INTERNET BUSINESS SHOW: EPISODE 3 - Meet One of Highest Paid Affiliate Marketer | He's just 18

INTERNET BUSINESS SHOW: EPISODE 3 - Meet One of Highest Paid Affiliate Marketer | He's just 18

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Hello viewers all over the world my name is  Chris Ani. welcome to another edition of internet   business show and with me i have right here  Chigozie Emmanuel- the young internet-prenuer,   affiliate marketer, trader and the businessman.  how are you doing i'm doing great so good to   have you on our internet business show where we  share business ideas on the internet strategies   success and more so tell me which stream is  Emmanuel thank you thank you very much um   my name is Emmanuel i am an affiliate marketer  crypto trader a facilitator daba dot school and uh   i'm an 18 year old entrepreneur interesting and  how long have you been into the internet business   game i've been in internet business since um 2017.  okay yeah how did you start tell us tell us use  

this time tell us how you started your internet  business game okay the whole internet business   game started as a as a quest for financial freedom  right so i could remember i just i just finished   um secondary school so i i was at home and i am an  introvert so at that point once you're done with   secondary school at least the with the environment  i i was then if you're done with secondary school   and then you're waiting for your admission you  need to like maybe look for something doing   especially if you're not coming from a family  that is uh well do you yes interesting i i had the   option of um teaching in a in a school you know  to teach students and the rest i didn't do that   no way i didn't do that okay it's not my team  i was like i can't do it but then i started   searching for ways that i could you know stay at  home and make money and that was how i stumbled on   internet marketing so what was the first point uh  what was the first thing you did on the internet   that started giving you money or that showed  you the parts to the next things to do okay   i i try to love things actually but the first  thing that started giving me money was working   as a virtual assistant for one of my friends  in the u.s yeah instead and it's more small   how much was like your how much was like  your the pay maybe 100 a month or even less   because there was a time when i was like oh i  can't i can't be working for my phone because   i was i was working for my phone so i was like  ah it's getting stressful so he was like okay he   bought me my first laptop actually so he sent me  hundred dollars um with bitcoin and then i bought   my first laptop then he paid him bitcoin he sent  it through paypal but then we're having issues so   we had to send it to me through bitcoin where was  this this was i think it should be 2018. wow 2018.   wow interesting interesting so uh uh and how did  you i know today you're an athlete marketer so   from how did you transition from being the virtual  assistant and how did you get into affiliate   marketing okay um this guy i was working for his  name is um raphael by the way he was very very   supportive he was very very supportive so um while  i was working for him we were also working on   different things together i could remember we did  them network marketing with the gdi and so we were   always searching for ways to make money online and  then i stumbled on cpa marketing because from cpa   marketing that i transitioned to what's cpa market  ocp cost per action marketing how does it work   so you get paid when people take actions so you  know affiliate marketing is like a general name   is a reward-based marketing system under affiliate  marketing have construction cost per so maybe you   can use this opportunity to share with us what is  affiliate marketing and the industry of affiliate   marketing okay so affiliate marketing is a  performance performance-based marketing system   so it's it's simply you getting rewarded for  selling other people's products let's put it away   or you're getting rewarded for marketing and that  people's products okay because if i say sell there   are some aspects of affiliate marketing where  you don't have to sell a product to make money   you get that's where cpa marketing comes in so  with cpa market you don't have to sell a product   people just have to take a particular action  so for example dabba if daba is running a cpa   marketing program now i the the action might be  okay once people sign up on daba with your link   you get paid maybe let's say 10 dollars or five  dollars so that believes that okay from there   they can convert the customers but then it's way  easier for me to bring people to just sign up than   trying to convince them to buy costs interesting  interesting again so how big is the athletes   marketing industry affiliate marketing industry  is a very very big one i think we're over 20   billion dollars currently the affiliate marketing  industry is a very as matter of fact i think about   90 percent of um all u.s companies have an athlete  program or they once had an affiliate program you   get so it's that big give us examples is that  big um amazon amazon has an athlete program um   i learned apple used to have an affiliate program  right which uh what's the name of this um company alibaba jack ma they all have affiliate programs  like name it interesting limits right so in 2018   yeah from being the virtual assistant 2017 2018  so what happened in 2018 2018 is when you got into   affiliate marketing marketing and so that means  you've been into the affiliate marketing business   from 2018 2019 2020 so it's like three years plus  yes plus yeah interesting and how has the ending   be um fantastic fantastic on an average uh what  has your ending capacity being like monthly you   know from the oven from when you started until you  got to the level you are now okay i would like to   see that when i started i think um the first my  first selling affiliate marketing was about um i   think 67 dollars seven dollars or so that's a 2018  2018 yeah but then i've i've gone i've gone on and   on i think i've had i've had i've added 20k months  already twenty came onto my phone when you see 20k   money twenty thousand dollars thousand dollars i  think that was from um that was from affiliate cpa   marketing on um a web boosting affiliate so i've  had about 20k months so it just just keeps coming   like affiliate marketing is a real business so the  your work your work input determines um the output   you get that's what you get yeah so if someone  is to you've explained what affiliate marketing   is and in this internet business shoe can you  break down the various industries in africa like   the various types of affiliate marketing or the  various uh branches in the affluent market just   give us like i said we have cost per action we  have cost per sale like there are the two main   areas yeah so you see that you're being paid for  a specific action which could be maybe sign up   or um let's say just severe right or you're being  paid when you make a sale right i think that's the   like two most popular form of affiliate marketing  so either you're bringing people to test the   product okay sign up for the product okay we're  bringing people to purchase the product okay okay   so as long as you're convincing people to interact  with the certain brand you have the possibility of   making money from affiliate marketing now would  you advise someone who is just starting on the   internet yeah to start with affiliate marketing um  yes yes because i feel like affiliate marketing is   one of is one of the businesses that if you're  starting out as a newbie it opens you up to   a lot more opportunities interesting for example  if you want to do affiliate marketing now you have   to pass through the process of learning how to  either build a web a website or how to build a   landing page right and then you also have to go  to the process of learning how to sell and we   all know that currently one of the the fastest  way to make money online is to sell a product   to sell a product so even saves you the stress  of having to create your own product to sell   so if you're if you're new to the online space and  they're like oh you have to create a product to   sell you can just start affiliate marketing and  instead of you going to the process of creating   creating improvements saves you time as well so  you just pick someone's product and start selling   you also get access to um promotion methods so  once you learn how to promote you're good to go   now there are different class of people watching  this video yeah and i want them to know yeah can   anyone when i see anyone i'm sure there's a  housewife there watching us yeah there's a student   watching us there's a medical doctor watching  us sure there's a businessman watching us   is affiliate marketing meant for some people or  can anyone venture into the athletes marketing   business yeah anyone can venture into the  affiliate marketing business as long as you're   willing to put in the required work interesting as  long as you're willing to put in the required work   anyone can venture into affiliate marketing and  is it is is is the affiliate marketing business   is it country based or i can do it anywhere as  long as i can do that anywhere in the world as   long as you have as a matter of fact i said  here from my room i saw that from my room   and it was not furnished nothing i didn't have  um good internets wow right so you can start   affiliate marketing from anywhere in the world  that means affiliate marketing has actually   given me financial freedom yes and and and that  being said if someone is ready to put in the work   and israel is committed it can make a big deal out  of the affiliate marketing business yes good good   good so um what are the challenges you probably  faced while you've been facing or you faced   while doing this affiliate marketing business over  time i think the challenge is challenge like it's   it's it's it's a normal stuff it's a constant let  me put it that way you always face challenges so   at first it was like payments so how do i get paid  i think then i was i was using clickbank i said i   would click bank so i was having problem with how  do i get my payments down to nigeria and the rest   and then the time comes and you're okay you are  used to the open minds um stuff and then maybe   you're doing email marketing you're having issues  with your email list and the rest but then at the   end of the day these challenges they make you  stronger right so they come you you conquer them   because obviously there are people who have gone  past the level that you're currently in okay right   and that's where mentorship comes in great right  so i learned a lot i learned a lot you're good so   most times the challenge come but then i already  have i already have the blueprint so i know how to   pass it i know how to go past it i like the part  where you said you learn a lot yeah because um   one of the things i've learned from lent about you  over time is that you're curious yeah curiosity   i've seen you go books a lot of us don't know  that you're not a graduate yet yeah and yet you're   doing massive earnings on the internet learning so  and if somebody doesn't say it uh nobody will know   because you you you take out time to  stay on the internet and you learn   just like in 2016 when i got to know about bitcoin  the first lesson was to go online i was curious i   think one of the let me say this on the internet  business show i think one of the traits or all   the characteristics or one of the things you need  to develop wherever you're watching me especially   young people this time is curiosity yeah true  it's going to answer a lot of you you need to be   hungry enough you need to be curious you need to  go search for the answer and things that will make   you successful and financially free these things  are very very important because if you if you're   not curious you're just there yeah the world won't  give you an answer when you're curious there'll   be answers coming and i did that when i was in  in 2016 when i was i'm new to the bitcoin space   and and there's been of help to me till today  for instance when i started double studios   launched the bus to use i became curious how  do i run this studio yeah what what's what's   what's tell me more about studio business  instead of searching i went to the prairie   i went to ebony live i started searching i started  studying to know the model and as i said how big   the opportunity is so whenever you come into a  field curiosity will help you succeed so tell me   what are the things you've done that has  boosted your income over time um one of the   things that i've pushed in my income or i know  that or one of the things that i've been doing   is consistency right it's something that i  always say it's anytime someone is asking   me how do i boost my income it's always  consistency um compound compound interest   total production so if if you're working you might  start out something and it's like okay i'm only   making a hundred dollars and making 200 but then  those those those those things yeah the others   calm down right he adds up so you make 100 you  make 200 you make 300 you're progressing and   you're increasing your workforce you're increasing  the the amount of work you're putting in okay time   you just blow up so with compounding you mean  when you make money yeah from what you do you put   the money back um that is that's part of it okay  but that's another thing that has helped me grow   is diversification right so i'm making money from  this business and i feel like okay this business   is also just so i'm working and that's where  curiosity comes in so you you know that okay   people are making money here you're curious you're  searching how do people make money because there's   something i always see every industry has its  market cap so this is every industry has a market   cap so there's always a limit to the kind of money  you can make in a certain industry so what you're   saying is that the kind of money you can make in  an industry is dependent on that industry on that   industry exactly so the kind of money that will  come to you so sometimes the income or the money   you will make will be determined by the kind of  industries you are playing yeah yeah wow that's   inside that's that's that's eye-opening yeah so  if you're playing in a million dollar industry   it doesn't matter even if you're the number one  in that space you can't go past a million dollars   mm-hmm you can't go past and you can't even make  up to a million dollars because you're not the   only one in the industry wow so a lot of people  are there in the ecosystem so that means if you're   playing in the billion dollar industry exactly  you can earn a billion can anybody have a chat   this is master class let's go on this short  break and we'll be right back a few years   ago i was looking for ways to make money online  and guess what i stumbled on affiliate marketing   affiliate marketing is one of the largest time  tested business that i've made businesses millions   and ordinary people like me millennia  my name is shigoza manuel 18 years old   online entrepreneur and facilitator at dab  adult school welcome to my online course in this seven figure affiliate marketing course  i'll be showing you proven steps and strategies   that i have used to make over 25 million era from  affiliate marketing in the past two years are you   looking for a new skill or a new house or a side  also you can combine with your present job or you   don't have a job at all and you need something  going take this course to learn how to make money   from affiliate marketing when you get this course  you get access to my private mastermind group   so what are you waiting for visit  or download the daba app to get this course  

join me let's make millions together welcome  back we've been having a wonderful time with   chico's emmanuel 18 year old ned preneur athlete  market and business guy uh i've learned a lot and   i i i'm sure you're doing too and please on the  comment section kindly tell us what you've been   learning in this internet business show because  i've been learning a lot i just got to know that   you the industry you play in matters a lot  and it also has its own cap and it can even   determine the kind of money you make so of course  that's how we have the internet business show   to expose you to businesses you can do on the  internet that will help increase your income and   so you can gain financial freedom so chico say how  has diversification helped you or have you tell us   more about diversification and multiple streams  of income okay okay so when i started um internet   marketing like i told you i've moved from network  marketing to working as a virtual assistant and   then i stumbled on affiliate marketing and i was  making money from affiliate marketing right um   i knew it was not enough okay because then i  think affiliate marketing was a six billion   dollar industry and then we were there were  so many of us in the industry i needed to   tap into other industries so that was that  was when um i started tapping into the um   e-learning industry right i started  teaching i started um teaching people   how to make money from affiliate marketing  interesting okay online education online   education exactly so i didn't think about  how to make money from affiliate marketing   right now from the online learning industry i  moved into cryptocurrency because i saw that   okay this is is it really how did you stumble  into crypto i assumed you could do by meeting you   okay so uh so from from from your explanation  and from what you just shared now yeah you have   three streams traditions of income three courses  three core streams of income yeah i like that so   one is affiliate marketing yeah two is from  e-learning yeah and three is from cryptocurrencies   and uh in case you don't know uh i think  that's 2019 yes when you got the trader   make money cost and it didn't just stop there  um today so i i want the viewers to know that   having multiple streams of income is powerful  yeah start in one industry go deep down there   milk it uh use your money diversify okay you can  do more things for instance i'm in cryptocurrency   i'm also in the media business i'm also  into the online education business okay   i'm also into various kinds of investments and  and of course it's still in the finance sector but this is it what advice so  your success in the cryptocurrency   industry affiliate marketing and even  in e-learning what would you advise   someone watching you right now and who is kind of  out of school yeah out of job nysc just finished   nyse what would you advise them to start doing now  um what i would advise you to start doing now is   first this first and you know we've talked about  curiosity and we've talked about consistency   right so first things first you need to you  need to pick a skill interesting okay you   can't say okay because i i'm doing affiliate  marketing i'm doing crypto i'm doing um i'm in   the online education business you want to do  all three no you have to pick one first pick   one second one skill so skill is very important  very very important and then consistently you   start making money from that skill right now when  you're making money from dusky you know that okay   um i have one stable source of income or stream  of income you can diversify to something else um   right or even stay longer there will stay longer  as long as it's profitable but then i think the   the average millennial billionaire has at least  seven streams of interest so because obviously   every business has it down time right so if this  business is down this one could be sustaining you   at that point sure right so if you're consistent  in a particular business this is masterclass and   um you're making money and you feel like  okay at this point you're good you cannot   try out something else slowly slowly slowly and  before you know you wow this is masterclass i want   to get your feedback i want to get your response  on this so what do you do for your leisure time   what do you what do you do during leisure time  i don't know i play on my computer and just okay so a quick one a quick one let's go on this  short break i'll be right back just as you skip   buying bitcoin at four thousand dollars  an ethereum at hundred dollars in 2020   and now bitcoin and ethereum have  reached a new all-time high in price   don't you want to learn how to make money by  trading and investing in cryptocurrencies in 2021   and beyond in 2020 during the beginning  of the kobe 19 pandemic i wrote an article   advising people and pushing them to buy bitcoin  stablecoin and other cryptocurrency i'm sure   those who took my advice are richer down 2021  is another year that opens opportunities for you   to make money from the crypto market there are  two sets of people watching this video right now   the first one are those who are going  to ignore this offer make mistakes   make excuse and move on the second one are those  who are going to take this offer join my students   who are making millions from the cryptocurrency  market my name is chris arne africa's number   one crypto influencer teacher and founder  daba dot school welcome to my online course in this trade that make money costs you learn  how to buy how to sell coins to profit from   fundamental analysis technical analysis how  to spot a coin that will make you money how to   also avoid losses in the cryptocurrency market  and a lot more not just that when you get this   cost you will also be added to my private premium  signal room where you will see the coins to buy   and the coins to profit from so what are you  waiting for click the link below to get this   course or go to and get the trade  that make money course you can also download the   daba app and get the course on your dab app  what are you waiting for i'll see you there   okay so she goes it's play time it's a redo  time yeah and where's your favorite bolognese   in the world um mark zuckerberg okay if you  were to be a movie character who would you be   um having specter uh-oh and whenever  i say money what comes to your mind   freedom and if i say crypto comes your mind  freedom and if i say low becomes your mind   all right guys so we've come to the end of this  episode of internet business shoe i enjoyed myself   i got classic teaching about uh the industry you  play in the role of diversification the need for a   skill very very important if you're out there and  you don't you're not making money on the internet   i want to advise you to do this the right away  go to play store right away download dabba   the app okay or you go to okay  go to that app get the free course session   i have because i have a free conversation on how  to overcome poverty because he has several ones   on how to get multiple streams of income there  are several free courses you can start on the   dab app i'm sure it's scrolling on your screen  and you can see those free courses phone design   how to overcome procrastination and more and not  just that you can also go to the premium course   and see different different skills she goes it has  an affiliate marketing course you can learn from   uh you can learn from about drone technology you  can learn crypto currency trading and investing   cake baking and production and several several  skills that are listed there so just download   the dab app and get a skill chico tell us what do  you think students will learn from your affiliate   marketing course um the affiliate marketing  course is is packed it's it's a super amazing one   you you've been learning a lot of things from  facebook ads to google ads wow you're learning   how to promote anything even on athletic marketing  an affiliate marketing interesting learning how to   build a website how to create your swiss pages  and everything you're good to go you're good to   go interesting so i'm sure you want to become a  young millionaire like jose manuel and you want   to join us at the school of financial freedom  which we call dhaba so i come your way next time   don't forget to subscribe comment like share  let me know what you think about this program   and if you have any entrepreneur you want  the person to come teach on this show   do let us know till i come your way next time  success financial freedom wealth is yours foreign

2021-06-12 23:58

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