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That's. An icon what. Fever. 20s recently, introduced, future. Stars cards, in, ultimate, team making, my mission, to complete the one-line three-foot, draft even, easier, and five minutes after I finish drafting I got one of my best packs, ever, you, don't want to miss this one and you don't want to miss out on kicking the subscribe button right, now it would mean the world to me design so close to 700,000. Subscribers so. Every, sub does genuinely mean a lot and help you so much, see ya hit subscribe button thank, you 5 3 2 1 free, chances, at team Lea scent of Oxford, judolette, come, my way but, captain, stands in our way first, oh I'm, gonna go much higher eat it then the socrates big, Luka Modric right-wing. Surely. Not it's, gonna be messy thank you that's a good stop 298. Suppose let's make it free lads 90, Rita player Oh 89. Basically. 9 you're it I guess you could say it's closed tonight, you're a it her her yeah I don't deserve a good draft after that pun left-wing, someone in the nineties, we have got ear listening. To my calls, do we go Ronaldo, for racing but has a high rate card but then again Neymar, does too so we go over an hour dough that's not a bad start just a Frankie, D long hair and we're laughing to the bank or. Casimiro. Inform one of the newer informs, it's, not bad it's, not bad at all we're gonna get some bad pics I can smell it I can smell it not, too bad to be fair Jordi, Alba right. Back definitely not gonna be the trend no, way is it going to be the trend oh I'm, gonna go for. Walker. I don't know why I did that ah in, gold to Steven or black to stay we're, taking or black ok the, fence this is make or break we really need a team in here centre-back crew. Defied us link on food will get us areare left sides t-midi, a ought to, let us what we needs that's. What we needed, 92. Virgil with something, I can't complain about by 96. The lid it, solidifies. This, area left side I couldn't I do something like that we. Just need a Serie or an icon centimeter casimiro, is this draft, race, wise is looking, filthy. Bernucci does, help, but. Then again oh. Can. We fit that many Serie players in I don't, think so but then again Jimenez, puts a black on back em do they both get me the same rating they do we're, going him and s this is good one line one so far a c1, chemistry, ah that. Is a lot to be desired but, then again I'm, the foot off king I'll make it work somehow, Carver, how definitely. Makes it what that's like a-plus what 12 chemistry, pretty much done +7, you know me easy if we get truly Albert like a proper center back instead of him we, can keep this set up or a Luca, replacement, and then we can have the lip off Kim come on send tobacco Sinemet, center. Back Center mids or, Jade. And Sancho, I can't. Complain but like we've, really need a lot right now please. Like I said oh, my, god they, took the words out my mouth, this, is incredible. That surely, is a hundred chem and the racing on that is nuts, - did she better, than a few media center mid I could do young or a conte that, works so well I'm, gonna do that and then swap them round and, it's her big 92, we just need to get written Jordi Alba are we gay we're looking at a big draft we. Just need a team of the year to pop Oh. Sterling's. Goods it's. Still, 92, I don't. Know how I can get five chemists, lately Jordi Alba or, a left-back come. On give it to me oh my god Virgil, do we take her do we take it to be take it I'm praying, cause, of his nationality. We. Could throw him in and then, put, them it left. Back Oh. Or, do we go for the future stars cause a car designs pretty. Don't think I'm gonna get a better Virgil let, me do that's come. On Virgil just tell me get me more chem he doesn't, oh ah, need. Something, more man for the love of God I'm begging, here an icon. To fix Oh. It's. Not what I needs, I guess, PK saves chem it holds, 92, that's why I need, give me the PP getting there now 99. Chem, you. Need one can we need one can put kuna by on my bench actually. Forget, the chem we just need bracing, cuz we got so many leagues we, can get it from the manager dividend I don't know why I senses, him in here here I don't, know why I genuinely.

Don't Know why like why do I sense it when it's gone down tonight you one come on don't do that yeah don't do that come on this is ridiculous. Please. Just bless me it's. Not better, Jesus. Christ it's fallen, we need a big card to pop it's falling, so hard. Come. On yay please, please, not like this not. Like this with, two picks away we, literally, need one here. Why. Do I bother literally, someone tell me why, I bother only one man can save the day he, needs to be a Brazilian. Keeper, could Allison Oh. 189. Nor, 189 no no nor 189, let me at least order this bench at least, a one-line one come on lads you, can't drop from a 92, through a 119. I'm so done I'm done I'm done what's, the point as long as you give me the one Kim I won't, complain about it it's a good start. No, oh my. God so they're not gonna get the CEM oh my. God we're not getting the Kim what, the hell what's, nuts. Yes, love waking up early in the morning for 189, this, isn't flipping September. It's, living, February, twenty twenty one more cast about 189, if you don't succeed try and, try again. Wish, we shall doing the free four to one or as I like to call it the Figo, environment, position he always disappears, as Captain. He didn't, for ones that makes me look stupid about, a shoe fit already you know what I'm gonna bring my room normally, I don't take a teamily, attack of thought but when do you ever see team in Ihram BAP a or team in here in outer you just don't so on that basis alone I'm going Dennis the Menace Bergkamp, 92, rated right, wing come. On be big oh I. Cannot. Be disappointed. In a 95. Leonel Messi not, the night six or 99 but it, would do 95, I can left-wing I would love I morning. But, I can't, complain that a 93, Neymar now that is an attack I can't. Be upset with I'm gonna go me to field next, sentiment. Number one gives, us Lou cut the young that's not new to do Young's Frankie deal other center means someone in the 90s, all, debris, no you know what you, never see the 98 ones so I'm gonna take it no. One not in the 90 so far this is a big draft we could have good right meters well shorty, I won't get a good right meds ah we kind of did there. We go, you just start Rodrigo, normally. I don't go for right min and be like okay we want a bad pic there so you save our good pics but you know what, 91. Research Rodrigo, it's incredible. This is a humongous. Draft, skin, in the game right now we're, kidding the game per se per se all. Ramos, is not bad 89, we. Really, need to continue this we need two big virtual. Flippin. Bora, see that's, not bad at all it's, already, 89, mated this is a draft, and a half, Kim, in the game right now kid. In the game we're, kidding the game are we are destroying, the game we're, send records today I call number free already. 91, rated, +6. Chemistry, chemistry. Looking, done already not. Bad center, back and a left mid please yay come. On just give it to me now make my life easy o for. Kid, what's. Funny, I. Guess Sonny just gets me the cam right now while, under Kim Dao, it's 92. I'm. Not wrong I feel like we're one team in the away from greatness I really. Do. I'm not taking that money for obvious, reasons, I'll, go, for Sandro, next. This, is where I sense minor, your styling, hmm. Raheem Sterling, considerably left at you like yesterday, he's, now called Raheem groupies sooner, take him on that basis alone, we, really, need a Senna Bakke aid we really do Salah, or Ronaldo, if we, can sneak him in you, know this is humongous, -. 12 I guess we just whack him they're not. It's. 92, it's 92. Oh my, god oh my god, we, just need a Team of the Year one, team of the N I swear to god man we're, on to greatness and we are looking loaded. For, our bench we, can work a neo on the bench Oh Jeremy. Reena or sterling our bench, is gonna be stacks, we, really, need a team of the air man come on um BAP.

Eh I guess you, know what we, can get a higher e to pay and if we go on back pay and the, wack name are there that. Gives me repairing. Overall, in the left mids and does, it take me 92, it does the game plan is working, well I'm gonna go walk our final. Chance at a good defender. Bernucci. Laporte. Eh I guess support, it gets me a better player in there I'm, not liking the look of this man we, need a team of the year we need a similar to have any hope at a 1 than one just tell me it's an Alison team in the air just tell me all, black you know that's not bad, it's. A one nine one potentially. One line - if we get those non rez off the bench leaves, on one night she would meet my day it. Would really, make my day EA on, it's. Just a measly one by one, oh not, the worst of drafts is regeni. And all the players you need but, the team of the years by but yeah the teamily as we normally get we would be looking on to flip in one line freeze one line fours, I'm sensing. Greatness, from this draft I'm predicting. The future, in the for free free holding, we're, gonna see to Dallas, captain. Gods, my, future, my predictions, they're lying to me that was cringe I am, genuinely, gonna go for. And. Kind of go over my links to everyone, Stryker um hey-oh. Shamans son come, to Papa. Right-wing Figo, nice defense. I want to see Virgil, the. Lip bats look bad, come, on next, to him Virgil, Virgil. Virgil. Van, Dyke come on let's. Go. Huge, trusts, the Doug Perrin of Dreams. Incentive, ACK but to annihilate, the lip on every staff but you know what Stan, I see security defender in a 99, the distrusts gonna be the one freeze, human years in a row imagine, a match, oh my god this, is gonna be it this is gonna be it hold, your horses. This. Is huge if I ever needed to see you in my life in goal, Oh can't a look. At that core look, at that core a team of the Year loominatee, triangle. I told you this formations, the one this, formations, the one Luka. Modric 91, nothing, to be disappointed, about other sites you know what we. Were jurist incre cannot, complain the, Welsh Pirlo himself, the chemistry, is ropey, um I. Guess today gets a link to Sagan don't do anything we take the link not bad just one more team in it from the start Levin and this is the one Oh, tomato, doesn't help car. For how works really, well but I don't have car per house so why did I say car for how I know Trent's.

The One but I want to wait for the team in here one but I can't be stupid it. Burns, me to take him but, we will do it this is looking good plus one left. Back imagine. We get Robertson, imagine, we. Did not I'm, gonna take van Aanholt because, he gets a link and then he couldn't come to Virgil potentially, I can't keep up this is incredible. Name, off of the racing, I cannot. Be disappointed, about we. Need to fix the chemistry. David's. Over agrerro. Agüero. Those, technically, why gives me one extra chemistry, does, he take the racing up if he does. Dozen. How, would have been incredible, but now it's the one line to definitely, come on this is nice, I'm so excited but I need to calm down, I need, to think, don't, make any rash decisions. Oh comon. Griezmann. Griezmann. Works great, you know links, up to the luca and me and go low so I'm gonna take him I've really, can't lie, we need icons. Or. Fatah, man oh no. No. No we. Take for me neo plus 13 chem is needed, make or break boys it's make or break p'tee, or someone see. Their Dean's are dan to save the day come on no. Way. He, doesn't say today you, will take in the pace you're, taking the piss there's, no way what's, how. Doesn't that say that you're trying to tell me that got me one chem it's, a one line to so far but one, chemistry. Oh my. God so there's no one we can fry and go the, Kemp's we can finished, please. Icon, to save it Baresi. Saves it Oh. Or do we school. Baresi. Must save it right right. We. Have to take the let out if it holds we will do so it does, we, are one pick away you from i-19 to let me go to lit there -, to. How. Can we do this or how. Can we do this that's good. There, must be something there we go we, fiddle it in we're, one big away we've got all our high rate players in, the team one more pick common, man and left back come, on, the, fridge is good enough Bing is even, better if. We put him in and then. Take you off my bench for Edison, does, it go back up it does we, just need three Kemp - plus - it's. Gonna be down to the manager I know it's gonna be down to the manager, or. Even that doesn't save it oh it's. Down to the manager who saves the day it's even Dutch, Croatian. French, Serie. B be a manager, a lot of options are 192, and we, are in business, French. There. We go, that is what, I needed to see. Come. On Neymar. Conte. And fan bike in, a 192, no. Idea why Neymar's, there considering he's on the bench but you know what we will continue, one, no free I can. Smell it coming big drops only full. Free free attack I like, it we're gonna take it hopefully, they respects. The captain, hit, Crespo. It works he's, Argentinean. Right-wing, on one another Argentinian, which we got a little. Messy left-wing. Censor. Money Oh My, gods, come, on female. Here Marn, a huge. Raheem the dream stunning headliners, never, seen that God dropped before but I can't say no to a Saudi Omani now, that is a dangerous, front free sentiment. Number one someone. In the 90s, we, got Tony Cruz churching. Nice. Cam. Please. Oh. The. Brainer, he, links, there we go no, one not. In the 90s so far ah-ha-ho, I'm, liking, this draft now a mod rich o. Pogba, oh. It's. Gonna have to be isn't it we can go bang bang, we're. Looking, good right, back we. Don't need tea man trend so, they didn't give it to me what goes to me they'll get full chemistry, now, left back, t-midi, a Robertson, works so well we got the normal Robertson, I'm.

Gonna Risky you know I'm gonna risk it please. Big. Ramos, all. The port a he. Strong links we will take him other sides. Ramos. Codeine. Powder. Firewalls, Jimenez we. Go he Munoz we need to play it somewhat safe there we go plus a lot cam in gold I want to see a black, Allison. We've. Only got one more chance a good keeper it needs, to be, BBVA. Or, Premier. League we, got one, thank you I'm gonna go I black he's strong links plus nine it's. A strong 119, front six is incredible, we just need to polish up the defense and, we're on to a winner, I need a team in here defender, oh. That's. A big regional he, could come in handy, I'm. Gonna take him I'm gonna take him hopefully. Like we, can get like I don't know 97. There we go that's. What I'm thinking, per second you're a parent, I guess it technically does does. The racing go up it does, 191. We only need free more chem come on lads of all, things I need is a Premier, League left back we're good defensive, picks next yes. We got our Premier League left back in dingy, a parent is pronounced Dean it's still 1 9 1 we. Really, need one team in the air that, would explode, this draft Salah, Oh My, gods that, will definitely hold the racing we're looking, good here all. Marez, hazards, we're, onto a winner here we, are so close can. We sneak that Albert in -. Free I guess. We can sneak him in there that, is great, can, we not put like hazard, there we can all, My gods we're. Looking good I'm telling, you man one, theme in the anus on one line - oh my, God look when. We see the racing is gonna be one line - and go low came, to save the day how's. It not one night ooh thank. You, it's, 190 - oh my, God we're so, one. More big pick oh. This. Guy is dropped. I go. Racket itch finally. Please. Someone in the 90s. No. Not for tongue and no not for tongue and the hybrid formation, itself on the left side we've got a BPO. Theme with the conte, with. The deployer with the money in the beam then, on the right side we, have got our BBVA, Oh black, linking. Up to that Jimenez then, we've also got headliners. Tomato cruise, and Messi know, about the office, if I do say so myself one nine one that's. The basically, nearly as good as my previous draft, if only we had like an icon Lampard's, maybe would have been a 192 or one my friend is it's, just a what if draft what, if so.

Close Up on my two I. Was. Clear impacts, on my xbox to get Queens four more foot drops and then. This happens. That's. An icon, what. Drogba. 89. I. Finished, recording like five minutes ago jobs. And then we this could be a jumper. I could. No. Way, no. Way Jesse. Man its own a seat I really took but which ones that date you five days at a seat riveted ninety shooting, 88, physical, that. Job is insane, of, which, one is is that hasn't been one - not, just happens, literally. I'm, just peering troughs and. I. Could, talk and I got icon Drogba. What. I, am, lost for words, clean, this video is my best virtual video ever, most, of all one line twos in his video some, of your favorite. Youtubers be. For youtubers in fact you, don't want to miss out punished leave. You enjoyed this one this, one's even, better don't miss out.

2020-02-09 17:16

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