I Went On A 3-Month Fitness Journey

I Went On A 3-Month Fitness Journey

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I went on a three-month, fitness journey, and. It's. It was intense. This video was supposed to come out, a long time ago but. I, have been having a difficult, time, trying to, correctly. Describe. This experience, that i went through because, it was. Something that, changed, my life i'm just gonna need you guys to just get comfy, because this is gonna be. A wild ride okay. Put your seat belts on. Put it on let's go back to summer slash fall of 2019.. Does that work. It is like. Midnight. And. I'm sad. Ah, there she is, our emotional, eating queen, this is where our story, starts. Everything just felt so out of whack i was crying all the time. I. Was doing nothing with my body and it was making me feel, mentally. Frustrated. And exhausted. And, the cherry on top was that my dating life was a series, of rejections. I just. Couldn't, take it anymore, and i wanted to change, myself, so i was like i'm gonna do a fitness video we've done these before, i, can do it it's gonna be empowering, and at the end. Those people are gonna be like wow, we messed, up she has abs now. Oh man, this emotion, right now is foreshadowing. So. So here is the plan of action i wanted to support latina, owned businesses, so i found, two awesome latinas. Who could help me execute, this three-month fitness. Journey. Hi my name is kat i'm the founder, of, babes of wellness, i train women, whether they're beginners. Or, advanced, athletes. I was supposed to get married, back in 2017. Didn't happen, called off the wedding two months before. I eventually, became, a domestic, violence, advocate. And i would volunteer, my services. To these shelters, and it was at these shelters, that i noticed that physically, training, women, wasn't, enough, to help them heal from the trauma that they were currently, or had previously. Experienced, so i didn't know what i was doing i didn't know how to start, but, i went to school, and got certified, that's why i didn't call it fitness, because it's more than just moving your body it really is, about. Overall, wellness. My name is jessica guzman, and i'm a holistic, health and wellness, coach and i focus on mental health and emotional, eating so i began coaching, because. I worked. In the medical, field, for over 10 years, i began coaching, women at different, weight, loss clinics, throughout orange county. And i noticed that even though they lost, anywhere between, 10 to 100. Pounds at times they would circle, back to me gaining, that weight back, or twice, as much, so at that moment, i, wanted to, further, my education. In, mental health and emotional, eating. Because i knew that it wasn't just about having a meal plan, or having, a pill in front of you to fix all of your problems, i wanted to get, to the core of the problem. Hello. Hi. Um. I'm so nervous, right now, it's normal because it's something new and you don't, really know what to expect, we explained. A little bit about it but you don't know, until you know, you guys had me go to this nutri shop and get like a body, scan. With this body scan what you can do is that it allows you to actually, see the difference, between, your muscle mass, your water weight your bone density, and also your fat, that you have your total body fat, and so it helps us, actually, put a program, together, so right now currently, you're at, 214. Pounds. Okay so in relation, to. Your height this brings your bmi, to a 32.6. Definitely want to bring you under 25. Points okay so right now your muscle mass is at 63.1. We definitely, want to bring that up to at least, about, 130. Points, looking at these numbers can sometimes. Trigger us first and foremost, you have to appreciate. Where you're at now. You have to love, where you're at now, because, if you are not loving, your body, then how are we going to embrace.

The Journey right how are we going to embrace, every, week. Kat is great at what she does and now i'm going to come in there and, ask you, how did you feel this week what you do why didn't you do it right. How are you truly feeling, and how can we, make it better. Take a deep breath again deep breath. It's a lot of a lot of information. Let's do this. Put our hands. Well. I can tell you what hearing those numbers out loud. Not my favorite thing in the world, honestly. My goal for this is to get under 200, pounds. I need to, get a handle. On. My, emotional, eating and figure out where that's coming from just want to kick ass i just want to. Be that fitness, girl, saturday, is my first, workout, session with kat and then right after i jump into a session. With jess, i mean i haven't done this in a while, and i don't know, what i got myself, into, because. I'm exposing, myself. And i'm choosing, to expose myself. I'm comfy. But i'm sad. Wow that, that got too real. Maya, be patient. Today, we're going to see where she's at posturally. I'm going to have her do an overhead, squat, assessment. As well as a push-up. Assessment, see where she's at and her strength. If there's any imbalances. That we need to work on, and we're also, i'm also going to have her go through a hit workout, to test her endurance, and see how much i can push her so your, left hand is going to reach for your right pinky toe, okay so this is going to go out you're going to extend so flex, and ballet, and this knee is going to stay soft, you're going to inhale, engage your core nice and tight inhale reach as far as you can. Come up squeeze. The butt cheeks and squeeze your core. Wait. You got it don't think about it it's fine just, just do it trust your body, trust yourself. Like this. Oh but, 30 second plank, you want to make sure that your shoulders, are always aligned. Remember i told you about the clenching, kick your feet up. Squeeze, here, yeah you're already shaking, good, that was five seconds. Huh. Inhale, exhale it's okay. Let them hear your breath, your fierceness. One. Time good job. All right we're gonna put on this. Band. Okay. Okay, take a minute, i i'm so excited. I'm like so excited to do this i hate that i'm like crying through this, right now because it's like i like know i can do all this stuff i think it's like. My mental state right now is like it's like not where i want it to be. And then if my body doesn't do what i wanted to do i get even more mad, i try to like overthink. I think it's like the emotions, coming, out. Don't beat yourself, up this is the first. Workout. Maya, be patient. Okay this is the first word your body is doing, so. Much you can't expect to be, a beast already because it's your first workout you haven't moved in a really long time so. Celebrate. Instead of putting yourself down just celebrate, and if you need to release all those things. Release them it's okay i don't care cry as much as you want to cry, and then, we'll work through it in the meditation. Okay, yeah let's power through, you're ready. Deep breath. Inhale. Feel better, yay. You can't do it, after i released, those pent-up, emotions. I felt a burst of energy to finish, out this workout, strong.

For Cat and for myself. Also i had to do two rounds of this thing so i was. Exhausted. And right now just set an intention. For this. Meditation. Awesome, i'm so proud of you and i honor you for, doing this and allowing me to be part of your journey, i feel like i felt the same thing you did i felt the resistance. I felt the like anxiety. Almost. Like this fear, to go into. What we know we already want right, i felt the breakthrough, the release, and like there she was. There's gonna be times where you put yourself, down. But as long as you remember her and you keep your eyes, laser, focused. I'm so proud of you. Sweaty. Hugs. Hi. Hi. You said in the beginning, i want to feel. Fit thick i want to feel strong. You know, i want to look very thick i want to feel strong, i think my motivating, factor would be like. I want to find. A new way to cope with emotions, and stuff and not emotional, eat, and, i have no self-control. Or self-discipline. Or using, food to rebel. Against, something, or something it's like self-sabotage. As um strong women we also don't want anyone telling us what we can eat or can't eat right so, if we are stressed out and we have those pizza rolls in front of us well, this is what i want to eat, as you're going through this journey with kat and myself, it's, not about. Us, right it's about you, getting to the point where where we can be aware. Of what leads, us to, that point it could be, okay, i. Know i didn't sleep well last night, that might be a trigger for later on having a plan. Before. That happens, and, it's not being aware to criticize, ourselves. It's being aware. So that we can make better decisions. Later on that day, these next couple of weeks i would like for you to pay attention, to your energy, levels and notice how i always say their suggestions. Because, this is your body. You know but um i'm really excited for you to experience. The energy. Levels that you will get from, you know clearing the clutter, oh yeah yay, thank you. A little sweaty. It's okay, it was pretty clear after that first session. I needed to be patient with myself. Just sent me a meal plan that is basically, geared towards, gut health, we took away things that were obviously irritating, my system, and started to add things back in, that were going to give me energy, for the workouts, i was doing it wasn't a super strict, plan because she wanted to make sure that i was still in control, and able to create my own routine.

So Far it was going great. I made myself a delicious. Bowl that has. Quinoa. Broccoli. And a little bit of roasted, cauliflower. And, chicken. Some garlic lemon chicken, on the fitness side, i was training in person with cat every friday after work, and early sunday morning. In between those sessions, she curated, a workout, for me every single day, i'm here at this beautiful, park. And i know she's gonna make me run she's gonna make me crawl, you're gonna run. That way. You're gonna go up the stairs. And then run around, you'll probably come down this. Way. And a couple weeks in i started to feel, amazing. I had so much energy, my sleep schedule, was better. My mood swings were better, i was not emotional. Eating. Welcome to the, one month, check-in. So let's see the results. So it says, i was, 214. And now i'm 209. This morning said i was. 207.6. Okay so okay, i don't know which one is right i would go off of. What you got, earlier, today, right but what i want to focus on is definitely. Like your body composition. So you were. At. 214.2. Your skeletal, muscle mass was 63.. Right now you're at 63.7. Which is, beautiful, because it means you're increasing. In muscle mass, and then your body fat percentage, actually, went down which is. Amazing, because this number, is, really, hard, to move. So you went from, 46.6. To now, 44.8. Body fat so that, is incredible, in itself because it means that, you're losing in all the right places, i noticed right away last week when we did, our session i'm like look don't tell me how much you weigh but i know something is shifting i know something, is happening. You losing, seven, pounds in a month is actually really healthy so that's like, given two pounds, a week, which is, healthy, it's natural, you're not exhausting. Yourself, you're not throwing your body out of whacking, yeah i'm proud of you though like i, noticed it right away last year, i know, oh my gosh, we didn't. One month two. You can start loving on yourself, more, stop punishing, yourself. Let's talk about my emotional, triggers, shall we, when i eat. I binge, because i'm emotional, about something, and that's a coping, thing for me that i want to change my issue is that i will scarf it down. Like i don't even know, really sometimes, like what i'm eating it's just it's not funny i shouldn't laugh it's just so ridiculous, to me i'll be like, wow i ate that super fast or wow, i like didn't even get to enjoy. What i was eating because, i just wanted to eat so jess, has suggested, me to do the 20, minute meal. The 20-minute, meal, i'm sure that like most of us, whether she was eating a quinoa, bowl. A salad, a concha. She wasn't really, present. While having. That meal, she wasn't, tuning, in. To her body's. Signals. Of, whether she was. Still hungry. Satisfied. Or maybe too full it's not about being good or bad in this particular, exercise. It's about. Fully. Enjoying. Your meal, and being present, in that moment, it allows, you, to pay attention, to your body signals. Alexa, set a timer for 20 minutes. I'm supposed to take 20 minutes to eat this meal i have some kale. Some brown rice and some chicken. So what she said that i need to do. Is enjoy. The bites, take time. Chewing. Okay here we go. Oh man i currently feel myself like trying to rush. Hey editor, the editor's, me put on some calm music right now. I don't know, why, and where. That came from, that it like i want to like inhale, everything. I'm just gonna enjoy my food. Bone apple teeth. Alexa, how many more minutes, you have 15 minutes left on your 20-minute, timer. 15, minutes. I ain't got to go nowhere. There's no rush, i'm chilling, thank you kale, i'm just a health queen, i can't help it. Okay, i'm done i had about like, five minutes left i don't feel rushed, that legit felt like a meditation, or something. Okay i know i was messing around a lot but honestly, that exercise, was really helpful, it made me stop and focus, on one thing rather than scarfing, something down to rush out the door to get started on the next thing, i know i have a lot of work to do on my emotional, eating but this felt like a great start, and gave me some sense of relief, i started to learn how to weight train, and i honestly, fell in love with it, look at me lifting those things, wow i'm so strong.

Not Only did it feel powerful, to work on my physical, strength, it also, contributed, to my mental strength, and. I was filled with such gratitude. That i wanted to express to cat what i was feeling. I'm super grateful for you. And for jess, like. You guys are just such like powerful. Women. And. You know to have you guys feels. Very. Inspiring. And i feel like you guys have my back, and. You know so it's like it's very special. Stop. I don't cry. I'm not emotional. Like i told you you show up 100. That's all that i ask. We're committed, to you, to maya, to becoming, a better you and as cliche, as it sounds like i see it week after week i feel so proud. I feel so so proud of you. Ken turn it. Off. Here we go again. Emotions. It's. Like month two, and this month has been really difficult, because. I've been traveling, so much, and, on those travels, i've been eating, and not doing my workouts. And i feel like a failure. I do, and, i feel like i failed. Like cat and jess and i know they don't see it that way, it's life. But i have such an issue with consistency. And. In all, aspects of my life like in everything. And i'm so sick of being that way and i don't want to be that way anymore. You can start loving on yourself, more. And. Stop punishing, yourself, think about if i knew, that. That's what was helping me. I know that it was good, why did i start punishing, myself that way. And if there is just too much going on right now, do a walking meditation, and you don't have to sit there, i want you to close your eyes, put both hands, on your heart, gently, tell yourself. I love you maya. I love you. I, am not going to leave you. And i will make you proud. What's coming up for me is maybe. Writing a little bit about, forgiveness. And letting, go, to what no no longer serves you right now. Anything that's coming up right now that's pretty recent. You gotta at least. Try. But just write a list of any past hurt that, feel, in your body that you're still holding, on to. I make excuses. I do. I'm not where i'm at because i make excuses. So. Thank you so much for going to the show. We, are on our way to the airport, to go to mexico. Come on, you gotta try. Yeah it's hard to write down. Like. I'm like how do i let go of that that was like. And i feel very overwhelmed, that i have to do this video, and i have to do my. Work on top of it and, i have just. A million, things, i'm traveling, a bunch i'm super grateful for all of it in my life but it's like i just feel like i'm not doing well. And i'm so scared, to tell jess and kat. That. This is where it gets sad. I felt, broken. And i felt like i wasn't speaking, up for what i wanted, i should have said at certain moments that i needed to take a break. But i wanted to push through, and so i pushed myself, after i broke my hand. That's when i took a pause on the video. I was very hesitant, to tell justin cat, who, were very encouraging. To me and understanding. Throughout this entire. Process. I told him that i couldn't, do it for a minute that i had to take a break and i really sat with myself at this time. And, after i got my cast off. I felt. Ready to jump back in, to finish the video, i wanted to show, that i. Loved myself. In whatever. Size. Shape.

Weight, That i was in whether i had gained weight when i paused it all or didn't. So today we are doing, a fitness photo shoot for the end of this video i'm super excited. And when the pictures are done i'm going to show them. To, jess and kat and hopefully. They like it, i am, beautiful. I am. Sensitive. I am. Everything. I need. To, be. I am fierce. Yeah. I am passionate. Yeah. I have. Everything. In me. Everything. In me. I am powerful. I am. I am magical. I have it all. In me. I deserve, all the love. I. Yes girl. At the beginning of this video i, wanted, a lot of superficial, things and i wanted to prove things to other people, and, prove my worth, what i really needed to do was, prove to myself, that i am. Worthy.

2020-08-02 20:40

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