Inside ICT Student's Mind Vol. 1 | BTC Live Price Action Reading

Inside ICT Student's Mind Vol. 1 | BTC Live Price Action Reading

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okay welcome everyone i want to do this different  type of video i want to show you how what happens   in my brain basically when i read price during  light market conditions and look for potential   setups okay so we have this trend line right  here and we're looking at today's sunday   no replay buttons being pressed time is a little  bit past one and the time matches on my computer   also so you can see everything is real time we're  looking at bitcoin and as a class that i don't   really like trading i just observe it but just to  show you that a lot of people want to really get   into crypto trading that a lot of things that  michael talks about they do work in crypto too   the only thing is that the price delivery is not  as refined in crypto as it is in forex let's say   or index futures that's why i don't really trade  it either that much only i've i think i've had   like only in the last year only took like maybe  four trades on crypto when it was very clean   that's it and only have most brokers have wide  spreads on crypto only have one broker that's   as low spread for scalping anyway so this high was  broken and i think this high is important because   price are retracing took out this loan this low  and we have a trend line so that's liquidity   i think price should drop below this trend  line and we are in a premium market right now   if we look from this uh i always  mix this up so let's say here   we are actually right at the premium you  can see from this swing high to this one low   i think we should see lower prices  if we go on a five minute chart   you see that we have you have an imbalance  right here and we have an imbalance right here so this was also no worse imbalance i  would just have it here you can see   a lot of price action happen here  so i would just have it in my mind so this looks good um again i'm  looking for potential shorts okay so this looks too clean this fine  this high so what i'm thinking is   maybe price can just spike one more time inside  that imbalance and then sell off just to take out   this heist inside the five-minute imbalance  and go lower let's see if we can get that you can see that this imbalance i outline was  very important there's a lot of price action here and you could potentially this is again this  was actually a short trade like one balance here   overlapping the based on what i showed you here   based on what i showed you on my  youtube channel the inception model this was the scalp overlapping fair value gaps  yep those are a few scalps if you have a tight   spray broker here and here well definitely  here at least you would be take some partials   below this low and move your stop to break  even well again this is inside so whatever   we are talking about something  is happening right now let's see i'm not convinced yet that we want to just drop  because these highs are just too clean i would   like them to be traded through and then  price i want price to go lower after that   let's see if we can get it again this is just me trading on it  completely and that's a class that i   don't really have much experience in but  the same logic the same logic applies let me zoom in a little bit did we break  this high actually i don't think we did   so they have this candle to 49.72 49 oh  it did actually buy a little bit okay   it's hard to see but and you can see the higher  this candle went up went up by a few cents but   still not enough so yeah i would like to see  a reaction higher and then a potential drop and that will be your potential short above  this area let's see if we can get that   and i'm not going to trade it  this is just a hypothetical trade   reason price section live i'm actually  taking a break from trading until june uh   also the audio quality should be much much much  better in this video because i finally repair   popular requests i got a microphone uh because  previously i was just recording using my laptop um   you know my laptop speakers and microphones so  should be much better anyway let's see what we get all right it depends on how we reject  this imbalance looks like we   could potentially just not  revisit this area let's see yeah this is why i said pricex on  crypto is not as refined if this   was let's say forex i would like it  to spike just above and then go lower let's see but again if we don't get that we  just look for confirmations that price indeed   wants to turn around let me see how it looks on  the five minute chart okay so maybe this spike was enough  because it did trade above this   high maybe this is my spike was indeed enough and let's see if we can get some kind of  retracement because this looks actually good   this pretty strong move down this  looks good rejecting this imbalance and if this high was at least if this candle  closed at least spiked a little bit above   then i would consider this as a potential  short here but because it like barely   touched it i was hoping for c to see higher  prices and then drop let's see what we get let's see if we can get some kind of retracement  back inside of the the slow imbalance so i don't want to chase price just wait if it just keeps rolling over and  drops without going into an imbalance and   it's just a missed opportunity just didn't  really completely um the trade idea did not meet our criteria mm-hmm okay let's see if price now can come back  inside the imbalance and then if it does   it'll be a hypothetical short and i feel like  price doesn't want to come up above those highs based on what i'm seeing here okay let's see all right this will be a hypothetical short  let's say it's not going to be yeah whatever   let's just say here and you stop should be enough  yes i think we don't need to revisit them so see   how i'm kind of on the go i'm switching ideas i  mean i'm still bearish but i'm looking at price   how it i was anticipating price to go above  this area but based on what it did here   and how it rejected this candle here this  imbalance i don't think we need to and the fact   that this candle didn't it was indeed a little bit  higher than this one just hard to see um i think   again we should see lower prices and this is  not even well you can this is not going to   be the best entry but this is an entry that  you can work with and just to show you that we can get a pretty good risk reward on  this one too even if we just short here   so i think we could potentially go to this  trend line but that i don't know because   i'm not really experiencing trading this asset  class i don't know how long it might take if   we're gonna get there but we have relatively cool  lows here um and i think it's important because   even though this wick right here went below this  low it just you know tagged it by a tiny bit so   this to me is still relatively close very i think  price is going to want to drop below this area so   i do like what i'm seeing here we also have this  bullish candle which is basically your order block and uh let's see if this will be with the current  stop loss this will be a nice four point four   history award trade that's very good um it will  make sense to take partials and be around when   price gets inside this imbalancer out to  tomorrow and at least move your stop list   to break even that's at least that's what i  would do as a scalper as a short-term trader   um that's what i would do and then um i would  take some portion of it off and then let it ride okay so let's put this back here i like what i'm seeing um okay so far so  good we do have also engineered liquidity in   in forms of another one-minute short-term lows let's see um so hopefully guys this is um again helpful maybe  even more helpful than just watching my live trade   recordings because again i'm talking kind of to  myself but i'm really talking to you trying to   explain what happens in my brain how on the fly i  am changing certain um i'm adapting to the market   so to speak again i'm not changing my bias right  i like i didn't want to go long and then all of   a sudden i'm going short no i'm still bearish  but based on the market market what the market   gives me based on the current price action  i'm adjusting as to when do i want to enter   a certain setup again this is a completely  different asset class so um just to show you that   it works on crypto too everything michael teaches  man it's seriously we are incredibly blessed a lot   of people don't understand fully how blessed  we are that we have this kind of information it's just a matter of the person to actually go  and uh start using it applying it and uh you know   building up experience all right this is good  you can see that the one-minute lows were taken   this is good yeah it's not going to happen  overnight you have to sacrifice you have to   go through certain periods of suffering and maybe   man i wanted to quit so many times i don't  even know seriously after blowing accounts   after like i lost my very first funded  account i wanted to quit also um well actually no i didn't want to quit but  i wanted to i was let's say i was very upset   and i only lost it again because i violated the  daily drawdown because of greed i was actually   in pretty big profits i did not close them and  um well again then they trade turned around and   i lost my funded account so yeah and but  before that i wanted to quit many times   and uh it's really a matter of if you don't  quit if you keep going if you keep applying   man the 2022 mentorship is really golden if you  think about it there's so so much there's so many   ways to trade it really just based on ict's  model there's a lot of ways you can refine   it and tweak it based to your person and based  on your personality so many sense and hopefully   the inception model that i'm sharing with you guys  on this channel is also you know some of you will   find it useful and again price price and time and  fractal so if you can't trade the one minute chart   uh you can trade the maybe one hour chart and  just go down down to a 15-minute chart refine   it and place a trade and uh you know check every  few hours or so how it's performing but everything   that's working on the one minute chart is going  to work on the daily or 15 minute chart in any   time frame so you can scale it however you want  just the beauty of being a short-term trader is   that you there's so many opportunities on the  one-minute chart that i can literally go for my   two three-hour trades several times a day that's  how i can quickly build up accounts without even   using huge risk because i can literally be i  know three four trades a day two three yeah all right so what i'm seeing here is  good right we are i like this drop and i really hope this will  be um beneficial for you guys let's see how the five-minute chart looks like hypothetical trade i'm not trading it  not even on a demo account i'm just   i'm relaxing until june but i'm still um trying to give some kind of content that will benefit  even if even if just one person sees something   that he hasn't seen before um after watching my  videos and you know i'll be happy i'll be happy   because when i was coming up i didn't  really have um this type of content   available i had to put things together i had  to really listen to what michael says kind of   read between the lines and i found the model i  found several models that work for me and yeah all right let's see i don't want to see price go retrace  higher too much i just want it to roll over we're already what is that 18 minutes  since we started talking about this okay notice also that basically what we're doing  now is just building another pool of liquidity   relatively close let me maybe move this around and so far so good we really had only  what from our hypothetical entry 200 202   to oh so 23.21 in um drawdown that's  pretty good that's pretty good right   and again i did not want to have in such a tight  stop i could have put it here but um i just wanted   because first it's crypto it's an asset class and  again price action is delivered not as pristine as   in other asset classes and i just wanted to allow  myself for the possibility of being around the   price might want to spike again and then reverse  so i had to stop my stop was my original stop right here right okay let's see again we are basically selling we're  shorting at a premium market right yes premium market notice how this imbalance is basically right at  the equilibrium and we this is why we had we we   had a lot of price action here this is very nice  again for maybe a scalp here like here um and   again if you have a tight spread broker maybe if  i was seeing this live if i wanted to trade crypto   you can absolutely maybe take partials below  this lows and then you just get stopped out so   you still make a little bit of money but because  it's imbalance with pretty much at equilibrium   it's still an area where price uh well that's  why price really came back to the premium   because to this imbalance right here but the  probability of the trades here are obviously lower   but once you get better with region price i  mean i would personally again this is like   this is a nested imbalance i would and this is  really the nested imbalance pretty much right here and even here surprise did in fact trade in it and  so nice reaction if you sold this   at least put your stop listen  break even after it take um   takes out this low maybe this trade just  took you i'll break you in but this trade   let's say you enter here also um i would take  partials just because we have a low and two   lows here violated so i'll take partials here  somewhere around here and then also get stuff down again just kind of talking to myself by really  trying to explain to everybody my thought process   all right this is looking good and  like i said price did not trace much   and started dropping let's see  if we can keep the momentum going oh this might be a long video here 22 minutes  already well now you can always speed it up a   little bit maybe a 1.25 should be fine i don't  think i speak too quickly so you should be able   to understand and especially now with  the better microphone um should be good so where's our um so maybe around here i'll  put my stop and break even not yet not yet and uh take a hypothetical partial profit let's see again everything is done in real time this is  the time on trading review may 15 see all matches well there's really a few seconds difference  see i'm a few seconds away in the future so   there you go you caught me i am a scammer   i'm from the future and that's how  i know what price is going to do okay i like this let's remove this lipstick here yeah i think this video will be a good  foundation to start a playlist of um   something like being inside the red pill's mind um this is really how you can learn especially if you want to be a short-term trader okay i think we should see some move lower soon so i've been just consolidating  right at that imbalance okay this is good so we are at right now what hypothetical 1.6

so this is where i can put my stop at break even  so this is already a risk-free trade well i mean   by breaking when i mean you can put it like a  few points and um a few points in profit really   so let's see so regardless this is a break-even trade uh i  mean a risk-free trade regardless of what happens but i do want to see some i don't think i'm  going to wait for you know for price i'm not   going to record all this way because  it's definitely taking a lot of time   i don't want to wait for price to i'm not going  to record until price gets here if in fact it gets   here i just want to hopefully press c price going  lower and then i'll stop the recording if we get   a hypothetical partial and then um by the time i  publish this video maybe i'll publish it on monday   definitely you know price is  going to move it will either take   you know take me out or it will in fact go lower  and you can see it for yourself what happened so in the worst case scenario i think we should  be this trade will be again it's free trade   and we should get a partial and pay ourselves  hypothetically pay ourselves something out of this so yeah also another point and a component is just  don't disregard partial profits um yes technically   if you take partials your risk to reward uh  goes lower but again you're in the business of   making money you're not here to impress anyone  you make you want to make money for yourself   taking partials man by the end of the week and  even by the end of the months if you have traits   that hit your breakeven but you took even a  little bit of a little a small portion off   paid yourself it all adds up it all adds up so  pay yourself you can make money by being wrong   that's the idea you don't have to not every  trade will go exactly as you want it to be   uh but you can be profitable by being wrong  that's a paradigm shift again by taking partials   um again at this point the trade is risk-free  so i wanted i really wanted to drop a little   lower it's taking longer than i would  have liked but again this is crypto so um let's see again by taking partials man it really  helps a lot by the end of the months especially   we'll see how many trades  stop you outbreak human but um   you took something off paid  yourself it's it's nice let me see how this looks on the 13-minute chart okay again it makes sense to anticipate there will  be price action a lot of price action in this   area because of this imbalance and you know  literally at the equilibrium pretty much so yeah this is a little bit annoying  and this could have just dropped   a bit more outside okay this is where i would take  partials but we can see some kind of retracement yeah i'm definitely not going on  a 30-second chart it's not needed so yeah that's our sunday trading on crypto um but to be honest if you are  good if you really understand   at some point when you find a model that  works for you and you can make the majority   of your money in uh trading forex or index  futures throughout the week there's really   no reason for you to be trading crypto  you want to have rest from the markets   you need that mental break just to recharge  and have a clear mind it's very very important   that's another reason i don't really trade  crypto because i just don't want to look at it   on the weekend i want to you  know relax and do other things so yeah this price action  is a little bit ugly to me a little bit ugly now let's this video is  already half an hour long so i want to really   i'm hoping for price to just drop  to where i have my partial profit   so i can just stop recording and then  we'll see what happens afterwards and i want to publish this video on monday but  this time definitely you know i'm other right   and either i'm right price goes lower or price  takes me out and then this hypothetical trade okay what do we have here  and then the relatively close now this is actually good okay let's drop more ah that's annoying all right good good good awesome awesome  okay so right here right here this would be   i think that's the 2r right so  right here just pay yourself   pay right here 2r take something  off beautiful absolutely beautiful this is good ok so the idea is to go below these lows and potentially  go even lower to hit this trend line right let's see but even if it goes like here eventually  this will be again this would be a great trade   just to cash out completely so already if you  were in actually trading this with live funds   um this would be just a nice  little something uh on a sunday   if you really if you're bored and you have nothing  else to do if you want to trade you paid yourself   and who cares what happens next you paid  yourself um you know i call it grocery money   depending on your position size of course and what  you do but taking partials yeah why not so at this   moment i'm going to stop the recording because  we've been already over half an hour long it's   35 minutes and uh you can always check  what happened afterwards in the market   let's see but i hope i really hope this was  beneficial for you to kind of be inside my mind   and see what is it that i'm looking for what  defines a good trade for me and yeah i'll see   if i can do more of these going forward and  i'll talk to you guys next time take care

2022-05-20 03:07

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