thank god michael was on board he's like you know what go for it and if you don't do it now you it's going to be too late in five years and he was right because there's a lot of online businesses that emerging and in five years who knows how algorithm of youtube is gonna be like or algorithm or facebook or instagram this system has been around for 49 years offline it has been around for about four or five years online it's working it's generating good income it's not a get rich quick you're not gonna come here and start making ten thousand dollars a month first month if somebody told you that's the case just know that this is a scam just run for the heels run for deals but but you will be making that amount of money in in less than a year a month and that's something that as a professional engineer i will never ever be able to make that uh so think about all the people's lives you can you can bless with because when you make a decision about starting an online business it's not just all about you it's about the duty you have to your community to your parents to your neighbors and to everyone right if you're making a lot of money then you can help other people as well too right um and and how where did you are as where did you run your countries which uh which uh uh regions of the world have you uh run your business so i've been focused mostly on canada um and i tested um australia for for a little bit but with the time zone and my commitment that i had if i was really finding it really uh really tough so i moved away from that uh and then so now it's canada and the us uh so mostly north america uh interesting you said you were born in kuwait i have run my business in kuwait and i have had great success uh same for uh egypt um and dubai and uk france dubai is dubai is an arena that i was i've been i've been thinking about yes i just don't know the demographic too much yet yes um but uh yeah well if you tried uh it has been there has been some great uh improvements in the in the platform you're running in dubai with with the dubai law because every country you your advertising their regulations are different so it's very like in europe i have run my business in germany in uk in france uh and they're all different uh so so definitely you can run this business anywhere in the world i have also tested south africa i have had some successes i didn't focus on it too much but africa and new zealand australia and i have so many people that i'm coaching who are from new zealand and australia it's it's amazing uh market for online businesses and there are so many amazing people out there who are using this system to create um you know income online and that's the thing about the online business is you don't have to have any experience uh but you need to really have a strong why you need to really want this to work um i it was some nights that i really it was hard for me to stay up at night because i work in the construction industry and i'm coming home and i have to take care of my twins by nine o'clock i'm pretty much tired uh but i'm like you know what watching netflix is not gonna make me money for to pay off our house mortgages it's not gonna give me a savings this business is giving me savings is giving it's changing my life so get up that's such a that's such a great point you know although it's it almost sounds like a cliche that you don't need a lot of experience but you need a big why i'll tell you something i mean you know if you if you attempt something you know being half into it and half out it's really not you can be assured that it is not going to work for you and you can be assured that whenever you take on something new you are going to hit a brick wall you have to hit a brick wall you know i was reading this book um and which one was it i think it was this one um winning right by by tim tim grover and he talks about that winning at anything winning demands that you overcome hurdles it demands that and it is the only way that you are going to be able to taste the the success the winning um in any arena it doesn't matter what it is whether you're talking about this online business whether you're talking about your job your career your relationships your fitness doesn't matter what it is it requires you and as soon as you start playing that big game kaboom something is going to blow up in your life that you are going to be like oh i'm thrown off now and that's what again i'll say this most people would be thrown off and if you are most people then got it but if you are aiming to be part of the few who actually take up the challenge of changing their lives and the lives of their loved ones then winning demands that you break down that wall and this is why and then that you're saying that you know having that big enough why making money is not a big enough why right like it's not because if it was everybody would be doing that right it's there has to be something driving you know my daughter you know is 12 years old yes of course all of our kids uh are wise to me i want to be i want to show her that example of living outside of the comfort zone and experiencing breaking through i talked to her about the how the world is changing you were talking about that lady you were talking from switzerland maybe that you know you're all poor kind of thing you don't need to be poor to be able to to have a side business or or you know look at the world out there i mean no no you're in the toronto area i mean real estate prices are ridiculous right now like seriously ridiculous and uh and to be able to catch up with inflation corp jobs are not giving raises that are keeping up with inflation so to be able to create alternative means i think that's the way to go uh right now and uh make it happen and and you don't have to hate your job in order to do that i love my job but um this job this business has given me an extra um you know security so if something uh is uh changing in the construction industry i'm gonna be fine right it doesn't mean that i was just looking for something to quit my job right away no not at all but at least i know i have a backup plan so as a result of that i'm much more confident because i know i have a backup plan and i do my job even better right and and in terms of the success some people were saying like what is your secret for success to be honest with you i'm just a regular person raza is just a regular person for me personally what has worked is hard work uh i was always a stay tuned in we have weekly masterminds in our community twice a week every single week i really don't know how the founders of this business can do it every single week in the winter in the summer oh my goodness this is a lot but this they put really a lot of of their heart into this guys this is this is this is huge you know and uh we go to those masterminds and we learn all the latest techniques about youtube facebook this and that and we have a training program that is updated every single day you know they're updating something because you know facebook wakes up every day i'm like okay what can i do in my platform today how can i make it better boom something changes we as social and video marketers we have to change everything because facebook decided to change or google decided right so um it's huge this is all uh this is all money right and uh paying that 149 dollars if you decide to come they will use that to build your website if they will use that to train you they will build your sales funnel for you your email marketing campaign for you you will they will train you on six platforms youtube google facebook instagram and uh and linkedin and to be honest with you just search um go to google now and search for youtube courses i promise you you won't find any course less than two thousand five hundred dollars and most of them they only teach you youtube they won't teach you google they want youtube pinterest and linkedin and facebook and google none of them will be the website none of them will give you a mentor and a coach um and then uh the other thing uh people are asking me what well is this a job no this is not a job this is not a job this is not like a typist job that you go and start making money from day one this is a business it requires time and money investment but the time and your money you will put into this business you will get thousands of that may way way more than that the potential that you get and the business that you get is unbelievable uh you don't have to be from a specific country i came to this business i'm like oh my goodness there's a lot of canadians a lot of americans there's a lot of you know so maybe this is not for persians but i was completely wrong uh it's for everyone we have black we have white we have asians we have um you know europeans we have people from all different uh walks of life who are using this platform to generate income uh for their families to change the world right so um i'm forever grateful for this opportunity and thank you so much rasmus for your time um you accepted my my uh my request at such a short time um before we close this do you have any final words uh for for the people who are watching this that of course if you've ever done anything like this this is scary this is the unknown territory and there's a lot of uncertainty and quite frankly if you want the results that you've never had in your life you have to step into that arena and uh if you simply let doubt and and fear just block you away quite frankly you probably i'm gonna say you're being selfish because you're only looking after yourself there are a lot of people counting on you there's your family your kids the people that look up to you and you gotta take on a journey that is bold and that allows you to to face your fears and your doubts and ultimately you will be as confident as nada right now she is happy she is i love her her energy um and uh believe it or not you know when i was scoping out this business i was watching her videos so she knows i'm huge oh my goodness i'm so embarrassed thank you so much you didn't have any idea i didn't know i'm just a normal person seriously but and that's what makes you special right and and everyone has that capability of being able to do that and it all requires you breaking through your fears and your doubts and ultimately making it happen for you and your families thank you so much raza i really really love the way you do your business and i really love the way you you run it with integrity and um i'm seeing your success uh in our private group uh hopefully the people who are watching it if they see they like the information session they will also come inside our private group see your successes and see my successes and hopefully they are inspired and i pray that this works for them as well as too because i was very skeptical and i to be honest with you i didn't know if i can make a penny from this business it happened to be the biggest blessing of my family's life uh thank you so much risa have a beautiful day i really would like to see you sometime in toronto okay so absolutely we'll make it happen yes i think uh first week of july things are gonna open up so i'm gonna i'm gonna message you and then maybe we can have a go live together uh sitting in a coffee shop drinking coffee and we should get started as well q a you know anyway thank you so much thank you so much and have a beautiful day bye

2021-06-20 16:07

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