How Veolia Digitalizes Business Processes With App Maker (Cloud Next '19)

How Veolia Digitalizes Business Processes With App Maker (Cloud Next '19)

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Today. We're gonna be talking about Veolia, and app maker how. Veolia digitizes, business processes, without maker. We'll. Talk a little bit about what we're gonna be doing ahead, so it's got some forward-looking, statements they're, quick. Introductions, I'm Greg Brosnan, I'm a product, manager in, Google Cloud Jeremy. I'm. Jeremy Jeremy deciding and. I'm. Public public, manager about maker at Vale yeah. So. What are we gonna be talking about today. Jeremy, will kick us off by giving us an overview of Veolia, the. Journey that they've been on they've been around for a number of years across a number of different industries so it's a great view into, vo Leah's journey. Through time as well as its its digital, evolution. I'll, give it a little bit of background about, app maker the, tool itself the kinds of use cases it targets the kinds of users that we see successful. On the tool and. Then Jeremy will walk us through how. Veolia. Has used that maker. Across. Their their groups there so, the kinds of use cases that Veolia has applied it to where. They've been successful and. Then finally I'll wrap up by talking a little bit about where we're headed next. With that maker. So without handed over to Jeremy, yeah. So. Hi everybody so, I, joined via in fact three years ago for, other reason for the mission of the area with sourcing, the world what, does it mean exactly. It. Means that today. Natural. Resources are becoming increasingly, scarce, while. Our needs are growing in, a more densely and more urbanized world facing. Climate. Change issues so. The. Word has to, rethink its relationship, with resources. To come up with a new social economic. Growth model more. Balanced more, efficient, and more, sustainable. What. About natural resources, now we. Have to make a switch from, a linear conception, economy to a circular, economy. This. Is where verizon, maria. Designs. Solution. Improving. Access to. Water. Waste. And, energy. It. Participates, in the sustainable, development of cities and industries. While. At the same time improving. Access to, those same resources. So. The, other in fact is a very large company we are more than. 170,000. Employee worldwide, in more, than 50. Countries around, the, world. Let's. Have, a look and how very I'd its employee, contributes. Each and, every day through with 4th in the world. So. Villa, is a very old company as I said we were created more than 165. Years, ago, at first. We, were, focusing, on distributing, water to cities like Paris. Or Venice, in Europe then. During the 19th century the. Company improve, its expertise, in the. Water. Then. In. 1935. We, launched the energy branch. We. Were already celebrating, our first. Century, of existence. Already. A good journey and, at. Last. Back. To today. 30, 30 years ago bit more than 30 years ago in 1986. Comes, the waste. Then. In. 1989. 1999. A company. That you might have heard about was, created Google, just. Have a look at how we. Ho we are hold. Compared. To compared. To Google and, almost. At the same time we in fact merge all our branches and all, the brand into one to become one via. So. What about IT now is a. Very old company doing. Very old IT no, not, at all the. Goal of area, is to creating a digital, atmosphere. We. Have designed a three-step journey, to achieve that first. We. Moved all our, infrastructure. To, the public cloud to. Becomes data, center. Less second. We, have targeted our, business. And operation. By, getting the best value of, the, data and, third. And, last. We, focused on our employees, by. Bringing them a. Digital. Workplace. The. Name of the project is called SATA watt what.

Does It means I. Can. Sum up satellite in one single, image through Chromebook. So. That one means secured. Anytime. Anywhere. On any, device, the. Goal is to provide every building. Employee access to, two. Billion formation system from. Anywhere at, any. Time. From. Any hardware the, Chromebook for example and all this in. A perfect, secure. Way so. The. Goal of satellite, in fact is to facilitate. Collaboration. And, threaten, the 1v area. It. Was a big challenge, and. We. Had a lot of old. Application. To. Remove and to transform. So. Let's boot the Chromebook and let's see how we achieve, this journey to. Make all our application, accessible sexually, from any device. We. Took the opportunity of this move first. To remove some. Obsolete. Application. That we already had, like. You. All know about that all the excel sheets that. With, complex, macros, in it we. Can maybe recycle, them or, just remove, them if it's possible but it wasn't for sure possible, for all of them I'd be earlier we have more intelligence. Apps. That we need to move, to. The cloud. So. We have designed a three-step journey that we have done in order, first. If we can find an equivalent at web application, available, we will use this, one. If. It's not possible if we don't find an equivalent web app why. Not we. Developing, the application and. At. Last if there, is no solution we. Can just, stream, the application. Through. The browser of your hand user. What. We're going to do now is. To. Focus on the second step and. Greg. Will introduce you the product, that we used, for, our all. Our internal. Apps that we want to make, to. Transform, and to at arraignment, and. This. Product is called. Meiko. Thanks. Jamie so. I think that's perfect context, to talk a little bit about where app maker fits. Into vo Leah's journey so. I'll give some background around. App maker. As. You. Know companies, have a variety, of systems. That they rely upon. Many. Of these are standard many of these needs are standard enough that you can leverage existing solutions. In the market functions. Like sales, marketing. HR. Finance. There are great tools out there and oftentimes, you may only require some, limited customization. To, adapt those tools to the needs of your organization. And. Oftentimes this customization when, it is needed can be done by vendors, themselves by, partners, out there or even, internal IT teams. But. We also know talking, to you. Know to Jeremy, and many other customers, out there then, not every single need across, the business across an organization is, met. By these kinds of packaged solutions. The. Things that make a business, unique the things that make a company or organization function. Those. Aren't always going to be met by every single packaged, kind, of solution out there there. Are a variety of, app, needs, that. Are not going to be met by existing solutions, and. So. Frequently this ends up driving, business users and IT users, into the hands of a, need for greater customization. So. IT is, filled with a long backlog, of requests, for new apps and business. Users often, turn to the tools that they know best spreadsheets. For example, to. Build out the kind of customizations. And workflows that they need. Yet. We also know these kinds of tools have limitations themselves. IT. Teams often aren't resourced, to meet every single app need that, comes to them and. Homegrown. Solutions, I hear this very frequently, have their own limitations, whether. It's the scale of the data that's now reaching that spreadsheet. Managing. Access to it who can, actually read. And write access that, spreadsheet, and, finally, the. Actual user experience, itself. Do you ultimately need a dedicated a, UI, and. So. There emerges a need for a tool that, can that, can meet these, kinds of needs, where. Users, can, connect to the data that they need design. And user interface for. Their kind of use case and, make sure it complies with, unique, regulatory. Environment, for their organization. And. I. Think this is where at maker can thrive and Jeremy, will talk a little bit about this Veolia. Ultimately. App maker enables, business users to build the apps that they need. This. Helps organizations, because ultimately these are the users who best understand business requirements. When. You have a gap between the people building products and the people who know what's needed there's, always a risk that you will not actually end up with the app that you needed when, business users use a tool like app maker they, can make sure that they're getting the app that they actually need.

App. Maker enables, users to quickly iterate apps by, connecting, to the data. Building. A UI around that data and ultimately, driving insights, and outcomes that can Mabel the organization, and move faster so. What, are the kinds of use cases that we see out there it's. A pretty diverse set, it's. As diverse. As the, the, industries, the where you see G suite operating, in. Finance. - manufacturing. Fashion. - education, just to name a few. App maker enables, teams to collaborate faster. With, the information, they need any. UI that's dedicated, to their use cases. I've. Highlighted two, kind of buckets, of use cases that I see frequently out there and Jeremy will talk in more detail about some of the ways that Veolia, is applied these line. Of business apps, these, are empowering critical, business workflows. Reviewing. And approving, banking. Needs managing. Online content, and inventories. As. Well as a number of operations, apps these can be very, frequently common across many different. Customers. Of ours out there employee. Directory, x' room. Scheduling. Budget. Project. Tracking these, are all a lot of very common use cases that we see where. There's a demand for a custom a dedicated app and where app makers fit in very nicely. So. I'll talk a little bit about what it what it's actually like to build, an app with that maker again, the goal is to enable business, users to build the apps they need and we. See great engagement from even professional, developers, as well who've, testified to, the time it saves them in building, in iterating, apps from, weeks today's. We. Focus on keeping at maker easy enough for these kinds of users to pick up and iterate quickly, so. There's three main components to building an app and app maker and I'll just highlight this the, first piece is around data enabling. Users to connect to the data, they need whether. It's an internal with whether it's an existing internal, database a spreadsheet. Are you building something totally new app, maker enables you to do that. The. Second piece is actually building, the user interface, designing, what that experience is going to be whatever, business needs need to be met and so, this is where you design, and construct the user interface we have a, growing, library of widgets out there that, enable you to drag and drop these, widgets onto your building your app building canvas. And. Finally. Once you've built your app you're able to preview it make, changes and ultimately, publish it and share it with your colleagues so, that you can begin collaborating, this. Is the opportunity to publish it into things like G suite marketplace, to, make it even more discoverable, for colleagues in your domain so, that's. Kind of a taste of a high level view of the end-to-end app building experience an app maker I'll turn it back to Jeremy, now who can talk a little bit about how he's actually applied app maker at Veolia. Thank. You so. When. Greg asked me in fact to talk about app maker at vilya, I wasn't very confident. You. Know why because I'm only the developer, of the application, I'm not the, end users of my application, so what I've done was, asking.

My Clients, and my. End users, what. They can say about app maker in one. Word. Collaborative. Because different, users can work on the same records at the same time. Mobile. Guyot important that you have credit, secured, now we can manage access, to our applications, from a single point it's. Twice compliance, in regards. To GDP, or regulation, and also IT strategy. Definitely. I would say fast, in only three days I was able to put an application in prediction. Ready to go. So. Yeah now I'm more confidence, to let you know our story with, AppMakr, when. When I prepared those slides I would like that we had in fact proceeded, step, by step, each. Request, we had from one, clients. Offer. Us the opportunity, to challenge. One. Feature of the product and. Each. Time we took the bet that app maker could help us sold. Our case. It. Was in 2017. And as. I, said earlier we had thousand. Apps to move to the cloud and in. The same time app maker, was about to be released and we. Had the chance to. Try it as early adopters. At. First, we, were crushes we. Wanted. To test that the, app. Maker at own within, the IT department. Basically. We prefer eating, our own dog food, and. As. We are arrived at the earlier I mean we have the culture of failing fast if. That. Does not work we will learn from our mistakes, and. Very. Quickly we saw opportunities. To, to. Try internally. App maker and I. Have found one perfect, illustration of. The. First apps we will building called the cockpit up, the. Cockpit app is a simple, app following. A team, at the idea of area to have a single, point of access to, all, their. Dashboards. And apps they. Used on data, at on, the day-to-day activities, and, the. Interesting, part of this application is. It. Was done with one developer. Develop. And released. In a few days. Just. A few days for the time frame will not use you to build apps plus. It. Was done without any, lines, of coordinates. Let's. See how and why, Maya, and Timothy, built it. In. Our IT team we use multiple admin, tools in our day-to-day to, admin and monitor our activities, for, example we, have an app to manage chrome devices at the earlier another. One that allows you to identify users. Of Google Sites and another, to list all of our organizations I know, many others and all of those tools were not accessible from, a single, point of access we. Didn't have a vision on the number of tools we were making available for our clients, moreover. Access, to the tools was not secure and managing, user access with a bit of alignment.

Thanks. To google app maker without were to resync, all digital, works place this. Application has been, developed in on these three days with, without, any line of code it's. A single app accessible. Securely, and restricted, to only certain. Users Google group managers. Are co-workers we. Have more than 26. Subrogation available. On this platform, and we. Have a quick and easy access for, all tools and applications. With. With, this first use case we know now that. You. Can build up fast. And, you. Can do it without any, line. Of code it. Was a perfect use case of our first. Features. We really want to test building, app fast. Three. Months later in March 2017. We. Were ready to go further with this tool and we. Really wanted to test one, new, feature. Add, valia, we, have a team a security. Team who. Asked us to change, the, way, imported. Events, and. Were. Calif IED and raised how. Important. Events are Calif. IED and raised to the top management of the, group. Why. Do they need to change they. Need to change because previously. It was kind of a nightmare for all them to work they. Were sharing. Spreadsheet. With multiple, version and. Without. With this spreadsheets, will have no serious security you. Can't, have any reliable, information. Whereas. Because. It's important, and major or even for the group it needs to be very, quickly and very efficient, action at the top management. But. Transforming. A spreadsheet into an app you, can do it like this it. Was a challenge. Was. A challenge and we really wanted to make. This application, available. Worldwide. Because, the network of security team members is worldwide in more than 50 countries and, we. Wanted to make it obsessive, accessible, from any device, for. Sure so, we have to test mobility. And to. Rent them the way they. Work we. Have choose once again while at maker and, we were ready to test mobility, with it so, I will introduce Jean we the, group security, director it would tell you more about this. Use case the, other group. Oops. Go. To quick. Shallow. Yell existing facility or delay after he. Obviously direct. Others it as a home of the satellite, on iwo jima - not Donner, opava. Security. Content, API bokuto. Pascal. Appear to confront. Alex, IDO the, vasila lead active arsenide. Official, sufficient. Are a net. Apostasy, complete, Hasani, the extra general. Ordered. Me to the collaborative. Isla protection, web a lot who edit, access CP of to tip the machine ordinate. Or tablet. Tablet a, smartphone it. Should manage security. Certificates. Show identity. Zidane, psychotherapy. S. Western port on this Elliott so no page of smartphone, this on me the electro general benefit, that, formation Calicut not issue to Antalya. Thank. You Lori so, now we were more confident, of the.

Product. We. Had to tested, two features and we wanted to test it a third one we. Need to go further and. Very. Quickly we have another, new, opportunity, that came up came, to us was, in summer 2017. I, had. A meeting with the, legal department regarding, a new regulation, that you might have, heard about it it's called the gdpr. What. Is the use case with the GDP are the. GDP, our. Need. To create a registry, to store data, with, an approval, workflow, and a probe process why, that because, this approval process, ensure, the quality of the data in, the. Database and. For the in it's mandatory. For legal reason. Plus. There, is always a plus, ad Veolia when you're building some things if, you, have to make this application replicable. Why that because, in, each country's, in each be used they, need to have their, own registry. So. This. App has to be replicable, plus, because. It was you for legal reason it has to be done in a very short timeframe. Immediately. We. Choose that maker because. We knew already that it was fast but, the challenge was was. An opportunity, to text to test more complexity. In Europe this, this, ad has not no, code it has a bunch a bunch of lines of code to create the workflow, and to tune, everything, to. Customize, everything. So. I, came. Out one month later with, a, Minimum. Viable Product, and two. More, months later we had what was the v1, of the, GDP, our registry. So. Let's see Nadine about, this use case the GDP, our registry. Veolia. Had to comply with the european general, data protection, regulation. In, the legal department we, had no registry, to, collect and store personal, data processing. Collected. Information, had to be reliable, approved. And monitored, by the data protection officer, and, all this had to be done in 50, countries around, the world in, a very short timeframe it. Was quite a challenge. Thanks. To the app maker, IG. Created, a web app to store information complying. With the gdpr regulation. The, registry, is customized, to, fit our legal requirements. The, registry, allows the data protection officer. To approve the records in the app it. Was developed, in the agile process with, the help of IT and, in only three months the, app is duplicate, bull to, other business, units and it, has already done by three business units within Veolia. Thank. You Nettie and at. That, time we. Were ready to go to our, business, department, we. Really wanted to deploy at, make our application, for our business, department, for the business of Veolia, and very. Quickly we saw use. Case. We. Have experts. At the area that needs to have a, secure.

Single, Point of access to, external, data. The. Goal is, to retrieve, data. From an external API. Why. That once, again the data needs to be reliable because our experts, will light up to these with that and. All. This has to be done in a collaborative and, easy way. The. Name of the app what, we are going to discuss now is called the historical, weather data. Historical. Weather data you, should know what kind of data I am talking about so. I will. Let Jeremy, explain. It Martini's, and I. How. Hot maker sold, his case. As. Well, yet technical experts need to retrieve, regularly, story. Call weather data for, the students for instance to make simulation. So. Far they were using public. Non reliable, or non, suitable, story, call weather, data from, the internet and. When they don't find this information on the Internet. They have to purchase one. Shut data and, so it was processed, quite complex and expensive. Now. The technical, and performance, team of area contracted, an access to every story call weather service which retrieve, reliable. Information from. Any coordinate, point in the world, then. Yes, the IT team has created web. App using. App maker to. Share securely. The access to, these cells. Then. The data is easily, shared using. A Google spreadsheet and. Now. It is accessible, to anyone, in, the group and, more. Than 500, technical, experts from 40. Different countries, I've, accessed the application, informant. So. It was quite a great, success for further application, and now. The Veolia. Technical. Experts, do not need to contract locally, with the local. Weather, data provider and, now. They have the quick and simple, access. To, weather data. So. Once. Again our, challenges. And truly. They were were. Successes. We. We, were able with this product. To build apps very, fast and I'm. So sure that this v1 of this application will go to something bigger and with other GCP, product that we have already have maybe a PG for. Example if you want to square and, to. Create some different use case with this, external. API for. The area. So. Now the. T in my slide some, KPIs, we have more than 100. Different apps, used. Daily at viola for development. And production, purposes.

More. Than she's. The last the best, kpi's I have for now 4,000. Different, billiard. Email account and employee. That already access at maker apps it's, quite big in. A very short timeframe in fact and this. Year we are ready now to launch app make up to all the views because. We. Want to to. Help us to build the digital workplace our, employees. Needs. So. How we achieve, that for. Example we're creating a citizen. Developer, squad, between. All the we use in order to a to to. To. Share our best practices, to share app, templates, script, ad and so, on it's, going to be very interesting, to implement that we, will also implement management. Process, process, to share our apps, internally. We. Really want to use a G Street marketplace as the, point. Of access for, all those apps and. Last. But, not least we will go further again, and trying. Other. Advanced. Features of that maker we. Really want to implement, implement more, API all the DCP api's, and. Also. Maybe interfacing. With why. Why not are also a cloud providers, because we are using GCP but we are also using AWS, why, not using. App maker to create some action between that the, is the new challenge, to. Come for us so. To. Sum up if you were. A bit sleeping today I have made a very, very very, quick. Sum, up of what, really what we love at failure with, with, AppMakr so. First it's a collaborative tool, you, can benefit of the. What. Is at failures we really a digital marketplace, digital. Workplace story meaning, that it's a it's a three suite environment. We are fully in. The district environment we, can benefit of that then. It's also compliant. It's a closed back cloud-based solution, so, it's fully, compliant, with our IT, strategy. Then. It's mobile you, can build responsive. Web apps and mobile apps that would, be accessible from any. Device, then. It's secure and. Secure. By design thanks, to the G suite and. You. Can build pad. Fast, meaning. That you will reuse your time to market you will be able to create some MVP, Park, in a time frame that you were not used to and as. I said in the first example even without any line of code and in in. One or two days with one, developer. That you have in your team. So. Now. I'm. Very exactly know Greg, about the next steps, of your product right, thanks. Jeremy one. Of the fun things about working with Jeremy and the Veolia team is the, great sense of community I think that they built there Jeremy. Highlighted, this group of citizen developers, that I think he's played an instrumental part in growing and I've seen that at other customers, as well we're at maker starts. In a specific team and then, kind of starts organically. Blossoming. Blossoming, across the across the organization, so, I think that's one have been one, of their real drivers, of success. So. I'll talk a little bit about where. I think out maker ultimately, fits in and where, we're trying to take the product ahead. Our. Grand, vision is to revolutionize, the. Way that apps are built. We. Think by bringing app development. Closer. To. The users who really understand, business, acquirements business problems, business needs we. Can unlock immense, value for those users and for our customers. And. I, think you've seen a little bit of that with the olya so far already. Germany's. Team if identified. A variety, of business. Problems that, weren't being met by, legacy solutions, and they've, been in a bilac. A lot of additional value by introducing, app maker as a solution, and. For. Me in the app maker team I think this is just the beginning of our journey, out. There. We. Get a ton of feedback from users and the broader, app maker community out there which we're super grateful for and so, we've got a lot of ideas around ways that we can continue improving, the. Experience of building apps out there.

Ultimately. We want to make out maker the go-to tool for, solving business problems. Whenever. A business, user has. Sees a process, that, an app could could help optimize we, want them to turn to app maker whenever. A developer, and an IT team sees apps that have outgrowing legacy, solutions, or, spreadsheets, we, want them to build on app maker, and. That's. Why ultimately our, primary, focus will always continue to be simplifying. App development, and there's, a bunch of ways that we're thinking about doing that, first. We want to help new users find opportunities, to build on app maker. Giving. Them the training and, information. Needed to get started quickly, as. Well as assistive tools to. Build quickly as well we have a widget library. That's there already we'll, continue to expand that. We. Also know that mobile is, critical, Jeremy highlighted, a number of mobile use cases out there we'll continue to make mobile development, and, not make your easier to share across platforms, and devices. I've. Talked a little bit about migrations, from legacy, solutions. Spreadsheets. This. Is one of the most common requests, that we get and will continue to make that easier as well moving, those kinds of solutions in tap maker making, sure the data is available as. Well. Jeremy. Highlighted, G suite marketplace, and this is a common. Ask which. Is with all the apps that are getting yet developed, in our organization, how do we make them accessible discoverable. Installable. For users aren't in our domain and so. We'll partner with G suite marketplace, to make it easy to, publish apps to manage apps and make them discoverable, to the right users. Collaboration. Is a frequent topic not just across G suite but with an app maker as well we, know that oftentimes business users are defining what, they want the user experience to be what they want the user interface to be and want a partner potentially with other colleagues and other groups IT, other, developers, to, help them grow, the app to evolve the app to the next level and so we want to embed collaboration. Tools throughout the app maker development. Experience and. Finally. We want to make it easy to manage the data behind app maker and so, we'll make it easier to setup and manage cloud, sequel instances.

Connected. To app maker. Ultimately. We want to lower the barriers tap, building. And. Usher in a new generation of, app builders across. Your organization's. As. Jeremy's highlighted I think we're just getting started on this, journey and, the power of app maker really lies in front of us we. Are definitely excited to partner with you on, this journey if. You haven't used app maker yet please check it out links, up here. Thanks. Everybody.

2019-04-17 09:17

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